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a pee Amr aml iwi Cuchrors , AFORE! * ss Compu le pole means Wefinition GE A Computed: a A Computer (2 an electhente dewce thal- i4 used fok infokynahen pro cessena TE accep im is wemoee PRoce 886 amc = gives be Kaul# we be Use TAR Latin Wool ww aeived fim RR tem Com ple & Caleulots oh le mont puto. henefore, wa Compul® 16 a Coleulahng mochine . alone Anger ab. Guputt nul US VEE nfo pepe ier ee a A Poukgail —_ Remants aka ¥/ Da" Shommye | o ee oat) : A) "eat | ee 1 \ - \ mental Grlwl | —- a ain 1 antl “ v \ |» cevikkal pre céstong \ uvitl aise Jarcthneh wate wt ‘Sconned with ComScanner A compa pasfogms busceally Ae mes compute optaliow. Ihy ate 4. Ck aceeph doko (nput) a2 ab story data 3. at peocese dot a kh DU gv Reals Coul pur) § Dh Controls alt operahiows 4. Tnput : enemy, dato. and syakem. Covnputee oleh Aled inputs dws ce tee process Of Dre gras inte te Compu electrontc. mmocthine th om Bowne. Ka tesseuy given oul: cancl Pa FoR Pavcessed acta. a. Spotege: dhe process of saving labo ancl, Pormnamnenthy tA known a AdiKage.. Dora hu te be feck ils te Aystem edoRe Re. Ac kaL pwcestiny Arak. Dt became fe PRocessing speed of cenKal Pracertong unit GP) fase tale tre ahaa hos & be provectet tw wuchoud ie 40 te Cp With te fowne Spee. Yhaefore te poka th Aioked fees yy te Aroknge uni ‘Sconned with ComScanner | FoR fash access awl processing. Te proves | space fok. broking daba and — fylsuchouy he stofege unt Petfekwu ite following funchionr. | A. AL dota omd fwilkuchowy ae stoked hee befoce and af bh Processing « | /& Guta mediale Keguls of pProcessimgy one also Broke hee. ba, Processes ne tog of Pelfokming, opearions lelge axe thinehic and logiend opeatiows tf colled processeng: The Ceml col Pen ce seg unit (PY) takes Loko. and is huchos from te Btenage. untk feula hows bated on tw lcuch'ond anch maker all - gonss of \ qe" aol te type of dota provided. Dt tren ben pack te te AtaRege we of produ Dh. Out pub: IWS (6 the process mt fa cloka fo geting useful cenit fro Semt lotly Im output produced by | tw fonmnahton « | ee compubeh aba pRecesting must also be hey: Bome where jngcde te Compulve beface bemy ‘Sconned with ComScanner | given le UL in Readable fake. Ago REX, | oukpyt 4 | fk. urine. proce sing also Alvked trycole fee Cormpuler gs. Conlfol + Conta (ing of alt gpealrow * gyncl oukpuk ae pafotrmed hy step Processing OF all (eee pt pracests Cobol watt. gk furs Cone atep Py opera hows tm gtele IR Compulh.- Chancchwirsie oe Compulet. atege eet A wompure 4 a fash tmfakmahon — pRocessorg, comes our all Cort of electtonle device. Bt tok fhaction a compurariow, forth & dean Te enecals amittiow of iwbouchlord gecond- pa second. eAcumans Tt gives aequnalz LUN LK GokRect Input dota. Hae acewlacy Tend the CoRReck eS of fra Proceee, deta. TF fe impor dota if CRRaneO Ug tren he ovipul Wt Mok be codgecl-. ‘Sconned with ComScanner laratdegence ae 6 | 6 \ Zi dou not feel tked . Dp cam be Weel POR be Used for o numba — of clos hou. Tt can also pookl Baksfac toe hy | gk monty = von Atop. TE sel | permed okie aor avegtinctt lig oF Gta fale is yeuakile ct ia weet fa Beventifc i Com purr ees, | Colewlahows, busimeds processing | teaching , tReatming gimulahows, music, fine ott, UE. (5. Power of Ae rmembott vs, Comput hos fe pow ofp toRing, OMe ox dott. Dt depencls amount of in fokmahion entigy on te USA tak how muth oka ag ie be stoke amet Hin 5 log, of RebeNEVe- oS agate \ +4 gna BB Mayas" pha Computer dow ih aw Wlachine and ik not possesses tH om inbelligence . Compute con nol oo ony woke wWiirowt trblcuchon from te | UR: Gt perform the tvaheuchtous — al | emendous — APecd Awol HIER eeuRAry A Compuber Can nol take ik own deetaton- ‘Sconned with ComScanner F lo Cee ley at os Compute does ole have feelings oR Emohioug tagle, Know ledge curol, expauience» Tt dow n he stivguish between Users. a. Stokoge