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te The Vogatond King NO4 Overture. . . N° 2 Opening Chorus 3 Love for Sale. 4 Drinking Song . 5 Song of the Vagabonds 6 Some Day . . 7 Only A Rose . 8 Fight Music and Finaletto ® Opening Second Act 40 Hunting . . 41 Scotch Archer's Song 42 To-Morrow . . 43 Finale Second Act Entr Act 2. 14 Nocturn Opening Act wi Ballet. . 2. 45 Serenade . 16 Huguette Waltz . Musical Program 17 Love Me To-Night Duet . 18 Finaletto Act IIT Entr’ Act . 19 Opening Act IV 20 Opening Act IV 21 Finale Ultimo . ACT I. oe Ensembles . Huguette and Chorus ‘Tabary and Male Chorus +. Villonand Chorus. +. + . Katherine 2. . Watherine and Villon « . + «Entire Company. ACT IL. + King, Tristan and Astrologer + + No#land Ensemble + Villon and Katherine . + Entire Company. . ACT II. + + + + Ensemble. - +o. 5 + Tarantelle. . . Tabary, Oliver, Lady Mary . Katherine and Villon . ACT IV. ee Scene . Scene II-Chureh Music. Page 1 16 26 33 40 ab BL 58 63 78 90 96 116 119) 124 . 182 - 40 . 4a 447 452 155 137 168 The Vagabond King New Spectacular Musical Play Music by RUDOLF FRI Overture 5 ca Lyries by BRIAN HOOKER NOL Maestoso (not too siow) f (Brass) =a ‘malto espressivo Andante cantabile | P | moto marcato € molto legato 4¢-] 2) ‘molto espressivo Copyright MCMXXVI by Henry Waterson, Inc. New York Oity / ‘International Copyright Secured Copyright transferred 1980 to Famous Music Corporation, N.Y.C. ip a — — } x = Tie molto ‘molto rit. g > ee =— i cua nae K oa ui rad = x et 2 tt tt AS Ze =e 2S ——— § i izes = goa ke Jo we Moderato assai nf Yegatd — Allegretto — Sars y, zg OPENING CHORUS-ACT I NO2 (ENSEMBLE) Allegretto Vivace a ff stacoato Life is like a bub-ble i glas - ses 2 of | | | | | | | | Love is like a but-ter-fly that MEN (a ‘flo - ve - at of them are Pa - vi- dus qui gone as quick as wink - So we make the most of love and drink - > fe f ‘i ing (Shouts and laughter) ivi, just drunk enough to be soulful, oomes forward to sing to Andante cantabile CHORUS WWumming) 2p. cHo, S. os mT (With maudlin sentiment) ‘TaNon| ‘SOLO My ‘TENOR| SOLO co, TANOR| SOLO nev-er dear old mo-ther — a nO. TENOR SOLO (Girls oryinig in sympathy) CHO. # | ——— ‘Texor| SOLO mo ~ ther at cHo. = ee wey! (Shouts and laughter) Allegretto | ia So = yeapesiiafagnes sseaneai testes aeeaea testes a ieaess seats atest rey Scherzando gons! Ho, Bright - pa ee 48 cH, come as they He (Some Girls start dancing) Sreseeeeeeeseeeereeeereeereteren en “ ceo. cE0, Here's to you de - vils so - ber who as join in our long as youre re-vels Well il) oxo. HO, ritard — — tempo Vivo al. ad Love For Sale! (HUGUETTE and CHORUS) NO 3. eae oe eee Piano Heres your dream of hap-pi-ness — ———~ ao, FE = melody marcato Here's beau-ty in dis-tress Ha -sy to have and to hold For Loves a Trade for an _ Moderato oh eae Pur fay stace. 