You Can Call Me Sparky

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you can call me sparky

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Akatsuki no Yona | Yona of the Dawn
Relationship: Jae-Ha/Son Hak
Characters: Jae-Ha (Akatsuki no Yona), Son Hak
Additional Tags: Dirty Talk, Horniness, Bathing/Washing, Bisexual Son Hak Behavior,
Masturbation (not on screen), Calming down, Surprise Kissing
Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Kink Bingo 2023 Card 1
Stats: Published: 2023-06-26 Words: 1,181 Chapters: 1/1
you can call me sparky
by whoremoantreatments


A long time traveling without any way to let his hormones free leaves Hak in a precarious
situation with Jae-Ha.


Note: Hak gets kind of aggressively horny here and starts acting and saying things that could
be construed as forceful, he never acts on any of it, but bare that in mind when reading!

also someday I'll write them fucking.

See the end of the work for more notes

Everyone else was busy, either resting their wounds, cooking, getting yelled at, or training (if
they were doing what they were supposed to, that was), which made it the only time that Hak
could find to go bathe. Everyone else had their bath (well, almost everyone, but he seemed to
be quite busy with other things), so he could have a bit of privacy in the warm waters. So he
could, in privacy, strip down and hang his clothes on the tree branch near the water to sink in.

There was peace in the air. Crickets chirping somewhere close, and the rustling of the trees in
the evening breeze. When Hak looked around, he could see some fireflies floating around the
edge of the baths, signalling how late it was starting to get. It would just be a short bath to get
himself cleaned off so he could get back to camp for a little bit of rest. His eyes started to
close for a moment. Never off guard. Never letting his mind slip for a second, especially not
here where he could be so vulnerable.

“Are you comfortable?”

Because there was always something just waiting for him around the corner. Tilting his head
back and opening his eyes just enough to see that Jae-Ha was there, right behind him.
Stripping down too, although in such a way that hid his leg until he was deep in the water.
Hak was familiar enough with it but there still was the shame (which was pointless, the leg
looked cool).

“I was.” Hak said with a gruff grunt, closing his eyes again, ignoring the feeling of his
personal space slipping away and disappearing before he could prevent it. There was no point
in trying to move, droopy eyes would just follow right beside him to keep him company. Hak
let out a little grunt as Jae-Ha was close enough to touch, but not close enough to actually do
so. Just a slight annoyance, “Someone else watching the camp?”

“Kija.” Without a second though, “Besides. Neither of us take long baths. We won’t be here

Hak’s eyes peaked open as Jae-Ha began to undo his hair, letting it fall against his back. The
breeze went through it before he dunked himself under the water’s surface to get it clean, and
popped up in front of Hak, back facing him. His wet hair pressed against his back, fingers
moving through it to brush everything out of it. And all Hak could do was stare. Eyes wide as
he looked over Jae-Ha’s entire body.

Despite his best efforts, his always and eternal best efforts, hormones would eventually get
the best of him. He had put in the work, the time, the energy to get them to a place of comfort
and security by making sure those were shoved deep down inside of him. Down far enough
for him just to forget they existed. But his body sure hasn’t. His body gave him a free pass for
a while, just to get through these moments to safety.

And now they burn in him. His body is feeling warmer, and his mind is focusing on one
thing. His head feels hazy and his body feels overwhelmed. There’s no escaping these
thoughts he’s having, licking his lips as Jae-Ha only looks over his shoulder at him. As Hak
begins to spread himself out a bit, his legs starting to split apart, feeling his mind race harder
and faster.

The way Jae-Ha said it, or at least the way that Hak’s mind took it, made him look like an
innocent person who had no idea what they were getting into.

Hak’s breath got heavier, and his eyes prepared for war. He slowly moved to stand up and go
behind Jae-Ha, his breath heavy and his mind focused and determined on something he
wasn’t ready for. Letting out a low gasp when he was behind Jae-Ha, his fingers twitching to
move but for right now, all he could do was look at him. Though they were similar heights,
Hak felt like he was towering over him.

Jae-Ha had no fear as he looked at Hak, turning around to face him. No arousal either as
Hak’s mouth began to move. He still didn’t touch Jae-Ha, but began to speak, as though he
had been waiting for this for his whole life.

“Let me pin you down… and ravage you… I need to fuck you…” Hak grunted out as he
moved his hands out to touch Jae-Ha, promising to put this into motion, “I’ll ruin you… I
need to ruin you. You’re beautiful…” It felt almost delirious coming out of him like that, the
way his mouth moved and Jae-Ha’s body started to react back to him. Moving to touch him
on the arms as if to calm him down.

Or to encourage him.

“Hak…” Jae-Ha’s breath went heavy and deep as if Hak’s mumbling was starting to turn him
on, “Look at me.”

Hak looked right at him, the eyes of a vicious predator looking at what could only be an
innocent lamb coming to slaughter. His fingers were light on Hak but not so light that he
could slip out and pounce on him. Hak tried but Jae-Ha held him in place well enough. But
Hak’s mouth could run free while Jae-Ha was looking at him. Both beginning to be more and
more turned on by what was going on.
“I’ll pull on your hair… I’ll make you moan for me… make you say my name out loud… I
need you. Make you want me. Make you crave me. Make you-”

But he stopped. Because Jae-Ha placed a kiss on his lips.

And suddenly everything slipped away out of him, purely by shock alone. A feral beast had
no idea what to do when encountering softness like this.

“You’re overheating. Get out of the water and go to bed, okay? I’ll listen for anything.”

Hak could only nod as Jae-Ha let him go, bound to forget this by the following night, while
Jae-Ha would keep this a secret until the grave. He pulled away and slowly began to climb up
out of the baths and let the night air dry him off while he headed back to the camp. Dazed and
confused. He picked up a nearby cloth to finish drying so he didn’t go back into camp feeling

Jae-Ha let out a little sigh as he flopped back down in the water. Splashing water all over
himself again, as his fingers slipped into the water to help take care of the problem that Hak
created for him.

“Mmm, if he was only in a better mind set…”

He chuckled and closed his eyes, breathing in the cool night air as he let his body finish and
release it deep into the water. Letting his body cool off in the night breeze. And let his mind
wander to exactly how Hak might’ve treated him had he let him go on. Better in his
imagination than in real life.
End Notes

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