ASME NM.2_2020_Glass Fiber Reinforced Thermosetting-Resin Piping Systems

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ASME NM.2-2020 (Revision of ASMENM.2-2018) Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Thermosetting-Resin Piping Systems ASME Standards for Nonmetallic Pressure Piping Systems AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD ASME NM.2-2020 (Revision of ASME NM.2-2018) Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Thermosetting-Resin Piping Systems ASME Standards for Nonmetallic Pressure Piping Systems AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD nen Se Ot of since: Ocembe 3,220 ‘The nest ection of thi Stanarai schedued for puesto 202. The Standard wl become eee months the ‘ASME fsuos writen reps to Inglis concertngnerprttons of tech aspects fis Standard Peay certain ‘eontote ASME NPP Commitee ray be pushed ax res. Caer andreas an pbishas onthe ASME web ‘hoe the Crmmtiee Pages at hip/cstosasme arg they af sed rata to codes and sandads may be porta onthe ASME web unde the Commitee Pass to provide coxetins ‘nerves pubished tems, oto cave ypopraphealorgrammatalerrorsincaer and ands Surat be vee ‘The Commitee Pagescan be found at p./fstolsasme or Theres an option avalble automaticaly eee ane teticaton when eta of pote io parte cade or sada Tis option canbe ford on te appre Commitee ge eter sleing “Eat” n the Patio oration cotter pain nie ing tA sn ‘sovory to pata. poe car estar ws de wa pile nd cnet poder Pani. forasdtors pase rout tom ny. edema equity ape the pee ge ‘Si dao ata ay eation wah epee ay oa ptr ir straw ih ay Ros entre coment sadeesotundettetoinresyonetrg stn ogaat abit fritgere amy ses er na ‘easy ara cetardrwani seer isn a ne nny aloe pcr ern oie tn noe ted eee ny Se bec espe ry toe terete is doce nd sce wh te ebides SME poe sn pai ahih race ha waace treats aa opr docaant mayb pated 2m frm, yee © 220 oy ‘ng res ‘CONTENTS Foretond .ssessceesseseesersneeseeee . scene “ Comes Roster eee eve 7 etdectdadi “ ‘oreepondence With th NPPS Commitee . a S trodicion esos ee ‘Summary of Changes. did i ‘chapter 1 Scope and Definitions. Bee eH 14 Sep coo ecesesseetisersseseeeneniee 1 12 Terms and Definitions 2 seeds i 7 1 1 Avbroiavons| ieee Hd 4 Chapter? Design sees Fer ete 24 Desigh Condtons -..-sscsscceecreseeees : 5 22 Design Ctra sea 7 eet 7 2a Pressure Desig of Piping Components ES 2 24 Pipe Stress Analysis 7 Peer aeee a. 25 Piping Support... 7 2 26 Speci Criteria i ies 7 2 ‘Chapror3 Constituent Materials ant pint a 3a Genet sos esessesscecoeeee pee aaeea eee Ha 22 aerials and Speciation - a 33 Temperature Limitations... ccseccesersceisseceeeseneee 31 ‘Chapter Standard for Piping Components cere eeeeetat 44 Dimensions nd Ratings of Components Bie 2 42 Refereed covesevseseessetsssesciees 38 4a Quality Assurance and Caformance ses rvs vos woe 33 ‘ChaptrS Fabrication, Assembly, and Erection Eee ee Hag sa Genet eee ceveveeecee 7 : foe 40 52 Bonding sossves ee 7 no 53 Aesembly 25d recon soe ssessessessisteseieevnsvesnese 8 ‘Chaptor6 Inspection, Examination, and Testing <2. preety 61 ImepeClOD eccseseervsenseee . ratte: 62 Examination aaaeein ” 6s ‘esting eee acer : 30 64 Records : aidesieie eases sz ‘Mandatory Appendices ' Design of rtgral FlacFace Flanges oe . - 3 " Calculation of Physical and Mechanical Properties Using the Laminate Anais Method. 63, cn Sess inensifeaton Factors, eit Factors, and Pressure Stress Mltplies «79 Speccton for $5-DegFlament. Wound Garber Reinforced Thermoseting Resin (FRE) Pp scsssresersreseeneeseees u "Examination and Testing Requirements for Vn Ester Resin Polyester Resin, an Ade Materials vos Nonmandatory Appendices a Pipe Suppor Calculations and Simplified Suess Analysis or FRP Ping Sytem Design 8 Akerative Testing Grips and Brackets (Medication to ASTM 2105) Pigures 2.2311 Allowable tess Envelope 7 23321 Nomenclature for Mired Elbows «2-00. ssessssristessuesieaeseueewee 23411 Detl for Fabrated Branch... 1. sscssssserseseereceueevenee 23431 Detar lotgeally Molded Tes 23511 Knuckle Reinforcement for Tersphercl Cases os vos vos coe 52521 Adhesive fiat ssevesseessuseesessseresviceveseresereseneeieevineee $2534 Wrapped folnte : Hie 531211 Assembly Tolerances and Alignment 531241 Flange Tolerances - Seat a at stir 134 ‘Typla Flange Designs ss sesesceesesseessestestistessesteces raza Design of Fat Face integral anges 2. eesee eevee 132 Values of ¥(ntegel Flange Factor) 1334 ‘atos fF (Integral Flange Factor) ve on 1as6 Volos of (Hub Stress Correction Facto) «2s cseesceseeeneveeeeesceee 13s Values of 7, UY, and 2 (Tees tveoiag K) naa Coordinate Sytem fa : 4a In Place Force Resultant vs .svcsssssvsvwrvvsvovrvsnesire i 42 Moment Resultant. scesssessesseeee : ea Notations fr Ply Pstons and Laminate Stacking Sequence asa Brample Problem ayout +... scsesscvseeseeesseusecentessersensceeees pra ‘Aernaie Testing Bracket ds peer 22361 Component Sizes Qualified by Proof Design Testing «.esssessceseeseersee pau Usted Constuent Mateaé «sess see sees 7 aan Temperature Limits for Acceptable Polymer Matrls : sua Componeat Speceatons «ses seesesesevsursievissiesssristenuceiee pete ‘est Methods and Other Standards sso cow svse eve ii sua Procurement Infration fe 62221 Aecoptance Criteria for Bonds «sss ssseiesiesicereseuesiseserenieete raa4 ange Factors in Formula Fore ft asta Guidance o Span Legs o 100 ns uw 35 8 108 vaza ‘elland at Reinorcement Loy Sheet, Ritesaie 96 van Fate Reinforcement Log Sheet. are IID 99 ysza Mile Fiber Reinforcement LogSheet ss yesvvssessseseessesee cee 98 6 Resi Log Sheet esse eeebtt ce 108 162 caring Agent Lg Shoe. 2 0s wre ‘ComenonAadtves Log Shes C FOREWORD In 2011, The American Society of echancl Engineers (ASME) established the Committee on Nonmetallic Pressure Piping ystems [NPFS to develop standards for he construction a monet presse ipng systems. Tis Commi tee goa waste specify constracton' equremeats for nonmetal ign ping prodactsuchrequrementewere ‘ot adequate define in extng standards ir tthedevelopmeatof the ASME Standard fr Nonmetallic Pressire Piping Stems nonmetal pressure piping requirements were contained win several existing standards The nonmetal piping equrements the ASME ESI Cole fr Pressure iping varied crs Seton, wth some Sctonshavign reqarementor nonmetallic components tall ter standards an codes, sucha ASME RTP-1 andthe ASME Doler an Pressure Vest! Code (BPC) Seton X included requrement for reinforce thermoset paste (RTP) corrosin-reistnt equipment but nt fr pig 2nd Pi and ping component including hase made rom ln bor rnforedthermecating ein (RP) and for "thermoplastics ehh -densty polyethylene (HDPE) and polyvinyl chord) (PVC) However. the scope ofthese Code {Gaerwar ery limited. andinsame aes themethodaogy waerearyS0yearsold The ASMENPPSSandardsnow serve ‘51 cenvlze location or NPPS requirements and ate developed by ommites whose members ae expert this eld. The NPPS Commits funcuonsareto establish requrements eld to pressure ter for teconstraction af nonmetal pressure piping systems and to interpret thse requlremets when questions aise regarding te inten. "ASME NNCZ provides requremets or construction a FP piping and piping component Ths Standard adress pe and pipngcomponentsthatareproducedas standard products andedstom produtthataredesined for aspecte {pplication ASME N¥.2-2018 (rst etton) was approved by the Aercan National Standards Insets (ANS) ‘Aug 13. 