4 17 aS =n Ss aoe fee ian — = Ge an-y maid Where love isboughtand sold z Brit Ps rit.molto Trdba. Refrain Moderato for sale! Moderato and pale. and. frail, 4 — a 18 Allegro mer-ry or sor -ry Dit - ter thing. Love for salel___ Moderato or shy________ Asad, mad, fleet, weet Who should know bet - ter than ee atempo whol buy. a tempo \ SuSE RRNA CHO. CHO. 19 SECOND CHORUS HUGUETTE Love for Love for salo! 7 Here is love Here is love for sale love for sale h~ Here is love for sale Here 1s love Here is love for sale 2 — | —— Rea-dy for a-ny who'll buy Rea-dy for aay whol buy 20 CHO. Proud and pale fond and frail ‘We are proud ‘we areproudand pale, fond and frail —— te: S Gan == ‘that is proud and pale andfrail,so frail Mer-ry or sor-ry or Mer-ry or sor-ry or shy. > Ee —= 2 Aa Love mer-ry_ or sor-ry or shy,love is mer - ry, sor-ry or shy A ALA AA —= t co. CHO. sad, at mad, fleet, sweet, bit ~ ter thing 4 } SE, ead, mad, fleet, sweet, bit - ter thing tp : ‘Who should know bet-ter than 1?. t ‘Who should know bet~ter than 1?, (agus ame) Fl. 22 cHo. Love tor sale! Here is love Love here is love a tempo Here is love for sale Love, for sale Love for salel__ ¥ ica sweet love sale a == | who'll buy! __ — a . ge = z = whol buy!. fe ¢ 2 pact £ — —— £ eR @ a = > af pf 2 fe ie St = ffatongs ; le & a — 3— = o $3 ae aa a = FF 11 Moderato molto rubato ENCORE 28 1 24 SOPRANI ALTE ‘TENORI Bassi Meno mosso and pale— Meno mosso nf fleet, sweet, ter — SS ‘thing at Meno to 26 a Drinking Song No4 (TABARY and MALE CHORUS) Marziale ‘Trumpets 2 4. Lay me to snooze in the mud and theooze, | With plen - ty of booze to 2.Leave mo to drench on a tav- ern—bench, Withmy drowsy, frows-y > > fe? = = — = = er e SS ae 2S warm me, Tu dream of a crown and an er - mine gown, And dox = 35 She's Hel - en of Troy for to be my joy, Or Poco meno Kings bowing down be-fore mel 0; give me wine Ma - ry of France by prox - y! For when T'm drank SEE 27 ask for-wine, And the weslth of the world is— mine, all mine— So wish to be} y fatwench is a Qui 80 REFRAIN Marziale ee SS © what care I for a purse of gold, For blood that is old and what care for a down- casteye— For love that is pure and ,. fas ) ses eg gee eC, hl ey ‘Ano - ble name; or a roy - al fame, There’snone so , dear as the girl thefshere, of wine of wine |b 78 yor a p000 orese. fla-gon of wine— gal-lon of wine— 2 ag > = bar-rel of wine— will = do= An of wine = will 29 Marziale — ‘Trumpets | sleep With the TH nev-erwake with a long head - ache, Tho’ heav-en or hell be- | | S010 gain—not TI— So lit-tle 1 care for fast and pray’r — a TENORT lit-tle I care for fast and pray’r — BASSI { | st long for a strong-er brew— No water for strong-er brew— ter -ni-ty— When a ~—fla- gon of wine will | fla gon ofwine will a 22 poco a poco oresc. fla-gon of wine— gal-lon of wine — barrel of wine Boce @ po0o erese, el {J fle-gon of wine— gal-lon of wine— mf poco a poco ereso. \ of wine will of wine will NO5 Song Of The Vagabonds CVILLON AND CHORUS) Marziale come you Beg-gars of Pa-ris town, You lou- sy rab-ble of =e = ae = Fd, — — mid op f (oxos) 2 low de-gree (You rab-ble of tow de- gree!) * whenrenelrnntrrreetrte ot a8 King Louis to keep his crown And save our ci- ty from me = =e = 3 Bur - gun- dy (Our ok = ty from Bur ~ gun — ay) SS = z = We can die’ for Lib-er - ty pee REFRAIN (not to fast) of toil and dan-ger, Will you serve a strang-er “Ge re | aye : Ble ror? #33 of shame and sor - row, Will youcheer —_to-mor - row = = ——— crown of Bur-gun - dy? Hh 26 Swords a~gainst li - ly ban-ners gol of France a-round__us, Break the chain _ that bound us, ees =e Hell with Bur - gun - dy! = 7 + SOPRANI ALII TENORT BASSI SECOND REFRAIN (not to fast) strang-er And bow _ aod gf of shame and sor a1 = you serve. _ | | | of Bur - gun - vd dy? = > On - ward! On - ward! Swords a - gainst the iid 57 a For - ward! = For of France— \ ward the’ li - ly ban-ners pd dod a-round us, Break \ h “ 4 gol the chain that bound us, = s ‘ 2 — lees eal a Hell with Bur-gun - dy! a NOG Some Day (KATHERINE) (Katherine appears as a vision in the church entrance) Moderato e the days that shall be. — you will come and z 2. 