Com pur ho on t- putt vena nore sohere fe can stoke a LKR amnounl tS data tm Beconsany APR olf ved pohich Can. coal con be Corkecl con also Alote devecs such of flo pyr4, oukgidte te compuler Pen be Kept te oth Computed. Apelicakton Akegs Of Comptes LB ducahon Geitivg, we faght amd of infKmahon 1s a mayo challege . Glee Btuclents gpend time on te Inbernel. Regentch Fhows ft Compudet con : gentle conthy erhonte Purfokmante i latnivg. Cuca expored le he eaceanel Boa trek ede pon helped te tmpreve Ha Guality af theik pemcdemic fesetth , One Levolukion i educahion (gp olrstamce leoaning. This of fey a varie of interne anel Vicleo-baged online courses ‘Sconned with ComScanner Healthy daa Meetuceve wy Compal feehnobyy ye Aoole cally chovgirg| tte tools ‘el medicine Alt rnedkttal tn fefmahin Con be ental healt Kereanchees ake Uc | agi treed H beenage® m need 4 | Computers ig sekecn ERowbled | Phyto mene: A potoly sed by a SoBe hoy Aecetved an i Hpetween hte pron ond move & cub = ae Banple medseger po. henl allowS Communicate plant rat ag a Kenule a Compulet 5 ‘he Con wos & &czeen by “pian power, ancl Convey 3. cramer erent s hove levy been upes af CE A new ‘ually ana Sctenh' Ss ig te tle of © pe ttabotaton” in whch con woe eure, togeme Cren al a Spuce Physics shKE Kepeorehes all aver fee world Aw example th sri ake allewed le band fege'tree to from tnstRurmen'} dv grance. space phy ‘yngniune tte 2onths — Cono Speke Son pokis of te world, ja. Gusintss | RULMEAE cleamy fee fe imtetner a a Woy patent PRoduchvi'G nck Compettt( venesé. Some od of bugimes teak ake unclengoing Raptd ‘Sconned with ComScanner ag one Gales ancl martehivy, Ketavling > S a Choa Cho OK trading | etc. The mtnel be | | bomking , | hetome popular. mackeehoy| geil ta, e.g Cyber cat hag tame & pawieisgy — wel ove Brawl: catds bul mbunel banking , elecktonrc heposit bill Paying , onlowe tors and bond. txoctiug , ete. S Reexea hon acl Bunter tata ment OW eubrtatnment and pleoiute- Ferre lave also been Affectert by camnpul ec Bahn. Pu example Ce moves Comput generated gseplus aie freectom Ww diewgueu, Bo tral fpeccol Cheats cuntef Seven cmaginety chatacters Com ploy a port ta | malls wo vies, vicleas, and commercials. Compurrg comple stahishes, salt Ww m™ Arron ts aul oltets HRB , ciroli lAninems Programs fox atcdetes, amd Bugg game plom Atkategrey baget on competi tafe Post pa formance. 6. Goverment: Yotrouy dlepahment’ of te govetmmen use compule® Fok ther plannivy, cawrkol and law ' lenfoeemoul achve fs. To name a fea - Fea thic, Touisin, Grfokmution ancl bracd euhve Ecuenton a ‘Sconned with ComScanner Zi Ayalon awd nay othe a elence 2 jo. Somttolng ww DAV Cunmanneel aik- Cots ) EX? Precketnk. 2 Cutromtirental Ballishe Hegac la @e8N) teat user GPS auc compute b help fe misetle art ® te target. 3. Phatle incomeng migailes ont help Aled heapows syphems onl [re Comat tonyet lz hes ox tne. he erping ee, vet bie te fimo out alt freee appeb anh ™ Communi coher) Battle managene Bytom. Ss: Lyred ta Me logtthe amel ofelenivy funthows af getty eMipments [and otsundl [re baltlefielef 6. isged im Canta, Planes onl Any te target emery feces oa Hap & dergn anol test new Steg, ‘Sconned with ComScanner | Geneon of Computes ~< Gomputed heve lepad ofl te fil elechto, five generates Okt | comaater can clascefied ils qenershon ye papel ov tHe jeehnoleg _ tn | pebileckucal gleveloprunt of Gomputets. Dh afte eludes Computahonad C processive) techni Pres, ie pole -oul- pul dewece and Programe languages use . che pneution of tampulels ote brood Ay tnle two typ classe fedt genecetion 4. Dow. electhonte a. Electkow' c givetahon. hte oe OKO Refenad tw as fe Zero Genetorin Covapulees - yhey were developed befyhe the femt cowsactoh gevoluiton tools place. (946. They wre mate up af hooden Of metho Caf Components. (EY: Abacus, Neprer's bonts, Biffaenhal Crgne ee. Elecktonie Gensahon Computer