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Myrth & Mayhem

beneath Outskirt
The style and tone of the adventure is
essentially based on the adventures from
The following is a small Dragonbane the "Secret of the Dragon Emperor"
adventure module that can be used as a campaign. There are secret passages,
supplement to the "Secret of the Dragon- treasures, dangers from the dark, but also
Emperor" campaign from the Dragonbane humorous, exotic and tragic elements.
basic box or as a stand-alone adventure. The tragic element is, of course, the story of
The Adventure takes place in Outskirt, the the noble Sir Parcival and his beloved
main village in the misty vale. It is Irmgard von Quacksal, who were denied
recommended to read the Section on happiness by a courtly intrigue.
Outskirt within the Adventure book (p. 14).
Good Luck!
This supplement introduces a dungeon
under Outskirt that can be entered through
the settlement's well. This cavern under
Outskirt can easily be used as an additional
adventure in the campaign. The dungeon The Situation p. 3
provides a hideout for Quasimund and Rumors p. 3
other cultists. Adventure Hooks p. 4
The caverns under Outskirt make it possible
to enter or leave the city relatively
unnoticed. This naturally offers the game
master a variety of interesting possibilities The Dungeon under the Well p. 6
to expand the campaign. In particular, the Random Events p. 6
story about Quasimund and Leanara can be Terrorslug p. 12
expanded very well with this adventure.
Map p. 13
Player Map p. 14
In the first part, a few rumors and four
adventure hooks are presented to set the
adventurer on track. This is followed by a
description of the dungeon room by room
in part 2. The description of the Dungeon Credits:
contains a table of random events that can
happen within the location, a few stats for Text, Adventure and Layout
NPC´s and Monsters and a map. by Maxwal Raven
Map was made with Dungeondraft
The adventure was created as part of the the Artwork was generated with AI
Dragonburn ChallengeNo. 7 (Location 27)
for the excellent, unofficial Dragonbane
Discord Channel.
Part of the natural grotto under Outskirt "Excuse me, please. You must be these
contains groundwater that collects in a powerful adventurers everyone's talking
central water reservoir below the well. about. I need your help. I need you to
rescue Petunia. My big brother Cedrick, the
The artificial tunnel system was extended troll fart, put her in the bucket and lowered
years ago and enlarged with a number of her down the well. When we got the
corridors. Whether orcs, demon bucket back up, she was no longer there.
worshippers or insectoids were responsible Then we heard a nasty laugh from the well.
for the construction work is left to the Who is Petunia? Well, my doll!"
player's imagination. What is certain is that
there is now a connection between the -Millibree Chubycheeks,
tunnels and an old cellar system. These Halflingkid
cellars date back to the times of Eledain.
They include a cell wing, an old place of "Once this must have been a gigantic temple
worship from the time of the dragon complex. There are scholars who claim that
knights and a small treasure chamber. this temple was once a gigantic tower and
An undead Mallard Knight has stood guard that magicians in the service of Sathmog
in front of the vault for ages. caused it to sink into the earth. I think this
He guards the door and is unaware that his is nonsense. But I wouldn't be surprised if
beloved has been locked within the cells for this place was riddled with tunnels and
centuries. caves like a piece of cheese made from the
A hidden part of the cave serves as a milk of an Calydon."
hideout for Cultists, Quasimund or other -Dranath the Hermit
antagonists. This can lead to a fierce battle
or perhaps create a more investigative "I noticed drag marks and footprints around
situation. the well when I was fetching water. But
what's it to me?"
-Villager about the well
"Quasimund? That's the guy who's always
wet even though it hasn't rained." "An undead orc told me that there's a
-villagers about Quasimund massive Megadungeon under Outskirt... All
I have to do is find the entrance and I'll be
"Somehow the cultists always manage to filthy rich! But first I have to take care of
get in and out of the town unnoticed. this beer here"
-Snori Rogskogga, Drunken Adventurer
I haven't seen any of them at the gate yet.
So there must be a way through… maybe
some kind of tunnel..."
-Alfilia Shadowleaf or Hardy
"There seems to be something strange about Clue:
the fountain. My wife swears she keeps Apparently the cultists dropped a dagger
hearing splashing from the fountain. But forged by dwarven hands near the well. A
what's much stranger is that she hears sacred roll on Spot Hidden or Hunting & Fishing
chanting from the well every now and lets the characters find deep footprints to
then. Of course she's crazy... But that's a bit the well.
strange. if I forbid her to spend gold on
shoes, her ears seem to be much worse.
-The Villager Shorden Gamway
A lantern with a magically burning violet
flame has been stolen from Dranath.
Dranath was of course only experimenting
with the flame for research purposes and is
now worried that it has fallen into the
"wrong hands". At least he claims that.
Quasimund or Leanara have kidnapped
Hardy, Vaghnhild or both. The cultists have The lantern with the flame can be used by
managed to kidnap the two influential Cultists in Sathmog service to light the flame
citizens with the help of a sleeping poison in the Temple of the Purple Flame. If the
extracted from subterranean mushrooms. characters have already extinguished the
Quasimund or Leanara would like to use flame in the temple, this may result in
this opportunity to form a vigilante group another adventure hook. Perhaps the thief
and elect a new village leader. Hardy, would try to light the flame again...
Vanghild or both can be placed in the Dranath hires the adventurers to get to the
dungeon for this scenario. bottom of the matter.
"For study purposes, I had a small lantern in
Clue: my hut that burned with a purple flame.
Hardy and Vanghild have disappeared. This flame was stolen from me a few days
Other factions are trying to seize control of ago. If you return the lantern to me, I will
Outskirt. The kidnappers' tracks seem to show my gratitude."
point to the well. -Dranath

