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DBB3202: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)




Unit 1: Introduction to E-Marketing 1

DBB3202: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

Unit 1
Introduction to E-Marketing
Table of Contents

SL Fig No / Table SAQ /

Topic Page No
No / Graph Activity
1 Introduction - -
1.1 Learning Objectives - -
2 The Virtual World - 1
2.1 The Changing Market Landscape - -
2.2 Traditional Marketing V/s Digital 5–9
- -
2.3 Concept of E-Marketing - -
3 The Internet and Business 1 2
10 - 13
3.1 E-Marketing- Strengths and Applications - -
4 Communication modes in E-Marketing 2 3 14 - 16
5 E-Marketing and Customer Relationship
- 4 17 - 18
6 The Need for Digital Engagement 3, 4 5
6.1 Generation Y- Expectations and influence 19 - 24
- -
and the Implications of Digital Change
7 Summary - - 25 - 26
8 Glossary - - 27
9 Case Study - - 28
10 Terminal Questions - - 29
11 Answer Keys - - 30 - 34
12 Suggested Books and e-References - - 35

Unit 1: Introduction to E-Marketing 2

DBB3202: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)


This chapter gives you a sneak peek at the endless world of E-Marketing. You will understand
how marketing has shifted from the real to a huge virtual platform called the internet.

This chapter broadly introduces you to the concept of E-Marketing by comparing it to

traditional business practices. How businesses can gain benefits from the techniques used in
E-Marketing and how is it different from traditional marketing. What are the challenges that
entrepreneurs are facing while taking this giant leap from running a traditional business to
an internet-based business? What are the opportunities that e-marketing offers which are so
frequently being discussed in the market and why most of the organisations are shifting
towards digital platform? The chapter also discusses about the importance of customer
relationship management and the challenges faced by entrepreneurs in maintaining the
same in this new digital era.

Apart from theoretical knowledge, this chapter will also provide basic guidance in your
entrepreneurial journey by making you aware of the e-
marketing techniques that are being used in the market and
Within a day, 76% of people
providing you with the step by step guidance on the steps that who search for something
nearby on their Smartphone
you can take to take your business to the digital platform and will visit a related business
and 28% of searches nearby
thereby increasing more awareness about your brand. At the result in a purchase.

end, the chapter discusses the need for digital engagement for
companies and the impact of this digital change in future.

The SOSTAC planning framework is used to frame this chapter. SOSTAC is:

• Situation analysis: where are we now?

• Objectives: where do we want to be?
• Strategy: How do we get there?
• Tactics: which tactical tools do we use to implement the strategy?
• Actions: which action plans are required to implement the strategy?
• Control: How do we manage the process?

Unit 1: Introduction to E-Marketing 3

DBB3202: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

1.1 Learning Objectives

After studying this chapter, you will be able to:

❖ Explain the concept of Virtual World and Changing Market Landscape

❖ Describe the concept of E-Marketing, its strength, Application, and communication modes
❖ Explain the Internet and Business, and E-Marketing concept with CRM, Online Advertising
❖ Describe the Need for Digital Engagement
❖ Explain the Generation Y-Expectations and Influence and Implications of Digital change.

Unit 1: Introduction to E-Marketing 4

DBB3202: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)


E-Marketing has paved the way for marketers to step into the huge virtual world. After the
arrival of Web 2.0 social networking sites became leaders where visitors make friends, build
homes, earn and spend virtual currency and create just about anything virtually. Users of
these sites can transport their persona to a huge online store which feels almost real. With
E-Marketing it is easier to enter new markets as you get to know it first by simply searching
the social networking websites. The Virtual world gives immense opportunities to new
entrants by offering an opportunity to dip toes before taking the actual dive. Entrants get a
chance to make informed decisions and remain updated with trends.

2.1. The Changing Market Landscape

Considering the current scenario, the marketing landscape is continuously changing with
each technological enhancement. Businesses can now reach the target audience in more
innovative and impactful ways. As per research, more than 50% of tasks done by
professionals can now be done automatically. With the introduction of Artificial Intelligence
marketers can now automate customer interactions with the help of technologies.

Of course, traditional marketing strategies still play a role but in today’s time, digital
marketing is equally important if not more. Digital marketing uses every data about you
gathered through your daily usage of the internet to reach you. If you are searching on Google
for your nearest dine out place chances are the soon after that you will see an ad sponsored
by Zomato. E-Commerce is a lot more than shifting stocks online. It is a fast-changing world
and those wanting to succeed in the market have to always remain on their toes. With the
fast-growing need to step out of the digital world traditional marketing is still irreplaceable.
As per the current situation, the traditional market and the digital market both runs parallel
and no one can be the substitute for the other.

2.2. Traditional Marketing V/S Digital Marketing

In today’s era to succeed a business needs to be simultaneously present on both traditional

and online platforms. Let us analyse the pros and cons of marketing in both worlds. Any type
of marketing which is not conducted on a digital platform is Traditional marketing. It plays

Unit 1: Introduction to E-Marketing 5

DBB3202: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

an important role in reaching a local audience. Traditional marketing is an offline form of

marketing and promotion that helps in reaching a target audience offline. Different
companies use different marketing channels such as telemarketing, broadcast, print, or
direct mail to communicate and engage their targeted audience. Companies who invest their
funds in traditional marketing or advertising spend a huge time and creativity in designing
successful marketing campaigns for higher revenues.

Advantages of Traditional Marketing:

• Durability E-marketing or Electronic marketing
refers to the application of marketing
• Convenient/Easy to Access principles and techniques via electronic
media and more specifically the
• It helps in establishing credibility internet. It includes both direct
response marketing and indirect
• Innovative marketing techniques can be used in marketing elements and uses a wide
range of technologies to help business in
business connecting to their customers.

Disadvantages of Traditional Marketing:

• Limited reach: Since it reaches the local audience only and we cannot target the large
audience in traditional marketing because it is not possible for a marketer to visit in
each and every area.
• Expensive: When compared to digital marketing it seems an expensive method as
there is one to one personal or physical communication which requires time, efforts,
• Lack of accuracy: In the measurement of results it is very difficult to monitor and
measure traditional marketing strategies and revenues. There is no specific method to
measure the accuracy of whether the marketing plan is efficient or not.
• Time-consuming: Traditional marketing seems very time consuming as there needs
to a specific person required to handle the operations, marketing and other activities
and customers need to wait for their turn.

Why Digital Marketing?

In simple words using digital channels such as websites, social media, and blogs as tools for
marketing is digital marketing. Digital marketing has several benefits that help businesses of

Unit 1: Introduction to E-Marketing 6

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small or large sizes by giving access to reach to the mass or large market and audience at a
reasonable price. Unlike traditional advertising, it helps in personalised marketing as per
target customer preferences. Now let us understand the benefits of Digital marketing and
why the world is being attracted to it.

• Cost-effective: It reduces the cost of advertising if the strategy of digital marketing is

properly planned and structured. Different campaigns help in reaching a large
audience with minimal cost.
• Results monitoring: It is easy to monitor results in digital marketing as results can be
accurately measured with the help of analytics, clicks, and views.
• Engagement: An engaging way to reach your audience at anytime from anywhere. It
does not require a special place or system to get access to the customer.
• Personalised campaign: The campaign can be tailored as per the needs of the
customer and based on the choices, taste and preferences of the customer. We can
show them ads, campaigns of their choices.
• Budget-friendly: Marketing can be initiated in a limited budget as well by running a
few ad campaigns or some more engaging competitions online so that buzz can be
created easily.
• Large reach: Digital marketing can reach many people at the same time irrespective
of national boundaries, or region. One channel can be suitable to reach a huge audience
at one go.
• Increased brand awareness: With the help of social media and other digital
platforms, brand awareness can be increased as customers share, talks about the brand
online and spread word of mouth.
• Better customer support: Ultimately increases satisfaction among customers if the
company is handling the customer problems or queries at right time.

Disadvantages of Digital Marketing:

• High competition: In digital marketing, there is very high competition between

companies because every company is targeting the same audience, while a business
can reach a global audience through digital marketing. The competition is increasing,
as companies are copying strategies of other brands in their campaign.

Unit 1: Introduction to E-Marketing 7

DBB3202: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

• Skills and training: As a business, it is important to make sure that our employees
should have the proper training, knowledge and information to implement digital
marketing activities, which requires huge cost. For digital marketing campaigns, the
business has to invest cost in providing training to them.
• Security and Privacy issues: It is one of the major digital marketing issues which
usually every business and customer faces. The data of the audience used by companies
can be easily hacked, account details, etc., can be easily monitored which will create
problems. Business needs to make proper legal compliance team which requires
resources, etc to keep an eye on digital marketing activities.

2.3. Concept Of E-Marketing

E-Marketing is the process of marketing a product or service with the help of the internet. It
not only includes online advertising but also includes marketing done via email and wireless
media. Internet Marketing, Web marketing, Digital marketing are all used as synonyms of E-
marketing. Precisely, e-marketing portrays efforts of the business to communicate with its
customers with the help of a digital platform. Though people use E-Marketing, E-commerce
and E-business interchangeably but actually E-Marketing is a subset of E-business and E-
commerce. To summarise, e-commerce refers to performing buying and selling transactions
online while e-business encompasses all business conducted online.

Unit 1: Introduction to E-Marketing 8

DBB3202: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

1. Which of the following is not an advantage of Digital Marketing?
A. Budget friendly
B. Increased Brand awareness
C. Better customer support
D. Easy and Convenient Access

2. Traditional marketing makes it easier to filter audience amidst crowd. [True/


3. E-Marketing is substitute of Traditional marketing. [True/False]

4. E-Marketing is cost-effective. [True/False]

5. E-Commerce and E-Business are one and the same. [True/False]

6. ___________ refers to performing buying and selling transactions online.

7. E- Marketing is the process of marketing a product or service with the help of


Unit 1: Introduction to E-Marketing 9

DBB3202: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)


The internet has revolutionised the way of conducting business-impacting its reach to a vast
extent. Doesn’t it as to nich how the world has shifted from a physical to a wired electronic
space? Isn’t the change significant? From computer labs to
our mobile phones internet is continuing to grow STUDY NOTE

seamlessly at its unstoppable pace creating a separate Recent study show that lack of
online presence induce
online world that is already occupied by millions of customers the feeling that they
are dealing with out-dated and
consumers. With the scale and opportunities, it offers the poor company, making them
more conscious while buying
internet is becoming a major part of all current and future products.

businesses. The internet has created opportunities as well

as threats for existing business and start-ups and plays a major role in maintaining a
relationship with customers. To remain competitive it is important for organisations to
adopt new technologies to maintain low cost in exploring customer behaviour, to develop
brand loyalty and establish close customer relationships. Internet is no longer an extension
of business; it became the main driving force to change. The traditional approach of using
the internet to automate the existing activities is suddenly out-dated as enterprises continue
to bring profound structural changes and develop new applications that provide new
opportunities for innovation and growth.

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Fig 1: Benefits of Internet Marketing

Figure 1 above highlights the importance of E-Marketing. Now let us discuss some of these
benefits in detail in further upcoming sections.

3.1. E-Marketing- Strengths And Applications

The growth in the number of customers shifting to the internet is itself enough to reflect the
importance of E-marketing. If you are still confused about whether E-marketing will be
beneficial for your company or not let us list some of the benefits or the strengths that E-
Marketing offers:

1. Internet marketing is cost-effective: In comparison to physical retail outlets,

internet marketing is very inexpensive. Promoters do not need to incur repetitive costs
of rents, property maintenance etc. Internet marketing provides the luxury to order
stocks in line with demand instead of stocking up in anticipation. Promoters do not
need to maintain unnecessary inventory thereby reducing inventory cost.

Unit 1: Introduction to E-Marketing 11

DBB3202: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

2. Internet Marketing allows flexible store timing: Without having to worry about the
timings internet marketing allows businesses to remain available for their customers
24hours a day, seven days a week without incurring any extra costs.
3. Internet Marketing allows a tailored advertising approach: With the help of the
Internet, offers can be customized specifically as per the needs of the user. By analysing
customer’s buying history and search records businesses can make targeted offers to
its clients and that will ultimately result in increased sales and better customer
4. Internet Marketing helps in taking advantage of social media: In this era when
people like spending more free time on YouTube instead of talking to the person in the
same room social media can play a major role in dragging the attention of the target
audience towards your brand. As per research conducted by Harvard Business School,
there was an increased sale of about five percent generated by those consumers who
were reportedly most influenced by social media. Hence, businesses can easily take
benefit of such influence.
5. Better Customer Relationships: Internet marketing provides a platform where
customers get full support right from the moment they click on the website for the very
first time till the time the product gets delivered. From taking feedbacks to sending
follow up emails e-marketing plays a massive role in providing a complete buying
experience to the customers and this experience helps in building a real relationship
with the customers and maintaining a personal touch with them.
6. Internet marketing allows you to enter new markets: After the arrival of the
internet, distance is no more a barrier. Thanks to E-marketing people are now selling
across the globe without setting up any physical store. Without knowing anyone
personally exports are being made through networks built on the internet.


Now when you know about the immense benefits that E-Marketing offers it is the time when
you must be thinking about how you can apply this to your business. In modern businesses,
e-marketing is mainly used to build an online presence with the help of a website, blog or
portal. Marketing techniques such as search engine optimization and search engine

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registration are used in order to boost sales. Online

directories are maintained and social media accounts are
There is various application
set up to maintain customer relationships. tools present in market that can
help your digital marketing
team. Some of these applications
Here is a step by step guide on how you can apply e- are Trello, Tadoist, SEMRush,
Google Keyword Planner, Inky
marketing to your business and gain exponential benefits. bee etc.

• Step 1: Create an effective Website.

• Step 2: Use Search Engine Marketing and Optimisation
• Step 3: Use Affiliate and Associate Programs to create shared interests in your
• Step 4: Hire a consultant
• Step 5: Use Email marketing to send newsletters and follow-ups
• Step 6: Create an opt-in email list
• Step 7: Get into articles and stories of other websites
• Step 8: Use interactive marketing techniques to gain feedbacks and organise contests
and giveaways
• Step 9: Set up accounts on social media to influence your prospective buyers.
• Step 10: Maintain your online presence.

8. Internet marketing is cost effective as it reduces ________.
A. Marketing cost B. Management expense
C. Inventory cost D. Delivery cost
9. “Internet Marketing allows tailored advertising approach”. [True/ False ]
10. With the scale and opportunities it offers _______ is becoming a major part of all
current and future businesses.
11. Internet helps in maintaining _______ with customers.
12. ________ Marketing techniques are used to gain feedbacks and organise contests
and giveaways.
13. . ______ can play a major role in dragging attention of the target audience towards
your brand.

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Digital marketers use a fantastic range of technical tools to communicate with the audience
which are not available on sites and to inspire them to visit the site. For now, let us know
some of the tools generally used for communication.

1. Search Engine Marketing: A practice of marketing a business with paid advertisements

that appears on search engine result pages when users search a particular keyword.
Advertisers bid on a particular keyword which is mostly searched by the audience
targeted by them and when a user searches that particular keyword on the search engine
the paid advertisement appears along with the result. SEM offers the opportunity to
advertisers to put the ads in front of the customers who are already motivated to buy

the products and are ready to make a purchase in that precise moment and who are
looking for products meeting their specific needs.

Search engine Optimisation (SEO) is different from Search engine marketing (SEM) as in
SEO businesses don’t pay Google and other search engines for visitors and clicks rather
they earn the space by having the most relevant data for the given keyword. SEM
typically works on a pay per click basis. Both SEM and SEO play a fundamental role in
Online Marketing Strategies.

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Fig 3: Customer Acquisition Techniques

2. Digital PR: Digital PR helps businesses in reaching the target audience by making
favourable mentions of the company, brand, products, and services on third party
websites, blogs, YouTube channels etc. It even helps businesses in getting better
ratings and reviews about the products listed by them. It offers a low-cost route to
marketers to get their brands known to people. It also helps in increasing back links to
a site which ultimately helps in search engine optimisation.
3. Online Partnerships: Just like traditional tie-ups marketers create long term
arrangements to promote the online business on third-party websites or through
email. The way Partnerships play an important role in the traditional marketing mix
the same is true online as well. Link building, affiliate marketing & online sponsorship
are some common examples of online partnerships.
4. Interactive Advertising: In Interactive Advertising
marketers makes use of interactive media to connect
Businesses now a day create
with the target audience. In this kind of advertising, Interactive advertising in many
ways, such as: Interactive videos,
marketers encourage the audience to interact during Quizzes, Virtual reality, responding
to questions, QR codes, Interactive
the campaign which keeps them engaged and emails, Promoting User generated
content with the help of hashtags.
encourages them to do something rather than being a
passive view.
5. Opt-in-email: It is an inbound approach to marketing where the promoter seeks the
prospect’s permission to receive communication from the brand. This approach of
marketing is much more effective along with being ethical when compared to the
outbound approach where most of the flyers and postcards end up in recycle bin. The
main aim of email marketing to create awareness about the brand and to get direct
6. Viral Marketing: Every day we all witness contents that goes viral and spreads at the
speed of light. Have you ever thought about how do contents go viral? What exactly is
this? Viral marketing is a strategy that aims at creating the interest of the target
audience in such a way that the user himself choose to share the content which will

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ultimately result in the popularity of the brand. It is a type of campaign where the result
lies in the hands of the user and the promoter has very little control.

14. _______ helps businesses in reaching the target audience by making favourable
mentions of the company on third party websites.
B. Email marketing
C. Digital PR
D. Viral marketing
15. Search engine optimization and Search engine marketing are both one and the
same. [True/ False]
16. Online Quiz is an example of ________ marketing technique.

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The two terms E-marketing and online advertising are frequently interchanged and used as
synonyms. Both play a valuable role in generating leads for the business. But are the two
exactly the same? Well, the answer is NO. Though quite similar but the two are different ways
of publicizing a business. Online advertising is a broad term that includes your marketing
activities across all digital mediums. This includes email marketing, social media marketing,
Search engine optimisation, content marketing, pay per click advertising, and more. On a gist,
online advertising encompasses all the activities a business conducts with the aim of
attracting new customers. Online advertising generally is broadly targeted and is a
disruptive form of communication. It mainly aims at disrupting the audience from watching
their content and forces them to watch the advertisement. Let us understand this with the
help of an example. While watching YouTube suddenly an ad appears and we are literally
forced to watch the ad for those 5 seconds till we get the window to skip the ad and resume
watching our content. Those few seconds of disruption created is a perfect example of online
advertising. Users these days hate this disruption to such an extent that they are literally
ready to pay in order to block these days as it largely disrupts there social media time. Online
advertising day by day is becoming annoying for the users and companies know its
inefficiency but are still using it as long as the results justify the amount spent on ads.

E-Marketing on the other hand is more focused and targeted. Content marketing these days
has gained momentum as a form of E-Marketing. It gives marketers the flexibility to tailor
the contents as per marketing needs. E-Marketing ideally provides a solution to very specific
problems. It aims at providing more specific content which is relevant for the users and
which addresses their concerns. Instead of annoying the user's E-marketing actually aims at
helping them by summarising the whole content according to their specific needs. It focuses
on building long term relationships with its customers. The main advantage of E-Marketing
is that marketing generates a greater return on investment in comparison to advertisements
as the customers are more specifically targeted.

Now, you must be wondering why companies spend money on online advertising when E-
marketing generates better returns. The answer to this question ultimately is “To know
exactly who your target is”. With the huge flow of digital advertising content available

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websites continuously lure companies to purchase their packages by offering extremely

cheap rates and offers. The challenge is using this advertising content in a more targeted
manner to generate better returns.

17. Appearance of ad while watching your favorite serial is an example of?
A. Online Advertising
B. E-marketing
C. Interactive Marketing
D. Search Engine Optimization
18. Online Advertising generates better returns than E-marketing. [True/False]
19. The main difference between online advertising and e- marketing is that e-
marketing is more targeted. [True/ False]
20. Organizations everywhere are trying to drag the attention of audience towards
their products. This creates the challenge of _______ among the marketers.
21. Proper encryption is needed to prevent _______.

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When talking about Digital Engagement what comes to your mind is any use of a digital
platform by an organisation. But the term is actually very different. Let us understand the
meaning of the term first. Every business wants to keep their customers happy and if a
customer is not happy he might announce this to his whole social media network thereby
making your business handicapped in one single hit. In today’s wired world customers want
to get in touch with your business just like they connect with friends and family. A Digital
Engagement strategy can help your business in enhancing its relations with its customers by
providing a better experience to them which can ultimately boost the value of your brand


Gone are the days when businesses can continue to make free size outfits and expect the
business to flourish. In this consumer-centric market expectations of customers are sky high.
As per research today more than 50% of customers shift companies after having just one bad
experience. Customers want to be treated as individuals and not just a part of a crowd. They
want companies to know their demands and preferences. To do that, companies need to be
able to access their customer interactions on various digital platforms and use that data in
the more efficient manner in order to generate sales. Hence, Digital engagement is of utmost
importance to-

• Collect more data

• Provide a better experience.

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Fig 6: Digital Engagement Strategy


A. Digital Engagement Strategy: You need a plan for every action. The first step towards
Digital engagement is to prepare a well-defined strategy
according to your goals and the strategy should be based
on data and should be actionable. For example, as per Digital Engagement strategy
varies as per the needs of
analysis of the data you find a lack of awareness among the organisation and
depends on the type of
people about your newly launched product. Then, audience with which the
business wants to connect
according to data you plan to reach out to 500 students with.

through digital channels. This is how you set a strategy and

now you can step ahead and look for the best available channel that suits your goal.
B. Digital Channels: Every Digital channel favours a separate strategy. It is on the basis of
your target audience you choose the channel best suited for you. There are many options
which are available in market. We are here listing a few for your reference:
• Webinars

Unit 1: Introduction to E-Marketing 20

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• Paid search
• Social media marketing
• Live Chat and messaging
• Email marketing
C. Engagement Platform: Using all the digital channels is one thing but communicating
on the right platform after analysing all the customer needs and after knowing their
preferences is essential. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) can help you in
summarising the needs of your customers and provide them with the best possible

6.1. Gen-Y Expectations, Implications And Influence Of Digital Change

Digitalisation has completely transformed the functioning of the business. Along with the
changing environment, the expectations of the new generation are also rising day by day.
The upcoming generation popularly known as GENERATION-Y looks at the world from new
lenses. GEN Y has high expectations because they have grown in a world where technology
has always delivered more for less cost which is accessible anytime anywhere. They are used
to having their say as a customer and the same they expect in their work-life as well. They
are looking for simple life such as flexible working hours, good work-life balance. They also
expect to grow rapidly through the organisation. Organisations have a huge challenge of
meeting the expectations of millennial or they will leave without giving a second thought.
Whether the transformation is favourable or unfavourable is still a matter of debate.

The wide-ranging impact of Digital transformation is creating its own set of opportunities
and threats. However, disruption to existing business models has disrupted the lives of
millions of citizens as earlier expected in many researches. As the market is still continuously
changing it is difficult where exactly the change would last. Let us list some of the changes
that digitisation will bring to the world of business:

• Adoption of New technologies and tools: Digitisation has brought with itself a new
set of technological tools and disruptive technologies which not only widens the gap
between small and large organisations but also requires a separate set of skills to
operate with them.

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• Impact on productivity: Even after the widespread diffusion of new technologies,

many countries have registered a slowdown in the growth of productivity. Though the
matter in still under research slow diffusion of technology and increased competitive
pressure is registered as reasons for the slowdown in growth.
• Competition: Digitisation has already brought and is expected to bring cut-throat
competition in the world of business. Customers are laden with options and the cost
of service became Zero with the arrival of an online platform. Innovation in the field of
technologies is enhancing competition with each passing day.
• Business Dynamics and Entrepreneurship: Digital transformation will bring lasting
implications on business dynamism. It will reduce barriers to entry in some of the
markets and will create new challenges for entrepreneurs. It will widen the gap
between organisations capable of taking the leap and organisations that are not
capable of it.
• Tax Implications of Digitalisation: The change in business models due to
digitalisation has brought significant changes in tax regimes which lead to changes in
tax laws along with various political disturbances.
• Impact on International Trade: In the area of international trade, Digitalisation
facilitated transactions across borders. However, digitalisation is blurring the
traditional differences between goods and services making it more difficult to identify
the specific rules that apply to specific transactions. Digitalisation has somewhere
facilitated the occurrence of illegal transactions as well.

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22. Digital Engagement helps in __________.
A. Collection of data
B. Setting of goals
C. Budget control
D. Fulfilling objectives

23. Organizations have a huge challenge of meeting expectations of millennial.


24. Digital transformation will not bring any lasting implications on business
dynamism. [True/False]

25. Digitization will create barriers for entry in new markets. [True/ False]

26. While developing digital engagement strategy marketers select __________ on the
basis of target audience.

27. After widespread diffusion of new technologies many countries have registered
a ________ in growth.

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Need for
Introduction Engagement
on modes in to E-
E- marketing Marketing

Gen Y Expectations,
The Changing Implications &
Influence of digital

Concept of
E- The Internet and
Traditional marketing Business
vs. Digital
E- Marketing and and
Customer Relationship Applications

Challenges in E-Marketing and

E-CRM Online

Fig 7: Conceptual Map

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• After the arrival of Web 2.0 social networking sites became leaders and offered
opportunities to businesses to enter in huge virtual world
• E-marketing or Electronic marketing refers to the application of marketing principles
and techniques via electronic media and more specifically the internet. It includes both
direct response marketing and indirect marketing elements and uses a wide range of
technologies to help business in connecting to their customers.
• The current situation demands both traditional market and digital market to run
parallel and no one can be the substitute for the other
• Importance of Digital Marketing: Ease of Access, Cost-effective, accurate result
measurement, Better customer satisfaction etc.
• CRM is a fundamental facet of an organisation that focuses on building a strong
customer base. It is more than a process and equal to a culture of keeping value
customers and adding value to the services provided to them. E-CRM can lead to an
Organisational transformation into a real-time enterprise for customers.
• E-Marketing and customer relationship management are two sides of the same coin.
Businesses need a strong CRM system to meet the expectations which is necessary for
building up a brand value.
• A Digital Engagement strategy can help your business in enhancing its relations with
its customers by providing a better experience to them which can ultimately boost the
value of your brand altogether.
• Communication tools in E-marketing: Search engine optimisation, email marketing,
social media marketing; opt-in email, Online PR.
• With the arrival of the internet when customers are laden with so many options,
customer’s behaviour has changed. Customers expect superior service within a short
span of time. With such high expectations on delivery and service businesses need a
strong CRM system to meet the expectations which are necessary for building up a
brand value.
• Gone are the days when businesses can continue to make free size outfits and expect
the business to flourish. In this consumer-centric market expectations of customers are

Unit 1: Introduction to E-Marketing 25

DBB3202: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

sky-high. As per research today more than 50% of customers shift companies after
having just one bad experience. Customers want to be treated as individuals and not
just a part of a crowd.
• Every Digital channel favours a separate strategy. It is on the basis of your target
audience you choose the channel best suited for you. There are many options which
are available in the market.
• Digitalisation has completely transformed the functioning of the business. Along with
the changing environment, the expectations of the new generation are also rising day
by day. The upcoming generation popularly known as GENERATION-Y looks at the
world from new lenses.

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• Marketing environment: Forces operating outside the company which directly or

indirectly creates an impact on the activities of the company.
• Affiliate Marketing: A type of internet marketing in which you partner with other
websites to generate traffic on your website.
• Cost per click (CPC): It is a method of Payment of online advertisements in which
payment is made on the basis of no of clicks on the website.
• E-Commerce: Buying and selling of goods over the internet.
• E-Business: Any kind of business or commercial transaction over the internet. E-
business includes the sharing of information over the internet.
• Opt-in email: Opt in email is defined as an email that a brand sends to its customers
after the customer willingly agrees to receive such mail.

Unit 1: Introduction to E-Marketing 27

DBB3202: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

A Viral Advertisement

In the year 2016, during 2016 Summer Olympics a 60 second ad was run by Canadian Tire
named “Wheels” which turned out to be one of the most viral marketing videos of 2017
(which drove video views from three million to 20 million in less than 24 hours).People
literally cried while watching the ad. The spot was additionally picked up by a TOI web blog
and therefore the ad has currently surpassed quite 40 million views on Facebook with none
paid support.

This commercial focused a little boy in a wheelchair who could not perform everyday
activities, like playing football with other children in the neighbourhood due to his disability.
One in all these youngsters meets the boy within the chair and creates a basketball only for
him. Though Canadian Tire barely brands this lovable video, it shows its support for Canada’s
Olympic Team such anyone will sympathise with it, whereas subtly lightness its product
(Wheels) at a similar time. In an interview Eva Salem, Canadian Tire’s VP of marketing said,
“Being part of a social conversation is always a benefit to the brand though the brand
purposely didn’t need to inject an excessive amount of into the online dialogue or place any
further paid support behind the ad”.

This case study teaches entrepreneurs to never hesitate in showing support for things that
don’t directly involve their business. The only goal of any business is not to sell products, it
is equally important to associate your business with the welfare of the community. Every
business from time to time should recall why they do what they do, and communicate the
same to the community at the correct time.
Discussion Questions:

1. The advertisement played an important role in enhancing the relationship of the

Company with its customers. Explain how and what can they do better?

2. Explain E-RCM. What role does it play in the development of an organisation?

Unit 1: Introduction to E-Marketing 28

DBB3202: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)



Q1. Internet Marketing allows a tailored Marketing Approach. Explain.

Q2. List some of the benefits offered by Digital Marketing.

Q3. Write a short note on E CRM

Q4. E-Marketing and customer relationship management are two sides of the same coin.

Q5. Organisations have a huge challenge of meeting the expectations of millennial. How?


Q1. Prepare a step by step guide on the application of E-marketing in business.

Q2. List some of the ways on how you can improve your Digital Engagement.

Q3 Explain some of the modes of communication in E-Marketing.

Q4. List some of the changes that digitisation will bring to the world of business

Q5. Explain the difference between E-Marketing and online advertising.

Unit 1: Introduction to E-Marketing 29

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1. D. Easy and Convenient Access

2. False
3. False
4. True
5. False
6. E-commerce
7. Internet
8. c, Inventory cost
9. True
10. Internet
11. Better Relations
12. Interactive
13. Social media
14. C. Digital PR
15. False
16. Interactive Marketing
17. A. online advertising
18. False
19. True
20. Personalisation of ads
21. Cybercrime
22. A. Collection of data
23. True
24. False
25. False
26. Digital Channel
27. Slowdown

Unit 1: Introduction to E-Marketing 30

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Answer 1: With the help of the Internet offers can be customized specifically as per the needs
of the user. By analysing customer’s buying history and search records businesses can make
targeted offers to their clients. Hence, e-marketing allows a tailored marketing approach.

Answer 2: Benefits of E-Marketing is listed below.

• Results can be measured easily and accurately

• Easier to filter the target audience amidst the crowd
• An engaging way to reach your audience

Answer 3: CRM is a fundamental facet of an organisation that focuses on building a strong

customer base. It is more than a process and equal to a culture of keeping value customers
and adding value to the services provided to them.

Answer 4: While talking about E-Marketing we normally include online selling, online
promotions, and advertisements but in a true sense paying attention to customer
relationship management is as important as putting efforts into online selling. Every
professional connected to the marketing field very well knows that selling to existing
customers is far easier and cost-effective when compared to building a new customer base.
Hence, maintaining healthy relations with an existing customer is as important as generating

Answer 5: GEN Y has high expectations because they have grown in a world where
technology has always delivered more for less cost which is accessible anytime anywhere.
They are used to having their say as a customer and the same they expect in their work-life
as well. They are looking for a good work-life balance, flexible working hours. They also
expect to grow rapidly through the organisation. Organisations have a huge challenge of
meeting the expectations of millennial or they will leave.

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Answer 1: Step by step guide on how you can apply e-marketing to your business.

• Step1: Create an effective Website

• Step2: Use Search Engine Marketing and Optimisation
• Step3: Use Affiliate and Associate Programs to create shared interests in your business.
• Step 4: Hire a consultant
• Step 5: Use Email marketing to send newsletters and follow-ups
• Step 6: Create an opt-in email list
• Step 7: Get into articles and stories of other websites
• Step 8: Use interactive marketing techniques to gain feedbacks and organise contests
and giveaways
• Step 9: Set up accounts on social media to influence your prospective buyers.
• Step 10: Maintain your online presence

Answer 2: Ways to improve Digital Engagement

• Digital Channels: Every Digital channel favours a separate strategy. It is on the basis
of your target audience you choose the channel best suited for you. There are many
options that are available in the market. E.g. Webinars, Paid search etc.
• Engagement Platform: Using all the digital channels is one thing but communicating
on the right platform after analysing all the customer needs and after knowing their
preferences is essential. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) can help you in
summarising the needs of your customers and provide them with best possible

Answer 3: Communication modes in E-Marketing

• Search Engine Marketing: A practice of marketing a business with paid

advertisements that appears on search engine result pages when users search a
particular keyword. Advertisers bid on a particular keyword which is mostly searched
by the audience targeted by them and when a user searches that particular keyword
on the search engine the paid advertisement appears along with the result.

Unit 1: Introduction to E-Marketing 32

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• Digital PR: Digital PR helps businesses in reaching the target audience by making
favourable mentions of the company, brand, products, and services on third party
websites, blogs, YouTube channels etc. It even helps businesses in getting better
ratings and reviews about the products listed by them

Answer 4: Changes that digitisation will bring in the world of business:

• Adoption of New technologies and tools: Digitisation has brought with itself a new
set of technological tools and disruptive technologies which not only widens the gap
between small and large organisations but also requires a separate set of skills to
operate with them.
• Impact on productivity: Even after the widespread diffusion of new technologies,
many countries have registered a slowdown in the growth of productivity. Though

the matter in still under research slow diffusion of technology and increased competitive
pressure is registered as reasons for the slowdown in growth.

Answer 5: The two terms E-marketing and online advertising are frequently interchanged
and used as synonyms. Though quite similar but the two are different ways of publicizing a
business. Online advertising is a broad term that includes your marketing activities across
all digital mediums. This includes email marketing, social media marketing, Search engine
optimisation, content marketing, pay per click advertising, and more. In a gist, online
advertising encompasses all the activities a business conducts with the aim of attracting new
customers. Online advertising generally is broadly targeted and is a disruptive form of
communication. It mainly aims at disrupting the audience from watching their content and
forces them to watch the advertisement.

E-Marketing on the other hand is more focused and targeted. Content marketing these days
has gained momentum as a form of E-Marketing. It gives marketers the flexibility to tailor
the contents as per marketing needs. E-Marketing ideally provides a solution to very specific
problems. It aims at providing more specific content which is relevant for the users and
which addresses their concerns. Instead of annoying the user's E-marketing actually aims at
helping them by summarising the whole content according to their specific needs. It focuses
on building long term relationships with its customers. The main advantage of E-Marketing

Unit 1: Introduction to E-Marketing 33

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is that marketing generates a greater return on investment in comparison to advertisements

as the customers are more specifically targeted.

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• Winer, R., (2007), Marketing Management. New York University, Prentice-Hall

publishers, 3rd edition
• Andaleeb, S.S and Hasan, (2016), Strategic Management in Asia, Emerald Group
• Chaffey, D., Mayer, R., Johston, K.and Ellis- Chadwick, and F. (2006), Internet Marketing:
Strategy, implementation and practice, Prentice Hall publications, 3rd edition.


• Marketing using Virtual and Augmented Reality, viewed on 22 March 2021,

• E-Marketing, viewed on 22 March 2021,
• E-Marketing and CRM, viewed on 22 March 2021,
• E-Marketing and Online Advertising, viewed on 22 March 2021,

Unit 1: Introduction to E-Marketing 35

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Unit 2: Customer Relationship Management and E-Marketing Solutions 1

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

Unit 2
Customer Relationship Management and E-
Marketing Solutions
Table of Contents

SL Fig No / Table SAQ /

Topic Page No
No / Graph Activity
1 Introduction - -
1.1 Learning Objectives - -
2 E-Marketing and CRM 1, 1
2.1 Challenges in e-CRM - -
3 What is Customer Relationship Management
- 2
(CRM) and Why CRM?
9 - 12
3.1 “Investing in CRM” – Is it a good decision? - -
3.2 Components of CRM - -
4 Customer Relation Management Process 2, 3, 3, I 13 - 15
5 Role of Customer Relationship Management
- 4 16 - 17
6 Bonding for Customer Relationship - 5 18 - 19
7 Key Customer Relationship Management
- 6
7.1 Features to be considered before 20 - 23
- -
selecting the CRM Software 24 - 25
7.2 Major Industries that use CRM - -
8 SAP Web Channel Experience Management - 7
9 New generation CRM – A Mobile App and a
4 8, II
Community 26 - 28
9.1 Advantages of new generation CRM - -
10 Summary - - 29 - 30

Unit 2: Customer Relationship Management and E-Marketing Solutions 2

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11 Glossary - - 31
12 Case Study - - 32 - 33
13 Terminal Questions - - 33
14 Answer Keys - - 34 - 39
15 Suggested Books and e-References - - 40

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In the previous unit, digital consumers and their behavior while making a purchase online
were discussed. Consumers may have varied options online and easy comparability. This
helps them to select the best alternative option to satisfy their demand within the price and
other constraints. Physical availability is not required which makes consumer easy to access
the online market.

Consumer behavior during online shopping is different as STUDY NOTE

compared to the physical market. This is because there are CRM is the process that is
used by the organization
limited options in the physical market where easy comparability to maintain good relations
with their customers by
is not present. In the previous unit online consumer decision- keeping track of their
needs and problems.
making process, contextual targeting, and behavioral targeting
are also studied in detail.

Now in the current chapter, customer relationship management will be studied in detail. The
abbreviation for customer relationship management is CRM which refers to the process
which is used by companies or organizations to retain, acquire, and develop customers for
their organizations by keeping all the related information about their potential and existing

In this chapter, the importance of customer relationship management, customer relationship

processes, the role of customer relationship processes technology, Key applications used for
customer relationship management, bonding for customer relationships, etc. will be
discussed in detail.

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1.1 Learning Objectives

After studying this chapter, you will be able to:

❖ Explain the concept of Customer Relationship Management

❖ Explain the importance of CRM
❖ Describe the role of CRM technology
❖ Explain the working of SAP Web Channel Experience Management
❖ Describe the Mobile CRM and its advantages
❖ Explain the different e-Marketing Solutions

Unit 2: Customer Relationship Management and E-Marketing Solutions 5

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)


E-Marketing and customer relationship management are used together and are two sides of
the coin. While talking about E-Marketing we normally include online selling, online
promotions, and advertisements but in a true sense paying attention to customer
relationship management is as important as putting effort into online selling. Every
professional connected to the marketing field very well knows that selling to existing
customers is far easier and cost-effective when compared to building a new customer base.
Hence, maintaining healthy relations with an existing customer is as important as generating


Fig 4:Techniques of Customer Relationship Management

With the arrival of the internet when customers are laden

with so many options, customer’s behaviour has changed.
CRM has several benefits like New
Customers expect superior service within a short span of Sales opportunities, Improved
Customer Relationships, Faster
time. With such high expectations regarding delivery, Decision making, Improved
Competitive edge in market, Better
service businesses need a strong CRM system to meet the delivery of product and services,
More information about customers
expectations which are necessary for building up a brand leading to more informed decision
making, More efficient customer
value. Dealing with many customers from across the service
globe who are well connected through the internet

Unit 2: Customer Relationship Management and E-Marketing Solutions 6

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generates the need for marketing managers to integrate CRM in their promotional strategy.
Along with boosting sales they also need to focus on building brand loyalty because a small
loophole in CRM can tarnish the overall image of the brand.

2.1. Challenges In E-Crm

CRM is a fundamental facet of an organization that focuses on building a strong customer

base. It is more than a process and equal to a culture of keeping value customers and adding
value to the services provided to them. E-CRM can lead to an Organisational transformation
into a real-time enterprise for customers along with availing the benefits of

technological advancement in a rapidly changing market. Some of the challenges faced by

organisations in maintaining customer relationships are discussed below:

1. Security: A sense of security needs to be established from both the business point of
view and the customer’s point of view. Customers must be able to select a suitable mode
of payment and the software must be able to verify their ability to pay. Proper
encryption is needed to protect the customer’s personal information to prevent cyber-
2. Converting information into action: With new technologies hitting the market
processing of information is becoming tougher day by day. Organisations gather too
much information with little or no idea on what to do with them. What organisations
are now working towards is a data-driven CRM strategy.
3. Unpredictable Future: The future trends in E-CRM are highly uncertain. The factors
that determine the winners and losers are still taking shape and technological
advancements can any time change the game upside down. At the same time, almost all
experts are predicting exponential growth in e-commerce in the long run.
4. Personalisation of ads: As consumers, day by day we are becoming less tolerant of
getting irrelevant messages and ads. Organisations everywhere are trying to draw the
attention of the audience towards their products. This situation makes it extremely
important for marketers to serve the audience only those products that are relevant to
them that too at the right time.

Unit 2: Customer Relationship Management and E-Marketing Solutions 7

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5. Optimising email content: After deciding on the target customer the next job is to
prepare the content with which to target your audience. Promoters need to set rules
like how many times a customer needs to search for a product before sending them an
email. The time at which the customer usually searches for the product and is most
likely to answer the email.
6. Optimising email frequency: Frequency is something that depends on various factors
like purchase pattern of customer, engagement pattern, spending budget etc. and varies
from customer to customer. Some customers are shopaholics who do not really need
any reason to buy while some buy only during holidays. The target of E-marketing is to
nudge customers now when they are set to make the purchase. At the same time, it can
be a big fallout for companies especially luxury brands if the customer gets an email
after making the purchase. Hence, it is highly challenging for promoters to maintain the
optimal frequency of email depending on the behaviour of their customers.
7. Getting hold of in-store data: This challenge is mainly for organisations selling low
key items. Suppose you are a customer purchasing an online service worth $10. You
won’t be willing to share much data about yourself for such a minimal purchase nor
would you want to spend much time on the purchase. Though it is not the same when
you are buying delivery-based products. Exactly in situations like these if becomes
extremely difficult for marketers to obtain the required data even if it is as simple as an

1. ___________ and customer relationship management are used together and are two
sides of the coin.
2. _________ is a fundamental facet of an organization that focuses on building a strong
customer base.

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Customer relationship management is the blend of strategies, procedures, technologies that

can be used by the organization to gather relevant information about the existing customers
and the prospective customers so that customer services can be provided in a better way.
The purpose of customer relationship management is to maintain customer service
relationships, retention of existing customers, and drive sales
Customer Relationship
management is the
Customer Relationship management system gathers the data process of managing
existing customers and
related to the customer at different channels such as the providing better services
to develop new
organization’s website, telephone, direct mail, social networking customers for the
organization using
sites, and marketing channels. Customer relationship customer’s information.
management is the technology and process that are used by
organizations to maintain various external and internal activities which include sales lead,
email subscriber, customers, employees, advocates, and sales leads.

Following are the benefits of using CRM in an organization:

• CRM helps in maintaining customer-related information which helps the customer

support representatives to provide better customer service using information related
to a past purchase.
• Gathered data about their existing and potential customer may help the businesses to
determine the trends and insights about them.
• CRM helps the sales force in the closing team much faster by ensuring quick and fast
responses to customer queries.

3.1. “Investing In CRM”-Is It A Good Decision?

A customer relationship management system is the tool that is building within the
organization to ensure better customer services and drive sales growth by keeping track of

Unit 2: Customer Relationship Management and E-Marketing Solutions 9

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information about their potential and existing customers. Following are the reasons due to
which investment in CRM is considered as a good decision for an organization:

• It allows gaining real-time access to data: The Company by incorporating a CRM

system in an organization becomes enabling to know the requirement of their
customers. It also provides information such as who is visiting the company’s website,
what information and WebPages they are checking, etc. This will help the manager to
approach the customers according to their needs. In other words, CRM collects the data
required to foster better customer relationships and services.
• Building a CRM system is a good decision as it helps in staying organized and also
to manage leads: CRM is an integrated tool that can be used to take leads from various
sources such as websites and social media. It helps in identifying contacts and collects
information in a logical bucket in an organized way.
• CRM helps in improving email communication: CRM with email marketing helps the
manager to communicate better with their target audience and helps in the conversion
of potential customers into actual customers.
• CRM works at the right time: CRM helps the company in approaching customers when
they are ready to make a purchase decision about the company’s products and services.
With the help of the CRM system, the company may focus on its opportunities.
• CRM helps in managing tasks: CRM system helps the company in prioritizing their
task and it also helps the manager to respond to their customers need as and when
• It helps in tracking KPIs: CRM helps in tracking key performance indicators such as
email effectiveness, sales pipeline, marketing lead sources, etc. CRM also provides
answers to various business questions. Some of them may includes:

3.2. Components Of CRM

CRM system consolidates the customer information and keeps record it into a single
database so that users may access the customer data more easily. Following are the
components of CRM:

Unit 2: Customer Relationship Management and E-Marketing Solutions 10

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

• Sales force automation: Sales force automation tool keeps track of the customer
interaction and certain business function of the sales cycle is automated using CRM that
is required for sales lead, to generate new customer and to retain them.
• Marketing automation: It is another tool of CRM that helps in performing repetitive
tasks so that marketing efforts can be enhanced at a different point during the lifecycle
of lead generation.
• Contact center automation: It is another tool that is included in the CRM system that
helps in solving customer problems through prerecorded audio that may assist them
and provide the required information.
• Use of geolocation technology: CRM uses location-based services where geographic
location-based customer services can be provided. It also helps in approaching sales
prospect customers using their physical location through networking or contact
• Workflow automation: CRM helps the employees to manage their workflows by
optimizing the workload and to opt for more creative work and high-level tasks.
• Lead management: CRM helps in tracking sales lead by providing inputs, data for
tracking lead.
• Human resource management: Employee information such as contact data,
performance reviews, and benefits can be tracked using CRM within the company. CRM
helps in managing the company’s internal workforce.
• Artificial intelligence: AI system is inbuilt within the CRM system with the help of
which managers or users of CRM may determine the customer behavior pattern so that
future predictions related to customers can be done.
• Analytics: Analytics helps in building better customer satisfaction rates by using data.
• Track of client’s project details: CRM helps to keep track of project details such as
strategic alignment, processes, risk management, etc. CRM can also integrate with other
software such as ERP and call centers.

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3. Which of the following is NOT a component of CRM?
A. Sales force automation
B. Dummy customer
C. Marketing automation
D. Lead management
4. CRM is considered important because___________.
A. It allows users to access real time data
B. It helps in managing their tasks
C. It helps in improving email communication
D. All of the above
5. Which of the following does NOT falls under CRM scope?
A. To drive sales growth
B. To monitor social activities
C. To track new leads
D. None of the above

Unit 2: Customer Relationship Management and E-Marketing Solutions 12

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)


It is important to understand the customer lifecycle before understanding the CRM process.
Customer cycle leads to CRM process where with the help of sales activities, marketing and
customer service manager tries to acquire a new customer and build customer loyalty.
Customer lifecycle is consists of five stages that lead to actions in the CRM process which are
as follows:
1. Reach CRM process refers to the
procedure used by the
2. Acquisition organization to acquire
new customer and also to
3. Conversion retain existing customers
by building customer
4. Retention loyalty.
5. Loyalty

Every organization must take the necessary steps to help their customers to learn the
company’s brand and become its loyal customer through understanding the customer life
cycle. Customer Relationship Management is an actionable concept.


Loyalty Acquisition

Retention Conversion

Fig 1: CRM Lifecycle

CRM process consists of five steps which are the result of effective marketing, sales activities,
and customer services.

Unit 2: Customer Relationship Management and E-Marketing Solutions 13

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

1. The first step of the customer relationship management process is to generate brand
awareness. In this step, business focuses on introducing their products and services to
their target audience. While creating brand awareness, the marketing team of the
business learned about their target audience. They segregated the target audience into
similar groups. The marketing team then creates marketing campaigns to create brand
awareness among those segregated groups based on their taste, preferences, and their
2. In the second step, the lead acquisition is the aim of the marketing team where they try
to gather information from the CRM tool about leads' email addresses so that detailed
information about that lead can be procured and used for conversion.
3. This is the third step of the CRM process where the marketing team has successfully
explained the target or led the product and services and made them interested in
buying. In this step, the representative tries to convert the interested lead by nurturing
it further and by building trust.
4. This is the fourth step where superior customer service should be the main focus of the
marketing team. The CRM process does not end at the conversion step but the CRM
system helps the company in providing better customer services. If the company
provides better customer services to their customers then it can ensure customer
loyalty for the long-term.

upsells and

Provide Convert
superior leads into
support customer

Fig 2: CRM Process

Unit 2: Customer Relationship Management and E-Marketing Solutions 14

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5. This is the last step in the CRM process where marketing efforts are oriented towards
driving up sales. The marketers may use a CRM system to enhance customer services
by accessing the customer data about their needs and serving their customers
accordingly. CRM helps managers to send an email about product releases in one go to
the customer list which is stored in CRM based on their purchases in history.

Activity I
Visit two or three stores and inquire the shop manager about customer relationship
process which they use to maintain their customers. Note down the steps of their
CRM process and compare the pros and cons of different steps used by different
vendors or the shop keepers.

6. Customer life cycle is consisting of _______________ steps.
A. four
B. five
C. six
D. three
7. Customer Relationship Management process is the result of ___________.
A. Customer services
B. Sales activities
C. Effective marketing
D. All of the above
8. Which of the following is the first step in the CRM process?
A. Lead acquisition
B. Creating brand awareness
C. Conversion of lead
D. Provide superior support
9. The last step in CRM process _________________.

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There are mainly four types of CRM technology namely cloud-

based CRM, On-premises CRM, Open source CRM, and social CRM.
The first release of CRM
CRM technology plays a very crucial role in maintaining was done by Pat Sullivan
and Mike Muhney in the
customer-related information along with other information that year 1987.
helps the company to acquire maximum customers and also to
retain them for long-run purposes. Following are the roles of CRM technology in an

• CRM provides customer insight: CRM helps in tracking customer engagement including
personal email and calls. It also helps the marketer in determining the individual
customer behavior.
• CRM technology provides data required to predict buying behavior: CRM helps the
manager or marketers by providing various customers’ related data such as details
related to customer purchases, online shopping cart, social interactions, and location
information, and so on. All these details are used by the company to predict customer
behavior and act accordingly to provide customer services and to retain them.
• It enhances communication: CRM not only provides the data required to acquire and
retain the customer, but it also enhances the communication of the company with the
customers or prospective customers through sending emails instantly, using other
channels for communication, etc.

Unit 2: Customer Relationship Management and E-Marketing Solutions 16

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

10. Which of the following is a type of CRM technology?
A. Cloud based
B. On-premise
C. Both a and b
D. None of the above.
11. The role of technology includes__________.
A. Communication enhancement
B. Helps to predict buying behavior
C. Give customer’s insight
D. All of the above
12. First release of CRM was done in the year _____.

Unit 2: Customer Relationship Management and E-Marketing Solutions 17

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)


It is an important task for every organization to build and maintain good customer
relationships with their existing customers to get more returns, referrals, and net income. In
a small business, people are allowed to reach the customer for building rapport at a personal
level as compared to a big organization. It is important to engage customers to build strong
customer relationships. There are the following five ways to build a bond with the

1. Communication: It is equally important for the business to listen to the customers and
to promote the company’s products and services for building strong customer
relationships. This can be done only through effective communication between the
employees and the customers or the potential customers. Employees should converse
with the customers to know their problems and provide better solutions. The company
should train their employees to communicate with the customers instead of waiting for
customer service to become a trouble.
2. Exceed Expectation: To create customer loyalty and ensure repeated customers it is
important to enhance their services. To create and maintain the bond with company
exists or potential customer the company should keep on enhancing their offers and
services and should provide upgraded products with faster delivery than expected.
3. To get feedback: The Company should encourage customer’s feedback whether it is
favorable or unfavorable. Businesses should place comment cards on the business
counter for getting feedbacks. Businesses should also learn from the data or feedback
and tries to improve so that better services can be provided and more profit can be
4. Connect: CRM technology enables the company and its staff to communicate with the
customers in various ways. To reach customers social networking sites, online
websites, etc are the sources. Ensure that communication is a two-way process and
encourage customers to respond and provide feedback.

Unit 2: Customer Relationship Management and E-Marketing Solutions 18

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

5. Appreciate loyal customers: Always try to reward the company’s long-term and loyal
customers. The company may provide discount coupons to the customers after earning
certain reward points. The company may use a loyalty program app to track the
company’s loyal customers. The company may also provide expensive gifts such as hats,
shirts, etc. with the company’s logo and can give less expensive gifts such as key chains,
pens, etc. to show gratitude to the loyal customers of the company.

13. Who first released the concept of CRM?
A. Pat Sullivan
B. Mike Muhney
C. Gregnor George
D. Both A and B
14. Which of the following are the ways to build bond with their customers?
A. By exceeding expectation
B. By communicating
C. By connecting
D. All of the above
15. ___________ is the way by which loyal customers can be appreciated.

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CRM technology helps the company to track the purchases made by the customers using bar
code scanning and customer identification card. Various CRM components are used to
analyze and integrate the data. Following are the main CRM technology used in business

• Cloud-Based CRM: CRM is based on cloud computing which is also known as SaaS or
on-demand CRM. Using this type of CRM application, a user may access the data
anytime anywhere as the data is stored on an external, remote network. This type of
CRM technology enables a company to use it with limited expertise and resources. CRM
is more cost-effective and it also considers data security aspects of using CRM
• On-premises CRM: In this type of technology, the company takes the license of such
technology rather than purchasing a yearly subscription. This CRM application helps in
the administration, control, maintenance, security of the database system. Generally,
companies with more complex CRM requirements deploy this type of CRM system. This
software uses the company’s server and a prolonged installation process is required to
fully integrate the company’s whole data.
• Open source CRM: This type of CRM is open for the companies who want to make
changes without incurring any cost. This system enables the company to add or change
the data available on data links on the social channel.

7.1. Features To Be Considered Before Selecting The CRM Software

Following are the features that should be considered while selecting the CRM software:

• Workflow Automation: CRM helps the company to automate its work by providing
various specific functions based on events. Some of them are as follows:
➢ CRM automatically directs the message to the right salesperson when received
from potential customers.
➢ It automatically acknowledges the message received by the employees.

Unit 2: Customer Relationship Management and E-Marketing Solutions 20

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

➢ CRM also send follow up message to the potential customer if a response is not
received within the preset time duration.
➢ It keeps track of all the communication activity.
➢ CRM automatically reports to the supervisor once the salesperson completes its
• Customization: Every organization has different functions and different CRM
requirements. To cater to their all requirements CRM allows them to choose the
features they want to get include in their package. This customization will enable the
company to add contact fields, show data as per requirement on the dashboard, create
customized reports, etc.
• Third-Party Integration: This is the feature that allows the company to connect CRM
software to the system which is already been used. This could save the company time
and money.
• Excellent Customer Service: This is the main feature due to which company goes for
CRM system installation in their organization. CRM system should support the sales
team in generating leads and converting the same by providing all relevant information.
CRM should also create a unique reference number for each account so that each
customer can be dealt with greater efficiency.
• Employee Tracking: CRM system is not only confined to a recording of customer data
but also employee’s track and performance too. This will help employee, supervisor,
and the company to track their working hours, tasks performed, sales, goals met,
targets, etc.
• Social Media: CRM also provides a social media monitoring feature that could save the
company’s sales steam time. This enables the company to know about the opinion of
people on the company’s brand, customer’s insight, insight about actions taken on
social media, etc.
• Lead Management: CRM system should manage the company’s lead by providing
necessary data. CRM system may provide data which could help the sale force to
determine their potential lead and the actions that are required to be taken through the
sales cycle.

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• It should provide Real-Time Data: Real-time data helps the company to know about
the market demand so that company may provide better services to the customers and
yield better returns.
• CRM Analytics: This feature enables the company to collect all the data related to
customers who can be used by the company to understand customer behavior online
through web analytics and to serve in a better way.
• Sales Forecasting: CRM system should be able to predict future sales based on the
collected data. This will help a company to decide about the number of units to be
produced and also the level of advertisement required to promote the products and
• E-mail: An email feature in the CRM system helps the company employees or sales
representatives to be more productive and organized. This will save the time of
employees in creating or drafting an email as it automatically pulls the email templates.

7.2. Major Industries That Uses CRM

The major industries that use CRM are as follows:

• Retail industry: Retail industry is the type of industry that uses CRM as it requires
attracting a maximum number of customers. This is because the retail industry involves
buying and selling products and services.
• Banking: The banking industry also uses CRM software to maintain better customer
relationships. They use CRM to procure data related to customer’s needs and
preferences. Bank also tries to maintain good relations with their HNIs.
• Hotel Industry: This industry is service-based which requires data related to potential
guests and existing guests to offer better services. They are also interested in feedback
so that they may improve their services further.
• Financial Service Industry: This industry is privileged by the use of CRM technology
as they target their high-value customer using their data. CRM helps such an industry
to create new customers.

Unit 2: Customer Relationship Management and E-Marketing Solutions 22

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

• Insurance: CRM helps the insurance companies by providing complete data for every
client. The company may use CRM for keeping track of every client for the companies
that provide tailor-made offerings.
• Consultancy: CRM also helps these industries by providing necessary data to manage
their daily ask and for focusing on the client in a better way.
• Agriculture: CRM can also help the agriculture sector by keeping the track record of
available logistics, raw material, etc.

16. Which of the following industries uses CRM?
A. Retail
B. Financial service
C. Banking
D. All of the above.
17. Which of the following features should be considered while selecting CRM?
A. Customization
B. Third party integration
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
18. ___________ enables the company to collect customer data.

Unit 2: Customer Relationship Management and E-Marketing Solutions 23

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In modern times, businesses need to consider community-driven engagement management

instead of traditional vendor-determined relationship management. SAP Web Channel
Experience Management is used by the company to turn online web shops into the
interactive channel and profitable sales. SAP Web Channel Experience Management provides
a common platform to the customers so that they can do self-service interaction with e-
commerce. Following are the reasons due to which people are using SAP (WCEM):

• Key benefits of SAP WCEM are that it provides tight integration of data and processes
with other processes such as SAP ERP and SAP CRM.
• All logics are used in SAP WCEB which is used in ERP and
SAP Web Channel
CRM processes. Experience Management is
the new fully integrated
• It is so integrated that all the data available on SAP ERP solution with SAP ERP and
SAP CRM. It provides
will be available o web shops automatically. common user interface for
looking catalogs, shopping
• This software supports real-time order generation, sites, etc.

credit management, and various payments, check

availability, etc.
• It is beneficial as a small amount of investment is required for using a web channel
• SAP WCEM provides one common solution for both B2C and B2B.
• It uses the latest Web2.0 functionality.

Unit 2: Customer Relationship Management and E-Marketing Solutions 24

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

19. CRM uses _________ functionality.
A. Web 2.0
B. Web 1.5
C. Web 1.2
D. Web 1.6
20. WCEM stands for_____________
A. Web Camera Efficient Management
B. Web Channel Efficient Management
C. Web Channel Experience Management
D. None of the above
21. _______________ provides common solution for B2B and B2C.

Unit 2: Customer Relationship Management and E-Marketing Solutions 25

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As per the new generation, people are more aware and always seek real-time information
for better decisions. The next-generation of CRM is mobile-based as people are using mobiles
for seeking information rather than desktops or laptops for quicker access. It has been
known from a study that internet usage through mobile has been grown tremendously. Due
to this, a company needs to prepare their mobile strategy where they can use CRM for getting
customer data and may provide information to their potential customers using the mobile
app. The company needs to add cloud storage to their mobile. The salesperson should know
about their customers at their fingertips so that they can provide better services. The
addition of Mobile CRM to sales operation teams will enhance their performance as it helps
in providing real-time information.

9.1 Advantages of Mobile CRM:

• With the help of Mobile CRM, experts may access data anytime anywhere they need.
This will help the sales team to improve their productivity.
• With the help of mobile CRM, sales representatives may send information to customers
such as promotional information, brochure, etc. quicker than sending it through email
or courier.
• Sales representatives may check the previous communication records with the
prospective customers quickly just by looking at their smart phones.
• Mobile CRM allows the sales representatives to access the information on demand and
can respond to the problems before they could arise.
• Mobile CRM enables reps to visit a to-do list in-app which eliminates the requirement
of sticky notes, typed documents, etc.

Unit 2: Customer Relationship Management and E-Marketing Solutions 26

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

Activity II
Take two companies into consideration where one is using CRM system and
another is not using CRM system. Differentiate these two companies on the basis of
their customer types and their sales growth.

Clearly mention your findings in terms of customer satisfaction also.

22. Which of the following type of CRM provides faster access to data?

A. Mobile CRM
B. On-premises CRM
C. Social CRM
D. Both A and C

23. Mobile CRM is faster than other CRM. True/False

24. Salesperson should know about their customers at their fingertips so that they can
provide better services. [True/False]

Unit 2: Customer Relationship Management and E-Marketing Solutions 27

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

What is
Customer Overview of New
Relationship Customer
Management in CRM – A
& Why CRM? a Web 2.0 Mobile App
World and a
Investing Component
in CRM s of CRM Advantage
Customer s of new
Relationship generation
Management CRM
Managemen Applications
t Process

Features to
Role of s that use
Customer CRM
selecting the
Relationship CRM
Managemen software
t technology

Bonding for SAP Web

Customer Channel
Relationshi Experience
p Managemen

Why should SAP

be chosen?

