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Name: Andrés Arturo Solis Ayala Student Number:

Course: Professor name:
Life Science Martín Salinas Pérez
Module: 3 Activity: Activity 14
Date: 07/05/24

Part 1
Kingdom Examle with Unicellular Importance Geographic Type of Type of diet Img
scientiffic or distribution reproduction
Name multicelular
Monera Geobacter Unicellular Energy Various Asexual Heterotrophic
metallireducens production habitats
Helicobacter Unicellular Human gut
microbiome Asexual Heterotrophic
Escherichia coli
Unicellular Biological
intestine Asexual Heterotrophic

Protista Entamoeba Unicellular Parasitic Tropical Asexual Heterotrophic

histolytica infection regions

falciparum Unicellular Malaria Tropical Asexual Heterotrophic
transmission regions

Trypanosoma Unicellular Chagas

cruzi disease Americas
Asexual Heterotrophic
Fungi Penicillium Multicellular Antibiotic Worldwide Sexual/Asexual Heterotrophic
chrysogenum Multicellular production
Ganoderma Medicinal Temperate Asexual Heterotrophic
applanatum properties regions

Trichosporon Bioremediation Various Sexual/Asexual Heterotrophic

ovoides habitats
Animalia Bos Taurus Multicellular Livestock Worldwide Sexual Heterotrophic
Hypsibius Multicellular
dujardini Scientific Global Sexual Heterotrophic
Pharomachrus Multicellular Biodiversity Central/South Sexual Heterotrophic
mocinno conservation America

Plantae Zea mays Multicellular Food source Worldwide Sexual Autotrophic

Darlingtonia Multicellular Carnivorous North Sexual Heterotrophic

californica plant America
Amorphophallus Multicellular Horticulture Southeast Sexual Heterotrophic
titanum Asia

Part 2
The logic behind classifying these species into their respective kingdoms is based on
several key characteristics:

1.- Cellular Structure: Monera includes unicellular organisms lacking a nucleus, such as
bacteria. Protista includes unicellular eukaryotes, which have a nucleus and organelles.
Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia are multicellular eukaryotes.

2.- Mode of Nutrition: Monera are typically heterotrophic, obtaining nutrients from the
environment. Protista may be autotrophic or heterotrophic. Fungi are heterotrophic, often
decomposing organic matter. Plantae are autotrophic, using photosynthesis. Animalia are
heterotrophic, consuming other organisms.

3.- Reproduction: Monera and some Protista reproduce asexually, while others also have
sexual reproduction. Fungi have both sexual and asexual reproduction. Plantae and
Animalia primarily reproduce sexually.

4.- Importance and Habitat: Each kingdom plays distinct roles in ecosystems and has
varying importance to humans. Monera are crucial for processes like nitrogen fixation and
digestion. Protists include pathogens and important photosynthetic organisms. Fungi
contribute to decomposition and medicine. Plantae are essential for oxygen production and
food. Animalia encompass a wide range of species, including pets, livestock, and wildlife.

Part 3
References on the contributions of the Fungi kingdom to mankind:

1.- Antibiotic Production: Fungi like Penicillium have been crucial in producing
antibiotics like penicillin, revolutionizing medicine and saving millions of lives.

2.- Bioremediation: Certain fungi species, like Trichosporon ovoides, are used in
bioremediation processes to clean up environmental pollutants, showcasing their potential
in sustainable solutions.

3.- Food Production: Edible fungi like mushrooms are an important source of nutrition
for humans, providing protein, vitamins, and minerals.

4.- Medicinal Properties: Fungi like Ganoderma applanatum are used in traditional
medicine for their potential health benefits, such as boosting immunity and reducing
5.- Scientific Research: Fungi are studied extensively for their genetics, ecology, and
potential applications in biotechnology, contributing to advancements in various scientific

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