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Strawberries and Tears

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Fandom: Akatsuki no Yona | Yona of the Dawn
Relationships: Son Hak/Yona, Son Hak & Yona
Characters: Son Hak, Yona (Akatsuki no Yona), Zeno (Akatsuki no Yona)
Additional Tags: Romance, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Established
Relationship, Happy Ending, True Love's Kiss, Strawberries, Sappy, I
don't know what to put here
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-04-17 Words: 1,238 Chapters: 1/1
Strawberries and Tears
by 0ceanborn


After so much time exercising self-control over his feelings towards Yona, Hak didn't
imagine that some happy strawberries would be his downfall. Those red, sweet and sour lips
were on the edge of breaking his composure. Spoiler warning: this fanfictions occurs parallel
to the events of the latest manga chapters. Read at your own discretion.


Disclaimer: Akatsuki no Yona does not belong to me. Its content and characters are the
intellectual property of Mizuho Kusanagi. This is a work of fiction created by and for fans.

See the end of the work for more notes

Strawberries & Tears

After so much time exercising self-control over his feelings towards Yona, Hak didn't
imagine that some happy strawberries would be his downfall.
In her tireless and unconscious effort to torture him, Yona had not found a better place to
taste her strawberries than under the same tree on which he rested after lunch.
It was hard to focus on anything other than capturing and savoring those red lips between his.
Meanwhile, she, oblivious to his fantasies, offered him that damn berry that was making him
lose his temper.

Her beautiful smile only managed to increase her desire to kiss her and hold her in her arms.
With these thoughts, he sighed and closed his eyes, but when he opened them again he was
startled to find the princess's face mere inches from his.
Yona smiled and placed a strawberry on her lips. Hak tasted the berry, imagining what her
delicate mouth would taste like, losing his patience even more.

A gentle breeze carried the scent of peonies, lavender, and jasmine from her hair to him.
Everything about her was tempting and Hak didn't know what to do to keep his sanity and not
give in to his impulses.

Months had passed since that last kiss, when he was in the cell, and after the Mei-nyan rescue
operation and the confrontation with Chagol, there had not been a single moment of quiet to
establish at what point their relationship was or even to be alone together. Perhaps that
moment was now and that was why fate seemed to want to force him to give in to temptation,
but Hak wasn't terribly good with words.

Resigned, he leaned his head against the tree trunk, masking his uneasiness with a mask of
calm, studied indifference. It didn't last long, his nerves broke again when the rest of the
group announced that they were going shopping, inevitably leaving him alone with the
princess. No doubt the gods were testing his endurance, just as she was when she decided to
brush a stray lock of hair from his forehead.

Defeated, he firmly gripped Yona's wrist and, moving closer to her, he murmured:

"Princess, you are exhausting my patience."

She flinched as the only answer, and with flushed cheeks she lowered her gaze.
Hak placed his lips on the fingers of the hand he was still holding, drawing a surprised sigh
from Yona, who was now looking at him with wide eyes.
Finally, he threw all composure out the window and leaned over her, kissing her soft lips still
tinged with the red of her strawberries.

Both fell on the grass. Hak leaned the weight of his body on his arm for fear of crushing her,
momentarily breaking the brush of their lips.
He managed to hear his name from Yona's voice, who was looking at him with those
beautiful purple eyes that blinked in confusion.
He could affirm with complete certainty that there was no more beautiful melody than
hearing her name from those lips of hers in a small voice. He wanted to cover her with kisses
as her hands, now those of a fighter, tangled in his hair.
He was soon kissing her again, taking in the sweet, sour taste of berries and the floral
fragrance of her hair, which had almost reached her previous length.
He, too, found no resistance to deepen their kiss with his tongue and start a dance with hers,
trailing his fingers down her delicate throat as his other hand trailed to her waist.

The sighs of his companion only threw him further into that spiral of desire, uncertainty and
perhaps fear. He was afraid of losing her, he was afraid that he would not be able to protect
her despite the fact that she had shown him over and over again that that defenseless and
lonely princess was left behind, whom no one saw with the same eyes as him, just because
she was the daughter of a king who was accused of being a coward.

Yona had suffered and changed in many ways, but he would never want to stop being her
bodyguard or leave her side, even when she might not need it and even though the thought
terrified him deeply.

He kissed her desperately with fear, and she seemed to feel it. Only when they separated did
he allow himself to look into her eyes, conveying all his fears without saying a word. She
looked at him with infinite tenderness and pronounced those two words that both of them had
avoided until then.

"I love you, and I need you by my side, always" she announced firmly. "Do you remember
the night I gave you the lapis lazuli pendant?"

He nodded, running his fingers to the amulet that always hung from his neck.

"That night..." he hesitated. "That night you told me that if I could be happy, that would also
be your greatest happiness."

Hak looked away in embarrassment as he remembered his words, even if they were the
greatest truth of his.

"When I got back to the room I started to cry, at first not sure why, but those words... Those
words made me immensely happy and incredibly sad at the same time. It was at that moment
that I understood how special and valuable you were to me, and I guess it scared me to find
out that I could no longer conceive of life without you, and that I would go completely crazy
if you left me."

Hak felt his mouth dry and a sting in his tear ducts that he hadn't experienced in a long time.
He was afraid that if he said something his voice would crack, because his feelings resounded
strongly at her words, so he just hugged her and in that shelter he allowed the tears to fall

"When you disappeared my whole world broke into pieces" she continued between sobs. "I
feigned composure and tried not to lose hope, but the mere idea of not seeing you again was
so terrifying that I felt faint. Every night I felt that I was short of breath, felt the deepest and
most heartbreaking pain that I could imagine.
I was able to hold on and continue despite So-woon's betrayal, despite my father's murder,
but if I lost you..." her voice broke before she could continue.

He held her even tighter in her arms, feeling her tears fall on his back.

"I am here now, and I will not disappear again. I am with you, I will be as long as you allow
it. You'll have to kill me to get rid of me."

She laughed between sobs and slightly broke the hug to kiss him slowly and sweetly.
A laugh interrupted them and they both turned to find the oldest of the dragons smiling
knowingly at them.

"Zeno had forgotten something but Zeno is leaving and leaves the lady and the young man to
their... business" he excused himself, withdrawing with his arms entwined behind his neck.

Yona had turned the color of the strawberries that she devoured before, with a trace of tears
on her cheeks. Hak thought that it was the image of tenderness and perfection, so he couldn't
help but kiss her again with a smile adorning his lips and the certainty that he was incredibly
lucky and that he would not let her go under any circumstances.
End Notes

Hi there! I really hope you enjoyed this drabble and I appreciate reviews and constructive
criticism too! I'm open to suggestions if you want me to write a particular scenario between
whichever characters you want as long as I know them.
Thank you so much for reading it! Have a nice day/night!

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