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Nanded River Front Development 1.

1.1. River Front Development Plan in CDP under JNNURM The Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) was launched by the Government of India in December 2005. The mission shall implement its mandate over a period of seven years. It consists of two sub-missions, Infrastructure and governance and Basic services to the urban poor. As it is an important religious centre, Nanded has been included as a category C city in the JNNURM. This makes it eligible for 80% central government assistance and 10% state government assistance for projects proposed under the JNNURM. IL&FS has engaged in partnership with The Nanded Waghala City Municipal Corporation as the program manager for planning and executing projects identified for creating/strengthening the infrastructure and improvement of services in the city. IL&FS will also assist the corporation in embarking on a reform led implementation. This engagement brings rich and diverse experience across the infrastructure sectors, which would ensure the smooth achievement of the objectives of the mission. Bringing in efficiency and accessibility to the citizens, assuring Nanded the position of a regional trade and economic hub, reviving it to past glory. These projects span across several infrastructural sectors including: 1. Urban Renewal. 2. Heritage tourism. 3. Water supply, sewerage and sanitation. 4. Road network, parking and Public transportation. 5. Solid waste management. 6. Storm water drainage. 7. Riverfront development. 8. City beautification. 9. Reorganisation of Markets and Hawking areas. 10. E-Governance 11. Slum Redevelopment. The role of IL&FS would be to assist the corporation in detailing the project components, structuring them to achieve bank ability and ensure the financial closure of the same. IL&FS shall thus restructure the existing municipal finances of Nanded Waghala City Municipal Corporation and prepare a road map for undertaking reforms aimed at bringing about revenue buoyancy. IL&FS has appointed Pradeep Sachdeva Design Associates, New Delhi as consultants to prepare a comprehensive master plan for the Riverfront Development.

1.2. Need for River Front Development A river attracts people; hence riverfronts have emerged as lively Urban Cores of cities - their sociocultural, intellectual and economic centers. Nanded is also trying to pull its waterfront back from marginal use and neglect into the mainstream of public activity and investment. We are thus presented with a unique set of opportunities to generate quality urban spaces for the people. The Riverfront Development Plan defines that vision, provides a framework that allows us to capitalize on the energy, interest and goodwill that has coalesced around our rivers. Adding to its value with greenways and other amenities and attracting public attention. Today, everyone recognizes the value of public access to the waterfronts. A renewed waterfront offers investors a promising return on capital. Cities enjoy increased tourism, employment and growth. Resident gain new recreation opportunities and an expanded awareness of the natural aspects of river life. Most importantly, a vital and vibrant waterfront serves to unite residents and visitors in a shared experience of the city, just as the city public places and streets. It is in that daily exchange of ideas and points of view that a city finds the energy and desire to continually improve and remake itself. The, Nanded Waghala City Municipal Corporation (NWCMC) has rightly proposed the riverfront development through infrastructure provision to provide good quality life to the citizens in an integrated equitable and sustainable manner. 1.3. General Features of River Front Development The Godavari, like most rivers in the Subcontinent are primarily monsoon fed. This leads to annual flooding and hence wide banks allowing for the floods. On the flip side, this also means that in the summer months, the water level drops considerably as the river dries up. In order to maximize the use of the river flowing through the city, a weir is constructed to retain water at a designated level the year round. The river is first dredged to give it a uniform slope of 1:4000 along the stretch, the weir then holds the monsoon water and a steady perennial river level. This water is has several uses, from drinking and domestic use to attracting tourists and bathers to the riverfront. Once the river has a constant level, the banks can be developed to provide spaces for social infrastructure. Public promenades, religious facilities and even commercial activity can be drawn close to the river, making it the vibrant heart of the urban fabric. Along with this, it is essential to integrate the environment and provide for a sustainable riverfront. By redensifiying the designated greens, treating the sewage that flows into the river and attempting to provide a holistic system.

