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J Med Syst (2013) 37:9963

DOI 10.1007/s10916-013-9963-2


Adding Intelligence to Mobile Asset Management in Hospitals:

The True Value of RFID
Linda Castro & Elisabeth Lefebvre & Louis A. Lefebvre

Received: 11 March 2013 / Accepted: 17 July 2013 / Published online: 13 August 2013
# Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013

Abstract RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology modern and sophisticated medical equipment and are consid-
is expected to play a vital role in the healthcare arena, espe- ered as rather innovative organizations in terms of medical
cially in times when cost containments are at the top of the procedures and adoption of medical equipment. However,
priorities of healthcare management authorities. Medical when compared to other industries, hospitals are viewed as
equipment represents a significant share of yearly healthcare ‘laggers’ when it comes to the adoption of information and
operational costs; hence, ensuring an effective and efficient communication technologies (ICTs) [1]. In fact, ICTs initia-
management of such key assets is critical to promptly and tives in healthcare have typically not been a priority and
reliably deliver a diversity of clinical services at the patient projects related to ICTs implementations have experienced a
bedside. Empirical evidence from a phased-out RFID imple- considerable rate of failure [2–5].
mentation in one European hospital demonstrates that RFID ICTs are perceived as a powerful tool to support organiza-
has the potential to transform asset management by improving tions in the healthcare sector as they could reduce costs by
inventory management, enhancing asset utilization, increasing streamlining complex lengthy administrative and clinical pro-
staff productivity, improving care services, enhancing main- cesses [6]. This is indeed a crucial area as healthcare processes
tenance compliance, and increasing information visibility. are ‘full of waste and inefficiency’ [7]. Hospitals have been
Most importantly, RFID allows the emergence of intelligent characterized as inefficient, complex and unpredictable sys-
asset management processes, which is, undoubtedly, the most tems as they operate for the most part on unstructured pro-
important benefit that could be derived from the RFID system. cesses and disrupted workflows [8]. For their part, caregivers
Results show that the added intelligence can be rather basic and other staff are regularly discouraged by the recurrent
(auto-status change) or a bit more advanced (personalized problems that they encounter while performing their daily
automatic triggers). More importantly, adding intelligence work [7, 9].
improves planning and decision-making processes. Researchers agree that the adoption of ICTs is critical to
enhance the quality of healthcare, reduce medical errors,
Keywords Mobile assets management . RFID . contain expenditures, and comply with governmental require-
Inefficiencies . Intelligent processes . Added-intelligence . ments [10, 11]. According to Banks et al. [12], the Internet and
Hospitals wireless technologies create the required digital environment
for applications such as electronic health records systems,
physician order entry systems, electronic prescribing or Radio
Introduction Frequency Identification (RFID)-enabled solutions. This pa-
per focuses on RFID technologies that are expected to play a
Many hospitals in developed countries offer specialized and vital role in healthcare [13–15], and investigates the potential
quality healthcare services. They are usually equipped with of RFID for improving the management of mobile assets in
hospitals, which is considered a very problematic activity as
these assets are lost, misplaced or even stolen daily. Mobile
L. Castro (*) : E. Lefebvre : L. A. Lefebvre assets are here defined as movable medical equipment and
École Polytechnique de Montréal, Mathematics and Industrial
devices such as infusion pumps, telemetry units and other
Engineering, P.O. Box 6079, Station Centre-Ville, Montreal, Quebec,
Canada H3C 3A7 medical equipment. The specific objectives of this paper are
e-mail: twofold. First, we will assess how RFID could reduce existing
9963, Page 2 of 17 J Med Syst (2013) 37:9963

inefficiencies affecting key processes related to mobile asset not required [12, 21, 23]. Unlike barcode technology, RFID
management in hospitals, particularly, those related to the allows communication without the line of sight, identification
management of infusion pumps. Second, we will attempt to of physical entities at the item-level instead of at a class-level,
demonstrate that RFID may also add some level of intelli- reading of multiple tags simultaneously, enhanced data stor-
gence to mobile asset management in hospitals as RFID age capability, and data read-and-write capabilities [22].
allows the emergence of various intelligent processes as de- An RFID system is composed of three main components:
scribed in Section 5. Both objectives are pursued by analysing the RFID tags, the RFID readers and the RFID middleware
empirical evidence from a phased-out five-stages RFID im- (left side of Fig. 1). Typical RFID tags are composed of a
plementation in one hospital. microchip and an antenna, which communicate data to readers
This line of inquiry seems pertinent for several reasons. via electromagnetic radio waves permitting no-line-of-sight
First, medical equipment represents a significant share of communication [24, 25]. Depending on the entity being
healthcare costs. Worldwide expenditures on medical equip- tagged, different tag designs can be used. For instance, in
ment and devices rose from US$145 billion in 1998 to US healthcare, RFID tags come in various formats, including
$220 billion in 2006 [16]. The cost burden associated with the badges, pendants, labels, wristbands, cards and even implants
acquisition and management of mobile assets is rising steeply. [26]. RFID tags can be classified based on a wide array of
These assets represent about 95 % of hospitals’ clinical asset features such as memory type (i.e. RO, WORM, RW), oper-
park: thousands of mobile assets are circulating in hospitals, ating frequency (i.e. LF, HF, UHF, and μWave), power source
representing millions of dollars in capital and operating ex- (active or passive tags), design, etc. Active RFID tags are
penditures [17]. Second, the number of clinical devices need- equipped with an on-board battery to support reader-tag com-
ed at the patient bedside is increasing. According to Stewart munication, whereas passive RFID tags do not have an inter-
[17], the number of medical devices needed to treat each nal power source and consequently draw their power from the
patient has increased by 62 % over the past 15 years, reaching reader’s RF electromagnetic field [27]. Passive tags have a
13 devices per hospital bed in 2010. Despite much effort, the shorter read range, but they are far less expensive than active
average utilization rate per year of mobile equipment is only tags [24, 27]. Active tags have better data transmission rates
42 %; thus, increasing hospital’s acquisition budgets and main- given their enhanced reading and writing range and speed
tenance costs [18, 19]. Third, medical equipment is used daily capabilities [27]. They also have higher data storage capacity,
for a wide variety of diagnostic and therapeutic services to permitting the storage and transmission of a fairly large
patients [20]. The availability of mobile assets is critical, amount information, and offer the possibility of integrating
especially in life-threatening situations. However, with thou- sensors and actuators to allow monitoring of some environ-
sands of medical portable equipment devices moving around mental parameters such as temperature and humidity [27, 28].
the hospital, the management of these mobile assets is, without Given that active RFID tags are less affected by environmental
an automatic tracking and tracing system, very problematic. factors than passive tags are, they tend to be selected to track,
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. The next trace and locate valuable assets or people, such as clinically
section provides a brief introduction to RFID technologies and critical mobile medical equipment, or psychiatric patients [29,
components, and introduces the main facilitators and barriers to 30].
their adoption in this industry. Then, we will outline the re- The RFID readers or interrogators are responsible for cap-
search design and describe a proof of concept (POC) within a turing and transferring the data stored on the RFID tags to the
hospital environment. The main problem and critical inefficien- RFID middleware. RFID readers come in different formats,
cies affecting the management of infusion pumps as well as the ranging from hand-held, fixed, and smart readers, to vehicle-
results of the field study carried out in a hospital in the Neth- mount readers and more. Furthermore, RFID readers can
erlands will be presented in the following section. Finally, some speedily read RFID tags and allow multiple-tag readings
concluding comments will be made in the last section. [31]. The RFID middleware filters, processes, manages and
aggregates the vast amounts of data collected by the readers
from the embedded RFID tags. It then routes the required data
Background to enterprise applications [32], within one organization or
among its business partners (right side of Fig. 1).
RFID technology
RFID in healthcare
RFID technology belongs to the class of automatic wireless
identification and data acquisition technologies [21, 22]. Healthcare is expected to be ‘the next home for RFID’ [33] as
RFID uses radio signals to accurately and automatically iden- it has been identified as “the next large industry that will
tify, track and manage physical entities—i.e. objects, animals, embrace RFID technology and invest heavily in its implemen-
or individuals—without human intervention, as line of sight is tation” [34]. The latter is due to the great potential of RFID to
J Med Syst (2013) 37:9963 Page 3 of 17, 9963