2018. “The 2020 ein includes revisions to Mandatory Append Il that aé example calculations, cautionary notes, and rethodto compute dasa amination theory (CT) f amin andiamates Adon, Nonmandstry Append is ben erguszed and evised, ond section AS hat ben aed Seton A nce spliedsress nas of sampleplpeline and ilustrates the pplation ofthe design apprasc equations, and physica properties of? piping. ‘Systems arte, the 2020 ition revises nd caries igure deinitns and nomenclature fr NM-2 piping systems Following approval by the ASME NPPS Standards Commies, ASME NM2:2020 wae approved by the merian National Standards Instte (ANS) on December 9, 2020, ‘ASME NPPS COMMITTEE Nonmetallic Pressure Piping Systems (8 oon hate oe am he nef pra of i Sed ‘STANDARDS COMMITTEE OFFICERS aber hee STANDARDS COMMITTEE PERSONNEL 1 ewe uy Bur come sn cos a ‘2 ane, mek comer hw ag ay, Ee sent a SUBCOMMITTEE ON GLASS-FIBER-REINFORCED THERMOSETTING-RESIN PIPING (SC-FRP) PE anette ee ieee |B. Mike, Maverick Aplied Seance, we. PERE coma ins one a teiieccestene emcee” ieee eae Eo ecee ae tas mens enone Htbesosrpteam ‘SC-FRP SUBGROUP ON DESIGN ‘bl beh ed Smo 1 eeennan More opted Scene ‘Mtngnemlen pi es Capa neon Sor ene 1 Kendal 95 comps In bitty to hour. era Bee ons ower sa Poh Nagar poe Cometic ‘ican carn emer rt Ep ‘SC-FRP SUBGROUP ON FABRICATION AND EXAMINATION Stowe sir ae Syme Ee og nag ‘8 bauer ete Paty se Aaa Coupes Usk Fehr a Set coating she NPPS NM-2-FRP AND NM-3-NMM SUBGROUP ON MATERIALS I mt Aten Ceri Cots eee cSeremance CORRESPONDENCE WITH THE NPPS COMMITTEE Genera ASME Standards are developed and maintained with he intent o represent the consensus of concerned interes As such ses of ths Standard may interact with the Commitee by requesting interpretations, proposing. ‘ovine or cae ad tending Cmte esting Correspondence shold be adresed Secretary, NPPS Standards Commits ‘The American Society of Mechanical Enginers Two Park vee New York NY 100165990 tht /ensemeorgngry Proposing Revisions. Revisions te made pero t the Standart incorporatechangesthat appear necessary ‘ordeal ar demonstrated by the experience ined om the appiation oe Standard Approve eins wil be published periodical. “the Commitee welcomes proposals for revision to hs Standard. Suck proposal should beds specific as possible, ting the paragraph rumber() the proposed wording and edetaled description ofthe reson forthe proposal, ‘nelaing ay perenen documentation, Proposing eave: Canny binant pve aerate ules when jutied. to peril implementaton of anapproved revision hen the need urgent oro provide ule nat covered by exstngproishnsases are eecive Itumdiatly upon ASHE approval and sal be ported on the ASME Commitee wel page Request for ase shal provide a Statement of Ned and Background Information. The request should deny the Standard andthe paragraph gure or ble aumber() and be writen a5 «Question and Reply inthe sare format 5 ‘ng Cases Request for Cater should la inde the sppiabeeitan() of the Standard 0 which he proposed (ase applies. Interpretations. Upon request he NPPS Standards Comite wil render an interpretation ofanyreuirementothe stanar Interpretation ean nly Be rendered in response to a writen request Sento the Secretary a the NPPS Standards Commitee guests for interpretation should preferably be submited through the online interpreta Submit Form The forms accessible th /g0 atm ry InerpretaonRequest Upon subtal ofthe om the Inger wil eeive 29 ‘Sttomate smal confirming resp, tthe Ingurersunable oe the onlin form. he/she may mathe request tothe Secretary ofthe NPPS Standards Commitee the shove address. The equest or interpretation shoul be dee and unambiguous ts farther fmmened tha the Ingle soba his/her request in te following format subject ‘te the aplabe paragraph number(s) and the topo the ing none a to words ation {Ge the applabe edn ofthe Standard for which the iterpretaton is being requested Question Phase the question asa request for an interpretation of specie reuirement stable for tera understanding anus, nota request fran approval fs propitay design Saati Pease provides condensed and precise question, composed insich away that "yes or no epi acceptable, posed Replies: Provide a proposed replys) inthe form of "Yes" ot "No? with explanation a5 needed. If entering pls to mare tan one question, pase number te questions and replies Background formation: Provide the Commitee with any background information hat wil asst the Commitee in ‘erstanding he inquiry. Te ngurer may incase any plas o rang that ae com oepainthegueon howe shal act pepetay meso c Requeststhatarenotin the Format described above nay be rewritten nthe appropiate frmty the Commitee ror te being answered, hich may inadvertently change the intent of he oii gues. Moreover, ASME doesnot act as «consultant fr specie engineering problems or forthe general appliation or understanding ofthe Standard requirements, based onthe ngsry formation submited eis the opinion of ‘the Cammatie thatthe Inquirer should seek asstanee, the ingly wll be turned with the recommendation that such astistance be abaned. 