2. Nanded River Front Development 2.1 Nanded City Profile Area Longitude Latitude Population Percentage of Urban Population Population Density Number of Households Average household size Literacy rate : 51.76 sq km : 77.7 to 78.15. East : 18.15 to 19.55. North : 4,30,733 : 28% : 183 persons/hectare : 72,733 : 5.92 persons/household : 81.50%

Nanded, formerly known as Nanditat , is an ancient settlement rich in Hindu myth and legend that subsequently emerged as a centre for the Sikh religion and was later ruled by the Muslims; the city is rich in rituals, tradition and ancient history; its diverse population following a way of life that is distinct from other places in the region. Located on the banks of the River Godavari at an altitude 489m above mean sea level in the Marathwada region of Maharashtra state, this second largest urban center of the region (after Aurangabad) is a popular pilgrimage center for Sikhs and is visited by thousand of devotees throughout the year from all over India. Nanded city is also the District Headquarters housing all the institutions governing/administrating the district requirements. Its close proximity to large urban centers like Hyderabad, Nagpur and Aurangabad makes it an important regional center. The city is famous for its several places of religious significance, specially the Takhat Sachkhand Shri Hazur Abchalnagar Sahib Gurudwara (Sachkhand Gurudwara), one of the five Takhats of the Sikh religion. It was in Nanded that Shri Guru Gobind Singh, the last living Sikh Guru consecrated the Holy Granth Sahib as the eternal Guru of Sikhism on October 28, 1708, before departing for his heavenly abode (parlok gaman). The event and location where the consecration took place is referred to as the Gur ta Gaddi (Throne of the Guru). The city will host Gur ta Gaddi Tercentenary Celebrations in October 2008, to commemorate the 300th year of the holy events of Sikhism, which are expected to be attended by millions of devotees from all over the country and the world. Nanded City has been conferred Holy City status by the State Government due to the presence of Sachkand Gurudwara. Thus, it is one of the important religious tourism destinations in Maharashtra as annually over 1 million pilgrims / tourists visit Nanded due to the presence of these Gurudwaras. The city administration Nanded Waghala City Municipal Corporation (NWCMC), the District Administration, the Sachkhand Gurudwara Board and the citizens of Nanded are working in tandem to ensure a safe and memorable hosting of event.

2.1.2 Environment The river Godavari flows through the city from the west to the east dividing it into two nearly equal parts. It is the source of water supply to the city. The older and developed north bank has a distinct character defined by its Ghats, while the southern bank remains largely undeveloped. Some of these Ghats, to the North of the river, have religious significance due to the presence of Temples and Gurudwaras all along the water front. These Ghats are also sacred spaces used for Cremation rituals. Due to no proper water front development in the city, these long stretches of riverfront lie abandoned, underused and environmentally compromised. 2.1.3 Climate and Rainfall The climate of the city is generally dry except during southwest monsoon season. The average annual rainfall in the city is about 901 mm and temperature range is in between 46 C (maximum) to 18 C (minimum). 2.1.4 Connectivity Nanded is connected to all the important destinations of India, namely Mumbai, Delhi, Amritsar, Hyderabad, Bangalore and Nagpur through well-laid road and rail networks. It's close proximity to some of the important cities / markets like Hyderabad (260 km), Nagpur (275 km), Aurangabad (250 km) and Pune (450 km) has made it an important regional destination in terms of trade, tourism and agriculture. Road Nanded is well connected to the country's highway network and is linked to the major cities in the region including Aurangabad, Nagpur and Hyderabad. The Nanded- Hyderabad highway has been designated as a National Highway and is slated for capacity enhancement The Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation (MSRTC) operates inter-city bus services from the State Transport Bus Stand near the Railway Station. The capacity of the existing bus stand is limited and a new bus stand is proposed at an alternative location. Rail The city is well connected by rail to major cities in India including Mumbai, Hyderabad, and Bangalore. The present station is adequate to cater to the normal needs of the city but is poorly integrated with the urban road network. A second railway station is being proposed at Maltekadi for the Gur-ta-gaddi Tercentenary celebrations. This can be subsequently developed to cater to the growing needs of the city. Air Presently the city has an airstrip, developed and maintained by Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation (MIDC) that is capable of handling only small private aircrafts. It is currently used for landing of private aircrafts and Government dignitaries visiting Nanded. Government of Maharashtra through MIDC is presently upgrading the existing infrastructure to facilitate regular commercial flights between Nanded and other important cities. The closest regular airports are at Aurangabad and Hyderabad.

