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€ Complete the second conditional sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. D What would you do in these situations? Answer the questions with ’d E Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one. Use no more than three words F Give a friend of yours some advice in these situations, starting with If / were you... each time. Unrr 18 The second conditional is used for a possible, not probable, future situation * iF won the lottery, Id travel round the world. It can also be used for an imaginary situation, the opposite of the real present situation * If |had more money, I'd buy anew car. (| have an old car and not much money.) and also for giving advice: + If lwere you, 'd buy it at once. 1 Ifyou (tell) me the truth, I (believe) you. 21 (can) collect you from the station if you (ot) me know the time of your train. 31f1 (be) you, I (buy) some new clothes for the party. 4 Ifyou (go) by plane, you (get) there much faster. 5 But ifyou (go) by coach, it (cost) much less. What would you do if 5 1... you saw a house on fire? 2 ... you saw someone lying unconscious on the pavement? 3 ... a beggar asked you for money in the street? 4 ... you got on a train without a ticket? 5 ... you found you had no money when you arrived at the supermarket checkout with all your shopping? 1 I'm too hungry to concentrate properly. IL weren't so hungry, — properly. 2 Perhaps I could go to Spain and visit José. IfTwent to Spain, ________ José. 8 I don’t speak Arabic well enough to work in Egypt. 1 better, I could work in Egypt. 4 I think you should stop smoking. WI___, rd stop smoking. 5 My dream is to become rich and successful, and buy a castle. If _________ and successful, I'd buy a castle. able to concentrate 1 He's got a bad headache. 2 She's lost her credit card somewhere. 3 He's in love with the girl next door. 4 She watches too much television. 5 He's just crashed his father’s ear. 6 She hasn't done any work for her exams. ; 7 He's a bit overweight. 8 She wants to spend £300 on a coat. 8 RR aaa ——

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