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Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution

Vol. 14, No. 1, January, pp. 11–19, 2000

Article ID mpev.1999.0672, available online at http://www.idealibrary.com on

Molecular Phylogeny of Coriaria, with Special Emphasis

on the Disjunct Distribution
Jun Yokoyama,* Mitsuo Suzuki,† Kunio Iwatsuki,‡ and Mitsuyasu Hasebe§,1
*Biological Institute, Tohoku University, Aoba, Aramaki, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi 980-8578, Japan; †Botanical Garden, Tohoku
University, Kawauchi, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi 980-8576, Japan; ‡Faculty of Science, Rikkyo University, 3-34-1 Nishi-Ikebukuro,
Toshima-ku, Tokyo 171-0021, Japan; and §National Institute for Basic Biology, 38 Nishigonaka, Myodaiji-cho, Okazaki 444-8585, Japan

Received October 12, 1998

habitat and caused the present discontinuous distribu-

Coriaria, which has the most conspicuously disjunct tion in each hemisphere. He also proposed that the
distribution of the flowering plants, is distributed in discontinuous distribution between the two hemi-
four separate areas of the world. The phylogenetic spheres was a result of continental displacement. Mel-
relationships of 12 Coriaria species collected from the ville (1966, 1981) suggested that Coriaria enlarged its
representative disjunct areas were inferred by compar-
distribution from the Gondwanic home in the Southern
ing 2416 bp of the combined data set of rbcL (a large
Hemisphere to the Northern Hemisphere, passing onto
subunit of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/
oxygenase) and matK (maturase K) genes. The phyloge-
the former Pacific continent in the early Cretaceous,
netic tree shows that the Chile–Papua New Guinea– although the existence of that continent has not been
New Zealand–Pacific islands species and the Central demonstrated. Croizat (1952) hypothesized that Cori-
America–northern South America species form a sister aria migrated from the Southern Hemisphere to the
group, and the Eurasian clade is more basal to them. Northern Hemisphere via the Pacific islands. Schuster
The divergence time between the Eurasian group and (1976) speculated that Coriaria originated in Gond-
the other species was estimated as 63 or 59 million wanaland and migrated to Asia by rafting on the Indian
years ago using rbcL and matK molecular clocks, plate.
respectively. These results do not support previously The phylogenetic position of the Coriariaceae is
proposed hypotheses which explain the disjunct distri- unsettled. Many authors placed the Coriariaceae near
bution on the basis of continental drift but suggest that to or within a sapindalean–rutalean group, although as
the distribution pattern was formed by several geo- an isolated group (Scholz, 1964; Takhtajan, 1980; Dahl-
graphical migrations and separations in the Cenozoic. gren, 1983; Thorne, 1983). This view was supported by
r 2000 Academic Press results from embryology (Sharma, 1968), pollen struc-
Key Words: Coriaria; angiosperm; biogeography, mo-
ture (Garg, 1981), and chemical compounds (Bohm and
lecular systematics; rbcL; matK.
Ornduff, 1981). Alternatively, Croizat (1952) and Cron-
quist (1981) suggested that the most reasonable posi-
tion for the family is in the Ranunculales because floral
characters and anatomy of the stem seem more compat-
Genus Coriaria is one of the more interesting taxa of ible with Ranunculales than with any other orders.
angiosperms because of its isolated geographical distri- Corner (1976) showed that the seed coat structures of
bution. Coriaria is widely distributed in four separate Coriaria resemble those of the Ranunculaceae. On the
areas of the world (Fig. 1): the Mediterranean; continen- other hand, based on the large subunit of ribulose-1,5-
tal and insular eastern Asia (the Himalayas of southern bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase gene (rbcL) se-
China, Japan, Taiwan, and the Philippines); Papua quences, Chase et al. (1993), Swensen et al. (1994), and
New Guinea to New Zealand, including the adjacent Swensen (1996) produced the unexpected result that
Pacific islands; and Northern Mexico to southern Chile Coriaria was closely related to the Begoniaceae, Cucur-
through Central America (Good, 1930; Allan, 1961; bitaceae, and Datiscaceaea and it did not have close
Skog, 1972). Good (1930) speculated that the progres- relationships to either the sapindalean–rutalean group
sion of glaciers in the Tertiary period divided the or the Ranunculales sensu Cronquist (1981).
Species delimitation in Coriaria is controversial, and
5 to 20 species have been recognized, depending on the
1 To whom correspondence should be addressed. Fax: ⫹81-564-55- authors (5 species: Skog, 1972; Cronquist, 1981; Thorne,
7546. E-mail: mhasebe@nibb.ac.jp. 1983; 10 species: Scholz, 1964; 15 species: Airy Shaw,

1055-7903/00 $35.00
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All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.

