Business Plan for ARABLE-1

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Business Plan for

1. Executive Summary

Business Name: ARABLE

Location: Farafenni, The Gambia

Type of Agriculture: Mixed Farming (Crops, Vegetables, and Livestock)

Products: Tomatoes, Peppers, Onions, Eggplant, Salad, etc.

Target Market: Local markets, Supermarkets, and Middlemen

Business Goals: To produce local food products and reduce consumer costs by

Founder: Amadou Jallow

2. Business Description

Company Overview

ARABLE is an agricultural business located in Farafenni, The Gambia. Our aim is to produce
high-quality crops and vegetables, along with livestock, to meet the needs of local markets
and supermarkets. We are committed to providing fresh produce at reduced costs to
enhance food security and affordability within our community.

Vision Statement

To be the leading provider of affordable, high-quality agricultural products in The Gambia,

fostering a sustainable and self-sufficient local food system.

Mission Statement

To produce and deliver fresh, affordable agricultural products, contributing to the local
economy and improving the livelihoods of our community.
3. Market Analysis

Industry Overview

The agricultural sector in The Gambia is a critical part of the economy, with a growing
demand for locally produced food. As urbanisation increases, so does the need for fresh
vegetables and reliable food sources.

Target Market

● Local Markets: Supplying vendors who sell directly to consumers.

● Supermarkets: Partnering with grocery stores to offer fresh produce.
● Middlemen: Engaging with intermediaries who distribute to various outlets.

Market Needs

The primary need is for affordable, fresh, and locally grown produce that can reduce the
dependency on imports and stabilise food prices in the market.

Competitive Analysis

While there are several agricultural producers in The Gambia, ARABLE differentiates itself
by focusing on affordability and freshness. Our direct-to-market approach allows us to cut
costs and provide competitive pricing.
4. Business Goals

Short-Term Goals

● Establish a consistent production cycle for all listed crops.

● Build relationships with local markets and supermarkets.
● Achieve initial sales targets and begin generating revenue.

Long-Term Goals

● Expand production capacity and diversify crop offerings.

● Introduce livestock products to the market.
● Achieve a 50% cost reduction in local food prices.
5. Products and Services


● Tomatoes
● Peppers
● Onions
● Eggplant
● Salad greens
● Etc

● Chickens
● Etc

6. Marketing Strategy

Product Strategy
Offer fresh, high-quality vegetables and crops at competitive prices to attract and retain

Price Strategy
Sell produce at half the price of current market rates to local market sellers, ensuring
affordability for end consumers.

Place Strategy
Distribute products through local markets, supermarkets, and middlemen to ensure wide

Promotion Strategy
Engage in community outreach to build brand awareness.
Use social media and local advertising to promote products.
Participate in local events and farmers' markets to directly connect with consumers.
7. Operations Plan

Production Process

Utilise sustainable farming practices to ensure high-quality yield. Implement efficient

irrigation and pest control systems to maximise productivity.

Facilities and Equipment

Farmland in Farafenni for crop cultivation.

Necessary farming tools and equipment.
Storage facilities to keep produce fresh.


Currently, the business is managed by the founder. As the business grows, additional staff
will be hired for farm operations, sales, and distribution.

8. Management and Organization

Management Team

Founder: Amadou Jallow

Roles: Overseeing all operations, production planning, marketing, and sales.

Future Expansion
Plan to hire additional team members as the business scales, including farm workers, sales
representatives, and administrative staff.
9. Financial Plan

Financial Projections

● Expected Revenue: 1,080,000 GMD

● Expected Expenses: 20,000 GMD
● Net Profit: 1,060,000 GMD

Funding Requirements

To achieve the business goals and scale operations, an initial investment will be required.
This could come from personal savings, loans, or potential investors.

10. Appendix

Supporting Documents

● Market research data

● Production plans and schedules
● Financial statements and projections

By following this business plan, ARABLE aims to create a sustainable and profitable
agricultural business that benefits the local community through affordable, high-quality food

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