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Aes NAAN DONNAS ALBUM G. SCHIRMER, Inc. ees The PRIMA DONNA’S ALBUM 42 Celebrated Arias from Famous Operas Newly Revised and Edited by KURT ADLER Copiaht © 1956 by, Schr I. (ASCAP) New York,NY probed by Feder! aw ad sabjet eins prosecution. Ed. 5A G. SCHIRMER, Inc. INDEX ABDUCTION FROM THE SERAGLIO, THE— { me Mozart Durch Zartlichkeie und Schmeichela 1 Ach, ich liebte BARBER OF SEVILLE, THE—Rosini Una voce poco fa 4 BARTERED BRIDE, THE—Smerana ‘Ah, my darling, we could grow together. 32 Donde licta 37 OEE Doce { Quando m’en vo soletta . al CAVALLERIA RUSTICANA—Mascacnt Voi lo sapete 45, CONSUL, THE—Msnorn . .To this we've come (Magda’s Aria). . 49 CONTES D' HOFFMANN, LES—Orrenpacut Les oiseaux dans la charmille a Una donna a quindici anni 2 7 COs] FAN TUTTE—Mozarr Le { Per pitts, ar a Batti, batti . . . 88 DON GIOVANNI~Mozant . \ Vedrai, carino fe % Non mi dir 98 DINORAH—Marsnpeen Ombra leggiera . 103 DON PASQUALE—Dowizern So anch'io la virtd magica us The King of Thulé . 127 FAUST—Gounop . . { The Jewel Song . 134 FIGLIA DEL REGGIMENTO, LA—Dowizern . Ciascun lo dice . aa GAZZA LADRA, LA—Rosunt .. Dipiacer mi balza il cor 146 LINDA DI CHAMOUNIX—Dowzernt O luce di quest’ anima 154 LUCIA DI LAMMERMOOR—Donrzern: Regnava nel silenzio. . 170 MAGIC FLUTE, THE—Mozaxt Ach, ich fahl’s .. 180 MANON—Massener +... . . Je suis encor rout étourdie 182 MANON LESCAUT—Pucciwt In quelle trine morbide . 189 MARRIAGE OF FIGARO, THE—Mozarr Dove sono i bei momenti . - 192 Morro, ma prima in grazia . 1 MASKED BALL, A—Verpr { Volta la terrea fronte alle stelle... 18 Saper vorreste : a MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR, THE—Nicorar Nun cilt herbei Le . 201 MIGNON—Tnomas Jesuis Titania . . m2 NORMA—Batuint . : - + Casta Diva, che inargenti 2... 160 Salce, Salce 222 OTELLO—Vexor : { sia 236 PICQUE DAME—Teuarovsry . . . . . . Sceneand Arioso of Lise. . . . . 240 RIGOLETTO—Veror . 8 Caro nome 246 ROMEO AND JULIET—Gouxop : Julict’s Waltz Song... 253 Ah! non credea mirarci 261 SONNAMBULA, LA—Bataiwt . { eae) an TOSCA—Puccis: . Vissi d’Arte, Vissi d'Amore . . . . 270 TROVATORE, IL—Veror1 Tacea la notte placida 275 TRAVIATA, LA—Verpr . coe Ab, fors‘@lui. 2 2 5 5 |... 285 Durch Zartlichkeit und Schmeicheln (THE ABDUCTION FROM THE SERAGLIO) English version by Ruth and Thomas Martin MOZART Andante grazioso Voice Piano Zart- lich-keit_ und. Sohmei-cheln, Ge - fil - lig-keit und_ Scher-zen er - ten-der- ness and kind - ness, and friend-li- ness and_ jest-ing, One _—_— — —=_ Reprinted by permission, Copyright, 1944, by Boosey & Hawks, Inc. 1e77 o bert man die. Her - zen der gu - ten. Mid-chen leicht, gains with-out_ pro - test - ing a gen tle-maid-en's heart, — __F gu - ten. Mid-chen leicht, mir - ri-sches Be - gen - tle_ maid-en's heart. sur - ly, brusque, com ~ ny feh - len, und Pol - tern, Zan - ken, Pla - gen, man- ding, and__blus - ter, quar - els, nag-ging, nf nf? Pol - tern, Zan-ken, Pla-gen macht, dass in we - nig Ta-gen___ so. blus - ter, quar-rels, nag-ging, Will’ soon, withspeed un - flag-ging,__ make = SS 12727 Lieb’ als Treu’ ent - weicht, macht, dass in we - nig Tag-en. sa love andfaith de - part, wil soon, withspeed__un - flag-ging, make ———- —— Lieb’ als. Trew’ ent - —weicht, love and faith de - part, jieb!_ als_ Trew ent\ weicht, Durch Zart - lich-keit_ und_ love. and faith de \part. With ten - der-ness_ anc 50 make Schmei-cheln, Ge - fil - lig-keit_und_ Scher-zen er- o- bert man die_ kind - ness, and friend-li- ness_and_ jest-ing, one gains with-out_ pro- — pun ee 12727 s27e7 Her - zen der gu - ten. Mid-chen leicht, test - ing a gen tle_maid-en's heart, Doch miir- ri- sches Be - feh - But sur - ly, brusquecom- mand - of Pla - gen,und Pol-tern,Zan-ken, Pla - gen nag - ging,and blus-ter, quar-rels, nag-ging, gt a Ta-gen_ so_ Lieb’ als Trewent - weicht, flagging, make love andfaith de - part, xz wf P der gu - ton. Mid-chen a gen- tle_maid-ens Jen, und Pol- tern, Zan- ken, ing, and blus - ter, quar- rels, macht, dass we - nig Will soon, withspeed un - so Lieb! als_ Trew’ ent - weicht.. make love_ and_faith de - part, ——— Se Durch Ziirt-lich-keit und. Schmei-cheln, Ge- With ten-der-ness, and_ kind- ness and_ a fal-lig-keit und_ Scher - zen er - 0 - bert man die. Her- zen der friend-li-ness and_ jest - ing, one gains with-out pro - test~- ing a & ——— gu - ten. Madchen leicht. n-tle_maiden’s heart, \F 12727 Ach, ich liebte (THE ABDUCTION FROM THE SERAGLIO) English version by 0: Ruth and Thomas Martin MOZART Adagio Gonstanza Voice Achjch lieb-te, war 60 gliicklich, Kann-tenicht — derLie-be Ah,in lov-ing 1 was hap - py; sorrow’name I didnot Piano ln Schmerz, war soghick-lich, kanmte nicht der Lie-beSchmerz, _schwurihm know. T was hap - pys sorrow’s name I did not know. On my dem Ge-lieb-ten, schwur ihm Trew-e, dem_ Ge-lieb- ten, gab da~ true and faith-ful, on my lov-er, true_and faith-ful, all my Reprinted by permission. Copyright, 1944,by Boosey & Hawks, Ino. 1727 a; hin mein gan-zes Herz, gabda - hin. meingan - zes Herz. heart did I bestow, all my heart, ____my_ heart. Allegro