Fig. 1 RFID system infrastructure

improve the quality of health services, enhance patient safety, ‘compete for space’ with other communication devices pres-
reduce medical errors, and optimize core business processes ent at the facility [47, 48].
[5, 33–37]. Even though RFID is at the early stage of diffusion This article presents results from the implementation of an
in the healthcare sector, it has been recognized to have the active Wi-Fi based RFID solution to identify, locate and track
potential to locate, track and uniquely identify patients, track one type on medical equipment at a Dutch hospital. The cost
and trace medical equipment, better manage inventory of associated to deploying the targeted RFID-enabled asset-
supplies, assets and medications, increase the integrity and tracking solution did not represent a stumbling block in the
safety of medications administration, locate and manage sur- context of this research project as technological partners
gical instruments, track key staff, better manage clinical pro- agreed to lend at no cost to the Dutch hospital all hardware
cedures and interventions at point of care [37–39]. In spite of and software components needed for this deployment and
the awareness of RFIDs’ potential benefits for healthcare, the carried out, at their own cost, all needed site surveys, system
majority of hospitals are still taking a ‘wait-and-see’ approach integration, training of key staff, etc. [46].
since various issues are still limiting its adoption and imple-
mentation, including the high cost of the infrastructure, some Technical challenges
technical issues, and several prevailing privacy and security
concerns, among others [25, 30, 40, 41]. Technical challenges correspond to another roadblock to
broader RFID adoption and diffusion in healthcare. Problems
High cost of infrastructure related to the reliability and interoperability of RFID technol-
ogies, multi-tag collision, signal propagation issues, interfer-
The major investment required in order to implement RFID ences with other clinical systems or medical devices, and the
represents a significant roadblock to widespread diffusion of lack of industry standards are being addressed [49, 50]; how-
RFID applications, including implementations in healthcare ever, such technical issues could make the adoption of RFID
settings [25, 34, 42–44]. RFID infrastructures involve invest- highly complex; thus, slowing down RFID adoption in the
ment in hardware (e.g. tags, readers) as well as software (e.g. healthcare industry [25].
middleware), hardware components installation, systems inte-
gration, staff training and workflows re-organization are just Security concerns
some example of other investment required when pursuing an
RFID implementation [45, 46]. In order to reduce implemen- It has been stated that RFID could lead to the rise of a
tation costs, some hospitals are ‘piggybacking’ on existing surveillance society [51], generating concerns regarding pri-
Wi-Fi networks when implementing RFID tracking applica- vacy and identity security, particularly in complex environ-
tions (e.g. asset tracking). However, this means that signals ments such as healthcare facilities. RFID’s unique capabilities
from RFID tags may not be as accurate, since they have to to store data about patients and staff raise privacy-related
9963, Page 4 of 17 J Med Syst (2013) 37:9963

concerns among hospital administrators, patients and person- described in Lefebvre et al. [46], in the context of the project
nel [41, 52]. In hospital environments, RFID systems could presented in this article, a project champion was selected since
pose treats to patient privacy and safety as patient’s medical the initiation stage of the project as the presence of project
information (e.g. patients medical records) could be unprotec- champions has been identified in the literature as key factor to
ted exposing patients to possibly life threatening situations and facilitate the adoption of new technology.
disclosing personal and health information [35, 41]. Conse-
quently, hospitals need to ensure that all systems implemented RFID and added intelligence
in their facility comply with existing federal privacy protec-
tions; for instance, those mandated under the Health Insurance RFID has the potential to transform management practices
Portability and Accountability Act in the U.S. [52]. and promote workflow optimization. It is also regarded as a
Moreover, when deploying an RFID technology in hospital technology enabling the transformation of everyday objects
environments it is crucial to evaluate the electromagnetic into ‘intelligent’ or ‘smart’ objects, as RFID-enabled objects
compatibility (EMC) between RFID systems and medical become “a mobile, intelligent and communicating component
devices in proximity to RFID tags and readers to ensure of an organization’s overall information infrastructure”
patient’s safety [53]. Fernandez-Chimeno and Silva [54] [61–66]. According to Wong et al. [67] an “intelligent prod-
conducted a literature review on this topic and concluded that uct” features the following characteristics: i) it is uniquely
RFID systems deployed in medical environments could lead identified, ii) it is capable of communicating effectively with
to EMC issues since not only this technology could interfere its environment, iii) it can retain or store pertinent data about
with sensitive medical devices located within a RFID-enabled itself, iv) deploys a language to display its features, and v) it is
zone, potentially resulting in medical devices malfunctioning, capable of participating in or making decisions relevant to its
but medical devices can as well affect the performance of own destiny. When equipped with RFID tags, physical objects
RFID systems. In both cases patient safety could be highly could gain new capabilities, have a unique identity, store data,
compromised; thus, EMC issues should be look into when display pertinent information such as their features, history,
deploying RFID in healthcare settings [36]. A study by Van etc. and, more importantly, make decisions about their own
der Togt et al. [55] raised the issue that RFID could induce destiny triggering intelligent business processes and facilitat-
‘potentially hazardous incidents in medical devices’ used in ing the integration of distributed intelligence software appli-
healthcare facilities. Although the US Food and Drug Admin- cations in our daily life [66–68].
istration (FDA) has not yet reported adverse incidents directly Want [69, p. 56] has suggested that RFID is the “key to
caused by electromagnetic interference (EMI) with medical automating everything” and other scholars have suggested
devices, it considers that it is important to evaluate whether or that this technology posses the capability to permit the emer-
not RFID could have an impact on medical devices’ perfor- gence of “intelligent processes” and facilitate the integration
mance [56]. In the case of this study, the RFID tags selected of distributed intelligence applications in daily life [46, 62, 66,
for the asset tracking solution deployed at the Duct hospital 68, 70]. Such intelligent processes can automatically trigger
were EMI certified. actions or events and take place when automated decisions at
the product level initiate processes without human interven-
Organizational issues tion [71]. For example, when an RFID-embedded medical
equipment enters a RFID zone the RFID system reacts and
RFID integration may entail substantial process redesign, affect- updates automatically the location of assets or when RFID-
ing the way personnel perform their work. Resistance to change embedded assets are removed from their designated locations
could be a major drawback to the successful accomplishment of the system will send automatic alerts. The results section of
the implementation [57]. This is an area of high concern when this article provides some insights on intelligent processes
implementing RFID in professional bureaucracies. Mintzberg emerged from a RFID-based asset management implementa-
[58] qualified hospitals as professional bureaucracies, which are tion undertook in a hospital environment.
characterized as being complex, rigid, and highly conservative RFID is perceived as the missing link between the ‘physical
organizational structures with a low degree of coordination and product’ and the ‘virtual product’, increasing the use of informa-
innovation. These characteristics may constitute roadblocks to tion, and knowledge all along the product life cycle, since
innovations and ICTs projects [59], including RFID applications. information travels seamlessly with the RFID-enabled smart
In fact, clinical professionals may perceive technological inno- product [62, 63]. RFID may be one of the building bricks for
vations as a threat to the autonomy, status, institutionalized values ambient intelligence (AmI) [63, 72]. AmI is a rising IT concept,
and beliefs that are attached to the nature of their profession, which envisions an environment “where technology will be-
potentially triggering their resistance to such change [60]. As come invisible, embedded in our natural surroundings, present
J Med Syst (2013) 37:9963 Page 5 of 17, 9963

