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Type: Letter-Accepting an invitation & Giving information

Student: Alice K.
Class: B1a
Date: 17/10/10

Topic: Write a letter accepting an invitation and giving information.

Dear Sophia,

Thank you for your letter. I read it and I am so happy that you invited me
to stay with you for a whole summer in England. Guess what! I asked my
mum and she said yes. I am free to come and stay with you! I can’t
believe it! I have already started thinking about what we can do.

We could go to London, the museum of “Madame Tussauds” and take

pictures with some of our favourite pop stars and then make an album
with these and other pictures and hide the album somewhere in your
house. So, every time you want to remember the beautiful moments we
had together you’ll just have to open the album. Another idea would be
to go to the Big Ben and take some photos. Then upload them in a file in
the computer and you can email them to me.

I have a small surprise for you. I know that you are very keen on books,
so I made a project. I wrote a small story and I am looking forward to
reading it to you! I know that in your hometown there is a small farm with
horses. In your letter you had told me you wanted to learn horse riding.
Luckily, I am a professional horse rider. No, ok, just kidding. I have been
doing horse riding for 6 years so I can teach you some things if you
haven’t already started taking lessons.

So, that’s all for today. Please write back soon. I would like you to tell me
some of your ideas on how to spend the summer together.

With love,

(270 words)


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