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Yprac Prefire Player will clear important angles on a prefire map that simulates real game scenarios.

enarios. Platform Link Prefire 10 Follow the instructions inside of the EDril.

Learn about the utility used in every single place on the map. Flashes, Smokes and Molotovs are used in different scenarios.
Dust2 – Utility on Long Platform Link Utility 15 Follow the instructions inside of the EDril.
Pop flashes, one way smokes and post-plant molotovs included.

Session 1
Match play Play a short competitive match on de_dust2 and use the knowledge from the previous exercises. 30 Play around long during the entire game to practice things from this session.

Tap - Aim Time Trial You will run around on a huge map filled with cardboard targets that require a single tap to the head to destroy them. Platform Link Shooting Techniques 20 Achieve your best time while focusing on tapping.

Tap - Bot Practice You will stand in front of many stationary bots and try to eliminate as many as possible in the shortest time. Platform Link Shooting Techniques 20 Follow the instructions inside of the EDril.

Week 2 Session 2
Tap - Pistol FFA Free for all mode on a deathmatch community server with pistols only. Platform Link Shooting Techniques 20 The hardest exercuse at the end. Make sure you really focus during this one.

Prefire - Aim Time Trial Players will try to finish the special course filled with the targets in the shortest possible time. Platform Link Crosshair placement 15 Follow the instructions inside of the EDrill. Try to beat your scores from last week.

Basic Smokes - Inferno Players will throw simple utility on a specially prepared map. Platform Link Smokes 15 Follow the instructions inside of the EDril.

Session 3
Match play Play a short match on de_inferno. 30 Follow the instructions inside of the EDril.

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