developed afta Bub one _ Corte gotinect imlo five generations, Smee they ake mainly buill- yite elechkonie erreuibey they ORE Called tm eloctxowie wenetakion, Compute, ‘Sconned with ComScanner af} y oe EEE ees | EX Peneation Computer a een (ESTAS B | These wee developed dung iqub-O4, and pote butll wit Vaccum tubes. ghece Roped 105 a3 me 10> See. Tat hack rat bed promot mernaky and lused mogneke dkums op Betondoty srmage device) Lay hea punches cat anal wage tee Lapuk ancl oak pul ophaliovs, The pyachime Aavguoge mM thee machined [Progrornming HoH adapted Tay HL Balch Pkock sling uped for yoth etenk HO ancl Systems onel Heke business Lased appli coon. Bus ENTAC , ENIAC C electtowre Coteuta tf) wnavenul Adomae Compulee-D) utomelic DNIVACE , mpane, ervac cts. Numerical TnleghetoR And puivact C epvac (Elect | Comput) | getoud Gensislion Compute rae Wee develaped luttvg 1459-64 and chigdes amc bani shoe . Thete gnie, OUScRHle vorcable A jowe bill ith | Bored 4904 10% See. Tey hod mote puaty me sly ancl PRoved high® rotrabi lity. High | Level Progaumming dovgunges Whe FoR TRAN, ‘Sconned with ComScanner Puscou, ALGoL ebt-) Wee Useol im Mee macnn ute Pr gramming , Teme Shaking ancl es,, time PRoce sitvg poke inbKodbrrtes . Ew: BYeosGys sod , TBH uel, GE 635, Coc thou, woNey WELL 20e eke. Thitel Genetohon Compuless dhe we developed turing (1b pith Tabeg coker Cine CLOGS) leo? Q Ma Bogle gliton Chip. Thea freed s- 7a and peere but le bransistoes jou [pl sec: Crane Sttond). Thay Used Semiconclual memory. Ty heel cgher fetcabilety Quel Ledluced Bite. Te Concept of opeteahivg Bystern yaulete Phteghasmonca 1 Poserltet PROcescimy Hele tnkxwoluced. Trey wee Ube Im weather Fore Cashwg | atklime Aeervehon | baleiny GeRve COA, Ey: GBM Sysvem | 360, WNIVAC Nes] 4009, Cpe-bboo, NCR BGs, cy Bek-l9s ele. fourtk Genuohon Compuley —— ———_ a i dhae wee developed dukivg [730-90 anef rome built ttre Losge S$ cole Tntegeation (Ls5) [[oo- 1900 (Komsrs RY im a Seugle chip ancl Very Lome Seale Gniegtakon (vLSZ), Woe te ‘Sconned with ComScanner — SS | MUMowd ol Ceeuuse i (eesti stops pu chp. hase . vy hove ds 4 A toroge Copats ty Oval Heid PLOCERS wg peed . 9 tf ftom lo! jg! sec Te concept of viele ng aac mbao duced. — , os THN Boas, WL- 2000 Crmtnt computer), LDPE CYBER 205, al modem Pea. | Fits Gensohion Computed of Bue Computes KA RE dhe develop ment vorion of fthtk genaahon con putes Key mort Super Computes WE develsped Helk Supa forge Scale Enteghotion (SL SZ) 5% wmiltiows yee che yuowledge Procesting Ark feng Enteltrgence and dc gee pret Proce sq pothe Gy cwk pokaked . They Oke RASC ( Reduced Ty \iuchovs Sel: Computirg) cp. BON Ceompart Dise- Read Once Reak Hang at bkamisbors Pe chp, syprems- Conceps (ke paged muchivel . Ont Hemoky) , WORM CNRE time) OAL inlto duced, ‘oss GRAY mathins Crapo) , ARAN: 9000 Condi) che Cawxdetd fe be fit ty aenaiation Compubere, ‘Sconned with ComScanner ab este dy “Progesom Progosnning a |“he ait a, wating, inpuctons fee a cor ides ty ledve the aa task is known 08 faogeemniny bk fogromming jut were ty vik oe ae 1s called. a igen ! A brogrammé, a4 ts the medium dy Lenmunislle? Lloed aoe, and the -machine [he ve are ditherent rant languages. 3 Corpus is wages + + COM “ks languages ase. classified b lo ed oS et jin level “os igh evel” | ren : bis level Languages ose Whaat ke om oe undeshsnd a machine’: Few ri Teal. lee language ts a lw aL language. On the her. ‘hand, Bk high fe va lor axa these idich ote ae + the natural lengua ike En ish. | The Fallenotn fjgute shots the clase'bicalion P campubes. faogiiming \argugen | | | ‘Sconned with ComScanner . ® eng ae L d Vow level langue i lew 1a » lept egage * bg | Machine Aesernb General Speci | language language purpose HLL ilies HLL D3 how level \onguages {—? These ax ens! jones They axe achive deberdirk longs. Arh | Tangpaes oso shecibic ty combabers Thal 7 a nmachine Jonguage ond