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June 2023

June 2023 Edition
Barnabas Alumogie
Copyright 2022

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Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations

are taken from the King James Version of the Bible.


Agapesprings Media & Creatives
ship is better
when you are
About the Cell Ministry
We believe that the church is a living entity, and every
living thing is made up of cells which are the smallest
structural and functional units of the body (of Christ).
For this reason and more, the Cell Ministry stands out
tall as a distinct ministry in Agapesprings. Paul speak-
ing concerning this calls it ‘the church that is in their
house’ in Romans 16:5 and 1Corinthians 16:19.

The cell system in Agapesprings is called ‘church- in-

church’ i.e. house churches in the local church. Every
genuine member of the ministry is expected to belong
in a cell where they can be fed, nurtured, catered for
and ultimately prove their ministry. We believe strong-
ly that fellowship is better when you’re known. The
cell is large enough to contain you and small enough
to recognize you. Some of the functions of the cell in
this ministry are:

1. PRAYER/FELLOWSHIP: Members of the same

cell are expected to have regular times of prayer and
fellowship weekly. This in turn builds up the believer
in wisdom and piety Acts 1:14, Jude 1:20.


ment ministry is predominantly a teaching ministry.
Jesus commands us to go into the world and make dis-
ciples of all nations, teaching them to observe all the
things that He (Christ) has commanded us. Disciples
are only made by constant, rigorous and regimented
teachings. Hence at the cell level, the same teachings
of the ministry are emphasized thoroughly and repeat-

3. EVANGELISM: Cell in Agapesprings is a tool for

soul winning and soul building. Cells are to have regu-
lar times where all members win souls week- in- week-
out. We believe strongly that everyone is a preacher
(i.e. we are saved to save others).


GROUPS: Our cells are avenues for members of the
church to connect one with another in a godly man-
ner. It is clear from scriptures that the church is not
a welfare organization, but a spiritual organization
for feeding believers with the word of God. However,
members of cells are expected to talk to their cell lead-
ers about their welfare needs and the cell members are
to rise up (with godly care and love, not coercion) to
meet those needs as God has enabled them.


cell, the grace of God upon church members is dis-
covered, nurtured and given expression. Members are
given first hand opportunities to fulfill their ministries
and fan to flame the gift of God in their lives, 2 Tim-
othy 1:6.

6. CHURCH GROWTH: The body grows healthily

as cells grow. Cells are to ensure the week- in- week-
out souls are won and brought into church, that God’s
house may be filled. This is why every cell leader must
catch a vision for growth and expansion. The cell is
to grow in number, raise leaders and then split up to
other cells.
About Cell Meetings
In Agapesprings, cell groups must meet once every
week with the meeting not exceeding one (1) hour.
The order to be followed for every cell meeting is
shown below:

Opening Prayer: 5 minutes
Songs: 5 minutes
Message: 35 minutes
Questions: 5 minutes
PMPC Announcements: 5 minutes
Testimonies/Altar Call: 5 minutes
Week 1

Nine (9) Keys Living

well as a Christian
Introduction: There is a part of your Chris-
tian life that interfaces with the world, that if
you don’t pay attention to it you will always
be in a place where people will always judge
you because of the way you are living your life,
Matthew 5:16. how to rightly divide the word
and see some reasons it’s important for us to
embrace the word.

The Bible speaks in nine (9) different plac-

es of certain ways you shouldn’t behave. By these
things the world see and know that you are differ-
ent. These nine (9) things and instructions if giv-
en attention will help you live well as a christian.

1. Be not conformed to this world Romans

12:2 - Concerning behavioural matters the Scrip-
tures says be not conformed to this world. This
means that the Christian should not be fashioned
like the world, you should not draw inspiration
from the world as a christian Matthew 7:20.
You are not to conform to the world’s pattern of
thoughts and actions. It is a problem when believ-
ers are being mentored by unbelievers. This is a
spiritual instruction to all believers. Be not con-
formed to this world!

2. Be not afraid: Several places in Scrip-

tures, Jesus says to not be afraid of two things –

Himself and men, Matthew 14:27, 1 Peter 3:14.

