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Cyclosporin A and Trifluoperazine, Two Resistance-

Modulating Agents, Increase Ivermectin Newotoxicity in Mice
Luis E Marques-Santos',', Robson R. Bernardo', Emilio F. de Paula' and Vivian M. Rumjanek4
'Institute of Biophysics Carlos Chagas Filho, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, 2National Institute of Cbncer, INCA,
RJ, Rio de Janeiro, 3Center for the Investigation of Natural Products, Rio de Janeiro, 4Department of Medical Biochemis-
try, Institute of Biomedical Sciences, UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
(Received March 10. 1998: Accepted October 19, 1998)

Ahs/racr: The P-glycoprotein expressed in the blood-brain barrier has been associated with the restricted access of many
compounds to the central nervous system. Mice lacking the /ndrla P-glycoprotein gene show an accumulation of various
drugs in brain tissues. P-glycoprotein is also correlated with the phenomenon of multidrug resistance in tumour cells. To
investigate the effects of drugs that modulate multidrug resistance in the selective permeability of the blood-brain barrier,
mice were treated with cyclosporin A or trifluoperazine plus ivermectin, a P-glycoprotein substrate, that has a limited
access to the central nervous system. When mice received an injection of cyclosporin A (50 mg/kg. intraperitoneally) or
trifluoperazine (750 pg/kg, intraperitoneally) one hour prior to the administration of ivermectin (10- 15 mgikg, intraperito-
neally) there was an increase in the acute toxicity of ivermectin. HPLC analysis of brain tissues indicated that the ivermec-
tin brain concentration was 2.5 times higher when mice were previously treated with cyclosporin A (50 mg/kg). These
results suggest that attention should be given to the side effects of drugs that interact with P-glycoprotein and are com-
monly used clinically and also to the possibility of creating a pharmacological gap in the blood-brain barrier that allows
the access of chemotherapeutic drugs to brain tumours.

P-glycoprotein is a member of the ATP-binding cassette su- cations as P-glycoprotein is expressed in many cells and
perfamily of transmembrane transporters (Childs & Ling tissues. Disruption of the mouse mdrla gene led to alter-
1994). P-glycoprotein is a product of the human MDRI and ation in the distribution of many drugs (Schinkel et al.
MDR2/3 genes and the rodent riidrla (mdr3), mdrlb, and 1994 & 1995). The most affected organ was the brain, where
mdr2 genes. P-glycoprotein mediates the membrane trans- the concentration of a drug could be raised 80-90 times. In
port of many hydrophobic compounds, including hor- the case of ivermectin, the increase of this drug in the brain
mones, sterols, lipids, phospholipids, oligopeptides, cyto- produced toxic effects. Based on these results it was pro-
kines, and anticancer agents (Bellamy 1996). Initially, P-gly- posed that P-glycoprotein has a crucial role in the mainten-
coprotein was related to tumour cells and the multidrug ance of the selective permeability of the blood-brain-barrier
resistance phenomenon, which is characterized by cross-re- (Schinkel et al. 1994; van Asperen et ul. 1997).
sistance to structurally and functionally unrelated com- This work was designed to investigate the effects of cyclo-
pounds (Juliano & Ling 1976). However, it is well known sporin A and trifluoperazine in the permeability of the
that P-glycoprotein has a physiological expression. The blood-brain barrier and its toxicological involvement. To
product of mdr2 and nzdr2 genes are located in the liver. approach this problem a study was performed on the acute
MDRI and nzdrl P-glycoprotein are located in many tissues toxicity of ivermectin and its modulation by resistance-
and organs, such as the kidneys, adrenals, intestines, pla- modulating agents.
centa, and in the capillary endothelial cells of the testis and
blood-brain barrier (Cordon-Cardo et al. 1989 & 1990).
Materials and Methods
Many compounds are known to modulate the P-glyco-
protein by reducing the efflux activity of the pump, e.g. ver- Animals. All experiments were carried out in 8-10 weeks old female
congenic BIOA/SnCg mice (C57B16 background H-2a), kept at the
apamil, trifluoperazine, and cyclosporin A and their ana-
National Institute of Cancer, Brazil. The number of animals used
logues (Ford & Hait 1990). These drugs are capable of re- in each experiment is indicated in the respective figures and tables.
versing the multidrug resistance phenomenon phenotype in Animals had free access to food and water and were housed and
vitvo (Gottesman & Pastan 1993). The use of these resis- handled according to institutional guidelines complying with Brazil-
tance-modulating agents may have physiological impli- ian legislation.

