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Grimshroom Games

No one quite remembers the original purpose behind prevent goblins from accidentally releasing Mycorgath.
the construction of the Temple of the Luminous The goblins were puzzled by the disappearance of the
Shroom. However, it is widely known that goblins of wizards, but were to excited about their new home to
the Grimshroom clan have occupied and fortified it give it much thought.
ever since the fall of Eledain's Empire. The story of how The goblins never saw the secret passage from the
they seized the Temple has become a cherished legend inner chamber, so they are ignorant of the Vault. But the
among the goblins in the clan, who eagerly recount and story of the desperate flight of the wizards while being
celebrate it every five years. Recently, they have begun pelted with food was passed on by word of mouth, and
inviting all kin to participate in the festivities, which every couple of years they get an irresistible urge to
features games, competitions, drinking late into the capture or trick other kin and force them to re-enact
night, and the promise of a finale that’s “straight out of that legendary scene.
The urge comes from Mycorgath’s influence. Now,
Mycorgath once again spreads his tendrils towards the
surface and pushes his influence through his spores,
trying to control the goblins into bringing another set
of adventurers into the Temple. Maybe this time, the
adventure will free him while searching for the promise
of treasure.

Starting the Adventure

There are different ways to start the adventure. Feel free
to use any or all of them to point the player characters
towards the Temple and the Grimshroom Games.

Seed 1 - The Missing Brother

Lila Lightfoot is a halfling cook. She works in Outskirt at
the inn, but players could meet her anywhere it's
convenient for the story.
The Situation
She will be Asking adventurers to find and help her
The Temple of the Luminous Shroom was home to a brother Rorik, a pig farmer. Rorik has been dreaming of
group of wizards experimenting with magical mush- magic rings, hidden since Eledain's time, somewhere
rooms. They did all sorts of experiments, ranging from around the Goblin stronghold in the East of the Misty
potions and powders, to weapons and mutated Vale. She's worried Rorik will fall in some trap and never
mushrooms. Their most powerful project was also their return back to her.
most secretive one: a giant golem made out of fungus
mass. Only when they started hallucinating and then He has left behin d drawings of a sigil with a mushroom
started hearing the golem speak to them in their on it, and seemed unnaturally obsessed with finding it.
dreams (calling himself Mycorgath) did they realize the
magic they used for the golem came from the demon Seed 2 - The Grimshroom Games
realm. The magic of the golem was too interesting to
It is rumored that goblins of the Grimshroom clan are
destroy, yet too powerful to risk it escaping, so the
organizing a festival and a competition of various
mages decided to build a vault under the Temple to
games. All kin are invited to the Temple of the Lumi-
keep the Mycorgath locked and to study it.
nous Shroom to this celebration of friendship, and the
Years later, a group of goblins who happened to pass champion of each game will get a chance to win
nearby followed a trail of glowing mushrooms to the priceless treasure, plus a lifetime “No Kill” pass from all
temple and discovered that all guards of the temple goblins in the clan.
were sick with some form of poisoning. They used this
to attack the Temple and catch the wizards off-guard in Seed 3 - The Dream
the courtyard. Realizing the danger they were in, the While camping in the
wizards ran towards the temple’s inner chamber. Eastern parts of the Misty
Laughing at their cowardice, the goblins pelted them Vale, in the areas around the
with a hail of fruits, food and drinks. Reaching the inner Haunted Marshes, the Player
chamber, the wizards descended into the vault using a Characters find themselves
secret passage, and put additional wards in place to in a vivid dream. They pass
through a door with a glowing mushroom on it, Note: The goblin's urge for hosting the festival, Rorik’s
entering a small chamber. Inside the chamber they get dream of magic rings, and the players’ visions are all
close to the back wall covered with decorative symbols, caused by Mycorgath’s hallucinogenic powers that he
and touch three small symbols of encircled mushrooms. pushes into the world through spores. His intention is to
Touching them opens a magical door on the wall and trick someone into winning the tournament, entering the
they see a room full of chests and gold on the other inner chamber, opening the vault and freeing him.
side. They wake up with a strong desire to go eastwards.
The Arrival
Seed 4 - Missing People
As the players approach the Temple of the Luminous
This is a rumor that players may hear in Outskirt or Shroom, they are greeted by a busy, crowded camp,
during a Random Encounter with any NPCs throughout squeezed between the mountainsides. The once-grand
the Misty Vale. This might even be mentioned by Lila temple, a structure of ancient stone entwined with
Lightfoot. glowing fungal growths, stands at the heart of this
In the last few years, there have been several cases of makeshift goblin village. Its roof and small towers are
missing people. All of them seem to have gone in covered in bioluminescent moss and vibrant mushroom
search of treasure in the area around the Temple of the caps that emit a soft glow that lights up the area even
Luminous Shroom. in broad daylight.

