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今天我们来分析一篇在观点上partly agree的大作文。以一篇大家经常会遇到的有关
Traditional Views的作文为例,题目如下:
The older generations tend to have very traditional ideas about how people

should live, think and behave. However, some people believe that these ideas are
not helpful in preparing younger generations for modern life.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?


1. What arguments and examples could you use to agree?

2. What arguments and examples could be used to disagree?
3. Which answer would you find easier: agree, disagree or partly agree?

Plan Your Idea

要表明自己对该问题partly agree。然后就要进行Plan Your Idea,即把每段要写的内容

列成大概题纲。可能有同学会觉得这样会浪费时间,但Simon认为,如果你不plan your

文章Simon是如何plan his idea的:

4-paragraph plan:
1. Introduce the topic of 'traditional ideas and modern life', then partly agree:
some ideas are outdated, but others are still helpful
2. Paragraph about ideas which are not so helpful nowadays:
Work - having a career for life is no longer normal

Relationships - 'rules' about who and when to marry are changing

Gender roles - traditional fixed roles of men and women have changed

3. Paragraph about traditional ideas which we shouldn't forget:

Work - work hard, do your best, take pride in your work
Behaviour - politeness, good manners, respect for others
Community - help others, be a good neighbour, look after local area
4. Conclusion: repeat / summarise the answer
"Hi Simon. I used your 4-paragraph structure with short introduction and

conclusion, but I only got band 6.5. I need a band 7, so should I try a different
Simon:Can you see what is wrong with this question? The student is assuming

that essay structure is the secret to a high score. But remember: even a great
essay structure is nothing without good content (ideas, vocabulary, correct
grammar). If you're stuck on band 6 or 6.5, you probably need to improve the
content, not the structure.

然后,我们看一下对于partly agree的作文Simon是如何写Introduction段落的:
It is true that many older people believe in traditional values that often seem
incompatible with the needs of younger people. While I agree that some
traditional ideas are outdated, I believe that others are still useful and should not

be forgotten.
Simon用了It is true that…. While I agree…, I believe that…句型来分别陈述两边观点,

In my opinion, some traditional views and values are certainly applicable to the
modern world. For example, older generations attached great importance to
working hard, doing one’s best, and taking pride in one’s work, and these
behaviours can surely benefit young people as they enter today’s competitive
job market. Other characteristics that are perhaps seen as traditional are

politeness and good manners. In our globalised world, young adults can expect
to come into contact with people from a huge variety of backgrounds, and it is
more important than ever to treat others with respect. Finally, I believe that
young people would lead happier lives if they had a more ‘old-fashioned’
sense of community and neighbourliness.
主体段落依然是五句话(topic sentence and 3 points),将上面ideas里面的核心词汇有逻

It is true that many older people believe in traditional values that often seem

incompatible with the needs of younger people. While I agree that some
traditional ideas are outdated, I believe that others are still useful and should not
be forgotten.
On the one hand, many of the ideas that elderly people have about life are
becoming less relevant for younger people. In the past, for example, people were

advised to learn a profession and find a secure job for life, but today’s workers
expect much more variety and diversity from their careers. At the same time, the
‘rules’ around relationships are being eroded as young adults make their own
choices about who and when to marry. But perhaps the greatest disparity
between the generations can be seen in their attitudes towards gender roles.
The traditional roles of men and women, as breadwinners and housewives, are

no longer accepted as necessary or appropriate by most younger people.

On the other hand, some traditional views and values are certainly applicable to
the modern world. For example, older generations attach great importance to
working hard, doing one’s best, and taking pride in one’s work, and these
behaviours can surely benefit young people as they enter today’s competitive

job market. Other characteristics that are perhaps seen as traditional are
politeness and good manners. In our globalised world, young adults can expect
to come into contact with people from a huge variety of backgrounds, and it is
more important than ever to treat others with respect. Finally, I believe that
young people would lead happier lives if they had a more ‘old-fashioned’

sense of community and neighbourliness.

In conclusion, although the views of older people may sometimes seem unhelpful
in today’s world, we should not dismiss all traditional ideas as irrelevant.
(299 words, band 9)
Last but not the least,来帮大家总结分析范文中的词汇,供大家参考背诵。

two actions, ideas, etc. that areincompatible are not acceptable or possible
together because of basic differences,所以建议大家背单词时多看英文释意,有助于


globalised world:常用基本表达,需背熟
sense of:表达抽象意义的感觉,如sense of direction方向感,sense of satisfaction
dismiss:大家最熟悉的意思是“解雇”,记住这个短语,英文释意 to decide
that sb/sth is not important and not worth thinking or talking about
今天我们来讲一篇大作文,以一些Family Topic的作文为例,重点讲一下什么是文章的

Simon说,the skeleton (or framework or basic structure) of a task 2 essay is:

- the introduction
- topic sentences for main paragraphs
- and the conclusion

People have different views about whether parents or schools should bear the
responsibility for helping children to become good citizens. In my view, this

responsibility should be shared.

On the one hand, parents certainly have a vital role to play in the upbringing of
their children.
On the other hand, school teachers may contribute almost as much as parents
to the development of a child.
In conclusion, both parents and schools should work together to ensure that
young people become polite and productive members of society.

・ Introduction: 2 sentences
・ First main body paragraph: 5 sentences
・ Second main body paragraph: 5 sentences

・ Conclusion: 1 sentence
有的同学可能会担心字数太少,Simon说如果大家看他的作文看多了, you'll see that I
usually manage to write 250 words or more in this way. I think it seems a lot less
scary if you think that your task is to write just 13 sentences!