'ASME procedures provider eonsieratonofany interpretation when orf adltonl information that might tet an ierpretaion is avalable Further persons aggeved by a interpretation my appesl to the cognsan¢ ASME Committe or Subcommittee ASME does ot "approve: "erly "ate ar"endore’ an Ham canstrcton,propeetary fdewce, or aety. Attending Commitee Meetings. The NPFS Standards Commitee eplaryhols meeting and/or telephone confer sncerthatarsopantethe ple ertonavwihingtoatadany mectngand/ortelephons conference shold onthe Sterary of the NPPS Standards Commitee. INTRODUCTION 20) ‘The ASHE Standards for Nonmetallic Pressure Piping Stems (PPS) areas follows [NMA Therinapastc Piping Systeme: Th Standard contin requirement for piping nd piping component that are produced sing thermoplat resins o compounds. Thermoplastis ae specie groyp of nonmetal pnsterasthat for proesaing purposes, arecpobleofbelng repeatedly soenedby incre oftaperstare abd Nirdened by decease of temperature NM. Gis Fiber Reinforced Mermosetng Reso Piping Systems: The Standard contains requirments orpping an ibing component that are produced using las fiber reinlorement embeded in or mvounded by ced ermosetting resin [NM Nonmetallic Materia: This Standard includes speciation for nonmtali mater (nest wood, nonbrous dacs and conerete) and nconormance withthe queens of he indualconetroction standards frethodolois,dstn values limits and cations onthe re of mates The Standart divided nt ee Pn: - Nl. Nonmealc Materia art — Thermoplastic Material Speciation: This Part cantans thermoplastic Istria spciestone ident to or sar to those published by the American Sooty for Testing and Harerals (STM ntroatonl) and other reogniaednatlonal ar international ergaiations NM, Nonmetalic Materials Par¢2— Reinforced Thertoset atc Material Specfetons This Far contains eines thermoset lac materlepciestions dential oor sinlar% thse publi ASTM another ‘ectghzed national or International oranzations - NM.3.3,Noomealie Materials, Part 3 — Properties! This Part provides tables and datasheet fr allowable stresses mechani! properties (eg ene and yield strength) and physi propertis (eg, cellent oF Thermal expansion and modus of castiiy) for nonmetallic materi Iistheowner's esponsibility tase the piping tandardthatbest apples tthe propored piping stallion Factors tobe considered ty the one node linia ofthe standard, urtonal requirement an the aplcabty of ‘ter tandardsAlappiabe requirements of thesleced standard stall be et Fo some nstltions orethan one ‘Tandard may spply to dllerent part ofthe instalation The ower i lo responsible or posing requirements "plementary to tote af the standard sich requirement re necesay to ensue sae pip oF Se proposed inealston Cera ising within faity ay be subject tooter codes and standards. inudingbut not ted the following: ASME 8911, Power Piping: This code contin quirements for piping typ ound in elec power generating “ations industri ad inition pants geotermal heating stems and central nd dri heating and cong systems. ASMEB15, Process ping Thiscode contains equrements or pipingtyicly fund in petroleum refineries ashore ‘ndoffhoreperleum and natal ge production slits; chemical pharacutl, texte, pape oe processing Semiconductor, and erogetc plants: fod and beverage-processing facies and related processing plans and terminal ASME 8314, Pipeline Tansortation Systems fr iglds and Shries This code contains requirements fr pining Teaportng produc thatare predominaayiqld between planta terminal and within terials and pumping, ogultng and metering stato ASME 8315, Refrigeration Piping and Het Transfer Components This code contains requremsns fr piping for eters and secondary colons ASMEBL8, Gas Transmission nd Distribution Piping Systems This code contin requirements piping transporting ‘product that are predominately as between sourees ad terials including compressor. regltng and metering ations and gas gathering pipelines, ASME 8319, Buding Services Piping: This code contains requirements for piping typically fund in industri nstiloral commer and publ bung ann mel uni residences, which dons at equretherange ofS, Dressures snd temperatres covered in ASME 31 " ASME.1.12lydragen Piping and Pipelines: Thiscode contains requirements fo ppingingaeeousanligeid hydrogen service and pipelines in gseous hydrogen serie. ‘ational asl Gas Code: Tis code contains eequiremnt fo piping fr Sieg fram the point of delivery to the ornecton ofeach ue wilation deve. [NFPA 99, Heath Care Facies: This standard contin requirements fr meicl an laboratory ges systems [NFPA Pte Protection Standards These standards conan requirements er fire protetion sates arng water carbon ‘ude halon foam, dry chemicals, and wet chemicals ‘The ASME NPP Standards spect engineering requtrements dered necessny fo safe esgn and constuction of nonmetal pressure piping, There Standards conan mandatory requirements specie prohibons and powmands {ory guidance for construction ates These Standards do notaddressal expecta hese activites ad thee pects ‘hatare not petal adresse shoul ot be considered prohibited, While safety she overiding consideration this Factor slone il nt cea govern the fia peceations for ary piping nts lton. With few exception, the fequcements do ot of practical neces, rellect the Iikelnood and consequences of deterioration in sevice elated to specic service fis o eternal operating environments. These Standards are not design handbooks. Many deistans that must be made to prodaceaafeppingtalatin arent specified n deta within these Standards. ‘These Standards dono serve as substitutes for Sound engineering Judgment by te guner ad the signe. The phase Engineering judgment refers to tecnica judgments mac by knowledgeable desgnerrexperenced inthe appiton of {hese Standards Engineering judgments mut be consent wilh te piovophy ofthese eandarde and wcrc must never be used to overrule mandatory requrements or specific protons ofthese Standards "Tobe genes possible eet Standard cequrements or designs stated in terms of base deg principles and formulas These ae supplemented ap necessary ih spcie requirement to enzureuiform appeaton of risiples 1nd to guide selection and applcaon of pping element. These Standards rohit dsgns and practices known tbe "Fae Sundards generally spoclyssimplied proach or any ofa requremers Adstigner may choose Louse more rigorous analy to develop desig and construction requrerente"When te designer decdes to tale this Inn inspection, esting and overpressure protection ae consistent wth the citric ofthese Standards These detals shall beadequate forthe owner tovey te vali the approach and shale approved byte owner The deta shall “The designer response fo comping with eglrerents ofthese Standards and demonstrating complance with ‘ogustions of these standards when such equations