whenever we need it, enabled by simple and effortless interac- groups and panels (almost the same individuals over a 2 year
tions, attuned to all our senses, adaptive to users and context and period, including researchers).
autonomously acting” [73]. AmI is characterized by the presence On-site observations, semi-structured interviews, focus
of systems and technologies that are embedded, context aware, groups and panels permit a comprehensive understanding of
personalized, adaptive, and anticipatory [72]. RFID technologies current hospitals operations, particularly in regards to mobile
are most likely one of the key technologies that will facilitate medical equipment management activities. Moreover, this
AmI applications since it fosters the presence of ‘invisible intel- data is a key instrument to pinpoint “pain points” and assess
ligence’ through RFID-enabled objects. key opportunity zones for process improvement. Focus
groups and panels are aligned with action research as they
structured joint decision processes, collaborative actions, as
Research design well as the analyses of changes. Systematic analyses of both
quantitative (e.g. raw data generated by the RFID systems)
The work presented in this article corresponds to an explor- and qualitative data (e.g. transcripts of interviews, focus
atory initiative based on action research and conducted in a groups and panels) were conducted during this 25 months
longitudinal single fieldwork case study. The vast majority of period. Data was thoroughly crossed validated within and
journal articles concerning RFID adoption present empirical between each of the five-stages of the RFID implementation
studies conducted in the context of manufacturing or in retail model proposed in Lefebvre et al. [46]. In particular, process
supply chains. However, RFID adoption in the healthcare mapping based on a drill down approach proved to be a
sector, especially in hospital settings, remains under investi- powerful visual tool to analyse empirical data, to confirm the
gated [22, 74]. This represents a key starting point and the exactitude of observations and comments, to anchor discus-
chief motivation for our research, which aims to improve our sions during the interviews and the focus groups, and to
understanding of the ability of RFID technology to improve improve decision-making. As this research focuses on the
mobile asset management in hospitals and facilitate the emer- processes related to mobile asset management, more specifi-
gence of intelligent business processes, particularly asset man- cally those associated with one type of mobile asset, namely
agement activities of one type of mobile assets, namely infu- digital or electronic infusion pumps (named “IV pumps”
sion pumps. An exploratory initiative therefore seems an further on in this paper), the unit of analysis is thus the
appropriate strategy of inquiry [75]. Action research has been process. A process-based approach allows “a more dynamic
considered as a multidisciplinary, valid and widely accepted description of how an organization acts” [84, p. 2]. Moreover,
research strategy [76]. It has more recently raised increased the process view allows organizations to move away from
attention from researchers in information systems [77, 78]. traditional functional structures and focus on value creation. It
Hence, this approach seems particularly suitable in the context creates a “strong emphasis on how work is done within an
of this research. Furthermore, case study research is pertinent organization” [84, p. 5]. According to Murphy [30], “only
to study the implementation of innovation, especially, when when an organization fully understands its business processes
analysing an “emerging phenomenon” about which “little” is can RFID be truly effective”.
known [75, 79]. The case study strategy has been heavily used
in research related to the implementation of RFID, including Key informants
studies evaluating the adoption of such technology in
healthcare settings [23, 33, 46, 71, 80, 81]. Participation of multiple informants is highly appropriate to
Data was collected over 2 years (25 months more precisely). ensure reliability of data collected. The key informants partic-
Data was recorded, analysed and validated for each of the five- ipating in this study are either from the hospital (the research
stages of the RFID implementation model proposed by the site) or from 7 external organizations (one non-profit national
authors in Lefebvre et al. [46], namely pre-feasibility, feasibility, organization, four technology companies, two university re-
RFID scenario-building and validation, implementation in a real- search centres). Figure 2 shows the overall distribution of key
life setting and post implementation benefits assessment as de- informants.
scribed in Lefebvre et al. [46]. We relied on multiple data
collection methods in order to allow data triangulation [82, 83], From the hospital
including: 1) internal (e.g. hospital directives, procedures, etc.)
and external (e.g. healthcare reports, guidelines, etc.) documents, Key informants are from the clinical and the non-clinical
2) semi-structured on-site interviews, 3) multiple on-site obser- units. Ten clinical professionals participated in the research:
vations, 4) data generated by the RFID system (e.g. reports three head nurses, two ward managers (one medical specialist
generated by the RFID asset tracking system), and 5) focus and one physician) and five team managers. The director of
9963, Page 6 of 17 J Med Syst (2013) 37:9963