There was a raid during the night and all Investigations could lead the characters to
the weapons were stolen from the dwarven eyewitnesses. They saw a ghostly light "fly"
forge. The robbers disappeared as quickly into the well from the temple on the night
as they arrived. Strangely enough, nobody of the theft.
can explain how a large amount of stolen
goods was taken out of the city, especially
"Last night I was looking out the window
as the gates were closed.
because I couldn't sleep. I saw a purple will-
o'-the-wisp. It travelled down the mountain
In fact, cultists have robbed the dwarven and then disappeared into the well."
forge to weaken Outskirt's defenses for an
impending attack.
Something seems to be wrong with the
water from the well. When the inhabitants
of Outskirt drink from it, they become
drowsy and show signs of poisoning.
The well has apparently been enriched with
a poisonous substance made from
subterranean fungi. Are the cultists or
possibly the insectoids responsible for the

Vanghild or Hardy hire the adventurers to
climb into the well find out what’s going
Nothing happens

The characters encounter a group of

The entrance to the dungeon is the well in undead adventurers (use Skeleton Warriors
the middle of Outskirt. Characters can jump DB RB p. 96) who seem to be a reflection
of the group in terms of profession and
into the well, lower themselves down with
kin... Only they are now completely
the bucket or use ropes to go down. skeletonized. They are not hostile, but
merely ask for directions out of the cave
and shuffle off into the darkness after a
Random events: Roll 1d12 on the table on short conversation.
the right if it seems reasonable or the
tension drops. Part of the ceiling collapses. Each character
in the zone takes 2w6 damage. A successful
Evade roll halves the damage.

Three cultists are lurking in an alcove. If the

After a few meters, the well opens to reveal characters do not notice the ambush (see
a natural cavern. The ceiling is about four RB p. 43), the cultists wait until the last
character has passed before attacking the
meters high. Under the opening to the well back of the party.
is a pool of water that is too deep to stand
in. It is fed from a small inlet on the wall.
The characters hear a scraping, rumbling
Apart from the light shining through the noise. In the next moment, Beetlekin
well into the cave, it is dark. warriors (DB Bestiary p. 46) burst out of
the wall and attack without further ado.
Number of PCs -1.
• When the small lake is searched, a
collection of ancient coins can be found A small group of Ant-People (DB Bestiary p.
under the well opening, with a gold 44 / twice as much as PC) are observed at a
value of around 3w8 gold pieces. To distance harvesting one of the larger
mushrooms. When they realize the
retrieve the coins, you must make a characters are coming, they disappear into
successful swim throw. small alcoves too small to follow them.

