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75-Day Ultimate Vocab Strategy for SSC CGL/CHSL/MTS/CPO 2024

Master the Vocabulary from Recent SSC Exams

Tailored Vocab Based on Previous Year Questions (PYQ)

20 Key Words
• English & Hindi Meanings
• Examples & Synonyms
20 One Word Substitutions (OWS)
• English & Hindi Meanings
20 Essential Idioms
• English & Hindi Meanings
• Examples & Synonyms
Comprehensive Features:
• PDF Resources Available
• Daily Explanations with Audio
• Duration: 45 Minutes to 1 Hour
• Weekly Interactive Sessions:
• Saturday: Quiz/Test
• Sunday: Vocabulary Discussion
• Exclusive Live Sessions with Amrit Gupta
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Day 1/75 (Target SSC CGL 2024)
WORD & Syno Definiton Example
1. Affluent
The affluent neighbourhood
•Wealthy Having a great deal of money;
was known for its large houses
•Prosperous wealthy./ समृद्ध
and luxury cars.
2. Coarse (Adj.)
• Rough Rough or harsh in texture or The coarse fabric was
• Crude manner./ खुरदरा uncomfortable to wear.
• Unrefined
3. Commence (Verb.)
• Begin The ceremony will commence at
To begin or start./ आरभ
ं करना
• Start noon.
• Initiate
4. Emerge (Verb.)
• Appear To come into view or become The sun began to emerge from
• Be visible known./ उभरना behind the clouds.
• Arise
5. Gloomy (Adj.)
• Dark Dark or poorly lit; causing a The weather was gloomy,
• Dreary feeling of sadness./ उदास making everyone feel down.
• Dismal
6. Illicit (Adj.) The so-called leader was
• Illegal Forbidden by law, rules, or accused of illicit activities such
• Unlawful custom./ अवैध as money laundering and
• Prohibited counterfeiting.
7. Liberty (Noun)
The state of being free within People in a democratic country
• Freedom
society from oppressive have the liberty to live their
• Independence
restrictions./ स्वतत्रं ता lives their own way.
• Autonomy
8. Rectify (Verb)
• Correct,
To correct or make right./ सुधारना She tried to rectify her mistakes.
• Amend
• Fix
9. Timid (Adj.) Showing a lack of courage or The timid child hid behind his
• Shy confidence./ डरपोक mother.
• Fearful
• Apprehensive
10. Adversity (Noun)
• Hardship, She showed great resilience in
Difficulties or misfortune./ ववपवि
• Difficulty the face of adversity.
• Misfortune
11. Amiable(Adj.)
• Friendly Having a friendly and pleasant He was known for his amiable
• Pleasant manner./ वमलनसार personality.
• Agreeable
12. Boisterous (Adj.)
• Lively Noisy, energetic, and cheerful./ The boisterous crowd cheered
• Exuberant शोरगुल वाला loudly.
• Noisy
13. Despair (Noun)
• Hopelessness, The complete loss or absence of She was in despair after hearing
• Despondency hope./ वनराशा the bad news.
• Gloom
14. Enigmatic (Adj.)
• Mysterious Difficult to interpret or The enigmatic smile on her face
• Puzzling understand; mysterious./ रहस्यमय puzzled everyone.
• Cryptic
15. Fastidious (Adj.)
• Meticulous Very attentive to detail; hard to She was fastidious about
• Picky please./ अवत सजग keeping her house clean.
• Fussy
16. Mundane (Adj.)
• Ordinary Lacking interest or excitement; He found his job mundane and
• Banal dull./ साधारण/नीरस uninteresting.
• Routine
17. Pernicious (Adj.)
Having a harmful effect, The pernicious influence of fake
• Harmful
especially in a gradual or subtle news is really something to be
• Damaging
way./ हावनकारक worried about.
• Destructive
18. Redundant (Adj.)
• Unnecessary, Not or no longer needed or The report contained redundant
• Superfluous useful; superfluous./ अनावश्यक information.
• Surplus
19 Reprimand (Verb) To rebuke or scold someone./ The teacher had to reprimand
• Scold, फटकारना the students for being noisy.
• Rebuke
• Admonish
20. Spurious (Adj.)
• False Not genuine, authentic, or true; The internet is filled with
• Fake false or fake./ नकली spurious claims.
• Counterfeit
OWS Definition
1. Hypocrite A person who pretends to have virtues, beliefs, or
principles that they do not actually possess./ पाखडं ी
2. Lexicographer A person who compiles dictionaries./ शब्दकोश निर्ााता