FIG. 1. Distribution of Coriaria. This figure is based on Good (1930), Melville (1981), Hotta (1974), and Dr. Hideaki Ohba’s unpublished study. Species used in this study are
indicated by asterisks.

1973; and 20 species: Good, 1930), probably because of µM each primer, 200 mM each deoxynucleotide, 10 mM
the large morphological variation caused by natural Tris–HCl (pH 8.3), 50 mM KCl, 1.5 mM MgCl2, and 1.25
hybridization (Good, 1930; Allan, 1961). Although Good units of Taq polymerase.
(1930) recognized three groups in the genus based on We used primers described by Hasebe et al. (1994) to
some conspicuous and constant vegetative and reproduc- amplify the rbcL gene. For the matK, we used a pair of
tive characters, the interspecific relationships of Cori- primers: matK-AF (Ooi et al., 1995) and matK-8R
aria have not been studied because of the lack of (Steele and Vilgalys, 1994) to amplify an approx 1.2-kb
informative morphological characters and appropriate region of matK. Then, we used the two primers and an
outgroups for cladistic analysis. The inferred phyloge- additional four internal primers listed in Table 2 for
netic tree is expected to be useful to hypotheses about sequencing. The thermal cycle profile for amplifications
the evolutionary processes which caused the disjunct was 1 cycle of 94°C (2 min), 45°C (2 min), 60°C (3 min),
distribution of Coriaria. 30 cycles of 94°C (1.5 min), 45°C (2 min), 60°C (3 min),
In cases in which morphological characters useful for followed by 15 min of extension profile at 72°C. The
phylogenetic inference are scarce, DNA sequence data PCR products were separated on 1% agarose gels and
are often helpful for phylogenetic analyses and produce purified using the GENECLEAN II kit (BIO 101). Cycle
useful insights in biogeographical studies. The purpose sequencing reactions were performed using about 80–
of this study is (1) to elucidate the interspecific relation- 100 ng of purified PCR products and the PRISM Ready
ships within Coriaria using DNA sequence data de- Reaction DyeDeoxy Terminator Cycle sequencing kit
rived from two plastid genes, rbcL and matK, and (2) to (Applied Biosystems) with the manufacturer’s instruc-
evaluate the previously proposed hypotheses about the tions. DNA sequences were obtained by using the 373A
disjunct distribution of this genus. DNA Sequencer or the PRISM 310 Genetic Analyzer
(Applied Biosystems).
MATERIALS AND METHODS Sequences obtained in this study were aligned manu-
ally. Phylogenetic analyses were performed by three
Plant materials used in this study are listed in Table methods: the maximum parsimony (MP) method, the
1. The Coriaria sp. collected in Fiji is different from any neighbor-joining (NJ) method, and the maximum likeli-
other known Coriaria species, and further taxonomic hood (ML) method. For MP analyses, we used PAUP
analysis will be published elsewhere. The species were ver. 3.1.1 (Swofford, 1993). We assigned equal weight to
selected to represent all areas of the disjunct distribu- each codon position. The heuristic search option using
tion of this genus. Leaves (2–3 g) pulverized with liquid 100 replications of RANDUM addition with TBR branch
nitrogen were used for isolations of total DNAs by the swapping was employed to search for multiple islands
modified CTAB method (Hasebe and Iwatsuki, 1990). of the most parsimonious trees (Maddison, 1991). Boot-
The PCR mix contained 100 to 200 ng of total DNA, 1 strap (Felsenstein, 1985) and decay analyses (Bremer,


