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Destiny's Plan

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Fandom: Akatsuki no Yona | Yona of the Dawn
Relationships: Son Hak/Yona, Soo-Won/Yona (Akatsuki no Yona)
Characters: Son Hak, Yona (Akatsuki no Yona), Happy Hungry Bunch (Akatsuki no
Yona), Soo-Won (Akatsuki no Yona)
Additional Tags: I can add more character later on. Depends lol., Red String of Fate,
Soulmate or not?
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-05-05 Updated: 2023-05-14 Words: 1,887 Chapters: 2/?
Destiny's Plan
by dreamofthedusk (redskies_23)


Some people think it's a social construct while others think it dictates life itself, but I'm not
about to argue here with you.

I just want to take you on this story of two bestfriends who are supposedly destined together,
but the twist is one of them is already madly in love with another person.

Will they never be together or will Destiny's well thought plan be successful?

Come join me, in this Hak x Yona fanfiction on red string of fate.


Please read the notes at the end after you have finished this chapter!!!

This is NOT AI generated and is purely a work of my imagination

(I dont have that much talent to replicate an AI,but for those damned comments on that one

Constructive criticism is well appreciated.


See the end of the work for more notes

Should I really belive in fate?

The Red String of Fate.

Washing the dishes, Hak paused, staring hard at the porcelain wall in front of him deep in
thoughts about this lore he had read in an article recently.
The idea itself seemed absurd.Like why the heck would a string of all things determine who
your solumate would be. I mean that's a pretty big task or such a minute useless object.

A sense of curiosity did lead him to read many books later on, centered around that idea, but
he was just amused that people tend to believe made up shit. He himself felt it was just a tool
to make romantic clichés have a proper plot.

But well, what did it matter to him. He just had to live his life, make ends meet.

Still his mind wandered, as he gazed up making up wild scenarios in his brain.

He was a human after all and what do humans want the most? What do humans crave for the

Love. The most powerful and perhaps the most destructive emotion.

His mind wandered to distant places, where he wondered if he had a soulmate, because
someone destined just for him sounded pretty damn good to his ego.

He definetly wanted to have one. Who wouldn't?

He started imagining his 'other half' to be free-spirited, kind , passionate , determined, with
red hair, shining purple eyes-

Wait, wait, wait.

These qualities were somehow becoming pretty similar to a person he knew.

He wondred why.

Of course who was he kidding. He knew the exact reason

That person was the one he was deep in love with.That person who was currently head over
heels for his bestfriend.

He sighed lamenting that he was stuck in a love triangle.

Well, he got the short end of the stick in that mess to be honest.

She loved that guy. That guy loved her and here he was stuck in the sidelines, cheering on for
He thought if the red string was real, they would be bound together.

His bestfriend and her.

Fate brought them together. God wanted them together. Match made in fricking heaven. As
simple as that.

He didn't meet them for months,because Yona was on a world tour sponsored by her rich
father and Soo-won tagged along cuz boyfreind. Man,he was jealous af.

The perks of being rich tended to come along with free rides all over the world.

But what difference would a few months of not seeing them bring. (Spoilers - It's gonna be
different Hak lol)

They would still be simping for each other like stupid people and say I love you each and
every second religiously like a newly wedded couple. much ever of an angsty 'teen' he was in this situation, he still wanted to see the one
he loved be cherished. Even if not by him.

They would be coming back to Kuuto today and he would be finally seeing her in months. He
wondered what she was doing, wearing,eating-
He was damn obsessed at this point. Not talking with her for a week (she called him to give
weekly updates) had brought huge emotional damage to him.

He brushed their thoughts off. He was going to meet them today anyways and see them so in
love with each other

Sighing he once again contemplated about his non existant love life.

He felt it in his bones that if this string-thing was true he wouldn't even have one.
It would be broken just like his soul when he saw them together again. He was shielded from
the bitter truth for few months, but truth cannot hide under facades for long.

"Hak. Your big brother is ordering you to continue you work or you know you won't get
paid." said a green haired man.

"It's not as if the pay check is hefty, bro"

"Watch your mouth pretty boy or you will be fired."

"Aren't you supposed to be the pretty one?"said Hak sarcasm dripping in his voice.

"Oh my God you finally agreed that I'm beautifu! What changed? Is my skin shining

"Just shut up droopy eyes-"

"Then let's talk about what's bothering you."

"Nah I'm fine and you just ordered me to do my job like a second ago."

"Well suit yourself- Imma just whip up a coffee for Yona dear"

"Princess is here?" said Hak, a bright smile popping up. To say he missed her a lot was an

"Thought that would cheer you up and it did lover boy" muttered Jae-ha.

"Mind your business, droopy eyes-"

"Oh and she was asking for you"

Now this made Hak more happy. He rushed out of the doors, a grin slowly making its way on
his handsome features.

"Princess-" he called out.

"Hak!!!" shouted a beautiful girl dressed in a pale purple sweater and black slacks. Her red
tresses were a wild, tangled mess. It was evident she had tried her best to tame them but
failed miserably. Her amethyst like eyes glistened at seeing her bestfriend.

She hugged him. The hug was evidence of much they missed each other. It lasted for quite a
few moments until someone cleared their throat.

