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Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 35 (2021) 102735

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An AI-based DSS for preventive conservation of museum collections in

historic buildings
Federico Mario La Russa *, Cettina Santagati
Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture (DICAR), University of Catania, Catania, Italy


Keywords: The study deals with the experimentation of innovative and advanced preservation methodologies for museum
DSS collections in historical buildings. In particular, this work shows the development of an algorithm, based on
Preventive conservation Machine Learning techniques, that suggests which actions to undertake in relation to thermo-hygrometric
conditions. The aim is to guarantee microclimate conditions that are favorable both for collections and
Artificial intelligence
Museum collections In order to boost the time required to gather the needed dataset a possibility is to train the decision-making
Architectural survey model based on machine learning through the use of a synthetic dataset created via plugins connected to VPL
(Visual Programming Languages) that allow the simulation of different scenarios starting from open source data.
The training of the machine learning mechanism will be supervised and each solution will be “an experience” for
the building from which to learn. Along the time thanks to experience and background data the decision-making
system will improve the quality of his work.

1. Introduction conservation and museum architecture.

1.1. Museums in historic buildings

1.2. Problem analysis
Museums are institutions in the service of society and its develop­
ment that play a pivotal role in the transmission of knowledge, the The preservation of the hosting architecture and museum collections
creation of cultural identities and the provision of educational services. cannot be pursued with traditional restoration approaches but with the
Usually the location of a museum is determined according to its objec­ ‘preventive conservation’ approach (Cassar, 1994; ICCROM, 2004;
tives and mission. Although most of the existing museums are hosted in Carbonara, 2012). According to the definition given by ICOM-CC (In­
buildings that were built for the purpose of housing them, it is not un­ ternational Council of Museums - Committee for Conservation), pre­
common to see many historical or historical-listed buildings adapted to ventive conservation is defined as “all measures and actions aimed at
house museums or art galleries. Indeed, the use of a historic building as a avoiding and minimizing future deterioration or loss. They are carried
museum can ensure the future viability of the building itself and can out within the context or on the surroundings of an item, but more often
contribute to social and economic development. a group of items, whatever their age and condition. These measures and
However, this transformation raises several issues that need to be actions are indirect – they do not interfere with the materials and
taken into account: the design of display and exhibition spaces have to structures of the items. They do not modify their appearance.” This
be conceived to preserve the character of architecturally significative method refuses to wait for clear signs of deterioration and encourage to
spaces and to guarantee a proper conservation of the collections; the undertake long-term action and measures to guarantee a set of standards
environmental conditions have to ensure the preservation and the value that can avoid, as much as possible, any form of deterioration.
of the building as well as of the exhibited items; the accessibility and This definition, set for Cultural Heritage, can be extended to the
safety issues must comply with the essence of the places. Therefore, this preservation instances of the historical building itself. Furthermore,
peculiar historical architecture will respond to both architectural dealing with an historical building adapted to a museum, in addition to
these instances we have to consider many other parameters (such as the

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (F.M. La Russa), (C. Santagati).
Received 18 July 2020; Received in revised form 14 November 2020; Accepted 6 December 2020
Available online 24 December 2020
2352-409X/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
F.M. La Russa and C. Santagati Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 35 (2021) 102735