are mandatory. These tana ater rqule nr prob the ‘designers an enginers using computer prograns or design o analysis are catonel that they ae response for al ‘echnical assumptions inherent nthe programs they use and forthe aplication of these program t thee dest. "These Standard do not aly sddress tolerances When Sinenson ser, or ater arsmeter ae nat speed wth tolerances the value ofthese parameters ae considered oma and allowable oerancs of oa varances may be oidred acceptable when based on eglnering judgment ad standard practices as determined by the desighe. ‘Suotested requirements of poo pacts are proved forthe care and inspection et nsersce monte peste piping systems only a an ld to owners and tht Inspector "The requirments ofthese Standards are not tobe interpreted as approving recommanding.or endorsing any propre taryorspecifcdesigorarlinitinginany way themanuarturersfeedom ochaoreaty method of design or any form of ontruaion tat conlarms tothe reautements af hese Standards. Tei intended that etons ofthe ASME NFPS Standards not be retroactive, Uns agreements specially made ‘between contacting parties to use another edition othe regulatory body avinglurstcton imposes theusofznoher ‘tion thelatet dition isuadateas Smonths porta the orignal contrat ator test phasf ati coverings ‘lag instalation shallbe the governing document for al sigh materia, fabian erection examinatan, inspec thon testing and overpeesire protection forthe ipnguntthecompleton athe werk and ina operation Revsons: to material specifications incded in ASME NMCQ1 and ASHE NMS are originated by ASTM and oer recogized ational or international organizations abd are usually adopted by ASME However, ose revisions do nat ecessany India tht mater produced tear eons of petestions re no longer sual for ASME constuction Both [ASME NA. and ASME NMI32tndudes Mandatory Append Guideline oy Acepable ASTM Edin hat ts he esteition af mater specications aopted by ASME swells other edtonsconsderedby ASME tobe ental fr ASME contraction Usersofthese Standards are cautioned apaost making use of eision to these Standard without assurance that they are aceptable to Ge proper autores fn the Jutsdcvan where the piping te instal ASME NM.2-2020 SUMMARY OF CHANGES allowing approvalby the ASME NM Commies and ASME, and after public review, ASME NM2-2020 was approvedby {he American National Standart instate on December 9, 2020. ASME NM.2.2020 ncads the ellowing changes ientiied by a margin note, (20), Page 1 Inerodsction 12 aaa 2aaz 2236 2322 raza aaa 2442 2591 433 gure 23.1 ee Figure 43-4 Orange Updated (1 Defnons of zsemby, erection. lower devoted vu (L0¥, may manufacturing pipesapportng lets shal sorta Inept (15) ol nd pring sa (2) Defintions of corrosion barr an frcaion revised {G)betnition of liner deer (1) Abbreviations of DV (lower deviated vu) and STHS shore term hydosati rng) sae (2) Abbreviation of LTHS (long-term hydrosae stress) ros Revised Spararaph (2) eis Saparagraph (34) revised Revised Saparagraphs (6) and (3) revised Revised Revised Revised ‘sperngraph (8) reve Supparagraph (6) reise Revised Revised Revised Suparagraph (a esd Revised Ades Added Revised Revised Revised ” 10 gure 43 Nonmandatory Append A Change Reviadin te entirety Revised and scion A ade Chapter 1 Scope and Definitions 11 Scope {o) This Standard provides requcements forthe design maerias, manufacture, abreaton instal, ‘examination an esting hss ier reiforeed hero ‘Sting res (FBP) piping Systems (0) FRP ping Seed nthe Stondar cud pipe, ‘flanges, bolting, gasket, valves, tings, spectal ‘connecting component bd the pressue-contlning oF pressuretaining persons of ater piping component ‘Whether manufactured i acordance with relerences ‘Sted intsStandaedor spec designed tals incudes Inangers snd supports and other ems necessary to ‘prevent orersresing the pressre-contaiing compo {1-11 Content and Coverage () TwisStandard addresses pipe and piping compe nents that ae produced a standard products 2 well ‘Seeosom produce that redesigned fr spect ap ‘ation I covers ERP ppe and piping components mane exe by contact melding, central eating lament ‘Winding, a ther methods. inten sto provide 4 ‘Ufo a of requirements for FRPplpe ana piping ‘Sompanens that ean be adopted by reference fn the ‘ariou piping codes, including Setons ofthe ASME BSI Code ir Pressure Piping This Standards pushed ‘asa separate dovument 0 relucedopication beoreen 10) Requirements ofthis Standard apply to FR piping -pitems peal wed within the scope he varous ‘tetions ofthe ASME B31 Cade for Pressure Piping {SME 82-1, ASME B31, ASME 831.4, ASME 031, ‘ASME 6318, and ASME 6319) and selected piping Systems designed tothe ASME Boller and Pressure ‘essa Code(OPVC), Seton Dison, Subsection ND. 1-12 Exclusions ‘This Standard doesnot provide requirements forthe tcllowing (a) metal pipe (2) thernoplatcs, ceramics, and other nonmtalc materials ted o fabricate pipe and piping components (6) vallaminate cnsracton that combine themne lst linings ih FRE pipe and tings (@)reinrced polymer mortar pipe (e) prodvts wih fberreinforcement materials that ane not made from gas {9 nonmetal presirevescs, valves and specialty components covered by her ASME codes and standards, Sicha" ASME BPVC, Secon X and ASME RTP-1 (a) lpia or whic the maximum neral pressure cxceds 1700 Pa (250 28) 1 long for whch the algebraic roduc of itera pressure [i klopsclsauge (pounds per square Ich ‘auge)] and Internal ameter {in meters Gnches] reeds 1262 kPagim (7200 psn) 1) ping used se ductwork conveying ator other ses at presses tit 609 Kae (1 pi) Othe re Fire ofthe surrounding wimospere 1-2 TERMS AND DEFINITIONS Commonly used terms celating to FRP piping are dbsinbeion: Smetornsare defined with spect rele. nce to piping The dfnons enaaly agree with those Im ASME BPVG, Section X ASME RTP-1 ASTM DBS and ASTM? Defntons ikem uachanged om che Stan tard are indested by footnote adhesive 3 material desigeed to jin tgeter evo other emponent materials by surface stachment (Donn) adhesive fin bonded pint mae using an adhesive on the suas tobe joined ‘essemby synonymous wih fabrication ede'-na reared paste the continuous phase that os coger te renter boom: aviible exudation refforesconeon the surface bonder one who pefoms 3 manual or semiautomatic bonding operation bonding procedure’: the Ataled methods and paces tnvolved inthe productien of «bonded Jit Bonding Pracedare Specification (BPS) document