Dochwie schnell schwandmei-ne Freude, dochwie schnell schwand mei-ne Butthe hap - py— dayswere fleeting, butthe hap - py dayswere i t Freu - de! fleet - ing! bes Loos, und nun schwimmt mein Aug’ in Thri-non, mein Aug! —_schwimmt in wrests nowmy eyes are dim with weep-ing, my_ eyes are dim with 12727 Thré - nen, es schwimmt in Thré- nen! weep - ing, are dim with weep - ing. Kum-mer Sor - row > Sp Kum-mer ruht_ in_ mei-nem Schoos, Sor-row dwellsin - side my_ breast, 42727 = Schoos, Kummer breast, sor-row oP ruht in mei- nem ——Schoos, dwells in side my. _ breast, 12727 10 12727 Ach, ich lieb - te, ‘Ah, in lov- ing — te nicht der Lic- be I did cot per 80 gliick-lich, was hap- py; be_ Schmerz, kann - te not. know, sor - rows aaattem kann-te sor- row's Schmerz, war s0 gliick-lich, know. I was hap- py, uw der Lie- be Schmerz, —_schwurihm Tren-e, dem Ge - T did not know. On my lov- er, true and gabda-hin mein gan-zes Herz, gab da - hin all my heart did IT be - stow, all my _heart,. zes Herz, Dochwie schnell schwand mei - ne be - stow. But the hap - py days were Freu-de, doch wie schnell schwand mei- ne Freu-do, fleet-ing but the hap - py days were fleet-ing! y reveee | Sete 12727 42 a by b undmein Au - geschwimmt in Now my eyes are dim with ‘Thré - nen, mein Au - geschwimmt in Thri-nen, —es__ schwimmt in weep - ing, my_ eyes are dim with weeping, are. dim —_with Je Thra - nen; weep ing; 12727 12727 13 Schoos, Kum-mer breast, fe. Sor- row ruht — in__mei - nem Schoos, dwells in= side my_breast, > > 1 Schoos, Kum- mer. ruht_ in mei - nem_ Schoos, Kum - mer_ breast, sor - row. dwells in - side. my__ breast, sor = row = Pp t,— ft ruht_ in mei- nem Schoos,in mei - mem Schoos, in mei -_nem dwellsin - side my_ breast, in - side my breast, in - side my P 12727 45 Morro, ma prima in grazia IN BALLO IN MASCHERA’ English version by Peter Paul Fuchs VERDI Andante (d= 48) Amelia con dolore ppallarg. |p di, yetin this sg — o-ny Grant me butone fest mer — cy. 78, ma primain gra - sia deh, mi con-sen- al me- =~ morendo Grantime that one more time Myon ~ Tyson, my on - ly son em= brace me, Pu ni-co fi-- glio mi - 0, Vurni-e firglio mio av-vin-cereal mio se - no. morendc ‘And if your wife is found un Un = worthy of such grace, B seat-la mo - glie— quest. ul-ti-mo fa-cor, =p Wlarg. oF @ MOMLVT, by G. Schirmer, Inc. International Copyright Secured fr pit s2727 cer, Do not re ~ fuse a moth - ~ er— who i i, iy “prie-ghi__ del_mio ms Kisses may con - ~ sole . Now that. mylife is to- li - not — suoi_ ba - i, or che Lie-stre-mae Ging me thisone— bf Then, when we part for = ded 0° re mis 6 fu- ds gi Spen-la per mandel vw yy z = uy hell touch my — eyes, His arms around his man ef aten - sagt oechi d'u-na 17 mother, His arms around his mother Who will nev - era ~ rise, oh— ney-ermore! Who will never a~ es auglechid'una madre che mai pit: non ve-dré, chemaipiiymai pits, chemaipiinon ve He a pr. ae oop foraa 3 pp dim. Ab, no more, she'll nev - = er a= che’ mar piu, ‘mai pi non ve fabri = gett hes Ab ee, TAIL iso = = -vernow. Nevermore, nevermene, ce 2 che mai pit, mai pit, che—mai pi ve-dra, yb = j os eee no more a- nse. mai piu ve-dratg— =p allarg. 42727 418 Volta la terrea fronte alle stelle. (UN BALLO IN MASCHERA,) Vi . Allegretto. Oscar —— aoe Voice. Vor - ta la ter-re-a. fronteal-le stel-Te, Read- ing the stars on high, eyesfiercely burn-ing, Piano. —— oo - me sfa- vil - la______ la_sua pu- pil - fa, — quan-doal-le earth - ly things spurns she, se-crets ais cerns she, | an- swer re- > aa ——. = il fin pre- di — ce me-stoo fe- li - ce for- tunes pre - dict - ing, glad or af ~ flict - ing, a S — dei_lo-roa-mor, me- sto,. ce dei lo- roa-mor! aht__ — un=_to the fair, glad or ing un-to_ the fair! ah!__ 12727 19 S briltante. — leeiero. A> s e OG — _ @ con Lu-ci-fe-ro dac- cor - doo-gnor! —— & con lu- maj-es - ty friends, I. clare! she’s with sin’s ei- fe-ro dac- cor - doo-ghor, dac-cor-doo - gnor, diac ~-cor-doo - maj-es - ty friends, I de - clare,friends, I do - clare, friends, 1 de - 8: . ibe gnor, si, si, si, si, ah!_conslancia con - clare, yes, yes, yes, yes, _ ah. she's with _sin’s the te i-te- fo due - cor - duo - gnor, ah! maj-es - ty friends, I de - clare, I. 2. . 20 Chi_ la pro- fe - ti-ca. sua gonnaaf-fer-ra, 0. pas-sil Who_seek her skill to. try, Tearn to un-rav-el by___ sea or ma- re, vo-ligl-la guer-ta, le sue vi- cen- de. S0- a-via- bat - tle or,_ if they trav - el, what shall be- fall them, off__she can z nel— dub-bio cor, da— que - re, da questaap-pren - de mak~ ing all fair, please or. tle, please or ap- pal them, a= ——— Le orittante. — staap-pren - de nel dub - bio cor, — ap - pal_____them, and make all__ fair, = as (BR -ee eS ci- fe- ro dae - doo - gnor! maj es - ty friends, T____de - clare! re7e7 RA egg. oa ——. ci-fe-ro dae- cor - — doo-ghor. dac-cor-dgo- gnor, dac- cor-doo - maj-es - ty friends, I de - clare, friends, I de - clare, friends, I de - a the , si, Si, q 7 ® con Lu - gnor, si, shes with _sin’s clare, yes, yes, yes, yes the te te = ——— aht © ~ gnor! 1 Gi-fe-fo dac-cor- doo - gnor, maj-es- ty friends, I de - clare, SS, : =, Saper