TH 2

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Note 2: Heat Transfer Mechanisms


Heat transfer is a fundamental aspect of thermal hydraulics, involving the movement of thermal energy
from one location to another. There are three primary mechanisms: conduction, convection, and


 Mechanism: Transfer of heat through a solid or stationary fluid due to temperature gradients.

 Fourier’s Law: States that the rate of heat transfer through a material is proportional to the
negative gradient in temperature and the material’s thermal conductivity.

 Applications: Critical in the design of insulating materials, heat exchangers, and electronic


1. Natural Convection:

o Occurs due to buoyancy effects when a fluid is heated and expands, becoming less dense
and rising.

o Common in heating and cooling of buildings, oceanic and atmospheric circulations.

2. Forced Convection:

o Occurs when a fluid is moved by an external force such as a pump or fan.

o Predominant in industrial processes, HVAC systems, and cooling of electronic


3. Newton’s Law of Cooling:

o Describes the rate of heat loss from a body to its surroundings.

o The heat transfer rate is proportional to the temperature difference and the heat
transfer coefficient.


 Mechanism: Transfer of heat through electromagnetic waves without the need for a medium.

 Stefan-Boltzmann Law: The total energy radiated per unit surface area is proportional to the
fourth power of the absolute temperature.

 Applications: Solar panels, thermal insulation, and infrared heating.

Key Parameters

 Thermal Conductivity: Indicates how well a material conducts heat.

 Heat Transfer Coefficient: Represents the efficiency of heat transfer in convective processes.

 Emissivity: Measures a material’s ability to emit thermal radiation.

Combined Heat Transfer

 Heat Exchangers: Utilize conduction, convection, and sometimes radiation to transfer heat
between fluids.

 Boiling and Condensation: Complex processes involving phase change that significantly enhance
heat transfer rates.

Practical Considerations

 Material Selection: Depends on thermal conductivity, corrosion resistance, and mechanical


 Surface Area: Increasing the surface area enhances heat transfer in many applications.

 Temperature Difference: A larger temperature difference drives higher heat transfer rates.

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