42 in the flush of the Py ee ae | | shall dis-cov-er, the for her lov-er, the man—— With the heart TENORS I 48 (CHORUS OF SCOTCH ARCHERS) (behind the scenes) Woof! The boyshave lost a broth- er— Woof! The dev-tl’s got an- TENORS IT * : : Woot! The boyshavelost a broth- er— Woof! The dev-il’s got an- a = BARITONE = Woof! The boyshavelost @ broth- er— Woof! The dev-il’s got an- BASS : sum-mer morn - sum-mer morn Fetch thewretch~ to stretch his teth - er, Danc-ing on the pleas-ant weath-er— Ha ha ha ha ha ha A rope a- round his fest— Woof! To hell with-out his Woot! A rope a-round his neck fast— Woof! —To_ hell with-out his Woot! A rope fast— Woof! To hell with-out his breck - fast! There let him hang for a warn-ing— Ureak-fast! There let him hang for a warn-ing— (Caw) ‘break-fastl ‘There let himhang for a warn-ing— Four and twenty crows Pick-ing at his nose— = — (Cow!) God knows!__ © 45 | Only A Rose NOT (KATHERINE and VILLON) KATHERIN 41, Moderato i i — ——— Tell the love I love least Tell the love I love best “Love is a rose”. tT poco rit, | REFRAIN (On eys a rose ene eat) ‘2 ——— legato eg To keep in mem-o-ry = A TSN 7 —_t—l-~ On-ly a rose: a Blush-ing as ros —= “Til bring a-long a rit, SS whis- per, a smile or a song for a- ny-one. a tt 48 —— atempo KATHERINE ‘VILLON On-ly a rose yon give me egato =. cers eee —————.., On-ly a song dy-ing a - way. med acal —— On-ly a song—— dy-ing a - way — 2 J — i EN a LE el ZA alae a Only a smile Un-til we meet On-ly a rose meet — SS On -ly a rose 49 an-oth-er Cargo! an-oth-er to whis - per ————— to whis - per — 1 Blushing as rit, “TIL bring a-long a smile or a song for a-ny-one “TH bring a-long a smile or a song for a-ny-one FES pp tte: On-ly a rose oul” —_—— yr rit, molto you!” ——— a tempo es rit, molto $2 a Nes Vivace Fight Music and Finaletto (ENTIRE COMPANY) surgavr: “Y' kill you!” a 52 Enocking on door) (Captain enters) oot re te ‘TRISTAN: “His Majesty, the King!” va. Scherzando | VILLON: (“The King- Good Lord!”) TABARY: “Good night!” Fiute bes & % 53 ; LOUIS: “Cage these pretty birds for me” > Bassoon et LOUIS: “So you think, Master Villon, you would make a better King than 1?” Marziale _ = ee Hom) vy VILLON: Why not? If 1 be nota better King than Louls do— nothing, Louis dare~nothing, Misteriosg x S. iy ‘Trumpets God! Where the Oriflamme should flame, if Villon were the King jof France! tL Moderato KATHERINE On-ly a_ rose —— te whis: per cxorus Moderato Blush-ing, as Fos '- rose to__whis-per— (Humming) TH bring a - long to whis- per — Gfumming) PP. tL (Throws Villon a rose) (SSS smile or a song for an-y - one pu L kK es = £ =e o ¥ iz: aS = oxo, m-ly the Rose of ros-es ee ——_— —*- == t— Maestoso Curtain x for yout = for youl oxo. youl VILLOW On-ly a rose End of Act I nt 58 Moderato Entr’act ACT Il, OPENING (Scene; KING, TRISTAN and ASTROLOGER) NO9 Curtain Rises Con espressivo pte Se + i A : ————— i SS SSS SS te a tr 50 60. ASTROLOGER exit = . = ° a = a — 94 2 Pan as jb LOUIS: “If Villon were the King of France, good Tristan”___ —= tt DD 3: at | Not to fast bs , _ ed | 4 | | | _____ TRISTAN exit = se LOUIS: “If Villon were the King of France! May not a mad man save my throne, as a = nad Mad saved it for my Size? (Curtain q — 1, .. 