List of Coriaria, Begonia, and Datisca Used in this Study

GenBank GenBank
Accession Accession
Taxon Locality Specimen a No. of rbcL No. of matK

C. arborea Lindsay New Zealand: Wakarewarea Forest Park, North Suzuki et al., 19871 AB016440 AB016454
C. intermedia Matsum. Taiwan: Taroko National Park Suzuki and Suzuki, 19891 AB016441 AB016455
C. japonica A. Gray Japan: Tedori River, Ishikawa Pref. Suzuki et al., 19891 AB016442 AB016456
C. lurida Kirk New Zealand: Waimea, South Island Suzuki et al., 19871 AB016443 AB016457
C. microphylia Poir. Mexico Tobe and Oginuma, 19921 AB016444 AB016458
C. myrthifolia L. Morocco: Marruecos, Chefchaouen Ron, 19891 AB016445 AB016459
C. napalensis Wall. Nepal: Ghasa-Lete, Gandaki Zone Suzuki, 19891 AB016446 AB016460
C. papuana Warb. Papua New Guinea: Dauro Pass, Eastern High- Watanabe, 19891 AB016447 AB016461
lands Prov.
C. ruscifolia L. Chile: La Junta, Prov. Aisen Uemura et al., 19891 AB016448 AB016462
C. sp. Fiji: Wainimala, Viti Levu Isl. Setoguchi, 19901 AB016449 AB016463
C. sarmentosa Forster f. New Zealand: Near Kikiwa, Waimea, South Island Suzuki et al., 19871 AB016450 AB016464
C. terminalis Hemsl. Nepal: Wolanchung Gola, Taplejung Suzuki et al., 19921 AB016451 AB016465
Begonia evansiana Andr. Japan: Aramaki, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi Pref. Yokoyama 9500012 AB016452 AB016466
Datisca cannabina L. Cultivated in Botanical Gardens, University of Hasebe 9504012 AB016453 AB016467
a Voucher specimens are deposited in TI(1) or TUS(2).

