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Let’s talk about summer holidays

I. Compréhension de l’oral /14

Ecoute cette conversation et réponds aux question en français.

1. Alex est-il parti en vaccances cet ? Donne trois détails sur ces
2. Donne quatre détails sur les vaccances de Chuck.
3. Parle des vaccances de Celia en donnant trois détails.
4. Où est allé la professeure ? Donne quatre détails sur ses vaccances.

II. Compréhension de l’écrit /7

Lis attentivemment le texte suivant.

A great summer vacation

I've just returned from the best summer vacation!

It was so fantastic, I never wanted it to end! I'm spending eight days in Paris, France!

My best friends, Henry and Steve, came with me.

We had a nice hotel room in the Latin Quarter and it wasn't very expensive.

We had a balcony with a wonderful view.We visited many famous tourist places.

My favorite was the Louvre, a famous museum. I have always been interested in art, so this was a

special pleasure for me. The museum is so huge that you could spend weeks there. Henry was tired of

walking around the museum and said “Enough! I need to take a break and rest!!! We sat in cafés

along the river Seine The French food was really delicious. Steve's favorite part of the holiday was the

hotel breakfast. He said he would be happy if he could eat croissant like those forever.

Réponds aux questions avec des phrases complètes.

1. What city did they go for their summer holiday ?

2. How long did they stay ?

3. Why did they like their hotel ?

4. Which museum did they visit ?

5. Who got tired walking in the musuem?

6. What did Steve enjoy the most ?

III. Grammaire et vocabulaire /13

1. What’s the English for : /6

a) La campagne: d) ennuyeux :

b) La montagne : e) merveilleux :

c) Le bord de la mère : f) plonger (tuba)

2. Conjugue les verbes au prétérit. /7

My best friends and I ………………...( have ) an amazing holiday. We ………………… ( go )

to Scotland for two weeks. We ………………..( visit ) Edinburgh Castle. It

……………….. ( be ) very interesting. There ………………. ( be ) a lot of tourists.

Unfortunately, we …………………….( not have ) time to go to Loch Ness to see

Nessie !!! And you, what ………………… you ……………. ( do ) durng your

holidays ?

IV. Expression écrite /6

Raconte tes vacances d’été. Dis où tu es allé, avec qui, combien de temps tu es

resté, les activités que tu as faites, les endroits que tu as visités, si tu as

apprécié tes vacances et pourquoi.

Exprime- toi au prétérit. Attention a bien utilisr les verbes irréguliers.

Utilise le vocabulaire vu en classe.

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