presence of visitors) that alterate the environmental equilibrium in the 2. Background and related works
system “Building - Museums”.
Understanding, managing and acting through this complexity is the 2.1. Digital surveying and H-BIM
key to find the balance that can assure the respect of all the preservation
instances, both of architecture and museum. This task is extremely Current digital technologies for the 3D documentation of Cultural
complex and requires resources and competences that not all museums Heritage allow for an adequate and comprehensive geometric descrip­
can afford. For this reason in last years, several semi-automatic methods, tion of complex architectures, sites and artifacts with a known mea­
such as Decision Support System (DSS), have been designed to help surement accuracy and in short time. The two main techniques refer to
curators and building managers to achieve this goal (Section 2.2). active (laser scanning) and passive (photogrammetry) sensors (Guidi et
al, 2010). There still are some differences that make us prefer one
1.3. Research questions technology in place of another. Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) is based
on TOF (Time of Flight) or Phase Shift technology and is usually used in
Independent from museum collections, the Artificial Intelligence (AI) surveying campaigns for documenting buildings, archaeological sites,
applications in AEC industry is becoming a worldwide trend especially civil infrastructures. For smaller items, other technologies are used such
in optimization and management task linked to design and maintenance as optical triangulation or structured light laser scanners.
phases (Section 2.3). Nevertheless, even if AI seems to solve many Photogrammetry, instead, is a technique that allows to create a 3D
problems in this sector, it is important to highlight that successful model starting from a set of images. Specifically, Structure from Motion
application are linked to a large amount of collected data. (SFM) techniques allow to obtain a 3D textured model starting from a set
The main research question in this article is therefore whether a DSS, of images with affordable costs and are dramatically useful for inspec­
based on artificial intelligence algorithms, can be capable of suggesting a tion and conservation purposes (Remondino et al., 2014). However, the
combination of procedures for the use and management of the museum that obtained numerical model has no intelligence (Hichri et al., 2013) until
improve the conditions for the preventive conservation of the collections and it is semantically interpreted and geometrically parameterized. The
the building. modeling process in a BIM environment applied to cultural heritage can
In order to answer this, the following sub-questions will be follow different procedures: some take advantage of the availability of
considered: existing metric drawings, others refer to the so called scan-to-BIM
approach where the surveyed point cloud becomes the basis on which
1. Can a workflow be devised to develop an H-BIM model, of a museum to model the building. In both cases, one of the main the issue is the lack
in an historical building, linked to a DSS for preventive actions? of libraries of architectural components and decorations that have to be
2. Is it possible to develop an affordable and easy to manage DSS based created. The methods used to create such libraries foresee the use of
on AI mechanisms? architectural treatises (Lo Buglio and De Luca, 2012; Apollonio et al.,
3. What if there are not previously collected data to use for the training 2013; Giovannini, 2018), the creation of the libraries using surveying
of the AI framework? data (Murphy et al., 2013, Quattrini et al., 2015) or the creation of the
libraries in 3D modeling tools and the subsequent import in the BIM
With the triangulation between H-BIM, DSS and AI methods, we will authoring tool (Barazzetti et al., 2015; Diara and Rinaudo, 2019; Tom­
address these questions in this paper. In order to do this, we will broaden masi et al., 2016).
H-BIM concept to HS-BIM (Section 3.1) adapted for museums hosted in
historical buildings. The H-BIM model will constitute the ’digital foun­ 2.2. DSS for museums
dations’ for the subsequent creation of the DSS. To address the second
research question we will test and operate in a VPL environment to Applications using DSS in museums have become increasingly
guarantee characteristics such as responsiveness, flexibility and easy use common in recent years. These technologies are often used together with
of the tool. As for the third question, the training of AI systems requires a WSN (Wireless Sensor Network), which allow a real-time monitoring of
lot of initial data, in a museum it would need a series of direct mea­ all the parameters that are significant for the needs of museum displays
surements for at least one solar year. In order to boost the times required and the rooms. The application in the Sala dei Cinquecento in Palazzo
for the measurements or to lower the costs for the monitoring, it is Vecchio in Florence is significative (Viani et al., 2014) with the devel­
possible to create a synthetic dataset based on numerical simulations. In opment of the E-MUSEUM which provides advanced services that
this work we will test such approach to conduct our analysis. exploit the distributed information collected in a museum space through
a WSN infrastructure. Real time data help curators with the management
1.4. Article structure of museum activities.
At the Egyptian Museum of Turin it has been tested a DSS for the
In the following section, a brief outline is given about digital optimization of visitors flows functional to the design of future exhibi­
surveying techniques and H-BIM process (Section 2.1), along with a brief tions. In this work the researchers have recreated a museum environ­
discussion on the current research state regarding DSS applications for ment by analysing the behaviour of the flows according to different
museums (Section 2.2). Then, an introduction to Artificial Intelligence layouts (Calvano et al., 2020). Whilst a tool for supporting environ­
in AEC industry (Section 2.3). Section 3 discusses the proposed HS-BIM mental risk management has been developed at the Pinacoteca di Brera
methodology (Section 3.1) and exploits the procedure adopted to in Milan (Lucchi, 2020). This study demonstrates that conservation and
develop a DSS for preventive actions (Section 3.2). The process is then human comfort can be obtained at the same time when based on an
demonstrated with the application on a case study, the Museo della exhaustive knowledge of the building and the museum activities.
Rappresentazione (MuRa) in Catania (Italy) (Section 4.1) and the results There are other cases in which DSS are developed within integrated
are shown (Section 4.2). In Section 5 general findings are discussed environments where the architecture is digitally represented and stud­
(Section 5.1) and further researches are suggested (Section 5.2). The ied through simulations conducted with numerical analysis. An example
paper concludes with Section 6, summarizing the significance of the is the DSS developed for the town of Frigento (Gigliarelli et al., 2017).
work. The methodology foresaw the realization of an H-BIM model repre­
senting the historical centre used to collect data and perform energy
analyses. The results of these ones were used to create a DSS.
Another possibility is to develop a BEMS (Building Energy Manage­
ment System) with the main objective the management of the HVAC