• There is a slightly larger puddle to the Mushrooms growing on the wall provide
north. A successful Spot Hidden roll the characters with a rain of spores. Each
character in the section receives an attack
reveals to those searching that the with a sleeping poison with Potency 12.
puddle is much deeper than it first
appeared. A flooded tunnel opens up at …
The next passage is blocked by the web of
a depth of around two meters.
a giant spider (DB RB p. 89). Roll a D8 if
the web is damaged. If the result is even, a
giant spider appears after the number of
turns equal to the rolled number.
This can be dived through and leads to
section 7. In order to get to the other
Parcival was once a loyal knight but has
side, a successful swimming test must be died fulfilling his final task. Strange magic
carried out. Anyone who fails begins to from within the caves have made him an
drown (RB p. 53) undead.
If the use of a Monster is preferred by the
GM, Parcival uses the stats of a Wight (DB
RB p. 98).
Dark and damp tunnels. There is a musty
10 STR+d6
smell and the humidity is high. Water seeps
6 24 15
out of small cracks in the wall. There are
Awareness 12, Evade 8, Brawling
large fungi at regular intervals, which seem 14, Swords 16, Performance 16
to thrive in the damp climate. Ill-Tempered, Webbed Feet,
Robust (4), Defensive, Double Slash
• There is usually nothing for the Undead: Immune to fear and
characters to find in the tunnels. persuasion, al piercing damage is halved
Describe the musty and damp climate. Longsword 16 / 2d8+1d6
Random events can take place here. a yellowed letter (see page
8), medallion with the image of a Mallard
damsel (worth 2w6 gold pieces),
masterworked longsword.
Apparently the tunnel ends in a collapsed
brick wall. Behind the wall you can see a
large room that was
probably once a
guardroom. On the walls
hang tattered tapestries
embroidered with the
stylized crown of the
dragon emperor Eledain.
The eastern wall has
collapsed. There used to be
a staircase on the left side of
the breakthrough. On the
north side there is an iron
door guarded by an
imposing figure.
In front of the door stands
a heavily armored corpse
of an Mallard, armed with
shield and sword. A bluish
glow and an aura of cold
emanate from the
obviously undead warrior.
• The undead knight is Sir Parcival the Letter: An order from the Grand Marshal
Pale (see page 14 for stats). He lets no
one pass. He fulfils his final mission with "It is with regret that I have
undying devotion and loyalty. learned that you have asked our
Emperor to be dismissed from his
• Parcival cannot speak, but answers
questions by shaking his head and service.
nodding. Parcival himself does not start I think I need not mention that
a fight. However, if the characters you will be stripped of all titles.
approach the door, he shakes his head
and draws his sword. If the characters
If this is your wish, so be it.
go further, he attacks. Fulfill the final order.
To you, Sir Parcival, my most
• Parcival guards the door to the
dungeon. Imprisoned in the dungeon loyal and strongest knight, I
is his former lover, a lowly entrust the glorious task of
noblewoman who was imprisoned guarding the dungeon door in
by a high-ranking nobleman. She was the temple complex until further
imprisoned because she resisted the notice.
nobleman's advances and wanted to
marry the Mallard knight Parcival No one is allowed in or out.
instead. Parcival is unaware that his When the changing of the guard
mistress is in the prison. When comes, you are released from
Parcival is informed of this, because your further duties and are free
the characters may have already been
to do whatever you wish."
able to inspect the cells in location 4.
through one of the secret passages, Hail Eledai....
he leaves the post in a rage and The last section has crumbled
strides off in search of his
transgressor. To convince Parcival of
the truth about the whereabouts of
his lover, the Irmgards medallion (see The passageway leads into a cell wing with
Location 4.) or a successful several cells. Most of the cells appear to be
Persuasion roll would be necessary. locked. One cell on the left is open. You can
see a Mallard skeleton in the cell on the
• If Parcival is defeated in battle, his right wall.
armor and shield will begin to
disintegrate along with his bones. In • To open the cell, you have to break it
the remains of the proud duck knight open (Armor 8 / 20 HP). Alternatively,
you can then find a yellowed letter, a they can be cracked open with a
hinged medallion with the image of a successful roll on Sleight of Hand. If
Mallard damsel (it is worth 2w6 gold there was a fight with Quasimund in
pieces) and Parcival's weapon, a which he was defeated, he has a
masterworked longsword. matching bunch of keys with him.
• Irmgard von Quaksal: The skeleton of a roll to search the cell. There is a
Mallard Lady is chained up in the cell passage to location 9 under a loose
on the right. The clothes are floor tile. A halfling can easily crawl
dilapidated, but leave no doubt that she through. Human-sized creatures must
was highborn. She wears a golden pass a Dexterity test or suffer w4
amulet around her neck. When you points of damage from grazes.
open it, it reveals the face of a
handsome Mallard knight. The story of
Irmgard von Quaksal is carved into the
walls. A successful language test allows The archaic-looking chamber is illuminated
the characters to read the following: by a purple glow. In the room is a small
shrine, apparently dedicated to a sinister
The inscription is carved into the cell wall. entity. There are large clay pots of colored
salt near the altar.
"The Grand Marshal has taken the rejection A sacrifice has recently taken place here.
of his marriage proposal as an opportunity The blood on the altar is only a few days
for terrible revenge. old. There are burnt documents and a burnt
Now I am imprisoned here. No one knows book in a fireplace on the floor. A huge
I'm here. Not even my beloved Parcival. dragon skull hangs on the wall. It has been
Perhaps he will rush to my rescue after all." smeared with faeces and garbage. At one
... point, an unsuccessful attempt was made to
The inscription continues but appears less saw off the horns.
deep and is less legible.
"I am growing weaker and fear to die of
hunger. Whoever finds this inscription, tell
my beloved Sir Parcival that I will love him
to infinity and beyond death.“
Irmgard of Quaksal

