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TiDo : t hour ald 16 binut€s

l. The tust printiDg in Malay.lan sas don€ by :
(A) Jdsnne! Con.rlE.
(c) Rd. Daw6or (D) R3v. M€.d
2. W}!o issued ddeis alNins rh. Chinnar
O) ftoDa. ward€D

3. Whi.L i! ihe 6Er tmrelosle in Mal'y.le :

(A) R4teaDacnrtu (B) Srb.i.lrwdltdlM
(O V.ditutu (D) v.t!b@an. Puibrt E
1, Kerda S,hityd Cn rihro wa. wr rsn hy :

(B) Unur

6, lA. 6nt KeElit€ RLo nd p.rticipar..l id rLe .ctiviti4 o{ rhe colsss eas :
(A) G.P. Pill'i
(C) C- Sa antr Nrir (D) S- L N.ir
wLo orcaded tbe liters.y
&oiatio! caUed Vidyapdtili?
(A) T.KM.drNm (B) C. I<'ilht.
(C) KP Resh M.no! @) K Ayyrppr.
1. Th€ Snetqntu T\,lhl w$ rhe aft lon of :
(Al Por.yr! (B) Xrnirr@
(c) Pul,Fs (D) vorir.!
3_ wlo w& tho 6Et mriondl lgadar to uri.ul.b ibe i.lea C.&tiruetrt A&sDbl/?
(a) B.RAnbadltr (B) J.watelrl NebE
(c) Rajenilra Pm.ad (D) MibirDA Canrhi
WlD was t!. founder of rhe Xehi pur,y. M.h.ebha?
!\) Ayyaat.li (B) c. (ti!t!sn
(c) L K8lapp!! (D) Kt tkruppa!

10. iok lhe initiativ. olsprcsding fie Enstbh edftatior in the area of Malaba!.
(A) CM.S G) tn.ds
(() B.EM

ll. For dy.q|l@ @lii: A,e-4r i.a:

(A) Sl€w - syEm€hic Eat ir (B) Diagonal hat n
(C) SyEDe|Iic ntFn

Ifd.I=@s.{,o < / < 90 , rL€n A €qual to :

(B) 15.
(c) 46' (D)

r8, ft€ @lrctor of the elcE€lt 8 in t!€ dstd -_l
: 1l
(B) 2
tc) _2 (D)

r.. TL @6.i€!tof in the cplsid of ('+3I

(A) 412 (t) 1112
(c) 1512 @) -202
16. TID d.ivatjw ol b{G s!trE:
6)+ (8)+
lg|l (D)f
r& lts oqortio! oI iLs liE p.!.[sl to tL€ IiE 3r-rlt+2=O ud Dadlg
{-q 3) i..
(A) 3,+ =0 (B) &+4r=t8
(C) &-!rt+$ =0 @) itt -4Y = l8
17. If [o:--+- = ] 03 , dr 16l@ ot tr i. :

(B) 8
(c) 2 (D) 4

18. Tb. .ru ol tL€ EsnD bou&d 6y rb. pdrboli! r:r'+gt{i!, r=o .!d:-3
(A) 30 (B) -16
(c) -30 @) rt
(B) 0

(c) (D) .E
ro. trc vatue or jra: ia :

21. A sto@y ofhouoe below smud
iA) Lwe.ddr (B) Couar
(c) sub trer (D) sioE
2r. ft€ *6 ol the g.aduated circle in t pnsnltic ohpae i. lclt€il at rhe :

(A) North €nd (B) EaE!€nd

(c) south €nd @) we.i.nd
23. ll@Ling tu itel EinfNm€nt is ,lttF donc :

(!,) t wdd. to! G) towar&bott d

(O conpresiotr.id€
towards (D) note ofihese
2a. ConbaiD€d mtioD lor csai@ anil re&lclio! is to b' tDplied slr" :

(A) equlisi.s BS anil lS

(B) equariding RL
(C) bubbls iub€ not in 6nt€
@) stttion ,oint i5 nor ibu lm iairmelr
oob.6 arat
!i. The b.icks or stone. whicl a.€ laid pe4endicubr t6lae or diMtion of*'lI:

,0. In a four strcl€ di*l €!cin€, ore cvcle it @dpLt€d in :