F.M. La Russa and C. Santagati Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 35 (2021) 102735

Fig. 1. HS-BIM methodology conceptual schema.

system (environmental conditions and assess comfort inside and outside Stasiuk, 2019).
the facility, ventilation, air conditioning) as well as the mechanical and ML algorithms can interest three different fields: tasks and processes,
electrical devices inside a building. One example is proposed by Wu cognitive simulation and theoretical analysis. Currently, in the AEC
et al. (2012) who highlighted how building management systems sector there is a prevalence in task-oriented ML algorithms on the
consume more energy than necessary and propose an AI based system to grounds that they can rely on statistics data (Bishop, 2006) and are used
predict energy usage values starting from interior and exterior temper­ both in unsupervised and supervised learning modes (Miller and Stasiuk,
ature and wet-bulb humidity data. 2019). These algorithms focus on the classification of data points within
the feature domains of discrete data types, such as numerical, boolean or
categorical values (Michalski et al., 2013; Flach, 2012). These tech­
2.3. AI for architecture niques have proven their effectiveness in helping in production and
manufacturing optimization processes (Miller and Stasiuk, 2019). This
Machine Learning (ML) is a branch of Artificial Intelligence. It is also success is partly due to the fact that the problems addressed have been
known as “Automatic Learning” (Bishop, 2006) since it involves the defined effectively and partly due to the existence of large usable
development of algorithms and a mathematical model that allow com­ datasets.
puters to “learn” in order to make predictions or decisions without being In summary, the main obstacles to the use of ML are the availability
explicitly programmed to do so. This is realized by using statistical and of large amounts of data and the difficulty in defining the design
computational methodologies (Flach, 2012). problem.
ML applications in AEC field dates back to the first CAD applications
in the 1960s. Industry experts such as Christopher Alexander, Richard 3. Material and methods
Saul Wurman, Cedric Price and Nicholas Negroponte have sought
methods to develop a direct collaborative relationship with computers 3.1. HS-BIm
to facilitate, optimize and develop the design process (Steenson Wright,
2017). Thanks to technological improvements of last decades, it’s now In this work we define a new methodology that integrates H-BIM
possible for researchers to undertake experiments that once were only approach with a DSS based on AI giving a cohesive explanation about
understandable on a theoretical level but not feasible in the practice the role and the significance of AI for H-BIM models. The proposed
(Miller and Stasiuk, 2019; Tono et al., 2019). methodology draws on concepts close to restoration’s schools and in
ML applications foresee supervised or unsupervised learning pro­ particular on the paradigma of the building as a whole living organism
cesses. In contrast to the descriptive capabilities of unsupervised (Marconi, 1993) that in our case thanks to AI evolves into a ‘sentient
learning, supervised learning models are predictive by nature. They are being’. For this reason it is named ‘Historical Sentient - Building Infor­
employed when a user has a collection of data already labelled, and mation Modeling’.
plans to predict the results of an unlabelled data set. The ML algorithm is HS-BIM (La Russa, 2019) can be defined as a BIM model that per­
“trained” to most effectively assign labels to new data and give the user a ceives the external and internal inputs of the historical building it rep­
prediction on the most likely outcome condition for the unlabeled data resents, recognizes the manifestations of degradation and reports them,
set. However, to date, in the construction sector there is a clear preva­ elaborates the inputs thanks to learning mechanisms and autonomously
lence of supervised versus unsupervised applications (Miller and

