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The Modern Tenor OPERATIC ALBUM WITH THE ORIGINAL AND ENGLISH TEXTS THIRTY-FIVE ARIAS FROM FAMOUS OPERAS RICORDI CONTENTS AFRICANA, L’ (Meyerbeer) : i Oh! land entrancing! (0 paradivo!) sss Page AIDA (Verdi) 2 Heavenly Aida (Celeste Aida) ANIMA ALLEGRA (Vittadini) 3. ‘The Spring has come to Alminat! (E arrivata Primavera ad Alminer!) BOHEME, LA (Puccini) 4 Your tiny hand is frozen! (Che gelida maninal) DON PASQUALE (Donizetti) 5 How pure the air (Com’ é gentil) ELISIR D’AMORE, L’ (Donizetti) 6. Down her pale cheek (Una furtiva lagrima) FALSTAFF (Verdi) 1 From fervid lips (Dal labbro it eanto) FAUST (Gounod) GIOCONDA, LA (Ponehik 9. All hail, abode so pure and lowly (Salut demeure, chaste et pre) i) Heaven and ocean! (Cielo ¢ mar!) GIRL OF THE GOLDEN WEST, THE (Puccini) 10. nL. Let her believe (Ch'ella mi ereda) My father died just six months ago (Or son sei mesi che mio pore mort) IRIS (Mascagni) 12, Open thy window, maiden (Apri la tua finestra) LORELEY (Catalani) 18. Once in the May time (Nel verde maggio) MADAM BUTTERFLY (Puccini) ue 15. MANON LESCAUT (Pucci 18. 11, Love or Fancy (Amore o grillo) rs Farewell, O happy home (Addio, fiorito asil) ‘Never did I behold so fair a maiden (Donna non vidi mai) E Now among you, dark and fair one (Tra voi, belle, brune e bionde) MARTA (Flotow) : 18. Soft and pure, fraught with love (M'appari tutt‘amor) 1 10 16 20 35 33 49 52 st ar ee 3 MEFISTOFELE (Boite): 19. From the fields, from the grove (Dai campi, dai prati) . 20. Nearing the extreme limit (Giunto sul passo estremo) . OTELLO (Verdi): 21, Heaven, had it pleased thee to try me (Dio! mi potevi scagliar) 22, And now, for ever, farewell (Ora e per sempre addio) . RIGOLETTO (Verdi) 23, Woman's a fickle jade (La donna 2 mobile). . 24. . When a charmer (Questa o quella) TABARRO, IL (Puccini) 25. Yes, you are right (Hai ben ragione) TOSCA (Puccini): 26. Strange harmony of contrasts (Recondita armonia) . 27. When the stars were brightly shining (E lucevan le stelle) TRAVIATA, LA (Verdi): 28. Far from the world of fashion (De' miei bollenti spiriti) . ‘TROVATORE, IL (Verdi): 20, Ah! T have sighed ‘to rest me (Ah! che la morte ognora) « 80, Ah yes! thou’st mine (Al i, ben mio) 560.0 31. Lonely I wander (Deserto sulla terra) TURANDOT (Puccini): 52. O weep no more, Liu! (Non piangere, Liu!) 5 5 33. None shall sleep tonight! (Nessun dormat) ed VILLI, LE (Puccini) 34 Back to the vanisl Vd years (Torma ai felici di) . WALLY, LA. (Catalani): 35. You that saved me (M'hai salvato) =... 88 1 105 109 us ut ie ar 135 139 Ms ur 12 156 163 L AFRICANA G. MEYERBEER Act IV. Oh! land entrancing! (O paradiso) (vASCO) Andantino conmoto. (4-60) ee = dolcis VOICE CANTO Recit:a piacere ’ How beats my heart! Ob! glorious sigh 2p Cantabile 6 sostenuto = ° = Long soughtfor cbuntry, lo! thouart mine at wana fe ter-r6, 2 ‘marcato ogni nota un poco rall dolciss. ma sostento Ont a Cantabile e soxtenuto’ RISTAMPA. 1996 fmsre erat 133159 cna ex rate cres. — Here _ I behold = rente sul, splen — opi dours untold; They lure me with their <2 ai. do wel, in" sot ra. pi to _ Ah! now have I__ found thea, Mine art thou! Tx mop. par. tie ee “Cantabile oe 5 rall. un poco won-drouslandunknown Here, for_ my country claim, I Pactra i posse, claim thee as 9880 Of ores: oe | ee TO col canto a Tempo F con catore prize. ‘Thisfair soit shall beouraywithits treasures, Srit Mostrodque . ato terreno fa conte, p dolce, and all Eu _ rope its richeswill share fhl ra — diant land unknown, che VEMre pa pao tutte erric — chil. Spe. ta — co. to divin’ ee ea — con eutusiasmo ofrett. shin < ing ‘mid the a_ zurowaves, As mine I : woo pt 0 sxo0 7 ie S38 7 poco. --P0eo.. claim thee, asmine I claimthee, Oh! Janden.trane mon. do, ta wagpar. tie — ni, tx woppartic — a ieee g lcres. a@poco a poco p= poco rall. pion catore - = ~ing, and thouart ming, yes,thouart mine, art mine, Ob'glorious country, aSmine I D1 LT nia me, a me, tu mlappartic. mia me, 0 nuovo mondo, tx miaypar ‘thee, as mine I claimthee,as mineas mine, as = Hemi, te meppartio. ni, me, @ die? To perish whilenow T triumph? arin fo nel mio tri on we a To leave behind no Allegro (J-=100) mine! ou mel Allegro (d.