TABLE 2 base pair positions 57 and 1280 from the initial methio-
nine codon of Nicotiana tobaccum (Shinozaki et al.,
List of matK Primer Sequence and Location
1986) was used for phylogenetic analyses. There are 97
Primer name Sequence (58 = 38) Position Reference variable nucleotide positions, of which 34 nucleotides
are potentially informative. The obtained matK se-
CTATATCCACTTATCTTTCAG- quences for phylogenetic analyses are between base
matK-AF GAGT 55–79 Ooi et al., 1995
pair positions 91 and 1291 from the initial methionine
CRmatK-F1 ATTCC 296–320 This study codon of N. tobaccum (Shinozaki et al., 1986). Com-
TCCTATATAATTCTCATGTAT- pared to the N. tobaccum matK, two deletions (115–120
CRmatK-F2 GTGA 641–665 This study and 340–348 of N. tobaccum) are present in Coriaria,
GCCTCTTCTGATGAATAAGT- Begonia, and Datisca matK and a 6-nucleotide inser-
CRmatK-F3 GGAA 882–905 This study
Steele and tion (774–775 of N. tobaccum) exists in Coriaria. Thus,
AAAGTTCTAGCACAAGAAAG- Vilgalys, the 1186-bp region shared among Coriaria, Begonia,
matK-8R TCGA 1331–1208 1994 and Datisca was used for phylogenetic analyses. One
TACCACTGAAGGATTTAGTC- hundred and eighty-four variable nucleotide sites are
CRmatK-R1 GCACA 1044–1020 This study
present, of which 110 are potentially informative.
CRmatK-R2 AGAAG 724–701 This study The intrageneric relationship of Coriaria was in-
GGTATTAATACATCTGACA- ferred using the rbcL or matK sequence data set with
CRmatK-R3 CATAAT 467–443 This study the MP method, and both trees obtained are almost
congruent (data not shown). To assess the congruence
Note. Position indicates base pair from the initial methionine codon
of Nicotiana tobaccum (Sugita et al., 1985). between the trees based on the different data sets, the
Mickevich–Farris incongruence index (IMF; Mickevich
and Farris, 1981) was calculated. The lengths of the
1988) were used to obtain a measure of confidence for most parsimonious trees for the rbcL, the matK, and
each branch. One thousand bootstrap replications were their combined data sets are 103, 244, and 348, respec-
carried out with equal weighting, simple sequence tively, and the IMF value is 0.0029, indicating that
addition, and NNI branch swapping. 0.29% of the total character incongruence is due to the
For NJ analyses, we used the NEIGHBOR program combining of the rbcL and matK data sets. Because of
of PHYLIP version 3.572 (Felsenstein, 1995). In calcu- this low value and the congruency of the tree topologies
lating the distance matrix, the Kimura two-parameter inferred by two different data sets, we used the com-
model of nucleotide substitutions (Kimura, 1980) and bined data set in further analyses.
the DNAML model of Felsenstein (1981) were imple- In the MP analysis with equal weighting using the
mented with the DNADIST program of the PHYLIP combined data set, 6 equally most parsimonious trees
program package. The transition/transversion ratio of 351 steps were found on one island. These trees have
was fixed to 2.0. One thousand bootstrap replications a consistency index (excluding uninformative charac-
were conducted with the SEQBOOT program of the ters) of 0.84, a retention index of 0.90, and a rescaled
same package. consistency index of 0.82. The strict consensus tree
We used the fastDNAml version 1.0 (Felsenstein, with bootstrap values for nodes supported in ⱖ50% of
1981; Olsen et al., 1994) for the ML analysis. The transition/ 100 bootstrap replicates is shown in Fig. 2A. The NJ
transversion ratio was fixed to 2.0. Ten random se- tree using distances calculated by the DNAML model of
quence addition searches by the Jumble option with Felsenstein (1981) is shown in Fig. 2B. The topology of
global branch swapping (the Global option) were em- this tree is the same as that of a tree obtained with the
ployed to obtain a ML tree with the best log-likelihood. Kimura two-parameter method (Kimura, 1980). In the
One hundred bootstrap replications were carried out by ML analysis, each random sequence addition search
the Bootstrap option of the same program. produced 714 to 1242 different trees, and the ML tree
The number of synonymous substitutions was esti- with the best log-likelihood (⫺5524.81) is shown in Fig.
mated by method 2 of Ina (1995) to calculate the diver- 2C.
gence time between species of Coriaria. The constancy These three different methods generate mostly con-
of evolutionary rate was assessed with the relative rate gruent trees. The clade which includes the Eurasian
test (Wu and Li, 1985) in which Begonia evansian and species is basally branched off from other species.
Datisca cannabina were used as reference taxa. Monophyly of the Eurasian clade is well supported by
the bootstrap analyses. Two distinct clades are recog-
RESULTS nized in the Eurasian clade. One clade consists of
species in continental Asia (C. terminalis and C.
Phylogenetic Relationships in Coriaria nepalensis) and the Mediterranean (C. myrtifolia), and
The rbcL sequences could be aligned without any the other clade is composed of species in islands of
insertions or deletions. The 1224-bp region between eastern and south eastern Asia (C. japonica and C.