When a character reads the story or has it

read to them, they immediately gain the
Disheartened condition.

• If the adventure Hook The

Abduction was used, Vanghild and
Hardy are in the two other cells.
Both are weak and dazed. They
have been fed on poisonous
mushrooms for a long time.

• An escape tunnel can be found in

the open cell on the left. To find
the tunnel, inspect the floor tiles
or make a successful Spot Hidden
• To the east is a buried passageway to
• There are several small candles on the the cultists' camp. It is easy to find from
altar, burning with a purple flame. One this side.
of the candlesticks seems to be empty.
The flames appear to be magical in
nature and do not burn the wick or
wax. The flames cannot be extinguished
in the normal way. They even continue
This room stinks terribly. There is garbage
to burn for an hour if you keep them
everywhere on the floor. In an alcove in the
completely submerged in water. The
west is a sleeping area that resembles a nest.
only chance to extinguish the flames is
Several empty wine bottles float in a
to cast the Spell Dispell on Power Level
puddle in the south. Next to a poorly
1. There is an old, unused lantern near
cobbled-together table is a broken chair. A
the altar. This lantern originally
chest can be seen in the east. To the north
belonged to Dranath. There are also
is a corridor covered in cobwebs.
• It is up to the game master to decide
• In the south, a secret door leads to the
whether the players find this room
treasure chamber. It can be discovered
deserted or whether they find
by a character explicitly searching the
Quasimund (DB Adventure Book p. 21)
area, or by making a Spot Hidden check
and / or a horde of or Quasimund's
when searching the room.
scum (DB Adventure Book p. 22).

• There are breadcrumbs on the table.

This small room was obviously used to An extinguished candle is stuck in an old
store valuable items. However, this treasure wine bottle. There are a few sheets of
chamber was obviously looted a long time paper with incomprehensible scribbles.
ago. Shards of clay, the remains of wooden There are also portrait drawings of the
caskets and crumbling scrolls lie in the player characters on the table.
niches on the wall.
• The chest is locked (Armor 4 / 8 HP).
• Even though most of the items have There are dirty clothes, including a
long since been removed, there are still black robe, inside. There is also a vial of
valuables worth 3 Treasure Cards in the Sleeping Poison with Potency 15 and
niches. valuables worth 1 Treasure Card inside
the chest.
• Trap. The first character to enter the
chamber who has not explicitly stated
• When the player characters inspect the
that they are looking for traps will
nest-like location, they will find a doll,
trigger a trap. The Cultists has built a
which is already sorely missed by a
self-shooting device from a crossbow.
halfling kid and a secret passage to
The player character must pass a roll on
location 6.
Evade or suffers 2w6 piercing damage
and is infected with a deadly poison
Potency 15.
find several tunnels down there that are
• You can search in the waters to the too small for human-sized creatures and
south. In this case, a passage is lead deeper into the ground.
discovered that leads to section 1. To Exploration attempts are unsuccessful
get to the other side, a character needs here.
1w4 rounds and a successful swimming Roll a D6 every shift. On a result of 1
test. Anyone who fails begins to drown the Terrorslug appears behind the
(RB p. 53) Characters. The Chance expands to 1
and 2 on the second stretch and so on.