=400) i Recit. Havethey condemsdme Che diveon me tf record, so thatmy name unto the fe, semta che nulla restt onde il mio nome cada a4 - a Tempo oe world for ever be pro_claim’d? No! this shall never — bet a perbo alata poste. ri. te? Mo, gue F All? modekato a Tempo BE (impor: ely) Ab! leadme back , Ded, hia ri = tor All? agitato con moto el That rides at anch . or, close {0 the shore, And [ot me di oui late weg. go ona deg ints eho dica a xs rt > tell my gall. — ant com . _ radesThatfamel won ero life len mae te gre oer. So that Eur _ _ _ ope,and Spainmy count from their rar Che VEwre 2 > pee ta mia pa | al. men f§— S| sO SS —— ores. lips mayleara that Vas _ _ cc, vie _ _ tor yet, here on thisshorewas sop piano Slee ieee le ore tea aeons Se animando i But his famewill ne_ver die! ma sia sal_ov a me Uo ~~ nor! 0 loadme back, Ro tore 2 © lead me eho di. ea back! Oh! hear my pray’r, oh! hear! oh! hear! Jor... Di__me pie. te, Pie. ti, Pie ar | dolce con espress. con dolore espress x ‘Ab! fora iM opar- Canfabite sostenuto moment hear my pleadiag: ea - dures; Vasco cdl ie mia me. Smo to Lote eet oco rall. has oo fear death, Since he gains. im_mortal glo_ - - ~~ bean 6 dicen Pinapet te = te te fol ll col Gato fg ‘Tho’ meyou tor-ture,I laughat your Tutsi ¢ mar_tit cheil furor coetro a a aTempo con express| = |e eS fu_ ry; Rob me of life, yet learememy re_ nown! celit densa perme Omi. nore ered Hit. Else this deathI die were double, 40d morir due ool te, LATS SO Pi withme should per ish fame, aye, mor. tal All? con moto, (¢=118) Oh hear a vie-timplesding Lf © All? con moto. meet an aw . ful doom! wine - were coi? P resolutely) { . well, I die as Christian, bravely, Oh! Lord1. in Thee do I - ben, more dsoriation, da forte. Mia Dio, miaccog — Ii net py Allegro (12100) trust. Ah! lead on! wn Aan = dial aA Allegro (4400) a Tae a AIDA by G.VERDI Act I. Heavenly Aida (Celeste Aida) (RADAMES) CANTO VOICE Se quelguerrier io fos seilmio so-gno siav-ve - ras-se!.. What if ‘is Tam cho end my dream Be now ac ~ com-plishil! PIANO. Allegro vivo.(d = 126) con_entusiasmno in €-ser-ei- to di pro-di di me gul- Of a glorious ar-my I the cho - sem ela vit - to- ria, mine glorions vict’= ry... plau - fo diMen-fi tut- ta! E a te, miu dole A- Mem + phis receiv in tri -wmpht To thee returned A~ A. > AML rights reserved. “ -i-da,tor-nar di laa- ri cin-to, rts te bo pu-gna-to, per te ho Si day my brow entuind with law-rel. tell thee: tee T battled, for the T = vin - to! con = quer! | > Andantino. ( con espress. Ce _portate Te ca eee re- gt - ma, iu di mis trans = con - dent, Bathing my alee v espress eee _ pane reli oor shies Once === Sempre doleissino 13 0 two Weald that sul erin po a dem art a fl > + ing, _—_—_——__ staxd! = Pv antmando un poco ua fe - gal Rowd thy” ir cou entusiasmo Te tro throne a er - gent un Thine were a # ‘del Queen = reign = ‘mio y en thou 0 beaw " my vi - ta spirit yarlante PPP. Tl tuo bel cle — Would that thy bright lo vor-rel ri shies once more be = ~ dar hole ior, brisk, sfien - dor. = ys light rex - soft ze del pa - trio airs of thy owe = ti, le dol -of = ing, Breasthing the animando sol erin po - sar - i, er-gertian aa dem fold = ind, ‘Thine were a suo; un re. gal ser - Jand, Round thy fair brow ye aycora p aes ge PRP =— Pppr. dim. _—_——~ no vi - eh - doal throne mext the sun to tro mo vi-ci-noal sol, rome next the sunt stand, a ro pp leggermente no vi - ci-noal west the sun to ann eae = aK allarg. ¢_morendo lara: ¢_morendo ANIMA ALLEGRA F. VITTADINI Act I. The Spring has come to Alminar! (£ arrivata Primavera ad Alminar!)(LUCiO) Largo @ =52 VOICE P CANTO ‘The Spring has come with sun.shine Bar. ri. 00. ta Pri. ma. come un usETTO. py fst Gi AG | ee > - © Copyright 1922, ty CASA RICORDI -BMG RICORDI SpA, Her lips are red as Ha du.6 fra.go. le per cher . ries,Hereyesareas 8 star, doe . ca eg occhi sondus teh _ Te, 18 q codendo un po" rt. Up - on her blushing cheeks Two ros @ du.ce son le go - 5 : cedendo un pdcol canto = 7 _— sostenuto. = i——_ = ‘TheSpringhascomewithsunshinelad _ en To Al-min_ B ar-ri.oa.ta questa se. - 96 Primo. Tt came this ev?ning with a Bar. iva. ta questa 20 LA BOHEME G. PUCCINI Act I. Your tiny hand is frozen! (Che gelida manina ) (RODOLFO) Andantino affettuoso.(J: 58) pptolciesing CANTO VOICE Che ge - i - de om Your Sony hand is PIANO. -ni-na, se la Ia-scl Fiscal - dar. er - car che gio - va? Al fro sacs! Let me warm it in to Hife Our search is, ase, = dest Ie bu-to aon St darkness all is ‘Ma per for - tu - on é u-ne Ere long the — moon - ‘Ught fair ——"! All righta reserved, sri- na, le sma -don while | poco affrett, sont i com Andante sostenuto. poco rit ~~ +, a tempo, lu - na Tab - bia - moon - Hight our search let ov - ds ma. A spet-th si - eno dear. One . + sume, ‘mo~ ment bret - ty poco rit, at rd condue pa - to - I tell you in a tice fe chi son, Who a tempo, Sono un po Tama ot fe 2 P fac - cio? =ploy-ment? Seri - to. Wri ting! Is that a espressivo In po-ver-ts mia lie -ta Dive wit, thowealth be wanting; co-me vi-vo? Tiong? 