We should have reverential fear God that is

treat Him as hallowed but we should not be afraid
of Him (dread Him). Fear is why people run away
from God when they mess up, 2 Samuel 24:10-14.
Do not train your heart to fear men. The solution
to fear is faith (believing) Mark 5:36, Romans

3. Be not high-minded 1 Timothy 6:17 -

To be high-minded means to be proud, arrogant,
lofty, to be highly exalted in one’s mind that you
start to despise others. As the Lord raises you fi-
nancially, learn to value people. Do not think of
yourself highly too much that you start to think
less of other people Romans 12:3. Child of God,
reject pride!

4. Be not drunk with wine, but be filled

with the Spirit Ephesians 5:18 - You should not
have a mind of your own as a Christian but be
ever stimulated and controlled by the spirit.

5. Be not Bitter: The instruction to not be

bitter was actually directed to husbands Colos-
sians 3:19, but also important for every Christian.
Bitterness only leads to more pain.

6. Be not weary in doing good: Though
some may take advantage of you, be generous to
people and don’t get tired, 2 Thessalonians 3:13.

7. Be not forgetful HebDo not forget those

that have been good to you. The reason why most
people are disloyal is because they are short-mind-
ed, they have forgotten that they were once helped
by the same people, don’t be like that.

8. Be not ignorant of spiritual things: Know

that with God patience counts, 2 Peter 3:8.

9. Be not partakers of another man’s sins:

Be concerned for people but do it intelligently,
Revelations 18:4.
Blessings Forever!
Week 2

This Life & Her Lifestyle

Background: In this teaching, we will be con-

sidering some bible texts that show to us how
to live the life God has given us. There is a life
that we have received from God and that life
has a lifestyle.

It is not our lifestyle that makes us Chris-
tians, even though believers there are certain life-
styles we should have. Example: Prayer is a life-
style of the believer, but that a person prays does
not make him a Christian, Acts 10:1-6. Cornelius
that we just read about was a devout man, one
who had the fear of God and prayed often yet
needed to hear words to be saved (Acts 11:12-
14) meaning he wasn’t saved. He had a good life-
style but yet was not saved.

This does not negate the importance of

lifestyle, but in the real sense, lifestyle is not what
defines the Christian.

Lifestyle refers to certain attitudes or be-

haviors that we exhibit. 1 John 5:11-13 tells us
about this life that we have received. We got this
life by believing and receiving Jesus into our life,
not by how we behaved, John 3:16.

When we got into Christ, He made us His
workmanship and expects us to produce good
works. These good works are not what made us
created in Him but after we have been created in
Him and made citizens of Heaven He expects us
to produce good works, the good works are what
we call the lifestyle Ephesians 2:10.


Matthew 5:20 says “wherefore by their
fruits ye shall know them”. Fruits here are not
what you get after growth, fruits here refer to how
we know you. Galatians 5:22-23 “but the fruit of
the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gen-
tleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance:
against such there is no law.

1. Love: This is affection for others. Love is

very patient when you have love for others, you
automatically work in the way of God, with love
you overcome offenses, 1 Corinthians 13:4-7.

2. Joy: The Bible instruct believers to al-

ways rejoice Philippians 4:4 and to be excited
about life, find things in your life to be happy
about. You must train yourself to be happy this is
a requirement of living in freedom.

Don’t give room to devil in your heart nev-

er be bitter about life, appreciate what the Lord
has done in your life. Never let your joy and hap-

piness to be depend on circumstances. You can’t
be a good effective servant of God with sadness,
child of God, find things to be grateful for!

3. Peace: this speaks of calmness, quietness

and serenity.

4. Longsuffering: This is Loyal commit-

ment. It is the willingness to stick with things,
this is a lifestyle of believers. Being persistent in
everything and being consistent brings more re-
sults. This virtue is responsible for success, if you
don’t stick with things e.g business, ministry etc.
you will not get results.

These are attitudes the believer should ex-



Also, 2 Peter 1:5-8 gives us what should
be in the lifestyle of the believer. They are excel-
lence, knowledge, self control, patience, godliness,
brotherly kindness and love.