proidingin deal the roqured variables and procedures forthe bonding pracessto ensure repeatability inthe bonding procedure. Cc ‘bute and-wroppd int a boned jon made by applying pilesofreinfrcementsatrsted with resints he surfaces tiie (plastis) powdery reste onthe surace of Imaerial resulting fom degradation or migration of an Ingredient or bot, chopped roving: 3 calleton of noncontinuous glass Strands gathered without mechanical twist Each Strand is made up of las laments bonded together ‘with fh o afr applietan by chopper a chopped strandmat' enforcement made from randomly ‘ented ae srand that ae eld together na form ing «binder Each strand has 8 slg ‘amposte a solid product consisting of to oF more “istinct phases, including 2 binding material (mates), nda porulte or frou reinforcement material ‘oninous roving acalection of cantina plas strands ‘wound into a eylndial package without mechanical ‘arasion barter: thermosetting eins nero txterna layer that inhibits penetration of corrosive homialta the structural lajers ofthe laminate, as rosin and prevents leakage under strain Th ayers ‘opel reinforced with ae or synthetic veil and one rors ayers of chopped-tand wat cureto changethepropertisofapolymerisystemntoa Imorestable esablecondtonby theuseofheat radiation, ‘ure tine he pri oftine thats reacingthermoseting ‘material isexposedto spe conditions to reach aspect ea property lve curing agen-areactveateil that when combined with {resin materal nates polymerization or reacts wth 3 ein to polymerize the resin sg eared to hard ‘etc longterm hydrostatic pressure: the estimated “ternal pressure ofthe piping product that, when apply n accordance with ASTM 02992, Proce dhre Awl use are of the product afer a specfed ‘number of ejles. The eye rate, spciied umber of ‘eles and extrapolation are ress oto the spe term hyrosal tenth ‘elie term hydrota rengt: he hop stress at, ‘when apple yc at 25 cycas/min i calelated ‘hus theatre ofthe pipeinaseleted number oeyees. ten: 3 reactive or nonreactive madtying materi ‘Seulyiq hat educer he concentration of rela Improve wecing recon the nstallasonofpping components and piping Sahassembles nto an entire piping system ins nal fesaled lacstan Including supports and wer acces Sorlsas designated by the engineering design ‘extroes the outside bend radius of an elbow {fobricaion: he proces of prepating snd joining two or Imore manufactured components into piping subassom Fiberglass pipe 2 tblarprdust containing gls-ler Imostting resin; the composite structure may contaln liners or coatings maybe inde. feerecardont reso specaly compounded material Combined witha resin mater derigned t reduce the tendency to burn ester amodfyngasidmsteriaaddedtoaresinous Brendale a ess gd ydrstaiedesign basis(HD8)-shoop sre deveopedtor Ahorlass pen accordance with ASTI 02992 practice 2d ruled by 3 service (design) factor to obtain = Ijdeostate desig stress TheHDBS thelong term bydro stale strength detrmined in accordance with ASTM 12082 that allow the longterm hydrant strength tobe obtained onacylestes (Procedure A) or constant stress (Procedure B) bas. hydrostatic design pressure (HDF): the estimated ‘maninum internal hydrostatic pressure that can Be ‘plied cpl (Procedure A) of continuously (roe. Aare 8) to a piping component with high degree of yas design sires (HOS) the estimated maximum ‘ue o internal hydrostae presse, a5 calculate per [AST 2952 that canbe applied cyclically (Procedure 1) or comtnsouly (Procedure B) with 3 bigh degree ‘of ean that allure ofthe pipe will not eae. Ts Stress usualy established by applying an appropriate ‘Service (Asian) factor we thehydroiedeaie bas ‘neradoe: he inside bend rads of sn elbow ‘nwche are: a renfrced lasts, the area oftranstion laminae a product mae by bonding together two oF ‘9p, a Flows: (2) Type See ASME NM, C502 (0) Type See ASME NM, C562 (6) pet See Mandatory Append ay: a) the length of i produced ty tranding laments suchas bers wires orrong length of wistfaflament is usualy measured as the stance parle tthe xis oF the strand benween successive turns ofthe lament (2) the angle that such ments make withthe ais of te sand ring 2 stranding operation. ay rltorced assemble yes of resin yup i reinforced plastics, an asemby of ayers of ‘hin impregnated stra ready for processing NOTE winin is Saard te an po ips {Merenate'n ram the ver yo. eed component: piping components manuaeture in tcordance with he specications sted in able 1-1 long-term hydrostatic pressure (LTHP): the estimated Internal pressure ofthe piping product that when Spplied continously iy accordance with ASTM D2992. Procedure il cute flea the producer spe ‘ed numberof hours The speed numberof our nd the enrapoltion of aure results ov to the specified number fhoursarethe same forthe longterm de long-term rasta strength (TIS the hoop stress that when applied continously cleulated to cause {he fllre ofthe pipe in a spcied numberof hours Sr set bythe product standard. These strengths are ‘uly ebtained by extrapolation of log-log regression “tuations or plots actin fale times for ange af lower devoted valu (LDV) the test mean value les two ‘Mandard deviations fee para 22? * (7) ‘nay ose to denote permision; neither 2 requlrement ‘ora recommendation -manafectring: the production of piping component by Combing constant mater sng prcenes such a2 ‘tact melding lament winding compression molding nd engl casting Pie supporting elements: pipe-supportng slements onsit of fiturs and strata tachment a flows (e) furs stares include elements tat Wansferthe toad from the pipe or structural attachment to the apport strate, an, vessel or equipment They Include hanging-type fixtures, such as hanger rods, pring hangers, sway brace, turmbuckles, strut tle and anchor; and beara ype tures such as Saddles bases, rackets apd sling Suppor’ (0) structural acachments: structural attachments Incite elements that ae bonded, bolted, or ekmped te the pipe such at cps lage, ring, clamps, devises, Straps, and stanchions pressre design bass (PD): a internal pressure devel ‘oped fora fiberpas piping produc and malted Hy Service (desig) factor to ebai a hyrostate design pessure. The PDB isthe longterm hyrostate pressre fetermined in aecordanee with AST D2992; ASTI ‘29g allows the longterm hydrostate presse tobe obtained on 2 cyle stress (Procedure A) or constant ‘res (Procedure B) basis. presurroving (PR he estimated maximum pesure in “piping