intermedia). The phylogenetic relationship within the inflorescence is a long terminal raceme characteristic of
former clade is incongruent among the three methods, C. terminalis in Coriaria. All other extant Coriaria
and none of them are supported with high bootstrap have lateral and axial inflorescences, and it is apparent
values. C. microphylla is a sister taxon to all Coriaria of that the fossil is closely related to C. terminalis (Sa-
the South Hemisphere, in which C. papuana of Papua porta, 1865; Good, 1930). We therefore assume that the
New Guinea and C. sp. of Fiji form a basal clade, terminal inflorescence is a synapomorphic character of
although the monophyletic relationship of the clade is C. terminalis and C. longaeba and that C. longaeba
not well supported with the bootstrap analyses. Species forms a sister group with C. terminalis, assigning the
of New Zealand and Chile form a clade, in which C. divergence time between the two lineages as at most 30
arborea of New Zealand is basal. Monophyly of a MYA. The synonymous nucleotide substitution rates
Chilean and two New Zealand species (C. ruscifolia, C. (Ks) of the Coriaria rbcL and matK genes were esti-
sarmentosa, and C. lurida) is well supported by the mated as 1.7 ⫻ 10⫺10 ⫾ 0.2 ⫻ 10⫺10 and 3.6 ⫻ 10⫺10 ⫾
bootstrap analyses in all methods. 0.9 ⫻ 10⫺10 nucleotides per site per year, respectively.
The evolutionary rate of the Coriaria rbcL gene is
Estimation of Divergence Time similar to previously reported rates of woody plants
Nucleotide substitution rates are not perfectly clock- (Albert et al., 1993) but slower than those of herbaceous
like (Bousquet et al., 1992) and are considered to be taxa (Wolfe et al., 1989). The rate difference between
influenced by life history factors and/or generation the rbcL and the matK genes is about double, which is
times in seed plants (Bousquet et al., 1992; Li, 1993; greater than that of Steele and Vilgalys (1994) but
Hasebe et al., 1998). The relative rate test (Wu and Li, smaller than that of Johnson and Soltis (1995). Based
1985) was used to determine the constancy of evolution- on the evolutionary rates of the Coriaria genes, the
ary rates among species in Coriaria using the esti- divergence time between the Eurasian group and the
mated number of synonymous substitutions of each other species was estimated to be 63.1 ⫾ 14.7 MYA
rbcL and matK gene. Datisca cannabina, inferred to be (rbcL) and 59 ⫾ 9.7 MYA (matK ) on average (Fig. 2C).
closely related to Coriaria (Swensen et al., 1996), was
selected as a reference species, and its rbcL and matK DISCUSSION
genes were sequenced (Accession No. of each gene is
AB016453 and AB016467, respectively). Although Oc- Intrageneric Relationships of Coriaria
tomeles, Tetrameles, and Corynocarpus are inferred to Good (1930) recognized three groups (A, B, and C) in
be more closely related to Coriaria by Swensen et al. Coriaria, based on the geographic distribution, inflores-
(1996), we could not obtain the materials. When we cence type, shape of winter bud scales, and sexuality of
compared the evolutionary rate of each Eurasian spe- flowers. Group A consists of only one species, C. termina-
cies (C. intermedia, C. japonica, C. myrtifolia, C. lis, which has unusual terminal inflorescences instead
nepalensis, and C. terminalis) to one of the other of the lateral and axial inflorescences of other Coriaria.
species (C. microphylla, C. papuana, C. sp., C. arborea, Group B includes all Eurasian species except C. termi-
C. ruscifolia, C. sarmentosa, and C. lurida), the null nalis, C. intermedia, C. japonica, C. myrtifolia, and C.
hypothesis of constancy in the evolutionary rate was nepalensis. The other species used in this study are all
not rejected at the 5% significance level in both lin- included in group C, which is characterized by rounded
eages, except in C. intermedia and C. sp. (data not leafy bracts subtended at the base of an axial inflores-
shown). The evolutionary rates of both rbcL and matK cence in contrast to the bud scales shared by the
genes are accelerated in the C. intermedia lineage but members of group B. Our phylogenetic analyses using
decelerated in the C. sp. lineage. Therefore, we ex- the combined nucleotide sequence data of the rbcL and
cluded C. intermedia and C. sp. from the following matK genes showed that groups A and B should be
analyses. When Begonia evansiana (Accession Nos. combined into one group because separation of C.
AB016452 and AB016466 for rbcL and matK genes, terminalis makes group B polyphyletic (Fig. 2). Mono-
respectively), which is also inferred to be closely related phyly of group C is well supported by the bootstrap
to Coriaria (Swensen et al., 1996), was used as a analyses (Fig. 2). Therefore, combining our results
reference species, the results were not changed (data together with Good’s system, we propose to divide
not shown). Coriaria into two groups: group 1, including C. termina-
Several fossils have been reported as Coriaria but lis and the species in group B of Good (1930), and group
most of them are detached leaves (Ozaki, 1991), pollens 2, corresponding to group C of Good (1930) (Fig. 2C).
(Praglowski, 1970; Muller, 1981), and seeds (Gregor,
1980), which are difficult to relate to extant species. Biogeographic Implications
However, one specimen is a well-preserved fossil of a Species in Coriaria are scattered into separate areas
shoot containing inflorescences and leaves, C. longaeba (Fig. 1). This scattering has been noted as the most
(Saporta, 1865), from the Armissan beds of the Oli- conspicuous disjunct distribution in angiosperms (Good,
gocene age, about 30 million years ago (MYA). The 1930). The processes leading to such a disjunct distribu-

