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August 2023

August 2023 Edition
Barnabas Alumogie
Copyright 2023

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Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are

taken from the King James Version of the Bible.


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About the Cell Ministry
We believe that the church is a living entity, and every
living thing is made up of cells which are the smallest
structural and functional units of the body (of Christ).
For this reason and more, the Cell Ministry stands out
tall as a distinct ministry in Agapesprings. Paul speaking
concerning this calls it ‘the church that is in their house’
in Romans 16:5 and 1Corinthians 16:19.

The cell system in Agapesprings is called ‘church- in-

church’ i.e. house churches in the local church. Every
genuine member of the ministry is expected to belong
in a cell where they can be fed, nurtured, catered for and
ultimately prove their ministry. We believe strongly that
fellowship is better when you’re known. The cell is large
enough to contain you and small enough to recognize
you. Some of the functions of the cell in this ministry

1. PRAYER/FELLOWSHIP: Members of the same

cell are expected to have regular times of prayer and fel-
lowship weekly. This in turn builds up the believer in
wisdom and piety Acts 1:14, Jude 1:20.


tament ministry is predominantly a teaching ministry.
Jesus commands us to go into the world and make disci-
ples of all nations, teaching them to observe all the things
things that He (Christ) has commanded us. Disciples are
only made by constant, rigorous and regimented teach-
ings. Hence at the cell level, the same teachings of the
ministry are emphasized thoroughly and repeatedly.

3. EVANGELISM: Cell in Agapesprings is a tool for

soul winning and soul building. Cells are to have regular
times where all members win souls week- in- week- out.
We believe strongly that everyone is a preacher (i.e. we
are saved to save others).


GROUPS: Our cells are avenues for members of the
church to connect one with another in a godly manner.
It is clear from scriptures that the church is not a wel-
fare organization, but a spiritual organization for feeding
believers with the word of God. However, members of
cells are expected to talk to their cell leaders about their
welfare needs and the cell members are to rise up (with
godly care and love, not coercion) to meet those needs as
God has enabled them.


cell, the grace of God upon church members is discov-
ered, nurtured and given expression. Members are given
first hand opportunities to fulfill their ministries and fan
to flame the gift of God in their lives, 2 Timothy 1:6.

6. CHURCH GROWTH: The body grows healthily

as cells grow. Cells are to ensure the week- in- week- out
souls are won and brought into church, that God’s house
may be filled. This is why every cell leader must catch a
vision for growth and expansion. The cell is to grow in
number, raise leaders and then split up to other cells.
About Cell Meetings
In Agapesprings, cell groups must meet once every week
with the meeting not exceeding one (1) hour thirty (30)

The cells (church-in-church groups) have different meet-

ings in a month. However, every cell meeting has in it
10-15 minutes of bible study. This is to help achieve our
objective soul building (i.e nurturing God’s people and
growing them in the word, to make them sound in the
doctrine of the house.) Also, to give the cell leader an
opportunity to enforce his or her leadership influence/
grace. As in the words of our Father, Founder and Senior
Pastor “A people you are not teaching, you are not lead-

To help accomplish the definite aims of the cells, the

weekly meetings are structured in the following manner:




Opening Prayer & Songs: 5 minutes
Message/Charge on Prayer: 10 minutes
Time of Intercession: 30 minutes
Vision Casting: 10minutes
PMPC, Announcements, Closing: 5 minutes
This meeting is very important for the cell because it
is through this meeting that the Cell members get ac-
quainted with the goal of the Cell for the month, their
various areas of involvement and then pray towards ac-
complishment of the goal as a body.

Before this meeting, the cell leader ought to have prayer-

fully outlined the monthly goals of the Cell; following
the guidance of his or her Resident Pastor.

The cell leader should have also outlined a definite work-

able schedule of the actualization of all such goals. You
cannot afford to miss this meeting or even shelve it for
any other activity, it is very important.

A schedule of activities for the month should be pre-

pared listing out the goals and objectives, what needs to
be done, when they should be done, how will they be
done, who will do what?

A budget should also be drawn up for expenses that need

to be made, and how the money will be raised must be
properly communicated to all the members of the cell.


Opening Prayer: 5 minutes
Songs: 5 minutes
Message: 40 minutes
Questions: 5 minutes
PMPC/Announcements/Altar Call/Testimonies/Wel-
coming Guests: 5 minutes

Remember that we said there are 10-15 minutes of Bible

study in every cell meeting; this meeting however is the
main bible study day for the cell members. It is a time of
in-depth teaching using the General Ministry Cell Out-
line; made available every month here in the cell manual.
As a Cell, you could organize for this meeting specially,
with small well-designed invitation cards; duly approved
by the Church.

Bible Study is educative, informative and inspiring even

for the unchurched, so endeavour to have new people
coming in for this meeting.

This meeting is also very vital in that it is designed for

soul building (I.e for the building up of the brethren).

Week 2

Discerning times
and truth 1
Background: The times we live in like every
other time always holds great things for some
people, particularly people who know how to
discern time. In today’s study, we would be look-
ing into matters of discerning times and truths.


o discern time means to understand
or recognise age. You may live in an
age and merely just exist through
that age. If you merely just exist through a dispen-
sation, you will just be adding to statistics and that’s
not a good way to go through life. You should live
your life leaving meaningful impact along the way
and that will not happen except you learn to discern

Not knowing or understanding times will

not help you to enjoy the deposits of God on your
inside properly. For instance, naturally, there are dif-
ferent seasons, a farmer will do well to take advan-
tage of seasons. There are some crops that do well
during rainy season, others in dry seasons. So there
is no crop you cannot grow as long as the season is
right. Which means that without the right season, a
farmer may labour in vain. He might put in a lot of
energy but in the time when the land does not have
the capacity to produce what he desires. The idea
of discerning time communicates the idea of doing

the right thing at the right time.

