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Crosslinking positive content.

Crosslinking will help in increasing the chances oI that positive

content in appearing very high in the search results. Linking your twitter and Iacebook accounts
to your blog is a good example oI crosslinking
New os|t|ve content shou|d be deve|oped Make publlc proflles on as much soclal neLworklng slLes
llke llnkedlngoogle+LwlLermyspace and oLhers Ask frlends and cllenLs or colleagues Lo posL poslLlve
conLenL abouL you on Lhelr slLes More Lhe oslLlve conLenL abouL you onllne Lhe beLLer lL ls Lo creaLe
LrusL among Lhe users
ConLacL oLhers Lo clean conLenL ln Lhelr auLhorlLy lf Lhere ls any negaLlve conLenL on you LhaL you
don'L prefer weren'L onllne conLacL Lhe slLe owner or admlnlsLraLor/moderaLor or publlsher and ask
Lhem Lo remove LhaL conLenL Also menLlon Lhe reason wlLh a klnd requesL as some slLes llke puLLlng
conLroverslal posLs for hlgh raLlngs and hlLs lf you aren'L sure who owns Lhe slLe or how Lo conLacL
Lhem whogodaddycom ls a good llnk Lo flnd ouL
Claim your name. Be sure that you own your name as a .com, and that you have registered your
name as a screen name on all oI the most popular sites, especially Twitter. It helps to show how
genuine and
Set up a google alert. Coogle provldes a free Lool LhaL allows you Lo auLomaLlcally recelve an emall
any Llme LhaL your name (or oLher keyword of your chooslng) appears ln new onllne conLenL
vlslL wwwgooglecom/alerLs
ontent goa|s and 8oundar|es ?ou need Lo declde whaL you are prepared Lo share publlsh and wrlLe
abouL WheLher you wlll be crlLlclzlng someone or someLhlng or a conLroverslal posL wlll be sulLable or
[usL recommend brand or producLs 8e sure Lo conslder Lhe way LhaL oLhers may vlew LhaL conLenL and
Lhe poLenLlal consequences of LhaL conLenL belng onllne 1ake Llme up fronL Lo declde whaL ls rlghL for
you before you conLlnue creaLlng onllne conLenL 1hlnk of your lnLenL and whaL lnLenL your vlewers wlll
be havlng and Lhen close Lhe gap
!rivacy and Security settings : . Always pay attention to the Public and Private option on
Facebook and other social media sites. UnIriend or UnIollow people you don`t know , Organise
your contacts in Lists so that sharing becomes easier.
cout of areas of |mprovement Search for areas of lmprovemenL see whaLs ouL Lhere WhaL are Lhe
laLesL Lrends and Loplcs Coogle yourself and also use oLher search englnes llke yahoo search and blng!
Coogle ls noL Lhe only search englne

lways ask others and be open to suggestions and criticism : We all get arrogant or ignorant
at times. Ask a third person or a Iriend to look your name up on search engines and gather
Ieedback and advise. Focus on negative Ieedback so that you can work on it.
Clean up the content you control. Go through all the content on your Facebook account, your
blog, your Twitter stream and wherever else you have a presence that you control and remove
content that you no longer Ieel is appropriate to share.

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