componenthatcanbeexered continous with ‘high degre of certainty that are othe pipngcompo Procedure Qualifcaton Record (PQRY: a record of the tending date used to bond atest pce The POR I ‘ecord of variables recone drng the bonding ofthe test pieces. I also contains the test results of the tested specimens: Recorded variables normally fll ‘thin asl range ofthe actual variables Wt wal be wed in production bonding reinforced thermosetresinipesatermusedsynonynously ‘nth FRP pipe ‘eiforcemene: hss ers having the form of hopped Foving. continous roving abit oF choppedstrand fnatFheus fibers are added to the resin mats to Strengthen and improve the properties ofthe ren, resin the atx ofthe lina, reswrained piping stem: a piping system oF portion ‘hereof tha Includes no changes in rection and Is Festrained fom ual movement service (eign) ator a number ot reatrtan that 1S mui by the loners hdrosatiesrengh (or longterm iydeostate pressure) totam the hose tlongn sens (orhyérosatie dexign pressure) The actor nay vary depending onthe service conditions, ata Tang of service desired an properties ofthe ip Shall shal oF "sal nots used tonne that 2 prow fon oF proisitione mandatory. shoreeormbysrosecsrogth(STAS}helowerdvsted ‘alae (LDV) of he tense strength pipe i te hoop “recion when theppestetedinacordance with AST 11599 fee pata 225510) shoul" chouldor"eicecommenda used iniste {ata provision snot mandatory bt recommended 00d practice kiffess factor: the measurement of pipes ay to esis deflection, az determined in acrardance with _uprortng structures (ntcovre yh Standard) te {ures that permic the trance of piping force Through Ppesupporting elements. They consist of fe) independent strutares freestanding trectures Incude poles, ames, bens atached to grade 0) bailing or nonbuldngstrutres, tanks, vessel el o other material. {o) aunllary teeth includes brackets, beans oF tures, a, vestl oF equpment surfacing vet thin mae fie Moers wed primarily to produces smooth race on 3 relforced plastic ‘hermosa rexna plastic tat ater having been cred by heat or ater means. is subetantliy infil an ns thermonsting: capable of beng changed int 3 substan: Ualyintsleor soluble product when cured heat ‘ter means thiotrepc gent: materi aed to esin to parigh Staveshearstrength (nscosty] wile etlningthe ress low dynam shear strength tem pig: piping thas atached to vessels sip: ‘ent such a, but not hinted to, verti, vents and ‘trove abaorber: atrial that when comand in esinmiacre wl selectively absorb ravine aiation, unlisted component: piping components not manuf {ured in accordance withthe specations listed In woven roving’ a gassfberfbrceinforcng material made bythe weaving of glastber roving. 1+ ABBREVIATIONS os ‘Te flowing abbrevition ay be used inthis Stan arto replace lengthy phrases i the txt: 1S (I) Yong Pre pectin F(nne 2) Epo opate ihe (| Frolomaiede re OB oregon denn ba oP (3H day pesae Os foe (4) Hyatt SH ete ameter meet rere 45 ne) Langs esate eg OB hte) Presreen e Fete ()) Pree Quin eae A te) er erent pie (2 Abretion is aecrdnce th ASME 13 (2) Aion secre we AST De. (2) swan secre th AST DDD {4 Aibreaton scree wt AST FL (5) Mean sree ASME REP Chapter 2 Design 2-1 DESIGN CONDITIONS ‘This section tats the quaications ofthe designer etnesthe preaurs temperate a forcesappeable ‘ote design of piping anda the consicrstionsta be idventovarourefecs and their consequentondngs See Skosecion ' 2.1.1 Qualifeations of the Designer ‘The designer isthe person n charge ofthe ngieeing esgn ofa piping sytem. The designer shal be exper neeinthe design ofA pipingsytemsand nthe use of {hs Standard The designer shall met at east one of the folowing quaietons: (a) completion ofan engleering degre, screed by an Independent agency sch the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Tecnology (ABET), equrng the equivalent ofateast 4 of sy that provides exposure to fundamental subject ator relevant othe sigh of Ping systems, plus minimum of 5 yr of experience Inthe dergn of lated presire piping (2) profesional enginering registration, recognized bythe local uration, and at least yr of experience In the design of elated presi piping (9 completion fascence bse dere, an acceded engineering tecnico aeons Sree or cer [Steregurngtneoguvlen atleast 2a stad ps2 ‘einmurn af 10 yr of experience ln the design of Felted pressure piping Experience in the design of elated pressure pila s sated by piping design experience hat includes design ‘Glesltion for presrure sustained and ceastnal lous, Se piping en 2.12 Design Pressure 2.1.21 Generat (a) The design pressure ofeach component in ing system sll br at less than the prenrre at te ost ‘tere conn of cient internal er external pes Sore and temperatre (rnimum or maximum) expected Akring service, exept a provided in para. 222 (2) The most severe condition shall be that which results inthe greatest required component thickness Sd the highest component ating, (6) When pipes separate ino indiviuaied pres sure-containng chambers Gacete piping, bal, ‘hepartionwalsbalbedesiredonebassfthe most Severe clnclent temperature (minimum o maxim) Sndaiferental pressirebenen the adjoining chambers expected during service, except as provided In pam 999% 2.1.22 Requred Pressure Containment or Rell! (4) Provision shal be nade safely conan or eteve any expected pressure to which the piping may be eliving device or that ca be lolte from a pes Sureseleving device shall e designe for at eat the Iighes peste that en be developed (0) Sources of pressure tobe considered include ambien influence, pressure oscillations and surges, decomposition of unstable us, static head, end fare of contol devies. (2) The allowances of para. 22.2.3) shall be permitted, provided thatthe ether requirements of pars 2924 ae also met 2.1.23 Maximum Operating Pressure. The maximus ‘operating pressure forthe ipngsste the maximum "stained operating ress which the piping como. rents can be exponen service The maximum operating Dresur,ang with the cncdnt temperature sal be {sedi the pipe stress analy (ee section 2-4, 2-13 Design Temperature 2-1. Genera. The dsisn temperature of exch component in a piping systen Is the temperature at ‘ich under he colnet pear, he gestest thick In establishing design temperatures, the designe hall consider, at itimunt the fad teperstures ambent femperatures, solar radiation, heating oF cooling pure 22s C 2.13.2 Minimum Design Temperature. Te misma i00 ae ay where ithe