Some people blame the Grimshroom clan for the Around the temple, a maze of tents, shacks, and stalls
disappearances, but others talk about some mysterious forms the goblin camp. The air is thick with the smells of
ancient threat. Who knows what sort of dark magic was roasting meats, exotic spices, and the tang of fermented
done there in Eledain's time? mushroom ale. Goblins dart between the structures,
their guttural laughter and high-pitched chatter
creating a symphony of mischief.
Random Events during the Festival
You can roll on the table below after every shift of time spent by the players around the Temple and the goblin camp,
to add a bit of flavor or hints to the adventure.
D6 Event
1 Mystery Mushrooms: At a bustling market stall, a goblin vendor offers the players a "mystery mush-
room" for a bargain price. After haggling, they finally agree on a price, only to discover it’s a fake
mushroom made of painted wood. The goblin cackles and offers them a real mushroom for double
the price. To determine the mushrooms’ effect roll on the Mushroom Table (see Game 3 below)
2 Rorik's Attempt: As the players wander near the temple entrance, they notice Rorik trying to sneak
past the guards. He creeps along the shadows, clearly aiming for the door. Just as he reaches for the
handle, he stumbles over a loose stone, causing a loud clatter. The goblin guards burst into laughter,
and Rorik sheepishly retreats, disappearing into the crowd.
3 Mushroom Run: As the players navigate through the festival, they overhear a conversation between
two goblins. One goblin excitedly whispers about the "Mushroom Run," coming up soon. Just as the
players catch intriguing snippets of this clandestine event, another goblin, with a scar across his face,
hisses at him to be quiet. He glances around nervously, spotting the players, and quickly changes the
4 Skeleton Standoff: The players are struck by a vivid vision of a dimly lit cave filled with skeletal
warriors. A wizard steps forward, raising a hand and uttering a powerful command in an unknown
language. Instantly, the skeletons lower their weapons and stand down. The vision fades, leaving the
players back at the festival, filled with curiosity about the vision.
Players should take a Languages Roll. On a succes, the players are able to remember the command
words and try to use them later in the adventure.
5 Deja Vu: One player accidentally touches a glowing mushroom, and a vision falls upon them, like a
vivid dream. They sit in a dark chamber, near the back wall, covered in decorative symbols. They touch
three small symbols of encircled mushrooms and this action opens a magical door, revealing a room
filled with chests and gold. The vision then clears.
6 Mushroom Mimic Madness: At Grog’s food stall a goblin helper cook is frantically chasing what looks
like a perfectly ordinary mushroom. However, it turns out to be a mushroom mimic—a creature that
disguises itself as food and then scurries away when someone tries to eat it. Grog enlists the players'
help in capturing the mischievous creature before it causes more chaos.