(A) 1se ofcratk rctqtion (B) 640'otcruk rctahon
(C) 36d ofdan! rctatiot (D) 72o'ofqakrctlho!
tt, lvlich @ ir nGl- suitlbl6 iD diE6ential dahaniu?
(A) CoDDound gear tdin (B) Epioydid Ber tni!
(C) R4ve.t€d g€a. tEn {D) Con.tant nesh soar hain

ta. CooDFEion E &n tho dlD or:
(A) Silole vohE€ lb CL'm 6lM.
(B) cl€slnc. hluBo to stro!6 volqhe
(C) Sun ol Strck! wlue add CLiranc6 rclune to Cloaldn@ rchne
(D) Cl€ds@ volu. to eu of Stlole rcIu€ and Cledd@ rol@
21. Dnft frrh€ i. ued ir:
(A Eyileh.tric pdc Prart (B) Ga. tdbie !d.! dnt
(C) Nucleu pow* prdt (D) Di6sl 6!gi@ lN€r pr.rt
to. R!.! dle i! plt6tl in bets€€n :
(4) c?d box dd !Y wh€el (B) Dilbontiil ud cso bd
(C) DihEndd ed tn€er @) Dieddat ud Dr.pou* .h.O
il. A IOO W Bulb, . ,OW llu@dnt ltop .nd i 6oW Fd i! a tsE opcnte. bt u eltae
iturtid of 5 iou! i! i d.J Wh.c will b. th. toi6l dors 6tu@td duins tlE 6onin of
(B) 30 kwh
(C) Soolwh (D) 3000 twh
tD, A! .Io.Ddns crtEDt i! 4!re!d bv i=l4rsin31!t. Wht i. in' m vtlu of |!n

6) 3r4A (B) r41A

(c) 1004 (D) ?0.6A

81. Which olo of th6 follosi4 b@ @pD{ colrlucto i6 tE.! luil€d lor o{tbDg in a snall
n.id.!ti.l ietslatiotr?
(A) l SYaq (B) 6 SWG
(o 1ollwc (D) raswc
i,r. Oe lwh i. €qtral to:
(A) 860lcd (B) 800lcal
(C) 746}ctl
3!. R..i.ts of. rit i! 60(r.Iftn.l€bsth oftbli tiE i! ilolbl€rl t€.Dirg the Eha. "n6'
rbtrillb tn w di.t E?
(l) 25 O (B) 50 O
(c) 100 o (D) 2OO O
!0. Th€ npd! E€qunct of th. output wa6 ftln ofi.idge dti6.! wit! a 60Il' 'in€ wtw ir :
6) r0oE (B) 1208,
(O 3oE (D) 60fl.
o{&?,0r0 6
l?, In nimntrcllers rhicb rtsist b are u*d ae point€rs, io Doilt ihc i.temal nebo.v

(A) AandBresrst m (B) DITR

(c) irand 4 inbaDtzF (D) Png..a @uter ud stact p@ter

86. What arc th€ h€altL haEds *hich @n be causd by E sast4, if it i3 not psp€dv treat€d or

(A) Bnir ilanase (B) Inng Crct

(C) daDac€
DNA (D) AI of ihe above

80. tID.eDadedror:
(A) silidn (B) Geddniun
(C) CaUiub Ar*niile (D) SiliM tnd Censniu
aO. A.! CDMA b.ed t€cletogi.d 2G and 3G lus lddoEE
(A) softhnaoEr (B) tl.rd ha @er
(C) Bunil hedovsr (D) Sonuillluitbanttorer
It. 14li.h of dre LINing EAt lal is nol ued to - .kain gaws.?
(A) Nichren€ (B) PwplaiinM
(q BM O) IGra ruot
42, q,lrich of the foltowing is a! ilducian@ vtn.bb LtT€ riaEdu@!?
(A) Ll'Itr @) r6.d en
(C) 'flronnt r (D) C&bor di@Plom
ll. TbeeeoupL *oi!. on ih. plieipl€ of :
(A) seb.cL efeti (B) li.mlet ic eect
(c) PhotGrcltiiccftct @) F.Fdrv efie.t
l,a, Whiclt ofrhe fouoeilc n Di t nod. ofoD€r.tiot ofpi.reledic iE !dud?
(4,) G) tdsitudird
(O slsar (D) El'dic
.at. Cn !r! i! tn€ silta@ 6ed by st lin n dX , 0h6 E!i!t'le of tlE lndeforn€d glu8e n
i, .nd e i. tlE.Eair TI.n th. sius€ factot i6:
rA) ^{4e rsr * &
_ _
(u) a.EX"
'- ^x& -
a 7 069/2016
{8, A R€note Terhinal Unir (RT(, ia I relebehy s}aren ir used tor :
(A) Pmviding pd.r to tle rcnote ersoF
(a) co.verring the outpur ot rne donsor to dislrd dara and halsmif t ihe bas€

