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A predictive model of the freight rate of the

international market in Capesize dry bulk carriers
a b a
Ching-Chih Chang , Chin-Yuan Hsieh & Yung-Chih Lin
Department of Transportation and Communication Management Science , National Cheng
Kung University , No. 1, University Road, Tainan City, 701, Taiwan
Department of Information Technology & Graduate Information Technology and
Applications , Kao Yuan University , Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Published online: 13 Jun 2011.

To cite this article: Ching-Chih Chang , Chin-Yuan Hsieh & Yung-Chih Lin (2012) A predictive model of the freight
rate of the international market in Capesize dry bulk carriers, Applied Economics Letters, 19:4, 313-317, DOI:

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Applied Economics Letters, 2012, 19, 313–317

A predictive model of the freight rate

of the international market in
Capesize dry bulk carriers
Ching-Chih Changa,*, Chin-Yuan Hsiehb and Yung-Chih Lina
Department of Transportation and Communication Management Science,
National Cheng Kung University, No. 1, University Road, Tainan City 701,
Department of Information Technology & Graduate Information Technology
and Applications, Kao Yuan University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Downloaded by [] at 02:01 27 December 2014

This study examines the considerable fluctuations of the world’s dry bulk
shipping market from November 1995 to September 2008. The major
objective is to provide a forecasting model for the freight rate in relation
to the second-hand ship price. The results indicate an acceptable level of
prediction according to Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE), with a
value no more than 20%. It is anticipated that this research will prove
germane to major stakeholders, including owners, charters, investors and
bankers, by forecasting the freight rate and thereby expediting the decision-
making process.

Keywords: dry bulk market; Capesize; prediction model; MAPE

JEL Classification: C52; C53; F20; L91

I. Introduction component parts include the Baltic Capesize Index

(BCI), Baltic Panamax Index (BPI) and Baltic
Strong growth in seaborne trade has led to increased Supramax Index (BSI). Of all these, the Capesize mar-
investment in sea vessels. The amount of investment hit ket and BCI are the dominant elements, and both show
a record of $231.5 billion in 2007 and has been pre- great volatility (Kavussanos and Alizadeh, 2001;
dicted to grow in the foreseeable future. Meanwhile, the Clarkson Research Report, 2008).
volume of shipping selected for scrapping from 2005 to Freight rates remain dependent on correlations
2007 was 0.9 million Dead Weight Tonnage (DWT), between patterns of supply and demand (Stopford,
1.8 million DWT and 0.4 million DWT, respectively. 1997). Consequently, any anomalies have the poten-
The dry bulk market operates with four classes of tial to disrupt the balance between risk management
vessel: Capesize, Panamax, Handymax and Handysize. and the profitability underpinning the shipping indus-
Capesize vessels, with a DWT of about 100–180k, try. This research accordingly develops a novel pre-
mainly carry ore and coal on specific routes, while dictive model of the freight rate for Capesize bulk
Panamax bulkers (60–80k) carry cokingcoal and carriers with reference to the price of building new
bauxite and are the largest class able to pass through ships in addition to the other listed variables. Of pos-
the Panama Canal. Handymax vessels with 40–60k sible benefit to ship owners in this instance is a reduc-
DWT generally transport grain and steel products. In tion of their operational risk, premised on the working
the global dry bulk shipping market, the freight rate assumption that greater access to information will
benchmark is the Baltic Dry Index (BDI). The BDI’s function as a positional good. Investors may likewise

*Corresponding author. E-mail:

Applied Economics Letters ISSN 1350–4851 print/ISSN 1466–4291 online # 2012 Taylor & Francis 313
DOI: 10.1080/13504851.2011.576998
314 C.-C. Chang et al.
adjust their portfolio and secure in the knowledge that Y
Time charter rate
160 000
they are better placed to estimate a company’s profits. 140 000 y
Finally, bankers potentially stand to gain when it 120 000
comes to the refinancing of shipping company loans. 100 000
80 000
This research includes four sections. This is the 60 000
introduction and presents the aims of this work, 40 000 c
while the second outlines the methodology. The third 20 000
section contains the empirical components and the Feb 96 Jun 97 Nov 98 Mar 00 Jul 01 Dec 02 Apr 04 Sep 05 Jan 07 Jan 08 Oct 09
fourth section summarizes the benefits of the adopted
methodology before considering its implications for Fig. 1. Nonlinear regression between y and t
academics and practitioners.