Drugs. Ivermectin was purchased a s Ivomecm (Merck Sharp and

Author for correspondence: Luis Fernando Marques-Santos, Lab- Dohme), as an injectable solution (I"/" w/v) for veterinary use. For
oratory of Tumour Immunology, Department of Medical Biochem- experimentation, the drug was diluted in Phosphate-buffered saline
istry, Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Federal University of Rio de (pH 7.4), in plastic recipients. Cyclosporin A was purchased as san-
Janeiro, Saude Scientific Center, 21941-590 Rio de Janeiro - RJ, dimmun@(Sandoz, Switzerland), a solution for intravenous use (5%
Brazil (fax f 5 5 21 2708647: e-mail wiv). For experimental use, it was diluted in tissue culture medium
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(RPMl 1640, Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, USA) supplemented 100
with ImM L-glutamine and 25 mM Hepes (Sigma Chemical Co.).
Trifluoperazine (Sigma Chemical Co.) was first solubilized in foetal 90
calf serum (Fazenda Pigue, Brazil) and further diluted (1:5, v/v) in
tissue culture medium RPMI 1640. All drugs were freshly prepared. 80

Iverrnectin acute toxicity. Animals received a single intraperitoneal 70

injection of ivermectin. and were observed daily for the following
14 days. After this period, the number of deaths in each group was 8 60
used to estimate the lethal dose for 50% of the population (LD50).
The doses used were I , 5, 10, 15, 16, 18, 20, 30,40, 50 and 100 mgi
kg, and the numbers of animals tested at each dose were 65, 30, 50,
5k 50

45, 19, 18, 61, 10, 10, 40, and 23, respectively. The volume adminis- 2 40
tered was 10 plig.
Modulation protocol. Cyclosporin A and trifluoperazine were in-
jected as a single dose, intraperitoneally 1 h prior to ivermectin 20
injection (single dose), to allow a high plasma concentration of the
resistance-modulating agents at the moment of ivermectin adminis- 10
tration. The doses used were 10, 25 and 50 mg/kg (cyclosporin A),
and 75 and 750 pgikg (trifluoperazine). Different doses of ivermec-
tin were used in accordance with the study of its acute toxicity. The 1 10 15 100
volume of administration of the drugs was 10 pl/g. The control IMRMECTIN (mgkg, log scale)
groups were injected with ivermectin, cyclosporin A or trifluopera-
zine plus vehicle. The time course of the experiments was 14 days, Fig. 1. Ivermectin acute toxicity in mice. Mice received a single
and the results expressed as percentage of death of each population intraperitoneal injection of ivermectin and the mortality of each
(mortality). Significant differences between the treatments were group was determined during a period of 14 days. The lethal dose
evaluated using the chi-square test. for 50% of the population (LD,,) was estimated with 1415mg/kg.