(C) Mattsirg tle heah'b oDdition of ttre q.d6

(D) RrDot€ cd.t ol ih. ba.c gtation
at. Ihc ndio rd:€ of a teleo€t y syct€n ca. be
(A) Prcvidirs lsperie. (B) hrea.ils tLe dt3!!a sain
(C) Midmizitrs th€ transnid.ion lo.s (D) AI ofur. ab.ve
t8. Which of th6 loU@ing star€selr5 !
mr appticlble ro bnd lirc (€Ln€tly .ysteD?
(A) Lrnd line tel€Der.y syst€n i6 atfd.t€d by EMr e&ct6
(B) I'nd line t€l.betly ryBron he liEit€d &oq@ncy Espom
(C) llld lir€ t€lenetlr rv.ten iB @ry €f,€ctiE 6r lnod diit@ trusmi*ion
(D) Di.torriom in iraFDi..ion li!e. do nor aflect tho parforeane of rh€ releEetry

40. c!ftni blcnet ringsysreE

A fo@ bdalcs
(i) Mlkc @ of I Doriior of th€ ourput .uftnr eLich is fsdbrck to rh€
opp@e the Dotior oI tb. inlur q.Abb
(ii) Slw6 s@d lim.nry
(iii) Eqv€ better accu.acy as sn,Id noiiono are req[ired
(A) O'ly(0 i. Fu. (B) Onry dn) isfu@
(c) (t,6) ald Gi) afttrus (D) Notr€ orrhe,bo@ & rn.
!0. {'licb of tl€ fdlowirg is nor a !@!ibl€ e@ td opric.l 6ber l@?
(A) lnrqides (B) Atr6a!,tio! iD gb{
(c) sieppod index operarion @) Mift.bondins
6r. Ught tta*li!! j! u oprical6bcr blt@ whictr of the folo*ing priEipL?
(A) Fqyssrs ptircipl€ (B) Usht rhooly
ic, sb€llslsq rD) F*o.i3pno;b
[,. Ilh€ r.n ditic.l uels d*ibes:
(A) The poini ar which tigha i. reftsct.d
G) abe poinr ar whictr ItL! be@sr invtuible
(C) 1l! poilr .t shich lichr nrs em6 thn rc&acriE node to rI. rcOeriE node
(D) TIF poift at which lighi hl. cF.ed ihe bound,ry layela ioo ono int x to

63, Which of the folioqins i. not an insrruhonr reconmenddd bv Inranarional practiddl
'lempprsrurp S"5 ,lP'lS.9O, ror rssicn ng vJu$
" ro Fren@cn !hrs. €qdit br u n sk@p of

(B) Radiatiod py&net€.

(C) Platnum Edistrn@ thermomeer (D) Qude cry3br rhe.noneier
64, In elechna3nelic radi.tioD sp*rrlD, tle rawlonsib ian3e Io. ttemd Ediahon is :
(A) 001r, to 1O0 rn (B) 0.001rnbo.otrt
(c) 100 /n to 1000 rm lD) rooo ,4 to2ooa tn
66. Which of t[e fo]lowirg thehidtors are suiiablc in neas!@Delt of reEporarure ir d]!3e c

(A) ZiMnia b.&d rhenistors (B) INn-Oxide br&d tnemisrore

(O B.nM iitanatelased ileni.br (D) Strentiub rjt ..r4 ta*d rhemistof
66. ivnich of tL€ lolo*iog is a typical .a4e of liquid level neasuene.t lo. a iloar ty!€ t€El
(A) r0cm-20m

57. A liEple pseurc gau3€ is ritlched to d!€ bottob of tLe t€n}- ll P i! rh€ itrdi€t€d DE*uF
p ir ihe d*itr of lhe liquid ard n is th€ liqui.l lerel. Then rh€ Elation6hip mong rlee oo