Sometimes, people don’t live out these life-

styles because they don’t know, study these life-
styles and recite them to yourself. We have a life
and we are to express it in these ways.

Blessings Forever!
Week 3

The value of Observation

Background: There are principles littered
around in Scriptures that when we catch these
principles we will live an excellent life and
when we despise them, we will struggle un-
necessarily. There are some believers who are
confused about how to serve God, walk in vic-
tory, some have even concluded that the word
does not work and in all of these, you will find
that where there is proper observation, many
of the questions in the hearts of people will be
answered. Observation is one important key to
experiencing and producing excellence. In this
week’s study we will get to learn the value of


Jesus was first to reveal to us the power of
observation in John 5:19-21. There was a massive
disturbance that followed the healing of the sick
man by the pool of Bethesda, the Pharisees were
angered by the healing of the man on a Sabbath
day, but Jesus answered them that His actions are
a result of the actions of the Father. This response
explains that Jesus was not excellent because there
was a special grace over His life, but because he
was able to pay attention to what the Father is
doing and replicate same.

The success of your life is largely depen-

dent on the picture before you. These pictures are
not necessarily the one that life throws at you but
the one you choose to see. You must have enough
wisdom by the spirit to pick out the right pictures
of the multitude of pictures before you because
your life will always manifest the things that you
are observing. The struggles or victories of men
are a result of the pictures before them.

Observing people and the outcomes of their
lives will teach you how to live and behave well.
How well you observe will determine how excel-
lently you will perform. Observe people who have
become successful in the field you have chosen.
There is a lot of value in observation. If you don’t
value knowledge, it’s because you don’t observe, if
you observe, you will know that excellence in any
field is not achievable without a culture of learn-

Observation will give you a whole lot of

insight more than what is outrightly spelt out in
scriptures, it will help you to put in the necessary
work. The common mindset (that is, the mind-
set that is not properly cultured) only produce
failures, this is why we have more failures than
successful people, to be exceptional, you have to
observe uncommon people, John 5:17, John 9:4,
all of these are pointers to how to excel.

You can learn focus by observation. In a
world of many distractions, you have a job and it
is to fight for your focus, 1 Thessalonians 4:11.
Focus on what God has called you to do. As little
as observation is, it holds the key to your future.
It will save you money and wasted years.

If you observe well you’ll see that service

does not mean that you’re small, it only means
that you know who you are. Your identity is re-
vealed in service. In John 13:3-5, Jesus knew who
He was and where He was going to and with that
security, He stood up to serve. Looking for every-
one to serve you is indicative that you don’t know
who you are. If you observe well, you’ll see that
Kings serve. If you don’t observe well, you’ll think
that service is demeaning and end up a dictator.

May the Lord give you understanding in

Jesus name (Amen!)
Week 4

The Rich
Knowledge of Jesus
Background: Having a robust knowledge of
Jesus and His finished works impacts on every
area of the believer’s life. The Faith we have
received is from God, and comes on the ac-
count of Jesus’s works, it is by this same faith
that we are accepted into God’s family. The
more knowledge we embrace, the more Grace
we enjoy and the better our Christian life will


Something beautiful was recorded for us
in 2 Peter 1:1-3, the phrase “like precious faith”
means that the faith we have been called to is the
same faith the apostles operated with. It is not
true that there was more Grace in the previous
generations than there is now, by prophecy and in
the words of Jesus we know that the glory of the
latter shall be greater than the former, Haggai 2:9,
Matthew 19:30. This means that anything Jesus is
doing in this generation is greater than what He
did in previous generations. This means that our
faith right now is not substandard or lesser, and
it is not a product of our performance, it comes
because our Father always does what is good and


Jesus lived a righteous man yet died as a

sinner, God put all that we did wrong and will
ever do wrong on Jesus so that we should be made
righteous, 2 Corinthians 5:21. This is why the Bi-
ble describes the Gospel as foolish, 1 Corinthians
1:18-21. No matter how wise you are, you can
never understand the Gospel by human wisdom.