assert “ye 2 | ccnp es dy (ous level, “end o%.. wail | in hese lan: | cole ewe ‘} “Machine Lary le doe a CT a in on co only tum words “ZexD 2. Tha Is. } chigits ds o bina ~uorbex, 8 salen A’ Tcl 2 i mi loo valk wel and i Ivo val NC since “the ce ombukes 13, eval? in on Hos levels cle volloge vy as high. 1g, o the machine level. Tay ene. is ae os a binel- | greek on. iS 1S becouse, preunar | toa etosted. ca this | language , 3 o ‘Sconned with ComScanner mun De “ante 4 O's and {'s fens on. | sndhudon “hes \onguase ; for examble, {01010101 1110001000 ‘ Each, tnateuctton, hos oO sect fenmal, rt 4, sts eelds hai hina: kald ‘s opcode ani ie secomal hdd ts addhess as giver, beloaa, Ghecde | adlaeag Eicib rb uhere, a 4, les Opeade + "k donds os cberation code, Th indicat at cheration is to be dine. Such as addition , subbeaction, crlglicalton ? clone, hall address — Nem localfon where tn the dala is aehevertad sata he Lent oy exch. tndoudfon is to-bite, abi ibe cpcod.e ond &- is hue address . ae | 8 his vmay be an addition cherabim such as cza+b, on a cthe Heal confter, A samble smachine longuoge ago Po, gpltr. bela, 0001 80110010 sy Load the dala tro accumulatee 9100 109101; Addl the contents dy accumu and. the con tert oh adds For caxanfle, ‘Sconned with ComScanner 2 | | jf ['s"° (lOO 1+ Ghose dhe eeeanle "Ey seman | lecabion lo1oont. joe ‘=r Halt | Ads ei? > aa A ond executed. + No tranel lator Frgrom ig reeputred, \Dreadaneln es 3 i> Dikfeull C1, eemenhsy amachine tnsbouctions. ‘> Wihhicult to underthand , woody and debug eVIOS, | Vibfieull to aemember oddresses of dake and. - tnakouchiins . ae Tech ond en taborimation 2 Ss rumenical, 2 locke a portal ie fama aera a Ture, on, One macl eS aot aun e e ‘ih Hose jee on ovescome "he dreudaccks of the machine | level lanquasa , Corn! putes enginens develobest & | mew peor pee ubich 4Uses, aypnbalie [buel.“ _ y be inebruction, ne his rocrrrnn 's known 03 ass fs age 0 oe ass: fevel langucge «| on teal ed as “he cece geresalton pregrawmtg. per ‘Sconned with ComScanner / Object program sg te symbole words used tm this Language oe veherred. OS mMnempnics. lhe meant oy mnemonic % memo sike at to ssemembed. a AD) —> tor addition Sua koe aubotrachion MUL —+ ber Wulltlteakion STA — bow shore al accumulator | Hct 5 ho Hall | ame a for Sama INR = > bo Thevement ond oo on. Consides , confle assem nore: gran. to add turo rwinbeas a d jclune sum at -z. FADD X.Y 57 Add he conkers of to 2 | oT Zz 3 Gow aeault into the location Z- | Since, the above fnstouclions ass. tsh- ‘he, she comuter does “not undesstand. these limsteuctions.. A combuber ull understand , oly \they ave -hanclabed to the equivalent snachtne leat. “he process ok ‘comenting. asseml |longuane inslouchins to machine “veadable Hy cartiecl out by a poogiam. collect assembles. j ‘Sconned with ComScanner w / “The brorclabien bracess fs chown In above biguse The asserkly language krogaun CALE) thot is given a8 iru tovthe assembles is called, source propenun “ond te oubpul ok te assembler fs callecl _ dhject paepaom There axe diferent assembler programs onailable Sn the eottware -mackek . Ee, TASM (Guho Resenbler) , WASMCMacro asserbles) , # Adwantages a Easy Pe cberabion codes because th asd rmemonic, t faa Jo undeastond the + Eat ks waite seams, oat debug as combaed. be spechinte lan te > Need met vemember addresses dy cheronds ond. | ee locotfons *¥ feodhontapes . - a he ammemones ORL -wochine dependent: “hey diber brow. one Faia to ancther. 2 No chandaadized + less ariciert than vwachine language. 