4 f seia-fo da gran La-dies of rank Per so-gnie per ei Ia dreams and fort it a Ve-nima bo mi Richer is none a. = Ho = na - on earth si - gno- re and fash ~ ion per £ v con molta espressione ri-meedin-ni da. all in > spire me with ca - stel - in -tes in the Ta - Bright lor ban tae gio ones = steal my price - tess ‘Sostenendo ta 7 Boon! grande ederess, doleiss. ve ds Is le = dri: glioc - chi bel ~ Fin y's store - house cher. ish'd, Your veer 14 strar con vol puro. - fay ed 1 met so. gniu-sa - - ti, ro gwish eyes have robb "me, Of _all_my dreams be - reft me, a my paoiciss, a ‘poco allargando con enim a e 1 bel so gai mie -1___ dreams that are fiir yet fleet - ing —— Fled” are my tru - ant fo ’ 3 ‘SF poco allargando 2 doleias. molto ralt. a tempo “a tempo Fo ®: pot = ché,—_pol-chi wha pre- so Por now Life's r0- 49 morn le =o 2 2d, a deh parle -telGhi alo - te? MI plao-ch dir tet mara ho are Jou? ‘Sey, wil Jou tel z 2 : aims. $59 ES com anima eh PEDO jgyallarge din. molt DON PASQUALE “ G. DONIZETTI Act III. How pure the air (Com’é gentil) (ERNESTO) Andante mosso. PIANO. Chitarre i SS SS Sees wane =e 5S + 7 val la nottea mezzo - pril! Night in A-prilis fair, baz-zur-roil Whenaz-ure a 4, fate lets 8 oan eae ve eee onemnacaea Showscloudless moon on high; ciel. shy. tut? @ lan- Enrtranced are a ~ de, mi-ato-ro,a - mor. Ben mio, per- che Byiovesmagic - al call,_ My love,my heart,___— 26 —_an-cor non vie-nia me? ‘or-ma-no Yau - re da mo-reac- Why dostheep far a - part? Wheresoft-ly winds blaw Loveb ac - cents. f= = cen - ti, fel rio nel mor- ino-re s0-spi-ri sen - hov- er, Wherewaters mur.murlow—Theresighsthe lov - ab, 4, = ti, ben mio, per- ch®__ an-cor non vie-nia me," _per-ché, per- = er, Mylovemy heart, Whydostkeepfar a- part, My love,my a ~ché ‘an-cor non vie-nia me? Poi quan-do sa- 1rd mor - to, heark____ Whydostkeep far a- part? Forshould I die to-day, love, a a Panes — : sok eee ea = ee *. = u E pian-Qe- ra - i, ma ri-chiamarmiin vi - ta—— non po - love, on the Thou wouldstsor - row, Yet vain-ly bid me live, 4, 4, la notteamezzoA - pril!______T'eaz-zur-roil When az- ure Wight in A-pritis fair, a fa fu-naé sen-za vel: ________________ tut @ lan. Enctranced are ‘Shows a cloi Ness moon high; — a t, 4, pa-ce, mistero, a-mor. Ben mio, per- ché. Bylove'smagic-al call, My love, my heart, ea ; > — an-cor non vieni'a me? 1tuo fe - de> si strugge — Whydost keep far a-part? Tncon-stant du Mywasting : > ahs ate $e ebm = — - di de-sir, ina cru - de le Ni-na crv. del. life has sped, Ocru-el deau- ty Ohara of _ heartl. so OS, il tuo fe-del_______ i strug-ge di de- sir- I served thee well, ________ Then sorestricken I fell, 29 4, ee — Ni-na cru-del_______ ‘mi vuoi ve-der mo-rir?__ Poi quan-do sa - rd — Ohardof heart, Dost thou wish I were dead? But should I die to- —— pian - ge- re - i, ma fi-chiamarmiin vi - ta, Thou wouldst sor - row, Yet vain. ly bid me live, love, _— — ngnon po-tra - i, = too late, to-mor - row, = ti chiamar-miin vi - ta. nonon po- tra - i. vain - ly bid me live, love, toolate, to - mor - row! 30 ELISIR D'AMORE G. DONIZETTI Act II. Down her pale cheek in mute appeal (Una furtiva lagrima) (NEMORINO) Larghetto. PIANO. CANTO VOICE dole U- ome for- tl - va Down her fale check, tx i Pap ae | ae ee + grinia neg! oc- chi suoi spun - 0. mute ap- peal, Slow- ty a tear - drop fell, BES aE eee le a aies = quel- le fe-sto - se gio - vani in- Show-ing the jain and mis. ery her Lips re- fused in tell — P I~ che pid cer - can~ doio vo? che pi cer-cau-do i vo? Con 1 thus bid farewell Con "1 thus bid her fare. el? lo ve - doo ve- - do oce wilt fail, no, meo er, mo, neo = er? Un so-loi-stan - tei pal: pi-ti del suo bel cor sen- On-ty to feel her beat-ingheart <4 Pressed for an hour {0 GD am a | me S| ae > Pp smors. I miei so-spir con- fon - de-re per po-co a suc so- On-ty to sigh mith her @ while, Both e- cho- ing sigh with 2 -spir! 1 opal - pi- di 1 pal - pi- ti sen. tirt.. con - Ab, would that I comid feel her beat-ing heart nd SMeggiore eo'suoi $0 - spi! Cie- lo, si pd mo- ingwith a sigh. Then would T gled «ty : : ‘pMaggiore ori; pid non chie- do, non chie - eo abt it happy for eer, for ev Do a a civ lo, si pudsi pub mo- rir; i pit non chiedo,non chie Mloly, ses.eindiy would P die hapopy for t0-0 for eo FALSTAFF by GVERDI Act UL. From fervid lips (Dal labbro il canto) FENTON) ds 63 ANDANTE ASSAI SOSTENUTO AU rights reserved. “morendo VoIcE doleissins eee From fer vid lips thesongof love a — ri - ses the stillness of ‘Dal labbrot can.toesta-ei. a . to vo. la Pei silen_ si not. td ie NY : « 5 aa sempre doleiss. night a. far resound And fromsome lofty hol - lowrock re - tur. nie va tonto | aa. Eal.fin ri — trovawn at - tro tab_ brow - — x 38 a = bounding Is echo.ed back again in soft re _ pri = ma. no Che gli ri. col ta sua pa _ ro poco pill marcato Its ev’ ry phrase andaccent,thus trans. mu _ ted, ‘Are sweetened ([(B4i- tor ta “nota che non’ 6 piu" 50 * ta Vi. bra di mb Mdag mellowed too by re - pro - due. tion ‘And pas . sion’ gio.iain un ac. cor. doar . ca. no Bin ona mo. ee — kA SS ee ae a Youd - eat strains, subtly comm - ted,Become mere intheircourseofre- ran. do taer’ an.te_lu- ca. no Conal - tra ai suo fon. teri = | Ppp _—_____ th learns them Singsthemoncetwiceor thrice, andthen__ re . turnt cu. ra sempreadu_ mir oh lo. iawn. 3 con espressione =—_— them. And thus the lov ers Kissshould be re - —— 0, si, ba. ofas ele Ah et tal = lea. , "Tis there: thet this fair Botts ms oA grand! sous fon alle, & dor-mi sous tes child Hived ix Bown - 19 of grace blest in thy Aa. que de ton ha - lel en - ve. lop-pant hath thy spirit gem ed her soul aaa a-vee & - mour 6- pa nou-ir la herheartwith love, endchanged a cim-fle __ ¥eeh femme en cet an - ke dos Cieux__ maid To an an - gel a - dove Se = lut! — de-mou-1 Sa-Tut! — de-mou-ro chaste et AM hid, axbode $0 pure and AI hai, a ~\ co Oi se de vi- ne Ia pré- sen-cedune ame In-no-oente ot di-vi - Worth. ¥ art thon to be the dwell-ieg of maid -en 50 won-drous and ho - x — Phe la pré- sen- ce dune ame im - no - Oi se do-vi- ue do = by, $0 fair, pare and Worth. 