(D) P-2
6E A pe$uE of I .tEolpboE i..qual to:
(A) ?6 cE otEcEuty ol desity 13.59s/c6,
(B) 1,1 696 pourlr pd Sq.in alFlure
(q 1&/.d,
(D) All olth€ abov.
6e. A preotrE of 1oo of Hc i. equal to :

(A) /br
1333.22 (B) r.013baft
(c) r0 rb8E (D) 1000 rbaa
60. rvlich ol tbe fouowrrg i. noi an .lsti. type Drc${rc reasureDeri syrt6D?
(B) BoliloD tube
(D) Dirphrasn.
ol tbe tull ele dd .o rh€ nininlD f,ry
61, Ihe Etio th.i @o b€ Dee@d w hiD ahe .trt d
@uocy ol a n@ Eosuirs d6vic€ is bown $ :
(A) Rds€ability (B) Tun"ilown
(c) PEci!j,! (D) gel€ctiv y
6r, A hot wiF type [d eerq ir :
(A) Usable in veiy wi!.N truiib
(B) A lo* Enre ist&Eonr
(C) u3.U€ iD .ready & r.n s @h.dr rXor of liquid ed,!s
(D) Elvila hetror a@uaq ud in<l6p€nitent of vi@it'
08. ltE Eipleql of tL6 vissi8 i...[ed :
( ) R.lrtiE vi.sity (B) sp€inc vi.eii''
(C) Ftuidity (D) Kin€Elric vi@ity
6!. Psrc|rut r j! cd to nesN :
(A) quidily (B) Sp@il
(C) Toqu. (D) Acl6nrion
a!, AiE! i pLrt rlid @ot b. nlraEd by th. ile.ien€r, rh€ iti.tu,l@ vei.Dte rc68 ro r
(A) ft.t illluo!@s rbe pldr ard which c.n b. blnilul.t€d
(B) llut in[u€r6 ths pbnr hut adot b6 ernilular6d
(q Thlt q. ri.h to artd
@) lln| n D€a.lrd hi E.ds of a &nsr
66. fte dovniior ol rb€ traeient p..iod of @!rml. iticlt .ta.ts at rh. b.dnnins ol rh. @hol
D@o rld teriDr.6 'h6n rlB @.rrcU.d rei.bl rDDMiE.r.ly F.cL.! it pEqiH
r.16, *illbe !e&E<l t s:
(A) Ra6ri!l. G) F.ItiEs
(C) settlidgdn€ (D) peat 6D.
6?. h pr.tonional 6od. Hbrct @n!ret, iasa..d l6p leitr :
(A) hpa.. rhe st€ady .t!r€ accu!,.t (B) Increa.e. di.rurba@ .bDd Eirriob
(c) l6Dm! EhtiE ltlbnrr (D) a.ll ofthc rbore
64. Whicn of the foU ing i. IRUE fo! d OpAMp?
(A) Lrirputrc.istaM (B) Ve!, Ligh oqrpui r..i.te
(C) Vely lish irplt Elntl@ (D) Ir* oF. ciqit volhre 3.in
069/2010 l0
69. U X, j. s!*tcd in !h. f*dbac} p.tl .nd 4 i6, !ei€. rcdrk.€
thd r€istanc.
ornected terwen irEltiDg t€ihinal rnd rcre ot at OPAMP, lhd tlE Elt3se gair ot rle
OP MP inv..tin! oEDli6.r is:
(B) J:E

(D) rr+
70, In r tyDicd iBtdb.liatioMopli6q tlar w. 3 OpAMp. .
(A) OPAMP. @!n&t d to rhe ilput! arc sttls! foUoeE .Dd th. OpAMp @orectcrl
to tbe dtDut i! r diEeEDtid abpli6€r
(B) OPAMP8 dnet3d t ih. iilurt rc irEdiD3 anDliaeE snd ib. OpAMp
ontuc|..l t rh. utput i. a .loning ,6pli6€r
(C) OPAMP. @Ettd r. rh. inpur! @ vott{s. foll*oE dd ihe OpAMp @rGt€d
to tlE output j! & s@irs !oDU66r
(D) OPAMP! @nmct d r. tL. irput! aE mn-in%ltilg .Epti6d. anrl rh. OpAMp
@net d to cb. output i a .q6EiDs rmplirEer
?1. A il€vie tltai utouiic.lv Eotrir.r dnd indi@t wh.ch.! ih. &@eo.nr lioit€ of.
Dtticul& ddic. ha% b€.! €Eeded ig :