F.M. La Russa and C. Santagati Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 35 (2021) 102735

makes choices related to its preservation strategies (Fig. 1). Scanstation 2, RTC 360 and BLK360 have been used to test their appli­
Similarities can be found between the physical and behavioural as­ cability within a museum exterior and inner spaces (showcases; furni­
pects typical of living beings and the methods and tools used in BIM ture; stain glasses).
environments (Tono, 2018). For instance, the possibility to collect Using TLS in interiors does not guarantee an overall coverage of all
nearly real-time data from sensors located in strategic places can be seen the rooms with a set density. In these cases, photogrammetry plays a key
as a peripheral nervous system that receives external inputs. Therefore, role for the integration of data lack or the acquisition of single elements
it is possible to compare the building to the corpus (as it is often called in (furniture, showcases). We chose to use low cost photogrammetry tools
the medical approach) while the H-BIM models to the animus (nervous to accomplish this task (professional camera and Agisoft Metashape).
system). However, the H-BIM model does not already have an active However, working in interiors often leads to poor lighting conditions
behaviour. A DSS based on Machine Learning mechanisms linked to the that affect the radiometric quality of the photos, causing noisy 3D
H-BIM model gives the anima to the model that assumes a synthetic models. Studies in literature have shown that improving image quality
behaviour in the processing of inputs, thus becoming Sentient. through post-processing leads to less noisy models (Gaiani et al., 2016),
for this purpose Adobe Photoshop Lightroom has been used.
3.2. A DSS for preventive actions As regards BIM modeling, we adopted the above mentioned scan-to-
BIM method to create the informative model in its main structure. As
3.2.1. Pipeline BIM authoring tool we used Autodesk Revit and the Faro As-Built plugin
Below are illustrated the main steps of the HS-BIM method for mu­ to import the point cloud inside the BIM environment and to create new
seums. This specific pipeline refers to those cases where there aren’t any libraries. The modeling has been carried out with different LODs, in
data collected useful to train the AI mechanisms. accordance with the international and the current Italian specifications
Phase 1. 3D acquisition and modeling and the available information.
In summary, in HS-BIM process we used terrestrial laser scanning to
• Geometrical and technological survey by means of digital surveying obtain a general point cloud that describes the whole building in its
techniques of the building, furniture and collections; interior and exterior spaces while photogrammetry has been preferred to
• H - BIM modelling of the architecture with high LOD for the museum acquire significant interior surfaces and pieces of furniture.
rooms under analysis;
• Creation of a simplified version of the H-BIM model for the subse­ 3.2.3. Creation of synthetic dataset in absence of collected data: thermo-
quent numerical analysis (energy simulations) in VPL environment. hygrometric simulations of different scenarios
In case of conservation and/or restoration of Cultural Heritage in­
Phase 2. Creation of synthetic dataset in absence of collected terventions, numerical analyses can be considered as additional non-
data destructive testing methods. In fact, they allow to simulate energy and
environmental implications related to the project choices (Clarke and
• Retrieval of meteorological data collected by the climatic station Hensen, 2015; Augenbroe, 2002). This way, in the design phase it is
closest to the building; possible to determine which action will cause a certain degree of
• Treatment of meteorological data in order to perform an UHI (Urban building performance decay (Gigliarelli et al., 2017).
Heat Island) analysis; The numerical simulations, mandatory to create the training dataset,
• Indication of the thermo-technical data of all building components were carried out using semi-automated procedures developed with VPL
within the energy simulation engine; tools allowing for a better control on the integrity of input data prop­
• Definition of several scenarios for the use and management of erties and attributes (Calvano, 2019). Among the different available
museum rooms; tools we chose to work with 3D modeling software Rhinoceros 6.0 which
• Definition of the thermo-hygrometric parameters required for the integrates Grasshopper VPL in a unique CAD environment. Grasshopper
conservation of the museum heritage; allows the definition of algorithms and the connection with geometric
• Running of energy simulations for each scenario. entities (and their data) present in Rhinoceros 6. Furthermore, it is an
inclusive tools given the possibility to add new components and plugins
Phase 3. ML application for various purposes. Mostly, these additional components are imple­
mented by experienced users, coming from the professional practice and
• Data labeling for the definition of the synthetic training dataset the academic world, who use programming languages widely used in the
(supervised learning); computer field (C++, Visual Basic, Python) compatible with Grass­
• ML-DSS system development; hopper and are downloadable from the online website “Food4Rhino”
• test and results analysis. (Food4Rhino, link) where are classified according to the different dis­
ciplines of the project (Calvano, 2019).
Phase 2 and 3 have been developed using the Visual Programming In this work, to carry out the necessary energy simulations, two plug-
Language (VPL) Grasshopper: a programming language that allows ins were used: Dragonfly and Honeybee. Dragonfly performs an UHI
through a graphical manipulation of components (graphic elements analysis in order to obtain energy simulations of the urban environment
corresponding to algorithms of various nature) the definition of an in absence of a meteorological station on the roof of the museum (or at
automated and flexible workflow. This language, easily manageable, is least nearby this one) that provides urban microclimate data (Mackey,
equipped with elements related to geometry and data processing. Its 2020; Robinson et al., 2009; Bueno et al., 2013; Mao, 2015). In this case
easiness of use and the ’visual’ approach make it usable even by people as input we used meteorological data collected from the closest station
who have no programming skills but experts in the Cultural Heritage to the museum site (generally are data of rural areas) and architectural-
and AEC domain (curators, architects, engineers, plant engineers, etc.) morphological data of the urban context object of study (Epwmap, link).
(Calvano, 2019). As output we obtain urban meteorological data of the specific test site
functional for the simulations to be carried out on a simplified three-
3.2.2. 3D acquisition and information modeling dimensional model of the building using Honeybee plug-in.
3D acquisition carried out within this work has foresees the inte­ The next step is to define for which rooms the DSS will be applied.
grated use of TLS and SFM Photogrammetry. As regards TLS survey we The key is to insert the minimum amount of conditions (standards to be
used three different instruments according to the characteristics of the satisfied) and to describe the maximum level of complexity (all possible
building to be documented and the final scope of the research. Leica strategies of use).

