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Alberca, Carl Adrianne

Dela Cruz, Margaret

Esmael, Hannan
Hilario, Zaphenath Paneh



Double doors diligently directed diverse dwellers.

doors delightfully decorated the entrance.

2. Rhyme and Allusion

To teach is to preach, aiming to reach young minds and enrich.

3. Euphemism

- Using beautiful poetic words explaining the potentially sensitive or private matters.
Instead of using blunt or explicit terms for personal or intimate activities.
- The call to "keep it discreet" suggests handling private matters with care and respect
without explicitly mentioning the details of what should be kept private
4. Metaphor

A lamppost is like a sturdy guide in the night, shining a light that leads through dark and
offering a path of hope

5. Metonym

students are called a metonym because they represent and symbolize the entire school.
by using the word "students," we are referring to the school as a whole. it's like saying
one thing to mean something related to it. students stand in for the school and show
what the school is all about, including its values and culture.

6. Ellipses

- This sign… is visible to the people’s hearts?

- Think before you act... and spare yourself the regret of hasty decisions.
- “Wow… I hope they see this”
7. Cliche

- For people who have spent their life in school for 14 years or so and have seen
this at every school or university, this symbol is a cliche visual that doesn't
challenge the viewer's expectations, it is straightforward and simple. While
effective for its intended purpose


1. Composition

- the first image of a school logo is referred to as a composition of it's whole picture
because it involves the deliberate arrangement of visual elements such as
shapes, colors, and symbols to create a cohesive and visually appealing design.
The second image shows the half picture of the composition; it is closer than the
first image.
2. Retouching

- Looking at the original photo, you can tell it's in a "normal" mood, suggesting a balanced
and typical representation of the tree in its natural state. The mood is neutral and doesn't
evoke strong emotions. It captures the tree as a familiar and integral part of its
environment, without emphasizing melancholy or loneliness.

3. Cropping

- The word cropping can be used to make an image smaller and remove irrelevant
objects from the picture. Based on the picture that was taken inside the TUP-T
campus with the concept of cropping, the image only focused on the main or
important object and cropped the unnecessary parts.
4. Juxtaposition

- This image shows liveliness and also abandonment, The left side feels optimistic,
bright, sunny, and it feels like the right time to play basketball with your friends,
the basketball court is welcoming everyone with open arms, while the right side
feels lonely, old, and bored. No one wants to play in that side of the image,
there’s no fun just, darkness and no life.

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