Fig. 2 Profile of key informants

the hospital was an active participant and played a decisive The research site
role in the project, for instance giving the “go” to continue
with the project at the end of the pre-feasibility phase. Non- This research focuses on a real-life RFID implementation in
clinical professionals include the manager of the biomedical order improve mobile asset management activities in hospital
department, two biomedical engineers, two managers from the settings that took place at a 630-bed university-affiliated gen-
ICT department and one technical expert. Two employees eral hospital in the Netherlands, which constitutes the primary
from a support service (stores) provided valuable inputs. research site. The Dutch hospital is a modern general hospital
with approximately 30 medical units, including intensive care,
cardiology, orthopaedics, surgery, gynaecology, paediatrics,
From outside the hospital geriatrics, etc. The hospital uses various business applications
such as a maintenance management system (MMS) and a
Key informants, including directors, managers, and technical warehouse management system (WMS) and relies on barcode
experts from 4 private firms participated in the project. Finally, technology to identify most assets and update inventories.
the chairman of the non-profit national organization, a spe- Almost 100 % of the hospital (slightly more than 300,000
cialist in facility management, was closely associated with the square-feet) is Wi-Fi enabled and a telemetric system has been
RFID project for the two-year period. deployed for patient monitoring.
University-based researchers, including the director of one
research centre, played multiple roles from passive participants
(on-site observations) to active participants (elaboration of dif- The retained technological scenario implemented
ferent technological scenarios). In line with action research, at the research site
they work collaboratively with all key informants in all five
phases of the RFID project. They also provided inputs and This section describes the technological scenario retained in
expertise, and are therefore considered here as key informants. the context of a RFID real life implementation at a Dutch
In addition to the thirty-five key informants, many people, hospital which was reproduced and deployed at the research
especially inside the hospital, gave punctual information and site in order to improve the management of mobile assets
detailed explanations, but are not represented in Fig. 2. though better visibility of medical assets, reduce service
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delays due to unavailability of medical equipment, improve RFID tags selected were enabled with two push buttons,
the productivity of staff by eliminating time wasted locating which permits additional functionalities such as defining
medical equipment. The retained scenario corresponds to a equipment status (e.g. in use not in use). For instance, nurses
RFID Wi-Fi-based real-time location system to track infusion at either Ward A or B could press one of the buttons (the
pumps throughout three areas at the Dutch hospital, including bigger button) to indicate that a infusion pumps are in use or
two medical wards (Ward A and Ward B) and the central press the smaller button to indicate that an infusion pumps is
storage room. Infusion pumps are considered critical and not in use; thus, it is available. Access points were located as
strategic medical equipment at the Dutch hospital. Indeed, follows: two access points were positioned in the corridor of
they are recognized as expensive equipment that are highly each of the two wards, one access point was at the level of the
used by most units across the hospital, as well as a “high-risk” common entrance of the two wards, last, one access point was
medical equipment given that equipment failure could repre- placed at the central storage room. Moreover, an exciter was
sent the potentially hazardous threat to patient’s health. More- placed right at the entrance of Ward A and Ward B to record
over, infusion pumps are constantly misplaced or hoarded the entrance or exit of infusion pumps at these wards, two
around the hospital resulting in numerous inefficiencies as exciters were located respectively in front of the elevators and
evaluated in the discussion section. Further, at Ward A and at the entrance hallway, one exciter was installed at the en-
Ward B the availability of infusion pumps is considered trance of the storage room to register entrance and exit of
critical as most of the patients hospitalized at these units will tagged equipment, and another exciter was placed in proxim-
need an infusion pumps to receive medical treatment. These ity to the designated shelf to store hospital’s infusion pumps at
two medical units are located in the same hospital wing and on the central storage room in order to gain visibility of infusion
the same floor. Thus, they share the same entrance hallway pumps available at this location, as well as to improve inven-
and elevators, which are the only two points of entrance to tory management activities as presented in the results section.
these two units. The central storage room is the support Tags attached to the infusion pumps were read by RFID
service in charge of supplying mobile medical equipment to exciters as they passed in proximity to entrance choke points
the wards. In regards to the medical equipment, the central at either the central storage room, Ward A or Ward B. Then the
storage is responsible for their warehousing activities, for their exciters transmitted tags ID numbers to wireless access points.
distribution to the wards, and for their restocking from the Then, the tracking engine used this information in order to
wards back to the central storage room. determine the location of tags. Finally, the enterprise tracking
In order to leverage the current IT infrastructure at the software provided a layout plan (using plan provided by the
Dutch hospital, the RFID-enabled mobile asset tracking sys- hospital) of the RFID-enable zones (e.g. Ward A) and provid-
tem implemented used the existing Wi-Fi network. From RF ed real-time information on the exact location and status (in
finger printing undertook during early stages of the project it use, not in use) of infusion pumps.
was concluded that Wi-Fi coverage was very weak inside
patient’s room at both medical wards; thus, the scope of the
implementation was limited to mobile medical equipment Discussion
visibility at a ward level. Consequently, the RFID system
implemented will only provide details on whether or not the Analysis of the current situation
RFID-embedded infusion pumps were at Ward A or B.
Regarding the visibility level at the central storage, scope The participants agreed to focus on three main sets of activities
of the implementation involved mobile medical equipment that are considered as particularly crucial for improving infu-
visibility at room level (storage room) and designated shelf sion pump management, namely warehousing, usage, and
level; consequently, the RFID system implemented will only maintenance activities. Figure 3 presents these activities and
provide information on whether or not the RFID-embedded their related processes, and displays the flow of infusion
infusion pumps were at the storage room and if so whether pumps. It can be noted that the flow of these medical devices
or not they were stored on the designated shelf. between the storage room, the medical wards and the mainte-
The RFID-based asset tracking system implemented at the nance department is iterative and is difficult to track in real-
Dutch hospital includes: time.
When asked to comment on the key processes presented in
& Forty Wi-Fi-based RFID active tags that are embedded to Fig. 3, the clinical and non-clinical staff reached a consensus:
forty infusion pumps this is far from being efficient. Their comments from the semi-
& Six Wi-Fi access points structured interviews and from the focus groups, as well as
& Six exciters outcomes from observation during the field study, pointed to
& One tracking engine one major problem, namely lack of real-time visibility that
& One enterprise tracking software generates six major and interrelated inefficiencies affecting the
9963, Page 8 of 17 J Med Syst (2013) 37:9963

Fig. 3 The management of

infusion pumps: main activities
and key processes

Lack of real-time asset visibility
Real-time and accurate information on the identification, location, movement, status, and maintenance history of mobile medical equipment is not available.