?l. tls foUdilr &luroE m@rr. .Frs 66€d

Wbich of by veuu d @Dp@s.d dr .!
hth pF$w i!r. liE* @ rctlrory aorioD :

?1. tL fouorils i! lot ! Fquiftoent fo! . €qd. @orFl .Ft!b?

Which of
(A) T[. itrm. l@D he i!trsE @r @re! too!
(B) l.ID itwr loop i! fi.tor ttm ihe outei loop
(C) lli lD.i l@O .li!ru.br@! e ftE itrd rhe o\ror top di.tqb@.
(D) T!3 ntF boD i! slor6! than |l. Nre lo.p
71, Tt v.lu of lh.lecding rt6 D@6.tor ir . Mutri.tay.r F.€d Fodrd N.u.l N.twL
(Ml,FlNlO rM3.. betr$tr :

6) 0-r (B) 0- 10
(c) ol-0.6 (D) l-ro0

ll 069/ml8
?6, A SCADA sylren perforns :

(0 Dak,cquisihon
(D Netvo|( rllh enEulic.tion
(iii) Data lF.enratio. and conhol
(A) {i) and (iii)
(B) (iU olly
(c) (i) md (ii)
(D) (i) (D anil (in)

rd Whjct of tb. 6Uo*irg @Drbu€i ciltibic irr€srst wjld up *hetr o@!&iren?

(A) Prepdriondo.hllrd G) rn!€slal nod6 &.dbac] mnrbUet
(C) D.rirarivo nod6 feeith.cl @DtbUer (D) All ofthe aboE
?7. T!. i.mp6ratuF at shjc! the wat.r \spor in a sahple of ail a!consqn! bsdartic DRr6w
@nd6r@ Lqud qaer ar rhe !@e rrt! rr whrh tr ewporaE. B cdl6d :
(A) 'nb
FEzirgpo'ri (B) Irs point
(C) Evaporaiion poilt (D) Melhngpobi
78. Rrcl mil pinior s€d rni! i! u exupl6 d:
(A) R.tit .y-1o-rctatory &otio! @nE.sion
(B) R.rrr.ly,ro-haD.laro.r Eorid @trEBiq
(C) Trr mlalDr.6- ranslabry noiion .onv€r6,o.
(D) T6niLtoly-ro-reiaro.r Eorid @nreEion
?0, ltlich ot th. loUoqns beh drivoa previde Lhs b4i @nbh,rion of t!turior .p6d of
E@nert, load of the b€dingB ,n l lols epie lif6 ?
(a) tuund b.u! (B) nst belts
(C) Vbeltg (D) Film belt€
EO. Which ol aho IoUsirs is lot .d .senriat .h@ctei.ti6 of etor?
(A) SoNins (B) tluen Ili€dty
(c) M@Eorr (D) rrblise.@
61. Which of tl€ Iolowilg is TRttE lor a mtot?
(t All Fhot! l.B ebe neh.lial ofurlucrid
(ii) All rcbot. aE aut nonous
(d h.E .lerical @apolenr. ebich powc ud @arbl dehiEry
6v) AI mbo!6nhin bb.l€kl ofonput€r prc€I.eoinc
(A) (0,6)..d (iO (B) (i). (iii) ud (iv)
(c) (iii) s6d (iv) (D) Alloftheab@
06e20l0 t2
32. Linear syst€n obeys :

(A) Sup€rposiiion theorh (R) MRxtnub po{er rramfer ihmren

(c) Thevcnin'. tleorcn (D) Norton's rh@rem
33. Fo. an LTI dysten, rhc convoturion ol lhd ihpui io rhg sy9roE wirh i|3 jmpulse re6po.e

