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Little Do You Know

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Fandom: Akatsuki no Yona | Yona of the Dawn
Relationship: Son Hak/Yona
Characters: Son Hak, Yona (Akatsuki no Yona), Yoon | Yun (Akatsuki no Yona), Ik-
Soo (Akatsuki no Yona), Kija (Akatsuki no Yona), Shin-Ah (Akatsuki no
Yona), Il (Akatsuki no Yona), Ol)
Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Medical, Injury Recovery, Realistic, Bickering, Friends to
Lovers, Team as Family, Family Feels, Gap Filler, Character of Faith
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-04-23 Words: 2,765 Chapters: 1/1
Little Do You Know
by MeimerTree


Yona wakes slowly to a cold and shocking revelation. In the dark, her friend lays alongside
her. A smooth voice carries through the woods from someone else and the battle they just
left turns out to have only been the begining of the fight. Will they loose more than they gain
through the pain?


Yona of the Dawn is my favorite series of all time, but I do not own it. I love this original
manga, its uncharacteristic relationships and choices of expression. The author's characters
are her own only, but I'll depict them slightly and maybe even draw in more fans for her if
someone stumbles upon this.

Relationships are not cut and dry. Your choices set the stage and a maker ties in to all the
little details giving them vibrancy and vigor and suficient sucesses. Every day, every talk,
every comand, every self care time, every service to those we conect to, and every dream we
form: In all of it meaning only comes from doing it out of love. If you don't know how to
live outside of a frame of worldly Logic, why not try imagining yourself as a painter of your
every day; there is beauty in all the strokes even the ones uncovered as you walk. While even
in our ruin there is something gorgeous.

See the end of the work for more notes

Little Do You Know

An Akatsuki no Yona fic

~ By MeimerTree ~

Song Quote:

"How many times do I have to tell you, that even when you're crying your beautiful too.
The world is beating you down and I'm around for every mood. Your my downfall. Your my
muse. My worst distraction. My rythem in blues... Your my end and my begining, even when
I loose I'm winning."

~ All Of Me by John Legend

Yona senses that something feels off, in her haze. A pain covers every inch of her as her
skull pounds to her heartbeat. A far off voice drifts through the chill night air to the edges of
Yona's conciousness.

"Once upon a time, O' so very long ago..." Its faint but majestic.

She couldn't even move if she wanted to. 'Everything hurts!' Her limbs feel numb, cold
and they even tingle. She is laying somewhere uneven and prickly to the palm of her hand.
Yona's body feels weighted down like she is made of sand that holds her limbs near the stony
river's edge. She tries to move but her limbs do not respond. Weiryness makes her
paralized. Infact, the more she tries to move the more this terrible ache rages up to resist her.
Her eyelid feels wet and coated in a pasty substance. Yona blinks her eyes but can only
partly see; mearly able to make out lines of pilled gray tones in dim moonlight.

'... its bushes I think' she realises. Panic builds in her chest. 'Shouldn't I be able too see?
How on earth did I get here without my bed roll?' Her one good, heavy eyel

Her one good, heavy-lidded eye finally makes out a blue and black material by her cheek
in the dim moonlight. Her chest eases to know he's with her. ' Hak, thank God.' We must
have been sleeping. Everything has seemed other-worldly since her childhood friend fled
with her from th eir her father's home. But something feels amiss This night.

Yona presses her face into the deep blue fabric for comfort. It's also sticky, so she pulls
her face back minutely. She then makes out in the moonlight that Hak's skin, right alongside
her cheek, is torn open in a wickedly jagged fleshy wound.

Time seems to slow. ' What the hell... happened? God no... Hak!'
Her conciousness tries to blur out again but she keeps her eyes open against the heavy
sleep. He lay alongside her in a near embrace, which would never ordinarily happen. His cut
apears to run from his collar bone to diapear at his left side benieth the now drenched garmets
against the grass. Her chest tightness hits with a sickly churning in her stomach that
threatens her pain tollerance amidst the headach.

