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Industrial Relation :The concept of industrial relations means the relationship between employees and the management in the

day-to-day working of the industry. According to the International Labour Organization , '' Industrial Relations deal with either the relationship between the state and employers ' and workers' organizations or the relation between the occupational organizations themselves. The concept of industrial relations has been extended to denote the relaions of the state with employers, workers and their organizations.

Features of Industrial Relation :Features of industrial relation include : 1. Industrial relations are the outcome of employment relationship in an industrial enterprise. 2. Industrial relations develop the skills and methods of adjusting to and cooperating with each other. 3. Industrial relations system creates complex rules and regulations to maintain harmonious relations . 4. The Government involves to shape the industrial relations through laws,rules ,agreements ,awards etc. 5. The important factors of industrial relations are: employee and their organisations,employer and their associations and the Government.

Factors of Industrial Relations :Industrial relations are influenced by various factors ; Institutional Factors: -government polocy ; - labour legislations; - voluntary courts ; -collective bargaining ; -employee courts ; -employers 'federations and -social institutions ( community ,caste ,

joint family, creed,attitude of works).

Economic Factors: These factors include economic organisation ,like capitalist, communist mixed etc. the structure of labour force, demand for and supply of labour force etc. Technological Factors: - mechanisation; -automation; - rationalisation; -computerisations.

Social and Cultural Factors : - religion; - population; - customs ; - traditions of people ; - ethnic groups; -cultures of various groups of people . Political Factors: -political parties ; -trade unions. Governmental Factors: -industrial policy; -economic policy; -labour policy; -export policy.

Three Actors of Industrial Relations:

1.Workers and their Organization:The total worker plays an important role in industrial relation .The total worker includes working age, educational background, family background,psychological factors,social background ,culture, skill,attitude towards others 'work etc.Workers'organisations prominently known as trade unions is play their role more prominentlyin trade unions. The main purpose of to protect the workers' economic interest through collective bargaining and by bringing pressure on the management through economic and political tactics . Trade union f actors include leadership ,finances,activities etc. 2.Employers and their Organization:Employer is a crucial factor in industrial relations . He employs the worker,pays the wages and various allowances,regulates the working relations through various rules and regulations and by enforcing labor laws. He expects the worker to follow the rules, regulations and laws . He further expect them to contribute their resources to the maximum .The difference between the demands of the worker and the employer results in industrial conflicts . Normally employers have higher bargaining power than the workers . But their bargaining power is undermined when compared to that of trade unions . Employers form their organizations to equate their bargaining power with that of trade union. These organization protect the interest of the employer by pressuring the trade unions and the government. 3.Government:Government plays a balancing role as a custodian of the nation. Government exerts its influence on industrial relations through its labour policy , industrial relations policy, implementing labor laws , the process of conciliation and adjudiction by playing the role of a mediator etc. It tries to regulate the activities and behavior of both employees' organization and employers organization.

Objectives of Industrial Relation:The primary objective of industrial relations is to maintain congenial relations between employees and the employer. The other objectives are: To promote and develop congenial labor management relation; To enhance the economic status of the worker by improving wages, benefits and by helping the worker in evolving sound budget; To regulate the production by minimizing industrial conflicts through indusrtial state control; To socialise industries by making the government as an employer ; To provide an opportunity to the workers to have a say in the management and decision-making; To improve workers' strength with a view to solve their problems through mutual negotiations and consultation with the management; To encourage and develop trade unions in order to improve the workers' strength ; To avoid industrial conflict and their consequences and ; To extend and maintain industrial democracy.

Functions of Industrial Relations:Functions of Industrial relations include: Communication is to be established between workers and the management in order to bridge the traditional gulf between the two ; To establish a rapport between managers and the managed; To ensure creative contribution of trade unions to avoid industrial conflicts, to safeguard the interests of workers on the one hand and the management on the other hand , to avoid unhealthy, unethical atmosphere in an industry; To lay down such considerations which may promote understanding , creativity and cooperativeness to raise industrial productivity and to ensure better workers' participation.

Conditions for Congenial Industrial Relations :Existence of Strong, Well Organized and Democratic Employees' Unions; Existence of Sound and Organized Employers' Unions; Spirit of Collective Bargaining and Willingness to Resort to Voluntary Arbitration; Maintenance of Industrial Peace; -machinery for prevention and settlement of industrial dispute ; legislative & non-legislative measures ; committees, 2.standing orders, 3.welfare officers, councils, 5.joint councils , 6.joint management councils, 7.conciliation and adjudication. -Provision for the bipartite and tripartite committees in order to evolve personnel policies, code of conduct ,code of discipline. -Provision for the various committees to implement and evaluate the

collective bargaining agreements,court orders and judgements ,awards ,of voluntary arbitration.

Code of Industrial Relations : T he attitude of management towards trade unions and employees should be positive. The attitude of employees and union towards management should be positive. The attitude of employees towards trade unions should be positive . Management need not consult the trade unions and employees regarding disciplinary cases . Management should not encourage the workers for forming rival unions. Issues in the collective bargaining should be disposed of at the earliest . All the collective bargaining agreements should be implemented in good as possible . Employees and trade unions should emotionally cooperate in cooperate in implementing company strategies. Management should use the lock-out technique only as a last resort and with a minimum one week notice to trade unions.

Industrial Relation:The concept of industrial relations means the relationship between employees and the management in the day-to-day working and modus-operandi of the industry with an objective of maintaining harmonious relations. A vibrant and dynamic IR bridges the traditional gulf between the the workers and management In this article IR as a disciple is depicted. The origin of IR, main actors in IR,terminologies associated with IR , their importance and pros and cons of IR will be analyzed .For this few case studies about various organizations have been encompassed in this article to enlighten the reader about the integrities associated with this discipline. Finally how this discipline is evolving as a career and the roles, responsibilities and competencies required for an IR personnel is described.

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