当然了,13句话也不是绝对的,Simon提醒大家: It is not a 'rule' that you must write 13

sentences. This is just my approach or method.大家写作文的时候要根据自己的情况

These days more fathers stay at home and take care of their children while
mothers go out to work. What could be the reasons for this? Do you think it is a
positive or a negative development?
Here's Simon’s sample essay skeleton:

It is true that men are increasingly likely to take on the role of househusband,
while more women than ever are the breadwinners in their families. There could
be several reasons for this, and I consider it to be a very positive trend.
Main body 1, topic sentence
In recent years, parents have had to adapt to various changes in our societies.

Main body 2, topic sentence

In my view, the changes described above should be seen as progress.
In conclusion, the changing roles of men and women in the family are a result of
wider changes in society, and I believe that these developments are desirable.

更加精简了呢?Simon说,For many of the students I've taught, a breakthrough (or
big improvement) came when they found the confidence to write in a more
'simple' way. Simon认为,当你不再纠结文章中是否包含passives, conditionals or
'difficult academic words' 的时候,you are free to focus on answering the

question and explaining your ideas coherently.你就会将注意力放在如何顺畅地表达

你的观点。 It takes confidence to change your approach and to believe that the
'simple' way will work.这会更加自信用更加simple的方式来写作。

It is true that men are increasingly likely to take on the role of househusband,
while more women than ever are the breadwinners in their families. There could

be several reasons for this, and I consider it to be a very positive trend.

In recent years, parents have had to adapt to various changes in our societies.
Equal rights movements have made great progress, and it has become normal
for women to gain qualifications and pursue a career. It has also become socially
acceptable for men to stay at home and look after their children. At the same

time, the rising cost of living has meant that both marriage partners usually need
to work and save money before starting a family. Therefore, when couples have
children, they may decide who works and who stays at home depending on the
personal preference of each partner, or based on which partner earns the most
In my view, the changes described above should be seen as progress. We should

be happy to live in a society in which men and women have equal opportunities,
and in which women are not put under pressure to sacrifice their careers.
Equally, it seems only fair that men should be free to leave their jobs in order to
assume childcare responsibilities if this is what they wish to do. Couples should
be left to make their own decisions about which parental role each partner takes,

according to their particular circumstances and needs.

In conclusion, the changing roles of men and women in the family are a result of
wider changes in society, and I believe that these developments are desirable.
(274 words, band 9)
Last but not the least,小站的Phoebe老师来帮大家整理一下范文中的重点词汇~

equal rights movements:这个词组也经常被用到女性话题的大作文中,
sacrifice their careers:“牺牲事业”。小站老师建议大家单词最好放到词组里背,这样


今天我们来看一篇以Wild Animal为Topic的大作文。 首先看一下题目:

Wild animals have no place in the 21st century, so protecting them is a waste of
resources. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

显然这道题是属于 agree or disagree 类型的,对于这种题型,第一步就是要确定你是

agree, disagree 还是 partly agree. 就这道题目而言,要么选择保护动物,珍视动物资
源,要么选择无需保护动物资源,似乎很难做到 partly agree。Simon 也建议大家选择

“Completely disagree”。
确定观点之后,我们一如既往地,need a 4-paragraph plan.大家先试着写一下自己的

Introduce the topic (rights and protection of wild animals), then answer
the question (completely disagree)
First reason why we disagree e.g. our duty to protect animals, their rights
and place in the world
Second reason why we disagree e.g. the resources we should use to
protect animals, and why this is not a waste

Conclusion: repeat / summarise our answer


The introduction and conclusion should be short, quick and direct. If you want a
high score, spend your time on the main body.

Introduction (topic + general answer)

Some people argue that it is pointless to spend money on the protection of wild
animals because we humans have no need for them. I completely disagree with
this point of view.
Conclusion (paraphrase the answer)
In conclusion, we have no right to decide whether or not wild animals should exist,

and I believe that we should do everything we can to protect them.

述观点。文章的重心全部放在Body Paragraph,再次印证了那句“思想境界有多高,分

Some people argue that it is pointless to spend money on the protection of wild
animals because we humans have no need for them. I completely disagree with
this point of view.
In my opinion, it is absurd to argue that wild animals have no place in the 21st
century. I do not believe that planet Earth exists only for the benefit of humans,

and there is nothing special about this particular century that means that we
suddenly have the right to allow or encourage the extinction of any species.
Furthermore, there is no compelling reason why we should let animals die out.
We do not need to exploit or destroy every last square metre of land in order to
feed or accommodate the world’s population. There is plenty of room for us to
exist side by side with wild animals, and this should be our aim.

I also disagree with the idea that protecting animals is a waste of resources. It is
usually the protection of natural habitats that ensures the survival of wild
animals, and most scientists agree that these habitats are also crucial for human

survival. For example, rainforests produce oxygen, absorb carbon dioxide and
stabilise the Earth’s climate. If we destroyed these areas, the costs of
managing the resulting changes to our planet would far outweigh the costs of
conservation. By protecting wild animals and their habitats, we maintain the
natural balance of all life on Earth.

In conclusion, we have no right to decide whether or not wild animals should exist,
and I believe that we should do everything we can to protect them.
(269 words, band 9)
it is pointless to do 做...无意义

it is absurd to do 做...很荒谬
extinction=die out动物类写作、阅读、听力都非常常见的词汇,“灭绝”
compelling reason令人信服的原因,compelling可替换为convincing
feed or accommodate the world’s population通过这个词组掌握feed和

far outweigh:远远超过,注意副词far的使用
考官华丽雅思大作文详解 5:所谓幸福

今天帮大家分析的这篇大作文出自剑桥雅思 4,很多同学认为这道题目很难
Happiness is considered very important in life.Why is it difficult to define?What
factors are important in achieving happiness?
首先,从题目可以看出,这是一篇非辩论类的关于 happiness 的作文,大家可能平时练习

的比较少,缺乏写作素材,这里就帮大家带来很多来自 Simon 的 Ideas:

� Happiness means different things to different people.
� It can be described as a feeling of pleasure or enjoyment.