'Ouch, shoot!' Yona grinds her teeth, squinting up at him through the pain behind her
eyes. In the dimness of the moon's rays, Hak's expression is an absent peace, dark rimmed
eyes nearly shut with his hair matted in sweet. 'Thats right, we were attacked, wern't we?
So it was reality then and not just some sick dream.'

Flash ~

Hak's enraged face turns back toward her amidst the clanging of steel. An edge of
terror glazes his eyes.

"IDIOT! Didn't I tell you not to move? Why didn't you listen to me?!" he yells. She
watches that blade split his chest, hears his pained grunt while the blood rains down as
he falls. ~

"... when the big red sun was eaten from the sky." the soft voice drones again.

Despite Yona's shock, she nearly slips away into the void that her body tantilizingly aches
for. Since her breaths had refused to come back after the sight of his wound, the black edges
to her vision threaten again but she finally chokes in air and fights the bile that rises. The
biteing of the pitch black air is felt deep within her long since frosted flesh; holding her
firmly in the present for the time being. The cold ache seathes to the depths of her bones.

'Please God, this can't be happening.' That sticky substance has a copperish scent now;
the one coating the right side of her face, soaking his garments, and seeping from the fleshy

She's... soaked in Hak's blood.

She wants to get up but all she manages to do is squirm and wince as tears stream down.
The weakness is so heavy.

Flash ~

Soo-Won stands stock still. His cheek marked by her fathers precious blood. The
sword that slaughtered him dripping onto the dirt floor. ~

'Hak is dead... just like father.'

'O' God no! LORD, how could you let this happen?! Like my father's murder - I sould
have stopped Soo-Won! At home, at the castle, if I'd arrived sooner, I would have willingly
been the one to die between those I loved most. I'd have died, sure, but at least Hak would
never have become a wanted man, nor been accused of my father's murder. His body...
wouldn't be seeping lifeblood right now... Hell. I should have prevented this. I have to be
capable of MORE than this!!'

Her weak fingers twist into his tunic as she scunches herself into him with a sob...

'I... I can't believe it is ending this way. Just let me slip away father, I don't want to deal
with this crap anymore. If I was beside you at the cliffside after stopping the archer, Hak. If I
knew how to block some of the sword swings aimed at you. We would have still fallen, but...
would you be alive now? My hesitation... I got you killed didn't I?

'No... actually.'

'... Soo-Won, you killed Hak. You sent the fire tribe.'

That deep feathery voice comes into focus again. Yona stiffens benieth the lifeless guard's
heavy arm still slung overtop her shoulder, "... and when darkness swallowed the whole

' We're vulnerable here. Is it another soldier!' The footsteps make thier final crunch and
the wanderer sighs, followed by a groan. Yona dares not look up even if she could get herself
to move more than inches. She pushes back the deep pitch black of unconciousness again, if
only she could keep her eyelids from fighting her for every minute. She accidently focus her
gaze up at the blood dotted skin of Hak's features along with his squinted blue glassy eyes.
Terror grips her at the emptyness there. His hair is askew around about his dark lined eyes.
As she watches a hand reaches down near Hak's motionless lips.

A huge sigh come from the guy.

"Good. Your still breathing. Your lucky, that pulse had me fooled, mister. Come on...
move quickly Yoon." The man wispers to focus himself.

Shock leaps through her. '... ... ... what ? Hak is still alive?!'

There is the shuffling of a bag then the boy kneels himself behind Hak's back. Her voice
comes out so meakly she can't be sure it is even audible. In fact it is not heard at first, but
after a few tries her mouth finds its voice. The pain in her chest is so excruciating, mixed
with the weekness, she can't even think of words besides 'help'.

The carmel haired boy's gaze jumps up to meet her glazed eyes. "Hi, there miss. Your
awake, huh?" Yoon says.

"..." She blinks, her eyes fighting unconciousness.

"Let me finish with your friend here and then I'll get you both out of here if I can. No
promises tho." The stranger, Yoon, doesn't pause in his focus on her bodygaurd.

