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Media Relations involves working with media for the purpose of informing the public of an

organization's mission, policies and practices in a positive, consistent and credible manner.
Typically, this means coordinating directly with the people responsible for producing the news and
features in the mass media. The goal of media relations is to maximize positive coverage in the
mass media without paying for it directly through advertising.[1]
Many people use the terms public relations and media relations interchangeably; however, doing so
is incorrect. Media relations refer to the relationship that a company or organization develops
with journalists, while public relations extend that relationship beyond the media to the general
It is possible for communication between the media and the organization to be initiated by either
side. However dealing with the media presents unique challenges in that the news media cannot be
controlled — they have ultimate control over whether stories pitched to them are of interest to their
audiences.[3] Because of this fact, ongoing relationships between an organization and the news
media are vital. One way to ensure a positive working relationship with media personnel is to
become deeply familiar with their "beats" and areas of interests.[4] Media relations and public
relations practitioners should read as many magazines, journals, newspapers, and blogs as
possible, as they relate to one's practice.
Organizations often compile what is known as a media list, or a list of possible media outlets who
may be interested in an organization's information. The media can consist of thousands of magazine
publications, newspapers, and TV and radio stations. Therefore, when a "newsworthy" event occurs
in an organization, a media list can assist in determining which media outlet may be the most
interested in a particular story.[5]
Working with the media on behalf of an organization allows for awareness of the entity to be raised
as well as the ability to create an impact with a chosen audience. It allows access to both large and
small target audiences and helps in building public support and mobilizing public opinion for an
organization.[6] This is all done through a wide range of media and can be used to encourage two-
way communication.
Possible reasons an organization may reach out to the media are:[7]

 Launch of a new product/service

 Initiation of new factories/offices
 Financial results
 Organization sponsored events or awards
 Launch of organization promotional campaigns
 Recent disasters, strikes or organizational closures
 Awards/accolades for the company
 Visits from company dignitaries/celebrities
 Involvement in local/community activities
 Community engagement


 1Media Relations and Information Subsidy

 2Media Relations and Public Relations Practitioners (PR)
 3Ethical Pitfalls
 4See also
 5References
Media Relations and Information Subsidy[edit]
Information Subsidy consists of information that is provided to the press as supplemental material to
help present their reporting. This includes information such as press releases, advertisements and
videos of related news events. An advantage of using information subsidies is that they can
decrease or eliminate the need for completing additional research on the part of the media.
Subsidies can be a good source of information for the media, however, it is important that the media
vet the source for accuracy and bias.[8]
By presenting ready-to-publish data, information subsidies can save journalists time and money. A
study completed in 1999 estimated that nearly half of the information reported in newspapers came
from information subsidies. Yet another survey suggested that most of the information received by
journalists is never published. Trust in the source and content of the data are the criteria journalists
use when determining whether or not they will use the material provided.[9]

Media Relations and Public Relations Practitioners (PR)

Media and Public Relations Practitioners are very similar in many ways. Both parties aim to share
information with the public. This information is intended to benefit the public by educating them on
news and other events. Public Relations Practitioners attempt to expand their client's media
coverage by staying up to date on news and current events that are relevant to their client. Because
PR practitioners are usually focused on a client, some would argue that they are biased or attempt to
sway public opinion. The media is constantly looking for a new story. PR practitioners are a good,
reliable place for the media to go to for newsworthy events. They often provide newsworthy or public
service data, which can save the media the time required to complete their own research and
The fact that PR specialists have been providing the news mass media with information for years
has not really changed the trust level that the media has for the sources. Trust is a critical
component between the media and PR practitioners and it must be present for their to be a
successful working relationship. It has been said that part of the problem between journalists and PR
Practitioners is the perception that PR Specialists have not been good at providing journalists with
newsworthy material. Journalists should express their thoughts and concerns to these PR
Specialists to allow for better communication and improvement of the type and quality of news data.
As with any relationship, both parties must be committed to working together to achieve success.[11]

Ethical Pitfalls[edit]
The words ‘fake news’ bombard news outlets today. It is now more important than ever for Public
Relations Practitioners to provide honest, truthful, and accurate information to the media. It is equally
important that journalists themselves authenticate information that they have been given. There is
much pressure for a Public Relations Practitioner to embellish the truth for their client to make news
appear better than it really is. PR Practitioners could help the communication process by providing
more detail about specific news. For example, if a client calls the recall of a product, the reason for
the recall should be thoroughly explained.[12]
One way a PR Practitioner can avoid ethical issues is to be upfront with their clients and the media
regarding any potential ethical issues. The pressure for a PR Practitioner can be great because of
the need to work with multiple entities in order to produce their information. Having a basis for their
personal and professional ethics will go a long way in helping a PR Practitioner. This basis should
include considering the interests of themselves, the media, and the entity they are representing.
Respect for those involved and social responsibility should also be an inherent part of ethics.
Another approach to ethics is based on virtue. This includes learning from others, being prepared to
take risks, and practicing complete honesty in their reporting.[13]

See also[edit]
 Advertising
 Advertising management
 Consumer behaviour
 Brand management
 Integrated marketing communications
 List of marketing terms
 Marketing
 Marketing communications
 Public relations