� People enjoy spending time with family and friends.

� Hobbies, sports and games can be a source of fun and enjoyment.
� Some people see money as a source of happiness.
� Other people define happiness as something deeper.
� They need to feel that they are doing something useful with their lives.

� Some people get a sense of achievement from their work.

� Others find happiness in bringing up their children.
然后,和以往只有一个题目的大作文相比,这道题包含了两个问题,这种题型被 Simon 叫
做 two-part question,同时也给出了这种题型的 4 段式结构:
Use the following 4-paragraph essay structure for this kind of question:
1. Introduce the topic and give an overall answer to both questions

2. Answer the first question

3. Answer the second question

4. Conclude by summarising both answers

和我们前几期讲的大作文结构相比,主体段由 Details 变成了 Answer questions,结尾
再总结一下每个答案即可。开头的 Introduction 段落 Simon 建议写两句话,引入主题并

做出简要回答。来看一下 Simon 是怎么写的:

It is no doubt true that the majority of people would like to be happy in their lives.
While the personal nature of happiness makes it difficult to describe, there do
seem to be some common needs that we all share with regard to experiencing or
achieving happiness.
大家可以看出,Simon 一如既往地用了 it is … that 名型作为开篇第一句,第二句由 while
为什么快乐很难定义呢?这种抽象的问题让学生很伤脑筋,还是来看 Simon 是如何回答的

Why is happiness difficult to define?
Happiness is difficult to define because it means something different to each

individual person. Nobody can fully understand or experience another person’

s feelings, and we all have our own particular passions from which we take
pleasure. Some people, for example, derive a sense of satisfaction from earning
money or achieving success, whereas for others, health and family are much
more important. At the same time, a range of other feelings, from excitement to

peacefulness, may be associated with the idea of happiness, and the same
person may therefore feel happy in a variety of different ways.
Simon 给出的原因非常 convincing:由于个体差异,对快乐感知程度不同,定义则不同;快
乐可以和多种感觉有关,如兴奋或平静。大家可以看到,Simon 在做解释的时候,时刻不

考官华丽雅思大作文详解 6:道路安全
Some people think that strict punishments for driving offences are the key to
reducing traffic accidents. Others, however, believe that other measures would
be more effective in improving road safety. Discuss both these views and give

your own opinion.

从这道题目可以看出,这篇文章是属于大作文四种类型中的 Discussion opinion。Simon

Here are the four types of question:

1. Opinion

2. Discussion opinion
3. Problem solution
4. 2-part question

1. An 'opinion' question asks for your view, not the views of other people, and
you don't have to give both sides of the argument. Just make your opinion clear

in the introduction, then explain it in the rest of the essay.

Opinion 类是询问你的观点,而不是其他人的观点,所以你不必给出双方论据。只需在

Introduction 段落中澄清自己的观点,然后在后面解释就可以了。
2. A 'discussion' question requires you to write about both sides of the argument,
and you should write a similar amount for each view. If the question also asks for
your opinion, you don't need an extra paragraph. Just make it clear in the
introduction and conclusion which of the two views you agree with.
Discussion 类要求你写出双方观点,双方字数相近,不要偏颇。如果问题中有征询你的意

3. Type 3 is easy. Simply write a paragraph explaining the problem(s) and a

paragraph explaining the solution(s). Some questions ask about 'causes' or

'effects': these would be part of the 'problem' paragraph.
Problem Solution 类很简单。主体段落只需一段解释问题一段给出解决方案即可。有些问
4. For type 4, just answer the two questions. Write one paragraph about each.
2-part question 类,只需主体段每段各回答一个问题即可。
这四种类型都可以用 Simon 的 4 段式结构来写,但是不同类型的文章每个段落内容会有所

People have differing views with regard to the question of how to make our
roads safer. In my view, both punishments and a range of other measures can be

used together to promote better driving habits.

On the one hand, strict punishments can certainly help to encourage people to
drive more safely. Penalties for dangerous drivers can act as a deterrent,
meaning that people avoid repeating the same offence. There are various types
of driving penalty, such as small fines, licence suspension, driver awareness

courses, and even prison sentences. The aim of these punishments is to show
dangerous drivers that their actions have negative consequences. As a result,
we would hope that drivers become more disciplined and alert, and that they
follow the rules more carefully.
On the other hand, I believe that safe driving can be promoted in several
different ways that do not punish drivers. Firstly, it is vitally important to educate

people properly before they start to drive, and this could be done in schools or
even as part of an extended or more difficult driving test. Secondly, more
attention could be paid to safe road design. For example, signs can be used to
warn people, speed bumps and road bends can be added to calm traffic, and
speed cameras can help to deter people from driving too quickly. Finally,

governments or local councils could reduce road accidents by investing in better

public transport, which would mean that fewer people would need to travel by
In conclusion, while punishments can help to prevent bad driving, I believe that
other road safety measures should also be introduced.

(269 words, band 9)

deterrent:阻碍物,英文释意”sth that deters”,deter 常和 stop 作同义替换,意为阻

licence suspension:执照吊销,重点记忆 suspension,意为暂时中止
disciplined: 名词 discipline 变化来的,英文释意”obeying the rules”,

investing in:投资于,注意介词搭配 in
雅思大作文详解 7:青少年义务社区工作
Some people think that all teenagers should be required to do unpaid work in

their free time to help the local community. They believe this would benefit both
the individual teenager and society as a whole.
Do you agree or disagree?