vorreste. Allegro scherzando, (ON BALLO IN MASCHERA) —ggoap VERDI. Voice. Sh - 8 co-sa chei bid-den the per fain vor- re-ste di che ~—si_—sve-ste, quan- do be _hear-ing what dresses wear-ing” when he _has PP o se7e7 RR aco pits animato. vuol na- sco-Sa, ben io Jo so, ma nol di- rd; tra la la la, fact be hid-den; I know right well, but may not tell; tra la la la, cy, } ————~ 10¢0 pili animato. > stent. Ja la Ja, tra lala la, la Ja la tra Ja Ja la, Ja la la lala lala la la Ja la la, tra la la la, Ja la la tra Ja la la, a la la lala lala la la a te Tempo I. arittantissimo. — > 2 la! ben io Jo 50, ma nol di- rd, tra lala la, tra lala la la lal I knowright well, but may not tell: tra £ la la, tra la la la da aS. re a poco pir. P . Mg ta la fa [a fa fo fa da fa a da I a fa ta ta da, tra la. la la la la la la la la la la la Jala la la la Ja, tra la. . > b> ) ?, 19727 23 AP. ‘ie- no da- Of love my mor mi bal- zajl cor, ma pur di-scre-to ser-bail se - gre-to, nol heart feels all the smart, yet watch-ful ev-er, my se- cret nev-er rank a m P poco pitt animato. ra- pi - ra gra- doo bel- fa tra la la, le la la la, nor bright eyes shall eer sur - prise, tra la la, la la la la, =~ > ee tra la la, Jala Ja Ja, trala Ja la, Ja Ja Ja, tra la Ja la [a la la, ben tra la la la la la Ja, trala la la, Ja la la, tra fa lala lala la, I cot canto. te7e7 Ra britlantissimo. ay Prittantissing. jo lo so, ma nol di - rd, tra Ja la la, tra Ja la la, tra know right well, but may not tell: tra la Ia la, tra a Ja la, tra s =~ t Bp os la la la, tra Ja Ja Ja, tra la la la, Ja, a, Ja la Ja la la, tra lat la la la, tra. la Ja la, ta la la Ja, Jala, Ja fa fa ada, 1G 8 Una voee poco fa. (IL BARBIERE DI SIVIGLIA.) Andante, ROSSINI Piano, St 12727 25 Rosina U-na ‘Though his yo- ce po- co fi, quinel cor mi ri-suo-nd, il mio cor fe-ri- tad voice was breathd a - far, to_this heart is_sent a_throe; lit-tle heart,howweak you gid, e_Lin- dor_ fu cheil pia- gd, si, Lin-do - ro_ mio sa- ‘are’ that a song could thrill you sof Yes, be- fore us melts each (Ff = ri, lo.giu-ra-i, la=_vin-ce - rd, si, Lin-do - ro mio_sa - bar, Tohave sworn it, no__frag-ile_ vows yes, be- fore us_melts_each_ x 12727 26 + < ra, lo gu - ra-i, lax vin- ce - rol bar, IT have. sworn it, no__ frag’. ile__ vow! = Il tu-tor ri-cu-se - ra, io Tin-gegnoaguz-ze- All my guardian's plan to mar, Ta womaris wit will al-la fin she-che-te - ra, € contentajo re-ste- hell consent,when wed we are, then with bliss my soul shall = ro mio sa - ra, dor_ break each. bar, P a ra-i, [i vin-ce - 1d, si, Lin- do - ro_— mio__sa__ ‘swear it, no__ frag-ile____ vow; Io and Lin - dor__ break_ each ty 42727 ra, lo giv - ra-i, la Vin-ce~ rd. bar, hear me. swear it, no frag-ile vow. Allegro moderato. t+, Pp ce" so - no. me should, do - ci-le son ri- spet- to — sa, kind - ly love be- stow cor- rec - tion s27e7 dol_cea_mo - ro sa, mi la-seio of —fond—af - fee tion, no leaf so reg - ge-re,mi la-scio reg - ge-re,mi fo gui-dar, mi fo gui - pli- a-ble,no leaf so pli - a-ble adorns the field, a - dorns_ the — dar; ma se mi toc - ca-no dov’@il mio de - bo- le, sa-rou-na field; but if cold ty - ran-ny$rudeblast as- sail - eth me, it falls most vi- pe- ra_sa- 1, e cen-to trap - po-le, pri-ma di im - po - tent,— it. falls; no measure fail - eth me to gain the ce - de-re, fa-rd gio- car,_fa - rd gid- car; e cen-to vic - to-ry, I nev-er yield) I__ nev - er —__ yields no measure f. wer7 trap - ‘po-le. pri-ma di ce - de-re, fa-rd gio- car, fa - rd gio ~ fail - eth me to gain the vic - to-ry, I nev-er yield, I__ nev - er__ pet car; & cen-to trap - ‘po-le, pri- ma ce - de-re, e cen-to yields no measure fail. eth me to gain the vic - to-ry, no measure trap-po - le, fa = fail - eth____me, I fo fo-ho do-ci-le, sondob-be - On me should kind-ly love bestow cor- dien-te, mi la-stio reg- ge-fe, hi fo gui rec-tion, no leaf so pli - a-ble a-dorns the wr s27e7 30 ma se mi toc - ca-no dov’@il mio de - bo-le, sa-ron-na — but if cold ty - ranny’s rude blast as - sail - eth me, it falls most a rss vi- pe- ra_sa-- rd, e cen-to trap - po-le, prima di im - po - tent, it falls; no measure fail - eth me to gain the = de-re, fa-rd gio- car,_fa - rv gid - cary cen-to = to-ry, I nev-er yield, L___ nev - er___ yield; no measure trap - ‘po-le, prima di ce - de-re, fa-rd gio- car, fa - ro glo- fail - eth me to gain the vic - to-ry, I never yield, I__ nev - er_ car, e_ cen-to_ trap - po-le, pri- ma di ce - de-re, e cen-to yield, no measure fail - eth me to_ gain the vic - to-ry, no measure 42727 e cen-to no measure trap-po-le fa-rd gio-car, e__cen- to trap-po-le fail- eth me, I nev-er yield, na measure fail- eth me, 2 eS fad. car fa- ro gio - car. yield I nev- er yield. 