9 art thos of maid-en Ay rit. molto water ==—1 Ade Iti oe ho - ly, pure and ho - =D, a2 LA GIOCONDA A. PONCHIELLI Act II. Heaven and ocean! (Cielo e mar!) (ENz0) MAkSTOSO a pracere 4 tap CANTO vOICe Cie. lo e mar! fe-te-reo ve- lo Hea wit! and 0 ~ cean! yon e- thereat weil Is ANDANTE CON CALMA * Pa tempo splende come un santo al - tar. radiot as a holy al ~ a =~ dolcissimo Langiolmio ver. ra dal cie~ lo? —‘'angiolmio —ver. ra dalma - re? an. gelywill she comefrom Hea — ven? My an. gelwill she come er 0 ~ cean? peo AL Plghte reserved, Piegilo to phys Qui Yat - ten Here I a. wait det. 1'a - mor, fill with love do; der ar-den . te spi - J breathe with rap — - fa og.giil ture The soft 4B 44 so. = = gni,o so.gni == om gol ~ den ——_—._ — aS amimando— _ ah! quel - fuom. che vi so- spi. -ra vi con. Mor. tals oft. when fon — dly sigh ing, Find ye a — animando | —=————— ores. s 3 3 3 intempo allarg. LES © so-gni,o so - - gni 0 gol-dendreams,gol = den Sf allarg. col canto| = 45 Per tau. ra fon- = da non ap.par né suol,n@ mon . . te. yon ain ry depths There now is seen nor shore, nor mount ~~ ain, — Lo-rizzon . te ba-ciaton-da! fon-daba . cia fo . rizzon. te! The ho-ri . zon kisses the bil ~ lows, And the bil — lows kiss the ho. Qui nel-fom = bra, ovio mi Here, in dark — ness TZ am ers | P legato | -ne. li-to pan ting ts gia - wait - SS - cio colta. ~ tng; Wild - by la vitae delta. can magic bliss im. Poco PIU Masso vie. niodon.- - -na,qui tat-ten - do col - fa. Come then dear ~~ est here Tm wait — ings Wild — by P poco ptit nosso eres. con passione = a =li sto — del cor, vie. nio don . na, ah vie- nial = ting is my heart. Come then dear — est, Ah.come, my -z~ £ 250 |G 48 string, animatiss. ———~ > ba-cio, vie. - ni, dearest, dear. — est, string. animatiss. —= A™. Shey altars, E in tempo _—_ ba - ciodel-la vi- ta e det-l'a-mo.redel . I'a-mor, abl Abluoun cometaste the — is - ses that ma - gic Bliss imparts. Ah come! ak! 49 THE GIRL OF THE GOLDEN WEST by G. PUCCINI Act II. Let her believe (Ch’ ella mi creda) (JOHNSON) Andante molto lento #: 40 ‘VOICE CANTO Let her be lieve that I havegainedmy free . dom, Chel. la mi ore . da Hi _ be roe lon. ta no, dz40 7 Andante molto lento‘ PP tegando come organo liv ing the bet . ter life. that she has taught 40. nuova vias dé_sre den sto’ nel gaa — = ————————— FES WSF AML rights reserved 50 Let her a. wait A. spette. ra Paoloiss, espress. coming ‘Thedayswill pass.a . way, The dayswill pass a - Blo torn “B pas.e.ron.not gion. ni, ¢ pase. rannoi I. shall not come back, and fo nom tor ne. ro," ed > oe Min. nie, star of my wasted life ite, Hin = nie, deb. ta mia vt fa. —. ¢ ores, molto tf il; Jey 31 ——S a thatlightomy jour - ney, Minnie, trueheartthat loved me so mio $0.10 fio > re, Min" nie, chemhatvo tu. to tanto eo NO —S— —_ — - —_ aaa <, ch 60 dear ly! = Ah!__ star thatlights tan. to tel nel Ahi fe et Ls * poco stent, journey anlife or death! ‘oi. fa mio solo for! 52 THE GIRL OF THE GOLDEN WEST by G. PUCCINI My father died just six months ago (Or son set mesi che mio padre mort) Act II. (JOHNSON) Andante VOICE CANTO My fa. ther Or son sei op ee Pe Just six months a . 0, ri. —— che mio padre mo ~ SORE RET The on . ly her. i.tage, for my mo -ther,and my brothers to face_ the So-la ric. ches. za mia’ per la ma. dree pei . li, di. Ff’ fF AML signte reserve. 53 Tho only thing he left us, — pa.ter_na: Sostenuto laccentanto Scatepute _ a temge — was a gang ofroadagents and rob.bers!_ una ma.sna_da di bandi.ti da stra.dat__ ma. col canto was fate and had to bet EB. ra quelloit mio de - sti 34 Sostenendo then oneday I saw gior - no who incon. tra ‘Sostenendo of honest work, in wena vi. ta. you Fromthat mo - ment I longed to takeyou ta Ho so. gna. to dan-dar . mene cor and to start a new life @ re. di. mer.mi tut . to honest work and love___ And all the di la.vo-roe da. mo Bil lab bro - Py 35 Largo e calmo — a © God!_ Grant that she : Oh Di-o! Chel. la non Rey * ¥ allargando ver, ne.ver may know what am! never know what I pia mai, non sap.pia mat la mia ver- allargando de Je) a tempo ma Sostenuto 2 = = é Ah oe : 7 gral Ae © a tempo ma Sostenuto. = —-———s——] ———, 2 £ .; s be = ome rae 7% = =| So ¥ * Pat My pray’ has not been ans . wer'd! Now Il ‘so. gnoé sta. to va . no! O. ra fin . ished. emit stes Sostenuto IRIS " by P. MASCAGNI Act I. Open thy window, maiden (Apri /a tua finestra) (OSAKA) Andante sostenuto. #96 CANTO VOICE PIANO. pp dolce armonioso pdoice ed espressivo A- pri la toa fi . ne - stra! Jor son O- pen thy win dow, mai = den, list to ven - go al tuo chia - mar, po- ve - ra I the som of the dawn that come to AML niente reserved. 