F.M. La Russa and C. Santagati Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 35 (2021) 102735

Fig. 2. Exterior view of villa Zingali Tetto seat of the Museo della Rappresentazione in Catania.

So, for each rooms it’s needed to set a combination of variants that combination of output data on the basis of a multivariable learning
define simulated configurations of use. Once all thermo-hygrometric dataset.
conditions simulations are performed, data are exported and labeled. Our ML algorithm will be supervised, indeed the training dataset has
All data belonging to the days when the thermo-hygrometric parameters been labeled deleting the data not corresponding to the successful
are satisfied only in a single room, as a daily average, have been maintenance of the thermo-hygrometric parameters. Then learning
excluded. dataset is called up in Grasshopper via the GH-Excel plug-in. From each
element in the dataset external environmental parameters (dry bulb
3.2.4. VPL framework for ML application temperature and relative humidity) and combination of used actions
For the realization of the DSS framework proposed in this project the related to the test use strategy are extrapolated. These latter have been
LunchBoxML plug-in for Grasshopper has been used. It consists of a li­ represented by integers (0, 1, 2) to which correspond the actions fore­
brary of ML algorithms developed using a C# machine learning frame­ seen by the use strategies applied in the simulation (i.e. 0 = 1st action, 1
work called Accord.NET. This framework has been developed for the = 2nd action and 2 = 3rd action); while the order in which they appear
construction industry, computer vision, signal processing (including corresponds to the different fields of application (first place: occupation,
audio) and statistical applications for commercial purposes (Miller, second place: ventilation, third place: air conditioning system).
2017). Currently the plug-in allows to use different ML algorithms based
on both supervised and unsupervised learning. 4. Application
The choice of the most suitable Machine Learning tool depends on
the structure of the problem to solve. The devised DSS is a predictive tool 4.1. Case study
that, based on external environmental conditions, can make predictions
that suggest a combination of actions to be taken in order to respect a set To validate the suitability and applicability in a real case study of the
of thermo-hygrometric parameters. There are therefore a series of aforementioned methodology, we choose to apply it to the Museo della
external ’n’ variables associated with ’m’ variables that represent the Rappresentazione (MuRa) in Catania (Italy) (Fig. 2).
combination of actions (i.e. the strategy of use) useful for the respect of MuRa is housed in villa Zingali Tetto, an historical architecture
certain limit values. In this case the multi-variable linear regression al­ designed by Paolo Lanzerotti and built in 1930. It was the residence of
gorithm is the most suitable for the development of DSS. the lawyer Paolo Zingali Tetto who, on his death, donated the building
To understand multivariable linear regression it is useful to intro­ to the University of Catania. The noble floor layout is organized around
duce two-dimensional linear regression. It derives from a simple linear the staircase, the representative and private rooms are disengaged by
function from a two-dimensional training data set (e.g. X and Y co­ corridors. The ceilings are frescoed. A winter garden characterized by a
ordinates in a Cartesian coordinate system). Therefore, starting from stained glass window acts as a liaison between the dining and the law­
training data describing the x input and y output, a linear function is yer’s private living room. The office and dining room are still equipped
created that allows a prediction of y based on a new x input. The multi- with the original wooden furniture.
variable linear regression has the same mechanism with the difference So far, villa Zingali Tetto presents a variety of scenarios (house
that the initial learning dataset is not a two-variable dataset but a multi- museum, mixed collections, winter garden) each with specific micro­
variable dataset (’n’ input variables correspond to ’m’ output variables) climate requirements that make it suitable to test the developed DSS.
(Miller and Stasiuk, 2019). This tool therefore allows the prediction of a The first step of our framework foresees the 3D acquisition and the

F.M. La Russa and C. Santagati Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 35 (2021) 102735

Fig. 3. View of the overall TLS point cloud.