Fig 3: Conceptual Map

Unit 2: Customer Relationship Management and E-Marketing Solutions 28

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)


• Maintaining healthy relationships with existing customers is as important as

generating sales through online selling.
• Challenges in e-CRM include security, processing information, unpredictable future,
personalization of ads, optimizing email content and frequency, and getting hold of in-
store data.
• Customer relationship management is the blend of strategies, procedures, technologies
that can be used by the organization to gather relevant information about the existing
• The purpose of customer relationship management is to maintain customer service
relationships, retention of existing customers, and drive sales growth.
• The reasons due to which investment in CRM is considered as a good decision for an
organization may include that it provides real-time data access, allows email
communication, etc.
• Gathered data about their existing and potential customer may help the businesses to
determine the trends and insights about them.
• CRM helps the sales force in the closing team much faster by ensuring quick and fast
responses to customer queries.
• Components of CRM may include Artificial intelligence, sales automation, marketing
automation, use of geographical location, call center automation, lead management, etc.
• There are mainly four types of CRM technology namely cloud-based CRM, On-premises
CRM, Open source CRM, and social CRM.
• CRM technology plays a very crucial role in maintaining customer-related information
along with other information that helps the company to acquire maximum customers
and also to retain them for long-run purposes.
• The ways to create bonds with customers using CRM may include communication,
exceeding expectations, connection, etc.
• Features that can be considered while selecting CRM may include automation,
customization, lead management, third-party integration, employee tracking, CRM
analytics, etc.

Unit 2: Customer Relationship Management and E-Marketing Solutions 29

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

• SAP Web Channel Experience Management is used by the company to turn online web
shops into interactive channels and profitable sales.
• SAP Web Channel Experience Management provides a common platform to the
customers so that they can do self-service interaction with e-commerce.
• Major industries that use CRM may include banking, financial service, retail, hotel,
consultancy, insurance, agriculture, etc.
• The addition of Mobile CRM to sales operation teams will enhance their performance
as it helps in providing real-time information.
• With the help of mobile CRM, sales representatives may send information to customers
such as promotional information, brochure, etc. quicker than sending it through email
or courier.

Unit 2: Customer Relationship Management and E-Marketing Solutions 30

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• Digital: In the current scenario, digital is synonymously used for the computer where
the digit is also referred to as the use of numbers.
• CRM: CRM is an abbreviation used for Customer Relationship Management which
refers to the process of maintaining good relationships with their customers by
providing better services.
• Web: Web also refers to World Wide Web which means the collection of WebPages or
websites which store data.
• Software: It refers to the set of instructions that guides the computer to work or
perform some specific tasks.
• Mobile App: The applications which can be used through a mobile device are referred
to as mobile apps.
• Application software: The computing software that is designed to perform specific
tasks by the end users is referred to as application software.
• Technology: Any machinery or equipment that is used for the application of scientific
knowledge is referred to as technology.
• SAP: SAP is an abbreviation used for System Applications and Products which is also
referred to as Enterprise resource planning software.

Unit 2: Customer Relationship Management and E-Marketing Solutions 31

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)


Amazon Company-CRM

Amazon is one of the biggest e-commerce companies which are established in U.S. It sells the
products to millions of customer across the world via electronic media. Amazon primarily
started as the books retailer which later deals in extensive range of products. This is also the
pioneer of kindle device where e-books are available for customers.

Amazon is dealing with almost all products to satisfy customer’s need. The basis behind the
success of Amazon is strong in-house tailor made customer relationship management
system. Amazon has its own CRM system which is customized as per their requirements. The
in-house built CRM helps the company to capture customer data and location related to
purchases and modifies user’s on-site experience. This software also helps the company by
solving their customer’s query on faster basis. It allows customer to check details of their
previous orders, current status of their order, delivery process, return policy, etc.

Following are the ways by which Amazon uses CRM:

• Data collection: When customer makes purchases from Amazon then they require
opening an account with Amazon. The company uses this account to know about
customer’s purchases and also uses the information for sending offers related to the
upcoming products.
• Personal data storage: Account created with Amazon allows the customer to make
quick purchases as it already store personal data such as payment details, address, etc.
• Recommendation: The CRM system of Amazon provides recommendation of products
to the online customers based on their previous purchase. This feature was pioneered
by the company Amazon itself. This recommendation will help the company to boost
their sales.
• Customer support: Amazon uses CRM system for providing customer support services
such as solving queries related to returns, purchase, delivery, etc. They can solve their
queries either online or on call.
• Kindle marketplace: With CRM support, kindle services cannot be provided efficiently.

Unit 2: Customer Relationship Management and E-Marketing Solutions 32

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)


Discussion Questions:

1. Imagine the Company Amazon with CRM. Does absence of CRM will hinder the growth
and sales of the company? Comment.
2. Research about the features that Amazon has in-built in their in-house developed CRM.
List some of the features.



Q1. What are the benefits of using CRM?

Q2. Explain the components of CRM.

Q3. How CRM technology is useful for the banking and insurance industry?

Q4. What is cloud-based CRM?

Q5. What is on-premise CRM?


Q1. Explain the CRM process in brief.

Q2. Explain how bonding with customers can be done.

Q3. Explain few features that should be considered while selecting CRM.

Q4. Explain the reasons for using SAP WCEM?

Q5. What are the advantages of Mobile CRM?

Unit 2: Customer Relationship Management and E-Marketing Solutions 33

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)



1. E-Marketing
2. CRM
3. B. Dummy customer
4. D. All of the above
5. D. None of them
6. B. Five
7. D. All of them
8. B. Creating brand awareness
9. Drive up sells or referrals
10. C. Both a and b
11. D. All of the above
12. 1987
13. D. Both A and B
14. D. All of the above
15. Expensive or inexpensive gifts with logo
16. D. All of the above
17. C. Both a and b
18. CRM analytics
19. A. Web 2.0
20. C. Web Channel Experience Management
22. A. Mobile CRM
23. True
24. True



Unit 2: Customer Relationship Management and E-Marketing Solutions 34

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

Answer 1: Following are the benefits of using CRM in an organization:

• CRM helps in maintaining customer-related information which helps the customer

support representatives to provide better customer service using information related
to a past purchase.
• Gathered data about their existing and potential customer may help the businesses to
determine the trends and insights about them.
• CRM helps the sales force in the closing team much faster by ensuring quick and fast
responses to customer queries.

Answer 2: Following are the few components of CRM:

• Sales force automation: Sales force automation tool keeps track of the customer which
is required for sales leads, to generate new customers, and to retain them.
• Marketing automation is another tool of CRM that helps in performing repetitive tasks
so that marketing efforts can be enhanced at different points during the lifecycle of lead
• Contact center automation helps in solving customer problems through prerecorded
audio that may assist them and provide them with the required information.
• Use relocation technology which helps in approaching sales prospect customers using
their physical location through networking or contact management.

Answer 3: Banking: banking industry also uses CRM software to maintain better customer
relationships. They use CRM to procure data related to customer’s needs and preferences.
Bank also tries to maintain good relations with their HNIs.

Insurance: CRM helps the insurance companies by providing complete data for every client.
The company may use CRM for keeping track of every client for the companies that provide
tailor-made offerings.

Answer 4: Cloud-Based CRM: CRM is based on cloud computing which is also known as SaaS
or on-demand CRM. Using this type of CRM application, the user may access the data anytime
anywhere as the data is stored on an external, remote network. This type of CRM technology

Unit 2: Customer Relationship Management and E-Marketing Solutions 35

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enables the company to use it with limited expertise and resources. CRM is more cost-
effective and it also considers data security aspects of using CRM technology.

Answer 5: On-premises CRM: In this type of technology, the company takes the license of
such technology rather than purchasing a yearly subscription. This CRM application helps in
the administration, control, maintenance, security of the database system. Generally,
companies with more complex CRM requirements deploy this type of CRM system. This
software uses the company’s server and a prolonged installation process is required to fully
integrate the company’s whole data.


Answer 1: CRM Process consists of five steps which are as follows:

1. The first step of the customer relationship management process is to generate brand
awareness. In this step, business focuses on introducing their products and services to
their target audience. While creating brand awareness, the marketing team of the
business learned about their target audience. They segregated the target audience into
similar groups. The marketing team then creates marketing campaigns to create brand
awareness among those segregated groups based on their taste, preferences, and their
2. In the second step, the lead acquisition is the aim of the marketing team where they try
to gather information from the CRM tool about leads' email addresses so that detailed
information about that lead can be procured and used for conversion.
3. This is the third step of the CRM process where the marketing team has successfully
explained the target or led the product and services and made them interested in
buying. In this step, the representative tries to convert the interested lead by nurturing
it further and by building trust.
4. This is the fourth step where superior customer service should be the main focus of the
marketing team. The CRM process does not end at the conversion step but the CRM
system helps the company in providing better customer services. If the company
provides better customer services to their customers then it can ensure customer
loyalty for the long-term.

Unit 2: Customer Relationship Management and E-Marketing Solutions 36

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

5. This is the last step in the CRM process where marketing efforts are oriented towards
driving up sells. The marketers may use a CRM system to enhance customer services
by accessing the customer data about their needs and serving their customers
accordingly. CRM helps managers to send an email about product releases in one go to
the customer list which is stored in CRM based on their purchases in history.

Answer 2: There are the following five ways to build a bond with the customers:

1. Communication: It is equally important for the business to listen to the customers and
to promote the company’s products and services for building strong customer
relationships. This can be done only through effective communication between the
employees and the customers or the potential customers.
2. Exceed Expectation: To create customer loyalty and ensure repeated customers it is
important to enhance their services. To create and maintain the bond with company
exists or potential customer the company should keep on enhancing their offers and
services and should provide upgraded products with faster delivery than expected.
3. To get feedback: The Company should encourage customer’s feedback whether it is
favorable or unfavorable. Businesses should place comment cards on the business
counter for getting feedbacks. Businesses should also learn from the data or feedback
and tries to improve so that better services can be provided and more profit can be
4. Connect: CRM technology enables the company and its staff to communicate with the
customers in various ways. To reach customers social networking sites, online
websites, etc are the sources. Ensure that communication is a two-way process and
encourage customers to respond and provide feedback.
5. Appreciate loyal customers: Always try to reward the company’s long-term and loyal
customers. The company may provide discount coupons to the customers after earning
certain reward points. The company may use a loyalty program app to track the
company’s loyal customers.

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Answer 3: Following are the features that should be considered while selecting the CRM

• Workflow automation: CRM helps the company to automate their work by providing
various specific functions based on events.
• Customization: Every organization has different functions and different CRM
requirements. To cater to their all requirements CRM allows them to choose the
features they want to get include in their package. This customization will enable the
company to add contact fields, show data as per requirement on the dashboard, create
customized reports, etc.
• Third-party integration: this is the feature that allows the company to connect CRM
software to the system which is already been used. This could save the company time
and money.
• Employee tracking: CRM system is not only confined to the recording of customer data
but also employee’s track and performance too. This will help employee, supervisor,
and the company to track their working hours, tasks performed, sales, goals met,
targets, etc.
• Lead management: CRM system should manage the company’s lead by providing
necessary data. CRM system may provide data which could help the sale force to
determine their potential lead and the actions that are required to be taken through the
sales cycle.
• Provide real-time data: Real-time data helps the company to know about the market
demand so that company may provide better services to the customers and yield better
• CRM analytics: This feature enables the company to collect all the data related to
customers who can be used by the company to understand customer behavior online
through web analytics and to serve in a better way.

Answer 4: Following are the reasons due to which people are using SAP (WCEM):

• Key benefits of SAP WCEM are that it provides tight integration of data and processes
with other processes such as SAP ERP and SAP CRM.

Unit 2: Customer Relationship Management and E-Marketing Solutions 38

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• All logics are used in SAP WCEB which is used in ERP and CRM processes.
• It is so integrated that all the data available on SAP ERP will be available o web shops
• This software supports real-time order generation, credit management, and various
payments, check availability, etc.
• It is beneficial as a small amount of investment is required for using a web channel
• SAP WCEM provides one common solution for both B2C and B2B.
• It uses the latest Web2.0 functionality.

Answer 5: Following are the advantages of Mobile CRM:

1. With the help of Mobile CRM, experts may access data anytime anywhere they need.
This will help the sales team to improve their productivity.
2. With the help of mobile CRM, sales representatives may send information to customers
such as promotional information, brochure, etc. quicker than sending it through email
or courier.
3. Sales representatives may check the previous communication records with the
prospective customers quickly just by looking at their smart phones.
4. Mobile CRM allows the sales representatives to access the information on demand and
can respond to the problems before they could arise.
5. Mobile CRM enables reps to visit to-do lists in-app which eliminates the requirement of
sticky notes, typed documents, etc.

Unit 2: Customer Relationship Management and E-Marketing Solutions 39

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• Francis Buttle, (2008), Customer Relationship Management: Concepts and

technologies, second edition, Butterworth publisher.
• V Kumar and Werner J. Reinartz, (2012), Customer Relationship Management:
Concepts, strategy, and tools, Kobo publisher.
• Stan Maklan, Adrian Payne, Lynette Ryals, Simon Knox, (2002), Customer Relationship
Management, Butterworth publisher.


• What is the CRM process? 5 key steps, viewed on 14th March, 2021,
• The Role of Technology in CRM, viewed on 14th March, 2021,
• 7 industries that use CRM the most, viewed on 14th March, 2021,
• 5 Ways to Build Killer Relationships With Customers, viewed on 14th March, 2021,

Unit 2: Customer Relationship Management and E-Marketing Solutions 40

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)




Unit 3: The Online Marketing Mix 1

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

Unit 3
The Online Marketing Mix
Table of Contents

SL Fig No / Table SAQ /

Topic Page No
No / Graph Activity
1 Introduction - -
1.1 Learning Objectives - -
2 E-Products 1 1 6-9
3 E-Price - 2 10 - 11
4 E-Promotion - 3 12 - 14
5 E-Place 2 4, I 15 - 17
6 Summary - - 18 - 19
7 Glossary - - 20
8 Case Study - - 21
9 Terminal Questions - - 22
10 Answer Keys - - 23 - 28
11 Suggested Books and e-References - - 29

Unit 3: The Online Marketing Mix 2

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)


Trust on the Internet has positively changed how business is done in the most recent decade.
Most entrepreneurs understand that their business has the lion's share in promoting,
publicizing, and achieving without an online presence. These days, paying little heed to the
political decision, somebody has their blog, a long-range interpersonal communication stage,
and, obviously, their site.

On the off chance that you own a business and don't have a site, so you are passing up selling
in the most productive manner. Subsequently, it is fundamental for all organizations to make
a site and fortify their essence through computerized promotion. In straightforward terms,
this is a type of promoting that exists on the web, and when it's disconnected, it's
conventional showcasing. The essential standards, qualities, and promoting conventional
showcasing strategies are consistently at the core of this imaginative stage. Purchaser
conduct and segment objective appear to be more noticeable.

This computerized promoting offers a wide range of web advertising, however, centers on
advanced media.

A mixture of sources can be used to strengthen an organization's

items and administrations, such as texting, cell phone, sites, and
In 2020, customer
text informing. What's more, the computerized idea of this sort of retention overtook
customer conversion
promoting is viewed as quite possibly the most productive and acquisition as the
primary goal for website
publicizing media. The ensuing settings give an obvious sign of personalization.
how your sites are approved inside the zones of computerized

Advanced showcasing is a blend of two words, for example, advanced and promoting. In
basic words, Digital methods anything that you can see or get with a hardware gadget like
TV, cell phone, radio. Advertising intends to comprehend the necessities of the shopper and
give the items or administrations in like manner. Computerized Marketing is done to contact
a focused crowd to investigate their requests, advance items, and administrations and make

Unit 3: The Online Marketing Mix 3

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

brand mindfulness utilizing diverse computerized stages present on the web. It is chiefly
done on the Internet.

Showcasing should likewise be possible utilizing regular techniques like TV ads, boards,
visiting cards, hoardings. Yet, these strategies need colossal venture, are not all that savvy,
and it's hard to break down the return on investment (ROI) on them.

Hence, advertisers found better viewpoints to connect with the crowd using the Internet.
These days advertisers utilize advanced platforms like Search Engines (Google, Bing, etc.)
and Social Media (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp) to access brands with little to no

Anybody in any field can utilize Digital Marketing. The vast majority of individuals execute it
to make mindfulness. Business consultants will use it to work any lobby for his or her things.

Business leaders or entrepreneurs share their opinions related to business thoughts and
request finance and advertising consultants to do an overview or position their sites. Today,
this classification keeps in understanding the fundamental exercises related to showcasing.
The showcasing blend addresses how an association's expansive advertising procedures are
converted into promoting programs for activity.

Over the long run, new classifications of the advertising blend have been proposed. One
model is the four Cs, proposed by Robert F Lauterborn in 1990:

Consumer: what the client needs and needs

Convenience: a two-path discourse with the client

Communication: a simple interaction to act or purchase

Cost: the client's expense to fulfill that need or need.

The four Cs remember a more prominent concentration for the client yet adjust pleasantly
with the more established four Ps. They additionally empower one to consider the
showcasing blend for administrations, not simply items. While it is hard to consider lodging
facilities as a particular item, it is simpler to consider an inn making a client arrangement.

Unit 3: The Online Marketing Mix 4

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

1.1 Learning Objectives

After studying this chapter, you will be able to:

❖ Define the concept of E-products

❖ Explain the scope and importance of E-pricing
❖ Describe the concept of E- promotion
❖ Explain the scope and importance of E-place

Unit 3: The Online Marketing Mix 5

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)


E-products are a mainstay of modern living in the current digital era and have grown in
popularity. Products and services that are offered through digital channels like the internet,
mobile apps, or software are referred to as "e-products," or short for electronic products.
They can be consumed quickly, at any time, and anywhere in the world because they are
often immaterial. Ebooks, streaming music and video, online courses, and software as service
(SaaS) platforms are a few examples of e-products.

Electronic commerce is a platform where buyers and sellers interact with each other and
proceed towards buying and selling goods and services with the help of the internet. The
business that is run through online mode or with the help of the web is referred to as
electronic trade and another name is web trade. The business provides online assistant to
clients and vendors. A few things that are exchanged in online trade, such as information,
online payment, etc., are also considered in electronic trade. These deals should be possible
for Business to Business (B2B), Business to Customer (B2C), Customer to Customer (C2C),
and Customer to Business (C2B). The usual meaning of e-business or online business refers
to a business exchange over the web. Online e-commerce platforms like Amazon, Flipkart,
Shopify, Myntra, eBay, Quikr, Olx are a few examples of electronic trade done on a global
platform. E-commerce allows us to gain few information about the recent trends going on in
the market.

Online trade is very booming nowadays as every business is taking digital platforms through
internet and connecting with a large number of buyers and sellers. Online business is a very
simple term, but it includes various things such as exchange of information, data, resources
between businesses, and customers.

E-Commerce Models

We can categorize the E-commerce models into different categories as per the researchers
and business consultants. The reason behind the categorization is to understand the
customer and gaining more information so that the business can cater to needs easily. Here
we have four different dimensions as discussed below.

Unit 3: The Online Marketing Mix 6

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

1. Business to Business: In b2b dealing, we only consider businesses where one business
is a seller and another one is a buyer and they do transaction between them for buying
and selling of goods, services, etc. It includes the various retailers, wholesalers, etc.
2. Business to Consumer: In b2c trade, we consider two essential units: business and
customers, where a business sells goods and services to the customer. We have few
examples of this as Amazon, Flipkart, etc.
3. Purchaser to Consumer: In this type of network, there is directly dealing between the
purchaser and consumer. There is no mediator between or any agency that intervenes
in the process and asks for a commission, and there are only two parties involved. An
example of such a business is the olx site where one
person sells to another.
According to the study,
4. Buyer to Business: This is the opposite of the b2c Facebook makes the most
significant impact on
market. Here, customers support the business by selling consumers on what they
buy, and around 50% of
their items on the company's site. Nowadays, customers Facebook members utilize
their mobile phones to
are also browse products online.
becoming very informative and trying to sell their items
on digital platforms. Here business buy items from customers and sells it on their

Advantages of E-Commerce:

With the help of the internet, any business can reach a large audience, but they should have
proper resources and access to the market. With the e-commerce business, it is easy to
understand the customer better and connect directly with customers at any time through
any medium.

E-business is very helpful and gaining more importance because it reduces the fixed
expenditure of companies and companies can now invest that money in providing the best
experience to customer through online medium. E-trade is less expensive as compared to
another mode of trades.

E-commerce gives the access to customer to order goods and services at their convenience
at anytime from anywhere and to track their order, and get a quick update about order. It

Unit 3: The Online Marketing Mix 7

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

also helps in reducing the wastage of times and efforts in buying or selling any item

Source- Marketing Teacher Fig 1: The Concept of Mix Marketing

The most amazing benefit of e-commerce is that it does not require any special access
permission or time because customer and seller can easily access it any time without paying
any cost, whereas in offline trade there are fixed timings beyond that marketer cannot sell
their items and customer cannot buy any items. It permits the business to connect with
customer and stay in touch with them.

The convenience of e-products is one of their main advantages. Consumers can easily access
items and services using e-products from the convenience of their homes or while travelling
with their cellphones, tablets, or computers. Compared to conventional ways of learning or
purchasing, which may include travel or making in-person appointments, this saves time and
effort. The affordability of e-products is another advantage. E-products frequently have
lower overhead expenses than physical goods or in-person services, enabling businesses to
offer services at reduced charges or even for free. Consumers that are trying to save money
or new enterprises that need to keep costs down may find this to be especially helpful.

Unit 3: The Online Marketing Mix 8

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E-products also provide a great level of personalization and flexibility. Online classes, for
instance, can be adapted to each student's unique needs and learning preferences, and
software programmes can be altered to meet certain corporate requirements. Customers
may be more satisfied and more loyal because of this level of customisation.

Despite the many benefits of e-products, there may also be certain disadvantages to consider.
Protection of financial and personal data when making online transactions is a serious
concern. Furthermore, certain customers could favour tangible things or in-person services
for services or experiences.

E-products have a lot of advantages in terms of flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and ease. E-

products are going to play a bigger role in our daily lives as technology develops further and
more firms go online.

1. Which of the following concept determines in which organizations work with
one another?
A. Business to Business
B. Business to Consumer
C. Consumer to third party
D. Purchaser to Consumer
2. _________________ determines where your products or service stands compared to
similar products or services and how your products or services impact the
consumer’s mind.

Unit 3: The Online Marketing Mix 9

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In an online marketing mix, pricing is always a complicated factor and should consider many
considerations. The World Wide Web has made pricing factors very competitive. Staff costs,
store costs, etc., have diminished in online stores. The internet gives power to consumers to
shop around just by using a click of a button. Consumers can easily compare products and
services from various websites in terms of price and can found the best deal. E-pricing can
also simply reward loyal customers. Payment has become very easy through using online
cards, debit cards, Paytm, PayPal, etc.

E-pricing is the process of figuring out the cost of products or services sold online. It is a
crucial element of e-commerce since it has an immediate impact on how profitable online
enterprises are. Depending on the industry, target market, and level of competition, different
e-pricing schemes may be used.

Dynamic pricing, which involves changing rates in real-time based on multiple aspects like
demand, competition, and time of day, is a well-liked e-pricing method. Airlines, hotel
booking services, and internet shops all frequently employ this tactic. Dynamic pricing
enables companies to increase profits by charging different prices to different customers
based on their willingness to pay.

Cost-plus pricing, which establishes the selling price by adding a markup to the cost of goods
or services, is another kind of e-pricing. Businesses that sell actual things, like internet shops,
frequently employ this tactic. Cost-plus pricing guarantees that companies cover their
expenses and turn a profit on every transaction.

Another well-liked e-pricing technique is value-based pricing, which involves determining

rates in accordance with the perceived worth of a good or service to the client. Businesses
that provide premium or luxurious goods or services, such as upscale clothing companies or
five-star hotels, frequently employ this tactic. Value-based pricing enables companies to set
higher prices by highlighting the special characteristics and advantages of their goods and

Unit 3: The Online Marketing Mix 10

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The practise of providing a free, basic version of a product or service while charging for more
advanced features or extra services is known as freemium pricing. Software businesses,
including those that create mobile applications and offer online resources, frequently
employ this tactic. Businesses can use free offerings to draw in new clients while making
money off of more expensive features or services thanks to freemium pricing.

E-pricing is an intricate process that necessitates carefully taking into account a number of
variables, including client demand, competition, and expenses. Companies can increase their
profitability and get a competitive edge in the online market by using efficient e-pricing

5. When buyers name their own prices it is called __________.
A. B2B
B. B2C
C. C2C
D. None
6. Changing rates in real-time based on multiple aspects like demand, competition,
and time of day is a part of _____ pricing.
7. E in e-commerce stands for electronic. [True/False]

Unit 3: The Online Marketing Mix 11

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E-promotion, commonly referred to as digital marketing or online advertising, is the practise

of promoting goods and services using digital channels like social media, search engines,
email, and websites. Since more consumers spend time online and utilise digital platforms to
make purchases, e-promotion has grown in importance in recent years.

The capacity to target audiences is one of the main benefits of electronic promotion.
Businesses can target clients based on their demographics,
interests, geography, and behaviour through digital marketing
Influencer marketing
platforms. Businesses may increase the efficiency of their has proliferated since
2013. According to the
marketing operations and receive greater results by focusing on Mediakix study,
influencer marketing's
certain audiences. E-promotion also has the benefit of making it growth has resulted in a
$1 billion influencer
possible to evaluate and monitor the success of marketing marketing industry.
initiatives. Businesses have access to a multitude of data through
digital marketing channels, including website traffic, engagement rates, conversion rates,
and consumer behaviour. Using this information will enable marketing campaigns to be
more effective overall.

E-promotion gives companies an affordable option to connect with a broad audience.

Conventional advertising platforms like print, radio, and television can be costly and could
not offer as much targeting and measurement as digital platforms. With greater targeting
and measuring capabilities, digital marketing platforms help businesses reach a broader
audience at a cheaper cost. E-promotion, however, often comes with difficulties. The
continually changing digital scene is one of the main obstacles. Businesses must stay current
with the most recent trends and techniques to stay competitive as new technology and
platforms constantly emerge.

The level of competition in digital marketing is another difficulty. It can be challenging to

separate from the competition and efficiently reach target consumers as more businesses
use digital marketing methods. To attract clients, businesses must invest in high-quality
content and employ unique and novel marketing techniques. In general, e-promotion gives
firms a fun and inventive way to connect with customers and accomplish their marketing

Unit 3: The Online Marketing Mix 12

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objectives. Businesses may raise their visibility, draw in more clients, and boost sales in
today's digital environment by being aware of the benefits and drawbacks of e-promotion
and implementing efficient digital marketing methods.

Businesses can use a variety of techniques to market their goods or services on the internet,
such as:

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of making changes to a website so that it can
appear higher on search engine results pages (SERPs) for pertinent keywords. By producing
high-quality content, optimising the website's code and meta descriptions, and acquiring
backlinks from other websites, businesses can boost their SEO.

Social media marketing: Companies may connect with customers and reach a wide audience
by using social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Working with
influencers, running paid advertisements, and creating and distributing content are all
possible aspects of social media marketing.

Email Marketing: Sending promotional emails to clients or subscribers is known as email

marketing. Companies can use email marketing to disseminate company news, advertise
new goods or services, or provide discounts or coupons.

Content marketing: To draw in and keep the attention of customers, high-quality material is
produced and shared, such as blog entries, infographics, or videos. Businesses may establish
their brands and gain customers' trust by using content marketing.

E-promotion is a vital component of digital marketing that calls for a systematic approach
and a thorough comprehension of the target market. Businesses may expand their visibility,
draw in new clients, and boost revenue by implementing efficient e-promotion techniques.

Unit 3: The Online Marketing Mix 13

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8. ___________ also has the benefit of making it possible to evaluate and monitor the
success of marketing initiatives.
9. To attract clients, businesses must invest in high-quality ______ and employ unique
and novel marketing techniques.
10. Digital marketing platforms help businesses reach a broader audience at a
cheaper _______ .

Unit 3: The Online Marketing Mix 14

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Online distribution, commonly referred to as e-place, is a crucial part of contemporary

corporate strategy. Customers are increasingly making purchases online in the current
digital era; thus, firms must create efficient e-place tactics to make their goods or services
available to customers. Reaching a bigger audience is one of the main benefits of e-place.
Businesses can reach clients who may not be able to visit physical storefronts by offering
their goods or services online. Also, e-place gives companies the chance to connect with
clients in many cities or nations, creating new markets and boosting sales potential. Since
more people buy online and utilise digital platforms to make judgements about their
purchases, e-place has grown in significance in recent years.

The ability to offer clients a simple and convenient purchasing experience is another benefit
of e-place. Customers can browse and buy goods and services through digital channels
whenever they choose from the convenience of their homes. Having this convenience may
result in more satisfied and devoted customers.

Businesses can also streamline their supply chains and cut expenses by using E-place.
Businesses can cut back on the requirement for physical storefronts, warehouses, and other
infrastructure by selling goods or services online. Lower overhead expenses and more
earnings may arise from this.

E-place, however, also comes with some difficulties. The necessity for trusted and safe
internet distribution channels is one of the main obstacles. Companies must make sure that
client data is secure on their e-commerce platforms and websites. If you don't, you risk losing
your good name and facing legal repercussions. Effective digital marketing and customer
engagement techniques are also required, which is a difficulty. It can be challenging to stand
out and draw clients in an online marketplace where there are so many firms vying attention.
To succeed in the modern digital market, businesses must invest in high-quality content,
targeted advertising, and individualised consumer experiences.

Unit 3: The Online Marketing Mix 15

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Businesses can use several methods to make their goods or services available online,

E-commerce platforms: E-commerce platforms give companies the chance to sell their items
online, including Amazon, eBay, and Shopify. These platforms give tools to manage orders,
inventory, and payments as well as access to a sizable audience for businesses.

Company Website: Companies may also make their goods or services available on their own
websites. This may entail creating an online store or adding e-commerce features to an
already existing website.

Online marketplaces: Internet markets like Etsy and Fiverr give companies the chance to sell
distinctive or handmade products online. These marketplaces give tools to organise orders
and payments as well as access to a specialised audience for businesses.

Social media: Sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest give companies the chance to
promote their goods and services while attracting customers to their website or online store.

A systematic strategy and a thorough comprehension of the target market are essential for
e-place, a crucial component of digital marketing. Businesses can enhance revenue, increase
visibility, and draw in new clients by implementing successful e-place initiatives. But, to
guarantee a pleasant customer experience and foster customer trust, businesses must make
sure that their online distribution channels are secure and dependable.

Businesses may reach clients and meet their sales targets in fresh and cutting-edge ways
with the help of e-place. Businesses can raise their visibility, draw in more clients, and boost
sales in today's digital marketplace by being aware of the benefits and drawbacks of the e-
place and implementing efficient online distribution tactics.

Unit 3: The Online Marketing Mix 16

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

11. Reaching a bigger audience is one of the main benefits of e-______.
12. _______ platforms give tools to manage orders, inventory, and payments as well as
access to a sizable audience for businesses
13. Businesses must make sure that their online distribution channels are _______ and

Activity I
Suppose you are going to run an online business with the help of a website. You
have to decide your target market, segmenting customers, and design a marketing
strategy to communicate with your customers. Determine on what basis you would
like to segment your customers and target them. As a marketing manager, explain
the key aspects of your marketing strategies, such as product, place, price,
promotion, etc., to run an online business.

The Online
Marketing Mix

E-Products E-Promotion

E-Place E-Price

Fig 3: Conceptual Map

Unit 3: The Online Marketing Mix 17

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

• E-products are digital products and services that can be consumed quickly, at any time,
and anywhere in the world through digital channels like the internet, mobile apps, or
software. Examples include ebooks, streaming music and video, online courses, and
SaaS platforms.
• E-commerce is a platform where buyers and sellers interact with each other and
proceed towards buying and selling goods and services with the help of the internet. E-
commerce models include B2B, B2C, C2C, and C2B.
• The advantages of e-commerce and e-products include reaching a large audience,
understanding customers better, reducing fixed expenditure, convenience,
affordability, personalization, and flexibility. However, there are also concerns about
the protection of financial and personal data and some customers may prefer tangible
goods or in-person services for certain experiences.
• E-pricing is the process of determining the cost of products or services sold online, and
it is a crucial element of e-commerce as it directly impacts the profitability of online
• There are several e-pricing methods used by businesses, including dynamic pricing,
cost-plus pricing, value-based pricing, and freemium pricing, each with its own
advantages and disadvantages depending on the industry, target market, and level of
• Efficient e-pricing strategies that consider factors such as client demand, competition,
and expenses can help companies increase their profitability and gain a competitive
edge in the online market.
• E-promotion or digital marketing is the practice of promoting goods and services using
digital channels like social media, search engines, email, and websites.
• The main benefits of e-promotion are targeting audiences, evaluating and monitoring
success, and affordability. However, it also has difficulties like staying current with
trends and competition.
• Techniques for e-promotion include search engine optimization, social media
marketing, email marketing, and content marketing.

Unit 3: The Online Marketing Mix 18

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

• Efficient e-promotion techniques require a systematic approach and thorough

understanding of the target market, which can help businesses expand visibility, attract
new clients, and increase revenue.
• E-place, or online distribution, is a crucial aspect of modern corporate strategy due to
the increasing trend of customers purchasing goods and services online.
• E-place offers businesses the opportunity to reach a wider audience, streamline supply
chains, and offer customers a convenient purchasing experience, but it also comes with
challenges such as ensuring secure internet distribution channels and effective digital
marketing strategies.
• To successfully implement e-place initiatives, businesses must develop a systematic
strategy, understand their target market, and ensure that their online distribution
channels are secure and reliable. By doing so, they can increase visibility, draw in new
customers, and boost sales in the digital marketplace.

Unit 3: The Online Marketing Mix 19

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• Advertisement: Advertisement is a type of marketing communication used to promote

a product or service.
• Online shopping: Online shopping is the procedure of buying goods and services over
the internet using a mobile app or a web browser.
• Social Media: Social media consists of applications and websites that allow users to
produce and share content on various channels or to take part in social networking.
• Website: A website is a collection of interconnected web pages, where a company
places relevant information on it that can be easily found on the web.

Unit 3: The Online Marketing Mix 20

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)



Dropbox is ranked as the most valuable startup across the world. It is the most used digital
utility in the world. Dropbox consists of 500 million users, and its usage has been
increasingly growing. It was able to accomplish growth from 1 million to 500 million users
through online marketing.

Dropbox’s online marketing was crucial. It was able to perform in a cost-effectively and
scalable way by recruiting its own customers. It has encouraged customers through various
social media platforms.

Dropbox had to separate marketing campaigns. The main goal was to serve businesses that
would like to pay for a premium model.

The fundamental aspects of Dropbox’s marketing strategy included:

A clear landing page defines its products clearly and in a single sentence that yields the best

It has an inspiring marketing platform and gained audience engagement through innovative
marketing campaigns that were designed to create value.

Dropbox encourages customers to promote Dropbox as a service by providing them

extensive space for files and enabling users to upgrade their space.


Discussion Questions:

1. From the above study, explain Dropbox’s online marketing aspects that cause the best
results for the company.
2. According to you, was Dropbox successful in creating marketing campaigns and
engaging many customers through their service?

Unit 3: The Online Marketing Mix 21

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)



Q1. What do you understand by e-product?

Q2. What is e-place?

Q3. Define e-promotion??

Q4. What is e-pricing?

Q5. Write down the different types of pricing.


Q1. Explain the different types of e-pricing.

Q2. Define the advantages of E-commerce.

Q3. Explain the different types of e-promotion.

Q4. Explain the different types of E-commerce models.

Q5. Explain how different methods of making goods and service online.

Unit 3: The Online Marketing Mix 22

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)



1. True
2. False
3. A. Business to Business
4. Positioning
5. C. C2C
6. Dynamic
7. True
8. E-promotion
9. Content
10. Cost
11. Place
12. E-Commerce
13. Secure



Answer 1

Products and services that are offered through digital channels like the internet, mobile apps,
or software are referred to as "e-products," or short for electronic products.

Answer 2

E-place gives companies the chance to connect with clients in many cities or nations, creating
new markets and boosting sales potential.

Unit 3: The Online Marketing Mix 23

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

Answer 3

E-promotion, commonly referred to as digital marketing or online advertising, is the practise

of promoting goods and services using digital channels like social media, search engines,
email, and websites.

Answer 4

E-pricing is the process of figuring out the cost of products or services sold online.

Answer 5

The types of prevalent e-pricing are Dynamic pricing, Cost-plus pricing, value-based pricing,
and freemium pricing.


Answer 1

E-pricing is the process of figuring out the cost of products or services sold online. It is a
crucial element of e-commerce since it has an immediate impact on how profitable online
enterprises are. Depending on the industry, target market, and level of competition, different
e-pricing schemes may be used.

Dynamic pricing, which involves changing rates in real-time based on multiple aspects like
demand, competition, and time of day, is a well-liked e-pricing method. Airlines, hotel
booking services, and internet shops all frequently employ this tactic. Dynamic pricing
enables companies to increase profits by charging different prices to different customers
based on their willingness to pay.

Cost-plus pricing, which establishes the selling price by adding a markup to the cost of goods
or services, is another kind of e-pricing. Businesses that sell actual things, like internet shops,
frequently employ this tactic. Cost-plus pricing guarantees that companies cover their
expenses and turn a profit on every transaction.

Unit 3: The Online Marketing Mix 24

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Another well-liked e-pricing technique is value-based pricing, which involves determining

rates in accordance with the perceived worth of a good or service to the client. Businesses
that provide premium or luxurious goods or services, such as upscale clothing companies or
five-star hotels, frequently employ this tactic. Value-based pricing enables companies to set
higher prices by highlighting the special characteristics and advantages of their goods and

The practise of providing a free, basic version of a product or service while charging for more
advanced features or extra services is known as freemium pricing. Software businesses,
including those that create mobile applications and offer online resources, frequently
employ this tactic. Businesses can use free offerings to draw in new clients while making
money off of more expensive features or services thanks to freemium pricing.

Answer 2

With the help of the internet, any business can reach a large audience, but they should have
proper resources and access to the market. With the e-commerce business, it is easy to
understand the customer better and connect directly with customers at any time through
any medium.

E-business is very helpful and gaining more importance because it reduces the fixed
expenditure of companies and companies can now invest that money in providing the best
experience to customer through online medium. E-trade is less expensive as compared to
another mode of trades.

E-commerce gives the access to customer to order goods and services at their convenience
at anytime from anywhere and to track their order, and get a quick update about order. It
also helps in reducing the wastage of times and efforts in buying or selling any item

The most amazing benefit of e-commerce is that it does not require any special access
permission or time because customer and seller can easily access it any time without paying
any cost, whereas in offline trade there are fixed timings beyond that marketer cannot sell

Unit 3: The Online Marketing Mix 25

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their items and customer cannot buy any items. It permits the business to connect with
customer and stay in touch with them.

The convenience of e-products is one of their main advantages. Consumers can easily access
items and services using e-products from the convenience of their homes or while travelling
with their cellphones, tablets, or computers. Compared to conventional ways of learning or
purchasing, which may include travel or making in-person appointments, this saves time and
effort. The affordability of e-products is another advantage. E-products frequently have
lower overhead expenses than physical goods or in-person services, enabling businesses to
offer services at reduced charges or even for free. Consumers that are trying to save money
or new enterprises that need to keep costs down may find this to be especially helpful.

E-products also provide a great level of personalization and flexibility. Online classes, for
instance, can be adapted to each student's unique needs and learning preferences, and
software programmes can be altered to meet certain corporate requirements. Customers
may be more satisfied and more loyal because of this level of customisation.

Answer 3

E-promotion is a vital component of digital marketing that calls for a systematic approach
and a thorough comprehension of the target market. Businesses may expand their visibility,
draw in new clients, and boost revenue by implementing efficient e-promotion techniques.
Businesses can use a variety of techniques to market their goods or services on the internet,
such as:

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of making changes to a website so that it can
appear higher on search engine results pages (SERPs) for pertinent keywords. By producing
high-quality content, optimising the website's code and meta descriptions, and acquiring
backlinks from other websites, businesses can boost their SEO.

Social media marketing: Companies may connect with customers and reach a wide audience
by using social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Working with
influencers, running paid advertisements, and creating and distributing content are all
possible aspects of social media marketing.

Unit 3: The Online Marketing Mix 26

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

Email Marketing: Sending promotional emails to clients or subscribers is known as email

marketing. Companies can use email marketing to disseminate company news, advertise
new goods or services, or provide discounts or coupons.

Content marketing: To draw in and keep the attention of customers, high-quality material is
produced and shared, such as blog entries, infographics, or videos. Businesses may establish
their brands and gain customers' trust by using content marketing.

Answer 4

We can categorize the E-commerce models into different categories as per the researchers
and business consultants. The reason behind the categorization is to understand the
customer and gaining more information so that the business can cater to needs easily. Here
we have four different dimensions as discussed below.

1. Business to Business: In b2b dealing, we only consider businesses where one business
is a seller and another one is a buyer and they do transaction between them for buying
and selling of goods, services, etc. It includes the various retailers, wholesalers, etc.
2. Business to Consumer: In b2c trade, we consider two essential units: business and
customers, where a business sells goods and services to the customer. We have few
examples of this as Amazon, Flipkart, etc.
3. Purchaser to Consumer: In this type of network, there is directly dealing between the
purchaser and consumer. There is no mediator between or any agency that intervenes
in the process and asks for a commission, and there are only two parties involved. An
example of such a business is the olx site where one person sells to another.
4. Buyer to Business: This is the opposite of the b2c market. Here, customers support
the business by selling their items on the company's site. Nowadays, customers are also
becoming very informative and trying to sell their items on digital platforms. Here
business buy items from customers and sells it on their websites.

Unit 3: The Online Marketing Mix 27

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

Answer 5

A systematic strategy and a thorough comprehension of the target market are essential for
e-place, a crucial component of digital marketing. Businesses can enhance revenue, increase
visibility, and draw in new clients by implementing successful e-place initiatives. But, to
guarantee a pleasant customer experience and foster customer trust, businesses must make
sure that their online distribution channels are secure and dependable. Businesses can use
several methods to make their goods or services available online, including:

E-commerce platforms: E-commerce platforms give companies the chance to sell their items
online, including Amazon, eBay, and Shopify. These platforms give tools to manage orders,
inventory, and payments as well as access to a sizable audience for businesses.

Company Website: Companies may also make their goods or services available on their own
websites. This may entail creating an online store or adding e-commerce features to an
already existing website.

Online marketplaces: Internet markets like Etsy and Fiverr give companies the chance to sell
distinctive or handmade products online. These marketplaces give tools to organise orders
and payments as well as access to a specialised audience for businesses.

Social media: Sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest give companies the chance to
promote their goods and services while attracting customers to their website or online store.

Unit 3: The Online Marketing Mix 28

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)



• David R. Bell, (2014), Location is everything: Influencing how we search, shop, and sell,
Kindle edition, Amazon Publishing.
• Rob Stokes, (2018), The essential guide to Marketing in a digital world, 6th edition, Red
and Yellow Publisher.
• Ryan Deiss and Russ Henneberry, (2017), Digital Marketing for Dummies, 1st edition,
Wiley Publisher.
• WEBB, (2016), What customers crave: creating memorable and relevant experiences
at every touchpoint, Kindle edition, Mc Graw Hill Education Publisher.


• Customer Segmentation, viewed 20 March 2021,

• Emerging trends in e-commerce, viewed 20 March 2021,
• Digital promotion, viewed 21 March 2021,
• Digital Marketing Mix, viewed 21 March 2021,

Unit 3: The Online Marketing Mix 29

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)




Unit 4: The Online Consumer 1

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

Unit 4
The Online Consumer
Table of Contents

SL Fig No / Table SAQ /

Topic Page No
No / Graph Activity
1 Introduction - -
1.1 Learning Objectives - -
2 The Digital Ecosystems - 1
2.1 Types of digital ecosystems - -
3 Online Consumer Behaviour 1, 2 2
10 - 14
3.1 Dynamics of online consumer visit - -
4 The Web and consumer decision-making
- 3 15 - 17
5 Behavioural targeting vs. contextual targeting - 4 18 - 20
6 Gearing up for new online consumers 3 5,I 21 - 23
7 Summary - - 24 - 26
8 Glossary - - 26
9 Case Study - - 27 - 28
10 Terminal Questions - - 29
11 Answer Keys - - 30 - 34
12 Suggested Books and e-References - - 35

Unit 4: The Online Consumer 2

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)


As we all know, we live in a digital era and everything is developed worldwide. We have seen
many drastic changes in the last ten years due to technological
advancement. Loads of people are connected across the world
According to statistics, there
through the internet. There was a time when a consumer does are more than 1.3 billion
websites, 3.9 billion internet
traditional shopping. Back in the previous days, the manner users, and 2.1 billion
facebook users.
we shopped for products was utterly different from the
manner we shop today. We actually went to the shop and purchase something. The consumer
was not able to buy and shop online just by sitting at their homes. Today’s world of the
internet has introduced a plethora of opportunities for consumers as well as for businesses.
Using social networks, each and everything becomes more comfortable and smooth for

In earlier times, communication was unidirectional and the companies were not able to
communicate their products and services with various consumers. They were
communicated through only phone calls, emails, and letters. People were not even able to
know about newly launched products and services. They missed various opportunities to
buy something superficial and fulfilling. Now, the internet has completely modified the way
people purchase and consume things. With the advancement of digital tools, the consumer
journey becomes easier.

There are multiple online websites on which consumers visit to know about various
products and services. They can easily search for information regarding anything; do online
shopping, banking, etc. Consumers are going online rapidly and they consider going digital.
Today, they spend their huge amount of time online searching for products they need to buy.
They would like to talk to others, checking reviews, compare multiple websites in terms of
price, quality, style, features, etc., of the products, and many more. Customers are becoming
aware of the brand and product. They start growingly use their mobile devices for shopping
and many other activities. Today, consumers have various options and face fewer problems
while buying goods and services. They are more likely to communicate with brands also, like
raising questions regarding their products, make complaints if something goes wrong, etc.

Unit 4: The Online Consumer 3

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

Due to this, every business needs digital marketing to identify the right customers at the right
place. They require digital marketing techniques to attract a large number of consumers.
Digital marketing is used for promoting products over the internet through social media.
With this, people have shifted to their tablets, computers, and phones. People are frequently
consuming digital content these days. Now, businesses can reach a vast audience in a shorter

1.1 Learning Objectives

After studying this chapter, you will be able to:

❖ Explain the Digital Ecosystem.

❖ Describe the concept of Online Consumer Behaviour.
❖ Explain the Dynamics of Online Consumer visits.
❖ Describe the Web and the Consumer Decision-Making Process.
❖ Explain the Behavioural Targeting vs. Contextual Targeting.
❖ Explain the Gearing up for New Online Consumers.

Unit 4: The Online Consumer 4

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)


Nowadays, various organizations are emerging and conventional enterprises are entirely
replaced through digital ecosystems. The digital ecosystem has made an enormous impact
on business processes, business models, and technology. The old organizational model
consists of a hierarchical structure and they focus on responsibility and distribution of
authority within the hierarchy of departments. Information flows vertically and employees
are departmentalized in traditional organizations. The structure of traditional organizations
is fixed and rigid.

Now, with digital ecosystems, organizations become boundary less, which are able to
collaborate and networking together more than ever before. Digital ecosystems eliminated
outdated business processes. It adds value to business relationships with customers and
provides rapid remediation to make sure that the business stays on track.

STUDY NOTE A digital ecosystem is defined as the interconnected network

of information technology resources that perform as a unit.
In a digital ecosystem,
participants move Digital ecosystems comprise third-party data service
simultaneously to produce
new market, develop new providers, customers, applications, suppliers, trading
engaging customer
experience, and deliver new partners and all respective technologies.
forms of value.

Interconnected digital ecosystems are vital to develop connections, improve business

outcomes, and drive transformation. A unified digital ecosystem allows organizations to
generate end-to-end business flows by joining applications, data integration, and B2B
practices to the complete business network. The digital ecosystem was adopted to serve with
interaction outside the firm.

For example, a digital healthcare ecosystem consists of every touch point to the journey of
the patient. A modern ecosystem for healthcare organizations allows them to maintain
governmental compliance requirements by safely connecting and combining data to keep
updated with the increasing need for security, privacy, and data governance.

Unit 4: The Online Consumer 5

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There are some of the primary challenges across the entire ecosystem, such as service
orchestration, customer communication, delivery and monetization, data management.
There were some difficulties related to business processes. Therefore, the digital ecosystem
operates with the help of some tools that are as follows:

• Project management tools, like task management software, agile software management
tools, and issue tracking systems.
• Collaboration tools, such as file sharing, video conferencing, emails, and instant
• Research applications, consisting of resource libraries and archives, data storage and
• Knowledge management platforms, such as wikis and intranets.
• Public platforms, including social media channels, websites, and mobile apps.

Digital ecosystems drive value to business processes in three fundamental ways:

A. Generate new revenue sources: Connected ecosystems drive a new revenue source,
which allows organizations to track and examine in-depth data flowing through the
business to produce new products and services. Such amalgamation strengthens
current revenue-making processes and also produces value-added services for
advanced channels revenue.
B. Lower costs through better business processes: Companies that have adopted
integrated ecosystems are able to save a tremendous amount of cost. It also improves
the workflow's efficiency, improves the relationship with the customers, and
automated business processes enable businesses to reduce their operational costs.
C. Increase technology adoption speed: An integration ecosystem enables companies
to embrace new technologies. Now, companies are benefitted because of the SaaS
solutions and modern cloud services to get updated with the enterprise's current

Unit 4: The Online Consumer 6

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

2.1. Types Of Digital Ecosystems

The main types of digital ecosystems include the digitizer ecosystem, the super-platform
ecosystem, and the platform ecosystem. Now, let us discuss each of them in detail as below:

A. Digitizer ecosystems: These ecosystems focus on digitizing the current product with
the help of business partners while supporting low managerial capacity. These
ecosystems add new functionality to systems and generate digital service revenue.
Digitizer ecosystems generally comprise 20 to 100 current partners across five

These ecosystems are appropriate for businesses with limited digital abilities, strong
product capabilities, and a primarily internal focus. It is well suited for those
organizations that are looking to make their products smart and connected. An example
of this type of ecosystem is an automotive manufacturer that associates to acquire
intellectual property and the technology required to link their cars with related digital

B. Super platform ecosystems: These ecosystems focus on combining many platforms

into one integrated service while encapsulating user data from the combining platform.
This type of ecosystem offers a broad range of user data and spins the data into money
using business models. The super platform ecosystem consists of at least 10 million
partners across 10 different industries.

These ecosystems are appropriate for companies with advanced digital abilities and
willingness to work with external partners. Therefore, these ecosystems are preferred
by leading tech companies. One example of a super-platform ecosystem is a virtual
assistant that incorporates transportation, shopping, payment, and communication
services into one convenient option.

C. Platform ecosystems: These ecosystems are more modern than digitizer ecosystems
and their main focus is on correctly connecting smart devices and users of the platform
by providing the guarantee of limited obstacles and high services levels at the same time.
These ecosystems generate revenue streams from the platform usage. Also, the data

Unit 4: The Online Consumer 7

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

created by the ecosystem can also be used for service models. It typically consists of 10
to 50 million partners across five industries.

The platform ecosystems are appropriate for companies with reliable digital capabilities
and a dedicated focus on the external enterprise. Platform ecosystems are more likely to
adopt by well-established tech start-ups. An example includes Xiaomi, is a Chinese
electronic company that invests in multiple product types, such as laptops, mobile apps,
smartphones, and fitness brands. It works closely with its device makers to offer a smart
home platform furnished with various smart and connected devices.

Unit 4: The Online Consumer 8

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

1. A digital ecosystem is defined as the interconnected network of information
technology resources that perform as a unit. Digital ecosystems comprise
third-party data service providers, customers, applications, suppliers,
trading partners and all respective technologies. [True/False]
2. Interconnected digital ecosystems play a crucial in recruitment, selection, on
boarding, and training employees. [True/False]
3. Digital ecosystems drive value to business processes by generating new
revenue sources, increasing technology adoption speed, and lowering costs.
4. Which of the following ecosystems are focus on combining many platforms
into one integrated service while summarizing user data from the combining
A. Super platform ecosystems
B. Platform ecosystems
C. Digitizer ecosystems
D. Desert ecosystem
5. Which of the following ecosystems focus on correctly connecting smart
devices and users on the platform while guaranteeing limited obstacles
and high service levels at the same time?
A. Forest ecosystem
B. Terrestrial ecosystem
C. Platform ecosystems
D. Digitizer ecosystems
6. ___________ ecosystem typically consists of 10 to 50 million partners across
five industries.
7. ___________ ecosystems generally comprise 20 to 100 current partners
across five industries.

Unit 4: The Online Consumer 9

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)


With the growth of online communication channels, customers now aware of online
advertisements of several brands. There is a modern shift from offline to online shopping
activities and many regular behaviours. Online consumer behaviour is continuously evolving
and many online businesses are able to offer a positive customer experience. Consumer
habits have changed drastically and they have shifted towards online shopping habits from
traditional shopping habits over the last years. The online experience is rapidly becoming a
preferred way for consumers worldwide.

It has been found that consumer purchasing behaviour is

widely affected by shopping orientation, demographics, and
According to e-commerce
channel knowledge. Online consumer behaviour is a complex
reports 83% of people means
8 in 10 people are overall
phenomenon and researchers are trying hard to understand
satisfied with their online
shopping experiences.
the consumer’s psychological state while making purchases.

In earlier times, the digital era has made an impact on

consumer behaviour more than ever. Today’s consumer demands quality and efficiency of
products and services wants to communicate with brands, make better decisions, demands
frictionless experience. Consumers want to obtain sufficient information related to products
and services through multiple websites, search engines, online

catalogues, and so on. Once having information, they compare different products and
services in terms of quality, price, features, etc.

Unit 4: The Online Consumer 10

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

Other stimuli: Personal and

Environmental characteristics

Demographics, sociological cultural, legal,

personal, economic, etc.

Marketing stimuli Buyer’s Decision

Price, Product Decision Choice of products
Quality, Promotion, Process Choice of Brands
Brand When to buy
Where to buy

Web Experience: Online Manageable

marketing factors

Technical support, Customer Service,

Payment delivery, Web design, Logistics

Fig 1: Consumer Behaviour Model

In the search stage, according to Fig 1, customers look for comments or product reviews.
They will look for which brand stage and fit according to their expectation.

• Stage1: In stage 1, customers compare different products' options and choose those
products that offer them the best and fulfil their expectations.
• Stage 2: Stage 2 is the purchasing stage. In this stage, consumers decide what products
to buy and whatnot. They also determine what seller they must buy from. Information
quality and sales service help customers to choose the one or more product from the
different variety of products.
• Stage 3: In this stage, if customers are not satisfied, then they want to return or
exchange their products.

Unit 4: The Online Consumer 11

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

Now, let us discuss some of the factors that influence online consumer behaviour-

A. External factors: External factors are not under the control of the customers. It consists
of demographic factors, public policy, reference groups, socio-economic, culture, sub-
culture, etc.
B. Internal factors: Internal factors are personal characteristics or behaviours, including
attitudes, perception, learning, self-image, and motivation.
C. Functional motives: The functional motives are concerned with consumer needs, which
include time, environment, price, and convenience, place, etc.
D. Non-functional motives: Non-functional motives are related to social and cultural

3.1. The Dynamics Of Online Consumer Visit

As we all know, it is costless for online shoppers to visit various websites; massive online
merchants experience vast volumes of visitor traffic. Many famous online websites, for
example, Amazon, has approximately 16 million unique visitors in a month. Online vendors
are still facing challenges in understanding the visitors’ conversion behaviour to their
websites. Technological advancements enable companies to keep a record of each
consumer’s visit to their websites. For example, Google Analytics provides online merchants
with traffic sources of online visitors and statistics to their websites.

Online store visits are classified into several categories of browsing, searching, buying, and
knowledge-building. For example, a purchase visit is strongly linked with the buyer’s
particular purchasing behaviour. Generally, consumers use three major channels to access a
website of any store. For a direct visit, they enter a company’s URL in their browser. Second,
they visit a website for search advertising, including organic search and search via paid
advertising. Third, they visit a website through referrals from other website links, just by
clicking on email or banner advertisements.

Direct visits are considered the most effective in encouraging return visits to a website.
Referral ads grow search links and the next purchase. Out of many forms of online
advertising, search advertising possesses the longest carryover effect on sales. Then, the

Unit 4: The Online Consumer 12

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

click-through rates are positively correlated on the advertising listings of paid search and
organic search. Research has found that spill over and carryover effects make a significant
impact on future purchase probabilities.

The purpose of a direct visit to a website is to develop knowledge. If consumers make more
visits, they will acquire more information, which increases the chances of making their future
purchases. When consumers make search advertising visits, they have already acquired vast
information during multiple store visits. Therefore, it has made a positive impact on sales.
Referral visits are considered the least likely to purchase. These consumers have no
intention of purchasing but simply gather information through referral visits.

Table 1: Visits Through Different Channels

Basis Direct Visit Search Referral Total

Total visits 18, 671 2,515 3,151 24, 337

Average visits 113.16 15.24 19.10 147.50

Total 1,518 262 104 1,884


Average 9.20 1.59 .63 11.42


Average time 474.48 355.91 518.59 467.94

concerning the

Unit 4: The Online Consumer 13

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

8. The role of the World Wide Web and the internet becomes essential when it
comes to online consumer behaviour. [True/False]
9. Consumer behaviour depends upon business transactions, regular
operations, generating business data, etc. [True/False]
10. The only way of visiting a particular website is a direct search.
11. Which of the following are not under the control of the customers? It
consists of demographic factors, public policy, reference groups, socio-
economic, culture, sub-culture, etc?
A. Internal factors
B. External factors
C. Functional motives
D. Non-functional motives
13. Which of the following has made a positive impact on sales?
A. Search advertising
B. Direct search
C. Referral search
D. Return visit
14. In _________ stage, if customers are not satisfied, then they want to return or
exchange their products.
15. The purpose of a direct visit to a website is to develop _________.

Unit 4: The Online Consumer 14

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)


The consumer decision-making process comprises several steps. Every single step plays a
crucial role. A marketer must focus on each stage of the consumer buying process.
Consumers not only decide what to buy. Their purchasing behaviour is ascertained by
several factors. And many businesses pay attention to improving specific steps acquiring
customers through PPC (pay per click), improving checkout, etc.

The consumer decision-making process is defined as how consumers recognize and

understand their needs, gather information to solve these needs in the best manner, assess
other available options, make a buying decision, and assess their purchase. The consumer
decision-making process is essential for every business.

There are five stages of the consumer decision-making process, which are as described

A. Problem recognition: The first step determines identifying a need for a product or
service. Need recognition can be internally or externally. Once consumers identify a
want, they start collecting information to fulfil their needs. A consumer feels like
something is missing out and he should address this issue to fill this gap. An example
includes buying jackets, recognizing the basic need to survive in the winter.
B. Information search: The information search stage is continuously changing as
consumers acquire more and more information related to products that can satisfy or
fulfil their needs. People who have previous experiences related to products
recommend other people, which help in gathering information. Consumers browse
several options via many different websites. For example, the consumer searches for
winter jackets on Google to check out various options. He also gathers information from
other people, like where they buy winter jackets and their particular brand.
C. Evaluation of alternatives: The third step includes evaluating different alternatives
available in the market. After determining several options, consumers start looking for
the best option. They evaluate options based on various factors, such as quality, price,
style, features, product lifecycle, etc. They also read reviews, compare products with
other different brands and then select the most appropriate option which satisfies their

Unit 4: The Online Consumer 15

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

need. For example, the customer compares some winter jacket brands according to
price, style, quality, etc.
D. Purchase decision: In this stage, the customer finally decides to make a purchase.
After evaluating all facts that might be influenced by personal experiences or marketing
campaigns, the consumer has arrived at a logical conclusion. The consumer makes a
purchasing decision after recognizing all the options. For example, the customer finds
a black winter jacket of a particular brand that uses sustainable materials and on sale
for 15% off.
E. Post-purchase behaviour: The product’s purchase is followed by post-purchase
behaviour. The consumer examines whether his purchase was useful or not. If the
customer is satisfied and meets his expectations, he influences other customers
towards a particular brand. But, if his experience is negative, that particular brand loses
the potential customers, hence decreasing the customer base.

Unit 4: The Online Consumer 16

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

15. The consumer decision-making process describes control, departments,
work specialization, and hierarchy within organizations. [True/False]
16. The consumer decision-making process comprises five steps. Every single
step plays a crucial role. [True/False]
17. Which of the following stage includes evaluating different alternatives
available in the market? After determining several options, consumers start
looking for the best option. Consumers evaluate options based on various
factors, such as quality, price, style, features, product lifecycle, etc.?
A. Purchase decision
B. Problem recognition
C. Information search
D. Evaluation of alternatives
18. Which of the following stage is continuously changing as consumers acquire
more and more information related to products that can satisfy or fulfil
their needs?
A. Post-purchase behaviour
B. Information search
C. Problem recognition
D. Purchase decision
19. In ________ stage, the customer finally decides to make a purchase. After
evaluating all facts that might be influenced from personal experiences or
marketing campaigns, the consumer has arrived at a logical conclusion.