Yona pushed Hak away and slowly turned around to glance at a green haired man sporting an
amused smirk. A sweet, shy smile lit up her face.

She pulled Hak and sat down with him on one of the stools.

"Yona dear, you are stealing one of my employees."

"Pleasee Jae-ha." begged Yona, using her special ability, puppy eyes knowing very well that
Jae-ha was not immune to them. He finally relented and sternly told Hak that he would have
to work extra time then he left them alone.

Yona spoke about her trip around the world,her eyes sparkling with what he imagined was
travel buzz. He noted (with much confusion and misplaced delight) that neither did she come
here with Soo-won nor mentioned him in any of her uhh-
Bizarre adventures.

Soon the coffee arrived and Yona paid Jae-ha and gave him a cheeky smile. It was very
suspicious to both Hak and Jae-ha but they brushed it off.
Suddenly she spoke-

"Jae-ha. I need to thank you."

"For what Yona dear?

"For the coffee and your employee !!" Winking at him,Yona rushed out of the café with said

Jae-ha shouted after them, telling them to come back, but they would pay no heed, just

Hak laughed with her, taking in her flushed cheeks and soft laughter which resonated within
him. He slowly walked with her down the pavement, hand in his pockets, peering down at
her as she continued talking.

He was so entrapped by her that he forgot his surroundings and walked onto a zebra crossing.


He whipped his head back befuddled at her screams when when suddenly everything went

He felt something gush out of him.

Someone was beside him holding his head. There were pained whispers of his name
repeatedly chnated like a prayer. His head fell back and he was totally knocked out.

__________________After a few hours___________________________

His eyes fluttered opened as he took in his surroundings. Spotless white all around and a faint
smell of disinfectant. It reminded him of a hospital. Wait.. a hospital?

A nurse was tinkering with something beside him when she looked at him. Seeing that he had
woken up, she rushed to call the doctor.
As she went out of the room,something caught his eye. There was this thread tied around her
little finger.

It seemed very thin and wispy. Hak was surprised that it had not yet snapped.
It was weird for sure,but he just brushed it off as a hosiptal procedure.

A man in a white coat, the doctor Hak presumed with a pained squint, swept into the room,
approached Hak with a pen and clipboard to ask him questions. At least, Hak THINKS the
doctor was asking him questions but couldn't say for certain as what the doctor was saying
was literal gibberish to him.
Hak's aching eyes drifted and fixated trying to comprehend his surroundings until it landed
on the doctor's hand grasping the blue pen. His vision slowly cleared and now he was staring
at the doctor's pinky.

It was the same damn string which was tied to the nurse's finger.

A chill of shock ran up Hak's spine

The colour had not registered before,but now it did. It was red. Wait red?

Sweat dripped down hak's temple.

The only thing running through his head were the worrs of the article those who are
destined to be together are attached by a red string.

"No wait it cannot be.."

"Why would it be real?"

Maybe he was just seeing things. Maybe it was actually some random hospital shit. But what
if it wasn't? He had to confirm if it was reality and there was only one way..

He slowly lifted his trembling hand.

He too had one. So the worry he had before was useless.

He heaved a sigh of release until the gravity of his situation finally settled down.

"What in the isekai ! This is not some manhwa where the female lead is hit by a truck and
gets some stupid powers. I AM NOT THE FEMALE LEAD" screamed Hak in his thoughts
as he was going crazy seeing that red thread.

His mind was spinning with utter disbelief until his eyes snap up at the sound of clatter,
finding Yona having barged into the room with her eyes teary and red, arms outstretched
towards him.

Hak could feel himself calming down at her sight. His thoughts forgotten he glanced upon
her as her distraught stride was cutoff by the doctor who was busy advocating she calm

His gaze lingered upon her for a little more while until something caught his eye.


That string he noticed was like the hue of her hair but like the doctor's it didn't leave the
room. No it came towards him.

It came towards him?

What the-

He slowly lifted his head not able to comprehend until he saw his own thread connecting with

And seeing that he decided to do the only possible reaction you can have when you get to
know that the one you love is your destined soulmate.
Faint and escape that shit. He didn't want to deal with this right now.

Btw Hak wants to clarify to all the readers that he doesn't read isekai webtoons, Yona
forced him to.
Not a chapter
Chapter Summary


So well, long story short, I'm going on an undefined hiatus

I just wanna focus on my studies for the next 2 years.. I may drop a one shot like once in 5
months maybe but other than my presence won't be there.

I don't think I will be able to complete this series. I had planned a lot for this series, but I am
aiming high in my studies.

And it's my goal to fulfill it. I don't need any side distractions ig.

Oh and to the people who have liked my stories, thank you. I appreciate you. You made me
feel a writer's joy fr.

Best wishes to everyone reading this and lots of love.

From yours truly,

~ Dusk <3
End Notes

This is my first series ever so the pacing is hella weird and I apologize for that. I just wanted
to write a one-shot using red string of fate as a plot device and here we are and it's not going
well ;-;

I prefer writing angst but here I have written more of fluff in satirical humor (atleast I hope I
did) cuz I wanted to step outta my comfort zone.

Ik this is very long, but I just had to say this. Oh and also, if you liked this chapter or find
scope for improvement, please leave a comment or any suggestion. Thank you for reading

Lots of love <3


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