FIG. 2. Phylogenetic trees of Coriaria species based on the combined data set of 1224-bp rbcL and 1186-bp matK sequences. Bootstrap
values are indicated for nodes supported in ⱖ50% boot strap replicates. The trees are rooted by Datisca cannabina and Begonia evansiana. (A)
Strict consensus of 6 equally most parsimonious trees obtained using maximum parsimony with equal weighting, simple sequence addition,
and NNI branch swapping with MULPARS and STEEPEST DESCENT selected. Branch lengths are arbitrary. The value of the decay index
for each node is indicated under the bootstrap value. (B) Neighbor-joining tree (Saitou and Nei, 1987) with the DNAML distance (Felsenstein,
1981). Branch lengths are proportional to the expected mean number of substitutions per site along the branch, as quantified by the scale bar.
(C) The best maximum likelihood tree with a log-likelihood of ⫺5524.81 obtained after 10 random sequence addition searches with local and

tion have been widely discussed. Croizat (1952), Mel- groups 1 and 2, the following scenario of the evolution
ville (1966, 1981), and Schuster (1976) speculated that of Coriaria is proposed. The basal branching of the
Coriaria originated in the eastern part of Gondowanal- Eurasian Coriaria suggests that Coriaria originated in
and, which was composed of present-day Papua New either Eurasia or North America. Coriaria was prob-
Guinea, New Zealand, the Pacific islands between the ably more widely distributed than at the present, at
former two big islands, and South America. Croizat least in Eurasia, because a fossil of C. longaeba was
(1952) believed the Pacific islands to be tracks of found in southern France (Saporta, 1865) far from the
dispersal from the Southern Hemisphere to Eurasia. present distribution of its close relative, C. terminalis,
Melville (1966, 1981) hypothesized that C. papuana of which is restricted to the Himalayas (Fig. 1). The
New Guinea and C. intermedia of Taiwan and the estimated divergence time between group 1 and group
northern Philippines form a sister pair and that the 2 is about 60 MYA, the early Tertiary, when Eurasia
latter species migrated to the Northern Hemisphere and North America were closer to each other than at
from the Southern Hemisphere. The parental species of the present (Smith and Briden, 1977; Briggs, 1987;
these two species was suggested to be ‘‘C. ruscifolia-like Hughes, 1994) and the Arctic circumpolar region was
species’’ corresponding to the ancestor of the extant warm enough to support temperate plant species
species in the Southern Hemisphere. He also specu- (Chaney, 1947; Woldstedt, 1954; Axelrod, 1960; Kobaya-
lated that C. intermedia expanded its distribution to shi and Shikama, 1961). Based on this, it is possible
China, the Himalayas, Japan, and the Mediterranean that the common ancestor of groups 1 and 2 expanded
area and diverged into the different species presently its distribution through the circumpolar region.
observed. Schuster (1976) proposed the migration of Extant Coriaria in Eurasia are scattered in two
Coriaria to the Northern Hemisphere by the movement areas: the eastern and southeastern part of Asia,
of India from Gondowanaland to Eurasia. Both Melville including the Himalayas, and the Mediterranean. In
(1966, 1981) and Schuster (1976) speculated that Cori- the phylogenetic tree (Fig. 2), C. myrtifolia of the
aria expanded its distribution from South America to Mediterranean is located in a possibly more derived
Central America, suggesting C. microphylla and C. position than the eastern species, suggesting that the
ruscifolia form a sister group. common ancestor of group 1 expanded the distribution
The phylogenetic tree of the combined rbcL–matK from east to west in Eurasia. The present disjunct
nucleotide sequences indicates that the Eurasian spe- distribution should be considered to have been caused
cies (group 1 in Fig. 2C) are the most basal in Coriaria, by the climatic changes associated with the glaciation
while the species of the South Hemisphere (C. papuana, and the drying in the Cenozoic (Good, 1930).
C. sp. C. arborea, C. ruscifolia, C. sarmentosa, and C. The common ancestor of group 2 distributed in North
lurida) form a clade after the divergence of C. micro- America most likely diverged into two lineages. The
phylla (Fig. 2C). The data suggest that Coriaria did not descendent of one lineage evolved into C. microphylla
expand its distribution from the South Hemisphere via and expanded its distribution into northern South
the Pacific islands. C. ruscifolia, regarded as an ances- America after the land bridge between North and
tral form of extant Coriaria by Melville (1966, 1981), is South America was formed. Another descendent mi-
not located in a basal lineage but is rather close to the grated to the Pacific islands and diverged into several
end of the tree. Although C. intermedia and C. papuana species in Papua New Guinea (C. papuana), Fiji (C.
are adjacently distributed, as Melville (1966, 1981) sp.), and New Zealand (C. arborea, C. sarmentosa, C.
pointed out, these species are not closely related to each lurida and other species which we did not sample in
other. Therefore, the proposed migration via the Pacific this study). Central America and the Pacific islands
islands which accompanied the speciation of C. interme- were not connected to each other in the Cenozoic, and
dia and C. papuana does not seem to have occurred. In long-distance dispersal should be postulated to explain
the Eurasian species, C. intermedia is not basal, elimi- the pattern of this disjunct distribution. The phyloge-
nating the possibility of the Pacific migration route. netic tree indicates that C. ruscifolia is not a direct
Furthermore, the migration of Coriaria from South descendent of either the postulated North American
America to Central America is not likely to be the case, ancestor or C. microphylla but migrated from one of the
because C. ruscifolia and C. microphylla do not form a Pacific islands to Chile. Although we examined represen-
sister group in Fig. 2C. tative species covering the disjunct distribution of
Based on the phylogenetic relationships of the extant Coriaria, other species are known from New Zealand,
species and the estimated divergence time between Tahiti, and other Pacific islands. Nucleotide sequence