Yona blips out of conciousness to return seconds later. 'Not yet Yona. What if... I won't be
sleeping if this could be my last chance to see you, Hak. I'll fight the black. Won't leave you
with strangers or without the protection of my prayers. You have fought for my lousy life.
Now is my chance...'.
Her words finally form weakly "... about time I repay that dedication, You Pain! If you
passed away I'd never forgive myself for not being there."

From his vieled snicker it seems the only words the boy made out were "You pain!" His
warm smile is comforting.

That sky-blue eyed boy turns Hak to his back, thus the wound leaves Yona's
distinguishable sight. The boy secures a needle and thread as he inspects the injury fully,
then soaks the blood up with cloth he had on him, to see the wound better. Yona drifts off
over and over constantly irritated at her lack of allertness, watching the quick stitching and
concern in the gaze of the boy with carmel locks and a pale fancy feather clip.

She is pulled out of sleep suddenly and blinks at the boys words. "This better work after
all that. Ya hear, Mister?!" The boy challenges the unconcious man. Yoon cuts the thread's
excess then apears to be gathering up his supplies. "The rest can be done at home. Hopefully
Iksue is headed back by now. What a pain. I'll need him to have any hope of carrying this
guy." The healer locks eyes with the ruby haired girl in the grass tinded deep crimpson. "Her
tho... "

Tears actively trail down the bridge of Yona's nose across her crimson stained face. Her
eyes look endlessly glazed. Red stains coat part of her forhead, one eye, and end across the
edge of her lips.

"Hay there. Can you see me?" the boy attempts. Her eyes clear visibly, then she blinks in
response. "How about this? We've still got to wait to move your friend. I am hopeing you
won't mind if I pick you up? I may be a small handsome genius but I sure as hell am not
weak." Yoon carefully slips his hand beneith her head and takes a pracarious few
adjustemnts to get her up against him. "Here ya go. Patching you up at home should raise
your body heat too. That'll be our next goal." He wobbles but manages to get to his feet
without tremendous effort. "Good thing I fetch water jars weekly, hu? Now lets see. The left
trail will be smoother. Stay with me miss. I see those eyes closing. It is a ways but I'll go
fast, okay? The walk will make you want to sleep more so resist that." The boy knotices the
young girl cling toward his garments.

"...ease. ... can't ... can't leave. He's hurt." Tears soak into Yoons sleave under the exausted
girl's lilach eyes.

Yoon's thoughts cascade. ' Iksue please make it back fast! These two are both bleeding
and I'm afraid of leaving this guy with animals around. Why don't you do that thing you do
sometimes and wander up when I happen to need you. Come on now Iksue...'

"If you can hear me lady, try to hold on, I'd hate to drop you on your head with a wound
like that." Her weak fingers wrap thier didgets into the ripples of his shawl and Yoon grins in
response. She can hear him. Thats great. There is hope after all. Yona couldn't even track
when the darkness took her but she couldn't stop it.

Suahn walks up to doors adorned in ivory, silk, and gold enbroidered robes. 'I SWORE I
would come back here someday and here I am about to be crowned king...'

The dream he had last night was of a memory.

~ Flash

Young Yona leans out her window excitedly, "Soo-Won, great to see you! Welcome
back. Why don't you come up. There is pear compote. Hurry and get some before its

"Heads up!" Hak's glave handle taps Soo-Wan on the head.

"High Hak." He grumbles rubbing his head.

"You were wide open. Be on guard next time." the teenage Hak says carefully
perched in a crouch on the halfwall. "Careful or you'll get chewed out by old
Mundak." Hak finishes.

"Don't talk such nonsense! He's always said I have a natural aptitude for combat."
Soo-Won defends.

"Is that so, so tell me why you've never beaten me in combat, ever since we were

"Your unbeatable! Thats how it has to be for you to protect princess Yona, but thats
not how it is for me." Soo-Won.

"Some excuse. How lame." Hak drawls.

"To be honest I'm a little jellous of her. I really want you to be my servant."

"Come on you already have a million of them all to yourself."