Name of inefficiency Description

Rank 1

Inventory Inventory shortages take place when the stock of known available mobile equipment is insufficient
shortages to meet the demands of medical departments.
Rank 2

Asset sub- Sub-optimal utilization of assets occurs when the hospital is unable to make best use of its assets,
utilization resulting in the under-utilization of mobile assets.
Relative rank

Rank 3

Waste of Staff time is wasted when clinical and non-clinical staff need to spend time performing
staff time non-value-added activities.
Rank 4

Delays in service occur when hospital personnel is not able to respond to patient health needs
Service delays
on time due to a lack of needed equipment.
Rank 5

Maintenance Delays in terms of maintenance refer to the time delays incurred in performing, preventive or
delays corrective maintenance on mobile equipment.
Rank 6

Information ‘Silos’ refer to an inability to exchange asset information between hospital departments,
‘silos’ wards and units.

Fig. 4 The management of infusion pumps: the problem and critical inefficiencies
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management of infusion pumps (Fig. 4). These inefficiencies empty. Consequently, storage clerks often struggle to
are in decreasing order of importance: 1) inventory shortages, comply with medical units’ demands for equipment.
2) asset sub-utilization, 3) waste of staff time, 4) service They face complaints and frustrations from nurses
delays, 5) maintenance delays, and 6) information ‘silos’. and doctors who consider the lack of available
Inventory shortages were perceived as the most prevalent pumps to be a bottleneck in their daily activities.
inefficiency (rank 1) whereas information silos were per- This situation not only affects the work environment
ceived to be the least important one (rank 6). The rank of and the quality and reliability of patient care, but it
these inefficiencies was derived from the content analysis of also entails significant economic impacts. In fact,
the qualitative data gathered from field observations, inter- inventory shortages result in high inventory cost, as
views, focus groups and panel discussions. more equipment needs to be bought or rented to
cover for lost or unavailable ones. Some 30 pumps
The problem: Lack of real-time visibility were ‘lost’ over the last few years, representing a
25 % shrinkage rate and a loss of about €45,000 (or
Barcodes are widely used at the hospital to identify IV pumps about USD $60,000 as the cost of each IV pump is
and manage inventories (the same applies to other medical about USD $2,000). The replacement and possible
equipment and devices) whereas a numeric label (here a overbuying of mobile equipment is very costly for
simple four digit sticker) is retained for the management of the hospital, and administrators are concerned about
maintenance activities. When IV pumps leave the storage the share of yearly costs that it represents.
room, the barcode on each medical device is read manually Rank 2: Asset sub-utilization
and the pump’s information is retrieved. However, this is only Since the shortage of IV pumps is a daily and on-
performed at the storage room and there is no record of the going problem, it is common practice for the clini-
whereabouts of the IV pumps in other areas of the hospital. cal staff to overlook the established standard proce-
The personnel cannot track IV pumps as they move through dures of returning unused pumps to the central
the hospital, neither when being used by clinical staff for storage room. Instead of advising storage room
patient care nor when being handled across the hospital by clerks that a specific piece of equipment is no longer
non-clinical staff such as warehouse clerks or biomedical in use and is ready to be restocked, they keep IV
engineers. pumps in wards’ closets and rooms in hopes of
When pumps are unavailable in one unit or at storage room, having one available when they need one to treat
clinical staff will look into other units, take any pump avail- their patients. Clinical staff believes that if they give
able and keep it in their unit after they have treated the patient. up a pump and return it to the central storage room,
As stated by a medical team leader “when the clinical staff do they will likely not be able to get one when they
not need the pump for their patients, they usually won’t give it request one the next time. Thus, misplaced or
back to the unit that lent it to them because of various reasons: hoarded IV pumps accumulate across the hospital
i) they want to keep it for themselves to make sure they have and are not used for several hours or even days
enough pumps the next time they need one, ii) there is no because no one, except maybe the person who
registered system that indicates from where the pump came, stored or hid them, knows exactly where they are.
so it is very challenging, with the daily clinical staff shifts, to The perspective from the non-clinical staff on
identify the unit that had originally lent the equipment, and iii) inventory shortages is slightly different from the
other medical units will act in a similar manner and they will one taken by the clinical staff. They are aware that
not give pumps back after end-of-usage”. The actual location pumps are often misplaced, hoarded or hidden
of the vast majority of pumps located outside the storage room around the hospital by clinical staff, and stress that
is unknown at any given time. The participants concurred that clinical staff does not follow the procedures in place
the real problem is thus a severe lack of real-time visibility. for the returns and transfers of equipment, and thus
contributes significantly to the lack of asset
Critical inefficiencies generated by the lack of real-time visibility.
visibility Rank 3: Wasted staff time
As mentioned by one project participant, ‘If
Rank 1: Inventory shortages there is an influx of patients, there might not be
The direct consequence of the lack of real-time any IV pumps in inventory in the storage room, so
visibility of mobile equipment is a frequent shortage someone has to go and find the pumps’. However,
of IV pumps in the central storage room. Indeed, we manual searching for available IV pumps is a time-
observed on many occasions that the designated consuming activity that impacts the productivity of
shelf to store available IV pumps was completely storage room clerks, biomedical engineers and
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nurses. According to hospital personnel, it could, in protocol recommends regular preventive mainte-
average, take up to an hour for hospital staff to find nance of the digital devices. They argue that faulty
an IV pump, in case they find one. Such wasted infusion pumps can lead to several problems, such
time translates into labour costs, which at the very as over- or under-infusions, or delayed treatments.
least could amount to 110,000 Euros per year. Hos- In life-sustaining cases, these problems obviously
pital administrators feel that this amount is rather have dramatic consequences; in most cases, the
substantial. Moreover, the impact of equipment accuracy of these devices is vital to patients’ recov-
search time on patient care is not negligible. Indeed, ery and well-being. They conclude that on-time
the clinical staff is also particularly concerned be- regular preventive maintenance is essential for pro-
cause they ‘sacrifice’ valuable time to find the viding high-quality care and add that reactive main-
needed equipment, time that should be used to tenance prompted by any adverse incident should
deliver care to patients. In fact, care providers assert be immediate.
that they need to have access to all necessary re- Rank 6: Information silos
sources, including mobile assets such as IV pumps, Two systems are currently in place to identify
in order to have control over their own work. Fur- and track medical equipment, including IV pumps,
thermore, this creates frustration among the clinical in the hospital. The first system consists of a sticker
and non-clinical personnel, adversely impacting the integrating a numerical ID, which is used only by
work climate. the maintenance department to identify equipment
Rank 4: Health service delays in diagnosis and treatment in their maintenance management system. The sec-
All participants agree that the hospital is respon- ond system uses barcodes that are only scanned
sible for responding promptly to patients’ medical when the IV pumps are checked out from or
needs while ensuring the highest quality and the returned to the storage room. These two systems
most reliable healthcare services. They do agree are not integrated. Furthermore, when the equip-
that healthcare providers rely on a wide range of ment is transferred from one ward to another, there
moving medical equipment in order to deliver a is no record of inter-ward transfers and there is no
variety of diagnostic and therapeutic services to appropriate paper-based tracking log. The informa-
patients, and that the lack of real-time visibility of tion about the pumps locations and status is thus not
mobile assets, and more specifically of IV pumps, integrated and synchronized, and cannot be
generates delays in patient care. Tangible effects of accessed by all the concerned parties, resulting in
such delays, such as the costs of a longer stay in the information silos. Furthermore, the information is
hospital, could be estimated; however, intangibles incomplete, outdated (even with a proper paper-
such as staff frustration, patients’ dissatisfaction and based tracking log), and is not shared between all
even improper health care are crucial, but much the parties involved. A real-time and accurate asset
harder to evaluate. The manager of the Medical tracking and tracing system is “badly needed”.
Technical (biomedical) Department insists that de-
lays are non-negotiable and that “medical equip-
ment, such as IV pumps, ECG machines, and
hospital beds, has to be efficiently allocated to Results
departments so that patients can receive proper
and prompt care”. Adding intelligence into healthcare processes: The true value
Rank 5: Maintenance delays of RFID
In the current situation, IV pumps cannot be
located efficiently; hence, biomedical engineers Participants recognize that an RFID-enabled asset manage-
working in the maintenance department are not able ment system would basically solve the lack of real-time visi-
to find IV pumps that need to be repaired, recalled bility of infusion pumps and remove to a large extent the
or are due for a scheduled preventive maintenance. existing inefficiencies. The proof of concept demonstrated
Consequently, they either wait until the required that, once the RFID system was deployed, it had an impact
pump comes back to the central storage room or on all seven key processes (Fig. 3) related to the management
they perform a physical search across the hospital. of infusion pumps. If we examine, for instance, the potential
The physical search could take anywhere from a of integrating RFID in the end-of-usage process (Fig. 5), we
few hours to several days, and maintenance activi- can make the following observations: i) by simply pushing a
ties are delayed. The personnel affected by mainte- button, nurses can report in an easy, timely and semi-
nance activities points out that the manufacturer’s automatic manner when an individual piece of equipment is
J Med Syst (2013) 37:9963 Page 11 of 17, 9963