2 4, level lan ie? s The oe language ard ass lengroge ~ i ‘machine Adoendent i Lill be ea difficult tae foeogtorrmer, to gust aver ‘Sconned with ComScanner Gh) & £2 e ‘bom. die. “ich 8 fo ondher and be asst, xm, 6 Lubes gree eae oe dis hak thick great preparing longue uhid axa more abel po i lems, coher than the rmadiine oe wg wee at ax mere concerned tb nck ut vireo! bs Negi dais ct a compuler. ox calle ish evel Iaogtc ane Chis) | Hick level languages oe Endlich the. The dements it nae ” on olf » digs, funcbualions and dhe al, ggrbals 7] Te jnsteuclt ons Ore combesedL rom. these alerenls, cw wooeks and. ev 2, ingtyuction 18 cosiex to “reac, A understand Tnstuction ara machine tndebendent. © tha: %a, |»oggor ccéithen for one soon be sun on = on with ven litle oe no moc gcontions . Hence ‘he beggome teds contertable 7] these axe. clad Os comsaned te the cther tue pregparnalg— lon ie Consi _ a awtlats oe & One ich odde uo numbers i he the -rex ‘Sconned with ComScanner ee | READ A,B} Tell he velues for A and 8 | SUM= AB: AML Re embeds of A orb @ on | chore in SUM PRINT gum : Viblag gum on “monitor | SioP tbolt | \ de comme udestards ths pagan | eas! We” combouker does mat. Hence bo reputed No ondate this ro into compute cweadble «bon “The Yrocess Jronelabin high leveh “oe fee we PE Source | Trondabes glk agen fm weet? “lobed Onpler meine eee ile 2 e sacker arr uso Lsanclober hot Sead level wot “es is ih smachine lan age Hlese, so a kaepeoun usithen tn t level ‘language Ts colled source aegeom.. “Th t | Oe ing fa aller. Tranctakion Ceithes | ly st inter} capreles) fs called abject [pongeorn he ° level | onguage ppeogeoen to aching level convession is gee an obmwe ‘Sconned with ComScanner | wwe ke ditberence heteaeen a compiles and an tnedordls, | ox. geen tn toble. |Conftles _ t Trlebrrebes tT takes entire high [1 {TL Jakes one statement of led. lang ahigh level cided Conk | fu ee th lo. dtc [lad cake language | longua exccules } tena [RE cute ‘listed and win | lena on Oda Vdbugging ts aster. | [3 [Debugging fs sluwer- a,.| Reguizes more r less men | onary b ‘Requires a al S:| Costlies. eae + Trlred uctfon toy C-Langual a es C is a hi ew language Th is b grat le oo ec foe ager | Jorgisg . Th ts develded to be si j also enoenbul ppertnny tanguose &, Choaacteristies &y ad \ fi . bapa i C hos ‘loecoms |refpulor ae un ‘becouse i beabixes” the Gated ' chorackerishics Cox, 1B Ct a general pureve pager legge. % C isa choucluasd, acgenmesog language ‘Sconned with ComScanner J >» Helos in development ok system sottenore . Das wih cob ch cheralos s> PL fumvides comboct -aeloresentation or eafressions 8 TH alos sranifalolion. dy intesral brocessox 9 hesgd fom Ag ule dp dalewes m | be ina single bine, © Taalibly; any c-frogusn can be un on Howl wales yj te or no -nediijcabin 9 Gubborts a atch eck oly dela. thes to) Veay less umber a sweserved woouds My eae ovihnelio and \pciabex sranipsbabion I" Abilthy to enkend sell by adding tanelions to the tihea + Applicattons £ e Bibs etn Pecoune ty ts horkelstly ood dtricensy, Cis wed to devdlch the sytem as uel os cbiicakin scant Some ei. aytiom ond }LLicabion edthwore are tated) bebo | Suskem Safteoars §— » Overokto oysters 6) Vooders 2) Tnkeobrekers D Linkers . a» C |3 nelle [2 Edds tous ‘Sconned with ComScanner + Abia ten Cobkcoars > » Dako i we 2 bhics bac 3 Stead. st e 1 CAD] CAM. obplicalions | 5) Word frocesscus py olhice Aulowation Tools ® Gdsrblic ond Engincestng abpicabions. * Characters Get _— | 7 age hos gs own sd in worming lan de booth, TOT Ty, Se, Th | chorachers seal in C ax guoyed oko the bWloatng 3+ cakegonies, > Ailebds ay Vows » Gpacial. chowacteas 'p Alghabels 3 Upbew Case A-Z | lower cose O-Z | Vigile a oR he |) Special Characes "+ ‘i > oo din wok 30 > Comma ” ay question woark > — chaskeobhe — 4 _ ==? ealon \ ay exclamation apo, [(- exmiedlon | 5 underscore # —> bok _ equal gn ‘Sconned with ComScanner \— Fi ‘eline chavactes night | \perarthenis a iplus sgn {- > idk bwacke — mins leek | x > oskerisk e 1g ps dodk ce Ee — icon sh 4 34 L bevace. & _ event a conet ~ — Ride las thor , gualer yy ‘yackelodh Ca td hnverthenis FS Th 1 ae onda we hee \aste ond she unl a C- ots collol C- ikens. “There OH cin ‘aes ot we token fa C D) coords