在写作之前先帮大家带来 Simon 的一个非常有用的建议。很多学生都会问 Simon 这样一

个问题 Is there any specific study order that you recommend?为此 Simon 给出了
非常具体的回答,相信大家看完之后对于写作文不会再一头雾水。以下是他建议的 study
1. Essay structure and paragraphs
The first thing to do is find an essay structure that works for you. You probably
know that I prefer to write 4 paragraphs, and maybe you've seen how I write
2-sentence introductions, 5-sentence main paragraphs and 1-sentence

conclusions. Try this: take some essays that you have already written, and
rewrite them so that they all have the same number of paragraphs and
首先要想好文章的 Structure。Simon 喜欢写 4 段式——开头两句,主体段落各五句,结

2. Question types
You need to see examples of the four question types, and make sure you know
how to answer each type using your preferred essay structure.

平时多看大作文四种类型的范文,针对题目类型,选用合适的 Structure。
3. Planning, and isolated paragraph practice
Take several different questions, and practise planning ideas. Then spend some

time focusing only on introductions e.g. write an introduction for five different
questions. Then do the same with conclusions. Then try writing different types

of main paragraph e.g. an 'advantages' paragraph, an 'opinion' paragraph, a

'problem' paragraph etc.
选一些题目,练习 planning ideas.比如可以写五篇不同题目的 introduction,或者写不
4. Topic ideas
When you are confident that you know how to write an essay, it's time to start
working through as many common IELTS writing topics as possible. Even if you

don't write a full essay for each topic, you should at least plan some ideas and

5. Mistakes, corrections and improvements
Try to find someone who can check your writing, highlight and explain your
mistakes, and show you how to improve your essays.

以上就是 Simon 对于 study order 的建议,接下大家按照 Simon 的指示,写一下今天的


Many young people work on a volunteer basis, and this can only be beneficial for
both the individual and society as a whole. However, I do not agree that we

should therefore force all teenagers to do unpaid work.

Most young people are already under enough pressure with their studies,
without being given the added responsibility of working in their spare time.
School is just as demanding as a full-time job, and teachers expect their
students to do homework and exam revision on top of attending lessons every

day. When young people do have some free time, we should encourage them to
enjoy it with their friends or to spend it doing sports and other leisure activities.
They have many years of work ahead of them when they finish their studies.
At the same time, I do not believe that society has anything to gain from obliging
young people to do unpaid work. In fact, I would argue that it goes against the

values of a free and fair society to force a group of people to do something

against their will. Doing this can only lead to resentment amongst young people,
who would feel that they were being used, and parents, who would not want to
be told how to raise their children. Currently, nobody is forced to volunteer, and
this is surely the best system.
In conclusion, teenagers may choose to work for free and help others, but in my

opinion we should not make this compulsory.

(250 words, band 9)

on a volunteer basis:on a … basis“以…为基础”,是一个非常常见且好用的词组,如

charge on an annual basis 以年基础收费,take care of your skin on a regular basis
revision:动词是 revise,也常见于阅读,修改,修定
obliging:形容词,乐于助人的;其动词是 oblige,意为强迫

resentment:怨恨,可替换 hate
compulsory:强制的,Compulsory education 义务教育
simon 考官华丽雅思大作文详解 10:电脑游戏

今天要分析一篇大作文。同学们在写大作文的过程中一定会有一些疑问,我在整理 Simon

Firstly, Secondly, Finally 这样的单词用多了好吗?

Simon 是这样回答的,It's best not to use "Firstly, Secondly, Finally" twice in one
essay. If we wanted to write a second main paragraph with three ideas, what
could we used instead of "Firstly, Secondly, Finally" to organise them?
也就是说,这组词最好不要用两次。那么有什么能替代它们呢?然后 Simon 写了一个
Three main factors are affecting health in modern societies. One problem is the
lack of awareness among many people of the negative consequences of an
unhealthy diet. This is made worse by the prevalence of fast food and processed

food, which are full of fat, salt and sugar. Another key factor is the changing
trend in lifestyles. For example, children’s hobbies now involve much less
outdoor activity, and adults are less active as jobs have shifted towards
sedentary office work instead of manual labour. In addition to this, time-saving
technologies, such as cars, elevators, dishwashers and washing machines, have

made people lazier.

Simon 写得这段完全没有用到 Firstly,Secondly,Finally,但是整个叙事逻辑有序,原
因就是他第一句就表明有 three main factors。介绍这三个因素的时候依次用 one

problem is…another key fator is…in addition to this…来表达,连贯清晰,大家可以

学生问,I am confused about the question "Do the advantages outweigh the

disadvantages?". Is this an opinion question or discussion opinion question?

之前我们有讲过 Simon 把文章分成四大类,不同类型的作文其段落内容是不同的,所以有

学生问了,像这种问法的作文是属于哪个类型的。以下是 Simon 的回答:

Strictly speaking, "Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?" is asking for
your opinion (do you think there are more advantages or disadvantages?).
Technically, you could give a one-sided "opinion" answer e.g. you could argue
that there are many advantages and almost no disadvantages.
However, I think the examiner would expect and prefer to see a balanced
discussion of both sides as well as your opinion. Therefore, I think it's best (and

easiest) to write a discussion opinion essay.

总结一下,这是 Discussion Opinion 类型的,那接下来我们就来练一篇同种问法的大作

Some people regard video games as harmless fun, or even as a useful

educational tool. Others, however, believe that videos games are having an
adverse effect on the people who play them. In your opinion, do the drawbacks
of video games outweigh the benefits?

Many people, and children in particular, enjoy playing computer games. While I
accept that these games can sometimes have a positive effect on the user, I
believe that they are more likely to have a harmful impact.
On the one hand, video games can be both entertaining and educational. Users,
or gamers, are transported into virtual worlds which are often more exciting and
engaging than real-life pastimes. From an educational perspective, these games

encourage imagination and creativity, as well as concentration, logical thinking

and problem solving, all of which are useful skills outside the gaming context.
Furthermore, it has been shown that computer simulation games can improve
users’ motor skills and help to prepare them for real-world tasks, such as flying
a plane.