12787 32 Marenka’s Aria Ah, my darling, we could grow together (THE BARTERED BRIDE) English version by io Marion Farquhar SMETANA Moderato dolce. manenca —--Con.anima ‘Ah, my dar-ling, we could grow to-geth-er like a sin-gle vine, = — Tam yours and _you are mine. the flow-er of my hope will with ~ er this can-not be, Oh, tell me that —— ‘ f——_ rs \p Z 7 © MCMLVI by G. Schirmer, Inc. International Copyright Secured werer 38 you love me! If we can- not shareeach hap-pi - ness and care,— a if we should have to part, Then, in-deed. I'd_rath-er —=a A die! " ‘tempo “tee. Since the glow~ ing day____ I you Ihave dreamed of you ee pee rs t = = € re eS 7 lone. Ob, how can my heart—=_[or~ get you _if your heert remains my ——= | +; — se7a7 84 —= > sotto voce accel. If your heart — remains my own? Both your home and your name — — accel, you conceal _—_———— Yet I trust,in my soul.and J —=| ¢ —— oresc, OS feel That our two lives could combine, my dar-ling, like a mf f= fin. dim. Pp ——— single vine, i 1am yours All the flow-ers of my hope will with-er if this ——— > —— f— 43727 that you love_me! we leave de- spair, to ~ geth-er we could dare, you and ‘Ah,—— then, we need nev-er part, Ah, ——— tf —— my dar ‘ling, till we — die. rit, A atempo dolce P —= = Since the glow ing day eth dreamed of you Oh how can my heart — for ~ get = — you if your sa7a7 36 = f heart — remains my own," “Qh, how cam my _ heart, Ee ————— — sv rall, = for-get you if our hearts are sotto voce Sz. If our hearts are one, If 42727 37 Donde lieta (LA BOHEME) English version by Ruth and Thomas Martin PUCCINI Lento molto 20s Mimi Voice Don-de lie- ta uw-sci al tuo gri- do d'a- Once a-gain Til re-turn to my own scent-less ———— ento molto 2:66 mite O88 Piano: Pp poco rit, Andantino ——— tor - na so - la Mi - > mi al 80-li - ta-rio lone- ly as once be - + fore to live with all my espressivo = agitando un poco —e Pp nat —— Se pee ri % # aay] ni - do. Ri- tor - un’ al-tra vol - - ta ain- mem -"ries through so - li-tar-y hours_______—where SS -=: «s.leeeee nd of id a Copyright, MOMLIV, by G.Schirmer, Ino. sa7e7 38 rall, a tempo tes - ser fin- ti - ing nev- er Andantino mosso ¢=84 lento rall. ritenuto atempo oo —— Ad-di-0, sen-za ran - cor. —_A-scol-ta,a-scol-ta. Le po-che Good-bye then, we part as friends. One thing I ask you! Gath-er to- 7 a tempo e DP rit, col canto »— col canto ro-bea-du-na che la-sci ai Nel mio cas- geth-er the few keep-sakes I Therein a Bp leggerissimo cae dt lg ed ae7e7 39 poco rit. ae 0 set - to stanchiu - si quel cer-chiet-to dor, eil li-bro di pre- box is my lock - et and the little cross, _to-geth-er with my Be tig. = ert ‘pp leggero =———— —$—_. a tempo —_«_ a ghie - re. In-vol-gi tut-to prayer - book. Col-lect the oth- er tempo. | ‘espressivo poco rit. atempo in un grem- bia-lee man- de - rd il por - own and Til send some-one to get them to - s2727 40 Ta molto rit a tempo Ba - da... Lis - ten, ce la cuf-fiet - ta T left my lit - tle sot-toil guan - cia - le un-der the pil - low. stent. se vuoi, se vuoi ser- it’s yours, ‘a_sou- ve - SS animando @ crest allan, = " poco allarg. o> atempo bar - laa ri- cor - do Ad - di - 0, nir of love you'll al - ways Good - bye then, ree ES poco altarg. _| ¢ ——— roll, 204 a tempo ad-dio sen-za ran - cor. good-bye for good and all! ge mtll. col canto conta TA atempo 12727 ony Quando m’en vo soletta (LA BOHEME) English version by Ruth and Thomas Martin PUCCINI Allegro Voice Piano ‘Tempo di Valse lento J- 108 ; Musetta con molta grazia ed elaganza quasi rit. Quan quando men vo so- Day a __________ when I pass by a- a y™ lot-ta per la via la gen-to so-stae mi - ra, Jone on prom-e - uade,the peo-ple turn ad - mir- ing ly; @ MCHLIV, by G. Schirmer, Inc. 12727 a2 appena allarg. ela bel - lez - i a. tut -ta ri- cerca in dazed by my aa - i - ty, they don'tknowwhat to = -¢ Oo = col canto ri-cercain me da ca-po a but_ev-'ry eye is turn-ing my rit. molto a tempo _—— x po-rgal-lor la bra-mo - sia sot- ti, che da I sa- vor keen-ly that in - tense de - sire, which is — Oe pv? UC molto rall. Stent, gloc - chi tra-spi- ra Je - si vez-~ ziin-ten- der burn-ing in theirglanc-es, dis play my rav-ish-ing at - 27 43 a tempo eral, py tempo al-legc - cul - te bel-td Co-si ef - flu vio del de- with en-chant-ing ap-peal. Andwhen the wave of fer-vent, ds a tempo, rit, \ espansivo tut-ta mag-gi- ra, fo - li- ce in-vites ro-mamces, how hap py tu ocho sa = iL must re - mem - ber. => ‘morendo A 12727 ah — che me-mo-rie ti strug - gi da me tan-to ri - fug = gi — your pas-sionstill must burn for me, why do younot re - turn to me a quasi rit, So ben: lean-go-scie tue non le vuoi dir, I know, jeu fight your tor - turedheart in vain, ——_ poco allarg. WGN EN eee — non Ie vuoi dir, s0 mati sen - — you fight your heart in for you love me a-gain 2-3 JSS a poco allang. ct sare7 Voi lo sapete a (CAVALLERIA RUSTICANA) English version by Nathan Haskell Dole MASCAGNI Largo assai sostenuto.(¢ = 80.) 