subsequent creation of the H-BIM model. Digital surveying has been and the historical microclimatic context in which they were previously
carried out by means of the integration of several TLS: Leica ScanStation preserved; well-being of visitors.
2 for the external shootings, RTC360 and BLK 360 by Leica Geosystem To maintain greater control over the tools developed and the results
for the internal shootings. After the acquisition the point clouds have obtained, it was decided to focus only on a few rooms on the noble floor.
been aligned by using Register 360. The overall point cloud consists of The selection criteria were: contiguity between the rooms; high aesthetic
233 TLS scans (233 Bn points) and the alignment error is around 4 mm and/or cultural importance; variety of environmental conditions
(Fig. 3). required (for preservation purposes) within the chosen rooms.
As for the furnitures and the wooden ceilings, they have been ac­ The choice fell on the dining room, the winter garden, the exhibition
quired by using SFM techniques paying attention to lighting conditions. room adjacent to it and the exhibition room with access to the terrace on
After the on site shootings the image datasets have been processed via the main floor (Figs. 6 and 7).
Lightroom so as to improve some of the flaws, then they have been According to the reference standards (Manoli, 2015), the thermo-
processed by Agisoft Metashape to obtain a point cloud and a textured hygrometric parameters required by these environments are shown
mesh model for each significative element (Fig. 4). below (Table 1).
The point cloud has provided the base for the subsequent modeling in Then, energy simulation has been carried out using the Honeybee.
the BIM authored tool Revit. Before starting the modeling, a semantic The analysis conducted here is functional to the validation of the
scomposition has been carried out according to the rules of architectural workflow rather than the execution of a detailed investigation of the
language. Then the level of Geometric and Informative detail has been energy behavior of the building.
set as well as the design of specific libraries for the architectural ele­ For the modelling, closed solid polysurfaces were created, while in
ments that constitute the building (Fig. 5). the most important areas for the analysis (winter garden, dining room
The H-BIM model obtained is used for the management and con­ and exhibition halls) the individual surfaces were modelled in order to
servation of the building and allows to add and implement new infor­ precisely define the position of the openings. We then proceeded with
mation during the time. With the aim to develop the DSS, a geometric the information enrichment (related to the thermotechnical character­
model was exported from the H-BIM one containing all the metadata istics) on the geometries of the model taking the information from the H-
functional to the energy analysis and obtained through the initial BIM model. Subsequently, the different climatic zones were indicated
survey-investigation activity. Then, this model was imported into Rhi­ according to their destination and mode of use.
noceros and the metadata recognized through Grasshopper. The change The next step is therefore to describe the current management and
of the working environment facilitated data processing for the creation use of museum environments according to occupancy, natural ventila­
of the synthetic dataset and the Machine Learning application. tion, air conditioning system switch-on times. Currently, visits to the
The second step of our framework foresees the creation of a synthetic Representation Museum are allowed for a maximum of 25 visitors per
dataset to get thermo-hygrometric simulations of different scenarios to round. This limit value is defined according to safety and fire prevention
train the ML system. measures. The visit involves most of the rooms on the main floor. There
Therefore, we defined the thermo-hygrometric parameters for each is usually an average of 2 guides accompanying the group of visitors. In
room to be tested. The environmental parameters to be respected for each room, this group of 27 people (25 visitors + 2 guides) stop to listen
museums are not unequivocally defined but must be contextualized to the information provided by the guides. As far as the natural venti­
taking into account: geographical area; characteristics of the building lation of the rooms is concerned, the cleaning staff opens from 9:00 am
and the existing HVAC systems; specific needs of the preserved pieces to 11:00 am all the windows of the main floor except for the secondary