However, I would argue that these benefits are outweighed by the drawbacks.
Gaming can be highly addictive because users are constantly given scores, new
targets and frequent rewards to keep them playing. Many children now spend
hours each day trying to progress through the levels of a game or to get a
higher score than their friends. This type of addiction can have effects ranging

from lack of sleep to problems at school, when homework is sacrificed for a few
more hours on the computer or console. The rise in obesity in recent years has
also been linked in part to the sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise that often
accompany gaming addiction.
In conclusion, it seems to me that the potential dangers of video games are more
significant than the possible benefits.

(258 words, band 9)

virtual worlds: 虚拟世界
perspective: 观点,视角

logical thinking: 逻辑思维

ranging from…to: 重点词组,表示范围
console: 操纵台;安慰
obesity: 肥胖
考官华丽雅思大作文详解 11:平等与个人成就
In recent years, there has been growing interest in the relationship between

equality and personal achievement. Some people believe that individuals can
achieve more in egalitarian societies. Others believe that high levels of personal
achievement are possible only if individuals are free to succeed or fail according

to their individual merits.

What is your view of the relationship between equality and personal success?
从题目来看,篇幅长于普通大作文,内容上信息量大,关键词多,更难于理解。Simon 说,
'egalitarian' refers to the principle that people are equal, and deserve equal
rights and opportunities. 可理解为平等主义。所以这属于关于平等话题的作文。对于这
种超难的问题,Simon 给了大家三个建议:
1. Have a strong opinion (e.g. I completely agree that people can achieve more in

egalitarian societies.) You can ignore the other view.(你可以采取强硬的立场,如完

2. Focus on the last line of the question (What is your view of...?). This line sums
up the whole question very clearly. Just answer this question.(重点关注问题的最后

3. Use examples as the basis of your argument e.g. free university education
ensures equality of opportunity, and therefore allows individuals to achieve

大家自己试着写一下这篇文章,再和 Simon 的范文做对比。Simon 提醒大家,他不确定

【9 分作文盛宴】考官华丽雅思大作文详解 11:平等与个人成就图 2

In my opinion, an egalitarian society is one in which everyone has the same rights

and the same opportunities. I completely agree that people can achieve more in
this kind of society.
Education is an important factor with regard to personal success in life. I believe
that all children should have access to free schooling, and higher education
should be either free or affordable for all those who chose to pursue a university
degree. In a society without free schooling or affordable higher education, only
children and young adults from wealthier families would have access to the best

learning opportunities, and they would therefore be better prepared for the job
market. This kind of inequality would ensure the success of some but harm the
prospects of others.

I would argue that equal rights and opportunities are not in conflict with
people’s freedom to succeed or fail. In other words, equality does not mean
that people lose their motivation to succeed, or that they are not allowed to fail.
On the contrary, I believe that most people would feel more motivated to work
hard and reach their potential if they thought that they lived in a fair society.

Those who did not make the same effort would know that they had wasted their
opportunity. Inequality, on the other hand, would be more likely to demotivate
people because they would know that the odds of success were stacked in
favour of those from privileged backgrounds.
In conclusion, it seems to me that there is a positive relationship between
equality and personal success.

(260 words)
schooling: 学校教育,与之对应的是 Parenting,家长教育
prospects: 前途
demotivate: 使失去动力。

odds: 机率,odd 奇怪的;奇数

privileged: 特权的
雅思大作文详解 12:寿命延长
今天我们要来看一篇大作文。在这之前呢,Simon 老师想展示大家看的是,当他看到雅思

1. I read the question very carefully, maybe three times. I ask myself "What's the
topic? What is the question asking me to write about?"(我会非常仔细地读问题,读

上三遍,并自问“topic 是什么,这个问题让我写什么内容?”)
2. I underline the key things that must be included in the essay. I always answer
every part of the question.(我会画出重点部分,不会忽视任何一部分的问题)
3. Now I think about my 4 paragraph structure. I can write any type of essay in 4
paragraphs; I just need to decide what to put in each paragraph.(现在我思考我的
4 段式结构——此结构适用于任何类型的大作文,我只需考虑每段放哪些内容即可)
4. If I need to give my opinion, I think "What is the easiest opinion to explain?
What good vocabulary could I use?"(如果我需要给出自己的意见,我会想“什么样的

5. Then I write down some vocabulary ideas that are related to the topic.(然后我
写下一些和 topic 相关的词汇)
6. I try to write 2 sentences for the introduction: I introduce the topic, then give
a simple answer (including my opinion if the question asks for it).(我试着为

Introduction 段写两句话,引进主题,给出答案,如需要会给出自己的意见)
7. I write short 'topic sentences' to start each paragraph, then develop my ideas
by explaining and supporting with examples.(我写主题句引出每个段落,然后通过解

8. I look at the question from time to time in order to check that I'm answering
every part of it.(我不时看一遍问题为了确保回答了每一个部分)

9. I know that I write about 10 words per line; I can quickly check the
approximate number of words that I've written.(我知道我每句写 10 个单词,我能快

10. If I need more words (to reach 250), I expand one of my examples in the main
body paragraphs. If necessary, I draw an arrow to show where I want to add the
extra words.(如果我需要写到 250 字,我会扩展主体段中的例子。如有必须,我画个箭
今天的任务就是请按照此步骤完成这篇大作文并和 Simon 的范文做比较。题目如下:
In the developed world, average life expectancy is increasing. What problems will

this cause for individuals and society? Suggest some measures that could be
taken to reduce the impact of ageing populations.