4 SANTUZZA. . ‘mestamente_con_semplicite. Voi lo sa-pete, 0 mam-ma, Well do youknow,good Mam-ma, pri-ma dandar—eol - da - to Tu- rid-du a - vevap ere to the war he de - part-ed, Tu - rid - du plight-ed to SS. ENE: - ter-na fe giu- ra- to, a - ve-vaa Lo-lae - ter-na gui- troth,like a man true-heart-ed;His roth he plight - ed, like a man true- TI ra - to Tor - nd, la sep- pe spo - sa; heart - ed. And then find - ing her wed - ded tegattss. i r 46 = oresc. € con un nuova_a - mo - re. vol- le spe-gner la fiam-ma when he re-turned, he glad - ly. To ex-tin-guish the pas - sion + 4 a a calando. = Feri. a tempo. che gli. bru-cia-va jl co - ore that in his breast burned mad - ly j == pp a tempo. | 2 . a rit, ravvivando. ; Ficon grande passion: Be pit FMA Gi0n grande pi i, ahl Ta - I Ta - ma- i, Ya - ma - IT lovedhim, I loved him, ah! accel. poco a poco espress. aN am ma- lovedhim. Kile te DR Mf ejendioso appass. pert. F Aq — Quell” in. vi-da @o-gni de-li- zia She en- vy-ing What was my on- ly Pp legatissimo x<[S>— TST” mi- a, del suo spo-s0 di-men-ti-ca, treasure, Love of him whohad been her love, (f= ar- se di ge - lo- si - a, - se di ge-lo- burn-ingwithfell displeas - ure, - ing withfell dis - vinfors. ¢ string. assai. “oh — fri Me Tha ra - pi - me Tha ra - Enticed him — from enticed him 12727 48 aa Pri. va dell’ 0- nor Robb’d_of mythaidenhood’s —_ P ph erese._ed animando, mi - 0, dell’ o-nor mi-o ri - man - go: Lo-lae Tu-rid - du hon - or, Robbld of my hon-or I keep still: | She and Tu- rid - du a <—# a pill f ed animando, crese. = aa a Lo-lae Tu-rid- du = sa - ma- no, She and Tu-rid.du —love__a- gain, I a —a~ -T a pian - go, io pian - go, }0-pian - ygrte and weep, and) weep 49 Magda’s Aria To this we've come (THE CONSUL) MENOTTI ‘Adagio ma non troppo Voice To this we've come: that men with-hold the world from 1A, : ——~: Piano men, No ship nor grave for him whodies on — land. To this we've come: that ——~ , —_ = To. be born a stran-ger up- on God’s_ earth, ats, ft bs Copyright, 1950, by 0. Schirmer, Inc. ‘International Copyright Secured 12727 50 sen with-out a chance for choice, this we've come, to this we've come; and atempo too, shall weep. If to men, not to God, we now must LA. 12727 aL >—- tell me, sec-re-ta-ry, tell me, who are these men? If to them,not toGod,wenowmustpray, tell me, sec-re- toa t b a ‘Who are these dark archan-gels? Will they be con-quered? Will they be doomed? a gf Ts there one— an-y one be-hind those se727 can still be ex-plained? t Is there one— an-y one whostill may Tell me, sec-re-ta-ry, tell me. b. 7 Does he speak,doeshe breathe? spo-ken to him? Presto agitato Pa-pers! Pa- pers! Pa- pers! dort you un-der-stand? ‘What shall I tell you to make you un-der-stand? Jobs's mother is dy-ing. . — 7 bat own life is in dan-ger. I ask youforhelp, anal yougive me is... pa-pers. ‘i ae7e7 5A Allegro ‘What is your name? Mag-da Sor-el. Age? —‘Thir-ty-three, Col-or of eyes? Col-or of hair? Single or mar-ried? —Re- Place of birth, Fathers name, Mothers name? 12727 Pa - pers, Pa-pers, papers! hands, at these old > =< b at my Why dost you say some-thing? Aren't you sec-re-ta-ries © hu-man be-ings like us? Allegro ‘What is your name? Mag-da Sor-el. Age? —Thir-ty - three, _ ‘What will your pa-pers do? ‘They can-not stop the clock.They are too thin an ar-mor a-gainsta bul-let. | What is your name? Mag-da Sor-el, 57 Age? Thir-ty- three, ‘What does that mat-ter? All that mat - ters is that the time is late, that I'm a-fraid and need -your help. ‘What is your name? your help. ys —— Meno mosso What is your name? What is your name? This is my an-swer: My name J se727 58 Col - or of eyes: The col- or of tears. Oc- cu - pa- tion: 2 Allegro agitato Wait-ing. Wait - ing, 59 wait-ing, waiting, _wait-ing. Largamente the day will come, I know when our__ will burn your pa-per chains. aia ld} Con - sul, sec-re-ta -ry, 12727 60 shall cage NS nei-ther ink nor SF day tutta forza? te 12727 Les oiseaux dans la charmille st (LES CONTES DHOFFMANN) English version b; joha Gutman OFFENBACH Moderato Piano Olympia Les oi-seaux dans la char ~ When the birds be-gin their » Dans les cieux as-tre du ing, When the stars lightup a - © MOMLVT by @. Schirmer, Ino. se727 fil - le Tout parle ring - ing, © What they jou - ne fil - le when theyre sing - ing tout par - le da-mour! Ah, voi - they sing. of love. Ah, on ‘olla voce sere7 Ta Ia chanson gen - ti] rings, of song. Tim wing cola voce ar a tempo ~~ chan-son dO - lym- pi - a, dt ~ lym pi car-ry me uptothe sky, wings of my a tem 12727 1a la chan-son_ gen - til wings. _of song I'm wing Je, la chan-son @O-lym-pi - a,________ d0- lym- pi- ing,They car-ry me up tothe sky, me up to the IM col canto 12727 IF cot canto Moderato Tout ce qui chan-tae' When yourheart —_be-gins 12727 12727 ne Bt sou-pi - re, tour ing, And whenwords are not son - ne, B= meut swing - ing, What you : - me da - sing - ing is tout par - le da-mour! Ah, you sing. of love. Ah, — colla voce ae 1a la chan-son_ mi - gnom wings of song. Im wing atempo a tempo chan-son dO- lym - pi - a, = lym pi - carry, me up to the sky, wings of my — 12727 68 Moito animato. Seat, . Pele ? al Ah ah song! Ah ah nf la la cham-son_ mi - gnon wings of song Im wing 2727 69 chan-son dO- lym - pi - a, d0- lym - pi - al car-ry me up to the sky, thewingsof my song, a col canto 12727 70 Una donna a quindici anni (cost FAN TUTTE) English version by MOZART. Ruth and Thomas Martin Andante DESP. donna aguin.di. ci dee sa. per— o- gnigran Any gill = file teen or = = ver—smust pure, sue —— Wo man’s SP mo. da, dove il dia. volo hala co~ da, cosae, ¢ malcos’ fae 2 so end th fame te tne te tov Wen ee pee i dee sa. per le siet . te, ‘She