2.2 Potential and Feasibility of River Front Development in Nanded Gearing up for the Gur ta Gaddi celebrations, Nanded would be faced with a large number of people literally living off the river for over a week. The current infrastructure in place is limited to religious facilities and Mother Nature. Development of the banks is required for the town to deal with the influx of tourists which it regularly draws. Nanded has an old association with the river. The fort and the old city are built on the banks, as are all the main Gurudwaras and religious structures. Much of the religious activity happens on the north banks along a series of Ghats and pavilions on the flood plains. The river has been held just upstream of the city, providing a constant steady flow ideal for the several day to day activities like washing, cremation or even bathing. The riverfront is currently being used only for religious activities or by slum settlements along the bank. The religious activity includes cremation, which combined with daily bathing & washing activities is detrimental to the state of the river. Considering the sacred and environmental benefits of our rivers it is imperative to ensure maintenance of water quality standards, pollution abatement and encouraging natural ecosystems to flourish. This can be achieved by re-defining & improvising land use on riverfront apart from specific technologies applicable to rivers. Feasibility 1. Revenue generation through commercial development 2. Social infrastructure like festival grounds & urban haats attracting city residents to the riverfront. These also bring economic benefits to the city 3. A developed & vibrant riverfront enhances the city as the next destination. Expression of interest from entrepreneurs & new economic ventures. IT sectors etc. 4. A great public space for the people 5. Revival of the river leads to environmental benefits. A live river feeds the city, a better river will ensure a better life for the city residents. 6. A city with a high quality of living attracts people from other congested urban centres. Encourages local people not to migrate to larger towns. Leads to balanced development at regional levels.

3. Existing River Front 3.1 Features

North Bank Key Characteristics Is dotted with religious structures and several Ghats. The main link from the Sachkhand Gurudwara opens onto the Nagina Ghat, the hub of riverside activity in Nanded. There is an increase in density as one moves from Dankin towards Deglur Bridge. A steep 11m drop leads down to the rocky banks with grassy patches on fertile patches. Several islands and rock outcrops make the bed largely usable. Much of the bank is free from construction, with farming, grazing and shrubby vegetation. Informal activities such as dhobi ghats and playgrounds mushroom on the clearings. South Bank Key Characteristics Newer Part of City merged with Old Nanded In 1997 Largely undeveloped, very little activity along the bank Land available for development 3.1.1 Built Fabric Analysis

Conservation of Built Heritage The Sachkhand Gurudwara and various other religious structures along the river are beautiful buildings with a distinct sense of scale and architecture. These can be highlighted along the riverfront as Urban Artifacts leading the pedestrian from one point to another as visual guide and all other activities along the waterfront integrated within this visual structure. Opening up of Visual corridors & Improvement of Skylines. The riverfront is visually not connected to the inner city. Opening up visual corridors within the city, will make the waterfront more accessible and widely used as public space in the city. Integration and consolidation of open grounds in Public Realm Though there are large open grounds and green areas covered with dense scrub along the waterfront these are not integrated with the Public Realm. The much-needed public open spaces are also fairly dis-used and are no more than incidental open spaces within the organic urban pattern of the city structure. 3.1.2 Natural Drainage & Utility

Interceptor Drain is largely dysfunctional Untreated Sewage is directly emptied into the River through. Storm water Nallahs. 26 Nallahs empty into the river within city limits. River Banks used for washing Clothes. River Water is polluted and unfit for ritual bathing.

3.1.3 Movement Network Analysis

At present only Latur Bridge and Degloor Bridge connect North and South Banks. Degloor Bridge is located on the outskirts of the city. Latur Bridge is located within the city. A submersible bridge is under construction at Navghat. Two new bridges are proposed one at Govardhan Ghat and the other at the proposed state highway by-pass.

3.1.4 Land use Analysis

A large volume of high density residential zone with open / sparse green and cultivation land spread along the river front. Religious structures like the Gurudwaras, temples and mosques are built along the water front. Old Mondha is the main commercial connected to the water front through the Latur Bridge road going across the river to South of Nanded. Other mixed use development along the roads connecting to this commercial square with commercial development along the main road and residential at the back.