II. Methodology and thus the HP filter (Hodrick and Prescott, 1980,
1997) is deployed in this article to obtain the cycle data
The purpose of this article is to develop a predictive required for data selection.
model of freight rate for the Capesize bulk carriers. A
discussion of the data collection is followed by a brief A novel nonlinear prediction model
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overview of the methodology of X-12 Autoregressive

Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) and the The nonlinear prediction model is developed follow-
Hodrick–Prescott (HP) filter. Finally, a regression ing the concept in Fig. 1, which shows the initial value
model is developed and evaluated in terms of its (c), the slope (b) and the power of the nonlinearity (g).
robustness by Mean Absolute Percentage Error The slope of regression in Fig. 1 would be repre-
(MAPE). sented as

Data collection dy
¼ k  tq  ðy  cÞ ð1Þ
The independent variables are the 170k DWT bulk-
carriers building prices (NB; $million), 150k DWT
and 5-year-old second-hand ship prices (SEC) for the where k is the valuation of speed, t the time period, y
same vessels ($million), Capesize/Panamax Indian the dependent variable, c the initial value and q the
subcontinent demolition prices (DEMO; $/ldt) and power of the nonlinear regression.
Capesize bulk-carrier fleet development (FLEET; Let y – c = y0 , then
million DWT). Monthly data were collected from
the Shipping Intelligence Network from November dy0 dy
¼ ð2Þ
1995 to September 2008 (giving a total of 155 dt dt
¼ k  t q  y0 ð3Þ
X-12 ARIMA seasonal adjustment and the HP filter dt

Two standard forms were used to decompose the time dy0

series data into three factors: trend-cycle (TC), season ¼ k  tq  dt ð4Þ
(S) and irregular (I) (Butter and Mourik, 1990;
ð ð
Ghysels et al., 1996; Findley et al., 1998; Casals dy0
et al., 2002). One is a multiplicative decomposition, ¼ k  tq  dt ð5Þ
given by Yt ¼ Tt Ct  St  It . The other is an additive
decomposition, shown as Yt ¼ Tt Ct þ St þ It . k  tqþ1 k
Analysts have generally preferred using multiplicative ln y0 ¼ ; is constant:
qþ1 qþ1
decomposition over the additive one to acquire trend-
cycle component (TC), seasonal factor (S) and irregu- k
Let qþ1 ¼ p, where p denotes the number of indepen-
lar component (I) by means of X-12 ARIMA.
dent variables, then
Extracting the cycle component from TC can then
be undertaken using the HP filter, high-pass filter,
band-pass filter, low-pass filter and phase average ln y0 ¼ p  tqþ1
trend. The most widely used approach is HP (Pakko,
0 qþ1
2000; Ash et al., 2002; Johnson and Gerlich, 2002), eln y ¼ ept ð6Þ
Predictive model of the freight rate of the international market 315
y0 ¼ ept

Second-hand ship price ($mil) (x)

x_pred = 2 + 21.exp(0.0000005.t3)
Let q + 1 = g and p = b, we get 100
0 bt
y ¼e ð8Þ 40
The final nonlinear regression model is shown as Oct 95 Mar 97 Jul 98 Dec 99 Apr 01 Sep 02 Jan 04 May 05 Oct 06 Feb 08 Jul 09
Time period (t)

y ¼ c þ a  expðb  tr Þ ð9Þ Fig. 2. Nonlinear model prediction of second-hand ship price

Source: Shipping Intelligence Network, November
1995–September 2008.
where t is the time period; a, b, g and c are the para-
meters of the nonlinear regression; a is the magnitude
value of c, where c is the initial value, when t = 0, y =
c + a; and r is the degree of nonlinearity. The rate of 160 000
growth (slope) in Equation 9 is affected by g which 140 000

stands for the power of the nonlinearity, and thus a 120 000
y_pred = –15455 + 25480.exp(0.0000000•t3)

Freight rate (y)