must — know a thov- sand ms - es Copyright, MOMLI, MOMLI, by G. Schirmer, Inc. se7e7 m man. ti, finger re. so, fin.ger pion.ti, in. ven. tar— i bei per- choos - es, Laugh or —chat- ter, weep or = flat- ter, know =the mo- where ond = = = eo ot Singer re. so, fin.ger plan-ti, inven lar— i bet per~ loogh or chat ter, woop or flet=— ter, know the mos ment where ond — ste = + Allegretto Dee inun mo. men . ty darrettaa them, when to con rlar con mil le, the deed plows them. seme? 72 ===! dar spe-mea tutti, sien belli o brut .ti, sa. per na, senza con. ‘She must oct sty- ty, devs er ond wie = ly, =m ll the rt Gl, mew or hab f tceep, otis Py tt step, 7 tie Pe ' ——- a =e Jon der. si, sensu arros sire aa.per men. ire, sa.per men. moe er tee = vec ing her ime nee ea ing, her Ine = £2 SaaS ff § == | nm a ti. re, e qual re. gi-nadall’ so glio col pussve ww - glio feel. wa lowe! te the & dom she rules in ne a ren- Cre 32727 73 farsi ubbi . dir, € qual re. gina col posso ¢ ‘ere her and bow. love is her ing dom, men must sur- i —F LED 0. gliv farsi ubbi . dir. Parchubbian gu. sto ren- r, serva her and = bow. life con be keen er, (SSS di tal dot. tri. na, vi. va De - spi. nache sa ser. vir, che sa ser. love can be gree = er. Come fo Des py shell tell you how, shel tell you 2> = = tp 2 2 po 6 FE e —— tT t wry ™ Dee inun mo. men . to darretta a Shel an- swer quer > Hons, give you wg cen-te, col-le pu. pil - le partar ‘es tions how you con han dle ges- sip con mil. le, sane del eee = dar spe-mea tut . ti, sien bello She cn d= red yoy can pee —— brut. fi, sa. per na. fet you in all fae ft —— te —— —— ae7e7 — ++ = deri, sen 3a eon. fon der. si, senza arron xine, st. per men. = i fies ond = tech- nie fies, mev- er re = veel. ing her ine ner fire, sapermen. ti. re. E qual re. gi-nadall’ al-to faclsing, bar Ine nar fal = lng Love” the kings dom sho rl in splendor Men mest su fal re - gi - na col posse ¢ love is her wry 16 > = =F + = SS SSS 3 > v0 - glio farsi . dir, @ qual re. gi-na dal’ alto ren- = der, serve her ond bow! love isthe king- dom she rules in ——_ —. oo £ £ $+ —— : . ara eager ae AA so. gtio, vol possoe w . gliv, cul px - 30 € waglto, splen- dor. = Men must sur- rom. - ber end serve her, bey bert ——— > z eS 2 eNO == Ea REEREE P= SS col pos.soe vo. glio fur. si ubbi-dir, si far. si dir, si ‘Men must sur ren der, serve her and bow, yes, seve her ond bow, yes, Se 12727 far. si ub. bi. dir, Parchubbian gu. sto di (al dot . serve: her and = bow! life con be = keen- er, love con be t Le tri. na, vi-va De. spt mache su ser. vir, De . spi-nayche saser. srven. a, Come to Der pi ~ ny shall tll you how! Come to Der a —., az. ». t 2p vir, _vi-va De.,che su ser.vir, che sa ser. vir, che sa ser.vir. bow! Come to Des- ‘ta, she'll tell you how, sbo'll tell you how, she'll tell you how! Pe oo a ae7e7 78 Recitative: Ei parte senti Aria: Per piéta, ben mio (cost Fan TUTTE) English version by Ruth and Thomas Martin MOZART Recit. Allegretto FIORD Ei par.te... = ! portir si la.sci, si hat Kin Le Ws be tor this wey. ale “|e ES SS Ss Tighienet met Pin. faustd eee: del le mia de by. aed whe has caused me 12727 vea di nuovoamante, could 1 ee er ie ten toe new love ers plea? i 80. spiri a-scol.tar? Tul.truiquere le dovea Should 1 have trect- od his pro- F=e + =e = ; —- ~ ; vol. ger in gioco? Ah,gue.sto co-re @ ra. gio.necondanni, 0 gusto. pos - at more light - ly? ‘Ye, 1 am guilty. 1 am punished quite just- ly. 0 dear Gu- re = ; = +H e ; = 1 Ls mare! Io —¢ lardor mio non & dun a. morvirtu. ‘gliel- mo! ‘This stran- ger, ho has a- roused my heart to pas- sion, net to love, true and = ef ST — —= I a? cd ae727 80 0.80: é@ smania, af fanno,, _penti_mento, —_legge- pers fect. This por- ston is reste loss, disturb ing, and de cat ful, per +4 a: an tradi.mento! less bee troy all Per pie . ta, ben mio, per. all’ er_rordunal.maa. Doar “et love, beg your par don forthe faith that bev. = e7 mante fra guest? ombre, ¢ gue.ste piante sempre a. bbro- ken, May my error remain uns spo- ken, stay for got- ten, un- known_and ho 84 o> aad = = ra, sem.prea- sco - 80, a . sco. saohDio,—— sa - past, stay for = got = ten, sree = mon ___ un- known ____ and —__ ———- T a * 3 ! Soene.riguestem-pia voglia lar.dir mio, May my hone et, true de vo- tion, glow ra pes, t Sf ee la ri_ membranza, et all re-mem- brance, chi nae or ror mi fa, che vergogna, sche exgagnae on -For mi 2, che ergogne se727 Per pie. ta, ben mio,per . dona Dear- ove, 1 bog your par- don PR all’ er. ror dun al. ma a.mante; fra —quest?