58 ——— Apri la tua fi- -2e - straal rag-gio omi~ - Of O- pen thy win - dow, mai - den, to my — firel. “pp atempo iy nfysrall Bp poco rit. - priil tuo cor a mia cal-da ma- li - ~ fold thy heart fo my hearts de - sirel. of i —— |p polo rit. Jor haa-sool- ta - tao Dhia, [a tua pre - Have I not heard thy pray’r with sax - row a tempi A -pri Ta - ni - ma Come then, o - pen thy tua, fan-ciul - laal heart | to me sweet tua al-le mie me, for my heart dolciss. Tu vuoi = mo - ‘rir? If thou wilt die, pp dolciss. oresc. ed, anim. So -- - lel A mai- ~ den, Turn, - pr Ya - ni - ma ah! turn thee to crespybd anim. A priil tuo cuo - rea O- pen thy soul to aliarg. le cresc. dim. e rall. fan-ciul - lae spe - ral im sweet sur - ren- — ~ deri. dim.e 'rall. rese. -- tel ti fa - ro, Riss - es it shall be, allarg. moltissimo congran calcre poco affret. z mati fa. ro mo-rir dal Sol ba- -cia- Kiss - es to waft thee, thro the gol-den —por- Sallarg./moltissimo Poco affret. —| ¥ a po-sciaal pa-e - see - no... ti ffar - ro, Then in the land e - nai wake with me, a Sfghare. im. 4 (Pp rall, molto ——— ~ veo fan - ciul- fa, ti sa-rai a - ma - un - to life and love...... Th gee Prall. molto a tempo poco rit. tal tal] a tempo poco rit. LORELEY 7 A.CATALANI Act I. Once in the May time (Nel verde maggio) (WALTER) Andante 4 messa voce ¢ legatissino VOICE CANTO the May time,by chance, de mag - gio, un di. —_—= bh in ver - dat > —a_~ twi lightshroud - ed, lay wood - landand riv — er, cade — not = te, per ta. _ 8 re fo - sco, mde se AI ithe reservet. e Poco @ffrettando with sil viry rad - ance stars pierced the shad - Va - stro @ar-gen - 40 gia sor ri. de then from’ dark - ness, then from the darkness quandoad un trat to, quando ad un a temp doteissimo lo! there += ap-peared tome, radiant in god - likebeaut - 40 - lin ~ ga ver ~ gine di-vi-namen — te bel 3 a tempo ¢ begatissino Pps ex | a + 63 Mike beaut - y, a maid - fe bel - Ja m'ap-par . r poco_stentando a ee —_—_ a queen’s robe all_ wrought of sun - light Her su glio ~ meri le chio . me Bion _ de, pa- poco _stentando P hair's golden glor - hung free in the breeze. rg Saeee ainclwn wane odie csi aor, a tempo 64 and each rocky head - gave backtoitsneigh . bour ¢@ de-co ine ~ per quelle spon . de stat. ic, her poe. an of love! gave back ____ to its vo- la va un lan. guido in. no d’a mor per quel le poco rit, neighbour, in ech. o ec - stat. ic, her po - an spon - de vo~ la-vaun in - no 2 65 MADAM BUTTERFLY by G. PUCCINI Act I. Love or fancy (Amore o grillo) (PINKERTON) Aut! woverato @=108 CANTO VOICE gril - 10, ja % dzs08 Aux!? MODERATO -pre- i. Cer . to co- ste. i collin. ge. nu.e ar ~ thin-ve- well you. AM that ‘I know is, she, with her in noqcent charm has en = - 1: = Lie - ve qual te . nu.e ve - tfo sof. fia Al. most trans - pa. _rent-ly fra. gile and slen FL AIL rights reverved, al. Ja sta. tu Dain. ty in sta sensibile bet 7 OF f 7 PPP sem - bra fi . gu. fa Seems to have” stepped down 7 be Y a BP Ma dal suo lu. ci - do But from her back ground of dolce al quaint por . ta it. te y ei da straight para from a Y ie fon var do di nish and - men. a to gure, FF - ven screen. lac loc to. 67 tf, co - me con su - stac - ca, qual Sud 2 den ly ight « flutters, And SoS ae y wo far - fal. fet . ta svo . laz . like @ but ter fly, hovers <= SS 3a tes, con tal gra = ziet - taeme si With so much ~— charm, such se — duct — 68 ellart ma poc Gc tompe splenende a pee a che di rin - cor-rer-ta fu. ror m'as © $8. Lemme That to rush Of - ter her @ wild wish seized meron allarg. ma poco Sostenendo un poco ss ———— a tempo poco ritard ton s¢ pu-rein. fran.ger-ne do . ves Va. Tho? in the quest her frail wings should bro al tempo 12 - te. < hen. al tempo 12 mpo 12 MADAM BUTTERFLY ° by G. PUCCINI Act IL. 2"part: Farewell0 happy home (Addto fiorsto asil) (PINKERTON) dias Andante VOICE CANTO Andante P 6 reese! ‘Sat B Haunted for © — ver I shall Sem pre il mi. te suo sem. 70 SV OO be. by her re. proach _ -bian . te constrasioa_ tro _ ce z= = home where_she waited and loved. CE afr re eoape rr n con slancio I can- not bear to Non reg wo al tuo squat - not bear to. goal tuo squal rit. n Sostenendo fly! Fare-well, vil! Ad. di Sostenendo not stay, sgual . lor, abl. Ts can _ not! Fare_well ak son vil, ah! son vill. —~ MANON LESCAUT ° y G. PUCCINI Act I. Never did I behold so fair a maiden (Donna non vidi mai) (DES GRIEUX) é_p6 p> é Co. me que - How those words ete mi va. gan nel - lo To charm me past re. - —— —=———— > spit. - - to ea. seo. se eS van. noa fp 1 ltue. What gobs of. pas ston ny ae su-sur. - . fo what mu” 2 lsc — deh! non ces . sar, deh! non ces - in those. tones. oon su.sur - fo gen. til what mu = sic does“ dw s s — (te | ea 6 S On anima aetna aed ite, cing it “Manon Lescaut they We be TT _—— [a PP doleiss, —— Su-sur- ro gen.til, deh! ‘Jn those dear tones what non ces-sar deh!non ces « sar. deh! non ces - sar! mu. sic dwells In those dear tone: » what mu. sic dwells! a col canto MANON LESCAUT . G. PUCCINI Act I.Now among you, dark and fair ones (Tra voi, belle, brune € bionde) (DES GRIEUX) d:96 ALLEGRETTO voreR: CANTO Pr pion grasiaP0C0 MENO 4:96 Now a _ mong you, dark and ones, Is there Tra voi, bol ta, Bru_nee de Poco MEWO 4:96 €0) ten _ der, whose lips 60 oa gae wer . 