Unit 4: The Online Consumer 17

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)


Marketers are always trying to exceed their client’s expectations through innovative ways.
They examine which strategic effort is well suited for their customer’s specific needs. With
web-based targeting, there are two methods that marketers use to provide services to their
clients. Now, let us discuss both of them in detail:

A. Behavioural targeting: Behavioural targeting method refers to showing ads to

customers based on their behaviour. It is one of the
marketing strategies that pay attention to
According to a Network
marketing based on data collected from a user’s Advertising Initiative Survey,
target advertisements converted
browsing interests, shopping preferences, etc. For 6.8% based on user behaviour as
compared to non-targeted
this type of targeting, data is gathered from earlier advertisements converted at
visited sites. The behaviour might include time
spent on particular websites, user’s history, search
results, interaction with a website, pages they are clicking, overall session history and
so on. After being collected, the data is then integrated, including web searches,
frequently browsed websites, shopping histories, and other parameters that help
generate an entire user profile, which gives insights into the target market, like what
they prefer, buys and avoids.

For example, Email marketing shows ads to consumers based on their search history.
Behavioural targeting works in the following manner:

• When a consumer visits a particular website, a cookie is placed on their computer.

• A cookie is gathered and examined to obtain their behavioural pattern.
• Based on the behaviour patterns, the users can be classified into different target
• Based on different target market segments, ads can be created for each group.
• Some of the benefits of behavioural targeting marketing include:
• It increases customer engagement by offering related ads.
• This types of targeting gives the most suitable content to the user and turns
potential customers into regular customers.

Unit 4: The Online Consumer 18

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

• It becomes easier for marketers to offer personalized promotions by collecting

information related to consumer preferences.
• It gives higher efficiency in the shopping process by obtaining and examining user
B. Contextual targeting: Contextual targeting refers to the process of displaying ads
related to the website’s content. This type of targeting selects ad placement and the
selection is based on topics, keywords, and several other factors. The advertising is
done according to the page’s content. Contextual targeting does not track user’s data
but places ads based on relevant content.

For example, placing an ad for a mixer grinder on a recipe site. Contextual targeting
works in the following manner:

• A web crawler scans to classify the content and places ads on a website.
• A publisher’s ad server collects crucial page-level data, such as category, header
tags, and content to pass it on various Ad exchanges, SSPs, DSPs.
• The information about an URL is transmitted to the request server every time user
visits a website. Then, the URL crawler matches the ad server's obtained
information based on categories, keywords, etc.
• Some of the benefits of contextual targeting are as follows:
• Contextual targeting enables promoting products without interrupting user’s
• It encourages web visitors effectively to buy the products.
• It increases the purchase intent because of placing specific ads based on the
• It determines the user’s content and complements well with the website’s content.
• Both targeting techniques are helpful to reach a large number of customers. It is
recommended to use both Contextual and Behavioural targeting to place ads on
web pages as if customers visit and leave that webpage; it continues to show them

Unit 4: The Online Consumer 19

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

20. Behavioural targeting decreases customer engagement by offering related ads.
21. Behavioural targeting method refers to showing ads to customers based on
their behaviour. [True/False]
22. Contextual targeting is based on many factors, such as race, age, gender,
religion, ethnic groups, sexual orientations, physical conditions, citizenship
status, etc. [True/False]
23. In _________ targeting, a web crawler scans to classify the content and places ads
on a website.
24. __________ targeting selects ads placement and the selection is based on topics,
keywords, and several other factors.

Unit 4: The Online Consumer 20

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)


As we all know, the crisis of COVID 19 has led to substantial shifts in consumer behaviour. It
becomes challenging to meet their evolving requirements. COVID 19 has dramatically
transferred customer traffic to more digital channels. Nowadays, retailers are also boosting
their investments in an online acquisition. They are reallocating funds to digital channels. It
is required to invest more in online marketing to increase the
online customer base. Marketers are adopting different
Retailers have adopted
contactless payment strategies because of shifts in consumer behaviour. They
nowadays, as 82% of
consumers are more focus on paid searching, consumer intention, and improving
comfortable with digital or
contactless payments. social channels through clickable content and featured

Marketers are increasing direct customer interaction through relevant channels and
engagement apps. They are developing and nurturing online communities. Customer
expectations are also growing for digital channels, like site speed, delivery times, and
stability. Customers are rapidly engaging through mobile devices; therefore, all the digital
channels are becoming integrated to provide consistent services.

To adapt to new online consumers behaviour, marketers are trying to innovate things and
fill gaps. They are emerging customer needs to integrate with current channels and offer a
consistent experience. Nowadays, it is required to provide an online in-store experience as
most companies are doing. Sales associates use virtual appointments like video conferencing
platforms to provide personalized attention to consumers. Companies are learning effective
ways to serve customers better online. They are also using live streaming channels to
interact with customers and increase loyalty and revenue by sharing experiential content.

It is also being highlighted the safe delivery model while adapting to new online consumers.
Customer expectations and delivery time and speed are significant to improve customer’s
experience. Many companies have searched for strategic partnerships to improve customer
convenience and boost sales. It enables companies to

get access to new capabilities and expand their brand reach to new online customers.
Marketers must do the following things to gear up new online consumers.

Unit 4: The Online Consumer 21

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• They should measure how consumers are using technology these days and why.
• They must shape their relationship with consumers through technology.
• Marketers should identify how technology transforms attitudinal and behavioural
consumer change to understand their feelings towards technological change.

Retailers are also adopting new strategies and technologies that completely transform retail
shops. With the rise of digital channels, companies make use of their dynamic data to get
immediate insights into online consumers. Many retailers have seen a rush of new customers
to a variety of digital channels. Winners create insights from new customers and formulate
messages, targeted retention plans, and offers to develop a better customer relationship.
Social media also provide insights on immediate changing consumer behaviours. Retailers
must bring their customers into the process of sharing feedback so that customer experience
can be improved by collecting qualitative feedback.

Activity I
Select a significant purchase and determine your thoughts and actions as you took
action in the decision-making process. Explain what you did to obtain information
about a product, how you selected your alternatives, how you chose the best option
and what emotions you have felt after making a purchase. Was it a satisfying or
positive experience or a negative experience?

Unit 4: The Online Consumer 22

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25. It is imperative to develop and nurture online communities to improve online
consumer experience. [True/False]
26. Relevant channels and engagement apps decrease the customer interaction and
provide a negative experience. [True/False]
27. Marketers must shape their __________ with consumers through technology.
28. Marketers are increasing direct customer interaction through relevant channels
and _________.

Behaviour Dynamics of
The Digital consumer visit

Types of Digital
Targeting vs.
The Web and
Gearing up for
New Online

Fig 2: Conceptual Map

Unit 4: The Online Consumer 23

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• A digital ecosystem is defined as the interconnected network of information technology

resources that perform as a unit. Digital ecosystems comprise third-party data service
providers, customers, applications, suppliers, trading partners and all respective
• There are three types of digital ecosystems such as the digitizer ecosystem, platform
ecosystem, and the super-platform ecosystem.
• Digitizer ecosystems focus on digitizing the current product through business partners
while sustaining low managerial capacity. These ecosystems add new functionality to
systems and generate digital service revenue.
• Super-platform ecosystems focuses on combining many platforms into one integrated
service while encapsulating user data from the combining platform.
• Platform ecosystems focuses on correctly connecting smart devices and users on the
platform while guaranteeing limited obstacles and high service levels at the same time.
• Online consumer behaviour determines three stages.
• In stage 1, customers compare different products' options and choose those products
that offer them the best and fulfil their expectations.
• Stage 2 is the purchasing stage. In this stage, consumers decide what products to buy
and what not. They also determine what seller they must buy from. Information quality
and sales service help consumers to select from a variety of products.
• In 3rd stage, if customers are not satisfied, then they want to return or exchange their
• Online store visits are classified into several categories of browsing, searching, buying,
and knowledge-building.
• Generally, consumers use three major channels to access a website of any store. For a
direct visit, they enter a company’s URL in their browser. Second, they visit a website
for search advertising, including organic search and search via paid advertising. Third,
they visit a website through referrals from other website links, just by clicking on email
or banner advertisements.

Unit 4: The Online Consumer 24

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• The consumer decision-making process is defined as how consumers recognize and

understand their needs, gather information to solve these needs in the best manner,
assess other available options, make a buying decision, and assess their purchase. The
consumer decision-making process is essential for every business.
• The consumer decision-making process comprises five stages.
• The first step determines identifying a need for a product or service. Need recognition
can be internally or externally. Once consumers identify a want, they start collecting
information to fulfil their needs.
• The second stage is the information search stage, which is continuously changing as
consumers acquire more and more information related to products that can satisfy or
fulfil their needs. People who have previous experiences related to products
recommend other people, which help in gathering information.
• The third step includes evaluating different alternatives available in the market. After
determining several options, consumers start looking for the best option.
• In the purchase decision stage, the customer finally decides to make a purchase. After
evaluating all facts that might be influenced by personal experiences or marketing
campaigns, the consumer has arrived at a logical conclusion.
• In the post-purchase behaviour, the product’s purchase is followed by post-purchase
behaviour. The consumer examines whether his purchase was useful or not.
• Behavioural targeting method refers to showing ads to customers based on their
behaviour. It is one of the marketing strategies that pay attention to marketing based
on data collected from user’s browsing interests, shopping preferences, etc. For this
type of targeting, data is gathered from earlier visited sites.
• Contextual targeting refers to the process of displaying ads related to website’s content.
This type of targeting selects ad placement and the selection is based on topics,
keywords, and several other factors. The advertising is done according to the page’s
content. Contextual targeting does not track user’s data but places ads based on
relevant content.
• To adapt to new online consumers behaviour, marketers are trying to innovate things
and fill gaps. They are emerging customer needs to integrate with current channels and
offer a consistent experience. Nowadays, it is required to provide an online in-store

Unit 4: The Online Consumer 25

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experience as most companies are doing. Sales associates use virtual appointments like
video conferencing platforms to provide personalized attention to consumers.


• Advertisement: Advertisement is a type of marketing communication used to

promote a product or service.
• Digital marketing: Digital marketing is the process of using digital technologies, such
as mobile devices, PCs, laptops, etc. to promote products and services.
• Online shopping: Online shopping is the procedure of buying goods and services over
the internet using a mobile app or a web browser.
• Retailer: A retailer is a person who sells goods to customers in a shop.
• Sales: A sale is a process of transaction that takes place between two parties and a
recipient receives goods, assets, or services by interchanging money. It refers to
activities associated with selling multiple goods or services.
• Website: A website is a collection of interconnected web pages, where a company
places relevant information on it that can be easily found on the web.

Unit 4: The Online Consumer 26

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Dunkin-Consumer Online Preferences

Dunkin Donuts is very well known old brand that deals in desserts, ice-creams, etc. During
COVID pandemic most of the companies observed the changing pattern of consumer buying
habits. In this case we will be discussing the observations of Dunkin.

In case of most of companies, if they are going to treat their customers like earlier business
before COVID pandemic then they would definitely lose their customer base because now
customer is more conscious about their health and they have fear of Corona virus due to rise
in cases. Now customer need motivation to buy any product or service and now customer
perceives your brand offerings in different way.

Dunkin Donut is a great example of a company that has taken initiative in new environment
and moved to tap into new customer buying habits. In foreign countries COVID-19 struck,
and the people who were living in America wanted to find out various ways to help and
support the frontline employees, Workers etc. Dunkin’ was observing the new pattern and
they wanted to give chance to people to do so, without going out from their homes.

Dunkin implemented an engaging activity and created the

ecommerce website that gave customers a way to express their feelings for front line people.
In this customers can appreciate the frontline people by sharing a virtual coffee break to
them in the unique form of an e-gift card from Dunkin only. Dunkin’ donated huge amount
approx $2 (up to $400,000) for each card purchased by the customer at their site Foundation
emergency funds, specifically for non-profits helping families affected by COVID-19.

Likewise Dunkin used many more strategies to engage customer base and understand their
changed behaviour in more in-depth. They used teacher appreciation, National police week,
Father’s Day special, Daughter’s Day Moment, etc. Now with these events they understood
that for every occasion, customer wants to gift something to their special ones and which can
be virtually shared due to COVID. As they were aware most of the people prefer to enjoy and
stay safe at their homes without going out or without ordering something from outside. So

Unit 4: The Online Consumer 27

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they started offering e-gift cards so that whenever customer will visit outside they can avail

The site helped them in driving huge traffic on their site and increased sale of e-gift cards
which helped in generating more revenues without having huge expenditures. By this
activity they were able to manage customer, spread happiness and helped in funding in


Discussion Questions:

1. According to this case, if you would handling dunkins marketing department, then to
understand the online consumer behaviour what would you have done?
2. According to you the strategy used by the Dunkin was right or not? Give your opinion
on the view.

Unit 4: The Online Consumer 28

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Q1. What do you mean by digital ecosystems?

Q2. Explain the concept of behavioural targeting.

Q3. Explain the concept of contextual targeting.

Q4. What are the benefits of digital ecosystems?

Q5. Explain how behavioural and contextual targeting works.


Q1. Describe the different types of digital ecosystems.

Q2. Explain the stages of the consumer decision-making process.

Q3. Explain the dynamics of online consumer visits.

Q4. Explain online consumer behaviour and what factors influence the behaviour of

Q5. What are the benefits of behavioural targeting and contextual targeting?

Unit 4: The Online Consumer 29

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1. True
2. False
3. True
4. A. Super platform ecosystems
5. C. Platform ecosystems
6. Platform
7. Digitizer
8. True
9. False
10. False
11. B. External factors
12. A. Search advertising
13. Third
14. Knowledge
15. False
16. True
17. D. Evaluation of alternatives
18. B. Information search
19. Purchase decision
20. False
21. True
22. False
23. Contextual
24. Contextual
25. True
26. False
27. Relationship
28. Engagement apps

Unit 4: The Online Consumer 30

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Answer 1: A digital ecosystem is defined as the interconnected network of information

technology resources that perform as a unit. Digital ecosystems comprise third-party data
service providers, customers, applications, suppliers, trading partners and all respective

Answer 2: Behavioural targeting method refers to showing ads to customers based on their
behaviour. It is one of the marketing strategies that pay attention to marketing based on data
collected from user’s browsing interests, shopping preferences, etc.

Answer 3: Contextual targeting refers to the process of displaying ads related to website’s
content. This type of targeting selects ad placement and the selection is based on topics,
keywords, and several other factors.

Answer 4: Following are the benefits of digital ecosystems:

• Generate new revenue sources: Connected ecosystems drive a new revenue source,
which allows organizations to track and examine in-depth data flowing through the
business to produce new products and services. Such amalgamation strengthens current
revenue-making processes and also produces value-added services for advanced
channels revenue.
• Lower costs through better business processes: Companies that have adopted
integrated ecosystems are able to save a tremendous amount of cost.

Answer 5: Behavioural targeting works in the following manner:

• When a consumer visits a particular website, a cookie is placed on their computer.

• A cookie is gathered and examined to obtain their behavioural pattern.
• Based on the behaviour patterns, the users can be classified into different target groups.

Unit 4: The Online Consumer 31

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Answer 1: Following are the types of digital ecosystems:

A. Digitizer ecosystems: These ecosystems focus on digitizing the current product

through business partners while sustaining low managerial capacity. These
ecosystems add new functionality to systems and generate digital service revenue.
Digitizer ecosystems generally comprise 20 to 100 current partners across five
B. Super platform ecosystems: These ecosystem focus on combining many platforms
into one integrated service while summarizing user data from the combining platform.
This type of ecosystem offers a broad range of user data and spins the data into money
using business models.

Answer 2: The consumer decision-making process comprises five stages.

• The first step determines identifying a need for a product or service. Need recognition
can be internally or externally. Once consumers identify a want, they start collecting
information to fulfil their needs.
• The second stage is the information search stage, which is continuously changing as
consumers acquire more and more information related to products that can satisfy or
fulfil their needs. People who have previous experiences related to products
recommend other people, which help in gathering information.
• The third step includes evaluating different alternatives available in the market. After
determining several options, consumers start looking for the best option.
• In the purchase decision stage, the customer finally decides to make a purchase. After
evaluating all facts that might be influenced by personal experiences or marketing
campaigns, the consumer has arrived at a logical conclusion.
• In the post-purchase behaviour, the product’s purchase is followed by post-purchase
behaviour. The consumer examines whether his purchase was useful or not.

Unit 4: The Online Consumer 32

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Answer 3: Online store visits are classified into several categories of browsing, searching,
buying, and knowledge-building. For a direct visit, they enter a company’s URL in their
browser. Second, they visit a website for search advertising, including organic search and
search via paid advertising. Third, they visit a website through referrals from other website
links, just by clicking on email or banner advertisements.

Direct visits are considered the most effective in encouraging return visits to a website.
Referral ads grow search links and the next purchase. Out of many forms of online
advertising, search advertising possesses the longest carryover effect on sales. Then, the
click-through rates are positively correlated on the advertising listings of paid search and
organic search. Research has found that spill over and carryover effects make a significant
impact on future purchase probabilities.

Answer 4: Online consumer behaviour determines the stages in which customers look for
comments or product reviews. They will look for which brand stage and fit according to their

• Stage1: In stage 1, customers compare different products' options and choose those
products that offer them the best and fulfil their expectations.
• Stage 2: Stage 2 is the purchasing stage. In this stage, consumers decide what products
to buy and whatnot. They also determine what seller they must buy from. Information
quality and sales service help consumers to select from a variety of products.
• Stage 3: In this stage, if customers are not satisfied, then they want to return or
exchange their products.

Some of the factors that influence online consumer behaviour.

A. External factors: External factors are not under the control of the customers. It
consists of demographic factors, public policy, reference groups, socio-economic,
culture, sub-culture, etc.
B. Internal factors: Internal factors are personal characteristics or behaviours,
including attitudes, perception, learning, self-image, and motivation.
C. Functional motives: The functional motives are concerned with consumer needs,
which include time, environment, price, and convenience, place, etc.

Unit 4: The Online Consumer 33

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D. Non-functional motives: Non-functional motives are related to social and cultural


Answer 5: Following are the benefits of behavioural targeting:

• It increases customer engagement by offering related ads.

• This types of targeting gives the most suitable content to the user and turns potential
customers into regular customers.

Following are the benefits of contextual targeting:

• Contextual targeting enables promoting products without interrupting user’s privacy.

• It encourages web visitors effectively to buy the products.

Unit 4: The Online Consumer 34

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• David R. Bell, (2014), Location is everything: Influence on how we search, shop, and
sell, Leveraging the world of mobile devices, New Harvest Publishers
• Richard Yalch and Curtis P. Haugtvedt, (2005), Online Consumer Psychology, Taylor
and Francis Publishers.
• Angeline Close, (2012), Online Consumer Behaviour, Routledge Publishers.


• Digital ecosystems, viewed on 11th March 2021,

• The web and consumer decision-making process, viewed on 12th March 2021,
• Behavioural targeting vs. contextual targeting, viewed on 12th March 2021,
• Gearing up new online consumers, viewed on 12th March 2021,

Unit 4: The Online Consumer 35

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Unit 5: Business Drivers in the Virtual World 1

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

Unit 5
Business Drivers in the Virtual World
Table of Contents

SL Fig No / Table SAQ /

Topic Page No
No / Graph Activity
1 Introduction - -
1.1 Learning Objectives - -
2 Business Drivers in the Virtual World - 1
2.1 Key Business Drivers in the Virtual World - - 5 - 12
2.2 Navigating the Virtual Business World - -
3 Web 2.0 1, 2 2
3.1 Meaning and Definition of Social Media - - 13 - 21
3.2 The Social Media Model by Mckinsey - -
4 The social world 3 3 22 - 24
5 Summary - - 25
6 Glossary - - 26
7 Case Study - - 27 - 28
8 Terminal Questions - - 29
9 Answer Keys - - 30 - 32
10 Suggested Books and e-References - - 33

Unit 5: Business Drivers in the Virtual World 2

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)


In the previous chapter, we studied about Digital Eco-System, Digital Paradigm, The Web and
Consumer Decision Making Process. Understanding customers helps business firms in
finding new prospective customers and retaining existing consumers simultaneously. In this
chapter, we will study the various business drivers in the virtual world and also focus on
social media.

Virtual world has transformed the way businesses operate, interact with customers, and
deliver value. The business drivers in the virtual world are numerous and diverse, ranging
from globalization and enhanced customer engagement to business process automation,
data-driven decision making, innovation, cost optimization,
agility and flexibility, collaboration and connectivity,
Businesses can thrive and
enhanced customer insights, and increased competitive grow in the digital landscape
pressure. by strategically leveraging
virtual world benefits while
mitigating risks.
Customers are developing their habit of searching for new
ideas and techniques to achieve maximum productivity and
get them updated in the fastest growing world. They are entering into the digital world
through various sources of social media such as YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc. Also,
various social media models help you understand the use and effectiveness of social media.

In this chapter, we will also discuss one of the social media models given by Mckinsey which
is a four-way model that enables targeted marketing responses in the consumer decision
journey at individual touch-points. Furthermore, the study of social media analytics used to
go through the process of Web 2.0 framework that provides information assisting the
decisions of the business.

Virtual world presents a plethora of opportunities and challenges for businesses. To

effectively capitalize on the business drivers in the virtual world, businesses need to embrace
digital transformation, prioritize customer-centricity, foster innovation and agility, ensure
cybersecurity, develop the right talent and skills, forge strategic partnerships, make data-
driven decisions, maintain flexibility and scalability, prioritize customer data privacy, and

Unit 5: Business Drivers in the Virtual World 3

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

continuously improve their virtual world strategies. By adopting a strategic approach and
leveraging the benefits of the virtual world while mitigating the risks, businesses can thrive
in the digital landscape and drive business growth in the virtual world.

1.1 Learning Objectives

After studying this chapter, you will be able to:

❖ Understand business drivers in the virtual world

❖ Understand the importance of social media
❖ Define Social Media and its model by McKinsey
❖ Understand the concept of Marketing with Networks

Unit 5: Business Drivers in the Virtual World 4

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)


Business drivers are critical components that define the direction and success of a company.
They are the key factors that influence a company's decisions, strategies, and operations.
Understanding and prioritizing business drivers is essential for organizations to remain
competitive and thrive in today's rapidly evolving business environment. By identifying and
focusing on the most important business drivers, companies can align their resources,
capabilities, and activities towards achieving their objectives and maximizing their

In the virtual world, where technology and digital transformation are reshaping the business
landscape, understanding, and effectively leveraging business drivers is even more crucial
for organizations. By embracing the right business drivers, companies can navigate the
challenges and seize the opportunities presented by the digital age, and drive growth,
innovation, and profitability.

The virtual world, also known as the digital realm, has transformed the way businesses
operate, interact with customers, and deliver value. With the advent of the internet and
advancements in digital technologies, businesses have been able to harness the power of the
virtual world to drive their operations, strategies, and success.

2.1 Key Business Drivers In The Virtual World

Some of the prominent business drivers in the virtual world are given below:

• Globalization: The virtual world has enabled businesses to expand their reach beyond
geographical boundaries and tap into global markets. With the internet, businesses can
establish an online presence and connect with customers, partners, and suppliers
worldwide. E-commerce has become a significant driver of business growth in the
virtual world, allowing companies to sell products and services to customers around
the clock, across different time zones. Virtual communication tools, such as email, video
conferencing, and social media, have facilitated cross-border collaborations,
partnerships, and networking. Globalization in the virtual world has opened new

Unit 5: Business Drivers in the Virtual World 5

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markets, increased competition, and created opportunities for businesses to access a

global customer base, diversify revenue streams, and gain a competitive advantage.
• Enhanced Customer Engagement: The virtual world has revolutionized how
businesses engage with customers. Through digital channels such as websites, social
media, mobile apps, and online marketplaces, businesses can interact with customers
in real-time, collect data, and personalize experiences. Digital marketing techniques,
such as search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, email
marketing, and social media marketing, have allowed businesses to target and engage
customers with precision. Customer relationship management (CRM) software has
empowered businesses to manage customer interactions, track customer behavior, and
build long-term relationships. The virtual world has enabled businesses to provide
seamless customer experiences, offer personalized offers and recommendations, and
gain customer loyalty, leading to increased customer retention and advocacy.
• Business Process Automation: Automation has become a significant driver in the
virtual world, allowing businesses to streamline operations, reduce costs, and enhance
efficiency. Business process automation (BPA) involves the use of digital technologies
to automate repetitive tasks, workflows, and decision-making processes. Robotic
process automation (RPA) uses software robots to perform tasks such as data entry,
data processing, and report generation, freeing up human resources to focus on higher-
value activities. Cloud computing has enabled businesses to automate various aspects
of their operations, including customer relationship management, supply chain
management, human resources, and financial management. BPA in the virtual world
has resulted in increased productivity, reduced errors, and improved business agility.
• Data-Driven Decision Making: The virtual world generates vast amounts of data that
can be harnessed by businesses to gain insights, make informed decisions, and drive
innovation. Data analytics, including big data analytics, has become a critical driver in
the virtual world, allowing businesses to analyze data from various sources, such as
customer interactions, social media, web analytics, and IoT devices. Businesses can
leverage data analytics to understand customer preferences, market trends, and
competitive intelligence, and optimize their operations and strategies accordingly.
Advanced analytics techniques, such as machine learning, predictive analytics, and

Unit 5: Business Drivers in the Virtual World 6

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prescriptive analytics, can enable businesses to make data-driven decisions in real-

time, automate processes, and deliver personalized experiences to customers. Data-
driven decision making in the virtual world has empowered businesses to gain a
competitive edge, identify new opportunities, and enhance customer satisfaction.
• Innovation and Disruption: The virtual world has fostered innovation and disruption
in traditional business models and industries. Digital technologies, such as cloud
computing, artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, and the Internet of Things (IoT), have
enabled businesses to create new products, services, and business models that disrupt
traditional industries. For example, the rise of e-commerce has disrupted traditional
brick-and-mortar retail, while digital streaming services have disrupted the traditional
media and entertainment industry. The virtual world has provided businesses with the
opportunity to innovate and create new business models that are more agile, flexible,
and customer-centric
• Cost Optimization: The virtual world has enabled businesses to optimize costs and
achieve operational efficiencies. Cloud computing has allowed businesses to reduce
infrastructure costs by leveraging scalable and cost-effective cloud services instead of
investing in costly on-premises infrastructure. Virtual communication tools, such as
video conferencing and virtual meetings, have reduced travel costs and increased
collaboration among teams, regardless of their geographic location. Automation of
business processes through BPA and RPA has reduced labor costs and minimized
errors, leading to increased operational efficiency. The virtual world has provided
businesses with cost-effective solutions to streamline operations and optimize costs,
resulting in improved profitability and competitiveness.
• Agility and Flexibility: The virtual world has provided businesses with agility and
flexibility in responding to market changes and customer demands. Businesses can
quickly adapt to changing market dynamics, consumer preferences, and competitive
pressures in the digital landscape. With the ability to establish an online presence and
sell products and services online, businesses can quickly pivot their strategies, launch
new products or services, and enter new markets. The virtual world has enabled
businesses to be more agile and flexible in their operations, allowing them to stay ahead

Unit 5: Business Drivers in the Virtual World 7

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of the competition and meet customer expectations in a rapidly evolving business

• Enhanced Collaboration and Connectivity: The virtual world has transformed how
businesses collaborate and connect with stakeholders. Virtual communication tools,
such as email, video conferencing, and project management software, have facilitated
remote work, virtual teams, and cross-functional collaborations. Cloud-based
collaboration tools, such as file sharing and document management platforms, have
enabled real-time collaboration and increased productivity among team members
located in different geographical locations. Social media and online communities have
provided businesses with platforms to connect with customers, partners, and
suppliers, facilitating collaborations, partnerships, and networking opportunities. The
virtual world has enhanced collaboration and connectivity among businesses and
stakeholders, leading to increased innovation, knowledge sharing, and business
• Enhanced Customer Insights: The virtual world has provided businesses with access
to vast amounts of data and customer insights that can be leveraged to drive business
strategies. Through data analytics, businesses can collect and analyze data from various
sources, such as customer interactions, online behavior, social media, and market
trends, to gain valuable insights into customer preferences, behaviors, and needs.
These insights can be used to develop targeted marketing strategies, improve products
or services, and optimize customer experiences. The virtual world has empowered
businesses to make data-driven decisions based on customer insights, resulting in more
effective marketing campaigns, better customer engagement, and improved business
• Increased Competitive Pressure: While the virtual world has provided businesses
with numerous opportunities, it has also increased competitive pressures. With the
ease of establishing an online presence and entering global markets, businesses face
intense competition from both traditional and digital-native competitors. The virtual
world has lowered entry barriers, allowing new players to enter markets and disrupt
traditional business models. The fast-paced nature of the virtual world requires
businesses to constantly innovate, adapt, and differentiate themselves from

Unit 5: Business Drivers in the Virtual World 8

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competitors to stay ahead. Increased competitive pressure in the virtual world has
compelled businesses to be more customer-centric, agile, and innovative to survive and
thrive in the digital landscape.

2.2 Navigating The Virtual Business World

Businesses that successfully leverage the opportunities of the virtual world can gain a
competitive advantage, achieve operational efficiencies, and deliver enhanced customer
experiences that drive business growth. However, navigating the virtual world also presents
challenges, such as increased cybersecurity risks, the need to adapt to rapidly changing
technologies, and the requirement to keep up with evolving customer preferences and
behaviors. To thrive in the virtual world, businesses need to continuously evolve, innovate,
and adapt their strategies to leverage the benefits while mitigating the risks.

To effectively capitalize on the business drivers in the virtual world, businesses need to
develop a strategic approach. Here are some key considerations for businesses to navigate
the virtual world successfully:

• Embrace Digital Transformation: Digital transformation is no longer an option but a

necessity for businesses in the virtual world. It involves leveraging digital technologies
to transform business processes, operations, customer experiences, and business
models. Businesses need to embrace digital transformation by investing in modern
technologies, building digital capabilities, and integrating digital strategies into their
overall business strategy. This includes adopting cloud computing, data analytics,
automation, social media, e-commerce, and other digital tools and platforms that
enable businesses to operate in the virtual world effectively.
• Customer-Centricity: The virtual world puts customers at the forefront of business
strategies. Businesses need to understand their customers' preferences, behaviors, and
needs in the digital landscape and tailor their offerings accordingly. This includes
creating personalized experiences, engaging customers through digital channels, and
leveraging data-driven insights to deliver superior customer experiences. Businesses
need to invest in customer relationship management (CRM) tools, customer analytics,

Unit 5: Business Drivers in the Virtual World 9

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and other customer-centric strategies to build customer loyalty, increase retention, and
drive customer advocacy in the virtual world.
• Innovation and Agility: The virtual world is characterized by rapid changes, and
businesses need to be agile and innovative to stay ahead of the competition. This
includes constantly exploring new business models, products, services, and
technologies to meet evolving customer needs and stay relevant in the digital
landscape. Businesses need to foster a culture of innovation, encourage
experimentation, and provide resources and support for employees to come up with
creative solutions. Being agile and adaptable allows businesses to respond quickly to
market changes, customer demands, and competitive pressures, positioning them for
success in the virtual world.
• Cybersecurity: As businesses operate in the virtual world, cybersecurity becomes a
critical consideration. With increased digital transactions, data sharing, and online
interactions, businesses need to prioritize cybersecurity measures to protect their
assets, data, and customers' information. This includes implementing robust security
protocols, using encryption, authentication, and authorization mechanisms, conducting
regular security audits, and training employees on cybersecurity best practices.
Cybersecurity should be an integral part of a business's digital transformation strategy
to ensure that data and customer trust are safeguarded in the virtual world.
• Talent and Skills: The virtual world demands a workforce that is skilled in digital
technologies, data analytics, and virtual collaboration. Businesses need to invest in
developing the talent and skills required to operate in the virtual world successfully.
This includes upskilling and reskilling employees to adapt to digital technologies,
fostering a culture of continuous learning, and attracting and retaining top digital
talent. Having the right skills and talent is crucial for businesses to leverage the
opportunities of the virtual world and drive innovation and growth.
• Strategic Partnerships: Businesses can leverage strategic partnerships to enhance
their capabilities in the virtual world. This includes collaborating with technology
providers, digital platforms, data analytics firms, and other businesses to gain access to
specialized expertise, resources, and technologies. Strategic partnerships can help
businesses accelerate their digital transformation, expand their reach, and create new

Unit 5: Business Drivers in the Virtual World 10

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value propositions for customers. Businesses need to carefully evaluate and select
strategic partners that talign with their business objectives and enable them to achieve
their virtual world goals.
• Data-Driven Decision Making: Data is an asset in the virtual world, and businesses
need to leverage data-driven insights to make informed decisions. This includes
collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data from various sources, such as customer
interactions, website analytics, social media, and other digital touchpoints. Businesses
need to invest in data analytics tools, technologies, and talent to harness the power of
data for making strategic decisions. Data-driven decision making allows businesses to
gain insights into customer preferences, market trends, and business performance,
enabling them to optimize their operations, improve customer experiences, and drive
growth in the virtual world.
• Flexibility and Scalability: The virtual world provides businesses with
unprecedented flexibility and scalability. Businesses can quickly adapt their
operations, offerings, and strategies based on market dynamics and customer needs.
This includes the ability to rapidly scale up or down their digital capabilities, adjust
their marketing campaigns, and pivot their business models as needed. Being flexible
and scalable allows businesses to seize new opportunities, respond to challenges, and
stay competitive in the virtual world.
• Customer Data Privacy: With the increased digitization of business operations and
data collection, customer data privacy has become a critical concern in the virtual
world. Businesses need to ensure that they comply with data privacy regulations, such
as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe, and implement robust
data privacy practices. This includes obtaining customer consent for data collection,
securely storing and managing customer data, and being transparent about how
customer data is used. Protecting customer data and privacy is essential to build trust
and maintain customer loyalty in the virtual world.
• Continuous Improvement: The virtual world is constantly evolving, and businesses
need to continuously improve their digital strategies, operations, and offerings to stay
ahead of the competition. This includes regularly evaluating and optimizing their digital
initiatives, learning from customer feedback and data insights, and making necessary

Unit 5: Business Drivers in the Virtual World 11

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adjustments to their virtual world strategies. Continuous improvement allows

businesses to identify and address gaps, refine their digital capabilities, and remain
competitive in the dynamic virtual landscape.

1. Which of the following is NOT considered a key business driver in the
virtual world?

A. Globalization
B. Enhanced Customer Engagement
C. Innovation and Disruption
D. Traditional brick-and-mortar retail

2. How has the virtual world impacted business operations and strategies?

A. By providing cost optimization solutions

B. By reducing the need for data-driven decision making
C. By limiting opportunities for innovation and disruption
D. By hindering agility and flexibility in responding to market changes

3. Which of the following is NOT a key consideration for businesses to

navigate the virtual world successfully?

A. Embracing digital transformation

B. Prioritizing cybersecurity
C. Focusing on customer-centricity
D. Ignoring continuous improvement

4. What is a crucial factor for businesses to build customer loyalty and trust in
the virtual world?

A. Investing in talent and skills

B. Prioritizing cybersecurity
C. Embracing digital transformation
D. Protecting customer data privacy

Unit 5: Business Drivers in the Virtual World 12

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Web 2.0 is the latest and efficient version in the history of the Web World. Now, it is the time
when the Web consumers are becoming the ‘prosumer’ which is the combined new form of
the ability to produce and consume the set of capabilities. In the earlier era of the Web,
weblogs were gaining leverage in assessing the information related to anything. But now,
consumers are having access to authoring and modifying the webpage that they found
interesting. That will increase the participation as well as the content on the Webpage.

Marketers have found themselves connected within the territory of social gathering termed
as social networking or social communities where every user of digital information has
access to giving their views about any of the items of their area of interest. The initial
capabilities that enabled social communities are as follows:

• Easy Navigation: A fastest new way of tagging and searching comfortably by using
search engines for information. Users can have access through the use of tags which are
the keywords attached to the blog-posts and that can be allowed to browse again in the
• User-Friendly: Continuously updating information makes STUDY NOTE
the content qualitative and is responsive to the user input. Rich Site Syndication (RSS)
is used to notify the users
Read or write a feature on the Web indulge a degree of
through syndication
interactivity that the users contribute to the creation and technology which has
enriched the online user
editing of information. experience.

• Information Sharing: A huge volume of data or

information is sharing every second on the Web by individuals who have access to
various sources like Wikipedia, Blogs, Ratings, Comments, Reviews, etc. who are
becoming authors in this new era of the digital world. This authored content will
subsequently be called syndication of content, which is an agreement in which authors
are allowed to read, write, edit, merge, etc. his or their content into the superfluity of
information available on the Internet.

Unit 5: Business Drivers in the Virtual World 13

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Easy Navigation User-Friendly Information Sharing

• Tagging • Richness • Wikipedia

• Searching • Interactivity • Blogs
• Signalling • Reviews
• Content • Comments
Syndication • Ratings

Social media has become an essential component of digital marketing due to its ability to
reach a large audience, engage with customers, and drive traffic to websites. Here are some
of the ways social media is used in digital marketing:

• Brand building: Social media allows businesses to create and share content that reflects
their brand values and identity. This can help build brand awareness and loyalty among
the target audience.
• Content marketing: Social media provides a platform for businesses to share their
content, such as blog posts, videos, and infographics, and engage with their audience.
This can drive traffic to their website and increase brand visibility.
• Advertising: Social media platforms offer various advertising options, such as
sponsored posts, display ads, and promoted videos. Businesses can use these options
to target their audience based on demographics, interests, and behavior, and drive
traffic to their website.
• Influencer marketing: Social media influencers have a large following and can influence
their audience's purchasing decisions. Businesses can collaborate with influencers to
promote their products or services and reach a wider audience.
• Customer engagement: Social media provides a platform for businesses to engage with
their customers and respond to their queries and feedback. This can help build
customer loyalty and satisfaction.
• Analytics: Social media platforms provide businesses with valuable analytics and
insights, such as engagement rates, demographics, and trends. This information can be
used to improve marketing strategies and better target audiences.

Unit 5: Business Drivers in the Virtual World 14

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Social media is used in digital marketing for brand building, content marketing, advertising,
influencer marketing, customer engagement, and analytics. STUDY NOTE
Social media offers businesses the opportunity to reach a large
Influencers engage
audience, engage with customers, and drive traffic to their consumers through online
communities who blogged
website. regularly and more than
half of them operated
between two to five blogs
3.1. Meaning And Definition Of Social Media daily.

People use social media to build and exchange knowledge

through virtual communities and share their experiences in
real-time. To build, upload, and change user-generated content, social media can be accessed
through mobile phones and web-based technologies. It is a medium that is regarded as
significant and diverse by organisations, cultures, and individuals.

The earlier era of social media begins with the interaction and communication between
individuals but this process has been enhanced to online marketing through digital
platforms. Nowadays, there are several opportunities in the social world. Social media
enables low-cost personalized information and product customization. Internet, nowadays,
is more accountable and traceable from anywhere by anyone in the world and is becoming
the way for the variety of business practices.

Apart from the low-cost benefit, social media develops approximately 10-15% of advertising
budgets in the world. Business enterprises attract and influence consumers through social
media networks through blog-posts which are considered as the medium of providing
necessary information. Consumers make their decisions through other social media
channels which include Facebook, YouTube, etc.

Blogs are the major source through which marketers engage global viewers on digital
communities with their unique content and convert those viewers into consumers.

Unit 5: Business Drivers in the Virtual World 15

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3.2. The Social Media Model By Mckinsey

McKinsey's social media model “MARL” enables the targeted marketing responses at
individual touch-points along the journey of customer decision making. This model begins
with monitoring of brands, amplification leads to designing of activities, respond to react on
controversies and finally ends with leading customer relationship for long-term.

Monitor Amplify

Respond Lead

Fig 2: Social Media Model by McKinsey

• Monitor: The first and the most important step of this model is monitoring that
involves an examination of organizational brands in real-time around the world.
Companies have various sources to track and visualize the data and analyzing the data
through different methods of study for product and campaign launches.
• Amplify: It involves a smart and influencing designing of marketing activities through
which the marketer engages and shares the necessary information regarding the
product and acts as a social motivator. Customers are invited to join the conversation
and experience of the company’s campaign to make them familiar with the brand,
product, fellow users, and other enthusiasts.
• Respond: It includes responding to the arguments spreading in social media about the
organization. It can be done through negative comments and reviews in the social
communities and focusing on increasing positive ones to enhance the brand image of
the organization.

Unit 5: Business Drivers in the Virtual World 16

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• Lead: It involves leading customers towards making long-term changes in the

behaviour of customers. It also involves creating brand awareness through increasing
Web traffic for content about existing products and services.

This social media model is the witness to an unprecedented process of technological

democratization. The social media model states the concept that companies can take
competitive advantage of the development of capacities of the Web through which they can
provide sufficient information in detail and of more use of information to the users to
participate effectively using these new platforms.

The MARS model by McKinsey & Company can be applied to a variety of social media
platforms and industries to create an effective social media strategy. Here are a few examples
of how the MARS model can be applied in practice:

• Modify: A restaurant can use social media analytics to identify which dishes are popular
among their customers and create a social media campaign around those dishes. They
can also modify their business hours based on the times when their social media
followers are most active.
• Amplify: An e-commerce store can use social media to amplify their brand message and
reach a wider audience. They can create engaging content such as product tutorials,
reviews, and behind-the-scenes footage to showcase their products and services, and
use social media advertising to target potential customers.
• Respond: A software company can use social media to respond to customer feedback
and improve their product. They can actively monitor social media channels for
feedback, respond to customer queries and complaints, and use social media to build
relationships with their customers.
• Lead: A marketing agency can use social media to lead their industry by sharing
insights, developing new marketing strategies, and driving innovation. They can use
social media to establish themselves as thought leaders, share case studies, and
showcase their expertise in their field.

Unit 5: Business Drivers in the Virtual World 17

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The MARS model by McKinsey & Company can be used by businesses and organizations to
develop a comprehensive social media strategy that helps them achieve their marketing and
business goals. Here are some of the key uses of the model:

• Identifying customer needs: The Modify stage of the MARS model involves using social
media analytics to identify customer preferences, behaviors, and needs. By analyzing
social media data, businesses can gain insights into their target audience's interests,
pain points, and behaviors. This can help businesses tailor their messaging and content
to better connect with their audience.
• Building brand awareness: The Amplify stage of the MARS model involves using social
media to amplify your brand message and content to a wider audience. This can help
businesses increase their brand awareness, reach new customers, and drive website
• Improving customer engagement: The Respond stage of the MARS model involves
actively engaging with customers on social media. By responding to customer queries,
complaints, and feedback, businesses can improve their customer service and build
stronger relationships with their audience.
• Establishing thought leadership: The Lead stage of the MARS model involves using
social media to establish your brand as a thought leader in your industry. By sharing
industry insights, thought-provoking content, and engaging in conversations with
other industry leaders, businesses can establish themselves as experts and gain
credibility among their audience.

The MARS model provides businesses with a structured approach to social media marketing
that can help them connect with their target audience, improve their brand image, and drive
business growth.

The figure given below states that the communication between corporate and customers can
be done through a multi-directional flowchart between the stakeholders which includes
owner, users, employees, suppliers, authorities, competitors, etc. Communication can be uni-
directional or multi-directional between corporate and customers.

Unit 5: Business Drivers in the Virtual World 18

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A multi-directional communication flow chart is a visual representation of how

communication flows between different stakeholders in an organization. It shows how
communication moves in multiple directions between various departments, teams, and
individuals within the organization. Here is an example of a multi-directional communication
flow chart:

• Top-level management: This includes the CEO, COO, and other top-level executives.
They communicate with each other and with the middle management team to set the
direction and strategy for the organization.
• Middle management: This includes department heads and team leaders who
communicate with their teams to ensure that goals are being met and tasks are being
completed efficiently. They also communicate with top-level management to keep them
updated on the progress of various projects.
• Frontline employees: This includes the customer service team, sales team, and other
employees who interact directly with customers. They communicate with middle
management to ensure that they have the resources they need to perform their jobs
• Customers: Customers provide feedback to frontline employees who relay this
feedback to middle management. This feedback is then used to make improvements to
products, services, and customer experiences.
• Vendors and suppliers: Vendors and suppliers communicate with various departments
within the organization to ensure that supplies and materials are delivered on time and
that quality standards are being met.
• External stakeholders: This includes regulatory bodies, industry associations, and
other organizations that have an interest in the organization's operations. The
organization communicates with these stakeholders to stay up-to-date on industry
trends, regulations, and best practices.

The following are the examples of some Web 2.0 technologies and potential corporate

Unit 5: Business Drivers in the Virtual World 19

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Fig 3: Multi-directional communication flow chart

Content Syndication Webcasting:

Content Syndication allows users to access the work of the author and that to be reposted
from one website to the other with prior permission. It is an agreement between the author
and the person who uses his or her work to be reposted on other websites. Blogs and news
headlines are used as frequently updated information that uses standard Web feed formats
to publish them.

Share and Bookmarks:

A corporate entity may be able to spread information related to the products and services
more efficiently from the company’s website through various leading social networks such
as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. This will draw more customers and investors.

Unit 5: Business Drivers in the Virtual World 20

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Brand managers must learn to think like consumers in order to find customers on social
media. As a result, they will be able to recognise the value of the views of families,
acquaintances, and close relatives in the online communities they frequent or are affiliated

with. If companies' online customer engagement strategies produce potential outcomes, they
profit significantly.

5. The third step of Social Media Model by Mckinsey is _________.
a. Monitor
b. Respond
c. Amplify
d. Lead
6. The capabilities of Web 2.0 include easy navigation, user-friendly, and
information sharing. [True/ False]
7. The examples of Web 2.0 technologies and potential corporate
communication are:
a. Content syndication webcasting
b. Share and bookmarks
c. Mash-ups
d. All of the above
8. Multi-directional communication flow between corporation and its
stakeholders. [True/ False]

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Social media delimitates the pattern of behaviour of consumers. Lodestar UM's WAVE report,
published recently, attempted to provide an in-depth insight at what social relations can
offer for brands. The following are the study's citations:

• The Internet can be accessed from various sources like mobile phones, laptops,
desktops, etc. that marketers use to customize the digital experiences for accessing
devices. Different devices have started getting segmented and are considered better at
doing varied things.
• Different levels of social relationships with brands are desired by consumers. This can
range from the extremely shallow, such as a desire for discount coupons or access to
enjoyable content, to the extremely deep, such as assisting with product creation or
becoming a brand group member.
• Useful media channels include official brand websites, photo/video pages, blogs,
forums, microblogs, and social networks. Active Internet users use them to meet new
people, stay in touch with old friends, make work connections, promote themselves,
learn something new, share information, change opinions, be innovative, express
themselves, make money, have fun, build a sense of belonging, share new experiences,
win respect, hang out, and keep up with the latest news.
• Social networks, followed by blogs serve as the most useful platforms for active
Internet users by helping them achieve the above objectives.

As a result, social media provides a viable solution for businesses to connect with and involve
online users in a conversation. Companies must maintain a continuous flow of information
and customise digital experiences through a variety of access platforms, including laptops
and cell phones. Interacting with consumers on their social platforms will help companies
use social media as a tool to form significant brand-consumer relationships.

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9. Digital surroundings are participatory, procedural, ________________ and
a. Spatial
b. Encyclopaedic
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above
10. Social media involves high cost due to the widespread adoption of social
media. [True/ False]
11. Companies do not need to keep a consistent flow of information and
customize digital experiences. [True/ False]

Unit 5: Business Drivers in the Virtual World 23

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Overview of

Web 2.0

Key Drivers in
the Business
Social Media
Meaning and Model by
Definition of Mckinsey
Social Media

with Navigating
Networks the Virtual

The Social

Fig 8: Conceptual Map

Unit 5: Business Drivers in the Virtual World 24

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• Understanding customers, leveraging the virtual world, embracing digital

transformation, and prioritizing customer-centricity are key drivers for business
• Business drivers shape a company's direction and success in the virtual world,
encompassing globalization, customer engagement, automation, data-driven decision
making, innovation, cost optimization, and agility.
• Businesses need to embrace digital transformation, prioritize customer-centricity,
foster innovation, ensure cybersecurity, and make data-driven decisions for virtual
• Web 2.0 is a collection of capabilities that allows the average Web user to become a
• Individuals and groups use social media to share, co-develop, debate, and change user-
generated content. Social media relies on mobile and web-based technology to create
highly engaging channels..
• Mckinsey's social media model, which includes Monitor, React, Amplify, and Lead,
allows for personalised marketing responses at specific touchpoints along the
customer decision journey.
• Social media is redefining consumer-behaviour patterns.
• Social media analytics has applications in managing content creation, scheduling,
publishing, and moderation.
• It further strengthens collaboration, workflow, and permissions along with data
analytics and reporting.

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• Prosumer: Prosumer is the term used to describe the ability to produce and consume
goods and services at the same time.
• Cybersecurity: It refers to protecting computer systems, networks, and data from
unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, or destruction.

Unit 5: Business Drivers in the Virtual World 26

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Building Loyalty the Jet Airways way

Jet Airways has been able to successfully use its digital presence for propagating the brand
to an increasingly digitally savvy Indian population. With a wide presence across Facebook,
iGoogle, Orkut, Yahoo, Youtube, Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn, Jet Airways has been able to
carve for itself a special brand image of a sensitive brand.

The Jet Airways Widgets-A Convenient way for Booking Tickets Online

Jet Airways has introduced online widgets that allow customers to download and search for
the best available fares and flight options. A customer can place the Jet Airways widget on
their Facebook page and use it to search for the lowest fares at any time by entering specific
customised data and preferences, effectively giving them their own Jet Airways booking

Jet Airways and Social Media

Jet Airways has been on Facebook since 2009 and in the last 5 years it has focused on the
following elements to use Facebook as an online marketing tool:

• Volume
• Frequency
• Content of brand communication
• Personalization
• Participation
• Interactivity

Jet Airways also invites customers to take part in an online discussion on the company's
Facebook page. Consumers respond to Jet Airways promotions by posting videos, snippets,
views, ideas, and other content specifically designed by the organisation to encourage
customer interaction and participation. When these stimuli are processed in the mind of the
customers, interest is created and a relationship is developed.

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The impact on customer beliefs and attitudes results in positive buyer responses when these
cues are reinforced, thereby rewarding the product with higher customer loyalty. While Jet
Airways has fostered an environment where its customers can interact with the company; at
the same time, the forum provides a peer-to-peer, in this case consumer-to-consumer
visibility for the ideas ad thoughts posted therein. Jet Airways generate positive consumer
sentiment through the use of social media is clearly worth exploration.


Discussion Questions:

1. How Jet Airways possess itself on social media? Does it impacts on growth measures or
it proves to be a failure?
2. Analyse Jet Airway’s online campaigns in context of frequency, accessibility, and

Unit 5: Business Drivers in the Virtual World 28

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Q1. Why is it important to embrace business drivers in the virtual world?

Q2. What is the importance of data driven decision making?

Q3. What are the challenges to navigate the business world?

Q4. What is the benefit of social media for businesses?

Q5. What are the initial capabilities that enabled social communities?

Q6. Give two ways in which you can critically assess a network marketing chain?


Q1. What are some of the Key Business Drivers in the Virtual World?

Q2. Elucidate some key considerations for businesses to navigate the virtual world

Q3. What are the four steps in the social media model given by Mckinsey?

Q4. State the main advantages of social media?

Unit 5: Business Drivers in the Virtual World 29

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1. d. Traditional brick-and-mortar retail

2. a. By providing cost optimization solutions
3. d. Ignoring continuous improvement
4. d. Protecting customer data privacy
5. c. Amplify
6. True
7. d. All of the above
8. True
9. c. Both a and b
10. False
11. False



Answer 1: In the virtual world, where technology and digital transformation are reshaping
the business landscape, understanding, and effectively leveraging business drivers is even
more crucial for organizations. By embracing the right business drivers, companies can
navigate the challenges and seize the opportunities presented by the digital age, and drive
growth, innovation, and profitability.

Answer 2: Advanced analytics techniques, such as machine learning, predictive analytics,

and prescriptive analytics, can enable businesses to make data-driven decisions in real-time,
automate processes, and deliver personalized experiences to customers. Data-driven
decision making in the virtual world has empowered businesses to gain a competitive edge,
identify new opportunities, and enhance customer satisfaction.

Unit 5: Business Drivers in the Virtual World 30

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Answer 3: Navigating the virtual world presents challenges, such as increased cybersecurity
risks, the need to adapt to rapidly changing technologies, and the requirement to keep up
with evolving customer preferences and behaviors. To thrive in the virtual world, businesses
need to continuously evolve, innovate, and adapt their strategies to leverage the benefits
while mitigating the risks.

Answer 4: Internet, nowadays, is more accountable and traceable from anywhere by anyone
in the world and is becoming the way for the variety of business practices. Social media
enables low-cost personalized information and product customization.

Answer 5: The initial capabilities that enabled social communities are as follows:

• Easy Navigation: A fastest new way of tagging and searching comfortably by using
search engines for information.
• User-Friendly: Continuously updating information makes the content qualitative and
is responsive to the user input.
• Information Sharing: A huge volume of data or information is sharing every second
on the Web by individuals who have access to various sources like Wikipedia, Blogs,
Ratings, Comments, Reviews, etc. who are becoming authors in this new era of the
digital world.

Answer 6:

• If a user's investment in a network makes sense, expectations are important as the

network hits critical mass.
• A consumer would consider a network to be more expensive if the network's benefit
exceeds the network's cost.


Answer 1: Answer is available in 5.2.1

Answer 2: Answer is available in 5.2.2

Answer 3: The four steps in the social media model given by Mckinsey are as follows:

Unit 5: Business Drivers in the Virtual World 31

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• Monitor: The first and the most important step of this model is monitoring that
involves an examination of organizational brands in real-time around the world.
Companies have various sources to track and visualize the data and analyzing the data
through different methods of study for product and campaign launches.
• Amplify: It involves a smart and influencing designing of marketing activities through
which the marketer engages and shares the necessary information regarding the
product and acts as a social motivator. Customers are invited to join the conversation
and experience of the company’s campaign to make them familiar with the brand,
product, fellow users, and other enthusiasts.
• Respond: It includes responding to the arguments spreading in social media about the
organization. It can be done through negative comments and reviews in the social
communities and focusing on increasing positive ones to enhance the brand image of
the organization.
• Lead: It involves leading customers towards making long-term changes in the
behaviour of customers. It also involves creating brand awareness through increasing
Web traffic for content about existing products and services.

Answer 4: The main advantages of social media are as follows:

• Social media management is relatively low cost: Social media is relatively low cost
irrespective of the widespread adoption of social media. Owning social assets like a
Facebook or Instagram profile may be expensive, but it's a one-time investment that's
far less than a paid search budget.
• Social network tenders limited inventory: Advertisers on the main social media
sites, such as Twitter and Facebook, have only a few pay-per-click ads options. Twitter
has a limited number of paid media items, while Facebook has introduced some new
ones, such as supported stories.
• Development of social Intelligence through listening: Organizations purchase
listening platforms like Trackur or Crimson Hexagon to achieve growth and monitor
social conversations. Firms that incorporate social data into their current customer
database as part of customer relationship management (CRM) enhancements are
expected to spend the most.

Unit 5: Business Drivers in the Virtual World 32

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• Thomas M. Siebel, (2019), Digital Transformation: Survive and Thrive in an Era of Mass
Extinction, RosettaBooks.
• Vandana Ahuja (Author), (2015), Digital Marketing: Current Trends, Oxford University
• Ian Dodson, (2016), the Art of Digital Marketing: The Definitive Guide to Creating
Strategic, Targeted, and Measurable Online Campaigns, Wiley.
• Simon Kingsnorth, (2019), Digital Marketing Strategy: An Integrated Approach to
Online Marketing, Kogan Page.


• Viral Marketing: Definition, Advantages, and Examples, viewed on March 12th, 2021,
• A virtuous cycle for top-line growth, viewed on March 12th, 2021,
• Web 2.0: An Introduction, viewed on March 14th, 2021,

Unit 5: Business Drivers in the Virtual World 33

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)




Unit 6: Social Media Analytics and Social Media Tools 1

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

Unit 6
Social Media Analytics and Social Media
Table of Contents

SL Fig No / Table SAQ /

Topic Page No
No / Graph Activity
1 Introduction - -
1.1 Learning Objectives - -
2 Social Media Analytics - 1
2.1 How Social Media Analytics Works - -
2.2 Best Practices for Analyzing Social Media 5 - 10
- -
2.3 Applications of Social Media Analytics - -
3 Social Media Tools - 2
3.1 Types of Social Media Tools - -
3.2 Features of Social Media Tools - -
11 - 16
3.3 How Businesses Can Use Social Media
- -
3.4 Some Social Media Tools - -
4 The social Web 1 3 17 - 21
5 Summary - - 22
6 Glossary - - 23
7 Case Study - - 23 - 24
8 Terminal Questions - - 25
9 Answer Keys - - 26 - 27
10 Suggested Books and e-References - - 28

Unit 6: Social Media Analytics and Social Media Tools 2

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)


In the previous chapter, we studied Business Drivers in the Virtual World Social Media. This
process provides long-term profits due to the complete database of their customers. Now, in
this chapter, we will study the concept of social media analytics and social edia tools. The
customers are developing their habit of searching for new ideas and techniques to achieve
maximum productivity and get them updated in the fastest growing world. They are entering
into the digital world through various sources of social media such as YouTube, LinkedIn,
Facebook, etc. Also, various social media models help you understand the use and
effectiveness of social media.

Social media analytics and tools are essential components for effective social media
marketing. Social media analytics involves collecting and analyzing data from social media
platforms to gain insights into audience behavior and engagement. This data can help
businesses refine their social media strategy and improve their marketing efforts.

Social media tools, on the other hand, are software applications designed to help manage
social media accounts and campaigns. These tools can automate tasks like scheduling posts,
monitoring social media activity, and analyzing data. They can also help businesses create
and curate content, engage with their audience, and track the success of their social media
marketing efforts. There are various social media tools like Google Analytics, Social
Crawlytics, and IBM Social Media Analytics that are being used by the organization to
perform social media analytics. The future of the social web is consists of five eras. Viral
Marketing occurs when the information regarding a product is spread everywhere by the
consumers who willingly act as promoters of a product. It is a very efficient and effective tool
for the marketer to build and develop the brand image and utilizing the benefits of emotions
and buying behaviour of the existing consumers.

Together, social media analytics and tools enable businesses to better understand their
audience, improve their content and messaging, and ultimately drive more engagement and
conversions on social media platforms.

Unit 6: Social Media Analytics and Social Media Tools 3

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1.1 Learning Objectives

After studying this chapter, you will be able to:

❖ Analyze social media data using appropriate tools and techniques

❖ Evaluate the effectiveness of social media campaigns and strategies using metrics and
❖ Apply social media listening and monitoring tools to identify trends, insights, and

Unit 6: Social Media Analytics and Social Media Tools 4

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Social media has transformed the way people communicate and interact with each other, and
it has also changed the way businesses interact with their customers. The sheer volume of
data generated by social media platforms makes it a goldmine for businesses seeking insights
on their target audience, customer behavior, and engagement metrics. Social media analytics
is the process of analyzing and interpreting this data to extract actionable insights that can
be used to improve marketing strategies, customer engagement, and business performance.
In this write-up, we'll take a closer look at social media analytics, including its importance,
how it works, and best practices for analyzing social media data.

Social media analytics is important for businesses for several reasons. Firstly, social media
provides a platform for businesses to connect with their customers in a way that was not
possible before. By engaging with customers on social media, businesses can gain valuable
insights into customer behavior, preferences, and opinions. Secondly, social media provides
a wealth of data that can be used to optimize marketing campaigns. Social media analytics
can help businesses identify which marketing channels are most effective, which content
resonates with customers, and which influencers have the greatest impact on customer
behavior. Finally, social media analytics can help businesses track their performance over
time and make data-driven decisions about how to improve their marketing strategies.

The social media analytics market has grown rapidly in recent years, driven by the increasing
use of social media by businesses to connect with their customers and promote their brands.
According to a report by MarketsandMarkets, the global social media analytics market size
is expected to grow from $3.6 billion in 2020 to $15.6 billion by 2025, at a compound annual
growth rate (CAGR) of 34.1% during the forecast period. The market is being driven by the
increasing demand for social media analytics solutions from businesses across various
industries, including healthcare, retail, e-commerce, and telecommunications. These
businesses are looking to gain insights into their customers' behavior, preferences, and
opinions, and use this information to make better business decisions.

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The growing popularity of social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram,
and the increasing adoption of social media analytics tools by businesses of all sizes, are also
contributing to the growth of the market. Social media analytics tools provide businesses
with a range of features and capabilities, such as sentiment analysis, social listening,
audience segmentation, and competitor analysis, that enable them to better understand and
engage with their target audience. The market is also being driven by the increasing adoption
of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies in social media
analytics. These technologies enable businesses to process and analyze large amounts of
social media data quickly and accurately, and provide them with insights that they can use
to improve their marketing campaigns, customer engagement strategies, and overall
business performance.

The social media analytics market is expected to continue to grow rapidly in the coming
years, as businesses increasingly rely on social media to connect with their customers and
promote their brands, and seek to leverage the power of analytics to gain deeper insights
into their target audience and make more informed business decisions.


Social media analytics involves the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data generated
by social media platforms. There are two main types of social media data: structured and
unstructured. Structured data refers to data that is organized in a pre-defined format, such
as comments, likes, shares, and clicks. Unstructured data, on the other hand, refers to data
that is not organized in a pre-defined format, such as text, images, and videos.

Social media analytics typically involves the following steps:

• Data Collection: The first step in social media analytics is to collect data from social
media platforms. This can be done using social media monitoring tools, which allow
businesses to track mentions, hashtags, and other social media activity related to their
brand or industry.
• Data Cleaning: Once the data has been collected, it needs to be cleaned to remove
duplicates, irrelevant data, and other noise that may interfere with analysis.