_ om ‘the feith that 1___ have. bro- ken. May —_ my ombre, ¢ qué. ste pian.te sem _ prea- error remain unspoken, soy,0h Dio,—sa- sempre asco - id say fore got F ao 42727 , Allegro moderato Sf sae iS Spe questo ta_-ma,ingra - wea mi-glior mer. a mgr Lit Fes] eee : + +2 cede, ca . ro be: neal tuo can . dor, ca.r0 @- tien to” be ee = ee = = more, tobe ngal fuo can dor. oe more? ; ri ben mio, per. do ita 1 beg. your pars don _ 8 12727, zZ = = 5 == +5 ror dans al. maa. sank, scemerh questem . pia ‘faith tht hove broken. May my hon = ent, true de- 7 333 333/338 v¥¥) Fed ie = eS ——_ aS Se vo.glia lardir mio, la mia co. stanza, perde.ra la ri. mem. ve-tion, —glow- ing love, ond deep ra - pen-tance purge my heart ofall ree Bb Fl p A 5 — é + i— a 5 — > 2 branza, che ber gognae orror nm Fe Ah hi wom beenee, aeke me wert yy of you ~ Mead mai manco di queso wm. nyingra. to cor, si do. 1 em- brace temp- te- tion, break the: fen- der vows =| swore, when it jor, ca . ro be ne,al two - ie a tn tebe father no, in. ca. dor, ‘more, - sto va my se + at re que 2727 86 mi.glior mer. ce- de, be-neal tuo can - dor, dear ot for my fault 1 shal tone, 5 —— ta —_ neal tuo can dor, ror hall ete 12727 caro form Man B dor, fale tem bes neal tuo ort for my— ca - ro tone, dor, shall be neal tuo can we. met 4 4 all can . dor. tone, tuo cresc. 12727 88 Batti, batti (DON GIOVANND) Andante grazioso Zerlina MOZART. Voice. Bat-fi, battijo bel Ma-set-to, fa tua po-ve-ra Zer- Chide me, if thou wilt, Ma-set-to, chidethy love,who all un- Piano. Pp sempre leguto. Tr- nas sta-rd qui, come_a-gnel - li - na le tue bot-tead a - spet- moving, bearsthe blow in faith-ful lov - ing, so the sor ~ row comes from ——_— bat - ti, bat-ti la tua Zer- chide me! chide me, than oth - ers Ve a Me ret ide ; i - na! sta-rd qui, sta-rd qui. le tue —_—bot-te ad & kindness,dear-er still, dear-er _sti ig thy cru-el - ty to Vascie - ro strappar mil ucktheselocks so wild - ly 12787 cri-ne, las-cie - ro ca-var-mi streaming, luench these eyes so fond-ly Ge Se gligcchie_le_ a- re tuema-mi- ne lie-ta poi sa-prd ba- cian, sa- beam-ing, so that withtheir fad-ed gleaming they may looktheir last on thee, heii eam-ing, so that Wi fad-ed gleaming they may last on the cir “a a - cia, ba - ciar, 8a - pro sa - pro on thee, on thee, may look. their last - [eet jat- Ti, bat-tio bel Mas-set-to, Ja tua Chide me, if_thouwilt,Ma-set-to, thy too po-ve-ra Zer- li-na;sta-rd qui come a-gnel-li- na lé tue bot-teada - spet- faith-ful,fond Zer - li-naystrikethe lamb, if blow can win hershe the dar-ling of thy 90 bat-ti, bat- ti! sta-ro chide, oh chide her,stzikethe : ey © bel Ma-set-to! © kind Ma-set-to! =>! qmi,——sta-ro qui le tue bot-tead & - spet- tar! lamb, —strikeher___here, she, the dar-ling of thy heart! oe non hai co'- Fe, but for giveher, ,, ‘Ahl ‘Yes, lo ve- do thou canst not ~ Se a re,ah! lo ve - do, non hai co-fel canst not’ but for - give her. a Ihinon hai co. - ah, yes, . thou canst not, yes, thou ee at tf a Andante. ta mi - a! pa-ce, pa- ceo Vi - fa a-ce, pa- ceo vi - lovethoughbit - ter fate__en - Spare me not, yet love me ev - er! P aot | heey 12727 s2727 mi - deay - mi - ev - mn alm con-ten-tied al - le - gri- a, mot-tee di_ vo-gliam pas- or hearts like thine and mine_to sev- er! kill_me, so_thou grieve for not-tee @_ fo-gliam pas- kill me, so_thou grieve for a not-te"e di vo-gliam pas - sar, kill me, so_thou grieve for me. not-te’e di ¥o-gliam pas-sar! Pa-ce, pa- ceo vi - ta Kill me, so_thou grieve for me! Spareme not, yet love. me oo; al pa-ce, pazcao vi- ta mi- a! in con-ten-tied M-le - er! love,though bit - ter fate_en-deav- or hearts like thineand mine to_ See a 92 gri- a, nottee dl vo-gliam_pas - sar, si, si, si, si, Si, seve er! kill me, 8 thou grieve_for me, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, os oo” not - tee di vo-gliam pas - sar, si, si, si, si, Si, kill__ me, so__ thou grieve for me, yes, yes, yes, yes, Yes, not - tee di vo- glam pas - sar; si, Kill me, so__ thou grieve for me,—_ kill. —=——— gliam, vo-gliam pas - sar Yo - gliam, ¥o- gliam pas - so___ thou grieve for —_mey. yes, grieve, yes, grieve for 93 Vedrai, carino (DON GIOVANNI) Andante. + t MOZART ' pass Piano. mezza\ voce. Zerlina Ve-drai, ca - ri - no, Se sei buo- ni - no, che bel ri - me - dio Smile! and Til teach thee what ap-pli - ca - tion shall con-so - la - tion i vo-glio “dary @ na-tu - ra-le, bring_to thy heart; tf} _sim-ple but subt-Ie, &, : — cs FT’ — a —. non da dis - gu-sto, e¢ lo spe-zia- le won lo sa far, no, Sy (uch is its pow-er, ‘tis_to this mo-ment unknown to Art, yes, oS. |S nfo sa far,no, non fo sa farl——— Bam cer- {0 _bal-sa-mo unknownto Art,yes, _ unknown to = Nature's first boon_to_us, f, —t NS se7e7 94 che por-to_ad - dos - balm-i - est so, da- re tel treas -ure, source of all ae Sa-per ‘or- re-sti, Dear its pos - ses-sing, at on o— ——~ leon do = ve, do-ve mi high - er, high-er than sta, do- ve, blessing is Sen-ti- lo bat- te-re, Wouldstthou this mag - i-cal —__— Zs qua, sen-ti- lo bat-te~ re. sen- ti - prove? Feel this heart 12727 flut-ter -ing, trembling and pos - $0, seil vuoi pro- var. Pleas-ure, crown of all mirth. do-ve mi ope man with this f— to- ca-mi in - fluence ——, ‘ne Se oN bat - fe-Fe, fut ~ter-ingy lo 95 toc - ca-mi qua, sen-ti- lo bat- te- re, sen-ti- lo s~N yes, it is Love, feel it then flut-ter-ing, feel it then Le oo, —— nf — of A bat - fe - re, sen - ti - lo bat - fe - re, flut - ter- ing, feel it then fut - tei fering at = te - re,— flut - ter - ing,— bbe SS ~ too-ca-ihi qua, qud, toc ca-mi qua, qua, toc-ca-mi qua, qua, know then tis love, yes, know it is love, yes, Art far a - bove,*tis < toe - 6a - thi love, on - ly so7e7 96 ? Recit.. Crudele! ah! no, mio