7 Act IL, Scene II oa Hunting! (NOEL and ENSEMBLE) N° 10 Allegretto moderato “I~ —~ = —. ¥ \Floms) Curtain rises tr, 4 Trumpets Curtain rises P echo) to - day for a wild-er sort of game oth - er be-neath the sun— GIRLS MEN And if you ask this ter-ri-ble crea-ture’s name may find out when the hunt is done REFRAIN Hunt-ing, hunt - ing (Bumming) af - ter a la-dy Day-light, moon- light, 66 sun-shine or sha-dy While youre hunt: ing, shell be hunt ~ ing = € = When you catch her, ft = she will have caught you AI you teach her Same old game King Sol-o - mon stil a used to favor - ite 67 63 form of sport to - day! Hunt-ing, hunt-ing af - ter a la - dy Sun- day, week - day, work-day or play-day Some-one hunt - ing, some-one hunt - ing £ zo to the call of the cy mid - sum - mer =— Hol. oo | 2 be ‘= | 1 Ag ~~ ia a _ ae ae eee a ES : as fF + DANCE (trance 80D seceeencene fe REFRAIN Hunt~ ing, bunt - ing af - ter a la-dy Day-light, moon-light, (Humming) i ornis | MEN | sunshine or sha-dy While you're hunt-ing, shell be hunt, ‘When you catch her, she will have caught you All you teach her she will have taught you Yet she runs a - way when men pur - sul Same old game King a Sol-o-mon used to play Still a favor-ite te 1% _——— oi it t form of sport to - day! oens) e Hunt-ing, hunt- ing af - ter a la ~ dy ® Tal-ly-ho! tal-ly-ho! tal-ly-ho! — tal-ly-ho! | 4 REPRISE “Only A Rose” LOUIS: “Cur that dared to call himself a King.” KATHERINE sings off stage Moderato assai oon = o SSS On-ly a rose legato give you doy ft Un-til we meet —_—!_+—___— n To —whis - per, Blush-ing as ros “TH bring a-long a smile or a song for a-ny-one rit. VILLON On-ly a rose | i= | pp rit.molto a VILLON: “King for a day and after that, the gallows!” 78 NOt Scotch Archers’ Song Moderato MALE HO. High-'o - soLo There’sa crookwitha look like a book fall of naught-i- ness Moderato | | | | | 79 ‘With his boot and his heart full. of haught - up goes he! Some fine day we'll take himten-der-ly by the 80 Lead him straight-way to the gal-lows tree— AndtheLord as - soil his soul! REFRAIN ENORL - oof! BASSI ‘Thedevil’s caught an- at Au dm & bright summer morn All on bright summermorn Fetch thewreteh tostretch histeth - er, Danc-ing on the pleas-ant weath - er— 3 as) —— oof! Arope a-roundhis neck fast— Woo - oof! To hell without his ¢ 82 There Jet himhang for & warn ‘break- fast! gett #% SSS eee Fourand twentycrows — Picking at hisnose— Will he find repose?-Goad | 4 - ; staccato ————— | p ae 2nd VERSE os Moderato MALE ‘CHO. High-o - SOLO There's awench on a benchwith a French kind of flossi- ness, Moderato High-o - ho, and up goes eye, and assleck sort of sauc-i - ness, bz 84 Some dark night we'll catch her by the slack of her —— —— cz — —| 4 + ? —= eh i _| 2S = For a start - er— gar - ter— And march her ae nev-erbring her back~ Andthe Lord as - soil her soul!