Dekker 2) Constarks a) Se 5) Operators 6 Special a ? Regaosls 5 od 3 cles ina CH \eogem ‘s Qa | eypond or beg identibrer All Reyouds om basically \ | Ab e aepustnces characters dak how ¢ aed meanings. AML c- hopoords a ee calls & in Scanned with CamScanner . | Lncoercose Lebbers Peocsse Tm Co loath ubber cos. ard. \pvoen, COBE idhers ox Sl ly alles | Tdenkiiers oes names given 4, the pee” | demerts such of variables, cron andl Kunctions , | Vastly, identibiers axe, he wae de albhabels Whe e Koning. ideshfjer name The fivel dwar musk be on alfhobdt Cufbensase | & [meexcase) or on lerscowe 2 All suceeding characters nut be eben Utes a dis 3) ees cod Uncen cose Terbifiens om dilersnk tn C. ‘Wy Wo eich chavacker a fanekuakion egress ont aleroed excelst the underscore “—". 15) No tum uccessive underscores OL allowed. 8) Veyeserds dhould unt be used. a8 idenklices Come. ends 3—> | auko ecole case chor cont continue derail do | duuble de enum exten Hook to | tal long gid ohn dhont signed szeoly ic | gue catich dae union unsigned acd voloble bile | ‘Sconned with ComScanner ~fA confor oy a C- Reon ave he sk cusly loro + declagal ly eaaces $4 Tationg ond sdaliss 1, User-dabtned become al “the conblebe douche of iG fro arn t3. 4 UCKESSCr dabements al ealonatfons ° main C) decker lion 3; dotunents: fe debined. Junction. » Pee rocessor statements 23 “These datements begin wih a symbol and. axa also called [preprocessor directives. These eabements divect the jpre}rocessor te taclude header {les and | also symbole cortonts into C-beopeam . Bk she (preprocessor ser ous geen bdixo | ptedade sibel) 5 hor the land inelitn | chins | # Include ¢ “est bh’, how tle tnelusion + header file i est. , | at dekine NULLO ker cabins symbalic constont, WOLL= ‘Sconned with ComScanner 1» ‘Glcbel declanalions % — \ | Nisiackes 9 of bere ohese existence is p if in the moin 0) “foanct on and ober user funckions ) Oke called Global syaviables (Gu francliond ond) heix dec \orrations ox called called glcbal deck lavokions a Moline) 3+ theelk te his | 1s, de be she nome Execukion main burncki on ot ay eb of C -broyeom © ecm et): lo ¢- progam fs execaled urkhouk wakn C) kunchion TL chuutd be willen ‘in wercase teers aad ehould nck be lerminaked by a gemicdon . here must be. one ond onl one “main C) kuncbion tn every ~ pregein uy Troces 7 ber C- fregeam uses \bois oy ual, bwaces (L: ) te ee beace todicobes the be ot, main () bunclion . On the other hand, the ie | trdfoates tbe end ia Ube main C) hunetfan. ‘53 Veclasatfons 4 ’ ah | a : a te ch ene | all she cvorviol] 8 a bel us fn [the = oad ond. Hfeltolincd uth tide boste dik wh ‘Sconned with ComScanner 1 Statements oe) As These ave frelrucltons te the ler to ferborn apes doeralfons “The ome be ad cae subele asithrdig dlakements, conbech ckolements ond thes. akakements. the stokements to be commen of vrai / \e enclosed uithin /* and */, Comment clolernenls axe mt complica! and execuked. D Usee-debtned. funclions t+ These aan abprcpeams, Gencxally, a sxl je 0 function ond he lee a ant moe L felon = ae nk Ba- A smb c-bmgiem & gun bdo. Ht include < Stdiio-hy soln C) all (° Weleome to ¢ Nn’)! 3 a 4 Conbiling ond Exzculing 0 C-frogem + 8 ntl a do fpageom, -means hantlabin tL into machine ‘ana ao compilers oxe used ter this urbe C- corbtlers axe available with ond without editors. “The environment there fw Rach the combiles , editor, debuagin tools | brkdng hacilibies fwocing and tealin ‘ede is called \ Trleseabed Derelsborment Envfaonmen! CTOE). ‘Sconned with ComScanner Thee ao eis Wve ~skebs mn the me execukion ot a | b 4 o eae fle 2) Saving He frogeaun a Cerritlabion 4 Ling system Sa eae o> Runs Cerecuhing * Gretanle ae ‘takes so? data Poa. m9 ures ao cel fr die wt Tabuk or he dela. a Tumber of a akin rt Ae The (0 ull decide on dP yp de a. Tape solve the given wie + ¢ sles - ~ “The pocily uhth daa rt las aig the exeouls