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Presenter's Name:

Feedback Given by:

Peer Feedback
Write your observations for each category. It would help to your partner if you
elaborated more on each one of them. Ideally, you want to write 5-6 lines for each:
tell them what they did very well and where improvements may be needed.

Introduction Did the presenter have a clear introduction?

Did their presenter include a hook (a story to start their presentation), a
thesis and background information?

Body Was the presentation organized and easy to follow?

Did the presentation have main ideas and supporting details?
What would you have changed in their presentation?

Conclusion Did the presentation provide a conclusion and a summary?

Did the presenter paraphrase the main ideas?

Mechanics Was the language used in the presentation appropriate for the audience?
Was there the right amount of content presented?
Were the technical terms used accessible for the audience?
Were there smooth transitions and coherent flow in the presentation?

Clarity Were their words clear?

Did they mispronounce any words or terms? Did they misspell any words?
How was their speed (fast or slow)?
Did they make grammar mistakes? What kind? BE SPECIFIC!
Manner Did they make eye contact with the audience?
Did they read their presentation or did they speak?
Did they use body language and gestures?
Did they ensure that the audience did not get disconnected?
Did they engage the audience?

Visuals How was their PowerPoint presentation?

Did they have enough visuals? Did they show them on time or too late?
Was the contrast of colors and font ideal?

Positive What do you feel they did very well?

Improvemen What do you feel they need to improve for their next presentation?

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