HPLCanalysis of brain tissue. Animals (n=3) were injected with 50

mgikg cyclosporin A one hour prior to the administration of 10
mg/kg ivermectin. One hour after ivermectin administration, the those receiving doses higher than 20 mg/kg died during the
mice were sacrificed and the brains removed and weighed. The ex- first 24 hr.
traction and clean-up of the samples as high-performance liquid There was an increase in ivermectin toxicity when the
chromatography procedures were adapted from Chiu et al. (1988) drug was preceded by the administration of 50 mg/kg cyclo-
Dickinson (1990) and Klotz et al. (1990) as described below. Each
brain was transferred to a homogenizer jar, acetonitrile-water (1:I ,
sporin A as a single intraperitoneal dose (table 1). A mor-
v/v) was added (8 mug tissue) and the tissue homogenized. To ex- tality of 100% was observed in the first 18 hr after the ad-
tract the proteins 0.2 M zinc sulfate (200 mlig tissue) were added to ministration of 50 mg/kg cyclosporin A plus 10 mg/kg iver-
the homogenized tissue. Centrifugation was performed (I700 rpm, mectin. HPLC analysis of brain tissues indicated that in
15 min.) and the pellet discarded. The supernatant was dialyzed and these animals the ivermectin brain concentration was 2.5
lyophilized. The powder was weighed and dissolved in the mobile
phase (30 mgil50 pl) consisted of acetonitrile-methanol-water times higher than that found in mice without cyclosporin
(49:33:18, viv). Injections of 20 pl were made from this solution. A
Detector SPD-M 10A Dioderray Shimadzu was used the analysis.
The columns used were Merck ODS C-18 (5 pm ,125 mmX4.6 mm). Table 1.
The mobile phase was used at a flow-rate of 1.O mlimin. All chroma-
tograms were monitored at 245 nm. Acetonitrile, milli-Q water and CvclosDorin A (CSAbincreased ivermectin (IVM) acute toxicitv.
methanol were purchased from Merck. Under these conditions the Treatment
retention time of ivermectin was 11 min.
First Second
drug drug
(mgikg) (mg/kg) Treated' Dead2 Mortality
CSA 10 Vehicle 10 0 0
Ivermectin acute toxicity is illustrated in fig. I , and LD50 CSA 25 Vehicle 10 0 0
was estimated at 14-15 mg/kg. Animals presented many CSA 50 Vehicle 14 0 0
symptoms characteristic of ivermectin toxicity including Vehicle IVM 1 65 0 0
Vehicle IVM 10 50 7 14
loss of balance, tremors and immobilization that progressed
CSA 10 IVM 1 16 0 0
to comatose state and subsequently death (Schinkel et al. CSA 10 IVM 10 24 4 16.7
1994). The drug was well tolerated in animals treated with CSA 25 IVM 1 16 0 0
5 mglkg, and there were no symptoms of intoxication. Some CSA 25 IVM 10 26 17 65.4*
animals injected with doses between 10-16 mgikg showed CSA 50 IVM 1 26 9 34.6**
CSA 50 IVM 10 24 24 1oo*
some of the intoxication symptoms without progressing
into comatose state. These surviving animals had no se- ' Number of treated mice
Number of dead mice
quels, and after 180 days they were still alive. Mice that died Number of dead mice X 100inumber of treated mice
after treatment with 10-20 mg/kg ivermectin died during * P<O.OOl versus control
the first 24-72 hr after the drug administration, whereas ** P<0.001 versus control
16000773a, 1999, 3, Downloaded from, Wiley Online Library on [02/07/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

A treatment (fig. 2). As can be seen in fig. 1, administration Table 2.

