1844 in Context

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Faculty Publications


1844 in Context
Gerald A. Klingbeil
Andrews University, klingbeil@andrews.edu

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Klingbeil, Gerald A., "1844 in Context" (2019). Faculty Publications. 3159.

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I am eternally grateful that we
had parents who nurtured this
gift. Although both my parents are
asleep in Jesus, it gives me great
comfort knowing that I will see
them again and be able to thank our
Saviour for this gift.

Romario, Jamaica

The reality of Christ’s return
affects my Christian experience Many Millerites
drastically. It puts me in the state of waited for Jesus
to come on

in Context
mind to live in readiness, as if I have October 22, 1844,
only an hour, a minute, a second left on Ascension
here. This also affects my friends, Rock, close to the
William Miller farm.
because, after making myself an
example, I inform them that we have
only a short time here and that they Moving from disappointment to mission
need to set their houses in order

because the Son of man will be ne hundred seventy-five had the time right—but not the event.
coming again. years ago this month we The end of prophetic time didn’t mark
remember what has been the return of Jesus to Planet Earth.
Sandra, California, United States known as the Great Disappointment. Rather, it marked the beginning of
This truth gives me peace that October 22, 1844, was unlike most God’s public investigative judgment
in spite of what happens now, and other days in history. Thousands on His people. It was an important
what’s to come, I will see Jesus and upon thousands expected to see part of God’s plan of salvation.
be with Him in eternity. Jesus return in the clouds of heaven. This small group of early Advent
They waited for Him in the United believers learned a valuable lesson.
Shylet, Zimbabwe States; they waited for Him in Europe, When they went back to Scripture,
In my country life is fraught with in South America, and many other they began to find answers. Scrip-
stress and insecurity because of places around the world. Waiting for ture is always our safe haven. But, as
political uncertainty and economic the second coming of Jesus was no with the early Christians, they also
stagnation. Many have emigrated local or even regional pastime. It was realized that their disappointment
from a future that seems bleak. I global—and it was biblical. had a purpose. God wanted to reach
may envy those who relocate to Bible students all around the the world, not just New England
greener pastures, but I realize that world had started to put two and or North America—every tribe,
even those pastures have their own two together. Daniel’s prophecies in language, tongue, and nation. It took
problems—postmodern societies chapters 7-9 began to make sense. Like decades for them to fully catch the
tearing at the seams. Only the William Miller, many had figured out vision of global mission, but once
coming of the Saviour can solve my God’s prophetic timing. They thought they got it, they never looked back.
problems, my country’s problems, that the cleansing of the sanctuary, Like the first Christians, they knew
and the world’s problems, replacing noted in Daniel 8:14, was a reference that Jesus was coming again.
them with infinite joy and peace. to Jesus’ return as it appeared in the We still wait and work in antici-
His return gives me comfort as I context of judgment on the little horn. pation of that great day, which will
navigate the unique circumstances When He didn’t come, they cried mark the end of all sin, pain, and
of my homeland, knowing that and cried until they had no more also disappointments.
soon Christ will come to establish a tears. Many gave up on religion
perfect world. altogether. Others rejoined their
former denominations. A small group, Gerald A. Klingbeil is an associate
editor of Adventist World. He has
however, went back to Scripture.
learned the most from the biggest
There they discovered that they had disappointments in his life.

Photo: Gerald Klingbeil AdventistWorld.org October 2019 15

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