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Capability, Focus and Purpose

Create a statement that represents your character. This can also be expressed as “an adjective noun that verbs.” Your
capability is how you take action or interact with the world. Your focus represents your skills or host of talents. Purpose is
your motivation, additional talents or even special abilities that make you unique.

Examples: A Wealthy Merchant with Connections. A Noble Knight Seeking Redemption. A Streetwise Cyber Soldier in it for the
Money. A Wide-Eyed Farm Boy who Takes the Form of Animals. A Vigilant Urban Ninja that Punishes Criminals.


Roll a d6. Roll an additional d6 for each Capability, Focus and/or Purpose that is applicable for the scene. Choose any one die
and describe the result as below. Note that your Purpose may not offer a bonus die, but instead allow you a special ability
such as flight, shape changing or psionics.

1. Failure, and…
2. Failure
3. Failure, but…
4. Success, but…
5. Success
6. Success, and…

Story Points

Earn a Story Point if you roll a natural 1 and choose that die result. Spend a Story Point to reroll a single die, from yourself or
others, taking the most advantageous roll.


Taking damage, hits or stress removes access to a portion of your Narrative Line. Thru roleplay, characters may regain use of
some or all of their Narrative One Line at the end of each scene. Loss of your One Line plus the automatic d6 results in being
Taken Out of the conflict, with any combination of physical damage, mental stress, obligations or fear.

by Davae Breon Jaxon


Pick or Roll your Capability: 2 gun-toting, 3 disguised, 4 persuasive, 5

tactical, 6 intimidating, 7 seductive, 8 perceptive, 9 fast-talking, 10 knife
wielding, 11 accurate, 12 undercover

Pick or Roll your Focus: 2 assassin, 3 thief, 4 diplomat, 5 detective, 6 black

ops agent, 7 CIA interrogator, 8 spy, 9 interpol officer, 10 navy SEAL, 11
independent investigator, 12 hacker

Pick or Roll your Purpose: 2 armed to the teeth, 3 with a sniper rifle, 4 with
political favors, 5 part of a psionics experiment, 6 with blades from head to
toe, 7 with underworld contacts, 8 injected with chemical boosters, 9 with
forged documents, 10 with blackmail files, 11 with briefcase full of cash, 12
with spy gadgets

The story beings…

● on a high speed train moving across Europe. Everyone wants the files
hidden in the luggage compartment, including enemies with black
helicopters following above...
● in a sports car and motorcycle speeding down a highway while military
vehicles close in on the agents and the scientist with a vital cure...
● in a lab on a submarine in the arctic entering a hidden factory of
● on the wing of a plane as it takes off towards Central America. The vial
of xenothrax 7 cannot fall into the wrong hands...


Pick or Roll your Race: 2 Dwarven, 3, Elven, 4 Human, 5 Half-Blooded, 6 Dragonborn, 7

Demon/Devilborn, 8 Avianborn, 9 Aquaborn, 10 Sunborn, 11 Terraborn, 12 Shadowborn

Pick or Roll your Profession: 2 Priest, 3 Oracle, 4 Criminal, 5 Entertainer, 6 Knight, 7 Guild Artisan,
8 Hermit, 9 Noble, 10 Journeyman, 11 Sage, 12 Sailor

Pick or Roll your Purpose: 2 Fueled by Rage, 3 Blessed by the Gods, 4 who Commands the
Elements, 5 who Takes the form of Animals, 6 Warrior of Arms and Armor, 7 who Hides in
Shadows, 8 with a Pact for Power, 9 Hunter of Beasts and Men, 10 whose Blood is a Gift and
Curse, 11 Practitioner of Mystic Rituals, 12 whose Body and Mind are a Weapon

The story begins…

● on a boat landing on an uncharted isle. A black keep stands watch at the highest peak...
● in the rain slick streets as creatures shamble down alleys, the commoners locked away…
● in the sewer system under the kings home. Your attempts to free the royal family must
not fail, lest they be killed and the kingdom torn by civil war...

capes & masks

Pick or Roll your capability: 2 wealthy, 3 muscle-bound, 4 acrobatic, 5 bestial, 6 law abiding, 7 brilliant, 8 oath-bound, 9
intimidating, 10 charming, 11 sneaky, 12 watchful

pick or roll your focus: 2 inventor, 3 vigilante, 4 mentor, 5 alien, 6 robot, 7 cyborg, 8 mutant, 9 icon of perfection, 10 student,
11 ninja, 12 experiment

pick or roll your powers: 2 with super speed, 3 with super strength & invulnerability, 4 with energy projection, 5 with an
armored suit, 6 with an animalistic nature, 7 with martial arts prowess, 8 with shapeshifting, 9 with psionics, 10, with
spellcasting, 11 with elemental command, 12 with gadgets

The story begins:

● as a highrise apartment building burns. victims scramble to escape the spreading flames. only true heroes can save
the day…
● as hostages are taken under gunfire. the metro city bank is under siege as criminals try to break into the vault. but
something about this crime doesn’t add up…
● the metro city museum wants the heroes to protect the most valuable gemstone in the world. It can power a laser
capable of slicing the moon in half…
● as an earthquake rocks the west coast.


1. Clone Navigator from Mercury

2. Olympian Eugenic Programmer from Venus
3. Spliced Eugenic Colonist from Terra
4. Datalife Refugee from Luna
5. Hivemind Spacer from Mars
6. Android Elite from the Asteroid Belt
7. Cyborg Investigator from Europa
8. AI Implant Criminal from Titan
9. Nanoform Enforcer from Neptune
10. Nat Born Infosurfer from Uranus
11. Menton Eugenic Politician from Pluto
12. Silicon Life Trader from Deep Space

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