Jesus is made a stumbling block to the Jews

because He suffered as a guilty man according to
their laws and therefore didn’t qualify in their
eyes to be called their Savior, the Jews were ac-
customed to signs and wonders, they had seen
Moses and all the wonders he did, that even when
they spoke behind his back, God struck on his
behalf, their picture of the messiah was someone
who should come in the same way, they could not
accept the normal life that Christ lived; they could
not accept that their Savior was judged as a sinner
publicly. The whole thing about Jesus looked like
an hindrance to their faith because of their idea of
a Moses. The Greeks, on the other hand, were a
people of wisdom so they would believe only if it
were rational, just like many people are, but God
has a pattern of usually using the least likely, God
chooses the foolish and easily disregarded things
to confound the wise and the mighty so that no
flesh is able to boast before Him, and our only
source of boast will be in the grace of God.

Grace as referred to in 2 Peter 1:2 does
not speak about grace to be saved because the
Grace required for salvation does not need to be
on the increase. The Grace here is responsible for
every other area of the believer’s life; so that the
more knowledge a believer has about Christ the
more grace he enjoys in marriage, business, fi-
nances, relationships, career and every other area
of our lives. We have all been equipped with all
things that pertains to life and godliness but our
experience of it is tied to how rich and robust
our knowledge of Christ is. It is therefore then
our responsibility as believers to go after knowl-
edge, to devote our lives to knowing Christ more
and staying with teachings that reveal Christ in all
of His beauty and glory, that is how change and
transformation comes, it is how we learn to use
the divine life that is in us.

Blessings Forever!
Week 5

Dominion over this

present Evil World
Background: There is a difference between
the believer and the unbeliever, one of the dif-
ference is that the Christian has the advantage
even in this world, it is not true that these two
kinds of men are the same. God did not save
the believer to leave him at the mercy of this
world, the Christian has dominion over this
present evil world.

No part of scripture agrees that the believer
should sit and accept what life throws at him/her,
challenges will come but those who believe God’s
word and do it will surely come out of trium-
phantly, Matthew 7:24-25. There’s a preservation
on those who love and act on God’s word that sets
them apart. You must believe that no matter what
is happening out there, there’s an exemption for

In Mark 16:17, we also find a major differ-

ence between the believers and unbelievers, which
is that the Christian life is a supernatural life. They
will cast out devils which means that they cannot
be possessed of the devil, they will lay hands on
the sick and the sick shall recover, hence, they
cannot be sick. This is why no believer should be
under the control of circumstances, when chal-
lenges come, don’t break, recognize that there is

something on your inside that always delivers vic-
tory, until you believe this, you will not see victo-
ry. You have supernatural help and advantage.


It is part of the redemptive plan of Christ
to deliver you from physical hurt, Galatians 1:4
(TLB). Every time delivered is mentioned in
Scriptures, it speaks about physical issues, Acts
7:34. What disturbs others should not disturb
you. At every stage of your life, you must recog-
nize that you’re different.

In Scriptures, there is a major difference

between the Jewish children and others, Esther
6:13, not only was Mordecai aware of his identity
because he was not the only Jew in the land but he
was the only Jew with a different mindset, Esther
4:13-14. Mordecai had a mindset that it was not
possible for the Jews to die as slaves. Do not live
your life to chance, there is a place of personal
faith and conviction. You are different, you are
born again, the Greater one lives in you, 1 John


1. Ignorance - Ignorance in Scriptures is
the rejection of knowledge. God is stranded to
help the man who refuses to know, Hosea 4:6.

2. Rebellion – This is having knowledge yet
going your own way. It is rejecting God’s counsel
because you think your way is better, Proverbs
1:24-25. A man is who acts against God’s counsel
is Rebellious. When God gives you a word, learn
to comply.

3. Unbelief –This is where the bulk of

Christians lie. Many people don’t believe in the
redemption from physical hurt that is in Christ for
them and as a result, they suffer Hebrews 3:18-19
. The word of God never fails, so every suffering
in the believer’s life is because of a lack of faith in
the word.

Blessings Forever!

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