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• Data Analysis: The next step is to analyze the data using statistical methods and
machine learning algorithms. This can involve identifying trends, patterns, and
relationships in the data.
• art
• Data Visualization: The final step is to visualize the data using charts, graphs, and other
visual aids to make it easier to understand and interpret.

2.2 Best Practices For Analyzing Social Media Data

To get the most out of social media analytics, businesses need to follow some best practices.
Here are some tips for analyzing social media data:

• Define Objectives: Before embarking on a social media analytics project, businesses

should define their objectives and what they hope to achieve. This will help guide the
data collection and analysis process and ensure that the insights generated are relevant
and actionable.
• Focus on Relevant Metrics: Social media provides a wealth of data, but not all of it is
relevant to a business's objectives. It's important to focus on metrics that are
meaningful and provide actionable insights. For example, if a business is interested in
measuring customer engagement, they may want to focus on metrics such as likes,
shares, and comments.
• Use the Right Tools: Social media analytics requires specialized tools that can collect,
cleaning, analyzing, and visualizing data from social media platforms. There are many
social media analytics tools available on the market, and businesses should choose the
one that best meets their needs and budget.
• Keep Track of Competitors: Social media analytics can also be used to monitor
competitors and track their social media activity. This can provide valuable insights
into what competitors are doing well and where they are falling short, which can help
businesses make strategic decisions about their own social media strategy.

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• Monitor Trends: Social media is constantly evolving, and businesses need to stay up-
to-date with the latest trends and changes in social media platforms. By monitoring
trends, businesses can identify new opportunities and stay ahead of the competition.
• Incorporate Qualitative Analysis: Social media analytics is not just about numbers
and data. It's also important to incorporate qualitative analysis, such as sentiment
analysis, to gain a deeper understanding of customer behavior and opinions.
• Continuously Monitor and Adjust: Social media analytics is not a one-time process.
It's important to continuously monitor and adjust social media strategies based on the
insights generated by analytics. This will help businesses stay on top of trends and
adapt to changing customer behavior.

2.3 Applications Of Social Media Analytics

Social media analytics can be used in a variety of ways to improve business performance.
Here are some examples of how social media analytics can be applied:

❖ Marketing and Advertising: Social media analytics helps marketers and advertisers
understand audience behavior, preferences, and trends. It enables them to measure the
effectiveness of marketing campaigns, identify target audiences, optimize ad targeting
and messaging, and track return on investment (ROI).
❖ Brand Monitoring and Reputation Management: Social media analytics allows
businesses to monitor their brand mentions, sentiment, and customer feedback in real-
time. It helps in managing brand reputation, addressing customer concerns promptly,
and identifying opportunities for improvement.
❖ Customer Insights and Market Research: Social media analytics provides valuable
insights into consumer behavior, interests, and preferences. It helps businesses
understand customer sentiment, opinions, and purchasing patterns. This information
can be used for market research, product development, and improving customer
❖ Influencer Marketing: Social media analytics assists in identifying relevant influencers
and measuring their impact. It helps businesses find influencers with a high
engagement rate and a strong connection to their target audience. By leveraging social

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media analytics, brands can collaborate with influencers who can effectively promote
their products or services.
❖ Crisis Management: During a crisis or public relations issue, social media analytics can
help monitor and assess public sentiment, track conversations, and identify potential
risks. It enables businesses to respond swiftly, address concerns, and mitigate negative
❖ Competitive Analysis: Social media analytics allows businesses to monitor and analyze
their competitors' social media activities. It helps identify their strengths, weaknesses,
and strategies. By understanding competitor performance and engagement metrics,
companies can refine their own social media strategies to gain a competitive edge.
❖ Customer Service and Support: Social media analytics enables businesses to track and
respond to customer inquiries, complaints, and feedback on social media platforms. By
monitoring social media conversations, companies can provide timely and
personalized customer support, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.
❖ Trend Identification and Content Strategy: Social media analytics helps identify
emerging trends, topics, and conversations in real-time. It enables businesses to stay
updated with the latest industry trends and adapt their content strategy accordingly.
By creating content that resonates with their target audience, businesses can drive
engagement and brand awareness.

Social media analytics is a powerful tool for businesses seeking to gain insights into customer
behavior and improve marketing strategies. By collecting, cleaning, analyzing, and
visualizing social media data, businesses can identify trends, patterns, and relationships that
can be used to make data-driven decisions. However, to get the most out of social media
analytics, businesses need to follow best practices, such as defining objectives, focusing on
relevant metrics, using the right tools, and continuously monitoring and adjusting social
media strategies based on the insights generated by analytics. By doing so, businesses can
stay ahead of the competition and deliver better results to their customers.

Unit 6: Social Media Analytics and Social Media Tools 9

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1. What is social media analytics?
A) The process of collecting data on social media platforms
B) The process of analyzing and interpreting data generated by social
media platforms to extract actionable insights
C) The process of creating social media content for businesses
D) The process of monitoring competitors' social media activity

2. What is structured data in social media?

A) Data that is not organized in a pre-defined format
B) Data that is organized in a pre-defined format, such as comments, likes,
shares, and clicks
C) Data collected from competitors' social media platforms
D) Data that is irrelevant to a business's objectives

3. What is one best practice for analyzing social media data?

A) Focusing on all available metrics to gain the most insights
B) Using generic data analysis tools
C) Continuously monitoring and adjusting social media strategies based on
insights generated
D) Ignoring competitors' social media activity

4. How can social media analytics be applied to reputation management?

A) By developing new products and services
B) By identifying influencers with a strong impact on customer behavior
C) By monitoring and managing a business's online reputation
D) By measuring customer engagement

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Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives. It has transformed the way we
communicate, share information, and consume media. Businesses have also recognized the
power of social media in reaching out to their audience, building brand awareness, and
increasing customer engagement. We will explore the different types of social media tools,
their features, and how businesses can use them to improve their social media marketing

3.1 Types Of Social Media Tools

Social media tools are software solutions designed to help businesses manage and optimize
their social media presence. Give below are the major types of social media tools.

• Social Media Management Tools: Social media management tools are designed to
help businesses manage their social media accounts across multiple platforms. These
tools allow businesses to schedule posts, monitor conversations, analyze metrics, and
engage with their audience. Examples of social media management tools include
Hootsuite, Sprout Social, Buffer, and HubSpot.
• Social Listening Tools: Social listening tools are designed to help businesses monitor
social media conversations and track mentions of their brand or products. These tools
allow businesses to analyze sentiment, identify trends, and monitor their online
reputation. Examples of social listening tools include Brandwatch, Sprout Social,
Hootsuite Insights, and Mention.
• Social Media Advertising Tools: Social media advertising tools are designed to help
businesses create and manage social media ads. These tools allow businesses to target
specific demographics, set budgets, and track performance metrics. Examples of social
media advertising tools include Facebook Ads Manager, Twitter Ads, and LinkedIn Ads.
• Social Media Analytics Tools: Social media analytics tools are designed to help
businesses measure the performance of their social media accounts. These tools
provide insights into engagement, audience demographics, and post performance.
Examples of social media analytics tools include Google Analytics, Sprout Social, and
Hootsuite Insights.

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• Social Media Monitoring Tools: Social media monitoring tools are designed to help
businesses monitor their social media accounts for mentions, comments, and direct
messages. These tools allow businesses to respond to customer inquiries and engage
with their audience in real-time. Examples of social media monitoring tools include
Hootsuite, Sprout Social, and Buffer Reply.

3.2 Features Of Social Media Tools

Social media tools offer various features to help manage, monitor, and analyze social media
activity. These features include scheduling and publishing posts, tracking social media
performance, monitoring brand mentions and customer engagement, analyzing audience
demographics and behavior, and providing insights to improve social media strategies. Most
social media tools have some common features. Given below are the common features that
such tools have.

• Scheduling and Publishing: Social media management tools allow businesses to

schedule and publish content across multiple social media platforms. This feature saves
time and ensures consistency in posting.
• Analytics and Reporting: Social media analytics tools provide businesses with
insights into audience demographics, engagement, and post performance. This feature
helps businesses measure the effectiveness of their social media marketing strategies
and make data-driven decisions.
• Social Listening and Monitoring: Social listening and monitoring tools allow
businesses to monitor social media conversations and track mentions of their brand or
products. This feature helps businesses stay on top of customer feedback and respond
in a timely and appropriate manner.
• Social Media Advertising: Social media advertising tools allow businesses to create
and manage social media ads. This feature helps businesses reach their target audience
and promote their brand or products.
• Collaboration and Workflow: Social media management tools allow businesses to
collaborate with their team members and streamline their social media workflow. This

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feature helps businesses stay organized and efficient in managing their social media


Social media has become an essential part of modern-day marketing, and social media tools
have become indispensable for businesses looking to optimize their social media presence.
From managing multiple social media accounts to measuring performance, engaging with
customers, and staying on top of industry trends, social media tools offer a wide range of
features to help businesses succeed in the digital landscape. By choosing the right social
media tools and using them effectively, businesses can improve their social media marketing
strategies, build brand awareness, and increase customer engagement.

• Manage Multiple Social Media Accounts: Social media management tools allow
businesses to manage their social media accounts across multiple platforms. This feature
saves time and ensures consistency in posting.
• Monitor Social Media Conversations: Social listening and monitoring tools allow
businesses to monitor social media conversations and track mentions of their brand or
products. This feature helps businesses stay on top of customer feedback and respond in
a timely and appropriate manner.
• Measure Performance: Social media analytics tools provide businesses with insights
into audience demographics, engagement, and post performance. This feature helps
businesses measure the effectiveness of their social media marketing strategies and
make data-driven decisions.
• Create and Manage Social Media Ads: Social media advertising tools allow businesses
to create and manage social media ads. This feature helps businesses reach their target
audience and promote their brand or products.
• Engage with Customers: Social media monitoring and management tools allow
businesses to engage with their audience in real-time. This feature helps businesses
respond to customer inquiries, complaints, and feedback, and build meaningful
relationships with their customers.

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• Streamline Workflow: Social media management tools allow businesses to collaborate

with their team members and streamline their social media workflow. This feature helps
businesses stay organized and efficient in managing their social media accounts.
• Stay on Top of Industry Trends: Social media tools allow businesses to stay on top of
industry trends and adapt their social media marketing strategies accordingly. By
monitoring conversations, analyzing metrics, and tracking competitor activity,
businesses can stay ahead of the curve and remain competitive.

3.4 Some Social Media Tools

Social media tools are software applications designed to help users manage their social
media accounts and campaigns efficiently. These tools are used to schedule and publish
posts, analyze performance, monitor brand mentions, and engage with audiences on
different social media platforms. Social media tools come with various features and
functionalities that help businesses streamline their social media marketing efforts, improve
their online presence, and build stronger connections with their target audience. With the
rise of social media marketing, these tools have become essential for businesses looking to
stay competitive and succeed in the digital landscape.

There are a series of established tools being used by organizations to perform social media
analytics. These are:

❖ SAP Social Media Analytics by Netbase

❖ Google Analytics
❖ Social Crawlytics
❖ IBM Social Media Analytics
• SAP Social Media Analytics by Netbase: Netbase's SAP Social Media Analytics
platform allows businesses to track and monitor what consumers are thinking about
their goods and services on social media sites around the world. Increasing brand
equity, knowing what consumers want, tracking the market, and differentiating an
organisational brand are the key objectives.

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• Google Analytics: Google Analytics is a web-based service

provided by Google to users that generates accurate
Google Analytics provides
information about a website's traffic and traffic sources, as key stakeholders with
results reports that help
well as tracks conversions and sales. Google analytics is them understand the
importance of social media
used to calculate social media using social reports, social and learn what content
conversions, and social sources. Its aim is to determine converts social audiences.

conversion rates and the monetary value of conversions that occurred as a result of
visits from social media sites by connecting the visits to customer goals and e-
commerce purchases. It also allows businesses to identify the most relevant goals and
then assess how social media as a source is assisting them in achieving those goals.
• Social Crawlytics: It's a free online tool that determines how popular or controversial
a website's content is. It's extremely useful to evaluate the success of a competitor's
site. Its primary goals are to help companies understand the types of content they can
generate and distribute and analyse content and produce comprehensive information
about where it is shared.
• IBM Social Media Analytics: Social media analytics is a powerful tool for uncovering
customer sentiment dispersed across countless online sources. Its main objectives are
to control this data so that they can improve customer satisfaction, identify patterns
and trends, and make smarter decisions regarding marketing campaigns, and
empowers companies with data to help them formulate actionable strategies for
strategic issues.

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5. Which of the following is NOT a type of social media tool?
A) Social Media Management Tools
B) Social Listening Tools
C) Social Media Collaboration Tools
D) Social Media Analytics Tools

6. Which of the following features do most social media tools have?

A) Social Media Advertising
B) Social Media Monitoring
C) Social Media Collaboration
D) Scheduling and Publishing

7. What is the primary purpose of social media advertising tools?

A) To measure the performance of social media accounts
B) To manage social media accounts across multiple platforms
C) To monitor social media conversations and track mentions
D) To create and manage social media ads

8. How can businesses use social media tools to improve their social media
marketing strategies?
A) By monitoring competitor activity and adapting their strategies accordingly
B) By collaborating with their team members to streamline their workflow
C) By engaging with customers in real-time
D) All of the above

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The term "social web" refers to the interconnected network of websites, applications, and
platforms that enable individuals and communities to interact, share information, and
collaborate online. It encompasses various social media platforms, online forums, blogs,
wikis, and other online communities where users can create, share, and engage with content.

The social web has transformed how people communicate, connect, and consume
information. It has facilitated the democratization of content creation, allowing anyone to
publish and share their thoughts, ideas, and experiences with a global audience. Users can
engage in conversations, share multimedia content, and participate in online communities
based on their interests and preferences.

Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube are key
components of the social web. These platforms enable users to create profiles, connect with
others, share updates, and engage in conversations. They have become essential channels
for communication, social interaction, news consumption, and brand engagement.

The social web has also given rise to user-generated content, where individuals actively
contribute to the collective knowledge and information available online. Collaboration
platforms like Wikipedia and open-source software communities exemplify the power of
collective intelligence and collaboration on the social web.

The social web encompasses various features that enable users to connect, communicate,
and engage with each other. Here are some common features found on social web platforms:

1. User Profiles: Users can create personalized profiles that include information about
themselves, such as their name, profile picture, bio, and interests. Profiles serve as an
identity for users within the social web ecosystem.
2. Friend/Follower Connections: Users can connect with others by sending or accepting
friend requests, following or subscribing to their profiles. This allows users to stay
updated with each other's activities and content.

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3. News Feed/Timeline: Social web platforms typically feature a news feed or timeline
that displays updates and content from the users and pages that a user follows. It serves
as a central hub for consuming and interacting with content.
4. Sharing Content: Users can share various types of content, such as text posts, photos,
videos, links, and documents. Sharing content allows users to express themselves,
share information, and engage with others.
5. Likes/Reactions: Users can show their appreciation or engagement with content by
liking or reacting to posts. These reactions may include options like "Like," "Love,"
"Haha," "Wow," "Sad," or "Angry," depending on the platform.
6. Comments: Users can leave comments on posts to initiate conversations, ask questions,
or provide feedback. Comment threads facilitate discussions and interactions among
7. Messaging: Many social web platforms offer private messaging features, allowing users
to have one-on-one or group conversations. These messaging features may support
text, voice, and video communication.
8. Hashtags: Hashtags are used to categorize and organize content around specific topics
or themes. Users can include hashtags in their posts or click on them to explore related
9. Notifications: Social web platforms send notifications to users to keep them informed
about interactions, mentions, comments, and other activities related to their profiles
and content.
10. Privacy Controls: Social web platforms typically provide privacy settings that allow
users to control who can view their content and interact with them. Users can
customize their privacy preferences to manage their online presence.
11. Discovery and Explore: Many platforms have discovery or explore features that suggest
new content, pages, or users based on a user's interests, connections, and activity.
12. Analytics: Some social web platforms provide users with analytics and insights about
their content performance, audience demographics, and engagement metrics. This
helps users understand their reach and impact on the platform.

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These are just some of the common features found on social web platforms. The specific
features may vary across platforms, but they all aim to facilitate social interaction, content
sharing, and community building within the online environment.

The April 2009 Forrester study "The Future of the Social Web" explores the five eras of the
social web and the changing position of the user. The five eras are defined in detail as follows:

• Social Relationships: People created online profiles in the STUDY NOTE

mid-1990s and linked with their friends to share
Diverse Web 2.0 initiatives
knowledge. result in better
organizational listening
• Social Functionality: As a result, social networking has via social media
monitoring, greater
developed into more than just a forum for ‘friending,' but transparency via
corporate blogs and
also a platform for a wider range of ‘social interactive
Twitter profiles.
applications.' Individual sites' identifies, on the other hand,
are basically isolated silos.
• Social Colonization: Late in 2009, technologies such as opened and Facebook connect
started to blur the boundaries between social networks and conventional sites,
allowing individuals to incorporate their social interactions as part of their online
• Social Context: Sites started recognising personal identities and social connections in
2010 in order to have personalised online interactions. For everyone's online
interactions, social networks were the "centre of operations.".
• Social Commerce: Person identities and relationships were established on social
networks in 2012, making them more effective than corporate websites and CRM
systems. As users continued to push innovation in this direction, brands represented
community interests and expanded centred on community advocacy.

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9. Key capabilities of social media analytics may include
A) Sentiment analysis
B) Vertical-specific compliance
C) Marketing campaign automation
D) All of the above

10. SAP Social Media Analytics by Netbase has the main objective of growing
brand equity, understanding what customers want, track the competition,
etc. [True/ False]

11. The five eras of social web includes

A) Social Relationships
B) Social Functionality
C) Both a and b
D) None of the above

12. Social media measurement using ______ is conducted using social reports,
social conversions, and social sources.
A) SAP Social Media Analytics by Netbase
B) Google Analytics
C) Social Crawlytics
D) IBM Social Media Analytics

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Overview of

Social Media
Social Media

How it works

Examples of Best
Social Media Practices
Types &
Features of
Social Media Social Web

Five eras

Fig 8: Conceptual Map

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• Social media analytics involves the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data
generated by social media platforms, which can be used to optimize marketing
campaigns and track business performance.
• Businesses can follow best practices such as defining objectives, focusing on relevant
metrics, and using specialized tools to get the most out of social media analytics.
• Social media analytics can be applied to customer engagement, influencer marketing,
reputation management, and product development to improve business performance.
• Social media has transformed communication and marketing.
• Social media tools such as management, listening, advertising, analytics, and
monitoring tools provide features to manage multiple accounts, analyze data, engage
with customers, and streamline workflow.
• By effectively using social media tools, businesses can improve their marketing
strategies, build brand awareness, and increase customer engagement.
• Social media is redefining consumer-behaviour patterns.
• Social media analytics has applications in managing content creation, scheduling,
publishing, and moderation.
• It further strengthens collaboration, workflow, and permissions along with data
analytics and reporting.
• Sentiment analysis, vertical-specific compliance, marketing strategy automation,
integration with legacy marketing and analytics systems, and strategic social media
advisory services are only a few examples of key capabilities.
• SAP Social Media Analytics by Netbase, Google Analytics, Social Crawlytics, and IBM
Social Media Analytics are significant social media analytical tools.

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• Prosumer: Prosumer is the term used to describe the ability to produce and consume
goods and services at the same time.
• Track wall posting: Tracking of status updates and comments through online
communities and blog posts.
• Stop words: These are those words that only have grammatical significance.
• Stemming: Reducing inflected or sometimes derived words to their stem, base, or root


Building Loyalty the Jet Airways way

Jet Airways has been able to successfully use its digital presence for propagating the brand
to an increasingly digitally savvy Indian population. With a wide presence across Facebook,
iGoogle, Orkut, Yahoo, Youtube, Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn, Jet Airways has been able to
carve for itself a special brand image of a sensitive brand.

The Jet Airways Widgets-A Convenient way for Booking Tickets Online

Jet Airways has introduced online widgets that allow customers to download and search for
the best available fares and flight options. A customer can place the Jet Airways widget on
their Facebook page and use it to search for the lowest fares at any time by entering specific
customised data and preferences, effectively giving them their own Jet Airways booking

Jet Airways and Social Media

Jet Airways has been on Facebook since 2009 and in the last 5 years it has focused on the
following elements to use Facebook as an online marketing tool:

• Volume
• Frequency
• Content of brand communication

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• Personalization
• Participation
• Interactivity

Jet Airways also invites customers to take part in an online discussion on the company's
Facebook page. Consumers respond to Jet Airways promotions by posting videos, snippets,
views, ideas, and other content specifically designed by the organisation to encourage
customer interaction and participation. When these stimuli are processed in the mind of the
customers, interest is created and a relationship is developed.

The impact on customer beliefs and attitudes results in positive buyer responses when these
cues are reinforced, thereby rewarding the product with higher customer loyalty. While Jet
Airways has fostered an environment where its customers can interact with the company; at
the same time, the forum provides a peer-to-peer, in this case consumer-to-consumer
visibility for the ideas ad thoughts posted therein. Jet Airways generate positive consumer
sentiment through the use of social media is clearly worth exploration.


Discussion Questions:

1. How Jet Airways possess itself on social media? Does it impacts on growth measures or
it proves to be a failure?
2. Analyse Jet Airway’s online campaigns in context of frequency, accessibility, and

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Q1. What is the importance of social media analytics?

Q2. How does social listening and monitoring help businesses?

Q3. How can you stay on top of industry trends with social media tools?


Q1. Discuss some of the steps involved in Social Media Analytics?

Q2. Explain some of the best practices for analyzing social media?

Q3. Discuss the main types of social media tools.

Unit 6: Social Media Analytics and Social Media Tools 25

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1. B. The process of analyzing and interpreting data generated by social media platforms
to extract actionable insights.
2. B. Data that is organized in a pre-defined format, such as comments, likes, shares, and
3. C. Continuously monitoring and adjusting social media strategies based on insights
4. C. By monitoring and managing a business's online reputation.
5. C. Social Media Collaboration Tools
6. D. Scheduling and Publishing
7. D. To create and manage social media ads
8. D. All of the above
9. D. All of the above
10. True
11. C. Both a and b
12. B. Google Analytics



Answer 1: Firstly, social media provides a platform for businesses to connect with their
customers in a way that was not possible before. By engaging with customers on social
media, businesses can gain valuable insights into customer behavior, preferences, and
opinions. Secondly, social media provides a wealth of data that can be used to optimize
marketing campaigns. Social media analytics can help businesses identify which marketing
channels are most effective, which content resonates with customers, and which influencers
have the greatest impact on customer behavior. Finally, social media analytics can help
businesses track their performance over time and make data-driven decisions about how to
improve their marketing strategies.

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Answer 2:

Social listening and monitoring tools allow businesses to monitor social media conversations
and track mentions of their brand or products. This feature helps businesses stay on top of
customer feedback and respond in a timely and appropriate manner.

Answer 3:

By monitoring conversations, analyzing metrics, and tracking competitor activity,

businesses can stay ahead of the curve and remain competitive.


Answer 1

Answer available at 6.2.1

Answer 2

Answer available at 6.2.2

Answer 3

Answer available at 6.3.1

Unit 6: Social Media Analytics and Social Media Tools 27

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)



• Vandana Ahuja (Author), (2015), Digital Marketing: Current Trends, Oxford University
• Ian Dodson, (2016), the Art of Digital Marketing: The Definitive Guide to Creating
Strategic, Targeted, and Measurable Online Campaigns, Wiley.
• Simon Kingsnorth, (2019), Digital Marketing Strategy: An Integrated Approach to
Online Marketing, Kogan Page.


• Viral Marketing: Definition, Advantages, and Examples, viewed on March 12th, 2021,
• A virtuous cycle for top-line growth, viewed on March 12th, 2021,
• Web 2.0: An Introduction, viewed on March 14th, 2021,
• What Is Social Media Analytics & Why Is It Important?, viewed on March 16th, 2021,
• What is co-creation and how can it help your business?, viewed on March 17th, 2021,

Unit 6: Social Media Analytics and Social Media Tools 28

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Unit 7: Viral Marketing, Inbound Marketing and Co-creation 1

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

Unit 7
Viral Marketing, Inbound Marketing and Co-
Table of Contents

SL Fig No / Table SAQ /

Topic Page No
No / Graph Activity
1 Introduction - -
1.1 Learning Objectives - -
2 Viral Marketing - 1
2.1 Key Drivers Of Viral Marketing - -
5 - 11
2.2 Benefits Of Using Viral Marketing - -
2.3 User Generated Content - -
3 Inbound Marketing - 2, I
12 - 16
3.1 Steps In Inbound Marketing - -
4 Co-Creation In Marketing 1 3
17 - 21
4.1 Benefits Of Co-Creation In Marketing - -
5 Summary - - 22
6 Glossary - - 23
7 Case Study - - 23 - 24
8 Terminal Questions - - 25
9 Answer Keys - - 26 - 27
10 Suggested Books and e-References - - 28

Unit 7: Viral Marketing, Inbound Marketing and Co-creation 2

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)


Viral marketing, inbound marketing, and co-creation are all innovative marketing strategies
that have gained significant attention in recent years due to their potential to create mutually
beneficial relationships between businesses and their customers.

Viral marketing is a strategy that involves creating content that is highly shareable and can
spread quickly through social media and other digital channels. The goal of viral marketing
is to create a buzz around a product or service that leads to increased brand awareness and
customer engagement. By leveraging the power of social networks and word-of-mouth
marketing, viral marketing can help businesses to reach a wider audience and generate more
leads and sales.

Inbound marketing is a strategy that involves attracting and engaging customers through
valuable content and experiences that address their needs and interests. The goal of inbound
marketing is to build trust and credibility with customers by providing them with relevant
and useful information that helps them solve problems and achieve their goals. By creating
a positive customer experience, inbound marketing can help businesses to attract and retain
more customers, as well as increase brand loyalty and advocacy.

Co-creation is a collaborative approach in which companies work together with their

customers or other stakeholders to develop products, services, or marketing campaigns. The
goal of co-creation is to involve customers in the process of creating value, rather than just
selling them products or services. By engaging customers in the creation process, co-creation
can lead to more innovative and personalized products or services that better meet the needs
of customers. Co-creation can also lead to greater customer engagement, loyalty, and
advocacy, as customers feel more invested in the brand and its offerings.

While each of these marketing strategies is unique, they all share a common goal of creating
value for customers through engagement and collaboration. By leveraging the power of
social media, content marketing, and customer feedback, businesses can create more
meaningful relationships with their customers and build stronger, more sustainable brands.
Whether through the creation of viral campaigns that capture the attention of a wider

Unit 7: Viral Marketing, Inbound Marketing and Co-creation 3

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audience, the development of valuable content that attracts and engages customers, or the
co-creation of products and services that better meet customer needs, these marketing
strategies offer a new and exciting way to create value for customers in the digital age.

1.1 Learning Objectives

After studying this chapter, you will be able to:

❖ Analyze the different strategies used in viral marketing campaigns and their effectiveness
❖ Evaluate the benefits and limitations of inbound marketing
❖ Assess the role of co-creation in fostering collaboration between brands and customers

Unit 7: Viral Marketing, Inbound Marketing and Co-creation 4

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Viral marketing is a marketing technique that uses social media and other online platforms
to spread a message or product rapidly through word-of-mouth marketing. The goal of viral
marketing is to create content that is shareable and can quickly gain popularity through
social media platforms.

One of the primary advantages of viral marketing is its low cost. Since viral marketing
primarily relies on word-of-mouth marketing and social media platforms, businesses can
save money on traditional marketing methods such as television and radio advertisements.
Another advantage is that viral marketing can reach a wider audience than traditional
marketing methods, especially since social media platforms allow content to be shared
across the globe with just a few clicks.

Viral marketing can take many forms, from memes and videos to social media challenges and
user-generated content. Some of the most successful viral marketing campaigns have been
those that encourage users to create and share their own content, such as the ALS Ice Bucket

To create a successful viral marketing campaign, businesses must create content that is
interesting, engaging, and shareable. They must also understand their target audience and
which social media platforms they are most likely to use. For example, a younger
demographic may be more likely to use Instagram or TikTok, while an older demographic
may be more likely to use Facebook.

Social media analytics tools can be useful for measuring the success of a viral marketing
campaign. These tools can provide insights into how many people are engaging with the
content, how often it is being shared, and which social media platforms are driving the most
traffic. This information can help businesses to adjust their marketing strategies and create
more effective campaigns in the future.

One challenge of viral marketing is that it can be difficult to predict what content will become
popular. While businesses can create content that is interesting and shareable, ultimately it

Unit 7: Viral Marketing, Inbound Marketing and Co-creation 5

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is up to the audience to decide whether or not it will go viral. Additionally, viral content can
be short-lived, with its popularity quickly fading as new content becomes available.

Despite these challenges, viral marketing can be a powerful tool for businesses to promote
their products and services and reach a wider audience. By creating engaging content and
utilizing social media platforms, businesses can harness the power of word-of-mouth
marketing and create campaigns that are both memorable and effective.

2.1 Key Drivers Of Viral Marketing

Viral marketing is a powerful marketing technique that can create an exponential growth in
the spread of a message, product, or service. It relies on social networks and word-of-mouth
marketing to generate interest and engagement. There are several key drivers that
contribute to the success of viral marketing campaigns.

• Emotional Appeal: Emotions are powerful drivers of human behavior. Viral marketing
campaigns that evoke strong emotions such as joy, anger, sadness, or surprise are more
likely to be shared and remembered. For example, the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge went
viral because it was emotionally charged and inspired people to donate to the cause.
• Relevance: Viral marketing campaigns need to be relevant to the target audience.
Messages that resonate with a specific group of people are more likely to be shared and
spread. The Dollar Shave Club's "Our Blades Are F***ing Great" campaign went viral
because it was relevant to men who were frustrated with the high cost of razor blades.
• Simplicity: Viral marketing campaigns should be simple and easy to understand. A
complicated message is less likely to be shared and remembered. The "Got Milk?"
campaign is a great example of a simple and memorable message that went viral.
• Novelty: Novelty is a key driver of viral marketing. Messages that are new and unique
are more likely to be shared and remembered. The Old Spice "The Man Your Man Could
Smell Like" campaign went viral because it was fresh, unique, and unexpected.
• Incentives: Incentives can be a powerful driver of viral marketing. Offering rewards or
incentives for sharing a message or referring friends can motivate people to spread the
message. Dropbox's referral program is a great example of how incentives can drive
viral growth.

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• Timing: Timing is critical for viral marketing campaigns. Messages that are shared at
the right time can have a huge impact. The "Damn, Daniel" meme went viral because it
was shared at the right time and resonated with the target audience.
• Influencers: Influencers can be a powerful driver of viral marketing. Messages that are
shared by influencers with large followings are more likely to be shared and spread.
The Ice Bucket Challenge was amplified by celebrity influencers who shared the
message with their followers.
• User-generated content: User-generated content is a great way to drive viral
marketing. Encouraging users to create and share their own content can create a ripple
effect that spreads the message to a wider audience. The "Share a Coke" campaign is a
great example of how user-generated content can drive viral growth.
• Visual Content: Visual content is more likely to be shared and remembered than text-
based content. Messages that are delivered through images, videos, or graphics are
more likely to go viral. The "Harlem Shake" video is a great example of how visual
content can drive viral growth.
• Authenticity: Authenticity is a key driver of viral marketing. Messages that are genuine
and authentic are more likely to be shared and remembered. The Dove "Real Beauty"
campaign went viral because it was authentic and resonated with the target audience.

Viral marketing can be a powerful tool for generating interest and engagement. Key drivers
such as emotional appeal, relevance, simplicity, novelty, incentives, timing, influencers, user-
generated content, visual content, and authenticity can all contribute to the success of viral
marketing campaigns. Marketers who understand these drivers and incorporate them into
their campaigns are more likely to create viral messages that spread like wildfire.

2.2 Benefits Of Using Viral Marketing

Viral marketing can bring numerous benefits to businesses that use it effectively. Here are
some of the key benefits of using viral marketing:

Unit 7: Viral Marketing, Inbound Marketing and Co-creation 7

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• Low-cost marketing: One of the biggest advantages of viral marketing is that it can be
a low-cost way to reach a large audience. With the help of social media and other online
platforms, businesses can easily create and share viral content without the need for
expensive advertising campaigns.
• Increased brand awareness: Viral marketing can help businesses increase their
brand awareness and reach a wider audience. When people share viral content with
their friends and followers, it can help to spread the word about a brand and increase
its visibility.
• Greater engagement: Viral marketing campaigns can also be highly engaging, as they
often rely on creative and interactive content to capture people's attention. This can
help to increase engagement with a brand and build stronger relationships with
• Improved credibility: Viral marketing campaigns that are authentic and resonate with
people can also help to improve a brand's credibility. When people see that others are
engaging with and sharing a brand's content, it can help to build trust and establish the
brand as a credible authority in its industry.
• Increased website traffic: Viral marketing campaigns can also drive significant traffic
to a business's website, which can help to boost its search engine rankings and increase
its online visibility.
• Higher conversion rates: When people engage with a brand's viral marketing content,
they may be more likely to convert into customers. By creating compelling content that
speaks to people's interests and needs, businesses can increase the chances of turning
engagement into sales.
• Measurable results: Many viral marketing campaigns can be easily tracked and
measured, which can help businesses to determine their effectiveness and make
adjustments as needed. By analyzing data on engagement, website traffic, and
conversions, businesses can refine their viral marketing strategies to achieve even
greater results.

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Viral marketing can be a powerful tool for businesses looking to increase their brand
awareness, engagement, credibility, and sales. By creating compelling content that resonates
with people and leveraging the power of social media and other online platforms, businesses
can tap into the potential of viral marketing to reach a wider audience and achieve their
marketing goals.

2.3 User Generated Content

User-generated content (UGC) refers to any content that is created and shared by users
rather than by a brand or organization. This can include anything from social media posts
and videos to reviews and blog articles. UGC is becoming increasingly popular among
businesses because it is an effective way to engage with customers and build brand

One of the key benefits of UGC is that it can help to build trust with customers. Because UGC
is created by real people, it is seen as more authentic and trustworthy than traditional
marketing messages. This can be particularly important for businesses that are trying to
build a strong online presence, as customers are more likely to engage with brands that they
trust. Another benefit of UGC is that it can be an effective way to increase engagement and
build a sense of community around a brand. When customers feel that they are part of a
community, they are more likely to engage with the brand and to become loyal customers.
UGC can also be used to build social proof, as positive reviews and testimonials can help to
demonstrate the quality of a product or service.

There are several different types of UGC that businesses can use to engage with customers.
One of the most popular forms of UGC is social media content, which can include anything
from photos and videos to status updates and tweets. Social media platforms like Facebook,
Twitter, and Instagram are particularly effective for UGC, as they allow users to easily share
content with their friends and followers. Another popular form of UGC is customer reviews
and testimonials. These can be used to showcase the quality of a product or service and to
build social proof. Customer reviews can be shared on a company website or on third-party
review sites like Yelp or TripAdvisor.

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Blog articles and guest posts are another effective way to generate UGC. By allowing
customers and influencers to contribute content to a blog, businesses can increase
engagement and build a sense of community around their brand. This can also help to attract
new customers and build brand awareness.

There are several key factors that businesses should consider when implementing a UGC

• First, it is important to understand the needs and interests of the target audience. This
can help businesses to create content that is relevant and engaging, and that is more
likely to be shared by users.
• Second, businesses should focus on creating a sense of community around their brand.
This can be done by encouraging customers to share their experiences and opinions,
and by engaging with users through social media and other channels.
• Finally, businesses should be prepared to respond to both positive and negative
feedback from users. By engaging with customers and addressing their concerns,
businesses can build trust and loyalty, and can create a positive reputation for their

UGC is an effective way for businesses to engage with customers and to build brand
awareness. By focusing on creating high-quality content that is relevant and engaging, and
by building a sense of community around their brand, businesses can use UGC to create a
positive online presence and to attract new customers.

Unit 7: Viral Marketing, Inbound Marketing and Co-creation 10

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

1. Which of the following is a primary advantage of viral marketing?
A) Expensive traditional marketing methods
B) Limited audience reach
C) Reliance on radio advertisements
D) Low cost and wide audience reach

2. What is one challenge of viral marketing?

A) Difficulty in creating shareable content
B) Predicting what content will become popular
C) Reaching a narrow audience
D) Limited availability of social media platforms

3. What is one key driver of viral marketing campaigns?

A) Text-based content
B) Long messages
C) Novelty
D) High cost

4. What is one benefit of using user-generated content in viral marketing?

A) Increased cost
B) Narrow audience reach
C) Decreased engagement
D) Wider audience reach

Unit 7: Viral Marketing, Inbound Marketing and Co-creation 11

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)


Inbound marketing is a marketing strategy that focuses on attracting and engaging potential
customers through the creation and dissemination of valuable content that is designed to
address the needs and interests of a specific target audience. Rather than interrupting
potential customers with unwanted messages, inbound marketing seeks to build long-term
relationships by providing useful information that establishes the brand as a trusted
authority in their field.

The main goal of inbound marketing is to attract potential customers to the brand's website
or social media channels through content marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), and
social media marketing. Once potential customers have engaged with the brand's content,
the next step is to convert them into leads by offering them a valuable resource in exchange
for their contact information. This could be an e-book, white paper, webinar, or other form
of gated content that provides additional value to the potential customer.

Once the brand has converted potential customers into leads, the next step is to nurture
those leads through a series of automated email campaigns and other forms of targeted
marketing. This is done by providing the lead with additional valuable content that is
designed to move them further down the sales funnel. Eventually, the goal is to convert the
lead into a customer by providing them with a compelling offer that meets their needs and
addresses their pain points.

There are several key benefits of using inbound marketing as a marketing strategy. One of
the biggest benefits is that it is much more cost-effective than traditional outbound
marketing methods such as television ads, billboards, and direct mail campaigns. Because
inbound marketing relies on creating valuable content that can be shared through social
media and other channels, it is much easier to reach a large audience without incurring the
high costs associated with traditional advertising.

Another major benefit of inbound marketing is that it is highly targeted and personalized. By
focusing on creating content that is designed to address the needs and interests of a specific
target audience, inbound marketing allows brands to build relationships with potential

Unit 7: Viral Marketing, Inbound Marketing and Co-creation 12

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customers on a much deeper level. This can lead to increased customer loyalty and advocacy,
which can ultimately drive more sales and revenue for the brand.

In addition to being cost-effective and highly targeted, inbound marketing is also very
flexible and scalable. Because it relies on creating valuable content that can be shared
through a variety of channels, inbound marketing campaigns can be easily adapted and
adjusted to meet the changing needs of the target audience. This makes it a highly effective
strategy for both small and large businesses, as well as for businesses in a wide range of

However, there are also some potential drawbacks to using inbound marketing as a
marketing strategy. One of the biggest challenges is the amount of time and resources
required to create and distribute high-quality content. In order to be successful with inbound
marketing, brands must be willing to invest significant time and resources into creating
valuable content that is designed to engage and inform their target audience.

Another potential challenge of inbound marketing is the need for ongoing optimization and
measurement. Because inbound marketing relies on a complex web of channels and
strategies, it can be difficult to track and measure the effectiveness of individual campaigns
and tactics. This requires a strong commitment to ongoing measurement and optimization
in order to ensure that the brand's inbound marketing efforts are delivering the desired

Inbound marketing is a highly effective marketing strategy that can help brands to build
long-term relationships with their target audience and drive more sales and revenue. By
focusing on creating valuable content that is designed to engage and inform potential
customers, inbound marketing allows brands to establish themselves as trusted authorities
in their field, which can lead to increased customer loyalty and advocacy over time. However,
it is important to recognize the potential challenges and drawbacks of inbound marketing in
order to ensure that it is implemented effectively and efficiently.

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3.1 Steps In Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing is a customer-centric approach that focuses on attracting, engaging, and

delighting potential customers through relevant and helpful content. The goal is to attract
and retain customers by providing them with valuable information and experiences at every
stage of their buyer's journey. The following are the key steps in inbound marketing:

• Define your target audience: The first step is to understand who your ideal customers
are and what their pain points and challenges are. This will help you create content and
strategies that are tailored to their needs and preferences.
• Create compelling content: Once you know your target audience, create content that
addresses their challenges, provides solutions, and engages them. This can include blog
posts, videos, eBooks, webinars, and social media posts.
• Optimize your website for search engines: To attract more visitors to your website,
optimize it for search engines. This includes using relevant keywords, creating meta
descriptions, and using alt tags for images.
• Promote your content: Use various channels to promote your content, including
social media, email marketing, and paid advertising. This will help increase the visibility
and reach of your content, attract more visitors to your website, and generate leads.
• Capture leads: Once visitors are on your website, use forms and landing pages to
capture their contact information. This will allow you to follow up with them and
nurture them through the buyer's journey.
• Nurture leads: Use email marketing, targeted content, and personalization to nurture
leads and build a relationship with them. This will help them move through the buyer's
journey and become customers.
• Convert leads into customers: Use effective sales techniques to convert leads into
customers. This includes understanding their needs and preferences, providing
solutions to their challenges, and offering exceptional customer service.

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• Delight customers: Once customers have made a purchase, continue to engage and
delight them through personalized and relevant content. This will help build loyalty,
encourage repeat business, and generate referrals.
• Analyze and optimize: Use data and analytics to track the performance of your
inbound marketing efforts and optimize them for better results. This includes analyzing
website traffic, lead generation, and conversion rates, and making adjustments as

Inbound marketing is an effective and customer-centric approach that can help businesses
attract, engage, and delight potential customers. By following these key steps, businesses can
create a successful inbound marketing strategy that generates leads, converts customers,
and builds long-term relationships with their target audience.

Activity I
Identify one brand that is active on social media. Read the information available
online about the brand. Browse through the campaigns of the brand in the online
domain study their consumer-engagement strategies, and then the consumer-
generated comments. Develop a report on the consumer sentiments and opinions,
as visible through your reading and qualitative judgements and discuss with your
mentor about the detailed findings.

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5. What is the main goal of inbound marketing?
A) To interrupt potential customers with unwanted messages
B) To create and disseminate valuable content
C) To increase the cost of advertising
D) To rely on traditional outbound marketing methods

6. What is one of the biggest benefits of using inbound marketing as a marketing

A) It requires a significant investment of time and resources
B) It is not a flexible or scalable strategy
C) It is highly targeted and personalized
D) It relies on creating content that is not designed to address the needs and
interests of a specific target audience

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Co-creation is a collaborative approach in which companies work together with their

customers or other stakeholders to develop products, services, or marketing campaigns. It
has gained significant attention in recent years due to its potential to create mutually
beneficial relationships between businesses and their customers. Co-creation is not a new
concept, but advances in technology and the rise of social media have made it easier for
companies to engage their customers in the creation process.

The idea behind co-creation is to involve customers in the process of creating value, rather
than just selling them products or services. This approach can lead to more innovative and
personalized products or services that better meet the needs of customers. Co-creation can
also lead to greater customer engagement, loyalty, and advocacy, as customers feel more
invested in the brand and its offerings. Co-creation can take many different forms, including
brainstorming sessions, focus groups, online forums, surveys, and feedback mechanisms.
Companies can also leverage social media to engage customers in the co-creation process,
such as by soliciting ideas for new products or services, or by crowdsourcing content for
marketing campaigns.

Co-creation can also lead to more efficient and effective marketing campaigns. By involving
customers in the creation process, companies can create more relevant and engaging
marketing messages that resonate with their target audience. This can lead to higher levels
of engagement, brand awareness, and customer loyalty. Co-creation is a powerful tool for
companies looking to create more value for their customers and build stronger relationships
with them. It requires a willingness to collaborate and a commitment to putting the customer
at the center of the creative process. With the right approach, co-creation can lead to more
innovative and effective products, services, and marketing campaigns, as well as greater
customer satisfaction, loyalty, and advocacy.

4.1 Benefits Of Co-Creation In Marketing

Co-creation in marketing is a collaborative approach in which companies work together with

their customers or other stakeholders to develop products, services, or marketing

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campaigns. It has gained significant attention in recent years due to its potential to create
mutually beneficial relationships between businesses and their customers.

Given below are some of the benefits of co-creation in marketing.

• Better understanding of customer needs and preferences: One of the key benefits
of co-creation is that it can lead to a better understanding of customer needs and
preferences. By involving customers in the creation process, companies can gain
insights into what their customers want and how they use products or services. This
can help companies to create products or services that better meet customer needs and
preferences, which can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.
• More innovative and personalized products or services: Co-creation can also lead
to more innovative and personalized products or services that better meet the needs of
customers. By involving customers in the creation process, companies can gain insights
into how customers use products or services and what features they would like to see.
This can help companies to create more targeted and personalized products or services
that are more likely to meet the needs of customers.
• Greater customer engagement and loyalty: Co-creation can lead to greater customer
engagement, loyalty, and advocacy, as customers feel more invested in the brand and
its offerings. By involving customers in the creation process, companies can build a
stronger connection with their customers and create a sense of community around
their brand. This can lead to increased customer loyalty and advocacy, as customers
become more likely to recommend the brand to others.
• More efficient and effective marketing campaigns: Co-creation can lead to more
efficient and effective marketing campaigns. By involving customers in the creation
process, companies can create more relevant and engaging marketing messages that
resonate with their target audience. This can lead to higher levels of engagement, brand
awareness, and customer loyalty.
• Competitive advantage: Co-creation can help companies to differentiate themselves
from their competitors. By involving customers in the creation process, companies can
create unique products or services that stand out from the competition. This can help
to create a competitive advantage and drive growth for the business.

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• Increased revenue and profitability: Co-creation can lead to increased revenue and
profitability for businesses. By creating more innovative and personalized products or
services that better meet customer needs, companies can attract more customers and
increase sales. This can lead to increased revenue and profitability for the business.
• Better decision-making: Co-creation can also lead to better decision-making. By
involving customers in the creation process, companies can gain valuable feedback and
insights that can inform business decisions. This can lead to more informed and
effective decision-making, which can help companies to better meet the needs of their
customers and grow their business.
• Positive brand perception: Co-creation can lead to a more positive brand perception
among customers. By involving customers in the creation process, companies can build
a stronger connection with their customers and create a sense of community around
their brand. This can lead to a more positive brand perception, as customers view the
company as more customer-centric and responsive to their needs.

Co-creation in marketing offers many benefits for businesses looking to create more value
for their customers and build stronger relationships with them. By involving customers in
the creation process, companies can gain valuable insights, create more innovative and
personalized products or services, and build a stronger connection with their customers.
This can lead to increased revenue and profitability, as well as greater customer satisfaction,
loyalty, and advocacy.

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7. What is co-creation in marketing?
A) A collaborative approach in which companies work together with their
customers or other stakeholders to develop products, services, or
marketing campaigns.
B) A traditional approach in which companies only focus on selling products
or services to their customers.
C) A marketing technique that uses social media to engage customers in the
creation process.
D) A process in which companies create marketing messages without any
input from customers.
8. What are some benefits of co-creation in marketing?
A) More innovative and personalized products or services.
B) Increased customer engagement and loyalty.
C) More efficient and effective marketing campaigns.
D) All of the above.

Unit 7: Viral Marketing, Inbound Marketing and Co-creation 20

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Overview of



Key Benefits Benefits


Steps in Inbound

Fig 8: Conceptual Map

Unit 7: Viral Marketing, Inbound Marketing and Co-creation 21

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)


• Viral marketing is a low-cost, high-reach marketing strategy that uses social media to
spread a message or product rapidly through word-of-mouth.
• Viral marketing is more likely to be successful when it is emotionally appealing,
relevant, simple, novel, incentivized, timely, shared by influencers, user-generated,
visual, and authentic.
• UGC is content created and shared by users, which can help businesses build trust,
engagement, and social proof.
• Inbound marketing is a customer-focused marketing strategy that attracts and engages
potential customers with valuable content.
• Co-creation in marketing is a collaborative approach that involves customers in the
development of products, services, or marketing campaigns.
• Companies gain significantly if their online consumer engagement programs yield rich
results, and their consumers become evangelists.

Unit 7: Viral Marketing, Inbound Marketing and Co-creation 22

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Co-creation: Co-creation is a collaborative approach in which companies work together

with their customers or other stakeholders to develop products, services, or marketing



Peperami, a sausage snack brand launched by Unilever in Germany and the United Kingdom
over fifteen years ago, has grown to become one of the UK's most successful consumer
brands. The creative agency has been in charge of the brand since the beginning. From the
time of its inception until August 2009, Lowe has been a part of the Lowe family. Unilever
announced their decision to drop the agency and partner with "Idea bounty" to launch their
latest campaign's concept.

For the last 15 years, in advertising communications, the Animal, "crazed, masochistic
sausage character", depicted the brand. This theme incorporated with fresh ideas for the
next print and TV ads.

Idea Bounty maintained the writing of the brief from the start of the project. The winning
idea had to cause and encourage the growth of scripts and storyboards, according to the
brief, which was very specific and informative. This safeguard ensured that the proposals
submitted were well-thought-out and of high quality. The brief also included information
about previous Peperami campaigns.

To support the brief, the Idea Bounty team created a full-page print ad that was released in
the UK's Campaign Magazine as well as online banners on various marketing, advertisement,
and social networking sites.

Furthermore, the brief drew a lot of PR (public relations) attention, with widespread
publicity both online and offline, owing to the contentious role of crowdsourcing in ads at
the time. The Idea Bounty team worked hard to ensure that the idea filtering system was

Unit 7: Viral Marketing, Inbound Marketing and Co-creation 23

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Creative's submissions were of exceptional quality. Overall, the brief's hosting was a big
success. The brief came from a well-known brand with an interesting issue, which resulted
in a lot of high-quality submissions.

Plan Bounty and Unilever revealed two excellent winning ideas after much deliberation and
thanks to the high quality of submissions.


Discussion Questions:

1. What risk emerged from moving the Peperami account from agency Lowe to
crowdsourcing platform Idea Bounty?
2. Interpret the significance of details contained in the brief.

Discuss the role of online communities in the campaign.

Unit 7: Viral Marketing, Inbound Marketing and Co-creation 24

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Q1. What is viral marketing?

Q2. What is User Generated Content?

Q3. What are the factors to consider when implementing a UGC strategy?

Q4. What is inbound marketing?

Q5. What is co-creation?


Q1. What are the key drivers of viral marketing?

Q2. What are the benefits of viral marketing?

Q3. What are the steps in Inbound Marketing?

Q4. What are the benefits of Co-creation?

Unit 7: Viral Marketing, Inbound Marketing and Co-creation 25

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1. D) Low cost and wide audience reach.

2. B) Predicting what content will become popular.
3. C) Novelty.
4. D) Wider audience reach.
5. B) To create and disseminate valuable content
6. C) It is highly targeted and personalized
7. A) A collaborative approach in which companies work together with their customers
or other stakeholders to develop products, services, or marketing campaigns.
8. D) All of the above.



Answer 1: Viral marketing is a marketing technique that uses social media and other online
platforms to spread a message or product rapidly through word-of-mouth marketing. The
goal of viral marketing is to create content that is shareable and can quickly gain popularity
through social media platforms.

Answer 2: User-generated content (UGC) refers to any content that is created and shared by
users rather than by a brand or organization. This can include anything from social media
posts and videos to reviews and blog articles. UGC is becoming increasingly popular among
businesses because it is an effective way to engage with customers and build brand

Answer 3: There are several key factors that businesses should consider when
implementing a UGC strategy.

Unit 7: Viral Marketing, Inbound Marketing and Co-creation 26

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• First, it is important to understand the needs and interests of the target audience. This
can help businesses to create content that is relevant and engaging, and that is more
likely to be shared by users.
• Second, businesses should focus on creating a sense of community around their brand.
This can be done by encouraging customers to share their experiences and opinions,
and by engaging with users through social media and other channels.
• Finally, businesses should be prepared to respond to both positive and negative
feedback from users. By engaging with customers and addressing their concerns,
businesses can build trust and loyalty, and can create a positive reputation for their

Answer 4: Inbound marketing is a marketing strategy that focuses on attracting and

engaging potential customers through the creation and dissemination of valuable content
that is designed to address the needs and interests of a specific target audience.

Answer 5: Co-creation is a collaborative approach in which companies work together with

their customers or other stakeholders to develop products, services, or marketing
campaigns. It has gained significant attention in recent years due to its potential to create
mutually beneficial relationships between businesses and their customers.


Answer 1: Answer available at 7.2.1

Answer 2: Answer available at 7.2.2

Answer 3: Answer available at 7.3.1

Answer 4: Answer available at 7.4.1

Unit 7: Viral Marketing, Inbound Marketing and Co-creation 27

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• Vandana Ahuja (Author), (2015), Digital Marketing: Current Trends, Oxford University
• Ian Dodson, (2016), the Art of Digital Marketing: The Definitive Guide to Creating
Strategic, Targeted, and Measurable Online Campaigns, Wiley.
• Simon Kingsnorth, (2019), Digital Marketing Strategy: An Integrated Approach to
Online Marketing, Kogan Page.


• Viral Marketing: Definition, Advantages, and Examples, viewed on March 12th, 2021,
• A virtuous cycle for top-line growth, viewed on March 12th, 2021,
• Web 2.0: An Introduction, viewed on March 14th, 2021,
• What Is Social Media Analytics & Why Is It Important?, viewed on March 16th, 2021,
• What is co-creation and how can it help your business?, viewed on March 17th, 2021,

Unit 7: Viral Marketing, Inbound Marketing and Co-creation 28

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Unit 8: Online Branding 1

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

Unit 8
Online Branding
Table of Contents

SL Fig No / Table SAQ /

Topic Page No
No / Graph Activity
1 Introduction - -
1.1 Learning Objectives - -
2 Cyber Branding - 1 5 - 18
3 Consumers- The New Influential Constituency 1 2, I 19 - 23
4 The Digital Brand Ecosystem 2 3 24 - 30
5 Brand Experience - 4 31 - 35
6 Using Consumer Brand Knowledge and
Consumer Brand Emotion to develop 3 5 36 - 38
Consumer Engagement
7 Summary - - 39 - 40
8 Glossary - - 41
9 Case Study - - 42
10 Terminal Questions - - 43
11 Answer Keys - - 44 - 48
12 Suggested Books and e-References - - 49

Unit 8: Online Branding 2

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In the previous chapter, we studied that Viral Marketing, Inbound Marketing and Co-creation
are tools that enables brands to create awareness and interest among their potential user
bases. Online branding is the process of creating a brand image, awareness, and reputation
using the internet as the primary medium. It involves establishing a digital identity that can
resonate with the target audience, building an online presence, and developing a relationship
with potential customers through various digital channels.

Cyber branding refers to the process of establishing a unique digital identity that can
differentiate a brand from its competitors. It involves creating a brand personality, values,
and visual elements that can connect with the target audience. Cyber branding also involves
building a consistent and memorable online presence across different platforms and

A digital brand ecosystem refers to the interconnected network of digital touchpoints and
channels that a brand uses to communicate and engage with its audience. It includes the
brand's website, social media profiles, email marketing, mobile apps, and other digital
channels. A strong digital brand ecosystem can enhance a brand's visibility, credibility, and
engagement with its audience. It can also create a seamless and consistent customer
experience across different channels and touchpoints.

While any individual can have an account on social media, social media stages have become
a significant piece of promoting for organizations, everything being equal. The way to fruitful
social media is to not deal with it like an additional member yet to treat it with a similar
consideration, regard, and consideration you do the entirety of your showcasing endeavours.
Web-based branding is the remarkable development of social media over the previous year's
means that wide acknowledgement among different individuals in the public arena. Online
social media networks are getting mainstream and are being utilized as a correspondence
stage by many. Shoppers are progressively getting more participative in brand
correspondence. As a mainstream stage, social media's utilization can be investigated for
making correspondence more participative. This paper is pointed toward understanding the
part of social media in expanding brand mindfulness. One more goal is to check whether the

Unit 8: Online Branding 3

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buyer brand mindfulness increments by utilizing social media networks for brand
correspondences and how shoppers react to brand interchanges. The significant discovering
says social media assumes a significant part in expanding brand mindfulness and is more
successful than conventional correspondence channels.

1.1 Learning Objectives

After studying this chapter, you will be able to:

❖ Analyse the concept of online branding and its impact on businesses.

❖ Evaluate the components of a digital brand ecosystem
❖ Explore the strategies and techniques used in digital marketing to enhance online

Unit 8: Online Branding 4

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Online branding refers to the process of creating and promoting a brand's identity and image
through various digital channels, such as social media, websites, email marketing, and online
advertising. The primary goal of online branding is to create a strong and consistent brand
presence that resonates with the target audience and builds brand recognition, trust, and

To establish a strong online brand, it is essential to define your brand's identity, values, and
messaging, and ensure that they are consistent across all online platforms. This includes
developing a visually appealing and cohesive brand identity, such as a logo and colour
scheme, and creating a consistent tone and voice for all communication.

Online branding also involves creating valuable and engaging content that aligns with your
brand's message and resonates with your target audience. This can include blog posts,
videos, infographics, social media posts, and other types of content that provide value to your
audience and help build trust and authority.

There are several benefits of online branding. Here are some of the key advantages:

• Increased brand awareness: Online branding helps increase your brand's visibility and
exposure, making it easier for your target audience to discover and recognize your
• Improved brand perception: By establishing a consistent brand identity and messaging
across all online channels, you can build trust and credibility with your audience, which
can lead to improved brand perception and loyalty.
• Increased customer engagement: Online branding provides an opportunity to engage
with your target audience in real-time, allowing you to respond to their feedback,
answer questions, and provide value, which can lead to increased customer
engagement and loyalty.
• Improved search engine ranking: A strong online brand can help improve your search
engine ranking, making it easier for your target audience to find your brand when
searching for relevant keywords.

Unit 8: Online Branding 5

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• Cost-effective marketing: Online branding can be a cost-effective way to market your

brand compared to traditional marketing channels, such as print or TV ads, as it allows
you to target specific audiences and measure results more accurately.
• Competitive advantage: A strong online brand can help you differentiate yourself from
competitors and stand out in a crowded marketplace, giving you a competitive

For Example:

A great example of online branding is the sportswear brand Nike. Nike has a strong online
presence across various digital channels, including its website, social media platforms, and
mobile apps. Nike's online branding strategy is built around a consistent brand identity and
messaging, with a focus on inspiring and empowering athletes of all levels. Nike's branding
features its iconic "swoosh" logo, a distinctive color scheme, and a tone and voice that reflects
the brand's values and mission. On Nike's website, visitors can explore the latest products,
read inspiring stories about athletes, and find resources to improve their performance.
Nike's social media channels feature a mix of product promotions, inspiring stories, and user-
generated content that showcases the brand's commitment to empowering athletes of all
kinds. Nike's online branding efforts have helped the brand build a strong and loyal following
among athletes and fitness enthusiasts worldwide. Through its digital channels, Nike has
been able to connect with its audience in meaningful ways, inspire them to reach their goals,
and establish a competitive edge in the highly competitive sportswear industry.

Another great example of online branding is the ride-hailing service Uber. Uber has built a
strong online brand presence through its website and mobile app, as well as its social media
and content marketing efforts. Uber's online branding strategy focuses on providing a
convenient and affordable ride-hailing service that meets the needs of its customers. The
brand's website and mobile app feature a simple, user-friendly interface that allows users to
easily request and track their rides. Uber's social media channels are used to showcase the
brand's commitment to safety, innovation, and sustainability, as well as to engage with its
customers and address any concerns or issues that may arise. The brand also leverages

Unit 8: Online Branding 6

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content marketing to provide helpful tips and information to riders and drivers, as well as to
promote its services and features.

Through its online branding efforts, Uber has been able to establish a strong and
recognizable brand identity, build customer loyalty, and expand its presence in markets
worldwide. The brand's focus on convenience, safety, and innovation has helped it to stand
out in a crowded marketplace and maintain a competitive edge in the ride-hailing industry.

While online branding can provide many benefits to a business, there are also some potential
drawbacks to consider:

• Negative feedback and online reputation damage: One of the biggest risks of online
branding is that negative feedback or reviews can spread quickly and damage a brand's
reputation. This can happen through social media, review websites, and other online
channels, and can be difficult to control or manage. A well-known example is the case
of United Airlines, which faced a severe backlash on social media after a passenger was
forcibly removed from an overbooked flight. The incident was captured on video and
shared widely on social media, leading to a flood of negative reviews and comments
about the airline's customer service and policies. United Airlines' online reputation
suffered a significant blow as a result, and the incident highlighted the importance of
effective crisis management in online branding.
• Cybersecurity threats: As businesses rely more on online branding and digital
marketing strategies, they also face increased cybersecurity risks, including hacking,
phishing, and other types of cyber-attacks. These can result in the theft of customer
data or sensitive business information, as well as damage to a brand's reputation. One
example is the 2017 Equifax data breach, which exposed sensitive personal and
financial information of millions of consumers. The breach had a significant impact on
Equifax's online reputation and brand image, and highlighted the need for strong
cybersecurity measures to protect customer data.
• Overreliance on digital channels: While online branding can be effective, it's important
not to neglect traditional marketing channels, such as print media, outdoor advertising,
and events. Over-reliance on digital channels can limit a brand's reach and audience,
particularly if some customers are not active or present on digital platforms. For

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example, in 2019, the fashion retailer Forever 21 announced that it was filing for
bankruptcy, in part due to its failure to adapt to changing consumer preferences and
shifting trends in online shopping. The company had relied heavily on physical stores
and had been slow to invest in its online presence, which ultimately led to its decline.
• Lack of personal touch: Online branding can feel impersonal, particularly if customers
only interact with a brand through a website or social media platform. This can limit a
brand's ability to build strong customer relationships and loyalty. For example, in the
hospitality industry, some hotel chains have faced criticism for relying too heavily on
online booking platforms and failing to provide a personalized experience for guests.
This can limit a brand's ability to build strong customer relationships and loyalty.
• Competition and saturation: As more businesses move online, competition can become
intense, particularly in crowded markets. This can make it challenging for a brand to
stand out and capture customer attention, particularly if it lacks a strong value
proposition or unique selling point. For example, in the online retail industry, some
smaller e-commerce companies struggle to compete with established giants like
Amazon, which dominates the market and has significant resources to invest in online
branding and marketing efforts.