It is true that people in industrialised nations can expect to live longer than ever
before. Although there will undoubtedly be some negative consequences of this
trend, societies can take steps to mitigate these potential problems.
As people live longer and the populations of developed countries grow older,
several related problems can be anticipated. The main issue is that there will

obviously be more people of retirement age who will be eligible to receive a

pension. The proportion of younger, working adults will be smaller, and
governments will therefore receive less money in taxes in relation to the size of
the population. In other words, an ageing population will mean a greater tax
burden for working adults. Further pressures will include a rise in the demand
for healthcare, and the fact young adults will increasingly have to look after their

elderly relatives.
There are several actions that governments could take to solve the problems
described above. Firstly, a simple solution would be to increase the retirement
age for working adults, perhaps from 65 to 70. Nowadays, people of this age
tend to be healthy enough to continue a productive working life. A second

measure would be for governments to encourage immigration in order to

increase the number of working adults who pay taxes. Finally, money from
national budgets will need to be taken from other areas and spent on vital
healthcare, accommodation and transport facilities for the rising numbers of
older citizens.

In conclusion, various measures can be taken to tackle the problems that are
certain to arise as the populations of countries grow older.
(265 words, band 9)
mitigate: 减轻,常见搭配有 mitigate the risk/effects of…
anticipate: 预见,预料

pension: 养老
雅思大作文详解 13:政府资助艺术家
Some people think that governments should give financial support to creative

artists such as painters and musicians. Others believe that creative artists
should be funded by alternative sources. Discuss both views and give your own

在写作之前,先解答同学的疑问。有学生问 Simon 怎样能快速写出一篇大作文呢?来看看

Simon 的建议:
A student asked me for some tips about how to write task 2 essays faster.
Here's my advice:
1. The first step is to write better, not faster. If you can't get the score you need
when it takes you 2 hours to write an essay, you won't be able to write a good
essay in 40 minutes.(写作文首先要好,而不是快。如果给你两个小时也写不出高分作文
的话,那你也不可能在 40 分钟内写出来)

2. One of my students was worried that it took her 4 hours to write a band 7
essay for homework. In my opinion, spending 4 hours to write an essay is a good
idea. This kind of hard work leads to great results! The important thing is to be
able to write your first band 7 essay. At first it might take you 4 hours, but you
will get faster with practice.(一个学生很担心因为她花 4 个小时才能写出一个 7 分作文。

在 Simon 看来,花 4 个小时写作文是个好主意,而且会有很好的效果。要想写得快,首先

你要能写出 7 分作文。尽管一开始耗时较长,但会越练越快。)
3. The next step is to break the 40 minutes into smaller parts. For example, you

could practise writing introductions in only 5 minutes. Don't work on full essays
yet(下一步就是把 40 分钟分成小部分。先不急于写满分作文,比如你可以练习用 5 分钟
来写 introduction 等等,具体时间规划参考 Simon 大作文 9 的讲解)

4. Separate the 'thinking' from the 'writing'. I do all my thinking (planning or

brainstorming) in the first 10 minutes. When I'm happy with my essay plan, I start

writing. I try to stick to my plan so that I can focus on writing rather than more
5. Finally, remember that improvements happen gradually. You have to be
prepared to do the hard work: practising lots of essays and parts of essays,
preparing ideas and opinions for topics, building your vocabulary repertoire, and
learning from mistakes. Do the work and you'll get better and faster!(最后,记住

接下来,大家就按照 Simon 的指示来写今天的作文吧!写好和范文对照。

【9 分作文盛宴】考官华丽雅思大作文详解 13:政府资助艺术家图 2
People have different views about the funding of creative artists. While some
people disagree with the idea of government support for artists, I believe that
money for art projects should come from both governments and other sources.

Some art projects definitely require help from the state. In the UK, there are
many works of art in public spaces, such as streets or squares in city centres. In
Liverpool, for example, there are several new statues and sculptures in the
docks area of the city, which has been redeveloped recently. These artworks
represent culture, heritage and history. They serve to educate people about the
city, and act as landmarks or talking points for visitors and tourists.

Governments and local councils should pay creative artists to produce this kind
of art, because without their funding our cities would be much less interesting
and attractive.
On the other hand, I can understand the arguments against government funding
for art. The main reason for this view is that governments have more important

concerns. For example, state budgets need to be spent on education, healthcare,

infrastructure and security, among other areas. These public services are vital
for a country to function properly, whereas the work of creative artists, even in
public places, is a luxury. Another reason for this opinion is that artists do a job
like any other professional, and they should therefore earn their own money by

selling their work.

In conclusion, there are good reasons why artists should rely on alternative
sources of financial support, but in my opinion government help is sometimes
heritage: 遗产

landmarks: 地标;标志性事件,里程碑
infrastructure: 设施
luxury: 奢侈品;奢华的享受
雅思大作文详解 14:拯救濒危语言
Several languages are in danger of extinction because they are spoken by very

small numbers of people. Some people say that governments should spend
public money on saving these languages, while others believe that would be a
waste of money.

Discuss both these views and give your opinion.