(A) T.a.sf€r funotion ofrhe 3y.icm (B) The outpur.fine systen

(C) The gain ofthe syE!€n (D The ftequency Esponse ofthe syst n
44. The danpin3 rdtio is slicily le.. ihan r tor a sysi€n. Then rhd sysrer is l
(A) U.der dmped (B) ovc'd.oped
(c) Criticaly dddDed (D) UndaEp€d
46. The R.uth.Euwnz dir€rion n d nathoEati.d r€st lhat i! n.6ss!, dd suftci€nr @.dihon

(A) Flat rcspon* of a LTI sy3ieb (B) gtabilit ofLTI .ysteE

(O Consistency of5 L,Tl syst D (D) InleBtiry of a mI rysrea
46. WhicL ofth€ follmins ie nor s Dode of oDedrion of SCR?
(A) Dode
Fosord blati,s (B) rodsd @ndu.iiotr node
(C) ReEebl@brsDodc (D) ReE & @nducrir node
87. l'be nininun curelr rhar mBr Da.s lhs circuj! i! o.der fd rhe SCR to renain in rtre ON

(A) Ltchilg cll@lt (B) IGrem etu.,tion clren.

(C) Halding clrent
aa. A .sitclirg d€vi@ that @nv€.ta 6*€d DC inpur to I vanada DC ourpur voltase diBily is :
(A) chopp€r (B) !trvo.r4!
(C) R4!]lt6r (Ir) Srabilirc!
49. A h€alt rat€ .loqer than 60 b€a{6 per einut€ i! sai.t !o ba l
(A) TachFaidiac (B) Bf,dycadilc
(C) AEh,.ihmia (D) E Torhemis
00, Deliveri4 the.dpeutic dose of€ldckioal erclgf to iho hea with a dsvie i! caled:
(A) Tranqdlizing (B) Denbrillatiotr
(C) Ansiopladty (D) Sionr pModure
9r. Whch of the folo*ine io usd to dirsnoB6 spitopsy rnd .lccp disoders?
(c) EMC (D) MRI

13 069/2016
91. \ihich of |!e folLowins ra/d.e advanrases of Ca over tradnioml 2D n€di@l radiosnptry?
(A) Cobpler€ir elini.ares rh€ superpo,tion otiDa3€, of scructes out id" che e,
(B) Eish r@tlst e&luiioa
(c) Mutri,pranar Ffomanod ihaseB
(D) All olrhe ab@
9r. Th! d.vice d hpllnk lh.r ,F @mpl6all no,.nssEG, non et€ei.auv 6rdu.!ive, non

(A) MR+,& (B) MR{trdirioat

(c) Mn-leafe @) Non€ lho abov€
e4. Ultla.oud d€vi@ opefur4. rfth n€q@En. in rhe ntrgs :
(A) 20 XII - eEml ClIz (B) 20 KEz _ .e@sl MHz
(q 2ogz-nwh (D) a)Hz-tOoOIIz
t6. Whidr d
th€ forrowing rocbnique ir @d i! chohisr,y to !ryiil€ . fnc€lpriot hy {Lict
Dolauld 4! h. i&niin€d?
(A) InIlded .p€dro@py @) rouior tla$fo!6 spsrb{opy
(C) R.Dd spFth€@py (D) Cshy.tl|mr lMe}@ltor
06. WLich.of lho 6U@Ds rlsi€s !b€ elonuanon or lght b !!e pbrotu€s oI !h€ hll,erut
lmwD F|@ tu rSnr E Eaverua?
(A) smll3 raw (B) nlban etreci
(C) B.e'8t w (D) guyse@.Fr€.{Dtcqurio
e?. Solutio$ wilb s pH l.e rban ? e :
(r{) Attdile (B) orsei.
(q N.urnl (D) tcidic
03. IIFE di&i &on other &lle. ot tistri i! slcL s *,y rh.r rh.lthr.nitt€d h, |as n :
(A) Pw (B) coheElr
(C) Iat tr* (D) MddhDbadc
99. FEquency doubied diod€ p$p€d slid .rEte lasE ale u.ed to nake :
(A) Brthtrdt *r Poi.teE (8) Fib€rLss
(q e,ttor lels (D) Bdsit rse! Ier poilt€rs
r|'|l Alb u€d j! ruhy r.*r is Ead€ otr:
(A) Ynriu lithiun d@nite (B) Chroniuh dopod oroduD
(C) attriu.l@iriun s&ftt (D) N@n- C.pD€r

069{20r8 ltl

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