Cyber branding is the process of building and managing a brand's online reputation and
presence through various digital channels, such as social media, websites, blogs, forums, and
other online platforms. It involves creating a consistent brand image and messaging across
all digital touchpoints, developing an online personality, and engaging with online
communities to establish trust and credibility.

The main objective of cyber branding is to create a positive online reputation that reflects
the brand's values, strengths, and unique selling proposition. It helps to build a loyal
customer base, attract new customers, and establish a competitive edge in the online

Some of the key benefits of cyber branding include:

• Increased brand visibility and awareness: Cyber branding can help increase your
brand's visibility and reach a larger audience through various online channels.

Unit 8: Online Branding 8

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• Improved brand perception: A positive online reputation can improve your brand's
perception, increase trust and credibility among your target audience.
• Enhanced customer engagement: Cyber branding provides an opportunity to engage
with your customers in real-time and create a more personalized experience, which
can improve customer engagement and loyalty.
• Improved search engine ranking: A strong online brand presence can help improve
your search engine ranking, making it easier for your target audience to find your
brand when searching for relevant keywords.
• Cost-effective marketing: Cyber branding can be a cost-effective way to market your
brand compared to traditional marketing channels.

Online branding and cyber branding are similar concepts but can have different meanings
depending on the context in which they are used. In general, both terms refer to the process
of creating and promoting a brand's identity and image through various digital channels.

However, some people may use the term "cyber branding" to specifically refer to the process
of building and managing a brand's reputation in the online world, including social media,
online communities, and other digital platforms. Cyber branding can also encompass
strategies for online reputation management and crisis management, which can be crucial in
maintaining a positive online brand image.

On the other hand, "online branding" can be a broader term that includes all aspects of
branding that occur online, including website design, content creation, email marketing,
online advertising, and social media management.

While cyber branding can offer many benefits, there are also some potential drawbacks that
brands should be aware of. Here are some examples of demerits of cyber branding:

• Negative brand association: When brands partner with online gaming communities,
they may be associated with negative behaviors, such as cheating or harassment, that
occur within those communities. For example, in 2016, PepsiCo faced backlash when it
sponsored a promotion with the video game "Battlefield 1," which was criticized for
glorifying war and violence.

Unit 8: Online Branding 9

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• Limited reach: While cyber branding can be effective for niche audiences, it may not
reach a broader audience beyond those who are interested in virtual environments and
gaming. Brands that focus solely on cyber branding may miss out on opportunities to
connect with a wider audience through other digital channels.
• Limited control over brand image: Brands that enter virtual environments may have
limited control over their brand image, as they may be subject to the rules and norms
of those environments. For example, brands may not be able to control how their
products are used or represented in a game, which could lead to negative associations
with their brand.
• Difficulty in measuring ROI: Measuring the ROI of cyber branding efforts can be
challenging, as there may not be clear metrics or benchmarks for success. For example,
it may be difficult to determine how many sales a brand generated as a result of a virtual
promotion or in-game sponsorship.
• Risk of backlash: Brands that enter virtual environments may face a risk of backlash
from gamers and fans who perceive their presence as intrusive or disruptive. For
example, in 2021, Amazon faced criticism when it released a sponsored "Fallout 76"
bundle that was perceived as low-quality and overpriced by gamers.

Cyber branding can be used in a variety of ways and across various digital platforms to
promote a brand and connect with audiences in virtual environments. Here are some
examples of where and how cyber branding can be used:

• Virtual environments: Brands can use virtual environments such as online games,
social VR platforms, and virtual worlds to create branded experiences and engage with
audiences. For example, a brand could create a virtual storefront in a game or social VR
platform to showcase and sell its products.
• Social media: Social media platforms provide opportunities for brands to engage with
audiences and build brand awareness through content marketing, influencer
marketing, and social media advertising. Brands can use social media to promote
virtual experiences, launch digital campaigns, and engage with audiences in real-time.
• Mobile apps: Brands can use mobile apps to create branded experiences and engage
with audiences on-the-go. For example, a brand could create an AR app that allows

Unit 8: Online Branding 10

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users to try on virtual clothes or accessories, or a game that promotes a new product
or service.
• Live streaming: Live streaming platforms such as Twitch and YouTube provide
opportunities for brands to engage with gaming and esports audiences through
sponsorships, advertising, and branded content. Brands can use live streaming to reach
niche audiences and build brand awareness in the gaming community.
• Virtual events: Brands can host virtual events such as conferences, product launches,
and trade shows to connect with audiences in a virtual environment. Virtual events can
be used to promote products, engage with audiences, and build brand awareness.

The components that make cyber branding are very essential. By focusing on these
components, brands can create a cohesive and effective cyber branding strategy that engages
audiences, builds brand loyalty, and drives business results. Some of them are as follows:

• Branding elements: Cyber branding starts with developing a strong brand identity,
which includes a brand name, logo, tagline, and brand messaging that communicates
the brand's values and mission.
• Target audience: Knowing your target audience is essential to creating a successful
cyber branding strategy. This includes understanding their demographics, interests,
and online behavior.
• Digital platforms: Cyber branding involves leveraging digital platforms such as social
media, mobile apps, virtual environments, live streaming, and websites to engage with
audiences and promote the brand.
• Content strategy: Creating compelling content that resonates with the target audience
is key to building a strong cyber brand. This can include blog posts, videos, infographics,
and other forms of digital content.
• Analytics: Monitoring and analyzing key performance indicators such as website traffic,
engagement rates, and social media metrics is crucial to measuring the success of a
cyber branding campaign and making data-driven decisions to optimize future

Unit 8: Online Branding 11

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

The Omnipresence of brands has not left even the net immaculate. Adding to the constant
summation of brands is another category of electronic brands like Yahoo, Hotmail, Rediff,
Asian nation times, Amazon, and then forth normal these digital brands are filling in number,
in worth and predominance. What's more, as an ever-increasing number of organizations
start to use the web for business, online brands are transforming into hot properties

Digital branding turns into a significant business choice as the Internet keeps on developing
at a remarkable rate with more than 600-billion pages in presence. More-finished, B2B web-
based business incomes found US$433 billion within the year 2001 alone, associate
enlargement of Nineties in 1999. Exploration workplace Gartner predicts B2B incomes can
reach US$919 billion, developing to US$1, 9 trillion (Jacobson 2002). Indeed, even in India,
the foremost recent few months have seen associate increasing example of promotion pay
among organizations, however, real prices aren't acknowledged.

With the new trend or marketing methods of e-branding, web-based branding is in demand
and the Internet plays a vital role in boosting brand performance, connection, and corporate
notorieties. It offers a tremendous benefit over customary broad communications. Now
customers can easily switch to any brand with the help of facilities and the cost of switching
is very high for the marketer which he/she needs to bear also it is very challenging for them
to compete in the market. This needs another perspective on the way to set up sites and
connected advertising interchanges. A big distinction between building a web complete and
a traditional complete are the speed at that complete will amendment prospects to shoppers.

For cyber brands, the company requires different procedures to follow. One Way Company
can choose is creating point of attraction of the business interaction that is, how an
organization discovers, serves, and fulfils its clients. Different focuses on the branding
interaction and how an organization looks at different social media platforms, media or
entertainment platforms and delivers their message in market to their audience.

In cyber branding or cyberspace, the business website plays essential role without which it
is not possible to engage with the audience, deliver message, compete, etc. To make people
purchase from your site, there should be something unique in your site that encourages
people. With this, the brand manager needs to look into strategy planning if the customers'

Unit 8: Online Branding 12

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preferences get change and accordingly, they need to manage and plan everything. A clever
e-brand supervisor should likewise expect changes in the internet climate to ensure the
brand's bearing is flawless.

The Internet as we probably are aware will undoubtedly change as a result of the approach
of remote gadgets. To fabricate an associate e-brand which will endure amendment and
allow the organization to receive the rewards of this new rush of net surfers, one ought to
expect and create the right speculations nowadays. During this

manner, digital complete executives are a major issue to show into an important participant
within the virtual web climate.

• Creating a Powerful E-Brand:

To make an implausible e-brand, it's essential to investigate the result of various

factors, for instance, website composition, advancement, situating, security, name, and
knowledge and administration conveyance in varied market conditions. Virtual
stigmatization is an associated action that's connected to each standard and web
advertising. It alludes to the use of the net as an associate improvement to general
stigmatization methodologies in non-web-based mostly business showcases even as its
utilization to tug in shoppers and increment the acknowledgement of latest on-line
administrations and things. In either geographic or virtual business sectors, fruitful
complete improvement depends on clients' acknowledgement of and uphold for the
things and administrations connected to a selected association (Clark, 1997; Newborn
and Hof, 1998; Werne, 1998)

Javed (2002) cautions not to duplicate not get excessively innovative and recommend
choosing brand names that have worldwide allure. Likewise, Ries and Ries (2000)
recommend that brand names ought to be short, basic, and reminiscent of the class,
interesting, alliterative, speakable, stunning and customized. They are additionally
against the utilization of normal names, for example, and so on. On the off
chance that the brand name is too hard to even think about recalling or type,
possibilities may never discover its site or return to the site once visited.

Unit 8: Online Branding 13

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The site, by the day's end, is a definitive coordinated correspondence channel, second
just to the human interface. An all-around planned site can be a brilliant brand
augmentation and deals chief for any organization: consistently on the job, consistently
precise, consistently exceptional (as long as it is kept up) and completely steady.
Obviously, the web is no trade for human knowledge except for it is an incredible
weapon to expand a brand into the wide world, 24-hours per day (Jacobson, 2002).

A. Primary Objectives:

One of the essential targets of associate other website site is to tug in an assortment of
invested with people to go to the organization's on-line presence. This is often being
drained associate assortment of the ways. For notable businesses, companies and
associations, it might just involve referencing the URL. For this situation, the
positioning serves essentially as a supplement to business or social group happening
within the non-virtual climate. More concentrated strategies must be utilized for lesser-
known associations and those having an Internet presence exclusively. The absolute
most mainstream methods incorporate enlistment with web indexes, giving free
programming, finding engaging exercises on the webpage, creating publicizing efforts,
or building up broad data and administration entryways (e.g., Yahoo, Info seek,
Netscape). The

less planned sites frequently randomly do this. The more essential sites utilize
escalated showcasing efforts to contact and pull in significant partners.

Web promoting is one of the regularly utilized methodologies. Late occasions have seen
a surge of non-Internet media publicizing of site exercises (Pardun and Lamb, 1999), to
the degree that an association can? Increment in rush hour gridlock? To its site, while
expanding the odds that business connections can happen. A reasonable even-handed
and a bunch of methods to draw in an assortment of significant market and institutional
partners are what recognizes the exceptionally essential site (Webcmo, 1998). Ries and
Ries (2000) propose having a great deal bigger internet business than on cyber web.
Indeed, even in Asian country, the foremost recent few months have seen increasing

Unit 8: Online Branding 14

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associate examples of publicity pay among organizations; however, real prices
aren't well-known.

Situating is the essential capacity that identifies with how the administrations that an
association gives assistance make a picture or market position. The degree and kind of
administrations gave are typically the key variables deciding the company's situating
procedure. Variables that can be utilized to analyze this technique incorporate an
examination of web architecture, exchange types, market focusing on, local area
relations, and connections to home-grown and global exercises (Simeon, 1999). As per
Ries and Ries (2000) as well, the brand that is first in the possibility's brain has the
benefit, not really the first into the commercial centre.

The degree to which the web innovation accommodates intuitiveness, dependability,

security, and speed helps decide the essential capability of the website. In light-weight
of its intrinsic speed, worldwide reach, and steady availableness, the Internet gives
unrivalled conveyance adaptability. The chance of getting data from and offering types
of assistance to partners nonstop is an advancement that has devastated the customary
exchange (Thinakal, 1996; Zuckerman, 1996; Schaich, 1998).

Davis (1997), Green (1998) and Hof and Saveri (1998) all discuss the significance of a
powerful substance Internet climate in boosting the fulfilment of clients' online
experience. Dynamic substance conditions are currently being connected to client
fascination, fulfilment, maintenance and benefit.

The undeniable level introduction mirrors the blend of good website composition and
the intricacy of the webpage's introduction. It is discernment by the client that the site
has a rich substance and utilizes progressed procedures to introduce data. Generally
speaking, website allure mirrors the client's insight that substance, designs, and
conveyance instruments have been orchestrated in a particularly engaging way that the
online experience is a positive one. Client site proposal is the ability of the client to
acquaint this specific site with associates or business concerns. This is an
acknowledgement of the force of informal promoting as an essential weapon in the
opposition to build client fascination and dependability. Thus, similarly, that clients can

Unit 8: Online Branding 15

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become faithful clients of items or administrations, it is normal that specific sites will
create solid name acknowledgement and be connected in clients' psyches to an
unmistakable arrangement of administrations. At that stage, the virtual brand value
turns into an upper hand in the business climate (McCoy, 1996; Oliva, 1998; Walid,

B. Implications Of Cyber Branding:

1. For E-advertisers:

The associations that have been endeavouring to have a decent brand picture, in
reality, can fabricate an amazing brand picture through the Internet. For a web-based
business to make due, later on, a fruitful rebranding system is a lot of vital. Rating of
these variables would help e-advertisers know the importance of various parts of
branding on the web and how it helps in business. Since re-branding would not have
the option to impart numerous unmistakable perspectives, which other blocks and
concrete substantial brands can effectively do, a little misstep could drive away from
the clients and stain the brands. In this way, e-advertisers should fabricate brands
considering these essential branding factors. At the actual beginning of the e-brands,
a fitting logo and turn of phrase can be created. Clients can be centred around a scope
of administrations identified with the site. Use can be made open and simple to work.
Another significant worry for the clients is the Security Policy. In the event that clients
feel that their data isn't protected with the company, it is important to make thyem
realise and build trust on your brand so that they can feel secure while making any
purchase. STUDY NOTE

The main competition is between brands to grab There are different methods
available in targeting and
more customers on the web. Brands square segmentation, such as one
common method is based on
measures pushing in and dead set get a tick from demographics, interests, and
shopping behaviours. This
the contenders. To stay during this opposition simple explains people only
prefer those things which are of
implies dominating on all realities. E-branding but their interest... It creates a better
experience for the audience and
follows similar customary jobs of branding, their gets them to engage with the
appearance on the net changes. Along these lines,

Unit 8: Online Branding 16

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

associations should adhere to the customary guidelines of branding to viably brand

on the Internet. For those e-brands that as of currently exist, remedies are often
created but this investigation is expressly helpful for those advertisers World Health
Organization square measure composing e-brands or desperate to copy their physical
associations on the web.

2. For Virtual Organizations:

The idea of a virtual association is for an organization of people coupled together by

cutting edge interchanges of ideas advances keeps on developing. In any case, an
absence of certifiable cases represents a huge issue, especially inside the private
venture area. Associations are ceaselessly searching for

intends to invigorate advancement and imagination, inside and across working

gatherings, capacities and geological limits. One approach to accomplish this is through
implicit information trade. Virtual associations consistently have the test of presenting
new essential moves without having the option to prove their actual presence.
Branding, that may be a mental exercise whereby a lot of is completed to people's views
than to the particular item, seems to be considerably very testing. Individuals at
completely different levels of the association ought to increase the stigmatization of
virtual associations to provide it an entire look; however, the commitment at every
level is essentially distinctive.

Unit 8: Online Branding 17

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

1. Because of its inherent speed, global reach, and constant accessibility, the
Internet provides unparalleled delivery flexibility. [True/False]
2. The more strategic websites use intensive marketing campaigns to contact
and attract important stakeholders. [True/False]
3. In cyber branding, an individual moves from ________ to ________ with the help
of Internet quickly and which makes challenge for marketer.
A. Attention to Activity
B. Activity to Attention
C. Perception
D. All of the above
4. With the help of virtual organisations, now companies can freely make
decisions and also it helps in exchanging which of the following virtually for
A. Product for sale
B. Ideas
C. Paper documents
D. None of the above
5. __________ is the advertisers who have a decent brand picture, in reality, can
fabricate an amazing brand picture with the help of Internet and can do
rebranding whenever they want.

Unit 8: Online Branding 18

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Staying up with the latest empowers commitment and collaboration with your business. The
main and important benefit of online advertising and promotion is that brand can

make strong image through customer engagement and positing campaigns which will
connnnect you with prospects. Expanded brand acknowledgement drives these shoppers to
pick your brand over the opposition since they are more acquainted with your business.

At the point when buyers approach pertinent information, it causes them with buying
choices. They are furnished with the most recent information, which causes them to feel
more educated when settling on a choice.

A. Advantages of Online Branding: There are numerous benefits of Internet advertising

to both the purchaser and the organization. How about we investigate a couple of the
advantages your crowd will encounter in light of Internet promoting and how those
advantages help your business.
• It keeps shoppers current: The world is continually evolving. New patterns, items,
issues, and needs arise each day. In a quickly evolving world, shoppers need an
approach to keep steady over all that is evolving. The Internet is an extraordinary
spot for keeping shoppers current. They can search out information and devour it
rapidly. It's an incredible path for purchasers to get to applicable and drawing in
content with information that is essential to them.
• It offers accommodation and brisk assistance:
One advantage of Internet
The world works at a quick speed. Individuals marketing is showcasing all your
options to your audience. When
need admittance to information rapidly and they have more options, they’re
more likely to choose your
effectively. Time is valuable and individuals product/service. It increases
your chances of earning a
would prefer not to squander it. Individuals can conversion because you’re more
likely to have a product that
get information and buy things rapidly through fulfils their needs.
the web. This is one of the advantages of the
Internet showcasing to buyers. The crowd can get speedy and helpful assistance
when they need it.

Unit 8: Online Branding 19

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• It helps construct a superior relationship: With the event of the web, shoppers
develop a lot of basic concerning brands. They need a lot of admittance to data
concerning organizations that prompts them to form suppositions concerning
specific brands. This makes the approach for building a relationship with
organizations they trust. Net promoting encourages you to assemble trust together
with your crowd. They see showcased materials and decide concerning the business
because the buyer gets a lot of conversant in the business, they begin to open up to
the organization and feel nice with choosing that business.
B. Using Consumer Brand Knowledge and Consumer Brand Emotion to Develop
Consumer Engagement:Web-based Branding can advertise a business and isn't
restricted to kept space or time. This implies the web-based business is getting more
out of its financial plan. Additionally, when a business is above water online it is less
complex for the buyer to remain refreshed and associated with the brand. Different
advantages of Online branding to business and buyer are:
• When an organization has a setup brand on the web it considers consistent
advertising of the business. Individuals can get to advertising materials like the
business site and different social media channels of business on which they are
present and can acquire large number of information as per need. The business will
in any case acquire brand openness and transformations by providing free and open
platform for better shopping experience.
• Keeping the crowd modern empowers commitment and association with the
business. Brands can gain information about customers and same with customers,
they can gain information by connecting with each other on social platforms.
• When the organization can showcase straightforwardly to the crowd, they give
them a superior encounter, yet additionally, assist the business with getting
important leads. They acquire new adherents on social media or will procure new
email supporters. It sets out more noteworthy open doors for them as it makes
rehash clients.

Unit 8: Online Branding 20

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C. Consumers Have Options: Clients approach many various items. Essentially any item
has alternatives, regardless of whether it's style, shading, or amount. An organization
that sells shelves could offer more than 40 distinct styles and shades of that one item
type alone.

This gives buyers more choices than any time in recent memory, and they like this.
Clients like to have options when the alternatives feature significant contrasts between
them. So, what does this mean? It implies that purchasers like having choices when the
distinctions are evident and have esteem.

How about we return again to the shelves. One alternative for buyers is the number of
racks. A few customers may just need a shelf with three racks, while others are
searching for a taller unit with six racks. By offering a chose assortment of units with
various rack numbers, you're giving your crowd alternatives.

Another positive incentive in choices is shading. You may have one customer that
figures a white shelf will glance better in their front room, while another shopper
figures a dull earthy colored rack will glance better in their home. Buyers can see the
incentive in having shading choices since they can pick the shading those lines up with
their preferences best.

Internet Branding enables your organization to advertise these various alternatives. At

the point when an organization promotes its items, they show

the crowd their accessible alternatives. They can take a gander at the different choices
to figure out which one meets best with their requirements.

Having various alternatives permits the customer to showcase numerous items to

applicable leads. The assortment permits making a more customized experience that
objectives the crowd dependent on their inclinations and tastes.

D. Consumers get quality content: One of the advantages of web-based branding is

getting quality substance. Clients are constantly scanning the web to search for
supportive information. They discover content from various organizations that assist
them in getting the information they need.

Unit 8: Online Branding 21

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Source- Act-on

Fig 1: Stages of Modern Marketing

Activity I
Think of all the products that you want to buy and list the places from where you
can buy them. Now search the internet for other places where the product is
available. Analyze each and every branding detail they put on web and social
media, and list out the characteristics you want to add or replace in their
methodologies to make the company more consumers friendly. Repeat the same
activity for another week. You will now be more conscious of how online branding
works. Prepare a summarized report of the research you have done and the effect
that can be seen with your ideas.

Unit 8: Online Branding 22

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6. When clients have gained large information about brand, it helps them to
choose product easily and make _______.
A. Selling decisions
B. Costing
C. Completion
D. Purchase Decision
7. The one of the most important and great benefit for web based branding is:
A. Consumer get irrelevant content
B. Consumer get Quality content
C. Consumer do not get content
D. Consumer are not able to see content
8. Increased _________ leads help these clients to select the brand by not
choosing the competition brand because customer is familiar with the
9. Online Branding is limited to confined space and time. [True/False]
10. Online Branding is a great way for consumers to access relevant and
engaging content with information that’s important to them. [True/False]

Unit 8: Online Branding 23

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The term 'Digital ecosystem' may seem like some other showcasing popular expression, yet
after you bust through the language, it simply strategies interfacing your most important
resources to assist the worth of your whole.

A digital brand ecosystem refers to the interconnected web of digital touchpoints and
experiences that a brand creates for its audience across multiple digital channels. In other
words, it is a comprehensive approach to building and managing a brand's online presence
that takes into account all the different digital platforms and technologies that a brand uses
to connect with its audience.

At the core of a digital brand ecosystem is the brand itself, with its unique identity, values,
and messaging. This identity is communicated consistently across all digital channels, from
social media to websites to mobile apps. This creates a cohesive and memorable brand
experience for the audience.

Other key components of a digital brand ecosystem include:

• Digital touchpoints: These are the various digital channels where the brand interacts
with its audience, such as social media, websites, email, mobile apps, and virtual
• User experience (UX): The UX design of a brand's digital touchpoints is essential to
creating a positive user experience that engages and delights the audience.
• Content strategy: A strong content strategy is critical to building a strong digital brand.
This includes creating compelling content that resonates with the target audience and
is optimized for different digital channels.
• Analytics and optimization: Measuring the performance of a brand's digital touchpoints
and making data-driven decisions to optimize them is key to improving the digital
brand ecosystem over time.

Unit 8: Online Branding 24

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The objectives of a digital brand ecosystem are to:

Build brand awareness: A digital brand ecosystem can help to build brand awareness by
reaching a larger audience through various digital touchpoints.

Establish a strong brand identity: A digital brand ecosystem can help to establish a strong
brand identity by ensuring that all digital touchpoints are aligned with the brand's core
values and messaging.

Create engaging content: A digital brand ecosystem can provide a platform for creating and
sharing engaging content that resonates with the target audience.

Foster brand loyalty: A digital brand ecosystem can help to foster brand loyalty by creating
a seamless and consistent brand experience across all digital touchpoints.

Increase customer acquisition and retention: A digital brand ecosystem can help to attract
and retain customers by providing a positive and engaging digital experience.

Measure and optimize performance: A digital brand ecosystem can provide data and
analytics to measure the performance of each touchpoint, allowing for optimization to
improve the overall effectiveness of the ecosystem.

By leveraging a digital brand ecosystem, brands can create a comprehensive digital strategy
that helps to drive business results and build a strong online presence that resonates with
their target audience. The uses of a digital brand ecosystem include:

• Creating a cohesive brand experience: By building a digital brand ecosystem, brands

can create a consistent and unified brand experience across all digital touchpoints. This
helps to strengthen the brand's identity and improve brand recognition.
• Engaging with the audience: A digital brand ecosystem provides numerous
opportunities to engage with the audience, from social media interactions to
personalized email marketing campaigns. This can help to build brand loyalty and

Unit 8: Online Branding 25

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• Optimizing digital touchpoints: By measuring the performance of different digital

touchpoints and making data-driven decisions to optimize them, brands can
continually improve the user experience and drive better business results.
• Adapting to new digital technologies: A digital brand ecosystem is adaptable to new
digital technologies and channels as they emerge, allowing brands to stay ahead of the
curve and reach audiences where they are most active.
• Building brand value: A strong digital brand ecosystem can increase the value of a
brand by improving its online reputation, driving customer engagement and loyalty,
and increasing overall customer lifetime value.

For example: The digital brand ecosystem of Nike's "NikePlus" membership program. Nike
has created a comprehensive digital brand ecosystem that includes its website, social media
channels, mobile app, and in-store experiences, all connected through the NikePlus program.

Members of the NikePlus program can access exclusive content, personalized workout plans,
and early access to new products. The program also tracks users' activity and provides
personalized coaching to help them achieve their fitness goals.

This comprehensive digital brand ecosystem creates a seamless and engaging experience for
Nike's audience across all touchpoints, from online to offline. By leveraging data and
analytics, Nike can optimize the user experience and continually improve its digital
touchpoints to better serve its audience. This, in turn, helps to build brand loyalty and
advocacy, ultimately driving business results for Nike.

A. How would you assemble a digital ecosystem?

Making your system is tied in with embrace associate 'outside-in outlook. That means
wanting past your cluster, office, or maybe business to differentiate new digital
organizations and freedoms to grow your compass. Increase your system often includes
consolidating informational collections and adjusting channels to improve the
assistance you offer and upgrade your exhibition's investigation.

Unit 8: Online Branding 26

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

Digital ecosystems can carry you nearer to your clients, associates, accomplices,
correlative enterprises, and even your competition. The crowd can get speedy and
advantageous assistance when they need it.

Assembling a digital brand ecosystem involves several steps, including:

• Defining your brand identity: Your digital brand ecosystem should be built around
your brand's unique identity, values, and messaging. Start by clearly defining your
brand's identity, including your brand voice, personality, and core values.
• Identifying your target audience: Your digital brand ecosystem should be designed
to engage and resonate with your target audience. Identify who your target
audience is, what their needs and preferences are, and where they spend their time
• Building your online presence: Establish a strong online presence by creating a
website, social media profiles, and other digital touchpoints that align with your
brand's identity and messaging. For example, if you're a fashion brand, you might
prioritize Instagram and Pinterest, while a B2B brand might focus on LinkedIn and
• Creating engaging content: Content is a critical component of any digital brand
ecosystem. Create engaging content that aligns with your brand messaging and is
tailored to your target audience. This could include blog posts, videos, social media
posts, email marketing campaigns, and more.
• Leveraging data and analytics: Use data and analytics to measure the performance
of your digital touchpoints and make data-driven decisions to optimize your digital
brand ecosystem. For example, you might use Google Analytics to track website
traffic, engagement metrics on social media, and email campaign performance.

One example of a company that has successfully assembled a digital brand ecosystem is
Starbucks. Starbucks has a strong online presence, including a mobile app, website, and
social media channels. Its "My Starbucks Rewards" loyalty program is a critical component
of its digital brand ecosystem, allowing customers to earn points and redeem rewards for
purchases. The mobile app also allows customers to order ahead and skip the line, further
enhancing the customer experience. Starbucks leverages data and analytics to optimize its

Unit 8: Online Branding 27

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digital touchpoints and create a personalized experience for its customers, ultimately driving
customer loyalty and advocacy.


Fig 2: Digital Brand Ecosystem

B. How would you construct a digital ecosystem?

Making your ecosystem is tied in with receiving an 'outside-in attitude. That implies
looking at your past group, office, or even business to distinguish new digital
organizations and freedoms to grow your span. Building up your ecosystem regularly
includes consolidating informational indexes and adjusting channels to both improve
the help you give and upgrade the investigation of your presentation.

Constructing a digital ecosystem involves building a comprehensive network of digital

touchpoints and channels that work together to support your brand's goals and engage
with your target audience. Here are the steps to create a digital ecosystem:

• Identify your brand's core values and messaging: Define your brand identity and
messaging, and ensure that all your digital touchpoints are aligned with them.

Unit 8: Online Branding 28

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• Determine your target audience: Understand who your target audience is, what
they are interested in, and where they spend time online.
• Build your digital touchpoints: Create a website, social media profiles, and other
digital touchpoints that are tailored to your target audience and aligned with your
brand messaging.
• Develop a content strategy: Create a content strategy that includes a mix of different
types of content that align with your brand identity and speak to your target
audience's interests.
• Optimize for search: Make sure your digital touchpoints are optimized for search
engines, so that your target audience can easily find you online.
• Leverage data and analytics: Use data and analytics to measure the performance of
your digital touchpoints and make data-driven decisions to optimize your digital

One example of a company that has successfully built a digital ecosystem is Red Bull. Red
Bull has a strong online presence, including a website, social media profiles, and a mobile
app. It uses its social media channels to share engaging content that aligns with its brand
identity and speaks to its target audience's interests, such as extreme sports and adventure.
Red Bull also hosts events, such as the Red Bull Air Race, that create immersive offline
experiences that are then amplified online through its digital touchpoints. The Red Bull TV
app provides access to live events, documentaries, and other content that further engages its
audience. Red Bull's digital ecosystem is comprehensive, engaging, and optimized for its
target audience, helping to build brand loyalty and advocacy.

Unit 8: Online Branding 29

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

11. Digital Ecosystem means connecting your most valuable assets to boost the
equity of your brand. [True/False]

12. ‘Outside-in’ mindset means looking beyond your team, department, or even
business to identify new digital partnerships and opportunities to expand
your reach. [True/False]

13. Digital ecosystems can bring you closer to your customers, colleagues,
partners, complementary industries, and even your ___________.

14. The Digital branding ecosystem includes:

A. Website
D. All of the above

15. Digital ecosystem helps you in connecting with whom?

A. Clients
B. Correlative enterprises
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above

Unit 8: Online Branding 30

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How customers interact and engage with brand has changed several years ago when digital
marketing and branding came into existence. There is a convincing need to give an all-
encompassing brand experience that will be a solid brand differentiator setting off-brand
without help from anyone else.

• A brand of roll runs a social media campaign for building

their relationship with clients.
Brands need to re-
• A brand of watch encompasses a whole website that creates imagine their websites
as a channel of
a illustration of its whole symbolism contextual content
experiences based on
• A brand of hair grease has an e-store that sells through web- the brand value
based business websites. A rice brand, endeavouring to
interrupt commoditization, utilizes exaggerated reality to
present insights regarding its wealthy birthplace of sourcing.
A. Digital Route: Promoting associations are stuck somewhat recently and the way the
simplest addresses the difficulties of the digital age. we tend to summarize this as
'Comprehensive stigmatization within the digital age' since however purchasers attract
with wholes have modified with the start of digital stages and there's a convincing
ought to offer an blanket whole expertise that while not anyone else are a solid brand
soul setting off-brand dedication. Will we create an attempt to not purchase the same
whole within the event that we've an honest encounter?

Brand's site is it the start of an encounter venture or a single direction discourse?

Allow us to take a visit to a brand of well-being food or home embellishment or a wise

watch or an exquisite whole. Here are a unit a couple of inquiries that surfaced:

• How giant numbers of them persuade us to build a relationship with the brand?
• Do an oversized portion of those sites (some of them have versatile applications)
offer us a really pertinent info or pay attention of the inquiries with efficiency apart
from referencing the highlights of the different contributions or offers. They seem
to be a lot of almost like complete messages and single direction correspondence

Unit 8: Online Branding 31

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(however we tend to all acknowledge that the digital stage has to support a two-
path exchange between the complete and therefore the shopper).

Branding today isn't tied in with building up a brand engineering (mental factors related
with the purchaser included), content, plan, investigation, digital missions and promotion
crusades, inner cross-utilitarian intercessions, and outside office inputs that incorporate
showcasing research data sources and advertisement office mediations/collaborations in
seclusion; it is tied in with getting the cooperative energy from these assorted sources of info.

B. Brand Holistic Experience: Holistic advertising and inward cross-utilitarian

showcasing enablement are a significant part of a brand holistic experience. With the
expansion of sections, inclinations, and even customization of contributions, the
linkages and cooperation’s of various utilitarian regions assume a significant part in
upgrading the brand experience, Personalizing the brand commitment concerning
shopper needs, new item contributions, and administrations that should be adjusted to
changing climate and inclinations must be cultivated distinctly with cross-practical
linkages. Investigation reflecting shopper inclinations and patterns ought to be created
accessible to those cross-practical teams therefore the separation of the whole begins
at the middle experiential level and not at the restorative level, as seen by patrons. The
old-style Levitt's aphorism that an item is help is coming to fruition in the present
digital climate (Do we tend to need coffee or a holistic expertise at a restaurant or can
we need a cleansing agent or an improvement administration that may have cleansers
and completely different contributions smitten by the individual necessities). Data,
experiences, content, promoting analysis done increasingly will enhance regular whole
C. Brand Marketing Experience: Promoting Experience (or MX) is that the term we tend
to use to characterize a holistic complete expertise that's associated with interfacing
and coordinating relevant and innovative utilization data of data of knowledge},
information, investigation, calculations, advances with the gentler nevertheless vital
components of what a complete suppose regarding the worth of the complete

Unit 8: Online Branding 32

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• Brands have to be compelled to rethink their sites as a channel of logical substance

experiences addicted to the complete offers. It ought to trigger substance &
personalization addicted to the inclusion profile of shoppers.
• Let us take into account the case of the need for magnificence care. Basically, just
about each woman tries to enhance her appearance nevertheless the amount or
level of significance of excellence becomes necessary because the degree of
contribution increments. there's a consumer portion which will merely purchase
a cream or salve at the essential degree of merely trying and feeling higher
(nonexclusive need), there might be a section keen on tackling a skin issue and
there might be one that is keen on fixings that go into the item due or the
purchaser may likewise purchase a brand on the grounds that worth like not being
tried on creatures. The test for a brand is to build up the inclusion profile of
shoppers who are locked in with it on the web. With a huge information base of
millions of shoppers, a setup brand has an abundance of information on the
socioeconomics, psychographics, and inclusion profile of customer fragments.
This is only an intriguing model with numerous prospects.
• The disconnected buyer of the brand (proceeding with a similar illustration of
makeup) has exchanges at the place to checkout. Given the historical backdrop of
procurement and the geo-area, how might the brand give exchange-based prizes
and all the more significantly raise the degree of inclusion with the brand? This
may need sure disconnected estimates sort of a hyper-nearby restricted time
coupon being offered or propellent the disconnected shopper to go to the salon
wherever she will study the whole then on The thought is to more and more utilize
disconnected and on-line info to get and hold the client (regardless of whether or
not on the net or disconnected) with a technique that will provides a moderately
omnichannel tweaked expertise for a purchaser. Internet investigation, versatile
application, advancement info, then forth ought to at identical time catch the
examples and therefore the mix of advertising analysis and examination ought to
provide pointers for the whole regarding its general system.

Unit 8: Online Branding 33

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D. Future of Marketing: A brand experience is tied in with planning a tactile experience

that brings an individual into an enduring and significant relationship with a brand. The
expression "brand experience" woke up as numerous different terms in the advertising
business do- with the advancement of the media and channels that we use to convey a
brand's message or story. There have been different terms used to portray our
contribution, for example, "live occasions," "occasion advertising," "experiential
promoting," "sponsorship enactment," and so forth. In any case, what these terms
neglect to do is incorporate one little however a significant word: branding.

Branding is a definitive objective of all showcasing interchanges, is it not? Furthermore,

a brand experience is a more open-finished idea of branding, with a bigger, more
brilliant arrangement of apparatuses available to us. Brand experience is developing at
a sped-up pace: Humans have a characteristic need to make associations with each

We like to hang with our clans. What's more, essential for what makes a fruitful
association is tracking down the correct spot to get it going. See a place like Starbucks
is foreign brand that has a large presence in all countries and their main motive is not
only that people come to their cafe only for coffee and go back. People want to meet
their loved ones and for that, they need a space to sit and talk, where they can freely sit
and feel comfortable like home surrounded by natural environment, plants, etc, and
after understanding customer preferences, Starbucks came up with an idea to make
their stores as per customers and made its stores around the sociological idea of the
"third space," which alludes to an inviting local area space that cultivates sensations of
security and consideration. This establishes the ideal climate wherein to interface up
close and personal, and the more individual’s associate that way, the more eye to eye
associations they ache for. The brand experience class addresses that need on a more
elevated level and overcomes any issues among brands and individuals to make those
associations conceivable.

Unit 8: Online Branding 34

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16. Holistic marketing and internal cross functional marketing enablement is an
important part of brand holistic experience. [True/False]
17. Starbucks created its stores around the sociological concept of the “_________,”
which refers to a welcoming community space that fosters feelings of safety
and inclusion.
18. Developing your ecosystem often involves ________ and aligning channels to
both improve the ________, and ________ of the own performance.
19. Brand needs to rethink for their ads and should trigger substance
&personalization dependent on the inclusion ________ of the customers, so that
they can make connection with brand.
A. Profile of customer
B. Number of customer
C. Non- targeted customers
D. All of the above

Unit 8: Online Branding 35

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In a savagely serious climate, associations that need to hold their purchasers and increment
customer brand need to zero in on expanding the buyer's brand information alongside the
shopper feeling about the brand. We conceptualize an examination to expand the
information level of a purchaser, relating to brand, where we utilize a reproduced lab climate
where a bunch of customers are presented to a corporate brand blog for a fixed term. We
further build up an exploration instrument to gauge the feeling levels of buyers, relating to a
brand, both when openness to the corporate blog. Resulting to this examination, we
endeavour to discover a connection between's varieties in CBK and purchaser brand feeling,
which obviously shows that as a buyer's information about an item or brand increments, so
does his passionate connection with the brand. This thusly expands the purchaser
appropriation of, and relationship with the brand.

In the time of purchaser strengthening, the normal customer is confronted with the various
item and brand decisions. Brands have a straightforward, normal reason: to make it simple
for individuals to communicate their own style. Organizations continually develop their
brands to all the more likely address clients' issues– through the inventive and motivating
plan; through advantageous and drawing in-store experiences; and by speaking with
individuals in a way that associates with how they live, embrace and utilize a brand. This is
the worth that brands convey to their clients. Brands ought to take a stab at the practicality
and elegance and ought to permit clients to communicate. Brands should engage each client
through the production of a personal association. At the point when clients think about any
brand, they feel great and great about themselves on the whole sorts of circumstances.
Through changes of social and conservative climate (that is, development of industrialism),
individuals are seeking after better living. This thus prompts the more appeal of item
assortments. The shopper brand relationship advanced from unadulterated financial
exchange to enthusiastic exchange. The estimation of an item isn't just controlled by its goal
esteem, yet in addition by the manner in which purchasers see this item. It is contended that
discernment prompts end, however, feeling prompts activity.

Unit 8: Online Branding 36

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

Advertisers hence advance their items by focusing on

shoppers' passionate drive and want. This sort of
Society that values meaningful
engagement, which can’t be copied or branding technique is called passionate branding. This
faked. They crave authenticity and
social awareness. They are attracted is a client-driven, sympathetic and social story-driven
to inspirational organizations, and
they want to know that their money is methodology that catches clients' profound feelings,
contributing to ethical, responsible,
and sustainable businesses. and it can accordingly be generally applied to various
item and administration settings. Through the
passionate advances, purchasers will in general give their brands characters. Shoppers
additionally structure networks around their brands. This empowers the brands to
accomplish an extraordinary market position, and the items presently don't contend through
their fundamental item ascribes. The majority of the purchasers are driven more by an
enthusiastic advertising technique than a reasonable showcasing procedure.

20. Brands have a straightforward, normal reason: to make it simple for individuals
to communicate their own style. [True/False]
21. Brands should engage each client through the production of a ________.
22. Advertisers advance their items by focusing on shoppers' passionate is known as
________ type of branding.

Unit 8: Online Branding 37

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

Cyber Experience

to Online

Consumers- the The Digital

new Influential Brand
Constituency Ecosystem

Using Consumer
Brand Knowledge
and Consumer
Brand Emotion to
Develop Consumer

Fig 3: Conceptual Map

Unit 8: Online Branding 38

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)


• The online branding is gaining more importance in today's environment and helping
businesses’ at large scale.
• Branding could be a position that has been rigorously established and a group of client
guarantees and overall experiences supported communication and repair.
• Strong on-line stigmatization can enable you a better reference to your prospective
customers in today's digital landscape, resulting in conversion and retention.
• Without a powerful on-line complete, a business can expertise reduced fight,
inaccessible product and services, client confusion and discontent.
• Website(s), search selling, mobile content, social media, rich media, e-commerce, email
selling and additional enter creating a web complete identity nowadays.
• It all starts with the customer; considering a large number of things from age to gender
to income, through to their calculable frequency of purchase.
• Both a chance and a challenge, the web complete should determine, however through
digital, they'll raise awareness via the channels these customers frequent and interact
• A logo, a visible marker for complete identity is far additional; however it so is what
instantly connects customers with brands.
• Importantly we have a tendency to should currently think about however it's the
flexibleness to be modified to “retrofit” these locations and still be simply recognizable.
Digital ecosystems can carry you nearer to your clients, associates, accomplices,
correlative enterprises, and even your competition. The crowd can get speedy and
advantageous assistance when they need it.
• Branding today isn't tied in with building up a brand engineering (mental factors
related with the purchaser included), content, plan, investigation, digital missions and
promotion crusades, inner cross-utilitarian intercessions, and outside office inputs that
incorporate showcasing research data sources and advertisement office
mediations/collaborations in seclusion; it is tied in with getting the cooperative energy
from these assorted sources of info

Unit 8: Online Branding 39

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

• Brand experience is a more open-finished idea of branding, with a bigger, more brilliant
arrangement of apparatuses available to us. Brand experience is developing at a sped-
up pace: Humans have a characteristic need to make associations with each other.
• Organizations continually develop their brands to all the more likely address clients'
issues– through the inventive and motivating plan; through advantageous and drawing
in-store experiences; and by speaking with individuals in a way that associates with
how they live, embrace and utilize a brand.
• Advertisers hence advance their items by focusing on shoppers' passionate drive and
want. This sort of branding technique is called passionate branding.

Unit 8: Online Branding 40

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)


• Buzzword: A word or phrase, especially one connected with a particular subject that
has become fashionable and popular
• Human Interface: A program that controls a display for the user (usually on a
computer monitor) and that allows the user to interact with the system.
• Jargon: Special or technical words that are used by a particular group of people in a
particular profession and that other people do not understand
• Omni presence: The state of being widespread or constantly encountered. “The
omnipresence of the internet in society today"
• Triggering: To make something happen suddenly
• Unparalleled: Bigger, better or worse than anyone or anything else like it

Unit 8: Online Branding 41

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)


Drop Box Grows From 1 Million To 500 Million Users In Just 7 Years

Drop Box works on a freemium business model. Clients can make their free record with Drop
Box and utilize its restricted highlights and capacity size. Clients need to take paid
membership in the event that they need to get more space. At first the freemium account
gives 2 GB of free space to the clients. There is an everyday constraint of 20 GB for Pro and
Business accounts.

How DROPBOX became a huge success

As indicated by the Co-Founder and CEO Drew Houston, references expanded Drop box
information exchanges by 60%. Utilizing this system, Drop box truly made it simple for
clients to educate others regarding the item. Companion references methodology end up
being more productive for Drop Box and also sender had a motivating force to allude Drop
box in their companion circle getting additional room as an impetus.

Companies use line like “Follow us on Twitter” or “Like us on Facebook” has been old lines
and no one uses this now. Drop box thought to accomplish something else. Clients got 125MB
extra as motivating force with each Follow and Like on Twitter and Facebook separately. At
the hour of this composition, Drop box had over 4.4 million devotees on Twitter. Sharing
records through Drop box was simplified just by replicating a connection which is a lot of
like Facebook's simplicity of photograph sharing.

Source-Blog from Hellostepchange

Discussion Questions:

1. What was the driving force behind the having its existing users to change into brand
ambassador? Explain the benefits of establishing this concept.
2. How did Dropbox spread the awareness about what it did? Explain the Logo and Slogan
3. In reference to this case, explain why it is important to digitalize your platform through
branding. List out the strategies used in this case.

Unit 8: Online Branding 42

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)



Q1. What is meant by Cyber Branding?

Q2. Differentiate between online branding and marketing.

Q3. What are the most famous platforms to publicize a brand online?

Q4. What do you understand by the term Digital Ecosystem?

Q5. State the factors to consider when deciding a logo or catchphrase of a brand?


Q1. Explain the various essentials of online branding.

Q2. Explain the concept of Brand Holistic Experience.

Q3. Explain the concept of Consumer Brand Knowledge.

Q4. Why is the consumer an influential constituency?

Unit 8: Online Branding 43

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)



1. True
2. True
3. A. Attention to Activity
4. B. Ideas
5. E-Advertisers
6. D. Purchase Decisions
7. B. Consumer get quality content
8. Brand Recognition, Business
9. False
10. True
11. True
12. True
13. Competition
14. D. All of the above
15. C. Both A and B
16. True
17. Third Space
18. Combining Data Sets, provided service and enhance analysis
19. A. Profile of customer
20. True
21. Personal Association
22. Drive and Want



Answer1: In cyber branding or cyberspace, the business website plays essential role without
which it is not possible to engage with the audience, deliver message, compete, etc. To make
people purchase from your site, there should be something unique in your site that

Unit 8: Online Branding 44

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encourages people. With this, the brand manager needs to look into strategy planning if the
customers' preferences get change and accordingly, they need to manage and plan
everything. A clever e-brand supervisor should likewise expect changes in the internet
climate to ensure the brand's bearing is flawless.

Answer 2: The main distinction between on-line disapproval associated ancient promoting
is that the medium through that an audience encounters a promoting message. Whereas
ancient promoting uses ancient media like magazines and newspapers, digital promoting
uses digital media, like social media or websites.

Answer 3: The most famous platforms for online branding are:

• Facebook
• Twitter
• LinkedIn
• Instagram
• Pinterest
• Snapchat

Answer 4: A digital ecosystem is a perplexing organization of partners that interface on the

web and cooperate digitally in manners that make an incentive for all. Each digital ecosystem
reaches out across numerous enterprises. To be an ecosystem orchestrator, an organization
should have or assemble a stage that makes huge organization impacts. This requires an
underlying spotlight on a center communication that pulls in partners to your foundation.

Answer 5: Five Factors that we should keep in mind while creating a Logo

• Relevant/Appropriate. Your logo should be an appropriate reflection of your industry,

suitable for its intended audience. ...
• Describable/Legible. Excessively intricate or ornate fonts that are difficult to read
should be avoided or used very lightly. ...
• Memorable/Timeless.
• Effective with design
• Scalable/Versatile.

Unit 8: Online Branding 45

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)


Answer 1: The various essentials of online branding are:

• Logo: A logo is a solitary picture a client should relate as a matter of first importance
with your brand. Think Disney and you see mouse ears. Think Apple and you right away
invoke an enlightened organic product.
• Website: In the event that your logo is the sign for your business, your site is your
digital retail facade area. At the point when a client needs to know your physical areas,
your long stretches of activity, your item postings or your contact
information, they will not burrow through the telephone directory. They'll Google your
site, where they'll hope to discover information rapidly and without any problem.
• Brand informing: Brand informing is the thing that your organization says and how
you say it. In case I'm opening a morning meal joint with the best blueberry hotcakes
around, you best be certain I'm referencing that in my brand message. The message
ought to reflect what your organization does and accepts, and talk briefly to your
clients' immediate requirements and wants.
• SEO: Website design enhancement (site improvement) guarantees your brand and its
contributions are effortlessly found on web search tools, one of the essential roads
through which clients search out your administrations. Start by planning your site in
view of SEO.

Answer 2: At the point when you're building a holistic brand experience, everything about
client experiences convey something to them. The subtleties will line up with, improve, and
cement your brand, or repudiate, corrupt, and befuddle your brand.

On account of the activity studio, they've made a brand around deliberateness, individual
strength and reward, the characteristic estimation of people, and the significance of local
area. All that they do and the climate they make spins around and should satisfy these
qualities. The studios are brilliant, regular, quieting, and helpful for fortunate discussions.
The conveniences expect each need you'll have from the second you enter, work out, spruce
up, and leave. The items are of brands and appearance that line up with the raised and
quieting air. The educators, proprietors, and staff are mindful, patient, and empowering.

Unit 8: Online Branding 46

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

Not one detail is left to risk. Everything adds to and improves the greater brand mission,
including the lavender hand sanitizer that introduces itself right when you need it; the last
detail you experience upon your exit so when you leave, you're as of now anticipating your
next return.

Answer 3: There are numerous benefits of Internet advertising to both the purchaser and
the organization. How about we investigate a couple of the advantages your crowd will
encounter in light of Internet promoting and how those advantages help your business.

• It keeps shoppers current: The world is continually evolving. New patterns, items,
issues, and needs arise each day. In a quickly evolving world, shoppers need an
approach to keep steady over all that is evolving. The Internet is an extraordinary spot
for keeping shoppers current. They can search out information and devour it rapidly.
It's an incredible path for purchasers to get to applicable and drawing in content with
information that is essential to them.
• It offers accommodation and brisk assistance: The world works at a quick speed.
Individuals need admittance to information rapidly and effectively. Time is valuable
and individuals would prefer not to squander it. Individuals can get information and
buy things rapidly through the web. This is one of the
advantages of the Internet showcasing to buyers. The crowd can get speedy and helpful
assistance when they need it.
• It helps construct a superior relationship: With the event of the web, shoppers
develop a lot of basic concerning brands. They need a lot of admittance to data
concerning organizations that prompts them to form suppositions concerning specific
brands. This makes the approach for building a relationship with organizations they
trust. Net promoting encourages you to assemble trust together with your crowd.

Answer 4: In a savagely serious climate, associations that need to hold their purchasers and
increment customer brand need to zero in on expanding the buyer's brand information
alongside the shopper feeling about the brand. We conceptualize an examination to expand
the information level of a purchaser, relating to brand, where we utilize a reproduced lab
climate where a bunch of customers are presented to a corporate brand blog for a fixed term.

Unit 8: Online Branding 47

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

We further build up an exploration instrument to gauge the feeling levels of buyers, relating
to a brand, both when openness to the corporate blog. Resulting to this examination, we
endeavour to discover a connection between's varieties in CBK and purchaser brand feeling,
which obviously shows that as a buyer's information about an item or brand increments, so
does his passionate connection with the brand. This thusly expands the purchaser
appropriation of, and relationship with the brand.

Unit 8: Online Branding 48

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)



• Gupta, S. (2020). Digital Marketing. New Delhi, India: Oxford University Press.
• Catharine Slade-Brooking (2016) Creating a Brand Identity, Kindle edition, Laurence
King Publishing.
• Alina Wheeler (2017) Designing Brand Identity, 5th edition, Wiley.
• Donald Miller (2018) Building a story brand: Clarify your message so customers will
listen, Kindle edition, HCCP.
• Gregory Diehl (2016) Brand Identity Breakthrough: How to craft your company’s
unique story to make your products irresistible, Kindle edition, Identity Publications.


• Digital Branding, viewed on March 01, 2021,

• Research paper on Digital Branding, viewed on March 01,
• Consumer Impact in E-commerce, viewed on March 01,
• Brand equity Experience, viewed on March 01, 2021,

Unit 8: Online Branding 49

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)




Unit 9: Brand Consumer Centricity, Brands and Emotions and Consumer Brand Emotion 1
DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

Unit 9
Brand Consumer Centricity, Brands and
Emotions and Consumer Brand Emotion
Table of Contents

SL Fig No / Table SAQ /

Topic Page No
No / Graph Activity
1 Introduction - -
1.1 Learning Objectives - -
2 Brand Consumer Centricity - 1
2.1 Key Elements of Brand Consumer
- - 5-8
2.2 4 Cs of Consumer Centricity - -
3 Consumer Brand Emotion - 2, I
3.1 Key Brand Emotions - -
9 - 14
3.2 The Power of Brand Emotions - -
3.3 Ways in Which Brands Use Emotions - -
4 Consumer Brand Emotion 1 3 15 - 18
5 Summary - - 19
6 Glossary - - 20
7 Case Study - - 20 - 21
8 Terminal Questions - - 21
9 Answer Keys - - 22 - 23
10 Suggested Books and e-References - - 24

Unit 9: Brand Consumer Centricity, Brands and Emotions and Consumer Brand Emotion 2
DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)


In the previous chapter we learned about online branding and how the digital branding
ecosystem works. In this chapter, we will look at the concepts of Brand Consumer Centricity,
Brands and Emotions and Consumer Brand Emotion.

Brand Consumer Centricity is a business strategy that places the consumer at the center of
all brand-related activities. It is a customer-centric approach that prioritizes the needs,
wants, and preferences of the consumer in the development of products, services, and
marketing campaigns. This approach recognizes that consumers have a significant impact on
the success or failure of a brand, and it aims to build long-term relationships based on trust,
loyalty, and emotional connections.

Brands and Emotions are strongly linked, and emotions play a critical role in consumer
decision-making. Brands that evoke positive emotions in consumers, such as happiness,
trust, or excitement, are more likely to build strong brand loyalty and advocacy. Emotional
branding is a marketing strategy that focuses on creating a positive emotional connection
between the consumer and the brand. By evoking emotions that align with the consumer's
values and beliefs, brands can create a more meaningful and memorable brand experience.

Consumer Brand Emotion refers to the emotional

connections that consumers have with brands. Emotions
The global branding market size is
play a crucial role in shaping consumer behavior, and expected to grow at a compound
annual growth rate (CAGR) of
brands that can evoke positive emotions in consumers are 10.1% from 2021 to 2028.

more likely to build long-term relationships with them. By

understanding the emotional drivers of consumer behavior, brands can create more effective
marketing campaigns and develop products and services that better meet the needs and
wants of consumers.

Brands that prioritize consumer centricity, emotional branding, and understanding

consumer brand emotion are more likely to build strong and lasting relationships with their
customers. These strategies can lead to increased brand loyalty, advocacy, and long-term
profitability for the business.

Unit 9: Brand Consumer Centricity, Brands and Emotions and Consumer Brand Emotion 3
DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

1.1 Learning Objectives

After studying this chapter, you will be able to:

❖ Analyze how brands can become more consumer-centric

❖ Evaluate how emotions play a crucial role in building brand identity, loyalty, and trust
among consumers.
❖ Explain how companies can leverage consumer emotions to create stronger brand-
consumer relationships

Unit 9: Brand Consumer Centricity, Brands and Emotions and Consumer Brand Emotion 4
DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)


Brand consumer centricity is a marketing approach that puts the consumer at the center of
the brand experience. In a consumer-centric approach, brands focus on understanding and
meeting the needs and preferences of their target audience. This approach has gained
significant attention in recent years, as consumers have become more empowered and have
greater control over their purchasing decisions.

In a consumer-centric approach, brands focus on building long-term relationships with their

customers, rather than just selling products or services. This requires a deep understanding
of the target audience, including their needs, preferences, and behaviors. Brands can gather
this information through market research, customer feedback, and data analytics. Once
brands have a deep understanding of their target audience, they can create products,
services, and marketing campaigns that are tailored to their needs and preferences. This can
lead to greater customer satisfaction, loyalty, and advocacy, as customers feel that the brand
truly understands and cares about them.

A key element of brand consumer centricity is personalization. Brands can use data analytics
and technology to create personalized experiences for their customers, such as personalized
product recommendations, customized marketing messages, and targeted advertising. This
can help to create a deeper connection between the brand and the customer, and can lead to
greater engagement and loyalty.

Another key element of brand consumer centricity is transparency. Brands that are
transparent about their products, services, and business practices are more likely to build
trust and loyalty with their customers. This can include providing clear information about
pricing, ingredients, and sourcing, as well as being open and honest about any issues or
challenges that arise. Brand consumer centricity can also lead to greater innovation and
creativity. By focusing on the needs and preferences of their customers, brands can develop
new products and services that better meet their needs. This requires a willingness to
experiment and take risks, as well as a commitment to ongoing research and development.

Unit 9: Brand Consumer Centricity, Brands and Emotions and Consumer Brand Emotion 5
DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

Brand consumer centricity is a powerful approach for brands looking to build strong, long-
term relationships with their customers. By putting the consumer at the center of the brand
experience, brands can create personalized, transparent, and innovative products, services,
and marketing campaigns that meet the needs and preferences of their target audience. This
can lead to greater customer satisfaction, loyalty, and advocacy, as well as increased
profitability and growth for the business.

2.1. Key Elements Of Brand Consumer Centricity

Brand consumer centricity is all about placing the customer at the center of the brand
strategy and ensuring that the brand’s offerings are designed around their needs and
preferences. Here are some of the key elements of brand consumer centricity:

• Customer Understanding: To be consumer-centric, brands must first understand

their customers’ needs, preferences, behaviors, and motivations. This requires
collecting and analyzing customer data from various sources, including surveys, focus
groups, social media, and customer feedback.
• Personalization: Personalization is the process of tailoring the brand’s offerings to
meet the individual needs and preferences of each customer. This can include offering
personalized product recommendations, customized marketing messages, and
personalized customer experiences.
• Customer Experience: Customer experience refers to the overall impression that a
customer has of the brand based on their interactions with it. A customer-centric brand
will focus on creating a positive customer experience at every touchpoint, from the
website and social media to the sales process and customer support.
• Brand Purpose: Brands that are consumer-centric have a clear purpose that resonates
with their target audience. This purpose is communicated through the brand’s
messaging, values, and actions, and it helps to build an emotional connection with
• Innovation: Consumer-centric brands are constantly innovating to meet the evolving
needs and preferences of their customers. This can include developing new products
or services, improving existing offerings, or introducing new marketing tactics.

Unit 9: Brand Consumer Centricity, Brands and Emotions and Consumer Brand Emotion 6
DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

• Employee Engagement: To be truly consumer-centric, a brand must have a culture

that values and prioritizes the customer. This requires engaging and empowering
employees to deliver exceptional customer experiences and to act as ambassadors for
the brand.
• Metrics: To measure the success of their consumer-centric approach, brands need to
track and analyze metrics related to customer satisfaction, loyalty, and advocacy. This
includes metrics such as Net Promoter Score (NPS), customer lifetime value (CLV), and
customer retention rates.

By prioritizing these key elements of brand consumer centricity, brands can create stronger
relationships with their customers and differentiate themselves in a crowded marketplace.

2.2. 4 Cs Of Customer Centricity

The 4 Cs of customer centricity is a framework that businesses can use to help them become
more customer-focused. The framework consists of four key elements: customer,
convenience, communication, and cost.

• Customer: The first element of the 4 Cs is the customer. This means that businesses
need to focus on understanding their customers' needs, wants, and preferences, and
designing products and services that meet those needs. This includes understanding
the customer's demographics, psychographics, and behaviors, as well as their pain
points and motivations.
• Convenience: The second element of the 4 Cs is convenience. This means that
businesses need to make it as easy as possible for their customers to interact with them.
This includes providing multiple channels for customer communication and service, as
well as streamlining processes and reducing friction in the customer experience.
• Communication: The third element of the 4 Cs is communication. This means that
businesses need to be transparent and open in their communications with customers.
They need to be responsive to customer inquiries and feedback, and they need to be
proactive in communicating with customers about their products and services.
• Cost: The final element of the 4 Cs is cost. This means that businesses need to provide
value for their customers at a reasonable price. This includes offering competitive

Unit 9: Brand Consumer Centricity, Brands and Emotions and Consumer Brand Emotion 7
DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

pricing, but it also means offering additional value through quality products, excellent
customer service, and other perks.

By focusing on these four elements, businesses can create a customer-centric culture that
prioritizes the customer experience above all else. This can lead to increased customer
satisfaction, loyalty, and advocacy, as well as improved business performance and

1. What is the main focus of a consumer-centric approach?
A) Building long-term relationships with customers
B) Maximizing profits for the business
C) Selling products or services quickly
D) Offering the lowest price in the market
2. What is personalization in a consumer-centric approach?
A) Creating generic products for all customers
B) Offering discounts to new customers
C) Tailoring the brand’s offerings to meet the individual needs and
preferences of each customer
D) Conducting surveys to gather customer feedback
3. What is the key element of the 4 Cs of customer centricity that focuses on
making it as easy as possible for customers to interact with a business?
A) Customer
B) Communication
C) Convenience
D) Cost
4. What is the role of innovation in brand consumer centricity?
A) To create generic products for all customers
B) To improve existing offerings
C) To offer the lowest price in the market
D) To prioritize the business's profits over customer satisfaction

Unit 9: Brand Consumer Centricity, Brands and Emotions and Consumer Brand Emotion 8
DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)


Brands and emotions have a powerful relationship in the world of marketing. A brand that
can evoke positive emotions in consumers is more likely to be successful in building brand
loyalty and increasing sales. Emotional branding is an approach that aims to create strong
emotional connections between consumers and a brand. By tapping into the emotions of
consumers, a brand can create a memorable and meaningful experience that goes beyond
the functional benefits of the product or service.