1. ^ Graham, Paul. "The Submarine (essay)". Retrieved 2 April 2016.
2. ^ Jane, Johnston. Media Relations: Issues and Strategies. 1st ed. Sydney, Australia: Allen & Unwin
Academic, 2008.
3. ^ Ridgway, Judy. Practical Media Relations
4. ^ Cutuli, Carmelo. Media Relations. Il metodo americano
5. ^ Ridgway, Judy. Practical Media RelationsAldershot: Gower, 1996.
6. ^ Jane, Johnston. Media Relations: Issues and Strategies. 1st ed. Sydney, Australia: Allen & Unwin
Academic, 2008.
7. ^ Ridgway, Judy. Practical Media Relations. Aldershot: Gower, 1996.
8. ^ Kroon, R. (2014). "information subsidy | A/V A to Z: An Encyclopedic Dictionary of Media,
Entertainment and Other Audiovisual Terms - Credo Reference".
Retrieved 2018-04-23.
9. ^ Supa, Dustin (2009). "Maximizing Media Relations Through a Better Understanding of the Public
Relations-Journalist Relationship: A Quantitative Analysis of Changes Over the Past 23 years" (PDF).
10. ^ Fisher, Christian. "The Relationship Between Public Relations Practitioners & the Media". The
Houston Chronicle. Retrieved 2018-04-23.
11. ^ Supa, Dustin (2009). "Maximizing Media Relations Through a Better Understanding of the Public
Relations-Journalist Relationship: A Quantitative Analysis of Changes Over the Past 23 years" (PDF).
12. ^ Johnston, Kevin. "Ethical Issues Confronting Public Relations for Practitioners". The Houston
Chronicle. Retrieved 2018-04-23.
13. ^ Bivins, Thomas (2008). "Home - School of Journalism and Communication". School of Journalism
and Communication. Retrieved 2018-04-23.


Instruction: Attempt any three QUESTIONS of your choice
Time: 2 hours
1a. Mr. Anthony, a 300 level student of Mass Communication,
Kwararafa University, Wukari needs to be educated on the sources of
Media Law and Ethics by stating and explaining two each.
1b. State the five functions of Law and Ethics.
2. With the aid of judicial and statutory authority distinguish between
crimes against people and crimes against property.
3. Briefly explain the five procedures in the contempt proceeding in the
Nigeria Judicial System with cited cases.
4a. Critically examine the term Defamation.
4b. Analyze the penalty of the two types of defamation.
5. Write short notes on the following:
1. Intention
2. Publication
3. Corroboration
4. Lack of knowledge
5. Sedition


1a. 3 marks for listing primary or principal sources.

(1) English law (2) Nigerian legislation (3) Nigerian case law/judicial precedent
(4) customary law.

4 marks for listing secondary or subsidiary sources.

(1) Custom (2) opinions of text-writers (3) law reports (4) law reforms (5)
records of statutes.
(2) 2 marks each for explaining the two sources.

1b. Five marks for stating five functions of law and ethics.

i. To ensure and maintain order and tranquility in the society.

ii. To achieve justice and fairness in the society .
iii. To protect the right and interest of the weak and the oppressed In the society.
iv. To preserve the integrity and personality of an individual.
v. To preserve the fundamental values or ethical values of the society.

2. 10 marks for explaining crimes against persons and mentioning the relevant

10 marks for explaining crimes against property and mentioning relevant crimes:

-crimes against people or persons as they are sometimes called are numerous and
varied. These include; murder manslaughter, suicide, rape, indecent assault, assault
and battery, causing grievous harm to another person.

a. Murder is the unlawful killing of another human being with malice

b. Manslaughter is also the killing of another person but in the absence of
malice aforethought.
c. Assault/battery :These offences are provided for in section 263-270 0f the
penal code and chapter 25 and 29 of the criminal code.
Assault is technically an act which causes another person to fear an attack.
Battery is the attack itself.
d. Rape/indecent assault: rape is defined as having unlawful sexual intercourse
with a woman without her consent.
-10 marks for explaining crimes against property and mentioning the
relevant crimes: theft/stealing, robbery, criminal breach of trust
/misappropriation, trespass:
a) Theft/stealing: this is the dishonest appropriation of property
belonging to another with the intention of permanently
depriving the other of it.
b) Robbery is the use of force or threat in robbery.
c) Criminal breach of trust/misappropriation : it involves the
dishonest use of property entrusted to person for safe keeping
or disposal of the same in a manner which is inconsistent with
d) Trespass : in a strict sense is a tortous liability. It therefore
means that its remedy lies in civil claims.

3. 20 marks for explaining the procedure in contempt proceeding in Nigeria with

at least 3 cases mentioned.

-There is no strict rule of procedures to be followed when initiating proceedings in

an offence involving contempt of court. According to the learned author statement
should be stated.

3 cases: Atake v. A.G Federation & anor, Nunku v. inspector General of police,
Deduwa v. the state.

Key: The three stages of procedure to be followed in the trial for contempt of court
must be included.

4a. Defining defamation (4 marks)

Defamation is defined as a intentional false communication , either published or

publicly spoken that injures another’s reputation or good name.

Key: four elements of defamation (4 marks)

Two cases mentioned :mcgowen v. prentice and youssupoff v. metro-goldwyn &

mayer pictures ltd (2 marks)

4b. 5 marks for analyzing the penalty of the libel

Libel is actionable per se: it must be stated that the victim must be rewarded
damages in nature of compensation).

5 marks for analyzing the penalty of slander .

Slander is not actionable per se: ( it must be stated that the plaintiff shows that he
suffered actual damage).
5. 4 marks each for short notes on:

Intention: An intention to bring into hatred or contempt or to excite disaffection

against the government or a section of it.

Publication: Making known of the alleged deprecating matter to another.

Corroboration : A person cannot be convicted for offence of sedition by words

of mouth unless such words or testimony of the only witness is not corroborated.

Lack of knowledge An importer of articles may have a defense of lack

knowledge to show that they did not know of the seditious nature of materials.

Sedition: sedition constitutes one of the political offences or offences against the
in the state in criminal law.

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