50 > 46, “dab. lab. bro all rlente 8 “TN ctempo = sy will kisses ren. der? Areyou my fair star tell__me,— sa che ma _ spet - fa? Set “tu, bion.da stella? Dit . loa aA @ Se tengo Pit Mosso MA Poco Doostategive me happy chan. ces Andwhat ‘Pale. mitt de. sti. no eit di. © promiseyisldyourgiances tft so en-thrall me, to =vi_no vise ar.den.te che . ri, ohio vagga chant_mentthey eer re. do. rie . ter na. ol camo. - 79 COME PRIMA P Nowa _ mong Tra voi, deb. Comz PRIMA a ‘hiding asweetimaiden coy__ and ten _ der,whoselipsso -sconde giotnst.ta cages ves. 50 _ sa, dab labbro D steno string. ~ der? Are youmy lodestartell me, tell me pray! ta? Set ty, bru_na snelia? Dil. lo @ mel ' MARTA F. DE FLOTOW Act III. Soft and pure, fraught with love (M’ appari tutf’amor) (LIONELLO) All oderato, — PIANO. P Map- pa - tut? a = mor, Soft and pure, fraught with love, je mio sguan- do Pin - com trd, her glan-ces —fall__ on__ mine, mio cor an- si-o - — 601 heart strove, Fain for beau - ty so di- vine: 81 -i, min-va - gi quell’an - ge-li- ca bel - ta, scul-tdin cor dil. Ya- heart is a@ slave to her an-gelbeau-ty rare, E- ver-more, till I 7 -mor can-oel- lar-si non po - tra, il pen - sier di po - ter pal-pi - die, is her i-mage grav-en there; And the hope that my heart with her star con lei d's - mor pud so. pir il mar- tir che maf. fan- -nae own may beat once more Giv-eth balm the wounds that now pain — my ziail cor, i Map. pa - $0 sore, Soft” ana sguar - do glan - ces Tin - oon- tro, i ceil mio cor. fall on — mine, 2 my heart strove, a piacere Pii animato. an-si - 0 - Soa fei vo - 1d; Mar - ta, Mar - ta, Fain for beau-ty so di - vine; Mar - tha, Mar -tha, —aecrec. _| cal canto _ tu spa- ti - sti, cil mio cor col’: tuo’~— wan - da! thou hast left me, My — poor heart has flown with thine, la pa- ce of sun. shine 83 ra- pi- sti, di do - lor io de - reft me, If thou com- - est di do-lor mor-rd, si, mor- If thoucom-est not,death be MEFISTOFELE by A.BOITO Act I. From the fields, from the grove (Dai campi, dat prati)( FAUST) meditating. Pe — Larghetto d=48 VOICE CANTO From the fields, __ from the grove, Where the Da. i cam. pi, da.t pra. tH, che in. Larghetto dolce moonlight is__ flow. ing My__ heart is still glow_ ing With_ -non . da la__ not . te, che in. non. da la. not . te, da AML rights reserved, heavy = __ en_ly_love. tegen Ov_er vale, tier Oo co Ca LD Pp> ‘accel.¢ creso. night Shed a fon . da calm of cal. ma the pro. myst — io pie. son no, acefl, rfinfors. « leglatiasimo ij \ dolce _rall. The ae ee tur Le tor 85 ov. er wood, eda) pale pp= does the ce, dé and ae — bu_lent thoughts in my - ve pas.sio . ni det P legato dotce Give way to an ex. quis ite rest. Pas. son. nanoinpla. ci.doob.bli - 0, a piacere ‘My mind is all given ‘To love for my neigh _bour and yearning for heav’n. mi fer _ ve dell’uo - mo! . re dt Dio! QS From the fields, and the grove da. { cam . pi, da. pra. tt ———_ —— smors, subjto < < turn to read some ancient aaa shall volume, and -tor.noe ver_so VE.van. gel mt legatissimo ——=—_ tis med _ me. cot canto the ho gen toattrat - 88 MEFISTOFELE A. BOITO Epilogue. Nearing the extreme limit (Giunto sul passo estremo) (FAUST) VOICE ‘5 carro = a Nearing the extreme li. mit Of life's mostex.treme Giunto sul pas.soe . stremo della piiie.stre.mae. 2—¥ pa —3 z =r : [Ppa == ‘A dream supremely love . ly Still shines within my soul, still shines within my in un si bea U'a.ni_ ma gi si bea Va. nima soul, A dream supremely love. ly Still shines u-pon my soul. ia, ins un sogno su. pre. mo si bea gia: zg £ ‘a tempo [Dab r - = : aa: +a = | eal canto —— hye fy spor male ea @ trang ===: = eh AML righte reserved. 89 of some pla.cid re. gionUnknownto care and @unpla . ci. do mon. do ni. taaunpo aa peo.ple__ I would give peace and life. See. ing a. roundme, .con. do. vo.glio do.nar la vi. ta. Sot. to — u.nasa. via MEPH.