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DnD story

Two separate worlds, not alike whatsoever. One, a realm of magic

and a wonderful life of simplicity, the other a place taken over by
technological innovation and convenience. The two words collide,
forming a hybrid universe, where there exists both living in harmony.
Until one couple decided to destroy that harmony and have two
children. Both were pretty unusual, but one contained purely
perfect genetics. The first child was a fully robotic boy who had no
inner technological mechanisms, just pure human. The second was
a human looking girl whose insides were only mechanical, few to
no emotion. The two parents died, orphaning the two children.
Perfect genetics child is found and raised by pirates while the other
lives with giant monks.

Years later both sides of the world refuse to let the pirates, who are
people of both sides like an in-between group, have the perfect
genetics, because that may help them take over. Therefore, the
king of Korrnon and Queen of Xenith put aside their many… many
differences and assemble a group to go kidna… I mean retrieve
the child from the greatest pirate crew… ‘Zdinckyvarts’… cough

We start with the top-of-the-line agent, Big Bulf, the tech wizard.
Chasing down one of the biggest criminals recently, an elf named
‘Red Anded’, down the streets of Z9A4. After he retrieves the elf
DnD story
and brings him to the agency, he is informed they require his help in
an important task in Xerrnon.

We skip to Lydrelocke, in a courtroom. While Heromi attempts to get

a goblin named ‘Yu Reenn’, who is clearly guilty, out of trouble (a
matter of him eating a child elf). No matter what happens he goes
home, greeted by his mother who has a letter for him informing him
to meet the king in Xerrnon.

Moving on to Quaffle, we meet a Dragonborne named Siya, known

around his village for being well mannered and responsible. He’s
requested to travel into the nearby forest for a common mushroom
found there, but stumbles across a Bear Worm (A bear-sized worm
with the head of a bear), and either fights it or flees. After returning,
a human bard comes with a message for Siya, requesting his help
in Xerrnon.

Once they all reach Xerrnon, they are found individually by a

human, ‘Slick Dickens’, who leads them through a series of tunnels
where they meet each other simultaneously, while meeting
someone else, a tiefling called ‘Rei’. Once they reach the end they
see the royalty of both nations, King Lonsh Long of Korrnon and
Queen Celes T. Ell of Xenith. The two mention the job and force the
three to join, then they look to Rei who actually knows who they are
looking for but doesn’t know where they are. Rei then suggests they
go look for Luna’s (perfect genetics child) brother because they
DnD story
have a sense for each other. Both rulers suggest their transport, a
ship and a ship that flies.

Henri Smellfoot (Le Chef) - I was cooking breakfast when it

happened, cap’n always has me make overnight oats.

Pea (Massive Orc) - Me go back to check supplies, Denri tell me

look in freezer for meatsies. Me gots stuck…

Javy Dones (Captain) - I was with you lot.

Pi (Tower watcher) - He did it himself… accidentally, you lot are

stupid *spits*

Ship gets ambushed by pirates, with harpoons. Pirate captain

knocks everyone out with magic charm.

When everyone wakes up they are still on board, but they are tied
up to the mast. There are two guards watching them. The captain
walks up to them and they persuade her to help.

When they get to the monk temple, they walk up infinite stairs
which work like a labyrinth. The labyrinth starts off with them walking
up stairs for a long time until a door appears. When they walk
through, they all are stuck in a dark room with white words on the
wall, drawn on with chalk. “Think back, to what you have found. A
goblin, a stick and something round. Speak of these things three,
DnD story
only then will you receive the key.”. After getting to the top, they
meet the giants and eventually find Kryll (Luna’s brother). Kryll
eventually gets instructed to go with the group and helps them find
the Zdinckyvarts.

The pirates are then found somewhere in the ocean, obviously.

When found, the team sees Luna, she isn’t how Kryll remembered
her. Her voice was glitching, and she had weird speech patterns.
Not only that but she was wearing pirate attire. She acts hostile
toward the group and captures them successfully. They are all
locked up below deck. Captain Cerao then tries to get information
out of them (why they came, who they are, who they’re working
for, etc.). Kryll challenges Luna to a duel which she reluctantly
agrees on. Before the duel, the team is moved so that they get to
see the siblings' fight, however they are still chained. The battle
rages on and eventually Kryll gets backed into a corner, rapier to
his throat and before he is killed, Luna’s right eyes turn green, then
so does Kryll’s left. Luna points the rapier to Captain Cerao and
they both turn their attention to him. Just then a member of the
crew releases the team, and the two siblings hold off the captain.
Once everyone is off the siblings run and blow up the ship. Luna
goes with the team.

On their way back to Xerrnon to report to the King and Queen,

they stop at a place nearby to get out of the rain, suggested by
Rei. The place seems haunted and while they’re there they see
DnD story
their assassin. A small child, Sel, sees them and plans to assassinate
all of them except for Luna. He then proceeds to almost
completely clobber the whole team nearly killing them all. But right
as the final blow was about to be delivered, they were saved by a
legendary hero, Trader Zaynor.

Zaynor and the team escape and make their way to Zaynor’s next
trade destination. Home to Rei, somewhere in South Xenith, was the
place and a way back was what they seek. However, from recent
events, most places in South Xenith don’t allow sky ships. The team
attempt to help Zaynor with his endeavor so that he can help them
fast travel, with the help of dwarf tunnels.

Zaynor takes the group down an alleyway, and they are met by a
dead end. The wall is a fake and the team progress through into a
bar filled to the brim with bounty hunters, smugglers and all sorts of
low life criminals. Zaynor tells the team to do whatever and points
to where he is going. Zaynor goes and does business. The others
goof off. After a bit Zaynor screams while getting dragged out of
the bar through a different exit, by the person he was doing
business with, “You’re going to jail bub”. When they follow the guy,
they see throw Zaynor on a dragon, with no legs, tusk-esce horn on
head, wyvern-like, glider-like, dark red to whitish fade. He then
attaches himself to the bottom of the dragon before it blasts fire
from its back propelling them into the sky.
DnD story
Create a dimension traveling character that shows up in every
universe as a cameo or better

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