The cave drops sharply at this point and a

passage opens up that seems to lead deeper The tunnel splits into several smaller
into the earth. There are lines on the cave tunnels. These branch out further and
floor that are sprinkled with purple further. The air in this part of the cave is less
powder. The lines seem to form an arcane stale. Large greenish mushrooms grow on
symbol. the side walls

• A corresponding roll on Myth and • Before the large tunnel splits, a secret
Legends (in the case of a magic caster, passage to Location 6 can be found on
their casting skill can be used instead) the eastern tunnel. The passageway can
allows the characters to recognize that be found if one of the characters
it is an ancient spell circle made of magic explicitly searches in the appropriate
salt. place or if the characters succeed in
rolling Spot Hidden when they pass the
• The spell circle was made centuries ago
secret passage.
to prevent a creature from the depths
of the earth from entering the tunnel • One of the tunnels ends in a small,
system. Another of these spell circles is narrow climb. The entrance to the
located on the north side of the cave. tunnel is well hidden under a bush and
To avoid damaging the spell circle, is located a few hundred meters outside
either an Acrobatics test is required to Outskirt's walls. The passage is not
jump over the circle or an Agility test is visible from the outside.
required to pass through the spell circle.
However, stepping through the
circle takes much longer and
should be penalized with a
Bane in the event of a conflict.

• The signs were placed centuries

ago to prevent Terrorslugs from
entering the tunnel. If the characters
damage the sign, a Terrorslug (for
stats see p. 12) will be able to sneak
into the tunnels of the cave and follow
the characters. If the characters go
directly into the passageway, they will
"My gardener said that snails only eat On a journey, the characters pass a large
plants. I suggested a bet to him. What can I farmstead after a rainy night. The farmer is
say. I won two pieces of gold but lost a close to despair because one of his fields
good gardener." was eaten empty last night. He offers the
-Gondo Fangusius, Noble Wizard characters a reward if they get to the
bottom of the matter. A trail of slime can
Deep in the pastures of the earth, gigantic, be traced back to a nearby cave
aggressive snails crawl through narrow
tunnels. They are driven by an endless
hunger for everything organic. Few know
of their existence and those who do know
why they are called Terrorslugs. In The snail swings its antennae and flails around
particularly rainy years, there have been wildly. Every enemy within a radius of 2 meters
reports of these monsters being spotted on receives an attack. The victims suffer d10
bludgeoning damage and are exposed to the
the surface. snail's poisonous slime (see above).

The snail spits a slug of slime at the furthest

The characters walk through an enemy within 10 meters. The victim is exposed
underground tunnel and suddenly one of to the snail's poisonous slime (see above). The
the characters (Lowest Dex Score or lowest victim is also stuck in place by the slime and
cannot move. The victim must perform an
Awareness) slips on a thick trail of slime. action to free himself by rolling for strength.
Unfortunately, he falls into the slime.

The Terrorslug rears up and then drops with the

front part of its body on an Enemy at a distance
2 8 large
of 4 meters. The victim takes 3d8 bludgeoning
damage and falls to the ground.
60 2

The terror snail swallows a victim in direct

Everyone who touches the Terrorslug or takes damage contact. The victim is immediately exposed to
from an attack of this monster is exposed to a the poisonous slime (see above). In each of its
paralysing poison with potency 9. subsequent turns, the victim receives W6
Because all blows seem to slide off it, the thick slime damage points but can continue to attack the
grants the creature an armor value of 2. monster from the inside. The victim is released
when the Terrorslug is defeated.

The Terrorslug takes half damage from bludgeoning

attacks The snail shakes, rears up and opens its feeding
hole to emit a strange, bubbling scream. All
characters within 6m range are spit on with
While the Terrorslug has no problems with smaller small lumps of slime and must take a condition
amounts of salt, it takes 3d6 damage from a thrown of their choice and suffer a fear attack.
pot of salt. They normally try to avoid contact with
The slug secretes an extremely large amount of
slime and slides on it 8 meters in a straight line
The boneless, slimy nature of this Monster allows it to towards its enemies. Anyone in the way
crawl through small openings or move along the receives 2w8 bludgeoning damage, is knocked
ceiling. It receives no disadvantages for passing down and is exposed to the poisonous slime
through difficult terrain. (see above).

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