100 000
greater g means greater nonlinearity.
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80 000
After developing the nonlinear model, MAPE is 60 000
used to examine the fit of the model. MAPE was 40 000

developed by Lewis (1982) and is widely used as a 20 000

means of explicating errors. Compared with other Oct 95 Mar 97 Jul 98 Dec 99 Apr 01 Sep 02 Jan 04 May 05 Oct 06 Feb 08 Jul 09
Time period (t)
measurements, MAPE has the following advantages
when accessing the fitness and accuracy of the predic- Fig. 3. Freight rate nonlinear model
tive model (Tayman and Swanson, 1996): (1) high Source: Shipping Intelligence Network, November
reliability, (2) ease of interpretation and (3) clarity of 1995–September 2008.
The MAPE formula is as follows:
relationship between the world Capesize freight rates
1X N
jFðtÞ  AðtÞj (y) and the second-hand ship prices (x) is analysed
MAPE ¼ · 100% ð10Þ further, and Fig. 2 shows the function of the second-
N t¼1 AðtÞ
hand ship prices, which can be written as

where F(t) is the nonlinear prediction with time t, A(t) x pred ¼ c þ a  expðb  tr Þ
the actual value with time t and N the number of
observations. where c = 2, a = 21, b = 0.0000005 and g = 3. A
In addition, the value of MAPE can be divided into comparison of the model’s prediction and the real data
four statuses, and any value less than 20% indicates a reveals that the MAPE is 13.11%. As this equates to
good predictive capability (Lewis, 1982). less than 20%, it may legitimately be construed as a
good prediction (Lewis, 1982). In keeping with the
data on freight rates supplied by the Shipping
III. Empirical Analysis Intelligence Network (Fig. 3), the function of freight
rate (y) with respect to the time period (t) can be
This section utilizes the HP filter and also explains the written as
variable selection, nonlinear predictive model of
freight rate and significant variable with time period. y pred ¼ c þ a  expðb  tr Þ
Model development
where c = -15 455, a = 25 480, b = 0.0000005 and
The significant variables in this article are selected g = 3. MAPE is 32.45%, as per Fig. 3. In this instance,
using the criterion of R2a;p , MSE, Cp, AICp and SBC there is a significant correlation between the figure and
that have been developed and commonly used to judge drastic market fluctuations between 2003 and 2005.
regression models in number of works such as Kutner During this period, China chose to tighten its mone-
et al. (2004). After the calculations, the second-hand tary policy, whilst Brazil increased the prices of its raw
ship prices have the greatest explanatory power. The material contracts. In spite of the conceptual challenge
316 C.-C. Chang et al.
such anomalies present, MAPE retains its capacity to of this work to act more prudently with the guidance
forecast the freight rate with time period t, as stipu- of more accurate forecasting. Given the greater under-
lated by Lewis (1982). standing of the earnings of shipping companies that
After solving both equations we configure the rela- this work allows, investors are thus more able to
tionship of freight rate and second-hand ship price as arrange their portfolios in keeping with patterns of
y model ¼ 0 þ 1  xt þ e; t ¼ 0; 1; :::; n, where 0 ¼ market profit rather than risk. (4) As a corollary of
17 768:18; 1 ¼ 1159:091 and e is the constant vari- the previous point, there is ample opportunity for
able of the equation. Figure 4 demonstrates that the bankers to more confidently refinance the loans of
freight rate is proportional to the second-hand ship shipping companies.
price. The slope is 1159.091 and the intersection is While these applications are clearly supported by
-17 768.18. The value of MAPE about the prediction the empirical evidence, it is perhaps premature to
and raw data is 19.59%. The 19.59% value of MAPE characterize this study as definitive, in the light of
is less than 20% and indicates a good prediction. how the sample was exclusively drawn from Capesize
dry bulk vessels. However, there is a clear scope for
further validation with respect to other kinds of ves-
sels, such as Panamax or Handymax, in addition to
IV. Conclusions and Suggestions tankers. Although such a task is necessarily reserved
for future researchers, on balance it appears that this
Downloaded by [] at 02:01 27 December 2014

This article obtained 155 observations over the period initial step is already a considerable achievement.
from November 1995 to September 2008, and these
were used to inform the development of a model to
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Investors in the shipping industry can use the findings Hodrick, R. J. and Prescott, E. C. (1980) Post-war US
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Paper No. 451, Carnegie-Mellon University,
160 000 Pittsburgh, PA.
140 000 Hodrick, R. J. and Prescott, E. C. (1997) Postwar US busi-
120 000
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100 000
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Freight rate

80 000
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60 000
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40 000
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20 000 Kavussanos, M. G. and Alizadeh-M, A. H. (2001)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
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Predictive model of the freight rate of the international market 317
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