bene! Aria._ Non mi dir. (DON GIOVANNI.) MOZART. Allegro. Anna. Voice. Cru-de - le! Ah! no,mio be-ne! Un-kind, love? Ah! no, Ot - tavio! abe. Piano. P Trop - po mi spia - ce, al- lon - ta-nartiiyn Poor - ly it serves me to thus de-fer ~a s27e7 or ben che lun- gamen-te, lanostr’ al - ma de-si-a. bliss so long, so just-ly, so su-preme-ly our object. Mil mon - do, oh Di - o! ‘The world,though, 0 Heav - en! 4, ~> . ate! re-ply! aht aL vom va ben! ah! well sung! ahi. L—_=- (alfombra) a tel re-ply! (avon erede udir la voce delombra) (atombrad (altembray ate! ahr re-ply! abl. va ben! ah! ‘well sung! ahi, 102 Listesso tempo, ma un poco pitt mosso. ? ‘alombras Pore P Caltombray —(Hgposta dele) Si! ah! a tel re - plyt (ultombra) — (risposta dell’ombra) ——_(yombra) = = va ben! alla tel. 2 Dan : —e SE a2, PP tS-—, PP. Ossia. ombra) (Tombra) (alton Puta ppl onbra) fall” ombra) (ombra Galtombra) cot canto ta7e7 108 _———___ Tempo. > eS, fy_dotee Om-bra leg - gie-ra, non fe fan- dah non t'in-vo - © ten-der shadow, that hov-er’st —_ near, thoushalt not Tar, no, no, no, fa-ta,o chi- me-ra, sei Iu-sin - ghie-ra, non t’in-vo - fear, no, no, mo, ca-pri-cious fai - ry, so dim and air - y, thou shalt not lar, no, no, no, om-bra,si ca ~ ra cor-Fia-mqa ga - ra, re-ata con stray, mo, no, no, but still de - light me, and not af —- fright me, oh do not ei me, al mio pié,__ ah!___non_ tin - vo - lar! fade,stay,oh stay, why__wouldst fade___a - way Andantino quasi allegretto, (Dinoruh singinocchia per parlure alfombra) cantabite. Non sai tu, Has he told 409 ma7—— non sai tu__________ch’Ho-el_ ma - needs must end from to - mor - un poco ¢rese: molto crese. cheal-Tal-tar mi chia — ma? dee —_le-gar 'a- mor, when we kneel to - geth - er at the ho-ly shrine, le-gar Ta when we both t B? h is tim. ingenuamente mor fl mi-o al su-o cor?_ il sai tux sil sai kneel, we kneel “ore the ho-ly shrine? has he told2__—has- he f= calle 3a es a a Tempo I. una tavela passa fonanzi alla lungfombra sparisce) tu? il told? has tu told2_— sai he Ma gia fu Pa-seon-di, _per-ch® vuoi partir, Crucel thus toleave me, to my Ione-ly paint —— —=—- PP Re perch’, per-ch vuoi par - tir ‘ohwhy, oh why dost me leave ab,dimmi,ri-spon- di, __per-ch® vuoi partir? whereforenowdostgrieveme, shall I sing a- gain? — ——e 42727 410 (con voce trista) 3 4, iel— bu-io son Tam Lone-ly, ah jai so- la, so- let - ta! dark aight iy drear-. in moito moderato stringendo F p__(portando la voce) a tor-nar Vaf - fret - fa, leh vient. oh, re-turn and cheer me, re - (un raggio di luna fa riapparir Yombra) (piangendo) Gon gloja Sf: vien'!__—deh_—vient turnt— re - turn! in - gra-ta, co - si vuoi fug-gir, vuoi par-tir? in - my tru-anti thou nev-er shait eave me a gain! my P ait 4 3 Tempo I gra-ta, in- gra-ta, in-gra-ta, co - si vuoi fug - gir? Om-bra leg - truant! thou never, thou nev-er shalt leave me a - gain! 0 ten-der gie- ra, non te n’an - dar—non fin-vo - Tar, no, no, no, fa-ta,o chi- shad-ow, that hov-erst near, thou shalt not fear, no, no, nol ca-pri-cious me-ra, sei lu-sin - ghie-ra, non tin-vo - Tar, no, no, no! om-bra,si fair. y, so dim and air - y, thou shalt not stray, no, no, no! _but still’ de - ca-ra,cor-riam’a ga-ra,re-sta con me, al mio ight me, and not af - fright me,oh do not fade, stay, oh a tempo sstacc. (danza con Vombre) ah!___ non. n vo - lar! Ta, Ia, la, Ta, la, la, y_—— wouldst Jay la, Ja, Ja, la, la, B lesgiermente sa7e7 4 142 =. ah! dan - za, — la,laajla,la,la, la, la, ahl____ dance then, —_ la, Jaylaylayla,la, la, == F asp —tebee~ Ar Allegro con spirito. — Bs (dunew_con épirito) re-sta, re- sta con me! prith-ee stay, prith-ee stay! St 12727 +44 col canto ALS Cavatina So anchio la virti magica (DON PASQUALE) English version by on Lorraine Noel Finley DONIZETII Andante see = — Piano Norina (Reading from a book) “Quel guardoil ca - va - lie - re “Thus did er look trans -fix him: © MOMLVI by & Schirmer, Ine. s2727 6 rey in mez-zoal cor tra - fis pie-gdil gi-noc-chio e Bend-ing his knee be - fore He vowed to love and a - dis - se: Sonvo-stroca - ya lier E tan-to e-rainquel dore_her, Say-ing,'My heart_ is__ yours’, . Then as her glan-ces grew sa-por di pa - ta- di - Heay- en - ly trans - port filled chejl ca-va-lier Ric- car- do, tut - to d’a-mor — con- This cav-a- lier of splen-dor. Con-quered by love that a7 == ai - 1» gin - ro ea tra ma thrilled. i ‘He swore nal fond-ness, non vol-ge-ria il p Pledg-ing that true love en-dures? Aky ahl rpit aA Allegretto Pp 12727 us wer Sepn-ckio Invir- ti ma-gi-ca dunguardos tem-pog lo ~ co, saan feel I al- so know the knack Of lookswelltimed and charm-ing; I chio co-me si bru-cia-no i co-rialen-to fo-co; d'un bre- vo sor- ri- al- soknowthat em-bers glow With ar- dor quite dis-arm-ing. The craft of fur- tive set - to co-no-scoamchio Vef-fet - to, di men-zo-gne-ra__la- gri-ma, d'un smil-ing Is of - tenmost be-guil- ing; An art-fultearcan melt aheart, And su - bi-to— lan-guor Co-no-scoi mil- le mo- di del-,la- mo- ro - se so can a fainting spell. A thousandtricksarehand~ y To cap-ture an - y

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