veils fs egam. Js beam ar crn Tew vese: la tn eo conanla fr ¢ ond axe | hamm Bs th C- constants | Numesfe ‘constanls Non-"rumetiec conskaths aw 5 Trhepes 5, a le eh ‘Sconned with ComScanner = ig \ 2 cade conant > Tages ond conlark | to ulule ‘numbes ts tae lho! sequence ot; Ar a decal én. The geroab_ fom sh on sole | constant fs. sitive pumas | hess, sign-2 ied lus ei bor fb | ae ia ae gi a. septic run bess. \ diss — 0 sequance Lage \ Ex, jog, 0, ~)% 2) Floakt rat eda 3 anh Hook ak eaten eg eo 3 devel be ne “4m Oo . pus a smins es “goosh form na ee os 4 constant atta | “hes, eax’ \8 iy Aus. ar Si oo eres gl ~y sina ae Jectrna) ik = "ert agmbd he clonal, ote gequence S- . eG dectaral iat. * Gu —9Ns-O1, 22S > O.0, 0-gUdS cher. Constost * oa chawacker, conetant fs paanchik endused. usthin 0. baie aly alter | ee = dinple ch ahacheophes, tin “Oe de. ‘Sconned with ComScanner cy by Shain ne ‘> \ , = exon fs a sequince En charrace ie ae ns dr double quites Gate SAME”, "2018", AtB” ne | | ir sll o> Le de weak Fy Ahad hyp dug she el 0. fropeam ; " oP i an ox alo called, os sdenlifiors Ex: gum, area, mb, length, ci ee, + Rules bow fomaing waxiable, ames » The ie Ae chavacker En a watiable nome amt be habe ox on underseume Gai » ik sucaeding chasactess consiets oy \ethers ond farts. out ubberonse and aaexcase notables one. slanipeant %m Cc. 4) Wath the rosSoble names lowercase fs aged fegerrmtng ft, % Heywords Shad tek be used os roxtable 1) Special characters ona sac allencedh . » Vhere oro no Vii) on ea wake: dt chavachers fn a saxiable nome 3B Alco chupse on obledpriake wastable name 1 Nob "D hee froper sense to the user, ‘Sconned with ComScanner 2 * * Vecerat an os Noatables °— ~~ Al Yee sestablee must be derasud behore Hoo am ured ty the agra. The. fushise J decloain wasicbles sto at : den 4 ge wired evr Apese ~otobles. oy . The oyrtox or decleting- Os {allouas . [Rlybe Nest eR ! ; fi such os int, 4 ches of "Wa type = asie dba iyhe a : ok, Bont we és apxtable is + ek —y Ome or more vaxiables ot type = ” Teka - vere these Ef be cdarvoked \yy commas . Semiecon —> : aaa dy this Seclarakfon Bee th lengli Hook Aveo.) cho ch, double dunsily, ta Mies Hoot bY. wang tosh) hos «= mome(20]}, color [101]; a Astng Volues to Nosiobles Eich woaiable fo csodabed wilh one oe mare ~aliues. The recess chy givin values bo Nordobles is calle) ost gnment ds values, ‘Sconned with ComScanner he ossigmnest dpevalor Ca! fs used +o assy avdue to vovoble. Ths syskon ts as belles x fone = FST] | wher, i \ocalton | ~yodtoble - MAME —> ee ine gs d be etore > Asti snment pevolor. job) — fea condor of 0 wonble Thee ou his swathed a assigning values. te noxfables Th dhe fink anddhod, the anttall volucs can be assigne +o ~onobes uitain whe e\. an wedven Qk fn the ceomne! weoethod. » the yakiok nalues 0%. 058! syed be The waxinble In the ereoutoble. post dO \ quem, Asi vostables within the tritialtzalion. ‘Waue’” declasatton fs c ed a Dake ffs Miho yes ti idbak a waxiable con ‘had ° ge mon- Tusnente in 1 es the lybe ob the dela, The doko “may be numeric ‘Sconned with ComScanner us | Th C, the dota a sae . y Wilk—tr dete a stipe tae » Veived dolabybes > \Jsex- delgred. delatyes Sahn dabdbbes \\ They ox haste 9s \aintlive deka ype ond ee iol ie wolue. ‘these | \an emental nail 40. data tyves tn °C uhh one | gree beuno ‘el apse (0009 h 3d Soe beret » Tategers Se ba 2 Reo o Fltieg pst sunnber al — 2» Double \yeecision peal wurbboe Oy —— hy Chasecters Sena, alt one mon Seed os dale. wedibiors ot deta wllhos. y Tnbeger® Ct) °° Tate 0 key oe! used by tadioale an ‘legen, cpumber, {3 0. Segutnce dp diffs 1 usthouk °o deetrnal \ptek The ange dy tk deberds on the ead Length oy commbubet - Hew » coord length aneans ‘the mumber \ ay bis Mob -ton be occessedl Chor reading or i exiting juxbace) ot a time by dhe processor, ‘Sconned with ComScanner Th yous oopulen 9 isan B- it corapuber , Hen DX. me a ink is given by, 4 «i ie inleger number. de en a | Ang 4 = Iheger pumoet 22*101 | That is, bos an 8- bik c pukew, The ranean ns That con be trouk 3 18 éhhe, -128 ox 4127 pane a 16-bth “le \ondles the tabegens - 32,768 to +32;767 ances ils fs 0 ke and, used to trdlicale a Hoaltn ~ fink srurmber, “the Hooking - fpoiel: sumbers oo Te ou cabled link bemsse ch the eling ob Th ee nk ae e the Sch ‘ae to the i alin oe hs x oly sorte gis du maTW ‘i 0 cd tes th She These sures ete erpvess at deeProal. Chixed) bers, or colenlitie notation. Se amarnkis6 ~ cones . Id roe > ‘egaibe snotakion & is also called i notation. ao? BIO” > Cha, a thts & hey. uae. used to tndfoake dhe | dewedlee eh ls wey be a doles | orork a a Sete contort. A chawactes aoaslank | can be di debvacl ce’ any éimgle chasockes enclosed [tA 0 fabs cpap, ‘Sconned with ComScanner lex oP at abe al Each chowackes candark hes on inkeges value, None Given by the ASCII C Amexican dondared code hor Trkowobion Tnkerchangs] chasncter. aed Some oh the chasacker constants ancl thew ASCIT walucs axe chon below ieenien oak | ype ‘“ 66 ‘go 66 ‘2 ao ‘a 1 ‘Z AOD 0 48 “2 “7 ‘s 38 ‘2 6 : f : vat % Shon Gongtont tA sheng constant is deine as a sequence ab [printable ASCIT chavackevs paced. belween double quotes Ea “Conbuter”," Bagel" Ramo” ebe ny Double hi kn hay sad ane te twill. « double |pvectston Hoating- porn’ number. TL Sg used ie amore occur fs “regu fn evesenting the fleobin - point murtbey Down ably ak ts egubvalest tool bk the ‘Sconned with ComScanner ruben Si gricont ds tls cored obter the | dectroah ea is duuble 1d ots she Heat. he boat usu stores mond ok 6 -Aigtle aller the en Lent. Bub dante os \6- eribicat digits alter the dechnal bet . fx" 23H. goo0oTHCOOONOH S| a = 6. OCOD GTOO ONL S456 A at Corals oeet | A \ockda: 1 gilt 4 is a combination ty tue characters ae the tect chowacter is aluoays the bockelash Cr). And the sectnd chowackes con be ary one oly the chesackers a,b, bine Bi We PN rand @, he backslash. chawacker constants Oxn alse called escabe Soquences . f ‘Vale waders 1 ott use jo oye ast des e Aye meguiement 5 foukte x thee “more To have on accuses S o L Ustn double data These mut ers Ont also ald galbios, Thy 0 j sige oo) Unsi ed © Sh iD ie This con be abled b inleger sratiobl “the signed modities can also be abblied nth 0 chor dota type . to create small inte. Py dine ‘Sconned with ComScanner 2 ote [inflementokions chow is unsigned, meaning thal tk con beld iekegers 0 to ass. ay tk ts chasibied, as clare, then it can hold the numbers tn the conge 128 fo 1907 ola 1 hes ean be week or bah Tek ond. chor Tr can also be used tm combination uith long ex shoal. Th fy used to create on unstanel tobege. The high eqe’s Is used te ag 4 order bk ty a signed, ink signed Hag. Th the hich we bik ts zea, then dhe ‘nkeges ‘s treated. foxitive and it athe high: 8 g order. bit is one then the Srheger is Treated os % Lona PARIS, cg pad to Sak tele then dbfted to th exenitaly debs se Ge iis] dy Nhe base “glee Hook ¥ Ga : TT; Ik ts by bits hen |g : i a. Ast Cpmnillarty « Anis a be wy . saat 2 een we 25 oblpied to By duuldes the \pwecission.- . tian Be Soe em BE ub, wut compilers ove 16-hek ints = etace, snst [ Amesteon notional @landond. Tati hoe] ceequlrement- 1 ts that she emallest acce}table size bore the “Trt 4s t6-bils the mast ofthe mothe thee Pewter ie ae ks dee ch 0 ‘Sconned with ComScanner Habeclin: L i wolues iy ‘ The process oh toe che, ~vostable is a a iin rn hle con seifaltce Tove ane variable fh a | ohgle ctobement . This type or oe hale i. would need wore umber ossigronet dpercdors (Baisy toh noyee 2103 i) Hoot azbscs 2d = 6-86) wll Te Veeck daterent titi olizes the Ynee int tat ie ia.y ad 2 to 10. The sec Aohement L iniliolizes the \Yook voriables ob, cand ch to 6:85. | eo EE Se ‘Sconned with ComScanner

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