There are several key reasons why emotions are important in branding. Firstly, emotions
play a significant role in the decision-making process of consumers. Studies have shown that
emotions have a greater influence on purchasing decisions than rational factors such as price
or product features. Consumers are more likely to choose a brand that makes them feel good
and meets their emotional needs.

Emotions can help to differentiate a brand from its

competitors. By creating a unique emotional experience STUDY NOTE

for consumers, a brand can stand out from the competition According to a study by the Harvard
Business Review, emotionally
and build a strong brand identity. This can lead to connected customers are 52% more
valuable than satisfied customers
increased brand loyalty and advocacy, as consumers feel who are not emotionally connected
to the brand.
more connected to the brand and are more likely to
recommend it to others. Emotions can help to create a
lasting impression in the minds of consumers. By evoking positive emotions, a brand can
create a memorable experience that is more likely to be remembered and shared with others.
This can lead to increased brand awareness and word-of-mouth marketing.

3.1 Key Brand Emotions

There are several key emotions that brands can tap into to create a strong emotional
connection with consumers. These include:

• Happiness: Brands that can create a sense of joy and happiness in consumers are more
likely to be successful in building brand loyalty. This can be achieved through a variety
of means, such as using bright colors, positive messaging, or creating fun experiences.

Unit 9: Brand Consumer Centricity, Brands and Emotions and Consumer Brand Emotion 9
DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

• Trust: Consumers are more likely to choose a brand that they trust. Brands that can
create a sense of trust through their messaging, customer service, and product quality
are more likely to be successful in building long-term relationships with consumers.
• Nostalgia: Brands that can tap into feelings of nostalgia can create a sense of familiarity
and comfort in consumers. This can be achieved through the use of retro packaging,
old-fashioned slogans, or references to popular culture from past decades.
• Excitement: Brands that can create a sense of excitement and anticipation in
consumers are more likely to be successful in creating buzz and generating word-of-
mouth marketing. This can be achieved through the use of exclusive products, limited-
time offers, or innovative marketing campaigns.
• Empathy: Brands that can show empathy and understanding for the needs and
concerns of their consumers are more likely to be successful in building long-term
relationships. This can be achieved through personalized messaging, targeted
marketing campaigns, and responsive customer service.

Emotions play a key role in the success of brands. By creating a strong emotional connection
with consumers, a brand can differentiate itself from its competitors, build brand loyalty, and
create a memorable experience that is more likely to be shared with others.

3.2 The Power Of Brand Emotions

Brands have long recognized the power of emotions in marketing and advertising. Emotions
can influence consumer behavior, drive brand loyalty, and create a strong emotional
connection between a brand and its customers. By leveraging emotions, brands can create a
unique brand identity, differentiate themselves from competitors, and ultimately, drive sales
and revenue.

One way that brands can use emotions is by tapping into consumers' emotional needs and
desires. Emotions like happiness, excitement, and joy can be powerful motivators for
consumers, and brands that are able to tap into these emotions can create a strong emotional
connection with their customers. For example, Coca-Cola's "Share a Coke" campaign used
consumers' desire for personalization and connection to others to create an emotional
connection with the brand.

Unit 9: Brand Consumer Centricity, Brands and Emotions and Consumer Brand Emotion 10
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Another way that brands can use emotions is by telling compelling stories that resonate with
consumers. By tapping into consumers' emotions and creating a narrative that evokes a
powerful emotional response, brands can create a strong emotional connection with their
customers. For example, Nike's "Dream Crazy" campaign featuring Colin Kaepernick tells a
powerful story of perseverance and determination that resonates with consumers on an
emotional level.

Brands can also use emotions to create a sense of community and belonging among their
customers. By creating a shared emotional experience among customers, brands can foster
a sense of belonging and create a loyal customer base. For example, Harley-Davidson's brand
identity is built around a sense of community and shared emotional experiences among its

In addition, brands can use emotions to create a sense of trust and credibility with their
customers. Emotions like trust, confidence, and security can be powerful motivators for
consumers, and brands that are able to tap into these emotions can create a sense of trust
and credibility with their customers. For example, insurance companies often use emotions
like security and peace of mind in their marketing campaigns to create a sense of trust with
their customers. Emotions can be a powerful tool for brands looking to create a strong
emotional connection with their customers and drive brand loyalty. By tapping into
consumers' emotional needs and desires, telling compelling stories, creating a sense of
community and belonging, and fostering trust and credibility, brands can create a unique
brand identity and differentiate themselves from competitors.

3.3 Ways In Which Brands Use Emotions

One way that brands can use emotions to their advantage is through storytelling. A well-
crafted story can evoke powerful emotions in the listener and help to build a connection
between the brand and the consumer. Stories can be used to communicate the brand's
values, mission, and purpose, as well as to showcase the benefits of the brand's products or

Unit 9: Brand Consumer Centricity, Brands and Emotions and Consumer Brand Emotion 11
DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

Another way that brands can use emotions is through the use of visual imagery. Images and
videos can be used to create a mood or atmosphere that aligns with the emotions that the
brand is trying to convey. For example, a travel company might use images of beautiful
beaches and smiling families to evoke a sense of relaxation and happiness.

Music is another powerful tool for brands to tap into emotions. Music can be used to create
a mood or feeling that aligns with the emotions that the brand is trying to evoke. For example,
a car company might use a driving beat and fast-paced music to convey a sense of excitement
and adventure.

The language that a brand uses can also have a big impact on the emotions that it evokes in
consumers. Using language that is positive and uplifting can help to create a sense of
optimism and hope, while using language that is negative or fearful can create a sense of
anxiety or uncertainty.

Brands can use personalization to create an emotional connection with consumers. When
a brand tailors its products or services to the specific needs and preferences of individual
consumers, it can create a sense of loyalty and connection. For example, a clothing brand that
offers customized clothing options can create a sense of exclusivity and personalization that
resonates with its target audience.

In order to use emotions effectively in branding, it is important for brands to understand

their target audience and what emotions resonate with them. Different age groups, genders,
and cultures may respond differently to different emotions, so it is important to tailor the
brand's emotional messaging to the specific audience that it is trying to reach. In addition,
brands should be authentic in their emotional messaging. Consumers can sense when a
brand is being disingenuous or insincere in its emotional messaging, and this can actually
backfire and lead to negative associations with the brand. Instead, brands should strive to be
authentic and transparent in their messaging, and to create emotional connections that are
based on genuine shared values and experiences.

Emotions are a powerful tool for brands to connect with consumers and create stronger,
more lasting relationships. By using storytelling, visual imagery, music, language, and

Unit 9: Brand Consumer Centricity, Brands and Emotions and Consumer Brand Emotion 12
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personalization, brands can tap into the emotions of their target audience and create a sense
of connection and loyalty.

Activity I
Suppose you are an opinion leader and a brand approaches you for promoting
their product. After trying the product, you realized that the product is not as
reliable and should not be good enough to promote, while the brand is offering
you a good amount. So what you will do in this situation. You can make the team
for your support and also take help from your mentor to guide you.

Ask for feedback from users after browsing the website and make the report
acknowledge your mentor's same..

Unit 9: Brand Consumer Centricity, Brands and Emotions and Consumer Brand Emotion 13
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5. What is emotional branding?
A. An approach that aims to create strong emotional connections
between consumers and a brand
B. An approach that aims to reduce emotions in consumers
C. An approach that aims to create strong emotional connections
between consumers and their favorite celebrities
D. An approach that aims to create strong emotional connections
between consumers and their favorite sports teams
6. What role do emotions play in the decision-making process of consumers?
A. They have no influence on the purchasing decision of consumers
B. They have a greater influence on purchasing decisions than rational
factors such as price or product features
C. They have a smaller influence on purchasing decisions than rational
factors such as price or product features
D. They have an equal influence on purchasing decisions as rational
factors such as price or product features
7. Which of the following is a key emotion that brands can tap into to create a
strong emotional connection with consumers?
A. Sadness
B. Boredom
C. Happiness
D. Apathy
8. How can brands use emotions to create a sense of community and
belonging among their customers?
A. By creating a shared emotional experience among customers
B. By avoiding emotions in their marketing campaigns
C. By telling stories that do not resonate with customers
D. By creating a sense of isolation and exclusion among customers

Unit 9: Brand Consumer Centricity, Brands and Emotions and Consumer Brand Emotion 14
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Consumer brand emotion is a term used to describe the emotional connections that
consumers have with brands. It refers to the feelings, attitudes, and behaviors that
consumers experience when they interact with a brand. Consumer brand emotion plays a
critical role in shaping consumer behavior, including purchase decisions, brand loyalty, and
advocacy. We will explore the concept of consumer brand emotion and its importance for
brand management.

Emotions are a fundamental aspect of human experience, and they play an essential role in
shaping our perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors. Research has shown that emotions have
a more significant impact on our decision-making processes than rational thinking. Emotions
are particularly important in the context of brand management because they help consumers
to form meaningful connections with brands.

One of the key benefits of consumer brand emotion is that it can lead to brand loyalty. When
consumers have positive emotional experiences with a brand, they are more likely to
develop strong attachments to the brand. This can lead to repeat purchases, increased brand
advocacy, and positive word-of-mouth recommendations.

Consumer brand emotion also plays a critical role in shaping brand identity. Brand identity
refers to the unique characteristics and attributes that distinguish a brand from its
competitors. Emotions can help to create a unique brand identity by fostering emotional
connections between consumers and brands. By understanding the emotional needs and
desires of their target audience, brands can create messaging and branding that resonates
with consumers and reinforces their emotional connections with the brand.

To create strong emotional connections with consumers, brands must focus on the emotional
benefits that their products or services provide. Emotional benefits refer to the positive
feelings that consumers experience when using a product or service. For example, a luxury
car brand may focus on the emotional benefits of exclusivity, status, and prestige. By
highlighting these emotional benefits, the brand can create a strong emotional connection
with consumers and differentiate itself from its competitors.

Unit 9: Brand Consumer Centricity, Brands and Emotions and Consumer Brand Emotion 15
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Another critical element of consumer brand emotion is brand personality. Brand personality
refers to the human-like traits and characteristics that consumers associate with a brand.
These traits can include friendliness, intelligence, sophistication, and competence, among
others. Brands can use brand personality to create emotional connections with consumers
by aligning their brand with traits that resonate with their target audience.

Social media has become a critical channel for building emotional connections with
consumers. Social media platforms allow brands to engage with their target audience in real-
time, respond to customer feedback, and create personalized experiences. Brands can use
social media to create emotional connections with consumers by sharing compelling stories,
creating engaging content, and providing personalized customer experiences.

To effectively leverage consumer brand emotion, brands must focus on building trust with
their target audience. Trust is a critical component of emotional connections because it
creates a sense of security and reliability. Brands can build trust with their target audience
by delivering high-quality products and services, providing excellent customer service, and
being transparent and honest in their marketing and branding efforts.

Consumer brand emotion is a critical element of brand management. Emotions play a

fundamental role in shaping consumer behavior, including purchase decisions, brand
loyalty, and advocacy. To create strong emotional connections with consumers, brands must
focus on the emotional benefits that their products or services provide, create a unique
brand identity, and build trust with their target audience. By leveraging consumer brand
emotion, brands can create lasting relationships with their customers and differentiate
themselves from their competitors.

Unit 9: Brand Consumer Centricity, Brands and Emotions and Consumer Brand Emotion 16
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9. What is consumer brand emotion?
A. The unique characteristics and attributes that distinguish a brand from
its competitors
B. The emotional benefits that consumers experience when using a
product or service
C. The feelings, attitudes, and behaviors that consumers experience when
they interact with a brand
D. The human-like traits and characteristics that consumers associate
with a brand
10. What role does consumer brand emotion play in brand management?
A. It has no impact on consumer behavior
B. It leads to decreased brand loyalty
C. It helps to create a unique brand identity
D. It creates negative word-of-mouth recommendations
11. How can brands leverage social media to create emotional connections
with consumers?
A. By creating unengaging content
B. By ignoring customer feedback
C. By providing personalized customer experiences
D. By only sharing sales promotions

Unit 9: Brand Consumer Centricity, Brands and Emotions and Consumer Brand Emotion 17
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Brand Consumer

Brands and Emotions

Consumer Brand

Fig 7: Conceptual Map

Unit 9: Brand Consumer Centricity, Brands and Emotions and Consumer Brand Emotion 18
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• Brand consumer centricity is a marketing approach that puts the customer at the center
of the brand experience. In a consumer-centric approach, brands focus on building
long-term relationships with their customers by understanding and meeting their
needs and preferences.
• Key elements of brand consumer centricity include customer understanding,
personalization, customer experience, brand purpose, innovation, employee
engagement, and metrics.
• The 4 Cs of customer centricity framework consists of four key elements: customer,
convenience, communication, and cost. By prioritizing these elements, brands can
create stronger relationships with their customers and differentiate themselves in a
crowded marketplace.
• The relationship between brands and emotions is critical in marketing.
• Emotional branding aims to create strong emotional connections between consumers
and a brand, going beyond the functional benefits of the product or service.
• Emotions play a significant role in the decision-making process of consumers, and a
brand that can evoke positive emotions in consumers is more likely to be successful in
building brand loyalty and increasing sales.
• Brands can tap into different emotions, including happiness, trust, nostalgia,
excitement, and empathy, to create a strong emotional connection with consumers.
• Brands use emotions in several ways, such as through storytelling, visual imagery,
creating a sense of community and belonging among customers, and fostering trust and
• Emotional branding is a powerful tool for brands to differentiate themselves from their
competitors, create a unique brand identity, and ultimately drive sales and revenue.
• Consumer brand emotion refers to the emotional connections between consumers and
brands, which play a critical role in shaping behavior, loyalty, and advocacy.
• Brands can leverage emotions through storytelling, social media, and creating
emotional benefits and a unique brand identity while building trust with their audience.

Unit 9: Brand Consumer Centricity, Brands and Emotions and Consumer Brand Emotion 19
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• Nostalgia: A sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, often characterized
by a desire to return to or revisit past experiences, events, or cultural artifacts.


ABC Corp

ABC Corp is a consumer goods company that specializes in manufacturing and selling
personal care products such as shampoos, conditioners, and body washes. They wanted to
build a strong brand that resonated with their target audience and created a loyal customer

To achieve this goal, ABC Corp focused on brand consumer centricity by understanding their
target audience's needs, preferences, and pain points. They conducted extensive market
research to gain insights into their customers' lifestyles, values, and aspirations. They used
these insights to develop a brand persona that aligned with their customers' preferences and
communicated their unique value proposition effectively.

ABC Corp recognized the power of emotions in building strong brands and leveraged the
concept of emotional branding to create a deep emotional connection with their target
audience. They focused on creating a brand personality that evoked positive emotions such
as trust, happiness, and confidence. They achieved this by incorporating emotional appeals
in their brand messaging, packaging, and advertising.

To understand their customers' brand emotions, ABC Corp conducted qualitative research
by engaging with their customers through focus groups and surveys. They also monitored
social media channels to track customer sentiment and feedback. They used this information
to fine-tune their branding and marketing strategies to better connect with their target

As a result of their consumer brand-centric approach, ABC Corp was able to establish a
strong and loyal customer base. They continued to innovate their product offerings by

Unit 9: Brand Consumer Centricity, Brands and Emotions and Consumer Brand Emotion 20
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introducing new and innovative products that aligned with their customers' needs and
preferences. They also leveraged their emotional branding strategy by partnering with
popular social media influencers who resonated with their target audience. This helped them
to create a wider brand reach and connect with potential customers who were not yet aware
of their products.


1. How did ABC Corp use emotional branding to create a strong brand?
2. How did ABC Corp conduct qualitative research to understand their customers' brand
3. How did ABC Corp conduct qualitative research to understand their customers' brand



Q1. What is Brand Consumer Centricity?

Q2. What is Consumer Brand Emotion?

Q3. What is importance of being empathetic while managing a brand?


Q1. What are the key elements of brand consumer centricity?

Q2. What are the 4 Cs of Consumer Centricity?

Q3. What are some of the key brand emotions?

Q4. What are the ways in which brands can use emotions?

Unit 9: Brand Consumer Centricity, Brands and Emotions and Consumer Brand Emotion 21
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Self-Assessment Questions

1. A.Building long-term relationships with customers

2. C. Tailoring the brand’s offerings to meet the individual needs and preferences of each
3. C. Convenience
4. B. To improve existing offerings
5. A. An approach that aims to create strong emotional connections between consumers
and a brand
6. B. They have a greater influence on purchasing decisions than rational factors such as
price or product features.
7. C. Happiness.
8. A. By creating a shared emotional experience among customers.
9. C. The feelings, attitudes, and behaviors that consumers experience when they interact
with a brand.
10. C. It helps to create a unique brand identity.
11. C. By providing personalized customer experiences.



Answer 1:

Brand Consumer Centricity is a business strategy that places the consumer at the center of
all brand-related activities. It is a customer-centric approach that prioritizes the needs,
wants, and preferences of the consumer in the development of products, services, and
marketing campaigns.

Answer 2:

Consumer Brand Emotion refers to the emotional connections that consumers have with
brands. Emotions play a crucial role in shaping consumer behavior, and brands that can

Unit 9: Brand Consumer Centricity, Brands and Emotions and Consumer Brand Emotion 22
DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

evoke positive emotions in consumers are more likely to build long-term relationships with

Answer 3:

Brands that can show empathy and understanding for the needs and concerns of their
consumers are more likely to be successful in building long-term relationships. This can be
achieved through personalized messaging, targeted marketing campaigns, and responsive
customer service.


Answer 1: Answer available at 9.2.1

Answer 2: Answer available at 9.2.2

Answer 3: Answer available at 9.3.1

Answer 4: Answer available at 9.3.3

Unit 9: Brand Consumer Centricity, Brands and Emotions and Consumer Brand Emotion 23
DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)



• Dave Chaffey & Fiona Ellis-Chadwick, Digital Marketing: Strategy, Implementation &
• Joe Pulizzi, Content Inc.: How Entrepreneurs Use Content to Build Massive Audiences
and Create Radically Successful Businesses
• Russell Glass & Sean Callahan, The Big Data-Driven Business
• Vandana Ahuja, Digital Marketing, Fifth Edition


• The Digital Ecosystem, viewed on 14 March, 2021, <

• Knowledge as a value proposition, viewed on 14 March, 2021,


• Consumer-generated Media, viewed on 14 March, 2021,

• Digital-marketing, viewed on 14 March, 2021,
• E-marketing, viewed on 14 March, 2021,
• Marketing Strategy, viewed on 14 March, 2021,
• Marketing guide to getting results, viewed on 14 March, 2021,

Unit 9: Brand Consumer Centricity, Brands and Emotions and Consumer Brand Emotion 24
DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)




Unit 10: E-Commerce 1

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

Unit 10
Table of Contents

SL Fig No / Table SAQ /

Topic Page No
No / Graph Activity
1 Introduction - -
1.1 Learning Objectives - -
2 Online Distribution and Procurement - 1
2.1 Traditional Management Distribution 5 - 12
- -
3 Online market place - 2, I 13 - 15
4 E-Procurement - 3 16 - 19
5 E-Commerce Applications 1, 2 4 20 - 24
6 Summary - - 25
7 Glossary - - 26
8 Case Study - - 27 - 28
9 Terminal Questions - - 29
10 Answer Keys - - 30 - 33
11 Suggested Books and e-References - - 34 - 35

Unit 10: E-Commerce 2

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)


In the previous chapter, we studied Brand Consumer Centricity, Brands and Emotions and
Consumer Brand Emotion. This involves understanding consumer behavior, preferences,
and feedback, and tailoring brand experiences, products, and services accordingly to build
strong customer relationships and loyalty.

Brands and emotions play a crucial role in e-commerce, as consumers develop emotional
connections with brands through online interactions, experiences, and perceptions. Positive
emotions such as joy, trust, and excitement, triggered by a brand's online presence, user
experience, and messaging, can lead to increased brand engagement, advocacy, and
ultimately, purchase decisions. Conversely, negative emotions such as frustration,
disappointment, and anger due to poor user experience, slow website performance, or lack
of trust in online transactions, can drive consumers away and impact brand reputation.
Understanding and leveraging consumer brand emotion can help businesses create
personalized, relevant, and emotionally resonant online experiences that foster brand
loyalty, repeat purchases, and positive word-of-mouth.

E-commerce and online shopping are frequently used

interchangeably, but e-commerce is something more than that – STUDYNOTE

it encapsulates a term for doing business online, encompassing a Electronic commerce, also
known as e-commerce, refers
range of services such as making online purchases, scheduling to any type of business
activity that includes the
tickets, and so on.By definition, it refers to a wide range of transmission of data over the
business activities that allow the use of the internet as a medium
for knowledge exchange, payment services, or both.

Consider the number of consumer brand retail sites such as and,
which usually offer product details as well as the opportunity to perform financial
transactions over the internet. On the other hand, auction sites such as and provide information about particular listed goods and services, but monetary
transactions are usually performed in person.

Unit 10: E-Commerce 3

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

Apart from these two categories of e-commerce sites, some sites enable businesses to
exchange trading goods and also service between two or more companies. The emergence
of e-commerce over the last decade has completely changed how people use the internet.
People are now using the internet for more than just collecting information, entertainment,
or socializing; they are now searching for ways to conduct business.

Even well-known social media sites like are encouraging people to advertise
and sell goods and services digitally, and the advent of computer and smartphone e-
commerce platform apps like Shopify shows how e-commerce has exploded in the last five

1.1 Learning Objectives

After studying this chapter, you will be able to:

❖ Understand online distribution and procurement

❖ Define various issues faced by the management of traditional distribution
❖ Describe the online marketplace along with examples
❖ Define E-Procurement along with its functions
❖ Identify E-Commerce applications

Unit 10: E-Commerce 4

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)


As a dealer, e-commerce is both the best opportunity and the most daunting obstacle you
will ever encounter. There is much more knowledge about e-commerce delivery than you
may know, and the potential for your company's growth is endless. E-commerce, on the other
hand, can be terrifying and unforgiving.

Online distribution and procurement are key components of

digital marketing. These terms refer to the process of
The delivery or
distributing digital products or services online and the dissemination of interactive
media material including
procurement of goods and services needed for digital audio, video, e-books, video
games, and other
marketing efforts. applications over the
internet is known as online
Online distribution involves making digital products or
services available to customers through online channels such
as websites, social media platforms, email, and mobile apps. Digital products could be
anything from e-books, music, videos, software, or online courses. Online distribution allows
businesses to reach a wider audience and to sell their products globally, 24/7.

Online distribution refers to the process of making digital products or services available to
customers through various online channels. Here are some features of online distribution:

• Accessibility: Online distribution allows customers to access digital products or

services from anywhere at any time, as long as they have an internet connection.
• Global reach: Digital products or services can be distributed globally, which means
businesses can reach a wider audience and potentially generate more sales.
• Convenience: Online distribution eliminates the need for physical products, which
means customers can access digital products or services instantly, without having to
wait for shipping.
• Cost-effective: Online distribution is often more cost-effective than traditional
distribution methods, as businesses do not have to spend money on physical
production or shipping costs.

Unit 10: E-Commerce 5

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• Scalability: Online distribution allows businesses to scale their operations quickly and
easily, as they can distribute digital products or services to an unlimited number of
• Control: Online distribution gives businesses more control over their products or
services, as they can make updates or changes to them easily and quickly.
• Analytics: Online distribution provides businesses with valuable analytics data, such
as customer behavior and preferences, which can be used to improve marketing
strategies and product offerings.

Best Practices for Online Distribution:

Online distribution is a constantly evolving field, and businesses must adapt to changing
technologies and trends to remain competitive. By following these best practices, businesses
can optimize their online distribution strategies and succeed in the digital marketplace.

• Optimize your website: Your website should be optimized for search engines, load
quickly, and have a user-friendly interface to ensure a positive user experience.
• Leverage social media: Use social media platforms to promote your digital products or
services, interact with customers, and build a community around your brand.
• Offer value-added services: Consider offering value-added services such as free trials,
discounts, or customer support to attract and retain customers.
• Focus on security: Make sure your website and digital products are secure to protect
customer information and avoid data breaches.
• Use analytics: Use analytics tools to track user behavior, identify trends, and optimize
your marketing and distribution strategies.
• Collaborate with influencers: Collaborate with influencers in your industry to reach a
wider audience and gain credibility.
• Build an email list: Collect email addresses from customers and use email marketing to
promote your digital products or services and keep customers engaged.
• Provide excellent customer service: Provide prompt and effective customer support to
ensure customer satisfaction and build a positive reputation for your brand.

Unit 10: E-Commerce 6

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• Embrace new technologies: Keep up with new technologies and trends in online
distribution to stay ahead of the competition and provide the best possible user

What is Procurement?

Procurement is a concept that refers to the method or act of sourcing or purchasing

commodities or products for a corporation. Many firms use the term procurement to refer
to just the purchasing process, and others use it to refer to the whole process. Purchasing for
a company is referred to as recruitment, and it is generally conducted on a broad scale. The
buyer and the seller are also interested in procurement. However, purchase refers to the act
of purchasing rather than the actions of the purchaser.

Procurement in digital marketing refers to the process of acquiring goods and services
needed for digital marketing efforts. This could include purchasing software, hosting
services, advertising space, and content creation services. Procurement is an important part
of digital marketing as it enables businesses to obtain the tools and resources they need to
effectively promote their products or services online.

There are various types of online procurement methods, including electronic tendering,
reverse auctions, catalog-based purchasing, and online bidding. Each method has its own
advantages and disadvantages, and organizations may choose to use one or a combination
of methods depending on their specific needs and goals.

• Electronic Tendering: In this method, organizations can publish requests for tender
on online platforms, and suppliers can submit their bids online. The process is managed
electronically, including the evaluation and awarding of contracts.
• Reverse Auctions: In this method, organizations post their requirements online and
invite suppliers to compete by bidding lower prices. The supplier with the lowest bid
typically wins the contract.
• Catalog-based Purchasing: In this method, organizations can browse and select
products or services from an online catalog provided by the supplier. The prices and

Unit 10: E-Commerce 7

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specifications of the products are pre-negotiated, and the ordering process is

• Online Bidding: This method is similar to electronic tendering, but with a more
competitive approach. Suppliers can view the current lowest bid and adjust their bids
accordingly. This type of procurement method is often used for high-value purchases.
• e-Procurement Network: This method involves using an online platform to connect
buyers and suppliers. Buyers can post their requirements, and suppliers can bid or offer
their products and services directly.

Each of these online procurement methods has its own benefits and drawbacks, and
organizations may choose to use one or a combination of these methods depending on their
specific needs and goals.

Steps in Online Procurement:

The steps involved in e-procurement can vary depending on the organization and the
procurement method used. However, here are some general steps that may be involved in e-

• Identifying the Need: The procurement process begins with identifying the need for a
particular product or service. This may involve conducting market research, assessing
the budget, and determining the specifications of the required goods or services.
• Vendor Selection: Once the organization has identified its procurement requirements,
it needs to select potential suppliers who can provide the required goods or services.
This step may involve searching for suppliers online, evaluating supplier profiles, and
comparing prices and terms.
• Request for Quotation/Proposal: The organization sends a request for
quotation/proposal to the selected suppliers, specifying the required goods or services,
the timeframe, and other necessary information.
• Bid Evaluation: After receiving the bids from the suppliers, the organization evaluates
the bids and selects the best one based on a set of criteria. This step may involve
reviewing the supplier's capabilities, delivery timeframes, pricing, and other relevant

Unit 10: E-Commerce 8

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• Contract Negotiation: The organization negotiates a contract with the selected

supplier, including the terms and conditions, payment terms, delivery schedules, and
any other relevant details.
• Purchase Order: Once the contract has been agreed upon, the organization issues a
purchase order to the supplier, specifying the details of the order and the agreed-upon
terms and conditions.
• Payment and Delivery: The supplier delivers the goods or services as specified in the
purchase order, and the organization pays the supplier according to the agreed-upon
payment terms.
• Performance Monitoring: The organization monitors the supplier's performance to
ensure that they are delivering the goods or services according to the agreed-upon
terms and conditions. This step may involve tracking the delivery schedule, evaluating
the quality of the goods or services provided, and assessing the supplier's overall

2.1. Traditional Distribution Management Issues

In India, conventional and unique distribution networks have become the standard. Most
delivery systems, on the other hand, are complicated and lack the cutting-edge tech

nologies required to make them functional and deliver real-time performance. This has a
negative influence on the market because channel participants find it difficult to get a good
picture of the organization and its progress.

Lack of well-organized data decreases operational performance and obstructs successful

decision-making processes, two big challenges that a strong distribution management
system must be willing to sort. Database inaccuracies will harm a company's development
and long-term objectives.

• Issues Faced by Corporate: Companies need to identify The layout of distribution

channel varies by market,
and fix these problems to create a more structured and every organization has a
record that keeps track of
productive workflow. Below are some of the most inventory, revenue, and
other critical details that
important obstacles that corporations face today: lets them make choices.

Unit 10: E-Commerce 9

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

• Inaccurate Stock Market: Without an automatic logistics system, the company's

inventory will have to be manually monitored. This can be time-consuming and
wasteful. A device like this will limit the right to adjust requests, resulting in a long
refund and return process. Furthermore, the lack of a digital inventory record would
make it impossible for stakeholders to make repricing decisions. A robust logistics
structure will support customers in making the best of their time so they can
concentrate on optimizing their market activities.
• Manipulation in trade schemes: In today's dynamic landscape, it's important to keep
up with changing market preferences while retaining customer loyalty. BTL (Below-
the-Line) marketing is one of those indirect marketing methods in which no direct
consumers are affected, meaning that anybody can exploit the governing criteria
without the end customers noticing. Manipulation of expense figures and
misinterpretation of transactions in financial documents is a frequent practice in
marketing departments. There have been allegations of agencies inflating invoices
when workers obtain compensation in the form of gifts. A constructive framework is
needed to overcome the above issues and shift marketing budgets to concentrate on
collecting customer knowledge.
• Dependency on the Reports: Reports are one thing that the FMCG industry relies on.
Since this is such a dynamic market, the speed and accuracy of the results are crucial to
its survival. As a consequence, the evidence available to management is important in
making good business choices. The current manual and repetitive processes, on the
other hand, waste time and limit effectiveness. Although vast volumes of data are
obtained at several touchpoints and affected by a variety of variables, the structure
cannot quantify and provide meaningful market insight. It is important to have a DMS
that is self-service and capable of producing custom reports in real-time. Rather than
going through different reports to make appropriate decisions, such programmed
empower stakeholders to have access to up-to-date information through categories,
goods, regions, and DSRs at their fingertips.

Unit 10: E-Commerce 10

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

Since the effectiveness of advertising, sales, and inventory control departments is vital to
every FMCG company's growth, an efficient Delivery Management Scheme should contain
information from all three teams.

Unit 10: E-Commerce 11

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

1. E-commerce distribution will inherently result in higher _______________ than
traditional retail.
A. Profit
B. Loss
C. Return
D. Exchange
2. __________________ is a concept that refers to the method or act of sourcing or
purchasing commodities or products for a corporation.
3. E-commerce _______________ will inherently result in higher returns than
traditional _______________.
A. Retail; distribution
B. Distribution; distribution
C. Distribution; retail
D. Retail; retail
4. The database inaccuracies will have a ______________________ effect on company
development and long-term objectives.
A. positive
B. neutral
C. negative
D. None of the above
5. The lack of a digital inventory record would make it possible for
stakeholders to make re-pricing decisions. [True/False]
6. ________ industry relies on reports.
A. Finance
B. Automobile
D. Banking

Unit 10: E-Commerce 12

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)


An e-commerce platform that links sellers and buyers is known as an online marketplace.
It's also known as an automated auction, and the website owner is in charge of all purchases.
Firms use online marketplaces to communicate with consumers interested in purchasing
their goods and services. Amazon, eBay, and Craigslist are examples of online marketplaces.

Online marketplaces are digital platforms that enable individuals and businesses to buy and
sell goods and services over the internet. They allow sellers to list their products or services
for sale, and buyers to browse and purchase them.

Online marketplaces offer several benefits to both buyers and sellers, including:

1. Convenience: Online marketplaces offer the convenience of shopping from anywhere,

at any time, without the need to visit a physical store.
2. Wide selection of products: Online marketplaces offer a vast range of products and
services from various sellers, giving buyers more options to choose from.
3. Competitive pricing: The competition among sellers on online marketplaces can drive
down prices, allowing buyers to find better deals.
4. Increased reach for sellers: Online marketplaces allow sellers to reach a wider
audience beyond their local area, potentially increasing their customer base.
5. Lower overhead costs for sellers: Online marketplaces often have lower overhead
costs than traditional brick-and-mortar stores, allowing sellers to offer products at a
lower price.
6. Easy to start a business: Online marketplaces provide a platform for individuals to
start their own businesses without the need for a physical storefront, making
entrepreneurship more accessible.
7. Transparent feedback: Online marketplaces often have a rating and review system
that provides buyers with transparent feedback on sellers and products, helping them
make informed decisions.

Unit 10: E-Commerce 13

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

While online marketplaces offer many benefits, they also have some drawbacks to consider:

• Limited personal interaction: Online marketplaces lack the personal interaction that
comes with shopping in person, which can lead to miscommunications and
misunderstandings between buyers and sellers.
• Shipping and handling delays: Purchasing items online can result in shipping and
handling delays, which can be frustrating for buyers who are used to instant
• Quality control: Online marketplaces can make it difficult for buyers to verify the
quality of products before purchasing them, leading to potential dissatisfaction or
• Trust issues: Trust can be an issue on online marketplaces, particularly for buyers who
are wary of scams or fraudulent sellers.
• Fees: Some online marketplaces charge fees to sellers for listing items or completing
transactions, which can add up over time.
• Lack of uniqueness: Online marketplaces can have a lot of competition, making it
challenging for sellers to stand out and differentiate themselves from other sellers.
• Limited product testing: Some products, such as clothing and shoes, are difficult to test
for fit and quality online, leading to potential returns and exchanges.

Online marketplaces are platforms that connect buyers and sellers of various goods and
services. There are several types of online marketplaces, including:

• E-commerce marketplaces: These marketplaces specialize in selling physical goods

directly to consumers. Examples include Amazon, eBay, and Walmart.
• Service marketplaces: These marketplaces connect customers with service providers
who offer services such as tutoring, house cleaning, and freelance work. Examples
include TaskRabbit, Upwork, and Thumbtack.
• Rental marketplaces: These marketplaces facilitate the renting of goods and services,
such as vacation rentals, car rentals, and equipment rentals. Examples include Airbnb,
Turo, and Rent the Runway.

Unit 10: E-Commerce 14

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

• Product marketplaces: These marketplaces are focused on specific product categories,

such as fashion, electronics, or home goods. Examples include Etsy, Wayfair, and Best
• B2B marketplaces: These marketplaces facilitate business-to-business transactions,
connecting businesses with suppliers or other businesses. Examples include Alibaba,
ThomasNet, and Wholesale Central.
• Peer-to-peer marketplaces: These marketplaces allow individuals to buy and sell goods
or services directly with each other, often without the involvement of a centralized
company. Examples include Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace, and OfferUp.

These are just a few examples of the types of online marketplaces available. The marketplace
industry is constantly evolving, and new types of marketplaces are emerging all the time.

Activity I
Trying to sell your products which are of no use for you anymore on 2 different
online marketplaces like eBay, Quikr, Olx. with the help of this activity, you can
know more about such different marketplaces and how one can do business
through online marketplace and learn to handle different types of customers that
are interested in buying your products and earning profits at the same time.

7. Online marketplace is also known as automated auction. [True/False]
8. Firms use online marketplaces to _____________ with consumers interested in
purchasing their goods and services.
9. Online marketplace helps to run business 24-hours a day and seven days in a
week. [True/False]

Unit 10: E-Commerce 15

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

E-procurement is the purchasing and selling of supplies and resources between companies,
and customers using the Internet and other information and networking networks such as
electronic data interchange and enterprise resource planning. E-procurement is the
automated procurement process in theory. This removes the need for paper order forms,
catalogues, and price lists, and contact with the supplier is exclusively digital.

The buying process must be perfectly incorporated for e-procurement to work. In an ideal
world, both companies' systems can interact seamlessly, allowing the company to easily
determine if the needed item is in stock and if the order has been issued.

Both parties now depend on the media for much of their correspondence. Some businesses
choose networking with their extranet due to the need to keep data secure. The intranets of
business partners can then be reached via a VPN link, for example. The data is

sent over an encrypted IP tunnel.

• Benefits of E-Procurement: The following are some of the most common advantages
of eProcurement for your company:
• Automates laborious tasks: Tasks like selling orders
and paper processing for purchase orders, reviewing STUDYNOTE

and choosing vendors, pricing bargaining, agreeing Companies rely on

technologies intended to
and storing supply contracts, and more can all be make their buying processes
more effective when it
streamlined between a company and its suppliers to comes to e-procurement.

speed up business and free up personnel for other tasks.

• Improved procurement workflows: This facilitates end-user self-service and
decentralization, as well as more frictionless delivery of employee requisitions
(ordering products and services) and production procedures, thanks to corporation
• Visibility of your buying patterns: e-Procurement will give your business insight
into its spending habits. This insight is useful in controlling non-compliant (or
maverick) spending, defining places for supplier restructuring, and using
purchasing leverage to demand cost savings.

Unit 10: E-Commerce 16

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

• Connecting ERP and external supply chains: For greater overall exposure of
customer specifications and purchases, real-time information may be exchanged
between ERP or finance networks and supply chains.
• Functions of E-Procurement: e-Procurement's main duties are comprehensive,
delivering a wide variety of advantages for a company's day-to-day processes and
inventory management. The major functions of procurement for a company are listed
• Processes are streamlined to free up time and reduce errors.
• Streamlines the procurement cycle by strengthening coordination with customers
and partners.
• Provides a consolidated forum for overseeing and auditing all procurement action,
providing clients and administrators with a common point of touch.
• Provides suppliers, management, customers, and collaborators with real-time
alerts as well as the ability to curate and store the collected information.
• Allows for more effective negotiating among multiple partners and stakeholders.
• Steps of E-Procurement: Any phase of the purchase process should have a digital
counterpart in e-procurement processes. Electronic recruitment may be connected to
processes and systems from other agencies, since buying processes often involve links
to other parts of an organization.
• Management of the supply chain: Obtaining and comparing materials is a major
part of buying jobs. This job can be centralized with e-procurement solutions,
allowing you to keep a concise summary.
• This, though, is contingent on how the system is designed. Occasionally, the machine
will immediately access all the materials. Online catalogues, on the other hand, may
be used to study supply levels and forms, whether internal or external, at the most
basic level.
• The clearance protocols: Before a contract can be concluded, most businesses
need complex approval processes. Since not every employee has the right to make
such orders, "parent officials" must authorize them. Electronic procurement
programs can help to automate and speed up this process. The programmer will

Unit 10: E-Commerce 17

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

submit the approvals to the next individual automatically. Furthermore, buying

privileges may be granted and withdrawn centrally via the app, saving time.
• Arrangement: Ultimately, the e-procurement system can implement the order.
Data can be sent straight to the supplier's server via the internet or via VPN on some
devices. If information must be transmitted to the provider by e-mail first, the
process can be sped up even more if both parties use uniform formats for data

The following are the differences between automatic and manual procurement orders:

▪ Automated procurement: e-procurement systems will automatically order products

based on the component needed. For example, this technique is sufficient for articles
that are needed for development. The assumption that there are set supply
arrangements is the most significant consideration here.
▪ Manual procurement: Individual procurements that are needed at frequent intervals,
are not bound to a single provider, and often involve more complicated approval
procedures may be assisted by e-procurement.
▪ Observation: Electronic recruitment applications can be helpful right after a good
order placing. It is possible to track delivery if the procurement system provides real-
time data from the provider. This makes it easier to trace an order from the producer
or dealer to the ordering firm.
▪ Getting Charged: If there is a connection to accounting software, financial processing
can be done via the electronic procurement system. The use of online processing will
help both parties. On the supplier's end, the device helps them to build invoices. The
invoice may even be submitted to the person who is responsible directly via the system.
Electronic invoices, on the other hand, must be authorized with an authorized
electronic signature. For payments to be legitimate, this function must be incorporated
into the accompanying e-procurement framework.
▪ Having a paper: Since all procedures are captured in the e-procurement framework,
producing documentation is much simpler than in conventional procurement, which
depends mainly on paper records. Analyses often depend on the vast volume of data
contained in the electronic structure. Person employee reports, departmental reports,

Unit 10: E-Commerce 18

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and supplier reports are all feasible. This makes it possible to check on a company's
own workers' productivity as well as the efficiency of its suppliers.

10. For E-procurement it is not necessary for the buying process to be perfectly
incorporated [True/False].
11. E-Procurement will give your business insight into its spending habits.

Unit 10: E-Commerce 19

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

E-commerce applications is a bit of a misnomer since it can be viewed in two ways: one, it
applies to the use of e-commerce as a communications medium; retail and wholesale;
auctioning; e-banking; booking, and so on.

The second thought that comes to mind is that of a web programmer such as Amazon, eBay,
Groupon, and so on. That may be an online application or a smartphone app (now popularly
known as m-commerce applications). An E-commerce on the go is nothing more than a
handheld form of e-commerce. Any good business app, whether it's an Uber-like taxi app or
a Door Dash-like food delivery app, begins with a mobile app concept.

• Most Common E-Commerce Applications:

• E-commerce applications refer to software programs and platforms that enable
businesses to sell products or services online, process payments, and manage orders,
inventory, and customer data. Some common e-commerce applications include:


Fig 1: Applications of E-Commerce

Unit 10: E-Commerce 20

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

• Shopping cart: A shopping cart is a software application that allows customers to add
items to their online shopping basket and continue shopping until they are ready to
make a purchase. When a customer is ready to check out, the shopping cart calculates
the total cost of the items, adds any applicable taxes or shipping fees, and processes the
payment. Examples of shopping cart applications include Shopify, WooCommerce, and
• Payment gateway: A payment gateway is a software application that processes online
payments securely, encrypting sensitive information such as credit card numbers and
verifying that the payment is legitimate. Examples of payment gateway applications
include PayPal, Stripe, and
• Inventory management system: An inventory management system is a software
application that tracks the quantity and location of products in a company's warehouse
or distribution center. This enables businesses to know exactly what products they
have on hand, when they need to reorder products, and when products are running
low. Examples of inventory management systems include Fishbowl, SkuVault, and
• Order management system: An order management system is a software application
that tracks orders from the time they are placed to the time they are fulfilled, including
shipping and delivery. This enables businesses to manage the entire order process in
one place, reducing errors and improving efficiency. Examples of order management
systems include Orderhive, ShipBob, and ShipStation.
• Customer relationship management (CRM) system: A CRM system is a software
application that helps businesses manage their interactions with customers, including
contact information, purchase history, and customer preferences. This enables
businesses to build stronger relationships with their customers and provide better
customer service. Examples of CRM systems include Salesforce, HubSpot, and Zoho
• Marketing automation tool: A marketing automation tool is a software application that
automates marketing tasks such as email campaigns, social media advertising, and
customer segmentation. This enables businesses to reach more customers with

Unit 10: E-Commerce 21

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personalized messages and improve the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns.

Examples of marketing automation tools include Mailchimp, HubSpot, and Marketo.
• Analytics and reporting tool: An analytics and reporting tool is a software application
that provides insights into e-commerce sales and customer behavior, allowing
businesses to track performance, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions. This
enables businesses to optimize their e-commerce strategy and improve their bottom
line. Examples of analytics and reporting tools include Google Analytics, Kissmetrics,
and Mixpanel.
• Types of E-Commerce Applications: We may define e-commerce applications in several
ways, but here we present one that is in line with e-commerce mobile app growth.
• Business-to-Consumer (B2C) E-commerce: This is the most common type of e-
commerce application where businesses sell their products or services directly to
consumers through online platforms.
• Business-to-Business (B2B) E-commerce: This type of e-commerce involves
transactions between businesses, where one business sells products or services to
another business.
• Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C) E-commerce: In this type of e-commerce, consumers
buy and sell products or services to each other through online platforms like eBay,
Craigslist, etc.
• Consumer-to-Business (C2B) E-commerce: This type of e-commerce is opposite to B2C,
where consumers sell their products or services to businesses. This type of e-commerce
is commonly used by freelancers, photographers, designers, and writers.
• Mobile Commerce (M-commerce): This type of e-commerce is done through mobile
devices like smartphones or tablets, where users can shop or make payments through
mobile apps.
• Social Commerce: This type of e-commerce is done through social media platforms like
Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, where businesses can sell their products directly to
consumers through social media posts, ads, or sponsored content.
• Subscription-Based E-commerce: In this type of e-commerce, customers pay a monthly
or yearly subscription fee to receive products or services regularly, like magazines,
subscription boxes, or streaming services.

Unit 10: E-Commerce 22

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

12. If there is a connection to accounting software, financial processing can be
done via the _____________ system.

13. The transaction of products and services from companies to customers via
online is referred to as _____________ application.

A. Retail and wholesale

B. Mobile and web application
C. Manufacturing
D. Auctioning

14. The provision of products and services between two companies is the subject
of which e-commerce application.

A. B2C
B. C2C
C. C2B
D. B2B

15. Clutch and GitHub are examples of _____________ e-commerce application.

A. B2C
B. C2C
C. C2B
D. B2B

Unit 10: E-Commerce 23

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

Overview of E-
Procurement E-Procurement


Issues Fig 2: Conceptual Map

Unit 10: E-Commerce 24

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)


• E-commerce refers to any type of business activity that includes the transmission of
data over the internet.
• As a dealer, e-commerce is both the best opportunity and the most daunting obstacle
you will ever encounter. One can use ten best practices for online distribution and
• In India, conventional and unique distribution networks have become the standard.
And there are many issues which are being faced by the traditional distribution and
there are different ways of managing them.
• E-commerce is a market place where the seller meets the buyer many benefits of an
online marketplace can help in a growing business. One of the biggest examples of the
online market is Amazon.
• E-procurement is the purchasing and selling of supplies and resources between
companies, and customers using the Internet. E-procurement has many functions along
with itsbenefits. There are certain steps which one need to have a look at the time of E-
• E-commerce has many applications there are ten most common applications like
finance, retail and wholesale etc. There are also four types of E-commerce application
B2B(Business-to-business), B2C(Business-to-consumer), C2C(Consumer-to-
consumer), C2B(Consumer-to-business).
• A company can measure its E-commerce success by taking into consideration a few
things like profit,returns, community, retentionchannel,upsells.
• Ecommerce Monitoring is a valuable method for ensuring that digital success provides
a good user experience.

Unit 10: E-Commerce 25

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)


• Daunting: To demoralize or threaten somebody for not doing a defined task or it

appears to be difficult to deal with.
• Enticing: The art of influencing someone regarding any product or the task to do or to
convince anyone to go somewhere of his or her choice.
• Laborious: It requires excessive time and efforts to complete the task efficiently and
• Customer Satisfaction: The scale by which the customer rates the service or the
employee's product is considered in the customer satisfaction.
• Repercussion: An unintended, especially unwelcome, consequence of an event or

Unit 10: E-Commerce 26

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)


Totally Fun Toys

Totally Fun Toys (TotallyFunToys.Com) is a toy shop that specializes in offering unusual toys
for kids of all ages. "Toys that promote imagination, learning, and safe play," says the
Completely Fun Toys slogan. They started selling in shops in 1998 and went online in 1999.
The middle-aged, middle-income family is the ideal demographic for Absolutely Fun Toys.

The idea that Completely Fun Toys sells a specialized and exclusive type of product is what
sets them apart from other toy shops.

The First Step in E-Commerce:

Totally Fun Toys' original e-commerce plan was to launch a company selling exclusive
educational toys solely online. Totally Fun Toys ran into issues with their distributors and
manufacturers when developing their website and formulating their market plan and
strategy. Some vendors and suppliers were still reluctant to do business online because of
the risk.

The notion of Completely Fun Toys running their company solely online was unpopular with
their vendors and suppliers. Vendors were afraid to sell goods because they thought the cost
of doing business with them was too high. They started to rethink their commitment to e-
commerce at this stage. They stayed working on the web, but they contemplated launching
an enterprise in a physical store rather than online.

They agreed that this was the right course of action to take, and that it would appease their
vendors and suppliers. They started to concentrate again on bringing their company online
after the retail store became developed and well-known. This entailed reviewing their
relationships with retailers and manufacturers to ensure that doing business online would
not bog down order fulfilment and delivery times. Since Completely Fun Toys decided to
make their online company their main source of revenue, they needed to make sure that their
distributors and manufacturers operated together as best as possible. They eventually
shifted their company online after ensuring this.

Unit 10: E-Commerce 27

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

Issues with the Original E-Commerce Approach:

When Completely Fun Toys took their company online, they ran into a big inventory
management problem. When they first launched their online business, they concentrated on
creating a client base and promoting their website. Simultaneously, they continued to
conduct their in-store operations as before, with no adaptation for the expected rise in
revenue from the internet.

Inventory management became a concern as the online market became established and the
online customer base started to grow. Since the manufacturers and retailers were unable to
send the items to Completely Fun Toys in a timely manner, they were unable to box and
distribute them to their customers. At times, merchandise was withdrawn from supermarket
shelves to satisfy orders made online. The product supplies of the in-store business and the
inventory supplies of the online business got quite mixed up as a result of this.

Since the company's main emphasis was on implementing an e-commerce strategy, no

attention was paid to developing a successful in-store operations strategy. They believed
that the online business would work similarly to the offline business.

Source: Article from the Times of India newspaper

Discussion Questions:

1. What are your reviews on Totally Fun Toys’ first step in e-commerce?
2. What recommendations would you give to the company to resolve their issues in E-
commerce approach?

Unit 10: E-Commerce 28

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)



Q1. What is meant by E-Commerce?

Q2. Define procurement.

Q3. Define online marketplace.

Q4. Explain E-commerce application.

Q5. Explain any one E-commerce marketplace.


Q1. Benefits of an online marketplace.

Q2. Explain the functions of E-procurement.

Q3. Types of E-commerce application.

Q4. Explain any five applications that are commonly used in E-Commerce.

Unit 10: E-Commerce 29

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)



1. Return
2. Procurement
3. C. Distribution; retail
4. C. Negative
5. False
6. C. FMCG
7. True
8. Communicate
9. True
10. False
11. True
12. Electric procurement
13. A. Retail and Wholesale
14. D. B2B
15. C. C2B



Answer1: Electronic commerce, also known as e-commerce, refers to any type of business
activity that includes the transmission of data over the internet. By definition, it refers to a
wide range of business activities that allow the use of the internet as a medium for
knowledge exchange, payment services, or both.

Answer 2: Procurement is a concept that refers to the method or act of sourcing or

purchasing commodities or products for a corporation. Many firms use the term
procurement to refer to just the purchasing process, and others use it to refer to the whole

Unit 10: E-Commerce 30

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

Answer 3: An e-commerce platform that links sellers and buyers is known as an online
marketplace. It's also known as an automated auction, and the website owner is in charge of
all purchases. Firms use online marketplaces to communicate with consumers interested in
purchasing their goods and services. Amazon, eBay, and Craigslist are examples of online

Answer 4: E-commerce applications is a bit of a misnomer since it can be viewed in two

ways: one, it applies to the use of e-commerce as a communications medium; retail and
wholesale; auctioning; e-banking; booking, and so on. The second thought that comes to
mind is that of a web programmer such as Amazon, eBay, Groupon, and so on. That may be
an online application or a smartphone app (now popularly known as m-commerce

Answer 5: Amazon is one of the best E-Commerce marketplaces that have expanded to
become the United States' biggest E-Commerce marketplace. Amazon is one of the most
popular online marketplaces, with 5 million marketplace vendors and 197 million monthly
users in the United States. It's better for mid to big companies that want to meet millions of
consumers and are prepared to tackle the increase in traffic. It’s better for mid to big
companies that want to meet millions of consumers and are prepared to tackle the spike in


Answer 1: Below are the most important benefits of an online marketplace, as well as the
reasons that many companies sell on them:

• It's an extra income stream.

• Which reduces the expense of ads?
• It encourages enterprises to grow globally.
• It ensures that supply, stock levels, and prices are all straightforward.
• Customers can conveniently compare rates using this tool.
• It helps the business to run 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
• It creates a relationship of trust between the business and its customers.

Unit 10: E-Commerce 31

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

• Customers are most likely to shop from an online retailer that offers a diverse variety
of items.
• The online auction website allows companies to pay a commission or a share of the
• Sale on your website vs. using a platform.

Answer 2: E-Procurement's main duties are comprehensive, delivering a wide variety of

advantages for a company's day-to-day processes and inventory management. The major
functions of e-Procurement for a company are listed below:

• Processes are streamlined to free up time and reduce errors.

• Streamlines the procurement cycle by strengthening coordination with customers and
• Provides a consolidated forum for overseeing and auditing all procurement action,
providing clients and administrators with a common point of touch.
• Provides suppliers, management, customers, and collaborators with real-time alerts as
well as the ability to curate and store the collected information.
• Allows for more effective negotiating among multiple partners and stakeholders.

Answer 3: We may define e-commerce applications in several ways, but here we present
one that is in line with e-commerce mobile app growth.

1. B2B (Business-to-Business):The provision of products and services between two

companies is the subject of a B2B e-commerce application. As a result, the goods they
produce would be such that they can be used as a raw material in another industry. This
group of applications contains apps that offer replacement car parts, computer parts,
and other related products. An example of such an app is Boodmo.
2. B2C (Business-to-Consumer):It covers the vast majority of today's smartphone
applications. It binds an organization that offers a product or service to a single client.
Here, the customer is dealt with directly. PIU, a taxi booking service, is an example of
one of these applications.

Unit 10: E-Commerce 32

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

3. C2C (Consumer-to-Consumer): The trade takes place between two or more

customers. Apps that promote product auctioning are the perfect example of such
4. C2B (Consumer-to-Business): Though there aren't many applications like this,
companies like Clutch and GitHub are setting the groundwork for them. C2B e-
commerce apps enable artists, content writers, and experts in different fields to market
their creations to businesses. If you have some brilliant smartphone app designs, don't
wait to introduce them

Answer 4: The five commonly used E-Commerce applications are as follows:

1. Retail and Wholesale: The transaction of products and services from companies to
customers via online retailers is referred to as e-retailing or online retailing. Digital
shopping carts and e-catalogues are used to do this. In this market, e-commerce has a
wide variety of uses.
2. Finance: Today, banking and e-commerce are more interconnected than ever before.
E-commerce plays a major part in the activities of banks and stock exchanges. Balance
checks, bill collections, money transfers, and other services are accessible via online
banking. Online stock trading helps people to exchange stocks electronically by
presenting information about them through websites, such as performance reports,
surveys, maps, and so on.
3. Manufacturing: In the manufacturing sector, e-commerce acts as a forum for
businesses to perform electronic transactions. Groups of companies will carry out their
activities more fluidly by mixing purchasing and selling, exchanging business status,
inventory review information, and so on.
4. Auctioning: When e-commerce is introduced to auctions, it lifts the stakes to a new
level, encouraging users to compete regardless of their venue. This promotes greater
involvement and bargaining, which assists in the success of auctions.
5. Marketing: E-commerce can be used to boost marketing practices such as pricing,
product functionality, and customer relationships, enabling consumers to create a
more tailored customer experience. Digital media tactics have increased in popularity
as a method of supporting companies.

Unit 10: E-Commerce 33

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)



• Raisch, Warren D., (2001), The E-Marketplace Strategies for Success in B2B
Ecommerce, New York: McGraw-Hill.
• David Whitley, (2001), E-Commerce-Strategy, Technologies & Applications, McGraw-
Hill Education (India) Pvt Limited.
• Dr. Martin Kütz, (2019), Introduction to E-Commerce: Combining Business and
Information Technology, Kindle edition.


• E-commerce, viewed on 1st March 2021, <

• E-Commerce, viewed on 1st March 2021,
• Online Distribution, viewed on 1st March 2021, <
• E-Procurement, viewed on 1st March 2021,
• Online Marketplace, viewed on 1st March 2021,<
• Online Marketplace, viewed on 1st March 2021,
• E-Procurement, viewed on 1st March 2021,
• E-Procurement, viewed on 2nd March 2021, <
• E-Procurement, viewed on 2nd March 2021, <

Unit 10: E-Commerce 34

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

• Traditional Management Distribution Issues,viewed on 2nd March 2021,

• Procurement, viewed on 2nd March 2021,
• Monitoring E-commerce brands and Social media in the Indian market, viewed on 2nd
March 2021, <>

Unit 10: E-Commerce 35

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)




Unit 11: Online Tools for Marketing 1

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

Unit 11
Online Tools for Marketing
Table of Contents

SL Fig No / Table SAQ /

Topic Page No
No / Graph Activity
1 Introduction - -
1.1 Learning Objectives - -
2 Online Tools for Marketing - 1 5 - 10
3 Building Collaborative Customer Relationship - 2 11 - 14
4 Consumer Engagement - 3 15 - 19
5 Engagement Marketing 1, 2, 3 4, I
5.1 Email Marketing - -
5.2 Newsletters - - 20 - 26
5.3 Content Marketing - -
5.4 Text Messaging - -
6 Summary - - 27
7 Glossary - - 28
8 Case Study - - 29 – 30
9 Terminal Questions - - 31
10 Answer Keys - - 32 - 35
11 Suggested Books and e-References - - 36

Unit 11: Online Tools for Marketing 2

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)


In the previous chapter, we learned about Online Marketplaces, E-procurement, E-commerce

Applications to improve the traditional methods of distribution management. We also
learned about the issues with traditional distribution management. This gave us a clear
version of why online distribution is better.

In this chapter, we are going to look at engagement marketing and how content management
can help with engaging customers. When content is managed or created with an intent to
create stronger consumer relations it is called ‘Engagement Marketing’. People see
thousands of pop-ups, messages, and notifications daily, and instantly forget almost all of

With a problem like this, it is very difficult to reach potential buyers. This is where
engagement marketing comes into play. Engagement marketing is not about throwing
advertisements after advertisements at people. It’s about gradually building relationships
and interacting with people. Engagement marketing can help you in reaching people with a
much more personal approach.

Thus, making it easier to turn these people into potential buyers. Almost all the information
that a buyer need is already out there. A consumer doesn’t have to buy a product to know
about it. Neither is the buyers’ dependent on an advertisement to access product
information. This makes it very important for marketers to have an edge over the consumers.
There are a lot of methods by which the marketers can communicate with the buyers, make
the interaction more personalized using different marketing tools like social media.

This will make the customers feel that a particular company cares for them as a customer
and isn’t there just trying to make a sale. Engagement marketing also helps with increasing
brand awareness and gaining attention in the market.

Unit 11: Online Tools for Marketing 3

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

1.1 Learning Objectives

After studying this chapter, you will be able to:

❖ Understanding the main Online Marketing Tools

❖ Understand how to Build stronger consumer relationships.
❖ Know how one can increase consumer engagement with your brand.
❖ Manage content that will in turn help with engagement marketing.

Unit 11: Online Tools for Marketing 4

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Online marketing has rapidly evolved over the years, with a plethora of tools and strategies
available to businesses for effective marketing and customer engagement. In this chapter we
will explore three key online marketing tools: Building Collaborative Customer
Relationships, Consumer Engagement, and Engagement Marketing. These tools can be
powerful allies in a business's marketing arsenal, helping them establish strong customer
relationships, drive consumer engagement, and achieve their marketing goals in the digital

Online marketing has evolved rapidly over the years, offering businesses a plethora of tools
and strategies to effectively engage with customers and achieve their marketing goals in the
digital realm. Three key online marketing tools explored in this chapter are building
collaborative customer relationships, consumer engagement, and engagement marketing.

Some of the most commonly used online marketing tools are :

• Google Analytics: This tool helps track website traffic, user behavior, and other
important metrics to improve marketing strategies.
• Mailchimp: An email marketing platform that allows you to create, send, and track
email campaigns.
• Hootsuite: A social media management platform that allows you to schedule posts,
monitor activity, and analyze data across multiple social media accounts.
• Canva: A design tool that allows you to create graphics, images, and other visual content
for marketing purposes.
• SEMrush: A search engine optimization tool that helps you analyze your website's SEO
performance and optimize your content for better search engine rankings.
• HubSpot: A comprehensive marketing automation platform that offers tools for lead
generation, email marketing, social media management, and more.

Building collaborative customer relationships involves creating a customer-centric

approach that actively involves customers in the marketing process. CRM software, social
media, and collaborative online platforms are important tools in facilitating collaboration

Unit 11: Online Tools for Marketing 5

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

and customer engagement. CRM software helps businesses manage and organize customer
interactions, track customer information, and automate marketing activities. Social media
provides a direct channel to connect with customers, gather feedback, and conduct market
research. Collaborative online platforms, such as project management tools and customer
feedback platforms, foster collaboration among team members and customers, leading to
long-term customer relationships based on trust and loyalty.

Consumer engagement is critical in online marketing, and content marketing, SEO, social
media, online surveys, and email marketing are effective tools in capturing the attention and
interest of consumers. Content marketing involves creating and distributing valuable
content to engage target audiences, while SEO techniques optimize content for higher search
engine rankings. Social media allows businesses to share content, engage with consumers,
and build a loyal following. Online surveys and polls provide insights into consumer
preferences and needs. Email marketing enables businesses to send targeted messages to
nurture leads, build relationships, and drive conversions. Online communities, forums, and
gamification are also valuable tools for consumer engagement.