3. Mint A place where coins, medals, or tokens are produced./

4. Nostalgia A sentimental longing for the past./ अतीत की याद

5. Opaque Not able to be seen through; not transparent./ अपारदशी

6. Optimist A person who tends to be hopeful and confident about
the future./ आशावादी
7. Philanthropist A person who seeks to promote the welfare of others,
especially by donating money to good causes./ परोपकारी
8. Philatelist A person who collects or studies stamps./ डाक नटकट संग्राहक

9. Polyglot A person who knows and is able to use several

languages./ बहुभाषी
10. Abdicate To renounce one's throne or give up a position of
power./नसंहासि त्यागिा
11. Aquarium A tank or pool where aquatic plants and animals are
kept./ र्छलीघर
12. Aquatic Relating to water; living or growing in water./ जलीय

13. Archaeology The study of human history and prehistory through the
excavation of sites and the analysis of artifacts./ परु ातत्व
14. Archive A collection of historical documents or records./
15. Bibliophile A person who collects or has a great love of
books./पुस्तक प्रेर्ी
16. Botany The scientific study of plants./ विस्पनत नवज्ञाि
17. Brittle Easily broken or shattered./भंगुर
18. Caravan A group of people, especially traders or pilgrims,
traveling together across a desert in Asia or North
Africa./ कारवां
19. Catalogue A complete list of items, typically one in alphabetical or
systematic order./ सूची
20. Genocide The deliberate killing of a large group of people,
especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation./
Idioms Meaning Example
1. Down the tubes Failing or becoming The project went down
ruined./बबबाद होनब the tubes after losing
2. Put his foot To be firm or strict about He put his foot down and
down something./ दृढ़ रहनब refused to allow more
3. Cold feet Nervousness or hesitation She got cold feet before
about something./ घबरबहट the wedding and almost
cancelled it.
4. Face the music To confront the After breaking the rules,
consequences of one's he had to face the music.
actions./ पररणबमों कब सबमनब करनब
5. Greenhorn An inexperienced person./ As a greenhorn, he made
नौसससियब several mistakes on his
first day.
6. Lose your To go crazy or act He thought she had lost
marbles irrationallyपबगल हो जबनब her marbles when she
started talking to herself.
7. He's sitting on Being undecided about He’s sitting on the fence
the fence something./ सनणाय न कर पबने की and hasn’t chosen a side
सथिसि में होनब yet.
8. Take with a grain To view something Take his advice with a
of salt sceptically./ सदं ेह के सबि देिनब grain of salt, as he often
9. To and Fro Moving back and forth./ इधर- The boat rocked to and
उधर fro in the water.
10. Eat humble pie To admit one's error and After the argument, he
apologize./ अपनी गलिी मबन लेनब had to eat humble pie
and apologize.
11. By leaps and Rapidly or significantly./ बहुि The company is growing
bounds िेजी से by leaps and bounds.
12. Red tape Excessive bureaucracy or The project was delayed
adherence to rules./ लबल due to red tape.
फीिबशबही/आवश्यकिब से असधक कबनून
पबलन की सथिसि
13. In black and In writing or print; clearly The agreement was
white defined./ सलसिि रूप में clearly stated in black and
14. Steer clear of To avoid something or It’s best to steer clear of
someone./ दूर रहनब that dangerous area.
15. Hold water To be valid or logical./िका संगि His argument doesn’t
होनब hold water under
16. Slow and Consistent and methodical Slow and steady wins the
steady progress./ धीरे-धीरे race.
17. Ins and outs The details or intricacies of She knows the ins and
something./ बबरीसकयबाँ outs of the business.
18. Went pear- To go wrong or fail./ सबगड़ जबनब The plan went pear-
shaped shaped when we lost
19. Aladdin's cave A place full of treasures or Her antique shop is like
valuable items./िजबनब an Aladdin’s cave.
20. Fight shy of To avoid something out of He tends to fight shy of
fear or caution./ बचनब public speaking.
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