3.1.5 Activity Pattern Analysis

The Godavari River is a defining element of Nanded's Cityscape. The north river bank has important places of worship for all religious communities. Nagina Ghat is linked to Sachkhand Gurudwara, one of the Takhts of Sikhism Ghats with Temples & Gurudwaras are used for Ritual Bathing. Ghats are also used for Cremation. Ghats are used for bathing & washing by daily users in the absence of infrastructure. Older Part of the City with Fort is on River Bank.

Tourists and related facilities The flow of tourists is there round the year. The area lacks proper tourist infrastructure such as public toilets, drinking water, clean places to eat, information kiosks and an interpretation centre. Poor standards of hygiene, lack of maintenance, disorganized street activity make a negative impression on tourists 3.2 Criterion for Zoning Addressing a stretch of 5 Km along both banks of the Godavari, it is essential to break down the area into manageable Zones to which certain common characteristics can be associated. Through this strategy, one can ascertain ones approach to an area, be it conservation, landscaping or urban development. On assessing the situation, The Riverfront of Nanded was divided into 10 Zones. The five on the North bank all have differing characteristics, and hence have been treated differently. On the south bank however, the land largely remains undeveloped, save for some rural settlements and agricultural land. This is then proposed as an Ecological Park. In the heart of the city, and looked onto by the several religious establishments on the north bank, it provides the ideal respite needed for the dense urban sprawl of the future city.

Looking at the Zones N1 to N5: 1. Largely empty and can be used to provide recreational activity and public space to the city. 2. Commercial spillover from the Necklace Road should be formalized and linked to the river. 3. This already dense zone has been earmarked for adding social infrastructure for pilgrims as well locals, as well as greening and strengthening the infrastructure. 4. The old part of the city, there is limited land available to cater to infrastructure the community much needs close at hand. Sports facilities, riverside promenades and other skill development facilities. 5. Across the old city, downstream on the Godavari it is the ideal place to relocate the cremation activity. 4. Development Plan Zone 3 4.1 Analysis of Existing Right in the heart of the city of Nanded, this Zone is in effect the one most directly affected by the celebrations of 2008. All the major religious places are located here along with the pilgrim facilities and commercial activities. The riverfront is scattered with Ghats, pavilions, graveyards and other religious structures. Though large numbers of pilgrims come here every year, the facilities are few and basic, essentially provided by the Gurudwaras. The road connecting the Sachkhand Gurudwara to Nagina Ghat is the main commercial and religious axis of the city. The necklace road crosses the axis and passes through Old Mondha, the traditional commercial centre of Nanded. Along with Nagina Ghat, Banda Ghat and Goverdhan Ghat are the main centres of religious ceremony. Each ghat is attached to its Gurudwara, which in turn provide all the facilities to the pilgrims. Though close by, the Gurudwara are separated by reasonable stretches of land which have remained unbuilt due to the flooding of the river. In order to equip the area for the pilgrims, it is essential to develop the river bank of the area in a holistic manner, connecting the Ghats and the old city and adding a whole new submersible public realm.

4.2 Components of Development 1. Ghats including Jetty, Promenade and submerged platform. 2. Steps 3. Terrace garden Retaining walls Paths Steps Drainage 4. Embankment sections 5. Overall drainage

6. 7. 8. 9.

10. 11. 12. 13.



16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.

Roads including markings Parking lots Public transport stands Buildings Control Toilets/drinking water Food courts, shops etc. Towers Park maintenance Signage and Maps Street furniture Garbage/solid waste Landscaping (soft) Roadside plantation Public parks Terraced gardens Childrens parks (including playground equipment) Around nallahs (including treatment of grey/black water) Embankment planting Hardscaping Paths Walls as seating Pergolas and shelters Lighting Roadside Promenade Ghats Utility buildings Food courts/plazas Control systems PA system CC TV system Sculptures Sewerage Water sports facilities infrastructure Bridges across nallahs Rough stone block termination Hawker marts Stepping stones across nallahs Elevated platforms along promenade catering to seasonal eateries.

5. Costing Costing is based on the Public Works Department (Aurangabad Region) Schedule of Rates. Analysis of rates is provided for items out of PWD Aurangabad Region Schedule of Rates.

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