Locations Temple, and their joy for the festival, but omitting the
final events, the Mushroom Run.
1. The Entrance She will judge the Games, and she can easily be bribed
As the players enter the camp, they can't help but with gold, jewels, trinkets or displays of affection to
notice a peculiar sign hanging above the main gain favor during the competition.
entrance, written with crude letters: "Welcome to the
Grimshroom Gaems: Fun, Festival and Fungi for All!" 3. Food Stalls
Below it, in smaller letters, "NO refunds, NO whining, A to-the-side area is reserved for food stalls. A goblin
and NO fair-play!" chef tends to a grill, flipping skewers of unidentified
meats and vegetables. His sign reads "Grog's Grubs:
2. Shroogla’s Hut Best Shroom-Burgers in the Vale!" Behind him, a curious
To the right of the entrance, a goblin shaman, clad in contraption made of gears and pulleys stirs a massive
robes adorned with dried mushrooms and bones, pot of mushroom stew, releasing clouds of savory
stands before a large cauldron bubbling with a noxious steam into the air. Grog himself is a stout goblin with a
green liquid. Her name is Shroogla, and she beckons to worn chef's hat. He greets everyone with a hearty, "Try
the players with a toothless grin. A closer look reveals it or die hungry!"
her eyes are a mesmerizing swirl of colors, likely the
Other stalls are present nearby, allowing player charac-
result of one too many mushroom-based potions.
ters to purchase food, rations and drinks at regular
Shroogla is very welcoming and inviting, and is willing
prices (see Core Rule Book).
to share the history of the goblin’s taking over the
4. Guest Area
Players may try to sneak into the Temple without taking
The guest area, located at the northern edge of the part in the Games. This is a valid scenario, though it
goblin camp, is a well-organized enclave amidst the should be difficult (high Awareness for the guards). At
chaos, filled with humans, halflings, and the occasional the DMs discretion, if they got both the Skeleton
mallard setting up their abodes. The atmosphere is one Command vision and the Dream vision already, they
of cautious curiosity, as guests mingle and share tales of now have all the information needed to progress once
their journeys to the festival. inside the temple. In this scenario, the sneaking option
Despite their rowdy reputation, the goblins have could become more plausible, as it would fit Mycor-
provided basic necessities like water barrels and gath's will.
latrines, showing a rare effort at hospitality. If this is the case, feel free to reduce the treasure inside
the inner room to half the number of Treasure Cards
The players spot Rorik Lightfoot near his bedroll. He's
(not all prizes are here yet) and only allow a Stretch for
meticulously inspecting his gear and muttering under
investigations before some goblin guards come in and
his breath about the upcoming games. Around him, a
confront the group, throwing them out of the temple. If
few sketches of rings are scattered, showing his obses-
the players manage to open the secret path in time (see
sion with the legendary magic rings. The symbol in his
Inner Chamber later on), you can jump directly to that
drawings is the same symbol in the players’ dream and
on the Temple's door.
He will take part in the Skull Kicking, Mushroom Eating
and Pig Calling competitions. 6. Game Arenas
Speaking to Rorik, players may learn his backstory. In the center of the camp, in front of the temple, several
arenas and stages have been set up for the competi-
tions. All events will be held in turn, and everyone is
Rorik Lightfoot free to participate. Shroogla will be the impartial judge
and referee for all of them. Unless bribed by the players,
A sturdy young halfling with tousled dark hair and in which case she'll favor them by disqualifying compet-
a determined expression, Rorik is a farmer from itors.
nearby Outskirt. He’s been dreaming of a magic For any additional contestant, use the tables on pages
ring that could allow him to control animals. He 105 and 106 of the Core Rules book to create nameless
dreamed that this ring could be found under the NPCs.
temple, if only one could get inside the inner
chamber. The temple and inner chamber are
off-limits now, but he thinks the winners of Game 1 - Shield Bashing
various games will get the opportunity to enter.
Each contestant faces a shield mounted on a wooden
Movement: 13 Damage Bonus STR: D4 dummy. The goal of the competition is to smash the
HP: 13 WP: 13 shield into pieces in as few hits as possible.
The Shield acts as an inanimate object (see pg 48 of
Skills: Awareness 14, Brawling 13, Evade 12, Spot
Core Rules), that has an Armor Rating of 6, and must
Hidden 15
receive 16 Damage before it breaks.
Abilities: Fast Footwork Players may use any weapons at hand.
Weapons: Dagger (Skill Level 12, Damage D8) Other contestants succeed in 7, 9 , 11 and 12 hits.
Animal Whisperer: By using 2 WP, Rorik gets a
Boon on any roll when interacting with animals.
Game 2 - Skull Kicker
Each contestant has five chances of kicking a skull as far
5. Temple of the Luminous Shroom as they can. For each kick, do a Brawling roll. The skull
The temple stands tall, with a large door adorned with a is thrown a distance in meters equal to the difference
glowing mushroom. Leading up to the door is a between the roll and the skill of the person (ex: rolling a
pathway with cobblestones and some makeshift 6 with a skill of 10 makes the Skull fly for 4 meters). The
benches on the side. The entrance to the pathway is contestant with the highest total distance out of 3 tries
blocked by a couple of goblins, working on tying up a wins.
great big ribbon. They don’t allow anyone to pass
through until the games are finished, as this pathway
will be a Walk of Fame for the winners.
Goblin Mushrooms