在写作之前,先跟大家讲一下首尾段的写作技巧,以下是 Simon 的总结和范例:
Here is a review of my advice for task 2 introductions:(introdution 段落写法总结)
・ Make the introduction short and do it quickly. The main body paragraphs are
more important.(首段要简短,快速完成,主体段才是最重要的)
・ Two sentences are enough: 1) introduce the topic. 2) give a basic answer to
the question.(两句话足够了:一句引入主题,一句对问题给出基本作答)
Example question:

All high school students should be encouraged to take part in community

service programmes.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
My introduction:
Some people believe that high school students would benefit from doing unpaid

work in their local communities. I completely agree that community service

programmes for teenagers are a good idea.
总结:虽然只有两句话,Simon 用了大量的同义替换,避免重复,短小精悍,值得借鉴。

Several people have asked me about conclusions for IELTS Writing Task 2. The
main body paragraphs are much more important, so don't worry too much about
the conclusion; make it short, simple and fast.(尾段同样不如主体段重要,也要做到

Here are some example conclusion phrases for different types of question(以下

1. Opinion
For the reasons mentioned above, I believe that... (+ repeat your opinion).
2. Discussion (+ Opinion)
In conclusion, there are convincing arguments both for and against... (topic), but
I believe that... (if the question asks for your opinion).
3. Advantages and Disadvantages

In conclusion, I would argue that the benefits of... (topic) outweigh the
4. Problem and Solution

In conclusion, it is clear that there are various reasons for... (topic), and steps
need to be taken to tackle this problem.
接下来大家按照 Simon 的指示写一下今天的作文,写好对照范文。
【9 分作文盛宴】考官华丽雅思大作文详解 14:拯救濒危语言图 2

It is true that some minority languages may disappear in the near future.
Although it can be argued that governments could save money by allowing this
to happen, I believe that these languages should be protected and preserved.
There are several reasons why saving minority languages could be seen as a
waste of money. Firstly, if a language is only spoken by a small number of people,

expensive education programmes will be needed to make sure that more people
learn it, and the state will have to pay for facilities, teachers and marketing. This
money might be better spent on other public services. Secondly, it would be
much cheaper and more efficient for countries to have just one language.
Governments could cut all kinds of costs related to communicating with each

minority group.
Despite the above arguments, I believe that governments should try to preserve
languages that are less widely spoken. A language is much more than simply a
means of communication; it has a vital connection with the cultural identity of
the people who speak it. If a language disappears, a whole way of life will

disappear with it, and we will lose the rich cultural diversity that makes societies
more interesting. By spending money to protect minority languages,
governments can also preserve traditions, customs and behaviours that are part
of a country’s history.
In conclusion, it may save money in the short term if we allow minority languages
to disappear, but in the long term this would have an extremely negative impact

on our cultural heritage.

(258 words)

preserve: 保存,保护
facility: 设施
extremely: 极其地
in the long term: 长期来看
雅思大作文详解 15:博物馆用途
Some people think that museums should be enjoyable places to entertain people,

while others believe that the purpose of museums is to educate.

Discuss both views and give you own opinion.

・ exhibition, exhibit (verb, like 'show'), an exhibit (noun, 'item'), artifact, object,
collection, history, science, art, culture, visitors, members of the public, public
・ entertainment, entertaining, enjoy, enjoyment, enjoyable, have fun, interesting,
fascinating, spectacular, impressive, leisure time, free time, a day out, tourist

・ education, educational, teach, learn, explain, understand, know,
gain/expand/pass on/transmit knowledge, skills, experience, open your mind,
broaden your horizons...

Simon 说,Making lists of related words is a good way to generate ideas. You
might not have time to do this in the exam, but it's a useful study technique.列

People have different views about the role and function of museums. In my

opinion, museums can and should be both entertaining and educational.

On the one hand, it can be argued that the main role of a museum is to entertain.

Museums are tourist attractions, and their aim is to exhibit a collection of

interesting objects that many people will want to see. The average visitor may
become bored if he or she has to read or listen to too much educational content,
so museums often put more of an emphasis on enjoyment rather than learning.
This type of museum is designed to be visually spectacular, and may have
interactive activities or even games as part of its exhibitions.
On the other hand, some people argue that museums should focus on education.

The aim of any exhibition should be to teach visitors something that they did not
previously know. Usually this means that the history behind the museum’s
exhibits needs to be explained, and this can be done in various ways. Some

museums employ professional guides to talk to their visitors, while other

museums offer headsets so that visitors can listen to detailed commentary
about the exhibition. In this way, museums can play an important role in teaching
people about history, culture, science and many other aspects of life.
In conclusion, it seems to me that a good museum should be able to offer an

interesting, enjoyable and educational experience so that people can have fun
and learn something at the same time.
(253 words, band 9)
spectacular: 壮观地,引人入胜地

interactive: 互动式的
previously: 之前地
headsets: 头戴式耳机
detailed: 详细的
commentary: 评论

Explain some of the ways in which humans are damaging the environment. What
can governments do to address these problems? What can individual people

在写作文之前,先讲一个 Simon 的非常有用的建议。Simon 说,some students were

surprised that you can get a band 9 using "Firstly, Secondly, Finally".Is the phrase
"First and foremost" better than "Firstly"? 有 一 些 学 生 见 他 的 文 章 使 用 "Firstly,

Secondly, Finally"这样的词语,很吃惊,所以就问词组"First and foremost"是否比

The answer is NO.回答是 No。理由是:
Using simple organising language like "Firstly, Secondly" makes you focus on the
REAL CONTENT of what you are writing - topic vocabulary, collocations,

examples. This is what the examiner wants to see.(使用简单的词汇可以让你更加专

Spend your time preparing ideas, opinions and examples for IELTS topics, not
learning alternative ways to write "Firstly".(要把时间花在准备思想,意见和举例上,
而不是花心思去找 firstly 的替代词)

Humans are responsible for a variety of environmental problems, but we can

also take steps to reduce the damage that we are causing to the planet. This
essay will discuss environmental problems and the measures that governments
and individuals can take to address these problems.

【9 分作文盛宴】simon 考官华丽雅思大作文详解 4:环境破坏与保护图 2

Two of the biggest threats to the environment are air pollution and waste. Gas
emissions from factories and exhaust fumes from vehicles lead to global
warming, which may have a devastating effect on the planet in the future. As the
human population increases, we are also producing ever greater quantities of
waste, which contaminates the earth and pollutes rivers and oceans.
Governments could certainly make more effort to reduce air pollution. They
could introduce laws to limit emissions from factories or to force companies to
use renewable energy from solar, wind or water power. They could also impose

‘green taxes’ on drivers and airline companies. In this way, people would be
encouraged to use public transport and to take fewer flights abroad, therefore
reducing emissions.