Engagement marketing focuses on creating meaningful and interactive experiences with

consumers to establish emotional connections with the brand. Social media marketing,
influencer marketing, and user-generated content (UGC) are key tools in implementing
engagement marketing strategies. Social media platforms offer opportunities for real-time
engagement through interactive posts, polls, quizzes, and contests. Influencer marketing
involves collaborating with influencers to promote the brand and create engaging content.
UGC, such as reviews, testimonials, and photos, can be encouraged and incentivized through
contests and campaigns, leading to higher engagement, authenticity, and trust.

Live streaming and virtual events are also becoming popular tools for engagement
marketing. Businesses can host virtual events and live streams to provide interactive
experiences for consumers and foster community around the brand. By leveraging these
online marketing tools effectively, businesses can establish strong customer relationships,
drive consumer engagement, and achieve their marketing goals in the digital realm.

Unit 11: Online Tools for Marketing 6

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

Online tools for marketing refer to various digital platforms, software, and applications that
help businesses and marketers promote their products or services online. These tools can be
used to create and manage various aspects of a marketing campaign, such as email
marketing, social media management, search engine optimization (SEO), content creation,
analytics and reporting, and advertising. Online tools for marketing make it easier for
businesses to reach and engage with their target audience, increase their online presence,
and measure the success of their marketing efforts.

Online marketing tools can help businesses improve their marketing efforts, increase their
visibility online, and achieve better results with less time and effort. Some of the benefits of
using them are as follows:

• Increased efficiency: Online marketing tools automate many repetitive tasks, allowing
marketers to focus on high-value activities and improving overall efficiency.
• Better targeting: Online marketing tools allow for precise targeting of specific audience
segments, resulting in better engagement and higher conversion rates.
• Improved analytics: Online marketing tools provide detailed analytics and reporting,
enabling businesses to measure the success of their campaigns and make data-driven
• Cost-effective: Many online marketing tools are cost-effective and offer a range of
pricing options, making them accessible to businesses of all sizes.
• Increased reach: Online marketing tools help businesses reach a wider audience
through various channels such as social media, email, search engines, and more.
• Enhanced creativity: Online marketing tools provide access to a range of creative
resources and templates, allowing marketers to create engaging content and
campaigns without the need for specialized design skills.
• Competitive advantage: Utilizing online marketing tools can give businesses a
competitive edge by enabling them to stay ahead of trends and respond quickly to
changes in the market.

Unit 11: Online Tools for Marketing 7

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

Online marketing tools are useful because they enable businesses to improve their
marketing efforts, increase their online visibility, and achieve better results with less time
and effort. They are useful for numerous reasons like:

Automation: Online marketing tools automate many routine tasks, such as scheduling social
media posts or sending emails to customers, saving marketers time and increasing efficiency.

Data-driven decision making: Online marketing tools provide detailed analytics and
reporting, allowing businesses to make data-driven decisions based on their marketing

Targeting: Online marketing tools allow businesses to target specific audiences, such as by
demographics, interests, or behaviors, resulting in higher engagement and conversions.

Cost-effective: Many online marketing tools are cost-effective and offer a range of pricing
options, making them accessible to businesses of all sizes.

Collaboration: Online marketing tools often include collaboration features, allowing

marketers to work together more easily and share resources and ideas.

Flexibility: Online marketing tools are typically cloud-based, meaning they can be accessed
from anywhere with an internet connection, making them ideal for remote or distributed

Creativity: Online marketing tools provide access to a range of creative resources and
templates, enabling businesses to create engaging content and campaigns without the need
for specialized design skills.

Online marketing tools have a wide range of applications, including:

✓ Email marketing: Email marketing tools such as Mailchimp or Constant Contact allow
businesses to send personalized and targeted email campaigns to their subscribers.
✓ Social media marketing: Social media management tools such as Hootsuite or Buffer
allow businesses to schedule and publish social media posts across multiple platforms,
monitor activity, and analyze data.

Unit 11: Online Tools for Marketing 8

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✓ Search engine optimization (SEO): SEO tools such as SEMrush or Ahrefs help businesses
optimize their website content for better search engine rankings, analyze their
competitors' strategies, and track their performance over time.
✓ Content creation: Content creation tools such as Canva or Adobe Creative Suite enable
businesses to create engaging graphics, videos, and other visual content for their
marketing campaigns.
✓ Landing pages: Landing page builders such as Unbounce or Leadpages allow businesses
to create custom landing pages for their marketing campaigns, optimized for
conversions and tailored to specific audience segments.
✓ Analytics and reporting: Analytics tools such as Google Analytics or Adobe Analytics
provide businesses with detailed insights into website traffic, user behavior, and other
important metrics, allowing them to measure the success of their marketing campaigns
and make data-driven decisions.
✓ Advertising: Advertising platforms such as Google AdWords or Facebook Ads allow
businesses to create and manage targeted ad campaigns across various channels,
reaching a wider audience and increasing their online visibility.

Unit 11: Online Tools for Marketing 9

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

1. Which online marketing tool allows businesses to manage customer
interactions, track customer information, and automate marketing activities?
A. Content marketing
B. Social media
C. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software
D. Email marketing

2. What is one of the most effective types of content for consumer engagement?
A. Blog posts
B. Email marketing
C. Live events
D. Virtual events

3. What is an example of an online tool for engagement marketing that involves

collaborating with influencers?
A. Email marketing
B. User-generated content (UGC)
C. Influencer marketing
D. Gamification

Unit 11: Online Tools for Marketing 10

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)


Collaborative customer relationship management (CCRM) is an approach that allows almost

direct interaction between the consumers and the brand. In a collaborative CRM, the client
collaboration information is incorporated and simultaneously shared to upgrade consumer
loyalty and reliability for boosted benefit and income. Collaborative CRM is a great way of
providing services to your customers.

One such tool is Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software, which helps
businesses manage and organize their customer interactions, track customer information,
and automate various marketing activities. CRM software allows businesses to effectively
manage their customer data, including contact information, purchase history, preferences,
and other relevant details. This information can be leveraged to create personalized
marketing campaigns, tailor offers, and provide seamless customer experience.

Another important online tool for building collaborative customer relationships is social
media. Social media platforms provide businesses with a direct channel to connect with
customers, share updates, and engage in two-way conversations. Social media also allows
businesses to gather valuable feedback, conduct polls, and conduct market research to
understand customer preferences and needs. By actively engaging with customers on social
media, businesses can build a loyal customer base and establish a positive brand image.

In addition to CRM software and social media, businesses can also utilize collaborative online
platforms, such as project management tools, customer feedback platforms, and
collaboration tools, to foster collaboration among team members and customers. These tools
enable businesses to involve customers in the product development process, seek feedback,
and co-create value-added solutions. By actively involving customers in the marketing and
product development process, businesses can build trust, loyalty, and advocacy, leading to
long-term customer relationships.

Collaborative customer relationship management (CRM) offers several benefits to both

companies and their customers, including:

Unit 11: Online Tools for Marketing 11

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

✓ Improved customer experience: Collaborative CRM helps companies to understand

their customers' needs and preferences better. By involving customers in the process
of developing and improving products and services, companies can provide a more
personalized and relevant customer experience.
✓ Increased customer loyalty: By building strong relationships with customers,
companies can increase customer loyalty and retention. Collaborative CRM helps
companies to identify customer needs and preferences, and to develop products and
services that meet those needs.
✓ Better customer engagement: Collaborative CRM allows companies to engage with
their customers through various channels, such as email, social media, and customer
support systems. By providing a seamless and consistent experience across all
channels, companies can improve customer engagement and satisfaction.
✓ Enhanced data management: Collaborative CRM allows companies to gather and
analyze data from various sources, such as customer feedback and social media
interactions. By analyzing this data, companies can gain insights into customer
behavior and preferences, and use this information to improve their products and
✓ Increased revenue: By improving customer experience and engagement, companies
can increase customer satisfaction and loyalty, leading to increased revenue and

How to Build a Collaborative Customer Relationship?

Innovation has made the client relationship board simple and snappy. Firms should
encourage a more face-to-face, shared, heart-focused relationship among the business and
its customers. Here are a few ways to do that.

• Treat your customers with compassion: You can’t go wrong with a bit of compassion.
Dealing with the customers with compassion or empathy is something that needs to be
focused on. This helps in connecting with the customer and can have a great impact on
their lives. Being able to help your clients when they need you the most is a good way
to make them believe that you’ll be there when they need it.

Unit 11: Online Tools for Marketing 12

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• Relate to your customers: Find out how your new customers found you. Find out about
the customers that have been loyal to your customers for a long time. Enquire about
the reasons that made them stick with your brand for such a long time. The best way to
do this is not to be always formal. Try and find out about their goals with your company
in perspective. Help them achieve some of those targets.
• Transparent nature towards customers: Try not to be hesitant to be open by sharing
your apprehensions and difficulties with customers. Let them know about the smaller
details about your brand that may help them relate. You could make it a stride further
to ask them for their considerations or thoughts. Or maybe, ask them what they’ll like
to see more off in the business. Let them contribute and add value as a customer. Treat
your customers well, and you’d have a constant flow of business coming in your
direction without fail.

Building a collaborative customer relationship using digital marketing involves using

various online channels and tools to engage with customers and involve them in the product
development process. Here are some tips to help you build a collaborative customer
relationship using digital marketing:

• Engage with customers on social media: Social media platforms, such as Facebook,
Twitter, and Instagram, provide an excellent opportunity to engage with customers and
build relationships. Use social media to listen to customer feedback and respond to
their concerns and questions.
• Personalize the customer experience: Use data analytics to gain insights into customer
behavior and preferences, and use this information to personalize the customer
experience. This could involve recommending products or services based on past
purchases or browsing history.
• Use email marketing to stay in touch: Email marketing is a great way to stay in touch
with customers and keep them informed about new products or services. Use email to
share content that is relevant and useful to your customers.
• Provide excellent customer service: Use digital tools, such as chatbots or AI-powered
customer support systems, to provide excellent customer service. Make it easy for

Unit 11: Online Tools for Marketing 13

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customers to get in touch with you and respond to inquiries and concerns in a timely
• Involve customers in the product development process: Use digital tools, such as
surveys or focus groups, to involve customers in the product development process. This
could involve soliciting feedback on new product ideas or inviting customers to beta
test new products.

4. ___________ is an approach that closely connects the customers with the brand.
5. Client criticism cannot be used in eliminating the flaws in customer service.
6. Dealing with customer problems with compassion can help the brand in gaining
a customer’s loyalty. [True/False]
7. You can relate to your customers by _________.
8. You can have a constant flow of business by treating your customer’s right.

Unit 11: Online Tools for Marketing 14

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Consumer engagement refers to the process of building and maintaining meaningful

relationships between a company and its customers. This can involve various strategies to
connect with customers, such as social media, email marketing, events, loyalty programs, and
customer service.

Effective consumer engagement strategies aim to create an emotional connection with

customers and foster long-term loyalty. By engaging with customers in a meaningful way,
companies can gather feedback, build brand awareness, and increase sales.

Consumer engagement is particularly important in today's competitive marketplace where

customers have more choices than ever before. Companies that prioritize consumer
engagement can gain a competitive advantage by creating a positive customer experience
and building strong relationships with their customers.

The efforts taken by a company to maintain and strengthen the relations they have with their
customers are referring to as ‘Consumer Engagement’. Consumer Engagement is a way to
distinguish your brand from your competitors. It gives a chance to stand out in terms of
treating your customers well. As mentioned earlier, an average customer comes across
thousands of ads and messages every day. To be able to stand out will most definitely require
extra effort. Gaining and maintaining the interest of consumers in your brand is one of the
key aspects of being able to distinguish yourself from your competitors.

One of the most effective online tools for consumer engagement is content marketing.
Content marketing involves creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent
content to attract and engage a target audience. Businesses can leverage various types of
content, such as blog posts, articles, videos, infographics, and more, to engage consumers
and provide them with valuable information and insights. Content marketing can be further
enhanced through Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques, which involve optimizing
content to rank higher in search engine results. By creating SEO-friendly content, businesses
can increase their visibility and reach, driving more organic traffic to their website and
engaging with potential customers.

Unit 11: Online Tools for Marketing 15

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

Social media also plays a significant role in consumer engagement. Social media platforms
provide businesses with a direct channel to share content, engage with consumers, and build
a community around their brand. By leveraging social media, businesses can share updates,
run contests, conduct polls, and host live events to engage consumers and build a loyal
following. Online surveys and polls are another effective tool for consumer engagement. By
using online survey tools, businesses can collect feedback, opinions, and insights from
consumers, allowing them to understand consumer preferences, needs, and pain points. This
information can be used to tailor marketing campaigns, refine products or services, and
make data driven decisions to improve consumer engagement.

Another important online tool for consumer engagement is email marketing. Email
marketing allows businesses to send targeted and personalized messages to their audience,
providing them with relevant information, offers, and promotions. By leveraging email
marketing, businesses can nurture leads, build relationships, and drive conversions.

Furthermore, online communities and forums are valuable tools for consumer engagement.
Businesses can create online communities or participate in existing forums where
consumers can connect with each other and with the business. These communities provide
a platform for consumers to share their experiences, provide feedback, and engage in
discussions, leading to increased consumer loyalty and advocacy.

Gamification is another online tool that can boost consumer engagement. Businesses can
incorporate gamified elements, such as quizzes, contests, challenges, and rewards, into their
marketing campaigns to make the experience more interactive and fun for consumers.
Gamification can drive increased participation, social sharing, and repeat visits, leading to
higher engagement levels.

Consumers nowadays expect their experience with the brand to go as smoothly as possible.
If your message to your customers is the same as the other thousand messages they received
that day, then you’ve failed to engage with your customers on a personal level.

Unit 11: Online Tools for Marketing 16

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The customers no longer are bedazzled by lower product pricing and better products. This
won’t be a differentiating factor between you and your rival companies. So, the only way for
you to make an impression is to provide your customers with the best customer service. A
lot of buyers say that amicable client care is everything necessarily makes them like a brand.
A customer will feel content when an actual problem faced by them is resolved by the brand
they trust. The loyalty of the customer can be earned by engaging with them on a personal

Importance of consumer engagement in Digital Marketing

Consumer engagement is critical in digital marketing because it helps companies connect

with their customers in a personalized and meaningful way. In a digital environment,
customers are constantly bombarded with information, and it can be challenging for
companies to stand out and make a lasting impression.

Effective consumer engagement strategies, such as social media marketing, content

marketing, and email marketing, help companies build trust, establish credibility, and create
a loyal customer base. By engaging with customers through these channels, companies can
share relevant and valuable information, listen to feedback, and respond to inquiries

Digital marketing also allows companies to track and analyze customer behavior and
preferences, which can help them create more personalized and targeted marketing
campaigns. By analyzing customer data, companies can identify trends and opportunities to
optimize their marketing strategies and improve the customer experience.

Need for Consumer Engagement in Digital Marketing:

Consumer engagement is crucial in digital marketing for several reasons:

1. Builds brand awareness: Engaging with consumers in digital marketing helps

companies build brand awareness by creating a strong online presence. By creating
engaging content and interacting with customers, companies can increase their
visibility and reach a wider audience.

Unit 11: Online Tools for Marketing 17

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

2. Increases customer loyalty: Engaging with consumers in a personalized and meaningful

way can help companies build long-term relationships and increase customer loyalty.
By listening to customer feedback and addressing their concerns, companies can create
a positive customer experience and improve customer retention.
3. Drives sales and revenue: Effective consumer engagement strategies can drive sales
and revenue by increasing customer trust and confidence in a company's products or
services. By providing relevant and valuable content, companies can position
themselves as industry experts and gain the trust of potential customers.
4. Enhances customer experience: Engaging with consumers in digital marketing can
enhance the customer experience by providing personalized support and assistance.
By using chatbots, social media platforms, and email marketing, companies can provide
instant support and address customer inquiries promptly.
5. Provides valuable customer insights: Engaging with consumers in digital marketing can
provide valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences. By tracking
customer interactions and analyzing data, companies can identify trends and
opportunities to improve their marketing strategies and better serve their customers.

Techniques for consumer engagement

There are various techniques that companies can use to engage consumers in digital
marketing. Here are some of the most effective ones:

1. Social media marketing: Engaging with customers on social media platforms is a great
way to build relationships, share content, and gather feedback. Companies can create
interesting and engaging social media content such as posts, videos, and stories that
resonate with their target audience.
2. Email marketing: Email marketing is another effective technique for engaging with
customers. Companies can send personalized emails to their customers with relevant
and valuable content, such as exclusive discounts, informative newsletters, and updates
on new products or services.
3. Content marketing: Creating high-quality and informative content such as blog posts,
infographics, and videos can attract customers and build trust. Companies can use

Unit 11: Online Tools for Marketing 18

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content marketing to educate their customers, showcase their expertise, and address
their pain points.
4. Influencer marketing: Partnering with influencers who have a large following on social
media can help companies reach a wider audience and build credibility. Influencers can
promote a company's products or services to their followers and create authentic and
engaging content.
5. Gamification: Adding game-like elements to digital marketing campaigns can increase
engagement and encourage customers to interact with a company's brand. Companies
can create interactive quizzes, contests, and games that provide rewards or incentives
for participation.
6. Chatbots: Using chatbots on a company's website or social media platforms can provide
instant customer service and support. Chatbots can answer common customer
inquiries, provide product recommendations, and help customers navigate a
company's website.

9. _____________ is important for standing out as a brand.
10. _____________ is the efforts taken by a company to maintain and strengthen the
relations they have with the customers.
11. Consumers now-a-days expect their experience with a brand to be as smooth as
possible. [True/False]

Unit 11: Online Tools for Marketing 19

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)


Engagement marketing can be stated as the utilization of vital, ingenious methods to draw
in individuals and make significant associations over the long haul. Execution of engagement
marketing expects you to toss the vast majority of what you think about customary
promotion out the window, so you can interface with the clients on a profound and
significant level.

Engagement marketing is a marketing strategy that focuses on building a relationship

between a brand and its audience through interactive and personalized experiences. It
involves creating content and experiences that encourage people to interact with a brand
and create a sense of community around it.

The goal of engagement marketing is to create a more meaningful and long-lasting

relationship between a brand and its audience. This is achieved by offering value to
customers through content, experiences, and interactions that go beyond traditional

Some examples of engagement marketing strategies include social media campaigns,

interactive quizzes, gamification, user-generated content, and experiential marketing events.
By engaging with customers in these ways, brands can create more loyal customers who are
more likely to refer others to the brand and make repeat purchases.

One key online tool for engagement marketing is social media marketing. Social media
platforms provide businesses with opportunities to engage with consumers in real-time
through interactive posts, polls, quizzes, contests, and more. By leveraging social media,
businesses can create memorable experiences for consumers, encourage user-generated
content, and foster a sense of community around the brand.

Influencer marketing is another powerful online tool for engagement marketing. Influencers
are individuals who have a significant following on social media and can influence consumer
purchasing decisions. Businesses can collaborate with influencers to promote their brand,
products, or services, and create engaging content that resonates with their target audience.
Influencer marketing can drive higher engagement, trust, and credibility, as consumers tend

Unit 11: Online Tools for Marketing 20

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to trust recommendations from influencers they follow. User-generated content (UGC) is

another effective online tool for engagement marketing. UGC involves consumers creating
content related to a brand, such as reviews, testimonials, photos, videos, and more.
Businesses can encourage and incentivize UGC through contests, giveaways, and campaigns,
which can drive higher engagement, authenticity, and trust among consumers.

Additionally, live streaming and virtual events are becoming popular tools for engagement
marketing. Businesses can leverage live streaming platforms to host virtual events,
webinars, Q&A sessions, and product demonstrations, providing consumers with interactive
and immersive experiences. Live streaming and virtual events allow businesses to engage
with consumers in real-time, answer their questions, and provide valuable insights, leading
to increased engagement and loyalty. Moreover, personalized marketing is a key component
of engagement marketing. Businesses can use online tools, such as marketing automation
software, segment their audience, create personalized content, and deliver tailored
messages to consumers based on their preferences, behavior, and demographics.
Personalized marketing can create a sense of relevance and exclusivity for consumers,
driving higher engagement levels.

By leveraging these tools, businesses can create personalized, interactive, and memorable
experiences for consumers, leading to increased engagement, loyalty, and advocacy. It is
essential for businesses to stay updated with the latest online marketing tools and strategies
to stay competitive in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

When communicating with someone, we always expect that the person we are talking to will
listen and understand everything we try to say. Have a similar attitude towards the
customers. This will help them in connecting with the brand on a personal level. provide your
customers with the kind of treatment they expect, and you’ll see the difference for yourself.

Each communication requests another communication and is important for a more extended
chain of occasions. Whenever you’ve obtained a client, your new objective is to make a long-
term and proportional relationship of significant worth for both you and your client.
Engagement marketing cannot be directed towards self-benefit. It should be about building

Unit 11: Online Tools for Marketing 21

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a relationship that helps both the company and the client to achieve a goal. A few types of
Engagement marketing are listed below:

✓ Social Media Marketing: This involves using social media platforms to engage with your
audience, build relationships, and promote your brand. Social media marketing can
include creating and sharing engaging content, responding to comments and messages,
and running social media campaigns.
✓ Experiential Marketing: This type of engagement marketing involves creating unique
and memorable experiences for your customers. This can include events, product
demonstrations, pop-up shops, and interactive displays.
✓ Influencer Marketing: Influencer marketing involves partnering with individuals who
have a significant social media following to promote your brand or products. By
leveraging their influence, you can reach a wider audience and build trust with your
target market.
✓ Gamification: Gamification involves using game mechanics, such as points, badges, and
leaderboards, to engage customers and motivate them to interact with your brand. This
can be particularly effective for businesses in the entertainment, fitness, and education
✓ Email Marketing: Email marketing involves sending targeted and personalized emails
to your subscribers to keep them engaged with your brand. This can include
newsletters, promotional offers, and product updates.
✓ Content Marketing: Content marketing involves creating valuable and informative
content, such as blog posts, videos, and infographics, to educate and engage your
audience. By providing useful information, you can establish your brand as an authority
in your industry and build trust with your target market.

The most commonly used are further explained in detail :

Unit 11: Online Tools for Marketing 22

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

5.1. Email Marketing

Email Marketing frequently welcomes the best yield on the venture of any technique. It’s not
that difficult to collect email ids from your customers. Also, the cost to send out an email is
almost negligible. This makes it possible to convert a greater audience into sales.

Source: Text request

Fig 1: Email Marketing

Email Marketing is not as complicated as other marketing strategies. Simple strategies can
help in making the most of a customer’s Email. Each can be compelling alone, yet they
function better when used together.

5.2. Newsletters

A Newsletter is used to let your customers know when there’s something new on your
website. Like, a new product or a new feature or a new offer, etc. A newsletter can be used
to share important information about your business with your customers. Especially if you
have a piece of content, like a blog.

A newsletter telling them about the new blog on your website, along with a link that directs
them towards your website can be sent to the customers. Newsletters are also a great way
of informing everyone about new services provided by your brand to your customers.

Unit 11: Online Tools for Marketing 23

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

5.3. Content Marketing

Content Marketing has a lot in common with inbound marketing. In inbound marketing,
content is created to attract traffic. Some percentage of this traffic gets turned into sales.
Content Marketing runs on a similar concept. Valuable and helpful content is created to then
reach the people who require that piece of information.

Source: Text request

Fig 2: Content Management

Of course, you need to put in effort and resources to help it reach the people you want it to.
The key difference between inbound marketing and content marketing is that; in content
marketing, the content is pushed towards the visitors organically. This helps in creating
better brand awareness by reaching the people that you have never reached before.

5.4. Text Messaging

One of the best ways of phone communication is text messaging. People nowadays are more
comfortable in sending a text message rather than having to call a person. You can make a
ton of engagement with clients and fortify a lot of connections by using a similar way of
communication that they use with one another. Companies can make the most of this by
creating shorter and much more meaningful conversations with their customers.

Unit 11: Online Tools for Marketing 24

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

Activity I
Assume that your company needs a strong way of driving in customers and
retaining them as well. Think about an engagement strategy that will help your
business to find new customers along with retaining the ones that are already
there. Discuss the strategy with your mentor and refine the possible flaws in the

Also find suitable ways to apply the marketing strategies mentioned above with
respect to your business..

12. You need to treat your ________ as individuals.
13. Engagement Marketing focuses on gaining the loyalty of the customer over the
long haul. [True/False]
14. __________ is the most simple yet highly rewarding type of engagement
15. Newsletters can let your customers know about a new project on your website.
16. Content marketing helps a website in reaching people who are in need of
information. [True/False]

Unit 11: Online Tools for Marketing 25

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

Overview of
Engagement Marketing
Marketing through
Content Management
Marketin Text
g Messagin
Engagemen g
Building t r
Customer Content
Relationship Marketin
Management g
through Content
Integration Finding Top
& Alignment Loyalty Drivers

Shopping in
the Era of Corporate
Social Blogging
Networking Classification

Fig 4: Conceptual Map

Unit 11: Online Tools for Marketing 26

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

• Online marketing has evolved with tools like CRM, social media, and content marketing
for customer engagement, brand loyalty, and digital success.
• When content is managed or created with an intent to create stronger consumer
relations it is called Engagement Marketing.
• Engagement marketing also helps in increasing brand awareness and gaining attention
in the market.
• Collaborative consumer relationship management is an approach that allows direct
interaction between the consumers and the brand.
• The efforts taken by a company to maintain and strengthen the relations they have with
their customers is referred to as ‘Consumer Engagement’.
• Engagement marketing can be stated as the utilization of vital, ingenious methods to
draw in individuals and make significant associations over the long haul.
• Social media can be efficiently used to let people know about the sales-related activity.
This helps in exposing a vast variety of products to an individual.
• Content Management is a group of cycles and innovations that underpins the
assortment, overseeing, and distributing of data in any structure or medium.
• A corporate blog is an online vault filling in as a virtual storage facility of data, where
associations post substance for consumer utilization.
• It takes ten times the effort to find a new customer than retaining an old customer.
• Try not to be hesitant to be open by sharing your apprehensions and difficulties with
• Efforts should be taken to maintain a flow of logical interaction towards your

Unit 11: Online Tools for Marketing 27

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)


• Ecommerce: Transactions taking place between buyers and sellers through online
• Engagement: Engagement is also called gathering or together to bring out the realistic
way of work into better results.
• Customer Satisfaction: Customer Satisfaction is defined as a customer's needs or
wants are satisfied by consuming a particular product or service to have a reliable
• Marketing: Marketing is a strategy used by the organization to make their products or
services in a unique way to reach their customers.
• Customer relationship management: Customer relationship management is known
as CRM. Customer relationship management helps you in sales force automation. These
are inter-related to each other.

Unit 11: Online Tools for Marketing 28

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Playring, an online fashion retailer, recognized the importance of building collaborative

customer relationships, enhancing consumer engagement, and implementing engagement
marketing strategies to drive customer loyalty. To achieve these goals, they implemented a
comprehensive online marketing strategy that involved personalized email marketing,
proactive customer service, social media engagement, and engagement marketing tactics.

To build collaborative customer relationships, Playring implemented personalized email

marketing campaigns. They segmented their customer base based on purchase history,
browsing behavior, and preferences, and sent targeted emails with personalized
recommendations, exclusive offers, and personalized content. They also sought customer
feedback through surveys and solicited customer reviews, showing their customers that
their opinions and preferences were valued. This two-way communication helped foster a
sense of collaboration and loyalty, creating a strong bond between the brand and their

In addition to email marketing, Playring also prioritized proactive customer service. They
implemented a live chat feature on their website, enabling customers to reach out for
assistance or inquiries in real-time. They also had a dedicated customer service team that
promptly responded to customer inquiries and resolved issues, ensuring a positive customer
experience. By being proactive in addressing customer needs and providing exceptional
service, Playring was able to build trust and loyalty among their customers.

Social media engagement was another crucial component of Playring's online marketing
strategy. They used various social media platforms, such as Instagram, Facebook, and
Twitter, to connect with their audience, share engaging content, and build a community
around their brand. They organized interactive contests and giveaways, encouraging
customers to participate and share their experiences with the brand. They also collaborated
with influencers in the fashion industry to promote their brand and reach a wider audience.
By leveraging the power of social media, Playring was able to enhance consumer
engagement, create brand awareness, and establish a strong online presence.

Unit 11: Online Tools for Marketing 29

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

Furthermore, Playring implemented engagement marketing strategies to incentivize repeat

purchases and drive customer loyalty. They used gamification techniques, such as loyalty
points, rewards, and challenges, to encourage customers to engage with the brand and earn
exclusive benefits. They also implemented a tiered loyalty program that offered increasing
rewards and perks based on customer loyalty levels. Additionally, they sent personalized
promotions and offers to customers based on their purchase history and preferences,
creating a sense of exclusivity and value. These engagement marketing tactics encouraged
repeat purchases and fostered customer loyalty, resulting in increased customer retention
and brand advocacy.

Furthermore, Playring implemented engagement marketing strategies to incentivize repeat

purchases and drive customer loyalty. They used gamification techniques, such as loyalty
points, rewards, and challenges, to encourage customers to engage with the brand and earn
exclusive benefits. They also implemented a tiered loyalty program that offered increasing
rewards and perks based on customer loyalty levels. Additionally, they sent personalized
promotions and offers to customers based on their purchase history and preferences,
creating a sense of exclusivity and value. These engagement marketing tactics encouraged
repeat purchases and fostered customer loyalty, resulting in increased customer retention
and brand advocacy.

Playring successfully implemented online tools and strategies to build collaborative

customer relationships, enhance consumer engagement, and drive customer loyalty. Their
personalized email marketing, proactive customer service, social media engagement, and
engagement marketing tactics helped them create a strong bond with their customers, foster
meaningful interactions, and achieve significant growth in sales and brand advocacy.

Discussion Questions:

Q1. How do you think did the goals achieved by Taymay help them with better lead

Q2. How would you strategize content marketing for a business with similar nature?

Q3. Which was the biggest loyalty driving factor for Taymay according to you?

Unit 11: Online Tools for Marketing 30

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)



Q1. What is collaborative CRM?

Q2. Mention an advantage and a disadvantage of social networking to online shopping.

Q3. What is Consumer Engagement?

Q4. What is Engagement Marketing?

Q5. Why are loyalty drivers important?


Q1. Explain the types of Engagement Marketing?

Q2. Explain ways to build a collaborative customer relationship?

Q3. Write about Corporate Blogging in detail?

Q4. How consumer engagement can be built through content management?

Q5. What is the role of integration and alignment in consumer engagement?

Unit 11: Online Tools for Marketing 31

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)



1. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software

2. Blog posts
3. Influencer marketing
4. Collaborative CRM
5. False
6. True
7. Finding what they do
8. True
9. Engagement Marketing
10. Consumer Engagement
11. True
12. Customers
13. True
14. Email Marketing
15. True
16. True



Answer 1: Collaborative customer relationship management (CCRM) is an approach that

allows almost direct interaction between the consumers and the brand.

Answer 2: Advantage- you can create better brand awareness in the market.

Disadvantage- any time spent via web-based media will degrade time spent on internet
shopping action.

Unit 11: Online Tools for Marketing 32

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Answer 3: The efforts taken by a company to maintain and strengthen the relations they
have with their customers is referred to as ‘Consumer Engagement’. Consumer Engagement
is a way to distinguish your brand from your competitors.

Answer 4: Engagement marketing can be stated as the utilization of vital, ingenious methods
to draw in individuals and make significant associations over the long haul.

Answer 5: It takes ten times the effort to find a new customer than retaining an old customer.
Hence, loyalty drivers are important.


Answer 1: A few types of Engagement marketing are listed below:

1. Email Marketing: Email Marketing frequently welcomes the best yield on the venture
of any technique. It’s not that difficult to collect email ids from your customers. Also,
the cost to send out an email is almost negligible. This makes it possible to convert a
greater audience into sales.
2. Newsletters: A Newsletter is used to let your customers know when there’s something
new on your website. Like, a new product or a new feature or a new offer, etc. A
newsletter can be used to share important information about your business with your
customers. Especially if you have a piece of content, like a blog.
3. Content Marketing: Content Marketing has a lot in common with inbound marketing.
In inbound marketing, content is created to attract traffic. Some percentage of this
traffic gets turned into sales. Content Marketing runs on a similar concept.
4. Text Messaging: One of the best ways of phone communication is text messaging.
People nowadays are more comfortable in sending a text message rather than having
to call a person.

Answer 2: Following are the ways to build a collaborative customer relationship:

• Treat your customers with compassion: You can’t go wrong with a bit of compassion.
Dealing with the customers with compassion or empathy is something that needs to be
focused on. This helps in connecting with the customer and can have a great impact on

Unit 11: Online Tools for Marketing 33

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their lives. Being able to help your clients when they need you the most is a good way
to make them believe that you’ll be there when they need it.
• Relate to your customers: Find out how your new customers found you. Find out
about the customers that have been loyal to your customers for a long time. Enquire
about the reasons that made them stick with your brand for such a long time. Give The
best way to do this is need not be always formal.
• Transparent nature towards customers: Try not to be hesitant to be open by sharing
your apprehensions and difficulties with customers. Let them know about the smaller
details about your brand that may help them relate. You could make it a stride further
to ask them for their considerations or thoughts. Or maybe, ask them what they’ll like
to see more off in the business.

Answer 3: Blogs by corporate industries has become one of the strongest engagement tools
over the past few years. A corporate blog is an online vault filling in as a virtual storage
facility of data, where associations post substance for consumer utilization. This has a lot of
benefits including the ability to satisfy a customer’s thirst for information. Blogs are the type
of content that when provided by a brand to its customers, opens a door for them to internal
more with the brand. This proves to be a massive boost for brand promotion and CRM.

Blogs have turned into a mainstream source of information. It’s not just a sub-culture of the
web anymore. Thus, an interaction method like blogs can help in building a better-perceived
image of the company.

Answer 4: Content Management is a group of cycles and innovations that underpins the
assortment, overseeing, and distributing of data in any structure or medium. Content is
created to provide people with the information they need and hopefully create awareness
about their brand while doing so. Some of these roles may be as follows:

• Creator: The one who creates and edits the content.

• Editor: The one who alters the content in a way that improves its style and corrects any
• Publisher: The one who puts out the content for public use.
• Viewer: The one who views or reads the content that is been put out by the publisher.

Unit 11: Online Tools for Marketing 34

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There are a few important aspects of building consumer engagement with the help of content
management that can help a lot with the entire process. A few of those are mentioned below:

➢ Corporate Blogging
➢ Content Classification

Answer 5: More sales would occur in a lesser time. With proper interaction and data
exchange, the sales team will have quality leads to negating the majority of the odds that
would prevent them from making a sale. The sales and marketing teams need to understand
that aligning or integrating will greatly affect customer experience. Customers are at the top
of the priority list when it comes to running a business.

Hence, both teams have to agree on having a similar goal and working towards achieving it.
Doing this greatly improves customer engagement. Each and everyone in the integration
program should be clear about their roles towards the strategy. By self-analyzing the quality
of leads, the sales team will bring in more deals and will have a direct impact on the total
revenue of the company.

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• Colleen M. Harmeling, Robert W. Palmatier, V Kumar, (2018), Customer Engagement

• James G. Barnes, (2007), Build Your Customer Strategy, A Guide to Creating Profitable
Customer Relationships.
• Don Peppers, Martha Rogers, (2004), Managing Customer Relationships, A Strategic


• Building Customer Relationships, viewed on March 13, 2021,

• Email Marketing and Content Marketing, viewed on March 13, 2021,


• Content Management enhancing customer engagement, viewed on March 13, 2021,


• Customer Loyalty, viewed on March 13, 2021,


• Case Study of Fanatics: content management, viewed on March 13, 2021,


Unit 11: Online Tools for Marketing 36

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)




Unit 12: Building Consumer Engagement through Content Management 1

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

Unit 12
Building Consumer Engagement through
Content Management
Table of Contents

SL Fig No / Table SAQ /

Topic Page No
No / Graph Activity
1 Introduction - -
1.1 Learning Objectives - -
2 Importance of Content Management - 1
2.1 Content Management: Solutions and Key
- - 6 - 10
2.2 Content Management: Trends - -
3 Steps to Building Consumer Engagement
- 2 11 - 13
through Content Management
4 Tools for Building Consumer Engagement
1 - 14 - 17
through Content Management
5 Summary - - 18
6 Glossary - - 19
7 Case Study - - 20 - 21
8 Terminal Questions - - 22
9 Answer Keys - - 23 - 24
10 Suggested Books and e-References - - 25

Unit 12: Building Consumer Engagement through Content Management 2

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)


In the previous chapter, we learned about online tools used in marketing and how Consumer
Engagement and Engagement Marketing is essential to digital marketing. In today's digital
landscape, consumer engagement has become a crucial aspect of successful marketing
strategies. Building meaningful connections with consumers is
essential for businesses to foster loyalty, drive sales, and establish
Engaging and informative
a strong brand presence. One effective way to achieve this is content can help build
brand loyalty. According
through content management, which involves the creation, to a report by Bond Brand
Loyalty, 71% of
organization, and distribution of relevant and valuable content to consumers who have
positive experiences with
engage and resonate with target audiences. Content management a brand's content are
more likely to
refers to the process of planning, creating, editing, organizing, and recommend the brand to
publishing content across various digital channels. It
encompasses a wide range of formats, including articles, blog
posts, videos, infographics, social media posts, podcasts, and more. The goal of content
management is to provide consumers with valuable and informative content that addresses
their needs, interests, and pain points.

The introduction of compelling and engaging content helps businesses establish themselves
as industry experts and thought leaders, positioning them as trusted sources of information
and solutions. By consistently delivering high-quality content, businesses can build
credibility, trust, and long-term relationships with their target audience. Effective content
management involves understanding the target audience's preferences, behaviors, and
needs. By conducting market research and leveraging consumer insights, businesses can
create content that resonates with their audience and delivers value. This can be achieved
through personalized and tailored content that speaks directly to the specific interests and
challenges of the target audience.

Content management also involves utilizing various digital platforms and channels to
distribute content effectively. This includes leveraging websites, blogs, social media
platforms, email marketing, and search engine optimization (SEO) techniques to reach and
engage the target audience. By optimizing content for different platforms and employing

Unit 12: Building Consumer Engagement through Content Management 3

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

effective distribution strategies, businesses can expand their reach and increase consumer
engagement. Furthermore, content management plays a crucial role in enhancing search
engine visibility and driving organic traffic to websites. By creating and optimizing content
with relevant keywords and providing valuable information, businesses can improve their
search engine rankings and attract a larger audience. This, in turn, leads to increased brand
exposure, website traffic, and potential conversions.

One key aspect of building consumer engagement through content management is

storytelling. Businesses can leverage storytelling techniques to create narratives that
captivate and resonate with their audience. By conveying their brand's values, mission, and
unique selling proposition through compelling stories, businesses can evoke emotions and
connect with consumers on a deeper level. Another important element of content
management is interactivity. Businesses can enhance consumer engagement by
incorporating interactive elements such as quizzes, polls, contests, and surveys into their
content. These interactive features encourage active participation from consumers, fostering
a sense of involvement and creating memorable experiences.

Building consumer engagement through content management is an ongoing process that

requires continuous evaluation, refinement, and adaptation. Businesses should analyze key
performance metrics, such as engagement rates, click-through rates, and conversions, to
gauge the effectiveness of their content strategies. By monitoring and analyzing these
metrics, businesses can identify areas for improvement and optimize their content to
maximize engagement and achieve their marketing objectives. Building consumer
engagement through content management is a powerful strategy for businesses to connect
with their target audience, establish credibility, and drive brand loyalty. By creating valuable
and engaging content that resonates with consumers' needs and interests, businesses can
foster meaningful relationships, enhance brand visibility, and drive business growth in the
digital era.

Unit 12: Building Consumer Engagement through Content Management 4

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

1.1 Learning Objectives

After studying this chapter, you will be able to:

❖ Understand the role of content management in consumer engagement

❖ Understand the importance of storytelling, personalization, and user-generated content
❖ Understand key metrics and analytics tools used to assess content performance

Unit 12: Building Consumer Engagement through Content Management 5

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)


Effective content management is essential for businesses to create meaningful connections

with their audience, enhance their online visibility, and drive business growth. It enables
businesses to deliver valuable and engaging content, build brand authority, nurture
customer relationships, and ultimately achieve their marketing and business objectives.

Here are some key reasons why content management is important:

• Consistent brand messaging: Content management allows businesses to maintain a

consistent brand voice and messaging across various channels. It ensures that all
content produced aligns with the brand's values, goals, and tone, creating a unified
brand identity and reinforcing brand recognition among the target audience.
• Improved customer experience: Effective content management helps deliver a
seamless and engaging customer experience. By providing valuable and relevant
content, businesses can educate, inform, and entertain their audience, building trust
and establishing themselves as thought leaders in their industry. Well-managed
content also enables customers to find the information they need easily, enhancing
their overall experience with the brand.
• Enhanced search engine visibility: Search engines prioritize high-quality, relevant,
and regularly updated content. A robust content management strategy, including
search engine optimization (SEO) techniques, ensures that businesses can improve
their website's search engine rankings, driving organic traffic and attracting potential
customers who are actively searching for their products or services.
• Increased website traffic and engagement: Fresh, compelling, and shareable content
is key to attracting and retaining website visitors. Effective content management
involves creating content that appeals to the target audience, optimizing it for search
engines, and promoting it through various channels. This can lead to increased website
traffic, longer visit durations, and higher engagement levels, ultimately driving
conversions and achieving business goals.

Unit 12: Building Consumer Engagement through Content Management 6

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• Thought leadership and authority: Publishing high-quality content allows

businesses to position themselves as industry experts and thought leaders. By
providing valuable insights, addressing industry challenges, and offering solutions,
businesses can build credibility, trust, and authority among their target audience. This
can lead to increased brand reputation, customer loyalty, and even potential
partnerships or collaborations with other industry players.
• Effective lead generation and nurturing: Well-crafted content plays a pivotal role in
lead generation and nurturing. By developing valuable content assets such as e-books,
whitepapers, or webinars, businesses can attract potential customers and capture their
contact information. Content management facilitates the creation, organization, and
distribution of these assets, helping businesses generate leads and nurture them
through targeted email campaigns or marketing automation workflows.
• Increased social media presence and engagement: Social media platforms thrive on
engaging and shareable content. Effective content management ensures that
businesses have a steady stream of relevant and appealing content to share on social
media. Engaging social media posts can attract a wider audience, increase brand
visibility, and foster meaningful interactions with followers, leading to increased brand
awareness and customer engagement.
• Improved internal collaboration and efficiency: Content management systems
provide a centralized platform for teams to collaborate, create, and manage content.
This streamlines workflows, improves communication, and ensures content
consistency. With easy access to approved templates, guidelines, and assets, teams can
work more efficiently, reducing duplication of efforts and ensuring brand integrity.
• Adaptability and agility: Content management allows businesses to adapt quickly to
changing market trends and consumer preferences. With the ability to analyze content
performance metrics, businesses can identify what works and what doesn't, allowing
for data-driven decisions and adjustments to content strategies. This flexibility enables
businesses to stay relevant, respond to customer needs, and remain competitive in
dynamic market environments.

Unit 12: Building Consumer Engagement through Content Management 7

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

2.1. Content Management: Solutions And Key Players

The content management industry refers to the sector that develops and provides software
solutions and services for managing digital content within organizations. This industry has
evolved significantly with the growth of digital technologies and the increasing volume and
complexity of content generated by businesses.

Give below are some of the Solutions and Key Players:

• Enterprise Content Management (ECM) Providers: Companies like OpenText, IBM,

and Microsoft offer comprehensive ECM solutions that enable organizations to capture,
store, manage, and distribute content across various platforms and devices. These
solutions often include document management, records management, workflow
automation, and collaboration features.
• Web Content Management (WCM) Providers: WCM providers such as Adobe
Experience Manager, Sitecore, and WordPress focus on managing and delivering digital
content for websites. Their solutions offer features like content creation, publishing,
personalization, and analytics to optimize website performance and user experience.
• Digital Asset Management (DAM) Providers: DAM providers like Bynder, Widen, and
MediaValet specialize in managing and organizing digital assets such as images, videos,
and other media files. Their solutions enable businesses to store, search, retrieve, and
distribute digital assets efficiently, ensuring brand consistency and facilitating content
• Content Collaboration and Workflow Solutions: Providers like Box, Dropbox, and
Google Drive offer content collaboration and workflow solutions that allow teams to
collaborate on content creation, review, and approval processes. These platforms
enable seamless collaboration, version control, and secure file sharing, enhancing
productivity and efficiency.
• Content Analytics and Personalization Platforms: Companies like Adobe, Google,
and Salesforce provide content analytics and personalization platforms that help
businesses analyze user behavior, measure content performance, and deliver

Unit 12: Building Consumer Engagement through Content Management 8

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personalized experiences. These platforms utilize data and insights to optimize content
strategies, improve engagement, and drive conversions.

2.2. Content Management: Trends

The content management industry is continuously evolving to meet the changing needs and
demands of businesses. Some notable trends and challenges include:

• Cloud-based Solutions: Cloud-based content management solutions have gained

popularity due to their scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness. Organizations are
increasingly adopting cloud-based platforms to manage their content, enabling remote
access, collaboration, and seamless integration with other business systems.
• Intelligent Automation: The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine
learning (ML) technologies is transforming content management. Intelligent
automation capabilities, such as natural language processing and image recognition,
streamline content processing, improve search and retrieval, and enable automated
metadata tagging.
• Omnichannel Content Delivery: With the proliferation of digital channels, businesses
need to deliver content seamlessly across multiple touchpoints, including websites,
social media, mobile apps, and IoT devices. Content management systems are evolving
to support omnichannel content delivery, ensuring consistent and personalized
experiences across channels.
• Security and Compliance: As organizations handle sensitive and confidential
information, ensuring robust security and compliance measures is a critical concern.
Content management solutions incorporate advanced security features, encryption
protocols, access controls, and compliance frameworks to protect data and meet
regulatory requirements.

Unit 12: Building Consumer Engagement through Content Management 9

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

1. Which benefit does effective content management provide for businesses?
A) Increased social media presence and engagement
B) Enhanced search engine visibility
C) Improved internal collaboration and efficiency
D) Thought leadership and authority
2. What role does content management play in lead generation and nurturing?
A) Increasing website traffic and engagement
B) Consistent brand messaging
C) Improved customer experience
D) Effective lead generation and nurturing
3. Which trend is shaping the content management industry?
A) Cloud-based solutions
B) Omnichannel content delivery
C) Intelligent automation
D) Security and compliance
4. Which key player specializes in managing and organizing digital assets?
A) Microsoft
B) Adobe Experience Manager
C) OpenText
D) Bynder
5. Which industry provides software solutions for managing digital content
within organizations?
A) Enterprise Content Management (ECM)
B) Web Content Management (WCM)
C) Digital Asset Management (DAM)
D) Content Collaboration and Workflow Solutions

Unit 12: Building Consumer Engagement through Content Management 10

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)



Building consumer engagement through content management involves several steps that
can help businesses create and distribute compelling content that resonates with their target
audience. By following the steps given below, businesses can effectively build consumer
engagement through content management, foster strong relationships with their audience,
and drive long-term brand loyalty and success.

• Define your target audience: Start by identifying and understanding your target
audience. Conduct market research and analyze consumer insights to gain a deep
understanding of their demographics, interests, needs, and preferences. This will help
you create content that specifically addresses their pain points and interests.
• Set clear objectives: Define your goals and objectives for consumer engagement.
Determine what you want to achieve through your content management efforts, such
as increasing brand awareness, driving website traffic, generating leads, or fostering
customer loyalty. Clear objectives will guide your content creation and distribution
• Develop a content strategy: Create a content strategy that aligns with your objectives
and target audience. Determine the types of content you will produce, such as blog
posts, videos, infographics, or social media posts. Establish a content calendar to plan
and organize your content creation efforts, ensuring a consistent flow of valuable and
relevant content.
• Create high-quality content: Focus on creating content that provides value to your
target audience. Develop content that educates, entertains, inspires, or solves problems
for your audience. Ensure that your content is well-researched, accurate, and presented
in a compelling and engaging manner. Use storytelling techniques and incorporate
visuals to enhance the impact of your content.
• Optimize for search engines: Implement search engine optimization (SEO)
techniques to increase the visibility of your content. Conduct keyword research and
optimize your content with relevant keywords to improve your search engine rankings.

Unit 12: Building Consumer Engagement through Content Management 11

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Use meta tags, headers, and descriptive URLs to optimize the structure of your content
and make it more accessible to search engines.
• Leverage multiple channels: Identify the digital channels that are most relevant to
your target audience and distribute your content across those channels. This may
include your website, blog, social media platforms, email newsletters, and other
relevant industry platforms. Tailor your content to suit each channel and optimize it for
the specific platform's requirements.
• Encourage audience interaction: Foster engagement by encouraging your audience
to interact with your content. Include calls-to-action (CTAs) that prompt readers to
leave comments, share their opinions, or participate in discussions. Incorporate
interactive elements such as quizzes, polls, contests, or surveys to encourage active
participation and make the experience more enjoyable for your audience.
• Analyze and refine: Regularly monitor and analyze key performance metrics to
evaluate the effectiveness of your content management efforts. Track engagement
metrics, such as page views, social media shares, comments, and conversions, to
measure the impact of your content. Use the insights gained to refine your content
strategy and make data-driven improvements.
• Foster two-way communication: Encourage dialogue and communication with your
audience. Respond to comments, messages, and inquiries promptly to demonstrate
your commitment to engaging with your audience. Actively listen to feedback and
incorporate it into your content strategy to continuously improve and meet your
audience's needs.
• Stay up-to-date: Keep abreast of industry trends, consumer preferences, and emerging
technologies. Regularly evaluate and adapt your content strategy to stay relevant and
ahead of the competition. Embrace new content formats, platforms, and distribution
channels that resonate with your target audience.

Unit 12: Building Consumer Engagement through Content Management 12

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

6. What is the first step in building consumer engagement through content
A) Create high-quality content
B) Foster two-way communication
C) Define your target audience
D) Stay up-to-date
7. Which step involves optimizing content for search engines?
A) Set clear objectives
B) Encourage audience interaction
C) Optimize for search engines
D) Develop a content strategy
8. Why is it important to regularly analyze key performance metrics in content
A) To stay up-to-date with industry trends
B) To encourage audience interaction
C) To refine the content strategy
D) To foster two-way communication

Unit 12: Building Consumer Engagement through Content Management 13

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Here are some popular tools that can help in building consumer engagement through content

• Content Management Systems (CMS): Platforms like WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla
provide a user-friendly interface for creating, managing, and publishing content on
websites. They offer features such as customizable templates, content scheduling, and
easy content editing.
• Social Media Management Tools: Tools like Hootsuite, Buffer, and Sprout Social allow
you to schedule and manage social media posts across multiple platforms. They provide
analytics to measure engagement, monitor mentions, and respond to comments,
helping you engage with your audience effectively.
• Email Marketing Platforms: Tools like Mailchimp, Constant Contact, and Sendinblue
enable you to create and automate email campaigns. They offer features such as
personalized email templates, segmentation, and analytics, helping you engage with
subscribers and nurture customer relationships.
• Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software: CRM systems like Salesforce,
HubSpot, and Zoho CRM help manage customer interactions and track engagement.
They provide features like contact management, lead nurturing, and customer
segmentation, allowing you to tailor content based on customer preferences and
• Analytics Tools: Google Analytics is a powerful tool for tracking website traffic, user
behavior, and content performance. It provides valuable insights into audience
engagement, popular content, and conversion rates, helping you optimize your content
• Content Collaboration Tools: Tools like Google Drive, Dropbox, and Microsoft
SharePoint facilitate collaborative content creation and management. They allow teams
to work together, share files, and provide feedback in real-time, ensuring a streamlined
content production process.

Unit 12: Building Consumer Engagement through Content Management 14

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

• Visual Content Creation Tools: Tools like Canva, Adobe Creative Cloud, and
Piktochart help create visually appealing graphics, infographics, and videos. Visual
content is highly engaging and can enhance the effectiveness of your content marketing
• SEO Tools: Tools like SEMrush, Moz, and Ahrefs assist in optimizing your content for
search engines. They provide keyword research, competitor analysis, and on-page SEO
recommendations, helping you increase visibility and drive organic traffic to your

These tools are just a few examples, and there are many others available based on your
specific needs and preferences. It's important to choose the right tools that align with your
content management goals and support your efforts to engage and connect with your target

Unit 12: Building Consumer Engagement through Content Management 15

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

9. Which tool is specifically designed to schedule and manage social media posts
across multiple platforms?
A) Content Management Systems (CMS)
B) Email Marketing Platforms
C) Social Media Management Tools
D) Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software
10. What type of tool provides insights into website traffic, user behavior, and
content performance?
A) Analytics Tools
B) Content Collaboration Tools
C) Visual Content Creation Tools
D) SEO Tools

Unit 12: Building Consumer Engagement through Content Management 16

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Overview of
Marketing through
Content Management

of Content

Steps to Building
through Content
Management Tools for Building
Engagement through

Fig 4: Conceptual Map

Unit 12: Building Consumer Engagement through Content Management 17

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• Content management, including personalized and distributed content, helps businesses

build credibility, trust, and relationships with their target audience, driving brand
loyalty and growth.
• Effective content management is crucial for businesses to create connections, enhance
visibility, and drive growth.
• It delivers consistent messaging, improves customer experience, boosts search engine
visibility, increases engagement and traffic, establishes thought leadership, and enables
lead generation.
• Content management also enhances social media presence, improves collaboration and
efficiency, and enables adaptability.
• Key players in the content management industry include ECM, WCM, DAM,
collaboration, and analytics providers.
• Trends in the industry include cloud-based solutions, intelligent automation,
omnichannel delivery, and security and compliance measures.
• To build consumer engagement through content management, define your audience,
set objectives, develop a content strategy, create high-quality content, optimize for
search engines, leverage multiple channels, encourage interaction, analyze and refine,
foster two-way communication, and stay up-to-date with industry trends.
• Popular tools for building consumer engagement through content management include
Content Management Systems (CMS), social media management tools, email marketing
platforms, CRM software, analytics tools, content collaboration tools, visual content
creation tools, and SEO tools.
• Such tools enable efficient content creation, distribution, analytics, collaboration, and
optimization to engage and connect with the target audience.

Unit 12: Building Consumer Engagement through Content Management 18

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• Enterprise Content Management (ECM): A systematic approach to managing an

organization's digital and physical content throughout its lifecycle, from creation to
archival or disposal.
• Web Content Management (WCM): A system or software used to create, manage, and
publish digital content on websites.
• Digital Asset Management (DAM): The practice of organizing, storing, and
distributing digital assets such as images, videos, audio files, documents, and other
media files.
• Intelligent Automation: The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation
technologies to automate and enhance business processes and decision-making.
• Omnichannel Content Delivery: The approach of delivering content consistently
across multiple channels and devices to provide a seamless and integrated user
• Content Management Systems (CMS): Software platforms or systems that facilitate
the creation, management, and publication of digital content on websites or other
digital platforms.

Unit 12: Building Consumer Engagement through Content Management 19

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

7. CASE STUDY, Content Marketing is a Vietnamese company. is a small company which revolved around

the content they provided. Hence, a content marketing strategy would be their best chance
of gaining a reputation in the market. The reason for selecting a small company like Taymay
for the case study is that, other smaller companies may take advantage of the strategies
applied by the website to benefit them.

Content marketing is the formation of a content that is pertinent, convincing, engaging and
significant and should be reliably given to keep up with or change the conduct of clients. It
simply asks you to provide your customers with valuable knowledge for their loyalty
towards your brand.

To do this, Taymay had to provide their customers with the best content related to their
niche to prove their reliability to the customers. For a year, Taymay used content marketing
strategies that helped them in achieving the following goals.

• Helping SEO and search.

• Building validity and worth.
• Building connections.
• Decreasing customer reliance on outer sources
• Bringing more authority over organizations messages.
• Separating themselves like a specialist on a specific theme.

Taymay also took care of questions like-how they wanted their clients to feel? And what
should be the effect of their content on the clients? Also, they strategized the route through
which the leads would actually turn into sales. The takeaway from this case study is that
smaller businesses like Taymay can base their marketing strategy off of their content. Even
though it is the most reliable marketing strategy, complete dependence on it would be a
mistake. Still numerous companies have increased their leads through content marketing.

Source: HAAGA-HELIA University of Applied Sciences

Unit 12: Building Consumer Engagement through Content Management 20

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

Discussion Questions:

Q1. How do you think did the goals achieved by Taymay help them with better lead

Q2. How would you strategize content marketing for a business with similar nature?

Q3. Which was the biggest loyalty driving factor for Taymay according to you?

Unit 12: Building Consumer Engagement through Content Management 21

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Q1. Why should one use content management?

Q2. Give a short note on at least 2 tools used for building consumer engagement through
content management.


Q1. What are some of the key reasons why content management is important?

Q2. Give some examples of content management solutions and key players from the industry.

Q3. Discuss some of the recent trends in content management.

Q4. What are the steps necessary to build consumer engagement through content

Unit 12: Building Consumer Engagement through Content Management 22

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1. C) Improved internal collaboration and efficiency

2. D) Effective lead generation and nurturing
3. C) Intelligent automation
4. D) Bynder
5. A) Enterprise Content Management (ECM) Providers
6. C) Define your target audience
7. C) Optimize for search engines
8. C) To refine the content strategy
9. C) Social Media Management Tools
10. A) Analytics Tools



Answer 1: Effective content management is essential for businesses to create meaningful

connections with their audience, enhance their online visibility, and drive business growth.
It enables businesses to deliver valuable and engaging content, build brand authority,
nurture customer relationships, and ultimately achieve their marketing and business

Answer 2:

Content Management Systems (CMS): Platforms like WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla provide
a user-friendly interface for creating, managing, and publishing content on websites. They
offer features such as customizable templates, content scheduling, and easy content editing.

Social Media Management Tools: Tools like Hootsuite, Buffer, and Sprout Social allow you to
schedule and manage social media posts across multiple platforms. They provide analytics
to measure engagement, monitor mentions, and respond to comments, helping you engage
with your audience effectively.

Unit 12: Building Consumer Engagement through Content Management 23

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Answer 3: The efforts taken by a company to maintain and strengthen the relations they
have with their customers is referred to as ‘Consumer Engagement’. Consumer Engagement
is a way to distinguish your brand from your competitors.

Answer 4: Engagement marketing can be stated as the utilization of vital, ingenious methods
to draw in individuals and make significant associations over the long haul.

Answer 5: It takes ten times the effort to find a new customer than retaining an old customer.
Hence, loyalty drivers are important.


Answer 1: Answer available at 12.2

Answer 2: Answer available at 12.2.1

Answer 3: Answer available at 12.2.2

Answer 4: Answer available at 12.3

Unit 12: Building Consumer Engagement through Content Management 24

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• Colleen M. Harmeling, Robert W. Palmatier, V Kumar, (2018), Customer Engagement

• James G. Barnes, (2007), Build Your Customer Strategy, A Guide to Creating Profitable
Customer Relationships.
• Don Peppers, Martha Rogers, (2004), Managing Customer Relationships, A Strategic


• Building Customer Relationships, viewed on March 13, 2021,

• Email Marketing and Content Marketing, viewed on March 13, 2021,


• Content Management enhancing customer engagement, viewed on March 13, 2021,


• Customer Loyalty, viewed on March 13, 2021,


• Case Study of Fanatics: content management, viewed on March 13, 2021,


Unit 12: Building Consumer Engagement through Content Management 25

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)




Unit 13: Online Campaign Management 1

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

Unit 13
Online Campaign Management
Table of Contents

SL Fig No / Table SAQ /

Topic Page No
No / Graph Activity
1 Introduction - -
1.1 Learning Objectives - -
2 Meaning and Definition of Campaign
1 , 2, 3 , 4 1, I
2.1 Campaign Management Using Facebook - -
5 - 15
2.2 Campaign Management Using Twitter - -
2.3 Campaign Management Using Corporate
- -
3 Using Corporate Blog as a CRM 2.0. Tool 5, 6 , 2 ,II
3.1 Twitter Marketing - -
3.2 Tagging and Folksonomies - - 16 - 24
3.3 Customer Liking, Satisfaction and
- -
4 Measuring Campaign Effectiveness 7, 8 3 , III 25 - 28
5 Summary - - 29 - 30
6 Glossary - - 31
7 Case study - - 32
8 Terminal Questions - - 33
9 Answer Keys - - 34 - 37
10 Suggested Books and e-References -- 38

Unit 13: Online Campaign Management 2

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)


In the previous chapter, we studied about building consumer engagement through Content
Management. Content marketing is a tool used by the organizations that has the potential to
reach customers to increae the brand's sales. Content marketing involves a good flow of
communication between the organization and customers. The content management is the
organisation's basic process to enhance customers with better resource and enhance
productivity by the meaningful resource.

In this chapter, we understand Online Campaign Management. Online or digital campaign is

a vital tool utilized by the organisations for creating their brands a lot of in style within the
market by completely different social media platforms. These completes move with their
target market by social media platforms, leading to exaggerated sales and building a brand
image within the market. Most of those organisations use digital or online campaigns to
unfold any offers or news associated with their product across social media platforms to
collect a lot of consumers' range towards their product.