D8 Potency Full Effect Limited Effect

1 6 You become Dazed Gain a Boon to all AGL rolls for a Stretch.
2 6 You become Exhausted You remove any one Condition
3 9 You become Angry and lose 1d4 Gain a Boon to all INT rolls for a Stretch.
4 9 You suffer a Fear Attack Gain a Boon to all WILL rolls for a Stretch.
5 9 You vomit and lose 1d4 Health Gain a Boon to all CON rolls for a Stretch.
6 12 You become Sickly Recover 2d6 HP
7 12 You suffer a Fear Attack Recover 2d6 Willpower
8 15 You become Dazed & Exhausted. You For one shift, the Dazed and Exhausted
must make a CON roll each turn (not conditions no longer give a Bane to their
an action). If it fails, you fall asleep rolls. When the shift ends, gain both condi-
and remain sleeping for one shift. tions.

Game 3 - Mushroom Eating Contest Champions

An arena is set up filled with random objects on the Once the games are finished, Shroogla invites the
ground. Up to 10 fighters enter the ring, for a last man champions to go back to their tents for a rest, and
standing combat. No weapons allowed (except of return at subdown to take part in the awards ceremony
course if someone sneaks in a hidden blade), and each in front of the Temple.
round, a number of Improvised weapons is drawn equal Allow the players to Rest and Heal.
to the number of fighters.

Mycorgath’s Will
Game 4 - Improvised Weapons Skirmish Mycorgath notices the player characters’ strength
An arena is set up filled with random objects on the of will and work as a team, and he’s convinced
ground. Up to 10 fighters enter the ring, for a last man that they are the ones that could open the Vault.
standing combat. No weapons allowed (except of He tries to use his influence to control the results
course if someone sneaks in a hidden blade), and each of the games. This could manifest in several ways:
round, a number of Improvised weapons is drawn equal
to the number of fighters. • The potential winner of a game trips at the
last second, before winning
• If a game is won by someone other than the
Game 5 - Pig Calling Competition PCs or Rorik, the winner suddenly gets
stomach-sick before the awards, and the
Competitors take turns calling a pig from 10 meters
next-in-line are selected instead, until the
away, trying to get it across the finish line. Each round,
winner is a Player Character.
allow players to roleplay what they try, then have them
• Contestants between the player characters
roll an appropriate skill (eg. Beast Lore, Performance,
and the winner may be kicked out of the
Bluffing or Languages) When appropriate, they can
camp, because they whined that the winner
Push rolls to get a Boon in exchange of appropriate
In case of success, the pig moves 1d4 meters (+1d4 for a In the best-case scenario, the player characters
Dragon). Cheating by using food or animal talking should all be part of the winners, and Mycorgath
doubles the distance traveled by the pig each time. will try to achieve that. If it's not possible, Shroog-
la will allow other members of the player charac-
Other competitors finish in the following number of
ter groups to take part in the awards. Under
rounds: 3 (Rorik), 7, 8, 8, 8, 11, 15.
Mycorgath's influence, she wants as many people
as possible in the Mushroom Run, after all.
Mushroom Run Crossroads
When the awards ceremony begins, the winners gather As the players navigate the dimly lit path within the
in front of the ribbon at the start of the pathway leading Fungus Grotto, they reach a crossroads where the
to the temple. On either side of the pathway, goblins tunnel splits into two distinct directions. To their left, a
shift excitedly, elbowing one another and whispering in faint breeze carries the scent of fresh air, a welcome
anticipation. change from the musty, mushroom-filled atmosphere
of the grotto. This path slopes gently downward, and
As Shroogla taps her staff loudly on the stone, a hush
the bioluminescent fungi become sparse and eventual-
falls over the crowd, and the temple doors creak open.
ly disappear altogether. Following this route for a shift
From a distance, the players can only see the shadowy
leads to a small, hidden cave exit, allowing a quick
interior. Shroogla declares that the rewards await inside,
escape to the outside world, somewhere north of the
and the goblins begin to grin mischievously.
Temple. This was the path used by the wizards to flee,
Rorik, whether or not he’s among the winners, starts after setting up the wards.
running towards the temple doors. Goblins from
behind the winners begin pushing them onto the To their right, the tunnel continues deeper into the
pathway, and the ruse is revealed. Suddenly, goblins heart of the grotto. The air grows cooler and damper,
pull out sacks filled with rotten fruit, sticky mushrooms, and the glow of the bioluminescent fungi intensifies,
and putrid vegetables, hurling them at the winners. illuminating the way forward. This path promises
Time to run! further exploration and greater mysteries, but ends
with a caved-in tunnel.

