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RTE Society’s

Rural Engineering College, Hulkoti

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Beyond Turing: AI-Generated Poetry and Literature

Presented By : MD Saadullah(2RH20CS013)
Under the guidance of :Prof. R F Sheddi 13-04-2024
RTE Society’s
Rural Engineering College, Hulkoti
Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Contents :


2.How AI Generates Poetry

3.Examples of AI-Generated Poetry

4. Challanges & Ethical Considerations

2 5.Future Possibilities

6.Examples of AI-Generated Poetry


RTE Society’s
Rural Engineering College, Hulkoti
Department of Computer Science and Engineering

 Artificial intelligence has revolutionized the realm of poetry,
empowering machines to compose verses that often display
surprising depth and emotional resonance. Through the
application of advanced language models, computers can now
analyze vast datasets of human-written poetry, allowing them
to learn the patterns, structures, and creative elements that
characterize the art of verse .
RTE Society’s
Rural Engineering College, Hulkoti
Department of Computer Science and Engineering

 Alan Turing made a test to see if computers could think like

4  There's this thing called the Turing Test. It's about if a computer
can act so much like a person that you can't tell the difference.

 Turing challenged the idea that machines could not exhibit

intelligent behavior indistinguishable from humans.

 The Problem in Turing Test is that it relies heavily on the

subjective judgments of human
RTE Society’s
Rural Engineering College, Hulkoti
Department of Computer Science and Engineering

How AI Generates Poetry

Language Models The Power of Data The
Generation Process

5 AI poetry generation relies on The quality and amount AI models

take input text, predict
advanced language models like of training data are very the next
likely words, and
Natural Language Processing important for AI models
iteratively generate new lines of
(NLP),, such as Recurrent Neural to understand language poetry,
guided by patterns learned
Networks (RNNs) and well and create good, from the
training data.
Generative Pre-trained meaningful, and
Transformers (GPT-3), are emotional poetry.
trained on vast datasets of human
-written text to learn patterns and
generate new content.
RTE Society’s
Rural Engineering College, Hulkoti
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Lexical analys is is the process of converting a sequence of
characters into a sequence of tokens. A lexer is generally combined
with a parser,

Parsing, syntax analysis, or syntactic analysis is the process of

analyzing a string of symbols, either in natural language, computer
languages, or data structures, conforming to the rules of formal
6 grammar.
Semantic Analysis attempts to understand the meaning of Natural

use Discourse analysis to uncover the motivation behind a text.

Pragmatic Analysis is part of the process of extracting

information from text. It focuses on taking a structured set of text
and figuring out the actual meaning of the text.
RTE Society’s
Rural Engineering College, Hulkoti
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Challanges & Ethical Considerations
I. Ownership, Transparency, and Intellectual Property
 Who deserves credit when AI generates art or literature - the programmer,
person providing the prompt, or the AI itself? If AI can convincingly mimic
creativity, how do we define and value authentic human expression?
7 laws may not adequately protect the source material used to train AI or the
generated outcomes.
 II. Impact on Human Creativity and the Marketplace
 Can human artists and writers compete with the speed, volume, and
adaptability of
AI-generated content? If AI-created content is widely accepted, the
perceived value
of human-made works may decline. The dominance of AI tools could lead to a
narrowing of aesthetic diversity and the loss of unique artistic voices.
 III. Dangers of Bias Amplification
AI systems trained on biased datasets will inevitably replicate those
biases in their
creations. Biased AI-generated art or writing could further normalize and
harmful social stereotypes. Ensuring fair training data and monitoring AI
to prevent the generation of harmful content is crucial.
RTE Society’s
Rural Engineering College, Hulkoti
Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Future Possibilities

Personalized Literature AI as Literary Critic Novel Art Forms

8 AI systems could craft AI's ability to The integration of
narratives tailored to analyze text and AI and literature
individual readers' identify patterns could give rise to
preferences, opening invisible to the entirely new forms
up new avenues for human eye may of artistic
personalized and expression that we
provide new insights
have yet to imagine.
immersive literary and perspectives on
experiences. literary works.
Human-AI collaboration in the arts and

1 Augmented creativity
AI systems can enhance and amplify
human creativity.

2 Algorithmic inspiration
AI can provide novel ideas and perspectives to
inspire human artists.
3 Streamlined processes
AI can automate repetitive tasks, allowing
humans to focus on
higher-level creative work.

4 Symbiotic partnership

Humans and AI can collaborate

seamlessly to produce
groundbreaking works.

RTE Society’s
Rural Engineering College, Hulkoti
Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Milestones in AI-Assisted Literature

2018: A Short Story
A short story generated
with AI tools, '1 the Road'
by Ross Goodwin, places
10 in the Botnik Studios
literary contest. 2023: A Chinese
A Chinese science
novel, 'Land of
Memories', utilizes
extensively and wins
national award.
2024: A Japanese Prize
A Japanese literary prize is
awarded to a novel where a
significant portion was
written with the assistance
of ChatGPT.
RTE Society’s
Rural Engineering College, Hulkoti
Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Examples of AI-Generated Poetry


ಮೌಲ್ಯಗಳು, ನೈತಿಕತೆ
In the realm where right and सही गलत की धुध ं ली डगर ಧುಂಧಾಧುಂ, ಧಾ ದ
wrong entwine, Lies a world कहां है किनारा, कहां है नज़र? ಎಲ್ಲವೂ ಸಂಕಲಿತ,
where moral shadows align. जो दिखता था सच्चा, अब लगता झूठ, ಸ್ಪಷ್ಟವಲ್ಲ.
What you profess, what you रंग बदलता है कदम-कदम, हर एक सूत।ದೆ ಗೆ ಮುಂದೆ ಹೇಗೆ
ಸಾಗಬೇಕು, ಏನು
claim, Defines the essence of रास्ते पर कांटे, या कि खिले हैं फू ल, ಮಾಡಬೇಕು?
virtue's domain. आंखों का है धोखा, या है मन का भूल? ನಿರ್ದಿಷ್ಟ ದಿಕ್ಕಿಲ್ಲ,
In this tapestry where truth is नैतिकता की ढाल भी लगती है कमज़ोर ಜೀವ
ನದ ತೆರೆ.
weaved, Conscience's , जब हो उलझन भीतर, पाना जवाब हो जाए
whispers are oft believed
ಉದ್ದೇಶವಿಲ್ಲ, ದಿಶೆಯೂ ದಿ ಇಲ್ಲಲ್

भोर। ಅರ್ಥನ್ನು
ಹುಡುಕುತ್ತಾರೆ ಜನರು,
. Yet amidst the chaos, amidst
ಯಾವುದರಲ್ಲೂ ಉತ್ತರವಿಲ್ಲ.
the strife, Resides the ಬಿಟ್ಟು
ಬಿಡಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಿಲ್ಲ, ನಾವು
compass of a righteous life.
RTE Society’s
Rural Engineering College, Hulkoti
Department of Computer Science and Engineering

AI-generated literature demonstrates remarkable progress in
language technology, raising ethical questions while hinting at a
future of creative collaboration between humans and machines.
This burgeoning field holds immense commercial potential
across various industries.
The global market for AI-generated content is expected to
reach over $100 billion in the coming years, driven by
increased adoption across industries like publishing,
entertainment, and marketing.
RTE Society’s
Rural Engineering College, Hulkoti
Department of Computer Science and Engineering


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