of 25 mg/kg ivermectin gives a 90-100% mortality rate, Trifluooerazine (TFP) increased ivermectin (IVM) acute toxicitv.
which is in accordance with the results obtained with 10 Treatment
mg/kg ivermectin plus 50 mg cyclosporin A. Mice receiving First Second
50 mg/kg cyclosporin A plus 1 mg/kg ivermectin presented drug drug
acute toxicity which was not observed with administration (mg/kg) (mgikg) Treated' Dead2 Mortality (9'0)~
of the same dose of ivermectin alone (34.6% of mortality TFP 75 Vehicle 18 0 0
and no mortality, respectively). The rate of mortality in this TFP 750 Vehicle 26 0 0
group of animals (50 mg/kg cyclosporin A plus 1 mgikg Vehicle IVM 1 65 0 0
Vehicle IVM 10 50 7 14.0
ivermectin) was also higher than the group treated with 10 Vehicle IVM 15 45 24 53.3
mg/kg ivermectin alone (mortality= 14%). A dose of 25 mg/ TFP 75 IVM 1 16 0 0
kg cyclosporin A raised the mortality of the group treated TFP 75 IVM 10 30 1 3.3*
with 10 mg/kg ivermectin, but did not affect the group re- TFP 75 IVM 15 16 7 43.8**
TFP 750 IVM 1 16 0 0
ceiving 1 mg/kg ivermectin. Treatment with 10 mgikg cyclo- 28 42.9*
TFP 750 IVM 10 12
sporin A had no effect in the mortality of mice, independent TFP 750 IVM 15 24 17 70.8**
of the ivermectin dose administered. The injection of cyclo-
sporin A (10, 25 or 50 mg/kg) plus vehicle did not show
' Number of treated mice
Number of dead mice
toxic effects (table l), even when the animals were treated Number of dead mice X looinumber of treated mice
for 3 days with a dose interval of 24 hr (data not shown). * P<O.OOI versus control
The ivermectin toxicity for the doses of 10 and 15 mg/kg ** P<O.OOl versus control
was increased when the animals received a previous injec-
tion of 750 pg/kg trifluoperazine (42.9% and 70.8% mor-
tality, respectively) (table 2). In this case all deaths occurred 43.8%, respectively, when the animals were previously in-
within the first 48 hr. The dose of lmg/kg ivermectin re- jected with 75 pg/kg trifluoperazine (table 2).
mained without toxic effects even when preceded by triflu- With the same modulation protocol, we performed an
operazine administration. experiment with cyclosporin A and trifluoperazine at their
When the animals were given trifluoperazine (75 pg/kg) higher doses. Thus, an injection of 750 pg/kg trifluoperazine
and one hour later, an injection of ivermectin, there was a one hour before administration of 50 mg/kg cyclosporin A
reduction in the rate of mortality compared with that of did not produce toxic effects. Similarly, administration of
animals injected with vehicle plus ivermectin. The mortality 50 mg/kg cyclosporin A preceding the dose of 750 pgikg
of the groups treated with 10 and 15mg/kg of ivermectin trifluoperazine had no toxic implications (data not shown).
was 14 and 53.3% respectively, being reduced to 3.3 and
Ivermectin, an acaricede and anthelmintic drug of the fam-
a C
ily of avermectins, produced by Streptomyces avermitilis
cultures, is a well tolerated drug with no side effects in
mammals at pharmacological doses (Fisher & Mrozik
1992). Ivermectin is an agonist of y-aminobutyric acid
(GABA) receptors and of glutamate-gated C1- channels, the
later restricted to invertebrates (Bloom 1996). The low iver-
I mectin toxicity has been attributed to its restricted access
to brain tissues, especially for being a substrate of P-glyco-
protein (Schinkel et al. 1994). Our results indicated a LDso
between 14-15 mg/kg after a single intraperitoneal adminis-
+ - tration of ivermectin in murines (fig. 1). These data are in
0 10 0 10 0
agreement with those found by Didier & Loor (1995), who
suggested that the LD5,, for a single intraperitoneal iver-
Fig. 2. Chromatograms of ivermectin (IVM) in brain tissue. a - mectin injection was higher than 10 mg/kg.
control animal (treated with 50 mgikg cyclosporin A one hour prior In the present work, the administration of resistance-
to ivermectin vehicle) b - animal treated with cyclosporin A vehicle
one hour prior to 10 mg/kg ivermectin c - animal treated with 50 modulating agents to mice was able to increase ivermectin
mgikg cyclosporin A one hour prior to 10 mgikg ivermectin. All distribution into the brain as observed by HPLC. Further-
drugs were administered intraperitoneally. The retention time of iv- more, the combination of resistance-modulating agents and
ermectin was 11 min. The relative area of ivermectin peak was 2.5 ivermectin decreased the biotolerance to ivermectin. This
times higher when animals were treated with cyclosporin A one
was probably a result of reversing P-glycoprotein activity in
hour prior to ivermectin. Data are representative of three separated
experiments. For chromatographic conditions see Materials and the blood-brain barrier as opposed to a synergistic effect
Methods. resulting from the combination of the mode of action of
16000773a, 1999, 3, Downloaded from, Wiley Online Library on [02/07/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