(Whats parsing thro"he Beart) (Sps ar eouglio it wo cor) bas Gee SS es 4 bles . sed By clement laws and wise_ Men and their flocks by thousands, Where peaceful towns a. leg . ge vo'che mil.lea mil.lee gen. tie ¢ ca. see cam.pie - iS =t : £ pt be - Abl______Wouldthen that this sweet vil. le, Ail. Vo. glio che que . sto MEPH(Ab! then, tempter, try thine art.) Sr oe ae dee e teneramente erese. = sss e Couldbe my latest dream, Thelast__ of my de. sire__ And of my Ma.ker's so. gno sia La santa poe . sia e@ Tul’. timo bi. 60. gno del-l's. si. sten-sa >— dim, scheme, and of my Maker's scheme. Wouldthen,that this sweet vi mia, del. mia, vo. glio che que.sto 80. gno__sia 1a santa poe. could be my la. test dream. dele. si.sten . zal OTELLO * G. VERDI Heaven, had it pleased thee to try me with affliction (Dio!mi potevi scagliar tutti + mali) (OTELLO) Act III. Adagio d= 68 VOICE CANTO voce soffocata PPEP Heav'n, had it pleased thee to tryme withaf.fliction, Had it rained Diot mi po. te . vt sca.gliar tut.tit mati della mt A A Z Zs Ne onmybare forehead, della ver . go. gna, 2 7 = AML rights reverved. Oy to the very lips in po.verty steeped me, de’ miei bal.di tro. fei trion. fa. tt ue andmy hopes... I could have -ceria, u. na men. zogna ea.vret por. aN 7 poco crese. ii it were cru . del patience donte In e 93 I should have found still con cal - : ma some one - Ber. 94 Poco meno 4: 60 But, but there a . las! where I gar Ha, o pian. too duol! m*han ra. pi Poco meno #60 Where ei . ther I must live or__ bear no do. vio, giu li. vo, Ta. ni, maac.que - to. — dolciss. col canto a aan Lk =a pegs gl — Cs a SS SS SS life, Thecry . . stal foun . tain from which my cur . rent Spen . toe quel sol, quel sor. ri. $0, quel vag. gio che mi fa 7 — e . verruns_orelse dries up; Yeo, the cry . stal foun.tain from ti. 0 che mi fa lie | - tol spen tog quel sol, quel sor. ri. 90, quel my current = gio che mi fa To be dis. Tuat.fin, Cle. 96 7 car. ded thence! Pa . tience, thou young and rose . . lipped -men. 5a, pio ge . nioin. mor - tal dal ro. . 800 P = erese. —_ Turn thy com. plex - co. priil tuo wi z 3 crese. e stringendo sempre =i Pil mosso #2126 Ay, there look as grin as color ri. da infer - nal! Pin mosso #:126 orese, sempre as 2 D4, : fe Death! anddamnation! tomethoushaltcon.fessthee, | Anddiv there. Ah!! Priaconfes.sitl de. lit. to e@ po. scia Gea SS Sa p _sempre string. sino al)... a E =e + -af-ter! Handkerchief! handkerchief! Confess it! muvia! Con..fes . sion! Confes. sion! La pro. va! Cae = store th RO cay tig praise thee! ___ gio. . etal! 7 OTELLO G.VERDI Act II. And now, for ever, farewell (Ora e per sempre addio ) (OTELLO) AN’ agitate J: 133 VOICE CANTO Thou? A vaunt thee! leave me! Tu? Tn. die. tro! Sug. gil! Allfagitato #-188 > abe On the radethou bast eet mel Maite. gato at-la cro.cel. ie abused Than know glu . ria del. Vin. giu - AML righte reserved. 99 a Tempo What sense had I of herstolnhours of Nel U0. rear. delta sua lus. lit -tle. = spet. to. a Tempo lust, _thoughstoln from me? Them I saw not thought not, they ne . ver -su.ria ea me fu. rate! pet. to for. sun pre. 100 not know. ing aught of this. Nulla “ .; ae. P dotcissimo wince when her sweet bo . dy I “clasped In ten-der pas- sion, -ti . vo sul suo cor. po di. min che minona . mo. ra her lips... The bur_ning kis men. da. ci gliarden . ti ba nor did sui 101 wee pee — # aS Gas - sio! And now — and now Cas . sio! Ed o ed o ra.. All@assai ritemuto #=88 larga la frase And now for o . ver fare . well, ‘thou tranquil O . rae per sem. pre ad. dio santo ma. All@assal ritenuto 4:88 content and su. bli. min. 102 - ble thoughts of fame! del” pen. sier! thou -plum.éd troop ful. gen. Thou swift-ly flying shaft___ dard vo-lan Hi. De ip => 2 —— and the neigh 7 ing steed! —— ¢ wlan. ti cor_sier! a . -well____________ the ro . yal ban - - - ner and farewell all = dio, ad dio ves. sit - to tricon. fa . lee 2 104 ‘The spi . rit . stir . ring drum, the fife, rie can. tt dt bat_ta - glia, 3 gy be ——_ 3 = a5 Fe = He = = - Well now. And for e-ver! 0 . thel - S - los oc . cu. idiot, gloria d' ~ : = Loé que. sto it a.tion’s gone, his cc. cu-pa . tion's gone, ___ fin, ¢ que.stoil finn 6 que. stoil fin, ee 105 RIGOLETTO G. VERDI Act TIT. Woman’s a fickle jade (La donna é mobile) (DUCA) Allegretto. d-138 CANTO vOICe PIANO. gon brio La don-na% mo-bi-le qual piu-maal Woman's a fick-le jade, Drift-ing like £ legato mu-ta dac - cen. to e di pen - sie- ro. Sempreuna - False alto - geth-er Are her vows ev er; —-AL-ways.a - AL rights reserved. 106 “= PP. -ma-bi-le leg-gia- dro vi - 50, in piantooin ri - sa, -dor-a-ble, with smile shell charm you, With tears dis - arm you, : =: Bae SS # tom oS —S— ® men-20 - gne-ro. a don-na mo - bil qual piu-ma al Thoughtruth-ful — nev-er. Wo-man is fick - le, Drift-ing like leggero aa “ Lm ven-to, mu-ta dac-cen-to e.... di pen - sier, feather, False al. to - geth- er, False are her vows. a san can, e... di pen - sier, False are her vows, 107 SSS Fors edi pen - sier. Salse are her vows. If | Pmarcato mi-se-ro chia lei siaf- fi - da, chi le Gon- fi - da malcau-toil miser-y Whose faith believes her, Whoseheart re - ceives her Let him sur- co re! Pur mai non — sen-fe-si fe - li - ceap- pie - no ren-der! Yet, for true hap-pi-ness, His life is wasted 108 fi =e Se - ++ chi su quel se-no non li-baa-mo-re! La don-naé mo- bil Whohas not tasted Her passion tender! Woman is fick-le, P =, Pp ipewero qual piu-maal ven-to, mu-ta dac. cen- to e.... di pen - sier, Drifting lite feather, False al- to - geth-er, False