__, REFRAIN TENORS I -oof! There goesyourlit-tle si Hermothernever TENORS I -oof! There goesyourlit-tle Her mother never BARITONE ‘There goesyouirlit-tle si Woo - oof! Hermothernever == missed her — on abright sum-mermorn missed her— on a bright sum-mer morn on a bright sum-mer morn Shewearsa hempen Shewearsa hempen In herlit-tlewhite chemis-es—Woof! Shewearsa hempen = —> — a = 1 Sa =| Woo - oof! Her re - pu-ta-tion’s speck-less— SSS SS SS 3 Woo - oof! Her re - pu-ta - tion’s speck-less— —- 2 fe = x = ¢ 2S = Woo - oof! Her re - pu-ta - tion’s speck-less— = SS SS Ee . There lot herhang for a warn There let herhang for a warn Four-and-twenty cats— A + _____-__ (Cadenza) A _naaamr Sing-ing sharps and flats— Wherewillshebethen?-A ~ tt 88 REPRISE “Love for Sale!” (VILLON and HUGUETTE SCENE) HUGUETTE: “Sfessire, what has come to Master Frangois Villon?” Moderato, molto espressivo Cello Solo (con sordino) Pb. To - Morrow NO12 (VILLON and KATHERINE) 4... Moderato grazioso auton Feet == & =| — 2 pst eee ty of ——— ie BS “Not to-day” : ev-er be Quite so ——— Twouldaskyou then: ohes fair a - gain? Dad Will your beanty z¢ ‘When you frown, aan And look down, =, love you more REFRAIN Jong to de-lay— To Let Than to-day £ mor - row, 92 learn that each still out of reach, So bor - row To ~ ol mor - row with me. —J- Sn gnd VERSE KATHERINE Whenyousigh “Love is nigh” — z 98 Twouldhaveyou know Love is not a passer-by— Lov-ers come and go— ‘When you smile— wait a-while— Willyoucareto keep myheart, 7 1 would un-der - stand: mol == VILLON ‘Whenyouhave my hand? poco rit, tL 8 REFRAIN (pug) KATHER| VILLON To-morrowwill yo INE To-mor-row will you To - mor long to de-lay~ To - mor - row, - der lit-tle mem - 0 - row willyou A lov - er still To spenda gay To- still out of reach~ So bor - row t+. FINALE - ACT II NO 13 (ENTIRE COMPANY) Moderato VILLON: "Let me thank your Majesty” Piano 2 fg =— Tymp. TRISTAN enters ee CHORUS enter LOUIS:“This is the goal of my revenge!” Pa TOISON D'OR enters ‘TRISTAN (speaking) Herald of Burgandy! ‘TOISON D'OR In the —___-—____l|___ 98, cHoRUS ater Will it be peace or. war to- £ _ {te name of the Duke of Bur-gun- dy!__ as 2 My Lord Marshal will an-swer you Ge — fa KATHERINE (to Villon) What will your an-swer be? TOISON (to Vitton) In the name of the Duke & f= 99 | VILLON | Bur-gun- dy!__ Grazioso — Light - to make your ac - quain - tance; (He turns away to Nod please you to wait a mo-ment? Mes-sire Noél, youare good at plan-ning 400 To - night we give a ‘balla mas- que - (Bverybody amazed) sot ‘CHORUS astonished) 7) There will be wine ‘There will be wine? __ sb poco rif, cHoRUS ‘Wo-man and song!_______feast-ing and song? TRISTAN ‘Wo-man and ‘TRISTAN cHorus : The fool is mad! The fool is maa! TOISON DOR ‘What is this fol-ly? 402 KATHERINE (to Villon) = -—3—a1 thought you were a Allegro Scherzando TOIsON por take my an-swer from this po - pin - jay? for France! 