global branch swappings. Estimated divergence times between Groups 1 and 2 are indicated. Distribution, grouping of Good (1930), and
rbcL–matK grouping proposed in this study are shown on the right side of the tree. Areas are indicated with the following abbreviations: CAS,
continental Asia around the Himalayas; CAM, central America; IAS, insular Asia; MED, the Mediterranean; NZ, New Zealand; PAS, the
Pacific islands; PNG, Papua New Guinea; SAM, South America.

data of these taxa may help to infer more detailed Felsenstein, J. (1985). Confidence limits on phylogenies: An approach
migration routes of Coriaria in the Southern Hemi- using the bootstrap. Evolution 39: 783–791.
sphere. Felsenstein, J. (1995). PHYLIP: Phylogeny Inference Package, ver-
sion 3.572c, Univ. of Washington, Seattle.
Garg, M. (1981). Pollen morphology and systematic position of
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Coriaria. Phytomorphology 30: 5–10.
Good, R. D. O. (1930). The geography of the genus Coriaria. New
We thank H. Ohba for his generosity in providing his unpublished Phytol. 29: 170–198.
distribution map of Coriaria; K. Oginuma, H. Ohba, M. Takahashi, Gregor, H.-J. (1980). Seeds of the genus Coriaria Linne (Coriari-
H. Tobe, and K. Uemura for helpful discussions and critical reading of aceae) in the European Neogene. Tert. Res. 3: 61–69.
the manuscript; H. Setoguchi and R. Watanabe for living materials;
Hasebe, M., and Iwatsuki, K. (1990). Adiantum capillus-veneris
K. Sato for cultivation; and T. Fukuda, K. Kobayashi, T. Omori, M.
chloroplast DNA clone bank: Useful heterologous probes in the
Sato, and A. Yokoyama for assistance with sequencing. This work was
systematics of the leptosporangiate ferns. Am. Fern J. 80: 20–25.
supported in part by Grants from the Ministry of Education, Science
and Culture, Japan (08554035 to M.H. and K.I.; 0845273 to M.S.). Hasebe, M., Omori, T., Nakazawa, M., Sano, T., Kato, M., and
Iwatsuki, K. (1994). RbcL gene sequences provide evidence for the
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