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Here are some journal prompts that may be helpful for individuals living with bipolar disorder:

1. Write down any patterns you have noticed in your moods and energy levels, including
triggers for episodes of depression or mania.
2. Reflect on the impact of bipolar disorder on your relationships, work, and overall quality of
3. Write about any fears or concerns you have regarding your diagnosis, treatment, or future
4. Consider how you can practice self-care and coping strategies during episodes of
depression or mania, and write down a plan for these times.
5. Reflect on your current treatment plan, including medication and therapy, and write about
any changes or adjustments that may be helpful.
6. Write down a list of things that bring you joy and help to stabilize your mood, and make a
plan to incorporate these things into your daily routine.
7. Reflect on the ways in which bipolar disorder has impacted your identity and sense of self,
and consider ways in which you can build a positive self-image.
8. Write about any challenges or stigma you may face as a result of your diagnosis, and
consider ways in which you can advocate for yourself and others with mental health
9. Consider the ways in which you can build a support system, including trusted friends,
family members, or mental health professionals, and write down a plan for seeking support
when needed.
10. Reflect on your goals and aspirations, and consider how you can work towards achieving
them while managing your bipolar disorder.

Living with bipolar disorder can be a complex and challenging experience, but by using these
prompts, you can begin to explore and address the various aspects of the condition and find
ways to manage and improve your overall well-being.

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