no longer in use; hence, it is ready to be restocked and used by Several interesting observations can be made from the real-
other staff, ii) the asset management system is automatically life context of this RFID project:
updated regarding the status of equipment (available), and iii)
warehouse clerks could be automatically advised that the 1) The 29 processes presented in Table 1 are automated and
equipment is now available; they can take actions to restock reflect one well-known capability of RFID systems: auto-
the storage room or bring it to the biomedical department identification. Each RFID-enabled pump is uniquely
where biomedical engineers will undertake needed mainte- identified, is context-aware due to the presence of ex-
nance tasks. Levels of inventory are thus higher in the storage citers, and communicates with its environment. In fact,
room and it is now possible to better respond to clinical the RFID system is embedded in the hospital’s electronic
demands, possibly eliminate shortages and perform the re- environment, as the only visible interface of the RFID
quired type of maintenance in a more timely manner. system are the push-buttons. Several processes (for in-
Figure 5 basically illustrates, for one key process, how the stance, P6) allow for auto-verification (i.e. verification
implemented RFID system works. But, is there any potential with an existing system.
to add intelligence to the existing processes? Does RFID offer 2) Some processes (P14, P17, and P27) automatically
more possibilities beyond the mere identification, tracking or change the status of the RFID-enabled pump: in use/not
tracing tasks? Tables 1 offers some answers to these questions. in use, or in maintenance. The auto status change means
The left side of Table 1 shows new RFID-enabled processes that one knows in real time if a pump is available (for the
for the three main sets of activities required for the manage- RFID system, “available” implies not used, and not in
ment of digital IV pumps in the hospital: warehousing, usage, maintenance). If the pump is available and its exact loca-
and maintenance. The right-hand side categorizes the ele- tion is given, it can easily be located and assigned in a
ments of added intelligence. timely way to a patient. If the pump is not available, its

Fig. 5 The RFID system and key processes: the case of end-of-usage process
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Table 1 Emergent intelligent processes (Ps) with the RFID mobile asset Table 1 (continued)
tracking system
New processes with the RFID Adding intelligence to processes
New processes with the RFID Adding intelligence to processes mobile asset tracking system
mobile asset tracking system
Usage activities
Warehousing activities Each RFID-enabled pump allows: - Start-of-usage of equipment
- Picking P14: Once the push button is – auto-identification; auto status
P1: Locate automatically – auto-identification; support pressed, automatically change; support decision-
available equipment in the decision-making; help planning update the RFID-enabled- making; help planning
RFID-enabled-Mobile asset Mobile asset tracking system
tracking system to indicate that equipment is
P2: Automatically read RFID – auto-identification; auto trigger- being used; hence,
tag as equipment is removed related necessary processes equipment is accounted as
from smart shelf at storage “in use”
location - Patient care
P3: Register automatically the – auto-identification; auto trigger- P15: Automatically match – auto-identification; auto-
removal of equipment from related necessary processes patient, clinical staff and verification; support decision-
smart shelf in the RFID- equipment (given that making;
enabled-Mobile asset patients and staff are
tracking system provided with RFID-enabled
- Distribution wristbands and RFID-
P4: Automatically read the – auto-identification; auto trigger- enabled badges respectively)
RFID tag when the related necessary processes P16: Automatically – auto-identification; support
equipment leaves the storage disassociate patient, clinical decision-making
room staff and equipment (given
P5: Automatically register the – auto-identification; auto- that patients and staff are
exit of equipment in the verification; auto trigger-related provided with RFID-enabled
RFID-enabled-Mobile asset necessary processes wristbands and RFID-
tracking system enabled badges respectively)
P6: If inventory levels are too – auto-identification; auto- - End-of-usage of equipment
low at storage room, verification, auto trigger-related P17: Once the push button is – auto-identification; auto status
automatically send an alert necessary processes pressed, automatically change; support decision-
to the maintenance team to update RFID-enabled- making; help planning
speed up their activities Mobile asset tracking system
P7: Automatically read the – auto-identification; auto trigger- when equipment is no longer
RFID tag at the entrance of related necessary processes in use and account
ward equipment as “available”
P8: Automatically associate – auto-identification; support P18: Automatically send an – auto-identification; support
equipment to ward in the decision-making; help planning alert to the storage room decision-making; help planning
RFID-enabled-Mobile asset personnel when equipment
tracking system is no longer in use, and ready
- Restocking to be restocked
P9: Automatically read the – auto-identification; auto trigger- -Transfer between wardsa
RFID tag at exit of ward as related necessary processes P19: Automatically read the – auto-identification; auto trigger
equipment leaves the ward RFID tag at exit of ward as related necessary processes
P10: Automatically register – auto-identification; auto trigger- equipment leaves the ward
the exit of equipment and related necessary processes P20: Automatically register – auto-identification; auto trigger
disassociate it from the the exit of equipment and related necessary processes
medical unit in the RFID- disassociate it from medical
enabled-Mobile asset unit in the RFID-enabled-
tracking system Mobile asset tracking system
P11: Automatically read the – auto-identification; auto trigger- P21: Automatically read the – auto-identification; auto trigger
RFID tag when the related necessary processes RFID tag at entrance of ward related necessary processes
equipment enters the storage
P22: Automatically associate – auto-identification; support
equipment to ward in the decision-making; help planning
P12: Automatically register – auto-identification; auto trigger-
RFID-enabled-Mobile asset
the entrance of equipment in related necessary processes
tracking systemb
the RFID-enabled-Mobile
Maintenance activities
asset tracking system
P13: Automatically read RFID – auto-identification; auto trigger- P23: Automatically send alerts – auto-identification; auto-
tag as equipment is placed related necessary processes to maintenance personnel verification; support decision-
on shelf at storage location when equipment that is making; help planning
either due for preventive/
scheduled/maintenance, or
J Med Syst (2013) 37:9963 Page 13 of 17, 9963