aaa exalt meds Ma (pst Poisson enti inthe aun direton Powson's eat inthe hoop dvecton 2.3.3 Curved and Mitered Segments of Pipe Smooth Radius Elbows Under Uniform Internal Pressure. To ensure that smooth radar slows have adequate hoopdirecton strength capacity for combined stesses due to internal pressure and bending eis necessary to Include provisions lor Figure 23.3.1 Nomenclature for Smooth Rass ‘esgn equations. The minum requted thickness fy of sooth rads elbow shal be dterminedinacsrdance ‘wth eg (23-1 wth pressure desig sacral tk res, lated sing (2-6 r= hyn eae) 1D = inside diameter of pipe structural wall mm (in) 2 (+2) ‘Cs tum of allowances defined in fart 2.32 1,mm (in) = fe diameter of pipe, mm (i) y= fatto provide adiioal avaiable strength or leads ater than presrore rm » pressure stress mule fo location on elbow = Internal design gouge presse, MPa (ps) ‘stess om applicable tale ts ASME NM or From qualfeaton testing, MPa (ps) ‘At the intrades inside bend rates) = MRP=1 sg ean amypy=2 ® ‘At the extrodos (ouside bend rods) ay/D) + Mayet ig eas) wayne? * Ii = bend radius febow, ru (in); y= D -Atthe sidewall on the bow conetine alias, m= 10. “Thickness varstans rom he inteados tothe eta and along the length of he elbow shal be gradual The thickness requirements apply at che midspan ofthe ‘bony. thera etradan and ebowrcenterine Fadi (4 Figure 2°3.3.1-) The rinimum ciknes at ry ‘he end tangents and extrados shall ot be ess than the requirements of para, 2-2 for stralght pipe (w = 10), Mitre Elbows Under Uniform internal Pres- sure. Acepabie methods far presture design of mile fndsnge miter bends are given ins and), where the ‘Fequirementin (ca) sp RefereFigure2 332-1, fornomendlatue sedis (239) trough) for ‘he ineral pressure sgn of mitered elbows. (2) Muluple itr Elbows. The maximum ailowable ‘oternal pressive, Py shall be the ese ale cleulates from oq (2259} and (2-210), These eqstons ae not applicable when angle 8 exceeds 225 deg where 'S = designstresstromapplcableabeinASMENM3.3 ‘rom quaint testing MPa (8) (©) Single-tter bows (1) The mssimam lowable ner presse, Pn fora single miter bend with angle dot pester han 225 deg hall be calclated bye (2°39), {2} The masimam allowable intrl presse, Py fora single iter bend wth ange 8 greater than 25 eg shall be cleulated by eg, (25-11) aan (ris) (2 Tremmterpipewaltickness, used inegs(2-3.9) through 02.13) shall extend a dance at estan H from the inside cote af he end iter wel whore M equals the lager ofthe following sing toe 8,2) (4) For al ter elbows fr which the inside ot accesible, 30% to 509 of the required miter font Shall be spplied as an inside layup. A corrosion ‘arr shal be applied oer the inside jie The equi ‘ent or an inside yup ts mandatory fr miers where 2600 mm (24 in) dlameter Figure 2-3.3.2-1 Nomenclature for Mitered Elbows 23.3.3 Curved and mitered Segments of Pipe Under ‘Uniform External Pressure. The wall cknes curved and mitered segments of pipe subjected t external pres ‘re may be determined ar specie for straight pei paras 2821 and 223 2-34 Branch Connections 23.41 FabrcatedBranch Connections. Appeaving branch conmertiontsweskenedbyCheopeing ht ust ‘etmade it andunes the wall hknes ofthe pips Sle exes ofthat rquled sustain he pres ‘re et necessary to provi added renoremant The ‘exign of branch connections shall be based on the folowing exeptas provided nparae 2-047 and 14. {o) Nomercletire The allowing omencture's used the equations for pressure design of branch conne= are of relfrcement required on each side of ‘ranch mm’ ins A he toalareqolrelnorement required onrunplpe, ron in) fede dameter af an pipe, um (i) ise dameter of branch pipe mm (1). tense modular ofthe reform (mina. ‘thoop and aa moduli MPa (pe). tense modus ofthe run pipe (waximum of hop and sal moduli). MPS (ps) esp factor = 100 minima = length eaforcerment on branch pipe ma (in) 1 = longast chor length of opening mm (i) [= withofrefrcement padonran pipe. mm (a) id ofreiforcement pan nsieoran pe, ‘mm (in) yo = width of einferement pod on outside of tun pipe, mn (in) P= design pressure. MPa (ns) 5 © design Stress rom applicable table in ASME [M33 or from usifeation esting, MPs (8) Soy = tense streng of reinforeement (init of hoop and ala stengtis, MPa (pt) Sp = shear strength of secondary Bond on branch pipe, MPa (i) Se Shear strength of secondary bond on run pipe, MPa tps Sip = tens strength ofthe run ppe (maximum of oop and sl strengths MPa (p=) = thickness af elfrcementom Bratch pipe im ta Ty = thickness of een pipe re ung me | ‘y= thickness of eborcementpadon rnp seed for pressure as y= thickness of rnforcement pd on sie of rum pipe, me) Ty = thine oreaorcamentpadon outsieofrun ie, mm Cin) (©) General Provisonsand Requirements Te flowing general powsions and requirement apply tthe proce. Shire resented (0) ao ere den of {) These procedures apply o branch connections for whch d/D £05, Breach connacins for which 470 055 shall be designe by Design Method B,C oF D (seeps 29. throwh 2225, (2) These proedurs apply for branch connections for which the angle betwen the Sanchar pipe = See {G) For all branch oanetons for which he inside Joie access, 30% 9 50% of the required reltoree tent shall be applied as an inside lay-up. A corresion Sarre stallbe apple verte inside om The require trot fran inetde raps mandatory or branch cones tions where D 2600 mm(24 In) and d» 200 mm (Bn) () These procedurs are intended to adres pres sure design oly. Adtna tickneses may be reuled for externa loads. 