F.M. La Russa and C. Santagati Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 35 (2021) 102735

and service rooms on the north side. At the same time, from 11:00 a.m.
to 1:00p.m., the fan coils are manually switched on for the supply of cold
or hot air (depending on the climatic season). These operations take
place only on working days of the week.
The first configuration of use to be submitted to the energy simula­
tion is therefore this. Below it is illustrated the procedure for translating
this practice of use into data to be used in the VPL environment.
To start the simulation engine it is needed the .EPW file modified by
the analysis of the UHI (previously obtained through the Dragonfly
plugin). At the end, the results of the energy analysis will be available for
each individual climate zone. In particular, it is possible to examine the
data related to the thermo-hygrometric parameters of each environ­
ment. These data can be further processed on Grasshopper or exported
and edited on software such as Microsoft Excel. This operation can be
performed using the ’GH-Excel’ plug-in.
Two other simulations with different usage configurations were then
carried out to verify the effectiveness or otherwise of further strategies.
The second simulation envisaged the presence of 22 people, the natural

Fig. 4. Wooden ceiling of the dining room: SFM pose reconstruction

and orthoimage.

Fig. 6. Noble floor permanent exhibition.

Fig. 5. H-BIM model in perspective view.

F.M. La Russa and C. Santagati Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 35 (2021) 102735

Fig. 7. View of the rooms considered for the DSS testing (from left to right): winter garden, dining room, exhibition room.

each element of the list is composed by the combination of integers

Table 1 representative of a specific action. Input and output refers to input data in
Thermo-Hygrometric parameters for preventive conservation. the machine learning component. The algorithm will search for re­
Room T (◦ C)45 UR (%)46 lationships between the environmental parameters and the usage stra­
tegies (Fig. 8).
Winter garden ΔT < 5 <45
Dining room 19–24 40–65 To get a possible use strategy, temperature (Dry Bulb) and relative
Exhibition halls (drawings) 19–21 50–60 humidity are given as input data. These values must also be normalized.
By entering the input values, it is possible to obtain a prediction of
combination of actions in response. These values are normalized so it is
ventilation of the rooms for a total of 4 h on working days (9.00–11.00, necessary to return them back to the initial value. In this way we get a
16.00–18.00) and the possibility of using the air conditioning system for combination of integers (given as string data) that can be translated
4 h. The third one considered 17 users, natural ventilation for 6 h on through a specific matrix (Table 2).
working days (9.00–11.00, 16.00–18.00, 20.00–22.00) and the possi­
bility of using the air conditioning system for 6 h. These strategies are
4.2. Results
not based on criteria linked to technical physics but simulate possible
strategies of use adopted on time by the museum staff.
The main result of this work is the testing on a real case study of the
Once the three datasets were exported to Excel, the data strings for
developed DSS capable of giving suggestions on which configuration of
days when the values of at least two out of three rooms (dining room,
actions is optimal for the preventive conservation of museum
winter garden and exhibition halls) were not respected as a daily
average were eliminated. The database thus composed includes a series
Table 2
of positive cases related to external environmental conditions.
Translation matrix of the results provided by the DSS.
Then data obtained have been normalized in a domain spanning
from 0 to 1 and therefore divided into two streams which correspond to 0 1 2

