Heisenberg's Numericals

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J. fii .lQ B & ;~ §

Ul jg vcJociry if Jbu11 1:,e,1 o.,., QI

I. !he ~ DWB ofat eJeclron o 10"'27 I· CaJc ul~ ~ 9· I ,c I 0-31 kl ~

~ posit ion ••cce of the ordu of H,11 m (11 = 6-6 x I 0- kg m sec ).
o f ~
2.. Caku laae the J)rodl lCt of uncertainty i.n position and velocity for an
kg) if~ unce rtaint Y in tta ()09i tba
to ~nb a:g uncertainty principle. 0 15
3 .. Calc ulate the unce rtaint y in velocity (A1J) of acric:ket baU (mass ;= •
1 ~ l0-27 q if u:ncertainry in ua
(Ar) is of the order of J A (i.~, to- 0 m) or 100 pm.
mass J~l x
4. ~ the minimum uncenainty in velpcicy of1 a particle of
io-24 m sec-J respe ctive ly
.POSitioa u 3 x to- cm( },=~ x 10- kg m2 s- ).
10 34 b
1 5 27 •
5. Tbc UDca tainty in position and velocity of a partic34 le are : 10- m and • x
. . • • .
Cak: uleae lbe 01PM of the padic le (h = 6-625 X 10- J ,cc).
6 • ~ ?'"~ of• ekc:trou is 9· J J t( io-31 kg. Calculate dle 2uncei ;taiPty in its veJocity if ~ amce rtam ty 1D Ila
34 lcg m s- 1).
JX)Sll iOG 1$ of the order of± JO pm (h =6-6 x I0-
. . . .
. Wha t is the uncertaLOlY Ul Iocat ,ng Ila
Y""° •elect •
ron has a speed of 500 m s- 1 with an uncertainty of 0·02%34-J
31 tg. h = 6-6 x 10- s ] . . _
J)OSl tlOIJ? [Give n mas., of cJect ron = 9~1 x 10-
the veloc ity can be meas ured witb a pn:clSJOD
~ prolO D is acce lmte d to a velocity of 3 x Jo m s- . HprolO
7 1
of ± 0-S'.1?, caJco .latc the unce rtain ty in posit ion of J'J [h = 6-6 x 10- J s, mass of proto n
= 1-66 x I o-27 kg].
mass equal to l mg if the UJJCCrtainty in its
9. Calculate the una:r tainty in the position of a dust particle with
veloc ity is 5.5 x 10-20 m s-1
1 can its posit ion
10. The unce rtain ty in the mom entum of a particle is 2,2 x to--4 g cm s- . With what accu racy
be dcten niaed ? (IJ = 6-626 x 10- ecg s) A or 100 pm
tainty in its posit ion is 1
11. Calc ubue the unce rtaint y in the velocity of an electr on if the uncer
(Jo-J O m).
mass 5g that is know n to bave a spee d
12. Wha t is the minim um uncer tainty in the posit ion of1 a bullet of
som ew~ betw een 550,0 0000 and 550,00001 m s- ?

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