"You know thats not the same, I want you to be mine!" Soo-won fusses in an child's
absolute fat-lipped pout.

"Well just become king and I'm yours." Hak says with all the seriousness of an
eagle's gaze.


"Marry the princess and accend to the throne." Hak elaborates. "Then I'll be your
servant too."

Soo-won jumps back, not believing his ears. "Wait, what! Me and Yona. No way!
That'd be like marrying my sister!" Soo-Wan shouts.

"You did say you wanted me right?" Hak challenges

"You know that was just a figure of speach."

Hak leans in to get the kids attention. "Yeah but thats beside the point." Hak drips
with emphasis, "Your the only one I'd support as next in line after king I'll. When
you're king I'll always be by your side, your rig ht hand man. I'll protect you both. My
life will belong to you and Yona untill I die and in return I'll want three meals and a nap
every day. Put that in my contract. Thats a bargin to own The Lightning Beast."

In stark contrast Soo-won becomes sullen. "Yes. As you wish. I think that'd be the
perfect life." He burries his weiry face into Hak's shoulder, suprizing Hak.

"Soo-won, hurry up!" Yona interupts.

"Hak, just promise me, you'll protect Yona." he quietly pleeds.

'With what was coming I knew I needed him to get her out of it. I had no clue she
would end up there that night.'

While Soo-won's forhead rests on Hak's shoulders a metalic scent taints the air while
Soo-won's forhead rests on Hak's shoulder. The sun diapears at the edge of the horizon

Advisor Ke-suk's words two the fire chief's son, echo in his mind "You cornered and
Killed them Both!!"

Glancing toward the window there's a bundle of white and pink dress spralled on the
stones below. The girls eyes are closed and her limbs limp. Her eligant ivory skin os
tainted red by the puddle of lifeblood below her.

Suahn' breath catch, eyes wide. 'She fell.'

The figure at his shoulder has been as a brother to him. Now the man wilts against
him and goans in pain. Soo-Won startles. "What is this... the memory is changing. No, its
a deam now isn't it. Slow it down... how do I stop it. What is this?'

The answer comes with a sickening crunch of bone. Your Consiquence.

Hot blood seeps from his friend's chest into Soo-Won's clothes. He pulls back to grab
the thunder beast by the shoulders. Hak's head lulls forward, bangs obscuring his
features. Soo-Wan subconciously shakes him.


Now that he sees his friend's face better, blood streams over his eye, as well as down all
his now drenching garments. Startled, Soo-Won jerks back causing Hak to groan and
drop to the stone floor in a heap of blue, black and crimson. A churning clutches Soo-
won's stomach and he coughs up his own blood. 'Thats right this is the end I chose. I
already knew my life was forfet when I took destiny into my own hands... are not thier
deaths a possibility I had already chose to risk living out. ... I chose this. Came to terms
with it. So why does... my chest hurt so badly.' He bares a facinated expression as he
alalizes the red staining his hand. He feels resigned to his inevitable fate. But that fate
of his, he had never intended to allow it to be come theirs as well. It was a risk of
course... 'I have made a horrible mistake.'

Soo-won sits up gasping to mearly meet a pitch dark room. The sheets are not his, nore are
the bed drapes about its frame. He recalls at length that he is still on castle grounds. Then
he grips his head as a massive ache impeeds his mental faculties. Images flit through as
memories like a mad bat in his skull. Thats right... king I'll is dead... and so are they. The
well of aweful feeling in his gut contrasts with the entirely kumb emotions in him. Soo-wan
wispers to himself; hearing his thought in the tone of his father, "Remember your convictions
kid. Its time to face the fifth worst day of your life."
End Notes

I feel like this fills in the story between moments and I intend to expound into origional
events as well. The retelling will be minor and susinct unless intregal to the experience. This
fic is a slow updater because I am extremely meticulous so I write slow and re-edit often.
Please enjoy. Yona has a bit more fire in this since she has been bickering with Hak for many
years by now. And now Hak is more visibly stuborn.

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