Table 1 (continued) exit from the storage room (P5), the RFID system could
New processes with the RFID Adding intelligence to processes provide some automatic triggers that could be personal-
mobile asset tracking system ized. For instance, if the inventory of available pumps is
too low, an alarm could be sent to the maintenance team to
due for repair (corrective speed up their activities (P6), an automated security alert
maintenance) or recalled
moves through RFID-
could be sent to inform designated staff that a particular
enabled zones pump is leaving the hospital, preventing unauthorized
P24: Automatically locate – auto-identification; support removal of equipment and theft (P29).
equipment that is due for decision-making; help planning The probabilities of errors or missteps could also de-
corrective maintenance or
crease. For example, if a pump is under a manufacturer’s
needs to be recalled. recall, it could be located immediately and removed from
P25: Automatically read RFID – auto-identification; auto trigger- inventory before any malfunctioning occurs. These auto-
tag as equipment enters related necessary processes matic triggers make “real-time sense” and may be con-
technical department
P26: Automatically associate – auto-identification; support
sidered as adaptive during different events.
equipment to technical decision-making; help planning 4) Real-time data from the RFID system could support daily
department in the RFID- decision-making for improving mobile asset management
enabled-Mobile asset (P1, P8, P14, P15, P16, P17, P18, P22, P23, P24, P26,
tracking system
P27: Automatically change – auto-identification; auto status
and P27). The RFID system also offers the necessary data
status of equipment on the change; support decision- to analyse the fluctuations in demands for pumps, their
RFID-enabled-Mobile asset making; help planning use, their availability, etc. (P4, P5, P7-P14, P17, P19-P22,
tracking system from P25-P29). By adding simple rules in the middleware, it
available to under
could back up some goal-setting directives, such as de-
P28: Automatically read RFID – auto-identification; auto trigger- termining that at least 5 % of pumps should be available at
tag when equipment leaves related necessary processes any time. This was suggested by some participants, but
the technical department not retained in the current scenario.
P29: Automatically register – auto-identification; auto trigger-
the exit of equipment in the related necessary processes Table 1 demonstrates that the RFID system definitely adds
RFID-enabled-Mobile asset automation to mobile asset management in the hospital and
tracking system
does, to a certain extent, add some level of intelligence such as
Instead of being restocked after end-of-usage, some pumps will be taken auto-identification, recording and managing information,
or transferred to other wards in order to treat other patients communicating with its environment, and demanding specific
Process regarding start-of-usage, patient care and end-of-usage (P14- services or actions from hospital staff.
P18) will follow once equipment enters new ward

status (used, in maintenance) and its location are Addressing past inefficiencies with the RFID system
3) Besides capabilities to automatically update WMS’s The 29 RFID-enabled processes presented in Table 1 have the
pump inventory, for instance, after removing pumps from potential to solve the main problem raised by the participants,
smart shelves (P3) or after automatically registering their namely the lack of asset visibility. These processes address the
six inefficiencies previously identified in Fig. 4 as presented in
Table 2.
Table 2 Addressing past inefficiencies with emergent intelligent RFID-
enabled processes

Past inefficiencies Emergent intelligent RFID-enabled From inventory shortages (rank 1) to improved inventory
processes management
Rank 1: Inventory • P1- P14, P17, P18, P19-P22, P25-P29
shortages Picking- and distribution-related activities are automated. In-
Rank 2: Asset sub- • P1, P8, P10-P14, P17, P18, P20, P22 stantaneous equipment check-out as equipment leaves the
utilisation storage room eliminates errors related to inventory counting
Rank 3: Waste of staff time • P1, P3, P5, P12, P14, P18, P23, P24, P27
and allocation. Automatic equipment status change function-
Rank 4: Service delays • P1, P17, P18
alities, regarding availability of equipment, fosters better in-
Rank 5: Maintenance • P6, P23-P29
ventory management practices and reduction of equipment
Rank 6: Information ‘silos’ P1, P15, P16 shrinkage. When the status of equipment changes to available
(equipment no longer in use), clerks are automatically alerted
9963, Page 14 of 17 J Med Syst (2013) 37:9963