are her vows. CT a Cee di pen False’ are her CE 8hb% —= on forza e.... di pen- sier. false are her vows. RIGOLETTO ° G. VERDI Act I. When a charmer (Questa o quella) (DUCA) Allegretto. d= 80 £ PIANO. CANTO yore con eleganea je-sino quel In per _me pari go - fo a quan. eh ould in Be wath dain. ty witch - Sng tal tre d'in-tor - @in-tor-no mi ve - do, grace, Mox-y 0 - like her I dis. cow ~ en, = ==> Yim-pe-ro non ce- - do me _~ glioad can call me her loo. = er, For AML rights reserved 10 na chead al- tra bel - ta. hace for eath pretty face Yoav. ve- nen - 2nd qual do - tune is lar = sh and fate con brig — to nein fio - draw. ty mane mi tor-na gra- di - ta, for- seu - wal - tra, for - seu- Tm hop fy this morn ing, Then fo ~ mor row, yes, (0 i” tra, for. seu - row.se8, to tel us wal fo mor : : do-man lo ga- Ta, ‘an 0-ther Dll find, 00 bond - age were for de - lo sa- rh. an- o- ther PU find! te. + mo qual Tis a ti-ran- na del 10 better than qual mor ~ bo eu ‘and pest 4 lent si ser-bi fe- de - or fick. le br Ie; seo ert, se non ve a, li- ber - can not be ta. fret Be ma-tTi - til ge- lo - so fu - Fo - Jeal-ous hus - bands may rage and up braid >— : ee cman - ti Ie sma- nie de- ri = aneo dar. go Sspair aS tr bs. ‘ ——— rt oa = ~ 2 : — Pe Pave a4 Sostenends valle... _ver - sel... E bru na, Flo. ri-a, Var _ den _tea_man _ te blend ~ ingl.. My Flo _ ria’ dus ~ ky glow with peach-like bloom con - Sosteneado = ae ete, belpetaye Thou fair. _ est Queen A a 119 - cin ta di chio_ me Gold are thy tres. ses and bion . - del... ra. diant. ly bright! . To. scaha loc - chio dark as @ moon. Hess —_ |, ———— 120 Lo sTESsO MOVIMENTO P Ear te nel suo mi Art, that po - tent ma ~ Lo STESSO MOVIMENTO le di - ver - se bel-lez_zein-siem con - many beau - ties com-bines in one of LoTemvo. rall: ma hel ri-trar co. -ste Ide 20 als To me, be. lov. ed To - IoTemvo, —— 1a — il mio so . lo pen_ _ sie. when 7 Wimn thy bright vw YS, ablil mio sol pen. ~ sier sei tu! Thou alone, a. ~ lone art reall 7s se: i. TOSCA G. PUCCINI Act III. When the stars were brightly shining (E Iucevan le stelle) (CAVARADOSSI) Andante lento appassionato molto. CANTO ——— VOICE PIANO. P dolcissimo, vagamente E lu-ce- -van_lestel-te When the starswerebright-ly shining a ed o-lez- za-va Ia ter- ra, and faint perfumes the air per-va- ded, AU rights reserved, 123 Ti- dea Tu-scio del- - Vor- to creaked the gate of the - gar. den at mp et eun pas- fo sfio-ta- va fa and a foot-step its precincts in - va. ded, at En-tra-va el-la, fra- gran-te, 'Twashers, the fragrant creature. esmenea essere 124 affrett. __pprit mi ca-dea fra le brac- cia. In her soft arms she clasped me. con grande Sentimento oagamenti Oh! dol- ci ba-ci,o langui-de ~ Tez. Ze, mentr’io fre - With sweetest kisses, tender-est - ress-es, a thing of ceit Pe —a— GP Ppcon grande sentimento —— mS SSS - te le bel - le me di-scio - glies dai - of match - tess me-try in form an a 125 or rit ve- - li! Sva-m per sempre il so-gno mio da- fea. turel My dream of love is nowdis- pelled sor =———_~, 2 - Te... Po- rae fug - - ene. LT dived un stentato un poco on anima > ,__. ) — e muo- io di - spe - — and now I die des - y. Fre com anima Sf Stentato un poco 126 Sostenuto e cres. con slancio, S, E non ho a-ma-to mai tanto la vi- ta, fan-to la And neler was life so dear to me, no never, so dear, no 4 z rit. col canto LA TRAVIATA " by G, VERDI Act II. Far from the world of fashion (De’ mies bollenti spirits) (ALFREDO) Allegro vivace @= 182 AL righte reserved, 128 VOICE \ 23 y Is CANTO Recitativo = ig y A I a When sheis far_ myllife isnotworth living Lun.geda let perme nonvha di. lettol... 3 y Az 3 ¥ Ax Threemonthshave now gone by since my dearVi-o. Vo . la . ron gid tre lune dac.ché la mia Vio her duties, her lovers and all thepomp and, a. mo.rt e le pompo. se left everything form a.giper me la . set A 4 23 ~y ee glitter, thecir_clewhereshe thron'd and whereev’ry one ad. mired herwit and Je-ste, 0. va.gltomag.gian. ves. £4, ve.deaschiavo cia - scun di sua bel. 129 —— Andnowcon-tent.ed, _ insweet andcaimse - clu.sion, she forgets all for Ed or con.ten.ta in [uoght scor. da per Here at her side, I re.new_ allmy be . ing Qui pres.soa let’ io scerm sen. to, A ot 2 full of per-pet. ual enchantment My former cares and sof. fio damor . ra. to ne’ gau. di Al are_ for_ fut. . ‘to il pas 130 Andante #=60 Pp eee from theworld of fash . ion mick bol.len. ti spi. rt th Andante d= 60 her calm and pla . cid smile co pla. cf . do 131 stent. PRP. tanght me what is love, hap - py love! del -ri . s0 del.Vamor, - Ta. mor! not promise che dis. se: youand I am yours =a .._ lone. - glio, io v0.glioa te fe. det, 132 that glor soim. me . has been a dream of Par . = 00,t0 eS st, fo wt. v0 gua | Did she not pro: Dal di andyours =a. v0.gtioa te fee 133 from that day, that fu. mts ver’ 2 som - PPP. morendo a dream of Par . a. dise, si, 10 of. v0 gua | siin ciel,

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