nested lists. In the case of inputs, i.e. environmental parameters, each Occupancy (users) 27 22 17
element of the list is composed by a pair of values (temperature and Ventilation (hours) 2 4 6
HVAC (hours) 2 4 6
relative humidity); in the case of outputs, i.e. combinations of actions,

Fig. 8. Excerpt from DSS framework for the forecasting of preventive strategies developed in VPL environment.

F.M. La Russa and C. Santagati Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 35 (2021) 102735

Fig. 9. Application results in Grasshopper.

For the sake of reasoning on the generated outputs, for example main difference between HS-BIM and DT approaches is that HS-BIM is
given an outdoor temperature of 40◦ and a relative humidity of 0.54 the meant to be an artificial evolution of BIM system by creating an over­
DSS suggests the combination of actions {1; 0; 0} which means: allowing structure that leads to an unique sentient model, like mind and body in a
access to only 22 users (instead of 27); maintaining the management of human being.
use with regard to natural ventilation (2 h between 9.00 and 11.00); use
of the fan coils (2 h between 11.00 and 13.00) (Fig. 9). 5.2. Future works
However, the number of combinations of actions were few to verify
the proper functioning of the DSS. If dozens of simulations were made The AI tools used in this research are very basic. It could be useful to
combining all possible actions, the complexity of the data to be treated test the same workflow using more sophisticated frameworks used in
would increase but also the effectiveness of the artificial intelligence computer science fields (TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, etc) to evaluate
mechanism. In both cases the workflow and the structure of the the reliability and accuracy of VPL tools.
responsive model realized in VPL environment are still consistent and There is ample room for improvements, for example considering the
the method illustrated so far remains valid. modeling environment: is it possible to maintain the entire workflow
inside the same BIM environment? If yes, which BIM environment/tool
5. Discussion is more suitable to be used with this method?
Another topic that is interesting for further research is to understand
5.1. Evaluation whether and how it is possible to reconcile the approaches of DT and HS-
BIM and what implications this has on a urban scale.
In relation to the initial research questions (Section 1.3), we can state
that: 6. Conclusions

1. It is possible to develop an H-BIM model, of a museum in an his­ The presented research demonstrates the effectiveness of HS-BIM
torical building, linked to a DSS for preventive actions. This means framework to support professionals and museum curators in the ac­
that every H-BIM model potentially has the possibility to implement tions to be undertaken for the preventive conservation of historical
this ‘sentient’ section using previous data collected. The main buildings adapted in museums. This approach exploits the use of AI for
obstacle to this ‘evolution’ could be the interoperability between BIM solving complex issues such as the conservative instances of building
models, since currently it’s not possible to create a framework valid and museum collections in order to find a balance between them. Using
for each BIM environment (unless we consider an hypothetical the flexibility of VPL and coding tools this method can be applied in a
common/open platform). variety of existing building scenarios.
2. Thanks to VPL is possible to create responsive and flexible frame­
works for DSS directly linked with H-BIM models. In particular, CRediT authorship contribution statement
Grasshopper and its plugins are user friendly and the underlying
community is very active. The value of this method relies in the Federico Mario La Russa: Conceptualization, Methodology, Data
responsivity and flexibility of the structure. curation, Software, Formal analysis, Investigation, Writing - original
3. Synthetic datasets for training AI mechanisms can be useful in a draft. Cettina Santagati: Conceptualization, Supervision, Visualization,
variety of cases related to museum preservation program. In Project administration, Writing - review & editing.
- in absence of a dataset of microclimate data;
Declaration of Competing Interest
- during the set-up phase of a new monitoring system (since it is
needed one year of data collection);
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
- in all cases where a museums cannot afford a “real-time” conser­
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
vative strategy and a monitoring system.
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