So discerning time will save you time, ener-

gy and resources. It will help you maximize grace;
the grace of productivity that is already on the land
will not be maximised by a man who does not un-
derstand times.

When you read the scriptures, you will find

that there was a man who had been sick for many
years at the pool of Bethesda and at certain times,
the angel comes to stir the pool and the one who
gets into the pool at that time gets the miracle. This
man stayed there sick for many years because he
couldn’t get into the pool at the set time. Times are
necessary, they are important. When you discern
time and truths i. e you understand it, you recog-
nise it and you find it out, you will be able to make
the best out of your life.

The Bible in 1 Chronicles 12:32 says the

children of Issachar had understanding of the times.
Such a profound statement. Discernment is a very
powerful tool, nothing will save your life like dis-
cernment. With a discerning heart, you will know
the partnership to get into and one not to get into.
You will know the relationship to hold and the one
to let go.

Without discernment you cannot really have

true growth. True growth is not a function of la-
bour. Discernment is God putting you in the right
place at the right time and you cooperating with

him. The bible tells us that God will never deny
anybody time and chance so we always have op-
portunities but it is how you cooperate with what
God provides by your awakening to this power of
discerning that will determine the outcome.

A lack of Discernment is why people don’t

stay in the right local church. Discernment brings
real growth. It will bring serious growth. It is lack
of discernment that make people change churches
anyhow because they got hurt. Your spiritual life
should be worth more than that to you. The church
is not a perfect organization it will never be, it was
not designed to be because it is imperfect people
that make up the church (people like you).

1.) 1 Chronicles 12:32 the children of Is-
sachar had understanding of the times such that
they used it to deliver israel. With understanding
of times not only will you have the advantage as an
individual, you will provide generational solutions.
When you understand the times that you live in
you’ll be able to set order that will affect other gen-
erations after you.

2.) Joshua 7:1-5 One time the children of

Israel went to war with a small city called Ai, the
bible says that Ai defeated Israel and when Israel got
back, they went back to pray to God to ask what
happened because there’s no reason why this coun-
try should be able to defeat them.
They had the army power in terms of mer-
cenaries, instruments, equipment they were strong
people in battle and yet because of no understand-
ing of the climate, they lost. There is a time to go,
there is a time to withdraw and there is an under-
standing that gives you this advantage, that’s what
we’re referring to by discerning the times.

Do you know the times you live in? Do you

know what is obtainable spiritually around you? Is
it clear to you from the word? Discernment helps
you take productive action. Discernment also helps
you to be a blessing to others.

3.) Esther 1:13-15 Vashti had done some-

thing that was not common so there was no pre-
scription as to how to deal with such things, so it
had to take more than normal understanding to be
able to prescribe to the king what should be done
and without these men who knew the times, Es-
ther would never have been queen and if Esther
was never queen, the Jews would have suffered and
died. That understanding of times and seasons is
how God brought deliverance to the Jews, without
it there would never have been that deliverance so
don’t play with that understanding. Your deliverance
is tied to it. The point is simple, that understanding
of times and truths always deliver advantage.

Blessings Forever




Opening Prayer: 5 minutes
Songs: 5 minutes
Message/Charge on Soulwinning: 10 minutes
Prayers for Souls: 5 minutes
Soul winning: 1hr
PMPC Announcements/Soulwinning Experience/
Closing: 5 minutes

This is a very important meeting in the Cell, because it

is directly responsible for Cell growth and invariably the
growth of the mother Church. This meeting holds on
the 3rd week of the month, giving the Cell enough time
to plan for it and execute it properly for the right results.
It is designed for soul winning. In all your meetings you
should ensure that people who are invited get saved and
filled with the Holy Spirit.

However, this meeting is a little different; it is the result

of the prayer and planning meeting. Now the cell is cor-
porately going out for soul winning, and it can be done
in different ways. E.g music outreach can be adopted, it
can be a Grace & Glory outreach. All ideas must be duly
communicated to the Resident Pastor for approval and
The most vital thing is that this meeting must be orient-
ed towards soul winning. Souls must be won!

It is expected that all your cell meetings are very well or-
ganized, you must however give the outreach meeting an
air of occasion (I.e make it special), ensure that you have
good sound, power supply, good video/audio (when re-
quired), first timers and new convert cards, other mate-
rials for new souls that would be won such as Grace and
Glory, relevant Livingwaters Telegram links.

Speak with your Resident Pastors, Ministers, Cell Repre-

sentatives for guidance and directions.



Opening Prayer: 5 minutes
Songs: 5 minutes
Message: 35 minutes
Questions/Discussions: 10 minutes
PMPC Announcements/Closing: 5 minutes

This meeting is also going to be a Bible Study meeting

however the teaching outline will be tailor made to at-
tend to the specific need of the Cell group or Church
as determined by the Resident Pastor. (Which of course
will be approved from Headquarters). The teachings are
to help the brethren work on adding more virtues to
their faith.

The cell can also use it as opportunity for celebrations,

breaking of bread and a time to get acquainted with one
another and especially the new members won during the

NB: For months with five (5) weeks, the fifth week will
also be a Bible Study

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