Temple Interior Caved-In Tunnel

As the winners enter the temple, the doors slam shut The way is blocked by large rocks and debris. In their
behind them, and loud cheering erupts from outside. flight, the Wizards of the Luminous Temple caused the
The goblins have achieved their goal: a reenactment of cave-in, to block the paths towards the Vault. To clear
the day the wizards fled into the temple, now with Rorik the path, they must muster their strength and work
and the other winners inside. together to move the obstructing stones. Three
The temple’s interior is dimly lit by glowing mushrooms successful Strength rolls will allow them to clear the
adorning the walls. While Rorik inspects every corner, tunnel and continue their journey deeper into the
the players have the opportunity to do the same. In the grotto.
middle of the room sits a chest, placed there by the
goblins. Draw two Treasure Cards for each player to Shaft of Sunlight
discover its contents. As they emerge from the cleared tunnel, the players
If the players make successful Spot Hidden rolls, they come across a section of the grotto bathed in a shaft of
discover three small symbols of encircled mushrooms, sunlight, magically streaming down directly from the
similar to those from their dreams (see Adventure Seeds ceiling far above. The sunlight creates a stark contrast
or Random Events). If the players had the Deja Vu with the dimly lit surroundings. It is obviously of
random event, they can roll with a Boon. magical origin. It was created by the Wizards to keep
If all players fail their rolls, Rorik points out the symbols. any nightkin away.
Touching all symbols simultaneously opens a magical Any nightkin among the group will find it painful (2d6
door in the wall. However, beyond the door lies not damage per round) to pass through this area, as the
treasure, but the dark, empty interior of an old cave. intense light is harmful to them. Other kin will have no
problem with proceeding further.

Fungus Grotto Skeleton Guards Room

Grotto Entrance Moving past the shaft of sunlight, the players enter a
As the players step through the magical door from the chamber with a large door on the other side, guarded
inner chamber, they find themselves at the entrance of by a group of skeletal warriors (equal in number to the
the Fungus Grotto. The magical door closes behind number of players + 2) (See page 96 of Core Rules for
them, and can be reopened by touching the mushroom stats)
symbols that can also be found on the cave's walls. The These ancient protectors stand motionless but are
air is cool and damp, carrying the earthy scent of ready to spring into action if any intruder touches the
mushrooms. Bioluminescent fungi cling to the walls, Vault door. The players have a choice: engage in combat
casting a soft, ethereal glow that illuminates the narrow with the skeletal guards or recall the command word
path ahead. The sound of dripping water echoes from their vision to deactivate them (requires a success-
through the cavern, adding to the mystical ambiance of ful Languages Roll).
this hidden underground world.
Speaking the command word will cause the skeletons expresses deep gratitude.
to lower their weapons and stand down, allowing safe Without the golem's manipulative influence, the
passage. goblins are free from the hallucinogenic spores.
A successful Awareness roll reveals that three of the Realizing the extent to which they were controlled, the
skeletons have a ring on their finger, with a mushroom goblins abandon the Temple of the Luminous Shroom
sigil. They have no obvious magical properties (except and disperse. Some may seek new territories to settle,
as keys to the Vault). If Rorik is present, he will jump at while others might integrate into nearby goblin
their sight and want one for himself. Disappointed in communities. The temple, now a crumbling ruin,
them not being magical, he will insist they should becomes a site of curiosity and caution, its secrets left
explore further. to the brave or foolish who dare to explore it.

Vault Door Alternatively, if the players don't open the vault or find
a way to reseal Mycorgath without killing him, they
Beyond the skeleton guards, the players reach a
achieve a delicate balance that prevents immediate
massive, ornately carved door that seals the Vault.
disaster. The temple stands, but the players depart with
Intricate symbols and runes adorn the door, and it
a sense of unease, aware that Mycorgath's influence
becomes clear that it is magically locked. The rings
might one day resurface. The goblins of the Grimsh-
taken from the skeleton guards can be used to unseal
room clan, ignorant of what transpired beneath, remain
the door, fitting into keyholes that trigger the ancient
in their camp, and might yet again fall victim to Mycor-
mechanisms to unlock.
gath's manipulation in the future.