ivermectin and resistance-modulating agents a t the GABA tin on trifluoperazine distribution to the brain. In addition,
receptors level. Although it has been reported that cyclo- the highest dose of trifluoperazine used (750 pg/kg) is much
sporin A and trifluoperazine can interact with these recep- smaller than its LDS0(29 mg/kg) for intravenous adminis-
tors, it is still not completely clear how this interaction takes tration. The transport of cyclosporin A across the blood-
place. It is believed that while cyclosporin A and its ligand brain barrier is restricted (Sakata et al. 1994), however, the
cyclophilin A are able to increase the recovery from desens- administration of 750 pg/kg trifluoperazine one hour prior
itization of GABA receptor in hipocampal neurones (Mar- to 50 mg/kg cyclosporin A injection produced no toxic fea-
tina et. al. 1996), trifluoperazine is a blocker of GABA- tures. This indicate that even if cyclosporin A distribution
gated chloride currents (Zorumski & Yang 1988; Yang & to CNS was increased it was not toxic. The same dose of
Zorumski 1989). In our experiments, however, both drugs trifluoperazine was able to increase the acute toxicity of iv-
were capable of potentiating the toxic effect of ivermectin, ermectin (10 and 15 mg/kg).
and the involvement of targets other than GABA receptors The administration of the lower dose of trifluoperazine
cannot be discarded. (75 pg/kg) had a protective effect against the ivermectin
In favour of the increase of bioavailability of ivermectin toxicity, decreasing it significantly (table 2). This dose is
as a result of disruption of the blood-brain barrier is the very close to that used in the treatment of psychiatric dis-
fact that the administration of 50 mg/kg cyclosporin A one orders (Baldessarini 1996). It is possible that at the lower
hour prior to the injection of 10 mg/kg ivermectin produced dose trifluoperazine was not able to modulate the P-glyco-
the same toxic effects of a ivermectin dose, at least three protein expressed in the blood-brain barrier to the extent of
times higher (30 mg/kg ivermectin). The toxicological par- raising the ivermectin access to the CNS. However, this
ameters are in agreement with HPLC analysis of brain same dose may affect the active transport mediated by P-
tissues indicating that the ivermectin brain concentration glycoprotein in other organs (i.e., kidneys or liver), modify-
was 2.5 times higher when animals were previously treated ing the pharmacokinetics of ivermectin. Therefore, the vol-
with 50 mg/kg cyclosporin A. The toxicological symptoms ume of distribution of the drug into the brain would be
observed loss of balance, inability to right themselves, and
~ decreased. Nevertheless, interaction at the level of GABA
immobilization, leading to a comatose state and subse- receptor antagonizing the action of ivermectin can not be
quently death - are in agreement with an enhancement of ruled out. Despite the dose of 750 pgikg trifluoperazine
GABA action mediated by an increase of ivermectin con- have decreased the biotolerance to ivermectin.
centration in the brain. This resulted from cyclosporin A The studies performed in mice lacking P-glycoprotein en-
administration and its effect on P-glycoprotein expressed in coded by the mdrla gene, as well as studies using resistance-
the endothelial cells that constitute the blood-brain-barrier. modulating agents in wild type mice, demonstrated the im-
In accordance to our results, Wang et al. (1995) demon- portance of this protein in the pharmacokinetic parameters
strated that the concentration of Rhodaminel23 - a fluor- of many drugs, including vinblastine (Schinkel et al. 1994;
escent dye - in the brain was 3 times higher when rats were Arboix et al. 1997), dexamethasone, digoxin, cyclosporin A
treated with cyclosporin A. Didier & Loor (1995), using (Schinkel et al. 1995), and doxorubicin (Colombo et al.
an experimental design similar to that used in this work, 1994). Our results demonstrated that cyclosporin A and tri-
demonstrated that SDZ PSC 833 or SDZ 28W46, two re- fluoperazine were able to raise the neurotoxicity of ivermec-
sistance-modulating agents and cyclosporin A analogue, in- tin. The possibility that resistance-modulating agents alters
creased ivermectin toxicity. Nevertheless, in their work, in a distinct manner the pharmacokinetics of the drugs
cyclosporin A administered orally at 50 mg/kg, was not able should be considered. The pattern of distribution of the
to increase cyclosporin A toxicity. Cyclosporin A exhibits a drugs under a resistance-modulating agents treatment, may
low availability when administered orally (22-36%) (Fahr not have a typical or generalized model, it is necessary,
1993), whereas the cyclosporin A dose and route of admin- therefore, to amplify the investigation of the resistance-
istration used here (50 mg/kg, intraperitoneally) was cap- modulating agents effects, including its actions in the
able of producing an immunossupressive effect in rodents homeostasis of the organism. The utilization of the resis-
(Rumjanek et al. 1985). This dosage had no toxicological tance-modulating agents may have serious and important
implications even when administered for 3 consecutive days clinical implications. The possibility of reversing the re-
at 24 hr intervals (data not shown). stricted access of chemotherapeutic drugs to the CNS - cre-
Pouliot et al. (1997) using in vitro models demonstrated ating a pharmacological gap in the blood-brain barrier - to
that ivermectin increased the vinblastine and doxorubicin treat brain tumours can be a question of finding the ideal
toxicity in cells expressing high levels of P-glycoprotein. Iv- modulation protocol, i.e. the right resistance-modulating
ermectin could compete with the chemotherapeutic drugs agents plus the right chemotherapeutic agent.
as a P-glycoprotein substrate. Similarly, the toxicological ef-
fects found in the present experiments could result from
an ivermectin reversing effect, inducing cyclosporin A or Acknowledgements
trifluoperazine neurotoxicity. However, trifluoperazine and The authors are thankful to Dr. Elimar Teresa Brand
others phenothiazines have free access to the CNS (Baldes- from the Analytical Center, Nucleo de Pesquisa de Produtos
sarini 1996) what rules out a modulatory effect of ivermec- Naturais, UFRJ, for her assistance in the HPLC analysis.
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