108 CHORUS TOISON DIOR (facing Villon) The Duke of Bur- gun - dy sum - mons If you re-fuse, dis - as-ter! fire and oe 104 Great words! sword! Much blood Much gold TOISON DOR The an-gels of great deeds! Lf motto rit 4 ff VILLON (speaking ad lib.) “Herald of Burgundy, in God's name and the King’s,go back to your Master and say to him:We are Molto Moderato 408 well fed; we are well armed; we lie snug and warm behind our Paris walls. We laugh at your traitorous challenge! But when we who eat are hungry, when we who drink are dry, when we who glow are frozen, (Grawing sword) ouranswer to rebellious Burgundy will be the same, This is our answer! This,and the drawn sword: — 408 Vivo sings —— + == Goa i and St. De -nys for the King of France! crorus God and St, De - nys for the King of —— Poco meno TOISON DOR (speaks) You shall all die for this! (exit) 407 KATHERINE (Kneels before Villon) _! re My | —_______thro’me the wo-men of France thank you for your words of _ rit-molto, f 108 Maestoso SS , KATHERINE VILLON | day you will seek me and find | sorts] TENORI 1 | CHORUS) ENORE I day. you will seek me and find nh | BARITOXT| BASSI PIANO 409 day —___ of the days that |———_})_y et 40 : = — ifets SS © a 5 aol Abt you willcomeand re-mind me Of adream that is Sure - ly - ——— = dy Soret? tire you willcome and re-mind me Of a dream that is o FE at — Ss SSS 5 pe r = call - ing for you and for me 4 v (ete = Sj ? a fi 7 pup hh | = —— 3 = Se = SSS call ~ ing for you and for me | L |b hh n SSS SS SS ies + call - ing for you and for me __ hfe pd) de ~— + = = == sali f orese, molto 2 5 £ | a: a is | é an Eek 54 2 ho 3 5 : r 7 113 pee ye) ecemme =a ee 8 ae te | i a t day in the flush of the spring ener F ¥ 7 day in the flush of the spring af yh hg. a £: $a te will dis-cov-ér The [SSS == 7 Se Soul born___ for her lov-er, The == = at Le HO 6 Grandioso os with the heart of __ a King! v . with the heart hb — with the heart of a King! the heart | ® 8 5 ae Curtain 8 f . rit. molto € orese, END OF ACT 1 SuSE 118 Marziale ENTR’ ACT tL 118 ate OPENING ACT III us NO 148 Nocturn (ENSEMBLE Maestoso molto espressivo a Andante cantabile SOPRANI ALTT TENORT BASSI ~~] 2 #: In the night, while the winds are mur-mur-ing SOLO SOPRANO S010 BARITONE Andante cantabile melody marcato ¢ molto legato ——— + S" molto espressivo 120 Winds are murmuring low— In the night, where the ros - & bloom at our ‘While thewinds are low— tT Ros-es bloom at our fpet— Gan i a. _ a - b, FF og t Ft ole ies == SSS = SSS br # —== Can you hear ss = = = + = One who calls to gees F _aeet nt ge —: =e s o = ae = Calling to you, calling to me, . pop Pups gfe pe aD 2, ee f e == 80, Callingto you, calling to you, calling to. me, Oo my rie a — Fe SS SS one call ing you, call-ing fo you— be eh, a opp $isgt Calling to me, 0 my : motto rit tot; The green ger-denbreath-ing, heav-y with | | | | In thegar-den green Wherethe white ba £ moon-light falls b, soft-ly a- tee = bove Life, call-ing,to me, Call-Ing to : ; : ok 3 bs: _§ ¢% #3 ft = e = & Ab ye Bate = ——— bd In the moonlight a-bove— Life, call - ing to o—- z a _ tt fe . SSS == — ‘Where moonlight is fall - ing— is call - ing to - eee > a i 7 2 peri as e ees , : 2 if = z == —— = = Fe — f rit. molto ee _————— a er is fe Saas SS £ Sh 3 ptt i t E ——= eee Let ae : z = 2 © you While our hearts —_______ an-swer pp ip ee hearts an-swer Segue fo Ballet —|__. — 128, No 142 Maestoso Ballet (TARANTELLE) ota Poco meno =i> >> > inn, go 5 etl te ra —— ‘Vivo (quasi Tarantelle) staccato | 126 en, _ 128 Moderato Very broad Veta be ae gra P espressivo ———= | —=—— | - SSS Love me, Love me to night! = ! : Le Meno A i ‘ i it igi SS = == pe e B ~~ | Pe HSS po ——= motto| |e ecm =e —e oo “ : + PES = 147 FINALETTO- ACT II REFRAIN (notto fast) (Mob heard humming in the distance, coming nearer and nearer) Sons of toil___ and dan-ger, Will youserve a stranger youcheer__ to-mor - row Swords a-gainst the Foe = ward the Break the chain — that bound _us, (THE MOB BREAK INTO THE KING'S GARDEN) SECOND REFRAIN (not to fast) SOPRANI : mon beep ad a uh BASSI ————F = $ —+ rH =I (Pa Sate lose. a : + — a strang-er And bow down to. Bur-gun - x 0 450 = 3 — i Gh. T ss SEE a= — at. | reso, a a Ai, i — = fe wy a igh oll] ell ath ay att MRE WN ow ld fhe iy Ep Chet Wes wll UT pus Batt a 4! Zell alll | si afl For - ward! Por - ward the li- ly ban-ners — gol [2 i 2 2d odd gy of France_ a-round us, Break the chain — that bound us, p bd ab Hell with Bur- gun = dy! 4) 2) ge END OF ACT I 152 ENTR’ACT Valse lento pp poco rit. P melody marcato _——————— ‘poss rit—== | efenpo ——— ieee a accel. orese 154 —L rit, molto 155 OPENING-ACT IV -SCENE I N19 4 Not to fast tL. ——— 158 For Change of Scene, Repeat Opening Scene I- Act IV Act IV, Scenell Opening No.20 CHURCH MUSIC Ensemble off Stage) SOP. & ALTE cHoR: Te de-um lau-|da - mus! Te de-um lau-|da - mus! TEN, & BASSI I 2 BARITONE SOLO Te de-um 4st time Full Ensemble 2nd time sotto voce ORGAN (on Stage) ta - tis! Do -mi-num ae Pa -trem mai-es - Do-mi-mum ac - ter num, jo | =| Do - mi- mum ae #2 2 DOSegue 4 159 Fighters return from victorious battle singing: Not too fast Sons of toil___ and dan-ger, Will you serve down ‘to Bur - gun - — and sor - row, you cheer to- mor - row a [_—_——, 460 ff Bur-gun - LC ————— rt + £ & 168 the chain that bound us, And Hell with Bur-gun - = > —_1t-— Maestoso, marziale arms,— goon to glo-ry, Ready to fight forthe namewe bear, > oF et 7 Maestoso, marziale 162 home of our fa- thers be - fore, __ Men at arms read-y tofight once more! Still ze return to-geth-er to yourhome, Still read-y tofight a - gain! £ land where ourchil-dren re - Finale Ultimo VILLON (on the gatiows) On-ly a rose me ‘KATHERINE CHORUS nf legato ul oT 7 (coming down stage) 2 ts — On-ly a Song dy-ing a - way cH. tt 164 ee On-ly a smile to Keep in ne smile to keep in 7 On-ly a to keep in 223 af on-ly a smile Y Fonte SS U =o ph : 4 3 eg Ee —_ Un-til we mect an-oth-er 7 ah — 3 = ~ 8 x, epee 2 = E = : — Un-til “we meet an-oth-er , 4 z 7 3} (pps = 2 = z z a fap SSS of —— Un-til we meet an-oth-er B ji i ee ddd) 3 = s == smile in mem-o - ry Uu-til we meet bo oo oS __t == ean ne On-ly a rose oth-er day. 14 = = st v. = = = = | f+ : ? oe On-ly a ae Blushingas ros - a rose to whis-per, Humming) 7 ou On-ly a SS % 26 £ # tie = 166 rose to whis-per, blushing, as___ ———_. s - es do Til bring a-long a. PR Se cu) —— as roses dot whis - por thmmngyn al Le . <> 2 << spp = = : a =_=— SS eee : Se ot ie ree i aa ee] Leet Da |p oe — fi,J sth tp ae 4 4 —F Ee + For an — x SSS = : smile or a song For an - y- one fu 4 le e Ze o p——4 5 == == SS a -_—CCse aa > +, eae Sit £ — nn Maestoso 167 (Curtain) On-ly a Fose from you! — g = fo oe SF 7 2 On-ly a rose for you! | ge a a = a = = = Z —— So for you! 7 ¢ ge PE = == oe Maestoso = iver = , 25s 6 : he # 4 ze ae = oe ——= cee == —T (Brass) z = a |] OR TI J 2 eet Pol. Jde2= pS 2 =o = oS ~ ie fe (Tymp.) ' . ==] x = == ——|

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