The Mushroom Vault If Mycorgath is released and escapes into the wide
As the players enter the Vault, they are enveloped in an world, the consequences are dire and far-reaching. As
ancient aura of magic and fungal growth. The air is he emerges from the vault, his influence spreads
heavy with the scent of damp earth and a faint hum of rapidly, his spores carried by the wind to distant lands.
otherworldly energy. These spores bring madness and hallucinations to
those they infect, causing chaos and discord among
Mycorgath stands as a formidable presence, its massive
settlements. Forests and fields become overgrown with
form woven with tightly packed fungal matter over
strange, glowing fungi, altering the landscape and
ancient runes and pulsating veins. Its textured "skin"
threatening local ecosystems. The players might
hosts a variety of fungi at different growth
witness the initial outbreak of this fungal corruption,
stages—from delicate, glowing mushrooms to resilient
realizing the full scope of the disaster they unleashed.
molds that ripple subtly.
The goblins of the Grimshroom clan, no longer
As the players gaze upon this living relic of forgotten
controlled by Mycorgath but unable to cope with the
magic, they experience a mix of awe, trepidation, and
chaos he brings, scatter in fear and confusion. Some
curiosity. Mycorgath’s deep, resonant voice echoes in
may try to warn others of the impending doom,
their minds, hinting at centuries of confinement and a
blaming the player characters for what happened. The
readiness to explore the world, regardless of the
Temple of the Luminous Shroom, now abandoned and
players' willingness to cooperate.
crumbling, becomes ground zero for this new blight,
Note: Mycorgath is not outright aggressive. He just sees drawing adventurers and scholars alike who seek to
the player characters as pawns, and is willing to let understand or stop the spreading corruption. The
them live as a reward for helping him escape. He will players, now burdened with the knowledge of their role
explain his master plan and how he manipulated in releasing Mycorgath, may feel compelled to pursue
everyone toward his release, but then will move on and him, seeking a way to end his reign of terror.
advance towards the exit. If anyone tries to stop him, he
will become aggressive and attack.

The adventure concludes with several possible

If the players confront and defeat Mycorgath, they face

a fierce battle against the formidable fungal golem.
Upon his defeat, the ancient magic sustaining the vault
destabilizes, causing the Temple to collapse. The players
make a narrow escape, emerging as unknown heroes.
Lila Lightfoot, if reunited with her brother Rorik,
The mushroom golem exudes an imposing stature
and primal strength, towering several times the
height of a human with broad, gnarled limbs
ending in massive, fist-like appendages. Its head is
a bulbous mass of interwoven fungal growths,
glowing with piercing eyes of ethereal light that
betray sentience.
Ferocity: 3 Size: Very Large Health: 64
Explosive: When reduced to zero HP, the magic
that sustains it is released in the form of an
explosion. Everyone within 4 meters takes 2D6
Resistance: Takes half damage from piercing and
bludgeoning weapons.
Fungus Mass: Mycorgath has no internal organs
or blood. Therefore, rolling a dragon has no effect
when attacking the creature.
Weakness: Fire damage against Mycorgath is

D6 Attack
1 Spore Burst: Mycorgath releases a cloud of toxic spores from its body, enveloping a wide area in a
noxious mist. Anyone caught within the cloud risks suffocation or hallucinations. Characters
become Dazed
2 Fungal Slam: Mycorgath slams its massive fists or appendages onto the ground, causing shock-
waves that knock nearby enemies off their feet, throwing them 1d6 meters away and doing 2d6
3 Mycelium Whip: Long, sinuous mycelium tendrils sprout from Mycorgath's body, lashing out to
attack 1d4 random opponent, doing 1d8 damage to each.
4 Regenerative Bloom: Mycorgath channels its magical energies to accelerate the growth of fungi
on its body, rapidly healing 2d6 damage.
5 Hallucinogenic Aura: Mycorgath emits an aura of hallucinogenic spores, causing confusion and
disorientation among its enemies. Those affected may see illusions or experience vivid, distracting
hallucinations, and suffer a Fear Attack.
6 Tendril Prison: Mycorgath summons a network of thick, thorny tendrils from the ground to
entangle and immobilize adversaries. The tendrils quickly grow around their targets, restricting
movement and leaving them vulnerable to further attacks. The caught character cannot perform
any Actions until a Successful Strength roll.

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