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I~ Calculate the momentum of a particle which has a de Broglie wavelength of 1 A or 0· 1 run.

(J. • 6-6 )( 10-~ kg m2 s-').

10 (mass of the electr on
J. Calcu late the wavel ength of an electr on movin g at 3-0 x 10 cm sec-•
• 9-J I ,c: J0-31 kg, h • 6-6 x 10-34 kg m2 sec-•).
j, The kineti c energ y of an electron is 5 x l0-5 eV (electron volts). Calculate the wavelength of the wave
associ ated with the electron. The mass of the electron may be taken as 1o- kg.
4.- A_proton is movin g with kinetic energy S x 10-27 J. What is the wavelength of the de Broglie wave
wuh it?
~- ~ ~cl e havin g a wavelength of 6-6 x 1o-6 m is moving with a velocity of 1a4 mJsec,.
Find the mass of the
pamcJe. Planc k's consta nt is 6-62 x 1o-34 kg m2 sec-I.
e wavelength of 100A
8~ What must be the veloci ty of a beam of electrons if they are to display a de Brogli
(mass of electr on= 9-1 x 10-31 kg, h = 6-6 x 10-34 J s)?
ty of 660 m s-l
1, ~ will be the wavel ength of oxyge n molecule in picometers moving with a veloci
(h = 6-6 x l 0-34 kg m 2 s-1).
8. A tennis balJ of mass 6·0 x I o-2 kg is moving with a speed of 62 m s- . Calculate the wavelength associ
? Expla ia
with this movin g tennis balL Will the movem ent of this ball exhibit .a wave charac ter
~' Calcu late de Brogl ie wavelength of an electron movin g ·with 1% of the speed of light.
j O. The sodiu m frame test has a charac teristi c yellow colou r due to the emissions
of wavelength 589 nm. What
is the mass equivalence of one photon of this wavelength ?

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