15) When ay two wr more branches ares ately space that thet enfrcements overlap, each branch “connection shall be risfored ae required by () and {ho poron ofthe renforcerment shal be considered 15 aplying to more thn one ranch connection (0). Renorement of he Run Pe (a) The otal area a einforcemen of her pipe sallnabe less than that determined by eqs (23 12}and eae C eam) & are late eam oa were T's Usifeinforements polio tothe outside ‘ofthe on SeeFgure23.41-1, lustation (a). ‘outside othe jit See Figure 234-1 lst tion (0 ‘the run pipe, Sn ts permissible to use O01SEp test {ata are notable for the tense strength of her Infrcement, So tis permissible to use 0010F, {@) Thearea af run pperebforement on each ide ‘ofthe branch shal at be los tha that determined 09.23.14) Ae eae (@) Thersicimu with of renforcement pd onthe run pipe shall not be less than that determined by eH 2315} ai a eas) ‘Theminimum width ofrenforcement pad shallot beles {han 75mm (20) "te secondary bond shea strength on the un pie, Sa shal pte taken tobe greater than MPa (1000p, Fr jit ith inside enforcement the ttl ent fhe nid and ovtede reinforcement hall ot be est than tat determing bye (23-15) The length a he nse reinforcement shall nat be les than 30% ofthat determined by on (515). The inside and outside ret forcement stall ech be no es than 75 men (30 in}, Ports wits enforcement oly othe ute no lesstan sof shall beapped wihinthe sete Ip trom the branch pipe. The thickness af his portion of the reinforcement shall not be less than 2A The emnander ofthe relforcement shall taper vaiorly forthe end of Ly ats minimum lengthto-ticknest (4) The flowing general provisions and requee- iments apply to the reinforcement of he rum pipe (Co) A maximum of 50% ofthe length of the tapered enforcement may be considered ascontbutng torte required sea of ronfrcement (Ca) The minimum structural thickness, not Including the corrosion base, ofthe side o ouside Feinfocemen shall nt be less han 6 mm (025 in). 16 () Mo ess than 5086 af he otal external rei: forcement thickness shall extend up the branch pie ‘hese ayers shall ave a minimum length to-thckness Dd For joint wih inside reinforcements permite folncadethereifrcement that extends nate branch ipeascontbutngiatheiside retforementttheran pipe. The maxima length ofthe relforeement that ean (a) Resin pty shave used athe tcersecton a form smooth yup surface The ised asso te pay shall ot exceed 10 um (i) (G)_Renfrconene of te Branch Pipe (1) The minimum length af reinforcement onthe ‘ranch pipe sal ot be less than that determined by 9: (2316) 6 gy ea6) (40) Nomorethan Som ofthe taper length shale Included as contributing to the minimum renorcement length un the brane, Ly. The misinum eiforcement Tenth ofthe branch pp shall not bees han 75 a GOiny, (Ls) The secondary bond shea strength on the branch pipe Si sal ot be taken to be greater han Ye MPs (2000 pe). (2) The minimum thickness ofthe reinforcement on ‘the branch pipe shal ot be fess han hat datermined by sanity sou! es ean y= 15 relaorcementisaplied oly tothe outside tithe join Se Figare 2-411, seaton {Lif snorcement is applied othe nse a tuted ofthe aint See igure 2341-1 tion) (2) The fall thickness reinforcement on the brane pipe shall extend minimum of SD mim (20 In onto theron pps, beyond the resin pty flowed tyr minum length tothe taper of (C2) I test data isnot avalable forthe tensile strength ofthe reiforcemont. Sa. permissible to (4) ‘The minum thickness ofthe enforcement shall a be estan 6 mi (025i). Te enforcement fn the Bran pe sal be appli before the an pipe feinforcement yes are apple or sal be uniformly Interspersed wit heron pipe reinforcement layers 23.42 Branch Connections Using Listed Fitings. I ‘connection has adequate strength to sustain the internal Figure 23.4.1 Deal for Fabricated Branch Team TLE ve [ie ps Bh ane, Baaot So (i Rafrceman onde nd Ota Nat ()aee as eae Baa ata oe sndexernalpressresthat wb appledtoiieweess Ted ing (0 tee. aterl or erst in acordance with pate 231 23.43 integrally Molded Tee Fitngs (e) The minimum requied pressure design structural Cloeness, ofthe man run aba branch Fgions af @ ‘olde toe shal be determined in secrdance with oe 2310} Py conte en) where ‘De # ise dlameter of he min run strctral wall rm (i) Presse tess muller for ital tes sae ‘The geometry factor ven by the following equa (2) For equal tees Dp eu Jt) Invde diameter ofthe te branch strata wal rm (in) = rin stractral thickets ofthe te ranch, fn in ser Figure 234341 = minum strctralhiness of the mie run of the te, mm (in) ste Figure 2343-1, a-(2 e320 where Dp (2) Thefollowing general provsonsand requirements spy tothe design of moe tes: {0) Thedesignapproachisappiableonlytomelded tees mae of Typo Typ laminates wher Dy = 600, tam ein} and eum and trench eons ar tegraly formed with continous laminates Fabricated tees cnstracted fom separate fun and branch pipe Joined fogether shall be qualified im accordance with pare 234.1 or par, £392, 8 apple (2) Theminimum thcknes ofthe reinforced region attejunctiono the run apd brane tll a bess has Ste Sea Figure 23.3 (a) Thelength of renforced thickness fhe branch jon Uysal be geete than o equal thal af the ‘ranch diameter, 080m but shall ot be less than 100, sm (408). 8 (2) For Dy 5 0250p the minimum dlametr ofthe reinforced tines of theron rion sal nat be lest than 3Dp or [Dy + 200 mm (B in}, whichever is areater, followed by @ minimum length-t-thickness {oper of ac. se gure 2.331, Masai (3). (6) For Dy» 0.25Dy, the relnforeed thickness ofthe thera pipe The minimum length ofthe relaored te reset the manranstallnotbe les than (Om Dy) (Ds 200: (Bin) whichever igresterSoeFigue? 431 istration (3, (6) The requirements ofpars. 2143 areinendedto ‘chev sulcent thekness and length a the reinforced Fegins to manage pressure stressesathe uncon tthe fnand ranch hedimensonsoftheiting may eed be creased t allow fr joining method or thickness transone Refer tora 2-244 for adlitons design Additional Design Considerations. The re qulrementsofparas 23.41 tough 23.43 areintended tense sattactory performance afabranch connection "bjeced only to snr static presore leading The Alger sal ako consider te following [e) ln addition to state pressure loadings, eternal forces and moments are applied toa branch cinnecton by djnamic unbalanced pressure thermal expansion and ntraction, dead an ive loads and movement Pipi terminals and supports. Branch connections shal be Aecgned to withstand these ores and moment. (2) Adequate Next halle providedin mal tine thar branches froma large ru, to accommodate ermal fapsion and ater movement ofthe larger line (6) i ribs, gussets, or clamps are wed to stiflen the branch connetion thelr arene sll ot be counted ae ontebating to the reinforcement area determined ih paras 2341 and 2343, 2.25 Closures 2.35: General (4) Coeues no in accordance wit para 22.1 oF) shall be quale a requred by para 23.92, (0) Eipsoidal (21) hemispherical and torisphevcal closures with internal presure onthe concave side Sal be 95 caleusted ine. (221): eam sum of allowances defined in pare.232.4, mm i.) pressure design structural thickness, eaelated Far the typeret closure using ey (23-22), (22.25) oF (23-24) em (in) imi equredthicknes nctuingtnecorro omarrir and mechanical and eroion low nce i)

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