Individuals should also take responsibility for the impact they have on the
environment. They can take public transport rather than driving, choose
products with less packaging, and recycle as much as possible. Most
supermarkets now provide reusable bags for shoppers as well as ‘banks’ for
recycling glass, plastic and paper in their car parks. By reusing and recycling, we

can help to reduce waste.

In conclusion, both national governments and individuals must play their part in
looking after the environment.
This essay is exactly 250 words long. I've tried to make it as simple as possible,
but it's still good enough to get a band 9.

exhaust fumes: 汽车尾气
vehicles: 车辆,交通工具
devastating: 破坏性的
quantity: 数量

contaminate: 污染
emission: 排放物
雅思大作文详解 17:改善城市居住环境

More and more people are migrating to cities in search of a better life, but city
life can be extremely difficult. Explain some of the difficulties of living in a city.
How can governments make urban life better for everyone?

这是一篇 Problem and solution 类型的大作文。首先在写作文之前,Simon 让大家先思

考 4 个问题:
・ Can you see why we call this a "problem and solution" question?

・ Which words are used instead of "problem" and "solution"?

・ How can we write a 2-sentence introduction for this question?
・ What ideas do you have for the main paragraphs?
第一, 你知道为什么我们将这种作文称作"problem and solution"类型吗?
第二, 哪些单词可以用来替换 "problem" and "solution"?

第三, 对于这种题目,如何写出一个两句话的开头段落呢?
第四, 对于主体段的内容,你有什么想法?
接下来,Simon 给出这篇作文的大致写作框架和内容:
Essay structure and ideas:

1. Introduction: introduce the topic, then give a general answer

2. Difficulties: cost of living, unemployment, stress, traffic congestion, pollution

3. Solutions: social housing, reduce migration by improving small towns and the
rural economy, improve public transport, fewer cars
4. Conclusion: repeat / summarise

从 Simon 给的文章段落结构可以看出,他还是一贯地用了四段式的写法,每段的内容也都
分工明确,逻辑清晰,同学们可以多加学习。然后 Simon 还给出了他的开头段:

Cities are often seen as places of opportunity, but there are also some major
drawbacks of living in a large metropolis. In my opinion, governments could do
much more to improve city life for the average inhabitant.

Simon 还是保持了开头段只用两句话的写作方法,虽然只有两句话,但是足够起到了引入
Here's my full sample essay for question below.

More and more people are migrating to cities in search of a better life, but city
life can be extremely difficult. Explain some of the difficulties of living in a city.
How can governments make urban life better for everyone?
Cities are often seen as places of opportunity, but there are also some major
drawbacks of living in a large metropolis. In my opinion, governments could do
much more to improve city life for the average inhabitant.

The main problem for anyone who hopes to migrate to a large city is that the
cost of living is likely to be much higher than it is in a small town or village.
Inhabitants of cities have to pay higher prices for housing, transport, and even
food. Another issue is that urban areas tend to suffer from social problems such
as high crime and poverty rates in comparison with rural areas. Furthermore, the

air quality in cities is often poor, due to pollution from traffic, and the streets and
public transport systems are usually overcrowded. As a result, city life can be
unhealthy and stressful.
However, there are various steps that governments could take to tackle these
problems. Firstly, they could invest money in the building of affordable or social

housing to reduce the cost of living. Secondly, politicians have the power to ban
vehicles from city centres and promote the use of cleaner public transport,
which would help to reduce both air pollution and traffic congestion. In London,
for example, the introduction of a congestion charge for drivers has helped to
curb the traffic problem. A third option would be to develop provincial towns and
rural areas, by moving industry and jobs to those regions, in order to reduce the

pressure on major cities.

In conclusion, governments could certainly implement a range of measures to
enhance the quality of life for all city residents.

(273 words, band 9)

雅思大作文详解 18:独居是好是坏
In some countries, many more people are choosing to live alone nowadays than

in the past. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?


・ This type of question is asking for your opinion, so don't write about the views
of other people.
・ Three different answers are possible: (1) You think it is a positive development.
(2) You think it is a negative development. (3) You believe that there are some
positives and some negatives.
・ As usual, make your opinion clear in the introduction, support it with good
ideas in the main body, and repeat / summarise it in the conclusion.



In some countries, many more people are choosing to live alone nowadays than
in the past. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?
In recent years it has become far more normal for people to live alone,

particularly in large cities in the developed world. In my opinion, this trend could
have both positive and negative consequences in equal measure.

The rise in one-person households can be seen as positive for both personal and
broader economic reasons. On an individual level, people who choose to live
alone may become more independent and self-reliant than those who live with
family members. A young adult who lives alone, for example, will need to learn to
cook, clean, pay bills and manage his or her budget, all of which are valuable life
skills; an increase in the number of such individuals can certainly be seen as a
positive development. From an economic perspective, the trend towards living

alone will result in greater demand for housing. This is likely to benefit the
construction industry, estate agents and a whole host of other companies that
rely on homeowners to buy their products or services.

However, the personal and economic arguments given above can be considered
from the opposite angle. Firstly, rather than the positive feeling of increased
independence, people who live alone may experience feelings of loneliness,
isolation and worry. They miss out on the emotional support and daily
conversation that family or flatmates can provide, and they must bear the weight

of all household bills and responsibilities; in this sense, perhaps the trend
towards living alone is a negative one. Secondly, from the financial point of view,
a rise in demand for housing is likely to push up property prices and rents. While
this may benefit some businesses, the general population, including those who
live alone, will be faced with rising living costs.
In conclusion, the increase in one-person households will have both beneficial

and detrimental effects on individuals and on the economy.

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