so that restocking activities could be undertaken and that restocking activities (P18). On the other hand, smart shelves
equipment could be allocated to another patient. also allow staff timesaving since it permits to rapidly find the
A capability that was contemplated but discarded for the exact location of equipment on one specific shelf. This is an
pilot project involved alerts triggers, which could be interesting application when a lot of different equipment needs
programmed into the system to inform staff when equipment to be managed at one storage location.
leaves the hospital, preventing unauthorized removal of equip-
ment and theft. Smart shelves in the storage room could From service delays (rank 4) to timely patient care services
facilitate inventory management and foster improvement re-
garding asset shortage occurrences. Assets placed in the stor- Timely and accurate location of needed assets (P1) eliminates
age room smart shelves are accounted as available inventory, long waits to get needed equipment, thus accelerating patient care
and as they are taken from smart shelves (P2, P3), their delivery. Key capabilities offering timely information on asset
location is updated, and the system reports equipment removal location and availability could assist the staff decision-making
from the shelves. The system has the capability to automati- process regarding equipment allocation and help them to better
cally update shelf inventory levels in the warehouse manage- plan care delivery. Moreover, thanks to this new level of asset
ment system (WMS), and perform an automatic verification; visibility, storage room clerks are able to follow the equipment as
hence, alert if inventory levels are under requirements or near it rotates throughout the hospital RFID-enabled zone (the 3 units
zero. However, as the RFID solution agreed upon by project that were part of the pilot); hence, they have near real-time
participants targeted only the identification, location, and information on the exact location of their RFID-enabled assets
tracking of assets, this functionality was discarded. circulating in this zone (P5, P8, P10, P12, P20, P22).
Better visibility of assets could permit performing mainte-
From asset sub-utilisation (rank 2) to a more optimal asset nance activities in an opportune manner, since equipment can
utilization be found (P23, P24), expediting maintenance activities; thus
positively influencing the total available equipment inventory
Automatic tracking of equipment whereabouts permits to have to support patient care.
a detailed vision of equipment usability rates; allowing in-
formed decision-making to avoid sub-utilization of assets. From maintenance delays (rank 5) to better maintenance
Automatic equipment status change functionalities (P14, compliance
P17, P27) offer information on the exact time equipment has
been in use, permitting to plan equipment allocation targeting Automated notifications (P23) could have been set up into the
optimal utilization rates. RFID offer opportunities to better system so that maintenance personnel is advised when equip-
distribute equipment to meet clinical demands; thus enhancing ment due for maintenance (preventive, scheduled, etc.) enters
equipment allocation and utilization rates. an RFID-enabled zone (e.g. storage room or medical ward) so
that they can retrieve it, avoiding delays of maintenance
From waste of staff time (rank 3) to increased productivity activities and allowing compliance with maintenance pro-
grams. In case of recalls from the manufacturers, automated
The RFID system eliminates unnecessary manual searches alerts (P23) could have been set up as well in order to notify
and movement of staff. Visibility on the location of each biomedical technicians once recalled equipment enters an
uniquely identified asset (P1) offers the opportunity for clin- RFID-enabled zone (e.g. storage room or medical ward).
ical and non-clinical personnel to look in a timely manner for Automatic location of assets (P24) that need service from
the equipment that is most efficiently located (e.g. closest to the maintenance department allows for the improvement of
the point-of-usage; closest to personnel’s current location, the response from maintenance personnel and expedites main-
etc.), thus saving staff time. Equipment automatic status tenance activities.
change functionalities (e.g. in use, not in use, in maintenance)
permits to have an overall picture of which assets are available From information ‘silos’ (rank 6) to increased information
and which are not; permitting staff to only go look for needed visibility and sharing
available ones and reducing unnecessary manual searches.
Further, automatic equipment check-outs at the storage room The RFID-enabled mobile asset tracking system offers real-
permit a more efficient use of clerks’ time (P3, P5). Non- time information to a wide range of professionals at the same
added value activities, such as reading barcodes attached to time (P1-P29), so that all interested parties could have access
equipment and registering manually or semi-manually the exit to asset-related information, facilitating decision-making and
of equipment in the designated information system, are no planning. Seamless information sharing is possible with the
longer needed. As well, real-time information on the location RFID system in place; indeed, information about tracking and
of equipment that is ready to be restocked expedites clerks’ tracing of equipment registered at one specific unit or
J Med Syst (2013) 37:9963 Page 15 of 17, 9963

department in the hospital (P3, P5, P8, P10, P12, P20, P22, Second, the very characteristics of hospitals, qualified as
P26, P29) could be available to all interested parties who are complex professional bureaucracies, constitute a unique set
not necessarily staff of such a unit or department. of constraints for a full roll-out implementation. In particular,
organizational inertia, complexity and inflexibility are not
conductive to hospital-wide changes. As long as RFID inte-
Conclusion gration was limited to three receptive units within the hospital,
the implementation went rather smoothly despite some no-
Mobile medical devices in general and digital IV pumps in ticeable divergences between the clinical and non-clinical
particular represent essential resources to support a wide spec- staff. A full roll-out implementation entails a redesign of
trum of patient care activities in hospitals. Empirical evidence processes throughout the entire hospital, though changes to
points to the lack of visibility of these devices as the major daily activities appear to be minor. Nurses will need to press
stumbling block for a more appropriate asset management. push buttons to inform the system of the use or non-use of
The lack of visibility into the real-time location and status of mobile equipment, clerks will need to rely on a new system to
digital IV pumps generates six interrelated inefficiencies, retrieve information about equipment, biomedical technicians
namely, and, in order of their relative importance, inventory will need to access the tracking application to locate portable
shortages, asset sub-utilization, waste of staff time, service equipment that must be maintained, and IT personnel will
delays, maintenance delays and information ‘silos’. need to maintain and troubleshoot the new RFID system.
The potential of RFID to trace and track moving medical From the above discussion, the phased roll-out implemen-
equipment was tested as a proof of concept in a phased roll-out tation which was carried out during this study proved the
implementation limited to three hospital units, restricted to acceptability of RFID in the specific context of mobile asset
one type of asset- i.e. digital infusion pumps, and conducted management. Such acceptability even entails the emergence
with existing legacy systems. Results from the proof of con- of intelligent processes. But, the results presented in this paper
cept proved that the RFID system allows real-time tracking strongly suggest that acceptability does not mean acceptance
and tracing of uniquely identified IV pumps, and supports the and appropriation, especially in hospitals. In fact, the potential
clinical and non-clinical staff in their daily activities. More- of the retained RFID system for a full roll-out implementation
over, it offers some characteristics related to ambient intelli- was qualified as “diluted” by some participants. To others,
gence: it is context aware, it is transparent with no perceivable several processes, in particular those related to maintenance,
interfaces (except for the push button) and it communicates were “shoved down”: the maintenance status and tracking
with its environment. Adding some level of intelligence to capabilities were discarded, although most agree that the
mobile asset management processes is undoubtedly the most probabilities of errors or missteps could also decrease if pro-
important benefit that could be derived from the RFID system. cesses related to maintenance activities would have been
Results show that the added intelligence can be rather basic retained. Inventory updates represented a functionality defin-
(auto-status change) or a bit more advanced (personalized itively targeted by the hospital administrators; however, given
automatic triggers). More importantly, adding intelligence that such a capability demands interoperability with existing
improves planning and decision-making processes. Finally, enterprise applications (for instance, with WMS), it was not
the RFID system solves the problem of the lack of visibility deployed to avoid complexity. The concepts of acceptance,
for IV pumps and reduces the above-mentioned inefficiencies. acceptability, and appropriation in professional bureaucracies
The phased roll-out implementation of the RFID system such as hospitals need to be further investigated in order to
allows the gaining of knowledge and experience, and demon- better understand the drivers of the adoption, implementation
strates that the emergence of “intelligent” processes associated and diffusion of ICTs in general and of RFID in particular.
to warehousing, usage, and maintenance activities of IV
pumps improves mobile asset management while keeping
the focus on patient care at the same time. A full roll-out Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
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in the hospital should be the next logical step. Although the
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