Online campaign aims at organizing campaigns for the brands to succeed in the final word
customers who get satisfaction out of it. These campaigns build a powerful relationship
between the corporate and therefore the customers to form the complete a lot of in style
within the market and enhance bigger productivity. Campaign
management plays a significant a part of digital promoting and it
Digital or online campaign
covers advertising, promoting etc. With higher services, brands management is
campaigning about
will ready to communicate with their target customers. The final company’s products via
different social media
word aim of those weblog is to extend the visibility and produce platforms.

a lot of traffic to the web site. The company blogs deals with the
knowledge or stories that are connected with the corporate and it relates to the merchandise.

Campaign Management is designing, organizing, dominant, staffing, and analyzing a

promoting orientation that involves many efforts created by the team to produce higher
product within the market. The web campaign management essentially needs a team effort
which can lead to growth of the organization. Several steps required to be taken by the team
in on-line campaign management. They are:

Unit 13: Online Campaign Management 3

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

• Communication with the sales or promoting team to execute the campaign. Entire team
should ready to attain the objectives with the correct communication and energy.
• Communication with the potential customers on an everyday basis to tell them
concerning the updates, offers or discounts concerning the company’s product to form
them a lot of alert to it.
• Define character to every team member to perform a campaign in an exceedingly
planned approach. Like who is that the main purpose of contact on your team, what are
every of your team members chargeable for, what are all the responsibilities that client
have with the campaign etc.
• Timeline ought to be set earlier.
• Check the results and perform in step with it in next comes.

It’s necessary to trace your success throughout the campaign and additionally at the tip.
Promoting reports is vital once it involves human activity and checks the work you have done
until currently. The foremost important half is that the team work. Team work could be a
management tool that permits you to assign tasks to every team member, communicate,
track progress, and create reports. Use the tools that are needed for effective on-line
campaign management which give you with higher outcome.

1.1 Learning Objectives

After studying this chapter, you will be able to:

❖ Describe the Campaign Management Meaning, Definition and campaign management

with various other platforms
❖ Describe the concept of using Corporate blogs as CRM Tool 2.0
❖ Explain the concept of measuring Campaigns effectiveness

Unit 13: Online Campaign Management 4

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)


Campaign Management is an internet promoting effort created by the organization to create
their brands fashionable via totally different social media platforms within the market
section. A team organizes these campaigns to create their potential or existing patrons alert
to the company’s product offerings. To execute the team, promoting campaign manager
overlook the team and he/she are going to be accountable within the whole process of
coming up with, staffing, dominant in order that it meets the promoting or sales team's

Digital or on-line campaign management aims to create the brands fashionable within the
market by victimization social media platforms like Instagram, twitter, and Facebook. The
shoppers will be additional active in social media platforms, which mechanically allows the
corporation to advertise their product or brands to succeed in final customers.

Source- Daily Pioneer

Fig 1: Campaign Management

Unit 13: Online Campaign Management 5

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

In today’s digital world, people are now moving towards online shopping, information
search, and believing in online environment rather than opting for any product/service.
Campaign management is a very wonderful concept that is emerging at a large scale, and
companies are looking forward to growth with this business tool. In Fig 1, we can see that
there are different activities in campaign management such as planning related to campaign
occurs at the initial stage and is the first step to move onto the ladder. Other activities
included in this are campaign setup, test marketing, Plan implementation, etc. Digital
marketing is a very wide term that includes campaign management and the main purpose is
to drive engagement on website, increase visitors, etc.


Campaign Management is incredibly necessary for the success of brand name. With the help
of promotional media platforms, campaign management
seeks to reduce paper work and replace it with automated
Campaign management is
online work. The significance of campaign management vital for the success and
development of any
entails the following: organisation. It enables the
team to contact users across a
widely used promotional
• Makes the complete a lot of standard within the market strategy.

by use of social media platforms.

• Reduces the work of paper and automates it to on-line mode of labor.
• Enormous variety of shoppers is active in social media platforms which can build the
ads reach the nuke and corner of all level financial gain cluster peoples.
• Organizing campaigns can create the shoppers a lot of privy to the company’s product
providing and worth.
• Systematic work with none manipulation.
• Target customers benefitted by the news or offers that unfold in social media platforms
to interact themselves in additional purchases of the company’s merchandise.

Unit 13: Online Campaign Management 6

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

2.1. Campaign Management Using Facebook

The effective manner of campaign management in facebook is finished through objective that
maximizes the quantity of individuals UN agency wished to appear into your company ad’s
and the way usually they see them. By mistreatment this objective, you'll be able to select
your target or goals to maximise it for the complete period of the campaign. you'll
additionally get wind of intervals for the quantity of persons wanting into your company
ad’s. this may assist you to line up a framework consistent
with client preferences and what they're expecting from the
Campaign management on
company’s merchandise or services. Facebook results in the
establishment of advertising
all over the world to an
Campaign management using Facebook is a powerful strategy immense amount of people,
increasing the brand's frame.
to reach and engage a vast audience on one of the largest
social media platforms. Here are key aspects of Facebook campaign management:

• Audience Targeting: Facebook provides robust targeting options based on

demographics, interests, behaviors, and connections. This allows businesses to focus
their campaigns on specific segments, ensuring messages reach the right people.
• Ad Creation and Format: Facebook offers various ad formats, including image ads,
video ads, carousel ads, and more. Campaign managers can create visually appealing
ads that align with their objectives and resonate with the target audience.
• Budget Optimization: Facebook's campaign management tools enable businesses to
allocate budgets effectively. Campaign managers can set daily or lifetime budgets,
control bidding strategies, and optimize spending to maximize the campaign's return
on investment (ROI).
• Ad Placement: Facebook provides options for ad placement across various placements
within its ecosystem, including the news feed, stories, instant articles, and in-stream
videos. Campaign managers can select the placements that align best with their
campaign goals.
• Ad Testing and Optimization: Facebook allows for A/B testing of ads, enabling
campaign managers to experiment with different creatives, headlines, calls-to-action,

Unit 13: Online Campaign Management 7

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or targeting options. This data-driven approach helps optimize campaigns for better
• Audience Engagement and Interaction: Facebook's campaign management tools
provide opportunities for audience engagement, such as likes, comments, shares, and
direct messaging. Campaign managers can monitor and respond to audience
interactions to foster relationships and drive engagement.
• Performance Tracking and Analytics: Facebook's robust analytics tools provide in-
depth insights into campaign performance, including reach, engagement, conversions,
and more. Campaign managers can track key metrics, measure success, and make data-
driven optimizations.
• Retargeting and Lookalike Audiences: Facebook offers retargeting capabilities,
allowing businesses to show ads to people who have previously engaged with their
brand. Additionally, lookalike audience targeting enables reaching new audiences
similar to existing customers or prospects.
• Campaign Monitoring and Optimization: Continuous monitoring of campaign
performance is essential. Campaign managers can analyze data, identify trends, and
make necessary adjustments to optimize campaigns in real-time for better results.

Facebook's campaign management tools offer businesses a comprehensive platform to plan,

execute, and optimize their digital advertising efforts. By leveraging Facebook's extensive
user base and advanced targeting capabilities, businesses can enhance their online presence,
drive engagement, and achieve their marketing objectives.

Here are the few steps in order to create a campaign in facebook:

• In Ads Manager, build a campaign. Toggle between directed and unguided formation.
• Decide on the target.
• Type in the name of your campaign and press Proceed.
• Define your target audience. Add custom audiences or lookalike audiences are two
choices. To include or remove users, use the drop-down menu.
• Choose a large number of locations to add.
• Enter detail targeting that you want.

Unit 13: Online Campaign Management 8

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• This option includes automatic placements and you can also edit the placements.
Placements defined as Ad that is delivered.
• Set your budget and schedule that you want to run your ads in the website of facebook.
• Select show advanced options for ad delivery. Choose impressions to show the
company’s ads to people as many times possible.
• Select your format whether it is going to be an image or video ads.
• Add map card with your page location.
• Click confirms when you are ready to show your campaign to everyone across the
• Click continues when the page adds the content.

Source- Buffer

Fig 2: Campaign Management Using Facebook

2.2. Campaign Management Using Twitter

The campaign management exploitation twitter makes the
Camapaign management
company’s complete tons of a la mode and encompasses a using twitter will make the
customers to tweets on
wise reach across several purchasers by tweeting regarding company’s products and the
new launch of the product
the merchandise fame among the market. Twitter is making offerings.
the company’s product tons of realistic by getting comments
or tweets from an oversized sort of customers to develop among the market section.

Unit 13: Online Campaign Management 9

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

Campaign management using Twitter involves leveraging the popular social media platform
to plan, execute, and optimize marketing campaigns. Key aspects of Twitter campaign
management include:

• Audience Targeting: Utilize Twitter's targeting options to define and reach specific
demographics, interests, and behaviors relevant to your campaign goals.
• Ad Formats: Choose from various ad formats, including promoted tweets, promoted
accounts, and promoted trends, to effectively deliver your message to the target
• Ad Creation: Develop compelling ad creatives, including text, images, videos, or a
combination, to capture audience attention and drive engagement.
• Campaign Optimization: Monitor campaign performance, analyze key metrics, and
make data-driven adjustments to optimize targeting, ad formats, bids, and scheduling
for better results.
• Trend Targeting: Leverage trending topics, hashtags, or events to engage with a larger
audience and increase campaign visibility.
• Engagement and Interaction: Actively respond to user interactions, such as replies,
retweets, and mentions, to foster engagement and build relationships with your target
• Tracking and Analytics: Utilize Twitter's analytics tools to measure campaign
performance, track engagement rates, and gain insights for campaign refinement and
future optimization.
• Amplification through Influencers: Collaborate with relevant influencers to amplify
your campaign message and leverage their followers' reach and engagement.
• A/B Testing: Experiment with different ad creatives, messaging, or targeting
approaches through A/B testing to identify the most effective strategies for your
• Hashtag Campaigns: Create and promote hashtags relevant to your campaign to
encourage user-generated content, increase campaign visibility, and drive user

Unit 13: Online Campaign Management 10

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

By effectively managing campaigns on Twitter, businesses can tap into a wide user base,
engage with their target audience, drive brand awareness, and achieve marketing objectives
in a real-time, interactive, and viral manner

Here are few steps to make a campaign management in twitter:

• Make your profile exclusive by customizing and branding it.

• Make Twitter lists based on the goal you're trying to achieve.
• Host a Twitter party.
• Increase the number of visitors to your website.
• Obtain Twitter verification.

Source- Kim Garst

Fig 3: Campaign Management Using Twitter

2.3. Campaign Management Using Corporate Blogs

Blogs, or web logs, are webshops for making, exchanging, and connecting to others around
various types of content, known as blog articles. They have variety of common options like
comment prospects, trackbacks and a technology known as RSS. The activation of of these

Unit 13: Online Campaign Management 11

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characteristics isn't a necessity. Business blogs or company blogs ought to concentrate on

non-promotional and frequently updated content entries (posts).

They generally a minimum of aim to draw in prospective patrons

and/or alternative stakeholders, offer data to pre-defined target
With the use of corporate blog,
audiences or client personas, and drive conversions, as well as the company sharpens its
public profile and gains new
social conversions. whereas the content generally isn't directly customers.
promotional, business blogs clearly serve direct and indirect
business goals.

Campaign management using corporate blogs involves strategically planning, creating, and
managing content on a company's blog to support marketing objectives. Key aspects of
campaign management using corporate blogs include:

• Content Strategy: Develop a comprehensive content strategy aligned with marketing

goals, target audience, and brand messaging. Identify topics, themes, and formats that
resonate with the target audience.
• Editorial Calendar: Create an editorial calendar to organize and schedule blog content.
Plan the frequency of posts and ensure a consistent flow of engaging and valuable
• SEO Optimization: Optimize blog content for search engines to improve visibility and
organic traffic. Conduct keyword research, optimize meta tags, use relevant headings,
and incorporate internal and external links.
• Compelling Content Creation: Develop high-quality, engaging, and informative blog
posts that address the pain points, interests, and needs of the target audience.
Incorporate storytelling, visuals, and multimedia elements to enhance engagement.
• Audience Engagement: Encourage reader interaction through comments, social sharing
buttons, and calls-to-action. Respond to comments promptly and foster a sense of
community around the blog.
• Promotion and Distribution: Share blog posts through various channels, including
social media, email newsletters, and other marketing channels. Leverage social sharing
and influencers to expand reach and generate more traffic.

Unit 13: Online Campaign Management 12

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• Analytics and Measurement: Use analytics tools to track blog performance, such as page
views, engagement metrics, conversion rates, and referral sources. Analyze data to
identify successful content strategies and make data-driven optimizations.
• Guest Blogging and Collaboration: Collaborate with industry experts, influencers, or
guest bloggers to contribute to the blog. This helps diversify content, attract new
audiences, and build credibility and thought leadership.
• Internal Linking: Strategically link blog content to relevant pages on the company
website to improve navigation, user experience, and SEO.
• Conversion Optimization: Incorporate clear calls-to-action within blog posts to drive
conversions. This can include subscribing to newsletters, downloading content offers,
or requesting demos.

By effectively managing campaigns using corporate blogs, businesses can establish thought
leadership, build brand authority, drive website traffic, engage with the target audience, and
support overall marketing goals and objectives

A company’s weblog is also known as a corporate blog or company blog, it is equipment used
in content marketing.The ultimate aim of these weblogs is to increase visibility and bring
more traffic to the website. The corporate blogs deals with the information or stories related
to the company and its relation to the product or services.

• A Corporate blog is free advertising.

• In this blog new contents will bring new innovation and refreshment in the market.
• A blog has positive effect on ranking .
• The content can pick up on target group’s questions and needs.
• The users will find links for the topics that they are interested in.
• The articles of the company will solve the problems from the reader.

Unit 13: Online Campaign Management 13

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

Source- Neal Schaffer

Fig 4: Campaign Management Using Corporate Blogs

Activity I
Choose any two similar products of your choice like laptop, mobile, drinks of
different companies and check for the latest campaigns run by the companies. In
this you need to make a report where brief about campaign, starting date, ending
date, social media platforms company is using, hashtags, likes, share, target
audience, etc., needs be covered. After oing so, you need to give us views on report
or analysis what you have observed and what is the difference between both

Unit 13: Online Campaign Management 14

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

1. Online or digital campaign is an important tool used by the organisations
for making their brands more popular in the market by different social
media platforms. [True/False]

2. Team work is a management tool that allows you to assign tasks to each of
the team members, communicate, track the progress and making reports.

3. What are all the steps taken by the marketing team in online campaign
A. Communication with potential customers
B. Timeline should be framed
C. Both a & b
D. None of the above

4. In which type of campaign management the buzz can be created by simple

way of tweeting and spreading message across platform?
A. Facebook
B. Linkedin
C. Twitter
D. Snapchat

5. In which of the following campaigns managemnet platform, we can choose

impressions to show the company’s ads to people as many times possible?
A. Twitter
B. Facebook
C. Corporate Blogs
D. Linkdein

6. _______ aims to create the brands fashionable within the market by

victimisation social media platforms like Instagram, twitter, and Facebook.

Unit 13: Online Campaign Management 15

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)


Corporate blogs are becoming important equipment for marketing, building brand
relationships and customer relationship management. This corporate blog is to understand
about the company’s ability to adopt in blog a CRM tool. With the use of communicating the
brand to customers, it enables more number of customers to engage themselves in this

blog. Organisations can maintain a relationship between potential or existing customers

through their posts in corporate blogs. By posting it, the organisations need to encourage
customers to post a comment on that blog, which enriches consumer engagement. Each
organisation’s content need to vary from each other by posting the content in the blog
according to current trends in the market. By analyzing that on the volume of content posted
by the organisations on blogs, more positive comments and feedback from customers will

Web 2.0 is a collection of ASCII text files, multimedia, and

browser on-line applications that aim to improve the
Twitter marketing is all about
members' interfaces, knowledge, and market dominance as tweeting the content which is
relatable and adding attention
stakeholders in business and social networks. These in the current trends in the
market segment.
interactive internet tools often proven useful in the tech
industry in the field of selling, advertisement, and relationship
management. Web 2.0 conjointly seems to profoundly impact client behavior and on new
challenges facing strategists and marketers. Industries are using platform 2.0 developments
like company websites, discussion boards, social networking sites, YouTube channels,
community media, folksonomies and marketing automation.

Business enterprises are using corporate blogging as part of CRM where they can easily
identify the leads, connect with prospects or leads, engage with them, interact with clients
on various problems and queries, etc. With the help of CRM and corporate blogs, companies
can meet customer expectations because they know their customers in a well-defined
manner, ultimately helping them earn profits or revenues from customers.

Unit 13: Online Campaign Management 16

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

Using corporate blogging as CRM tool 2.0, we have identified one

research where one company used it efficiently to understand
Corporate blogs
their customers and divide content accordingly in the database determine the sourceful
content posted by the
to categorize different fields easily. They gave permission to the
organization which will
customers to tag his/her comments in the defined set of fields by reach customers and
enhance huge awareness
the company so that they can check in which category what type to the product offered in
an organization.
of comment is mentioned. Now you must be wondering what a
tag comment means. The main purpose behind doing was to give
name to each category and know-how customers think to particular tag comments, as
reflected in their comment. Suppose a customer is satisfied with the brand, then he/she need
to write only satisfied, they will need to tag category i.e. suppose happy, sad, angry, etc are
the categories. If the customer is satisfied, they will need to tag “Happy” and write feeling
satisfied with the brand. This will make justifiable and easy to understand and saves a lot of
time, efforts, and resources from wastage.

3.1. Twitter Marketing

A Twitter marketing or promotion strategy is used by enterprises for building, posting, and
sharing content on the web forum for your target customers, community, and associates.
Such a form of marketing aims to achieve revenue by bringing in new customers and traffic,
increasing transactions, and improving brand value. Twitter is a place where the business
grows. The average life span of one tweet is about 18 minutes. The shelf life of one tweet is
4 times shorter than anything that you post on Facebook. Twitter is making the company’s
product more realistic by getting comments or tweets from a wide number of customers to
develop in the market segment. In order to use twitter for marketing. Few steps need to be
implemented are as follows:

• Audit the Twitter account in order to know about hashtag performance, individual
tweet performance.
• Twitter voice- which generates attention among the users.
• Find out proper content and tweet necessarily.
• Tweets must happen at right place and right time to cover more market segments.

Unit 13: Online Campaign Management 17

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

• Always engage with the followers

3.2. Tagging And Folksonomies

Tags are crucial as they enable your developers to customize further information and
categories it in their very own special manner. Enabling the most influential tags to remain
at the top of every page information allows you to give the weightiest labels more
prominence, link weight, and so on.

Tagging: Tagging involves assigning descriptive keywords or labels (tags) to content to make
it easily discoverable and searchable. Users or content creators add tags to their own content,
enabling others to find and navigate through similar or related items. Tags can be specific
terms, phrases, or hashtags that represent the content's topic, theme, or characteristics.

Folksonomies: Folksonomies are collaborative systems of user-generated tags used to

categorize content. Unlike traditional taxonomies created by experts, folksonomies emerge
from the collective tagging efforts of users. This approach allows for a more dynamic and
adaptable classification system. Folksonomies reflect the vocabulary and perspectives of the
users, providing insights into how people understand and organize information.

Benefits of Tagging and Folksonomies:

• Enhanced Searchability: Tags help improve the searchability of content, enabling users
to find relevant information quickly and easily.
• User-Centric Organization: Folksonomies allow users to create their own classification
systems based on their needs and preferences, promoting user-centric organization of
• Serendipitous Discovery: Users can stumble upon new and related content by exploring
tags used by others, facilitating serendipitous discovery and exploration.
• Community Collaboration: Folksonomies foster community collaboration by allowing
users to contribute their own tags and benefit from the collective knowledge and
perspectives of others.

Unit 13: Online Campaign Management 18

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

• Flexible and Scalable: Tagging and folksonomies offer a flexible and scalable approach
to content organization, as they can adapt to evolving trends, emerging topics, and
changing user preferences.
• Personalized Content Curation: Users can curate their own collections or playlists
based on tags, creating personalized content libraries tailored to their interests.

Challenges of Tagging and Folksonomies:

• Inconsistency and Ambiguity: Users may apply different tags to similar content or use
ambiguous tags, which can lead to inconsistencies and difficulties in finding relevant
• Tag Spamming and Misuse: Some users may misuse or spam tags, leading to inaccurate
categorization or irrelevant search results.
• Lack of Standardization: Folksonomies lack a standardized vocabulary or hierarchy,
making it challenging to navigate and organize large amounts of content systematically.
• Limited Control and Quality Assurance: Folksonomies rely on user-generated tags,
which may lack quality control or verification mechanisms. This can result in
inaccuracies or low-quality tags.

Folksonomies is also called as social tagging. Folksonomies are created by the users when
the store content at specific sites identifies the content. Tag cloud pinpoints various
identifiers and frequency of use on the folksonomy site.
• Every person is an expert in their own tags. Folksonomies and tags are
used by the customers when
• The tagging usually done in social media platforms. they attracted by the story
page in any social media
• Folksonomy is the outcome of free tagging in personal platform they just tag it with
their own sentence.
by pages and objects for one’s own retrieval.

The outer edge analysis methods that originate via social tagging are referred to as
folksonomy. Tags are used to indicate or imply suggestions that are likely to be helpful to or
associated problems with possible process spatial data. Allowing people to mark their
comments could lead to a positive analysis of customer info, which might help further

Unit 13: Online Campaign Management 19

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

feedback simulation. Customers must link terms with material in order for it to work. The
purchaser, who will tag their comments with the closest proximity

option on the marketplace from the affiliate company list, is the easiest decider of
identification of someone's post underneath a web usage message.

3.3. Customer Liking, Satisfaction And Involvement

There is a difference between customer liking, satisfaction and involvement. Any company
or business must know about their customer well; otherwise, it may led to negative results
and brand image in the market. Once a customer buys a product/service, he/she may like
that product or dislike that product. Accordingly, their satisfaction will matter. They do not
like the product because they are not satisfied and are sometimes satisfied but do not like
the product due to any specific attribute or element of product/service. The gap between the
previous statements is very important to understand.

Customer satisfaction is important to measure as there are various ways to help businesses
to know their customer better. A metric can be used where some key parameters need to be
mentioned that are very important for a business to measure how satisfied consumers are
with a firm's products/services. Knowledge on customer satisfaction, such as surveys and
reviews, may help a company determine how to make future decisions, make policies related
to product/service, innovation and creativity requirement, etc.

When any consumer is interested in buying something or collecting information, then they
have to cross three stages in the ladder, i.e. Liking, satisfaction and involvement. Liking is the
first stage at the initial phase, where customers show affection towards any product or
service. Once he/she has recognized product/service now they move to another stage of
satisfaction, where they check perceived value and satisfaction. When the company provides
customized services, product offerings, pre and post sales services, etc, the customer feels
happy and delighted to be a part of that brand’s family and proudly says he/she is using that

Unit 13: Online Campaign Management 20

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

Source- Shutter stock

Fig 5: Customer Satisfaction

Personal value and/or interest involved in the acquisition, utilization, and demolition of a
better service or strategy is known as consumer participation. As the purchaser's degree of
participation rises, he or she will be more motivated to comprehend and expand on
information. The nature of the user's engagement is influenced by a number of reasons,
including the type of product being considered, the attributes of the correspondence
obtained by the purchaser, the nature of the things on which the customer is employed, the
purchaser's attitude, and access to information or product consumption. When a customer's
engagement level rises, They start to collect more details about the product as well as the
business. They have the ability to analyse facts quite carefully when making a choice.

Unit 13: Online Campaign Management 21

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

Source- Clootrack

Fig 6: Customer Involvement Levels And Behavior

Now we will look at the different bases of differentiation which are shown in Figure 6.

Low involvement: In this type of involvement, the consumer takes decisions solely based
on where they do not require any special information, and these products are less expensive
and have less chance of failure or low kind of risk—for example, Routine products, and non-
durable products.

High involvement: In this type of involvement, the consumer takes decisions with proper
understanding, clear information, as there is a high risk involved. In this, the consumer does
not purchase the product on a daily basis, such as house, car, etc.

Unit 13: Online Campaign Management 22

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

Activity II
Perform this activity in your class or college. Suppose in your college the
admissions are going to start for year 2021 in different courses and your college
offer 20 courses. Another campaign can be related to any latest automobile,
Smartphone, technology, etc. Now you need to apply all knowledge you have
gained in twitter marketing, where you need to run two twitter marketing
campaigns at similar time and check the response of followers. Keep track of 5
days and compare both campaigns which was more effective and has more
responses, share, etc.

7. _______ are becoming a important equipment for marketing, building brand
relationships and customer relationship management.

8. A ______ marketing or promotion strategy is used by enterprises for building,

posting, and sharing content on the web which can be spread by single tweet.

9. When there is significant difference in brand is present and customer

involvement is low then it is known as ______ behavior

10. Which is called Social tagging?

A. Twitter marketing
B. Customer satisfaction
C. Folksonomies
D. Both A and B

Unit 13: Online Campaign Management 23

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

11. Folksonomies are created by whom when the store content at specific
sites identifies the content?
A. Competitors
B. Users
C. Employees
D. None of the above
12. Once customer is highly satisfied with brand then which stage takes place
where they engage and feel ssociated with brand?
A. Customer Liking
B. Customer Involvement
C. Customer dissonance
D. All of the above

13. Habitual buying behavior takes places in which category?

A. Low involvement
B. High involvement
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above

14. In High involvement type of prouct, the consumer takes decisions with
proper understanding, clear information, as there is a high risk involved.

Unit 13: Online Campaign Management 24

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As we have studied about the different campaigns in the above sections, now in this section,
we will understand the concept of measuring campaign effectiveness. There are different
types of marketing, such as outbound marketing and inbound marketing. In outbound
marketing, businesses make strategies for attracting customers and make a campaign which
will go out. Outbound marketing includes different types of media such as radio, print, TV,
etc. In Inbound marketing means placing ads in such a manner that will definitely attract
customers to land to your page or website. In this type of marketing, on-site promotion,
Social media, etc. takes place.

To measure the marketing campaign effectiveness, there are few steps which need to be
considered as follows:

1. Make a plan related to the campaign you want to execute and how will you track
it, in this business needs to plan effectively how they want to succeed in business and
grow with proper utilization of all resources.
2. Explain the channels, in this business need to describe the channels they want to use
in the campaign and to track to check the results, insights, etc. When business
categorizes their traffic into sub-groups, it is known as different channels such as E-
mail, organic, direct channels, social, paid, etc.
3. Define and explain the marketing metrics, in this business needs to explain about
the marketing metrics for measuring return on investment on the campaigns they are
going to run. Every business wants to earn high ROI for the amount they spend on the
campaigns. The marketing metric consists of statistical or numerical values that can be
quantifiable easily to get a view of different marketing campaigns. In this it includes
lead conversion, individual visitors, web content, CTR, bounce rate, word of mouth, etc.
4. Measure the executed campaign, in this now, business check for the actual
performance of campaign and their desired results. Google Analytics is important for
measuring visitors as well as other data related to certain webpage traffic, but it is no
longer sufficient on its own.

Unit 13: Online Campaign Management 25

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)


Fig 7: Measuring Campaign Effectiveness

Activity III
You get notifications of some brands daily based on your visit to their site, store, etc.
Now in this activity run your own campaign or choose any specific brand campaign,
where you have to make infographics how brand started with planning till the final
results. You need to think and plan from business point of view.

Unit 13: Online Campaign Management 26

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

15. ______ marketing includes different types of media such as radio, print, Tv, etc,
where business pull customers by showing ads.
16. Under Inbound marketing, business includes which of the following?
A. On-site promotion
B. Radio
C. Print Media
D. All of the above
17. Measuring campaign effectiveness is essential for business to know what?
A. Return on investment
B. Outbound marketing
C. Inbound marketing
D. Competitor ROI
18. Google Analytics is useless for measuring visitors as well as other data
related to certain webpage as it is not helpful in decision making.

Unit 13: Online Campaign Management 27

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

Meaning & Campaign
Definition of Management
Campaign Measuring
Management Campaign

Campaign Using
management Corporate blog
using twitter as a CRM tool
Campaign Twitter
management Marketing
using corporate
Tagging and
Campaign Folksonomies
using facebook
Customer liking,
satisfaction and

Fig 8: Conceptual Map

Unit 13: Online Campaign Management 28

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)


• Online campaign aims at organizing campaigns for the brands to succeed in the final
word customers who get satisfaction out of it. These campaigns build a powerful
relationship between the corporate and therefore the customers to form the complete
a lot of in style within the market and enhance bigger productivity.
• Campaign management plays a significant a part of digital promoting and it covers
advertising, promoting etc.
• Campaign Management is designing, organizing, dominant, staffing, and analyzing a
promoting orientation that involves many efforts created by the team to produce
higher product within the market. The web campaign management essentially needs a
team effort which can lead to growth of the organization.
• Digital or on-line campaign management aims to create the brands fashionable within
the market by victimization social media platforms like Instagram, twitter, and
• Campaign management on Facebook results in the establishment of advertising all over
the world to an immense amount of people, increasing the brand's frame.
• The campaign management exploitation twitter makes the company’s complete tons of
a la mode and encompasses a wise reach across several purchasers by tweeting
regarding the merchandise fame among the market.
• A company’s weblog is also known as a corporate blog or company blog, it is equipment
used in content marketing.The ultimate aim of these weblogs is to increase visibility
and bring more traffic to the website.
• The corporate blogs deals with the information or stories related to the company and
its relation to the product or services.
• Web 2.0 is a collection of ASCII text files, multimedia, and browser on-line applications
that aim to improve the members' interfaces, knowledge, and market dominance as
stakeholders in business and social networks. These interactive internet tools often
proven useful in the tech industry in the field of selling, advertisement, and relationship

Unit 13: Online Campaign Management 29

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

• Web 2.0 conjointly seems to profoundly impact client behavior and on new challenges
facing strategists and marketers. Industries are using platform 2.0 developments like
company websites, discussion boards, social networking sites, YouTube channels,
community media, folksonomies and marketing automation.
• Folksonomies is also called as social tagging. Folksonomies are created by the users
when the store content at specific sites identifies the content. Tag cloud pinpoints
various identifiers and frequency of use on the folksonomy site.
• Customer satisfaction is important to measure as there are various ways to help
business to know their customer better.
• Liking is the first stage at the initial phase, where customers show affection towards
any product or service. Once he/she has recognized product/service now they move to
another stage of satisfaction, where they check perceived value and satisfaction.
• Low involvement in this type of involvement, the consumer takes decisions solely
based on where they do not require any special information, and these products are
less expensive and have less chance of failure or low kind of risk—for example, Routine
products, and non-durable products.
• High involvement in this type of involvement, the consumer takes decisions with
proper understanding, clears information, as there is a high risk involved. In this, the
consumer does not purchase the product on a daily basis, such as house, car, etc.

Unit 13: Online Campaign Management 30

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)


• Advertising: Advertising is a mode of showcasing the company’s product by use of

different channels such as newspaper, social media platforms etc.
• Campaign Management: The campaign management is the company’s team that is
making efforts to reach the products to customers via social media platforms.
• Customer Satisfaction: Customer Satisfaction is defined as customers needs or wants
are satisfied by consuming particular product or service to have a reliable experience.
• Effectiveness: Effectiveness refers to the vital handling of goods or services in an
efficient way to accomplish the targeted objectives
• Efficient: Efficient refers to the quantity or the amount of work or thing that we use to
do in our tasks to get better output.
• Engagement: Engagement is also called as gathering or together to bring out realistic
way of work into better results
• Facebook: Facebook is also a type of social media platform where many users see the
story pages and like, share, subscribe.
• Implementation: It is the process of framing the plan before starting the work to be
• Marketing: Marketing is a strategy used by the organization to make their products or
services in a unique way to reach their customers.
• Targeting: Target or ambition refers to the accomplishment of goals by doing certain
tasks for the welfare.
• Traffic: The visitors that visit a website
• Twitter: Twitter is one type of social media platform where users tweet on the content.

Unit 13: Online Campaign Management 31

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)


Super Bowl Social Media Command Center

The organisers of the country's most successful sports competition, the Super Bowl, use
social media to engage control of and manage national attention. Tracking digital platforms
aren't just for branded products; it is quite effective throughout sporting events. As an
example, consider the Super Bowl. Across over 100 million spectators, it is amongst the most
viewed sports matches on the planet. It's to coincide with a massive authentic gathering, in
which 150 people swarm the Indiana capital for a day.

More than 297 keywords were discovered via different social media platforms such as
Facebook, YouTube, Foursquare, and a series of Twitter tags, hashatgs and posts. were
tracked by the control room. They replied, collected data, and maintained an uninterrupted
record of emotion and traffic congestion, ultimately hitting relating to 49 people inside the
house. This translates to $3.2 million in advertising cost. While at the case, the committee
focused on providing recommendations or assistance to fans' administrative agencies.

They have sent access to parking details to travelers who were stranded without a spot, They
sent tweets about helpful resources for looking at the match, as well as valuable information
on things such accessible Wi-Fi connections within the framework. Even before the
authorized organisers became aware of the situation, the committee was able to recognise
and respond to many safety issues.

The Management System, on the other hand, had a regular peak of 350 retweets, and they
also surpassed the National Football Tournament's Leverage ranking! The benefits of a
framework such as this system are numerous, ranging from improved public health and
safety and crowd control to dissatisfaction and social interaction.

Source- Article from Los Angeles Times newspaper

Discussion Questions:

1. What is the relationship between social media policy as well as the social user ?
2. How might you recommend the Social Media Command Organization's analysts to
handle a frustrated follower?

Unit 13: Online Campaign Management 32

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)



Q1. What is meant by online campaign management?

Q2. Explain campaign management using Twitter.

Q3. What do you understand by corporate blog?

Q4. State meaning of tag and folksonomies?


Q1. Explain campaign management using facebook.

Q2. Explain the steps required in campaign management effectiveness.

Q3. Explain customer liking, satisfaction and involvement concept.

Q4. Explain meaning of low and high involvement of customer in buying behavior.

Unit 13: Online Campaign Management 33

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)



1. True
2. True
3. C. both a & b
4. Twitter
5. Facebook
6. Campaign Management
7. Corporate blogs
8. Twitter
9. Variety seeking buying
10. C. Folksonomies
11. B. Users
12. B. Customer involvement
13. A. Low involvement
14. True
15. Outbound
16. A. on-site promotion
17. A. Return on investment
18. False



Answer 1: Online campaign aims at organizing campaigns for the brands to succeed in the
final word customers who get satisfaction out of it. These campaigns build a powerful
relationship between the corporate and therefore the customers to form the complete a lot
of in style within the market and enhance bigger productivity.

Answer 2: Here are few steps to make a campaign management in twitter:

• Make your profile exclusive by customizing and branding it.

Unit 13: Online Campaign Management 34

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

• Make Twitter lists based on the goal you're trying to achieve.

• Host a Twitter party.
• Increase the number of visitors to your website.
• Obtain Twitter verification.

Answer 3: A company’s weblog is also known as a corporate blog or company blog, it is

equipment used in content marketing.The ultimate aim of these weblogs is to increase
visibility and bring more traffic to the website. The corporate blogs deals with the
information or stories related to the company and its relation to the product or services.

Answer 4: Tags are used everywhere in social media platforms and play an essential role as
tags users can generate enomorous content and categorise the content based on their
preferences. Folksonomies is also called as social tagging. Folksonomies are created by the
users when the store content at specific sites identifies the content. Tag cloud pinpoints
various identifiers and frequency of use on the folksonomy site.


Answer 1: Here are the few steps in order to create a campaign in Facebook:

• In Ads Manager, build a campaign. Toggle between directed and unguided formation.
• Decide on the target.
• Type in the name of your campaign and press Proceed.
• Define your target audience. Add custom audiences or lookalike audiences are two
choices. To include or remove users, use the drop-down menu.
• Choose a large number of locations to add.
• Enter detail targeting that you want.
• This option includes automatic placements and you can also edit the placements.
Placements defined as Ad that is delivered.
• Set your budget and schedule that you want to run your ads in the website of facebook.
• Select show advanced options for ad delivery. Choose impressions to show the
company’s ads to people as many times possible.
• Select your format whether it is going to be an image or video ads.

Unit 13: Online Campaign Management 35

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

• Add map card with your page location.

• Click confirms when you are ready to show your campaign to everyone across the
• Click continues when the page adds the content.

Answer 2: To measure the marketing campaign effectiveness, there are few steps which
need to be considered as follows:

1. Make a plan related to the campaign you want to execute and how will you track
it, in this business needs to plan effectively how they want to succeed in business and
grow with proper utilization of all resources.
2. Explain the channels, in this business need to describe the channels they want to use
in the campaign and to track to check the results, insights, etc. When business
categorizes their traffic into sub-groups, it is known as different channels such as E-
mail, organic, direct channels, social, paid, etc.
3. Define and explain the marketing metrics, in this business needs to explain about
the marketing metrics for measuring return on investment on the campaigns they are
going to run. Every business wants to earn high ROI for the amount they spend on the
4. Measure the executed campaign, in this now, business check for the actual
performance of campaign and their desired results. Google Analytics is important for
measuring visitors as well as other data related to certain webpage traffic, but it is no
longer sufficient on its own.

Answer 3: Customer satisfaction is important to measure as there are various ways to help
businesses to know their customer better. A metric can be used where some key parameters
need to be mentioned that are very important for a business to measure how satisfied
consumers are with a firm's products/services. Knowledge on customer satisfaction, such as
surveys and reviews, may help a company determine how to make future decisions, make
policies related to product/service, innovation and creativity requirement, etc.

Unit 13: Online Campaign Management 36

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

When any consumer is interested in buying something or collecting information, then they
have to cross three stages in the ladder, i.e. Liking, satisfaction and involvement. Liking is the
first stage at the initial phase, where customers show affection towards any product or
service. Once he/she has recognized product/service now they move to another stage of
satisfaction, where they check perceived value and satisfaction.

Answer 4: Low involvement in this type of involvement, the consumer takes decisions solely
based on where they do not require any special information, and these products are less
expensive and have less chance of failure or low kind of risk—for example, Routine products,
non-durable products whereas, High involvement in this type of involvement, the consumer
takes decisions with proper understanding, clear information, as there is a high risk involved.
In this, the consumer does not purchase the product on a daily basis, such as house, car, etc.

Unit 13: Online Campaign Management 37

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)



• Philip Kotler, John. T. Bowen, James. C. Makens, Developing the Hospitality and Tourism
Marketing Mix, 5thedn.
• Dave Chaffey, PR Smith (2017) Digital Marketing Excellence, Taylor and Francis
publishers, 5th edn,
• Keith A. Quesenberry (2020) Social Media Strategy, Rowman and littlefield publishers,
3rd edn.


• Promotional Campaign, viewed on 02 April 2021,

• Campaign Management using corporate blogs, viewed on 02 April 2021, <>
• Customer fall in love with your business, viewed on 02 pril 2021, <

Unit 13: Online Campaign Management 38

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)




Unit 14: Case Study Approach 1

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

Unit 14
Case Study Approach
Table of Contents

SL Fig No / Table SAQ /

Topic Page No
No / Graph Activity
1 Introduction - - 3
2 Case 1: Kramier Qatar Fifa World Cup - - 4-7
3 Case 2: Drinkola - - 8 - 10
4 Case 3: Terrible - - 11 - 13
5 Case 4: Plancoffee - - 14 - 16

Unit 14: Case Study Approach 2

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)


In this chapter, we have four fictional case studies that discuss the various aspects of digital

1. On how Kramier Qatar used targeted ads, AI optimization, real-time adaptation, and
fresh content to position its SIM cards as the top choice for international tourists during
the FIFA World Cup in Qatar.
2. The ways in which Drinkola utilized digital marketing strategies, including
personalization, engaging content, omni-channel approach, and data analytics, to adapt
to changing consumer preferences and achieve remarkable success in the beverage
3. The methods used by Terrible to innovative digital marketing strategies, including social
media engagement, influencer marketing, personalization, and emerging technologies,
to drive customer engagement, sales growth, and brand loyalty in the sportswear
4. The approaches used by PlanCoffee to embrace innovative digital marketing strategies,
including a mobile app, social media engagement, personalized marketing, and
influencer collaborations, to enhance customer engagement, drive sales, and strengthen
brand loyalty in the coffee industry.

Unit 14: Case Study Approach 3

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)


Kramier Qatar, a leading telecommunications company, embarked on a digital marketing

campaign during the FIFA World Cup Qatar to establish its SIM cards as the preferred choice
for international tourists visiting the country. This in-depth case study examines the
strategic approach and digital marketing tactics employed by Kramier Qatar to achieve their
goals, providing valuable insights for marketers and businesses alike.

To ensure maximum impact, Kramier Qatar conducted extensive research to identify the key
markets for their World Cup campaign. Utilizing internal data and industry reports, they
analyzed the projected number of international tourists visiting Qatar for the event and
identified the countries they were most likely to come from. Based on this analysis, Kramier
Qatar narrowed down their target markets to seven key countries: the United Arab Emirates
(UAE), Saudi Arabia, Argentina, France, the United States, Mexico, and Morocco. By focusing
their efforts on these specific markets, Kramier Qatar aimed to optimize their digital
marketing strategies and allocate resources effectively. Precise audience targeting became
the cornerstone of their success.

Partnering with media and advertising agency Universal Media, Kramier Qatar employed
cutting-edge technology to create personalized ads that resonated with their target
audience. They turned to, an AI-powered ad platform, to design and optimize their
ad creatives.'s dynamic creative optimization (DCO) technology enabled Kramier
Qatar to generate personalized ads at scale. By combining base images of country-specific
football fans with relevant design elements and persuasive copy, they created highly
engaging and tailored ad variations. These ads were specifically crafted to capture the
attention and interest of the target audience in each market. Through's templates
and automated tools, Kramier Qatar delivered over 500 ad variations in different formats
and languages within a short span of two days. This level of customization and
personalization played a pivotal role in driving engagement and conversions.

Kramier Qatar recognized the significance of real-time events, particularly the match results
and teams' progress in the World Cup, in influencing the behavior of football fans. To

Unit 14: Case Study Approach 4

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

maximize their campaign's impact, they needed to align their advertising efforts with the
teams' success and the consequent increase in fans' interest in visiting Qatar.

With the help of's platform, Kramier Qatar's media teams monitored the
tournament's progress closely. They strategically adjusted their ad strategies, switching ad
variants on or off in sync with the outcomes of matches. For example, when a team from a
specific market advanced to the finals, Kramier Qatar ensured that the relevant ads were
targeted to fans from that market, capitalizing on their heightened excitement and
engagement. This agile approach allowed Kramier Qatar to stay relevant and deliver targeted
ads that resonated with football fans in real-time, resulting in increased brand exposure and
user engagement.

Given the dynamic nature of the World Cup and the vast number of ads being disseminated,
Kramier Qatar recognized the importance of keeping their content fresh and engaging
throughout the tournament. They utilized a mix of Google video solutions, including
TrueView In-stream and Bumper ads, and Display formats such as Discovery ads and the
Google Display Network. To maintain content freshness, Kramier Qatar consolidated their
media buying through Display and Video 360 (DV360), a comprehensive ad management
platform. By applying frequency capping across their inventory, they regulated the number
of times an ad was shown to the same person across devices, platforms, and formats. This
approach ensured that their ads reached the desired audiences actively searching for World
Cup-related information while minimizing ad fatigue. By reaching new audiences and
maximizing the cost per reach, Kramier Qatar achieved an additional 30% incremental reach,
expanding their campaign's impact and driving greater brand visibility.

Kramier Qatar's digital marketing campaign during the FIFA World Cup Qatar showcased the
power of targeted advertising, AI-driven optimization, real-time adaptation, and content
freshness. By aligning their efforts with the interests and behaviors of football fans, they
successfully positioned their SIM cards as the preferred choice for international tourists
visiting Qatar for the World Cup. Through precise audience targeting, Kramier Qatar
maximized their ad spend by focusing on the key markets most likely to generate
conversions. Leveraging's AI-powered ad platform allowed them to create
personalized and impactful ads at scale, resonating with the unique interests and

Unit 14: Case Study Approach 5

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

preferences of their target audience. The ability to adapt their ad strategies in real-time
based on match results and team progress further enhanced their campaign's effectiveness.
By staying agile and delivering timely and relevant ads, Kramier Qatar captured the attention
and engagement of football fans throughout the tournament. Keeping their ads fresh through
a strategic mix of video solutions and display formats ensured that their content remained
engaging and impactful. Consolidating their media buying through DV360 and applying
frequency capping helped reach new audiences and minimize ad fatigue, ultimately driving
incremental reach and brand exposure.


1. How did Kramier Qatar determine their target markets for the FIFA World Cup
campaign, and why was precise audience targeting critical to their success?
2. How did Kramier Qatar leverage AI-powered technology to create personalized ads at
scale, and what were the key benefits of using dynamic creative optimization (DCO)?
3. How did Kramier Qatar adapt their ad strategies in real-time based on match results,
and how did this contribute to the campaign's effectiveness?
4. What strategies did Kramier Qatar employ to keep their ads fresh throughout the
tournament, and how did consolidating media buying and applying frequency capping
contribute to their success in reaching new audiences?


1. Kramier Qatar determined their target markets for the FIFA World Cup campaign
based on internal research that highlighted the number of international tourists
expected in Qatar and the countries they were likely to come from. The seven key
markets identified were the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia, Argentina,
France, U.S., Mexico, and Morocco. Precise audience targeting was critical to their
success because they needed to reach only those people traveling to Qatar for the
World Cup. This ensured that their advertising efforts were focused on the right
audience, maximizing the impact of their campaign.

Unit 14: Case Study Approach 6

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

2. Kramier Qatar leveraged AI-powered technology, specifically's dynamic

creative optimization (DCO) technology, to create personalized ads at scale. They used
seven "base" images of country-specific football fans and combined them with other
design elements and copy to create personalized ads. With's templates, they
aligned these ad creatives with the chosen audience segments, resulting in over 500 ad
variations in different formats and languages. DCO allowed them to deliver highly
relevant and engaging ads to their target audience, increasing the chances of capturing
attention and driving action.
3. Kramier Qatar adapted their ad strategies in real-time based on match results to target
the right people at the right time. They closely monitored the countries that made it
through to the finals and adjusted their ads accordingly. By switching ad variants on or
off in sync with World Cup matches, they ensured that they were showing the most
relevant ads to fans supporting the teams that advanced in the tournament. This real-
time adaptation helped to maintain relevance and engagement, maximizing the
effectiveness of their campaign.
4. Kramier Qatar employed several strategies to keep their ads fresh throughout the
tournament. They utilized a mix of Google video solutions, including TrueView In-
stream, Bumper ads, and display formats like Discovery ads and the Google Display
Network. By consolidating their media buying through Display and Video 360 (DV360)
and applying frequency capping, they regulated the number of times an ad was seen by
the same person across devices, platforms, and formats. This approach ensured that
the content remained fresh and prevented ad fatigue. It also allowed them to reach new
audiences actively searching to come to Qatar for the World Cup, driving incremental
reach and expanding their campaign's impact.

Unit 14: Case Study Approach 7

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)


Drinkola is a company with a long and storied history. It is a symbol of American capitalism
and prosperity, and it has played a major role in the globalization of American culture.
Drinkola is facing increasing competition in the 21st century, but it remains the most popular
soft drink in the world. The company is likely to continue to grow in the years to come, and
it will be interesting to see how it adapts to the changing beverage landscape. One way that
Drinkola is adapting to the changing beverage landscape is by introducing new products. In
recent years, the company has introduced a number of new beverages, including Drinkola
Life, Drinkola Zero, and Drinkola Blossom. These new products are designed to appeal to
consumers who are looking for healthier or more flavorful options. In addition to introducing
new products, Drinkola is also focusing on sustainability. The company has set a goal of
reducing its environmental impact by 20% by 2025. To achieve this goal, Drinkola is working
to reduce its water usage, energy consumption, and waste production.

Drinkola, one of the world's most renowned beverage companies, has long been a pioneer in
marketing and advertising. As consumer behaviors shifted towards digital platforms,
Drinkola faced various challenges and had to adapt its marketing strategies to stay relevant.
This case study examines how Drinkola effectively utilized digital marketing to overcome
these challenges and achieve remarkable success.

Drinkola faced the challenge of declining market share and shifting consumer preferences,
with consumers opting for healthier alternatives and seeking personalized experiences. To
address this, Drinkola implemented a comprehensive digital marketing strategy. Drinkola
leveraged data-driven insights to understand consumer preferences and deliver
personalized experiences. Through digital channels and social media, they created
interactive campaigns, such as "Share with others," where personalized bottles with
individual names were introduced, driving consumer engagement and brand loyalty.
Recognizing the power of storytelling, Drinkola focused on creating compelling content that
resonated with its target audience. They produced emotionally-driven videos, shared
inspiring stories, and engaged with consumers on social media platforms. This approach
helped Drinkola connect with consumers on a deeper level and fostered a sense of brand

Unit 14: Case Study Approach 8

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

The evolving digital landscape presented a challenge for Drinkola in effectively reaching
consumers across various digital platforms and channels. They needed a cohesive and
integrated digital marketing approach. Drinkola implemented an omni-channel marketing
strategy that ensured consistent brand messaging and seamless customer experiences
across multiple touchpoints. They integrated their campaigns across social media platforms,
websites, mobile apps, and offline channels, creating a unified brand experience. To amplify
their digital reach and engage with specific target segments, Drinkola collaborated with
influencers and brand ambassadors. By partnering with popular influencers and leveraging
their authenticity and reach, Drinkola expanded its digital presence and reached a wider

Drinkola recognized the importance of measuring the effectiveness of its digital marketing
efforts and optimizing campaigns to achieve better results. Drinkola invested in advanced
data analytics tools and technologies to gather real-time data, track campaign performance,
and gain actionable insights. By leveraging data-driven analytics, they made informed
decisions, optimized campaigns, and allocated resources more effectively. Drinkola
conducted A/B testing and experimentation to refine their digital marketing strategies
continuously. They tested different ad formats, messaging, and targeting options to identify
the most effective combinations and optimize their campaign performance.

Through its innovative and strategic use of digital marketing, Drinkola successfully tackled
challenges, adapted to changing consumer preferences, and achieved remarkable results. By
embracing personalization, creating engaging content, adopting an omni-channel approach,
and leveraging data analytics, Drinkola solidified its position as a digital marketing leader in
the beverage industry. This case study highlights the importance of embracing digital
transformation, staying agile, and leveraging digital marketing tools to address challenges
and drive business growth in a rapidly evolving marketplace.


1. How did Drinkola address the challenge of declining market share and changing
consumer preferences through their digital marketing strategy?

Unit 14: Case Study Approach 9

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

2. How did Drinkola overcome the challenge of a fragmented digital landscape and
implement an integrated digital marketing approach?
3. How did Drinkola measure and optimize their digital marketing performance to
achieve better results?
4. What were the key success factors that contributed to Drinkola's digital marketing
success in resolving their challenges?


1. Drinkola embraced personalization by introducing campaigns like "Share with others"

and utilized data-driven insights to deliver personalized experiences. They also focused
on content marketing to create emotionally-driven content that resonated with
consumers and fostered brand affinity.
2. Drinkola adopted an omni-channel marketing strategy, ensuring consistent brand
messaging and seamless customer experiences across multiple digital touchpoints. They
also collaborated with influencers and brand ambassadors to amplify their reach and
engage specific target segments.
3. Drinkola invested in data analytics tools and technologies to gather real-time data, track
campaign performance, and gain actionable insights. They conducted A/B testing and
experimentation to refine their strategies and optimize campaign performance.
4. Drinkola's success can be attributed to their embrace of personalization, creation of
compelling content, adoption of an omni-channel approach, and utilization of data
analytics for informed decision-making and optimization. These factors helped them
connect with consumers, drive engagement, and achieve remarkable results.

Unit 14: Case Study Approach 10

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)


Terrible, a renowned global brand in the sportswear industry, recognized the immense
potential of digital marketing to revolutionize its customer engagement strategies, drive
sales growth, and build stronger brand loyalty. With the rise of digital platforms and the
changing preferences of consumers, Terrible embarked on a transformative journey to
leverage innovative digital marketing strategies and create personalized experiences that
resonate with its target audience. Through this initiative, Terrible aimed to foster
community engagement, establish itself as a leader in the digital marketing landscape, and
reinforce its position as a trusted and inspiring brand for athletes and fitness enthusiasts

Recognizing the power of social media in connecting with its target audience, Terrible
strategically utilized platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to amplify its
digital marketing efforts. Through captivating content, including inspiring athlete stories,
behind-the-scenes footage, and interactive campaigns, Terrible created an engaging and
immersive social media presence. By fostering a sense of community and encouraging user-
generated content through hashtags like #JustDoIt, Terrible successfully established a
strong brand following and cultivated brand advocates who actively shared their
experiences with Terrible products.

To amplify its reach and credibility, Terrible leveraged influencer marketing as a key
component of its digital marketing strategy. The brand strategically partnered with
influential athletes, celebrities, and fitness enthusiasts who embodied Terrible's core values
of athleticism, determination, and excellence. Collaborations with athletes like LeBron James
and Serena Williams not only increased product endorsements but also served as powerful
inspirations for consumers to embrace an active lifestyle. By associating its brand with
respected and admired figures, Terrible established itself as a trusted and aspirational choice
for consumers.

Terrible recognized the significance of personalization in enhancing the customer

experience and fostering brand loyalty. The brand leveraged technology and data-driven
insights to deliver personalized experiences through its digital channels. The Terrible+ app

Unit 14: Case Study Approach 11

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

and website allowed users to customize their preferences, track their fitness goals, and
receive personalized product recommendations. By analyzing user data, Terrible gained
valuable insights into individual preferences and behaviors, enabling them to offer tailored
content, exclusive promotions, and personalized product suggestions. This level of
personalization not only enhanced the customer experience but also strengthened the
emotional connection between consumers and the Terrible brand.

Terrible remained at the forefront of innovation by seamlessly integrating emerging

technologies into its digital marketing initiatives. Augmented reality (AR) became a key focus
for Terrible, allowing the brand to create immersive and interactive experiences for its
customers. Through the Terrible Run Club app, Terrible utilized AR technology to provide
virtual running challenges, gamified experiences, and personalized coaching. This not only
engaged users but also empowered them to set and achieve their fitness goals in an exciting
and interactive manner. Additionally, Terrible collaborated with tech giants like Apple to
integrate its digital ecosystem with wearable devices such as the Apple Watch, offering users
seamless tracking of their workouts and creating a holistic fitness experience.

As part of its digital marketing transformation, Terrible implemented robust analytics and
measurement frameworks to assess the success and impact of its initiatives. Key
performance indicators (KPIs) such as customer engagement, conversion rates, and sales
growth were monitored closely to gauge the effectiveness of digital campaigns and inform
future strategies. By analyzing data and consumer insights, Terrible gained a deeper
understanding of its target audience and their preferences, enabling the brand to refine its
digital marketing efforts continually.

Terrible's digital marketing transformation showcased the brand's commitment to

innovation, customer-centricity, and creating personalized experiences. By harnessing the
power of social media, embracing influencer marketing, delivering personalized content, and
integrating emerging technologies, Terrible successfully enhanced customer engagement,
drove sales growth, and strengthened brand loyalty. The brand's strategic approach to
digital marketing allowed it to establish itself as a leader in the digital landscape, continually
evolving and adapting to meet the ever-changing needs and expectations of its global
audience. Terrible's digital marketing transformation serves as an inspiration for other

Unit 14: Case Study Approach 12

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

brands looking to leverage digital platforms and innovative strategies to enhance their
market presence and build stronger connections with their customers.


1. How did Terrible utilize social media to enhance its digital marketing efforts?
2. What role did influencer marketing play in Terrible's digital marketing strategy?
3. How did Terrible deliver personalized experiences to its customers?
4. What emerging technologies did Terrible integrate into its digital marketing


1. Terrible strategically utilized platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to

create an engaging social media presence. Through captivating content and interactive
campaigns, Terrible fostered a sense of community and encouraged user-generated
content, thereby strengthening brand loyalty.
2. Influencer marketing was a crucial component of Terrible's strategy. The brand
partnered with influential athletes and celebrities who embodied Terrible's core
values, amplifying its reach and credibility. These collaborations not only increased
product endorsements but also inspired consumers to embrace an active lifestyle.
3. Terrible leveraged technology and data-driven insights to deliver personalized
experiences. The Terrible+ app and website allowed users to customize preferences,
track fitness goals, and receive tailored product recommendations. By analyzing user
data, Terrible offered exclusive promotions and personalized content, enhancing the
customer experience and strengthening the emotional connection with the brand.
4. Terrible seamlessly integrated emerging technologies such as augmented reality (AR)
and wearable devices into its digital marketing efforts. AR technology was used to
create immersive experiences, while collaborations with tech giants like Apple allowed
for seamless integration with wearable devices, offering users a holistic and interactive
fitness experience.

Unit 14: Case Study Approach 13

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)


PlanCoffee, a globally recognized brand in the coffee industry, has become a trailblazer in
digital marketing by embracing innovative strategies to enhance customer engagement,
drive sales, and strengthen brand loyalty. Through its effective utilization of digital
platforms, PlanCoffee has created personalized experiences, fostered a strong online
community, and established itself as a leader in the digital marketing landscape.

PlanCoffee recognized the importance of mobile technology in enhancing the customer

experience. The PlanCoffee mobile app was developed with a focus on convenience and
personalization. Users can easily customize their orders, locate nearby stores, and
conveniently make payments through the app. Moreover, the app's integration with the
PlanCoffee Rewards program allows customers to earn points and redeem rewards, further
incentivizing loyalty. The app's seamless user experience and time-saving features have
resulted in increased customer satisfaction and repeat purchases.

PlanCoffee understands the power of social media in building a digital community and
amplifying brand reach. The company has a strong presence on platforms like Instagram,
Twitter, and Facebook. PlanCoffee leverages visually appealing and engaging content to
showcase its products, promote new offerings, and share customer stories. By encouraging
user-generated content and running interactive campaigns like the PlanCoffee Red Cup
Contest, the brand fosters a sense of community and creates opportunities for customers to
connect with each other and the brand. This active engagement on social media has helped
PlanCoffee build a loyal and passionate customer base.

Data-driven marketing has been a key focus for PlanCoffee. Through its PlanCoffee Rewards
program and mobile app, the company collects valuable customer data, including
preferences, purchase history, and location. PlanCoffee utilizes this data to deliver
personalized marketing messages and offers. Customers receive tailored promotions,
recommendations, and special offers based on their preferences and behaviors. By providing
personalized experiences, PlanCoffee enhances customer satisfaction, drives repeat
purchases, and strengthens brand loyalty.

Unit 14: Case Study Approach 14

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

PlanCoffee has successfully leveraged influencer collaborations to expand its reach and
connect with new audiences. By partnering with influential figures and content creators who
align with its brand values, PlanCoffee amplifies its messaging and reaches new customer
segments. Influencers share their experiences with PlanCoffee products, create engaging
content, and encourage their followers to try PlanCoffee offerings. These collaborations
enhance brand visibility, attract new customers, and build authenticity through trusted
influencer endorsements.

PlanCoffee' digital marketing strategies have set a benchmark for success in the industry.
Through its mobile app, social media engagement, personalized marketing, and influencer
collaborations, PlanCoffee has transformed the customer journey, fostered a vibrant online
community, and strengthened brand loyalty. The brand's focus on convenience,
personalization, and leveraging data insights has resulted in increased customer satisfaction,
repeat purchases, and long-term customer relationships. PlanCoffee continues to innovate
and adapt to the evolving digital landscape, reinforcing its position as a leader in digital
marketing within the food and beverage industry.


1. How has PlanCoffee utilized its mobile app to enhance the customer experience and
drive loyalty?
2. How does PlanCoffee leverage social media engagement to build a digital community?
3. How does PlanCoffee utilize personalized marketing to enhance customer satisfaction
and drive repeat purchases?
4. How does PlanCoffee leverage influencer collaborations to expand its reach and build


1. PlanCoffee has developed a mobile app that allows customers to conveniently

customize their orders, locate nearby stores, and make payments. The integration with
the PlanCoffee Rewards program incentivizes loyalty by enabling users to earn points
and redeem rewards. The app's seamless user experience and time-saving features
have resulted in increased customer satisfaction and repeat purchases.

Unit 14: Case Study Approach 15

DBB32023: Digital Marketing Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)

2. PlanCoffee maintains a strong presence on platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and

Facebook. The brand shares visually appealing content to showcase its products,
promote new offerings, and encourage user-generated content. Interactive campaigns,
such as the PlanCoffee Red Cup Contest, foster a sense of community and provide
opportunities for customers to connect with each other and the brand. This active
engagement on social media has helped PlanCoffee build a loyal and passionate
customer base.
3. PlanCoffee collects valuable customer data through its PlanCoffee Rewards program
and mobile app. This data includes preferences, purchase history, and location.
PlanCoffee leverages this data to deliver personalized marketing messages and offers
to customers. Through tailored promotions, recommendations, and special offers,
PlanCoffee enhances customer satisfaction and drives repeat purchases.
Personalization creates a more relevant and engaging experience for customers,
strengthening their loyalty to the brand.
4. PlanCoffee partners with influential figures and content creators who align with its
brand values. These collaborations amplify PlanCoffee' messaging and reach new
customer segments. Influencers share their experiences with PlanCoffee products,
create engaging content, and encourage their followers to try PlanCoffee offerings.
These collaborations enhance brand visibility, attract new customers, and build
authenticity through trusted influencer endorsements. This approach helps PlanCoffee
connect with audiences beyond its existing customer base and reinforces its brand

Unit 14: Case Study Approach 16

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