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Steady Flow in Open Channel

Lecture - 11
 An open channel is a passage through which the water flows
under the force of gravity and atmospheric pressure.
 Or in other words, when the free surface of the flowing water
is in contact with the atmosphere as in the case of canal, a
sewer or an aqueduct, the flow is said to be through an open
 A channel may be covered or open at the top.
 The flow of water in the channel is due the slope of the bed of
channel instead of pressure as in the case of pipe flow.
 The velocity is different at different points in the channel, but
calculations are based on the mean velocity of flow.
 Here we will assume the flow to be steady and uniform.
Chezy’s Formula for Discharge
through an Open Channel

 Consider an open channel of uniform cross section and bed

slope as shown in figure.
 l = Length of the channel
 A = Area of flow
 v = velocity of water
 P = Wetted perimeter of the cross-section
 f = Frictional resistance per unit area at unit velocity, and
 i = Uniform slope in the bed.
It has been experimentally found that the total frictional resistance
in the length l of the channel follows a law,
Frictional Resistance = f x Contact Area x (Velocity)n
= f x Pl x v n
The value of n has been experimentally found to be nearly equal to 2.
But, for all practical purposes, its value is taken to be 2.
Therefore frictional resistance
= f x Pl x v 2
Since the water moves through a distance v in one second, therefore
workdone in overcoming the friction
= Frictional resistance x Distance / second
= f x Pl x v 2 x v = f x Pl x v 3
We know that weig ht of water in the channel in a length of l metres.
= Al
Where  is specific Weight of water.
This water wil l fall vertically down by the distance equal to (v. i) in
one second. Therefore loss of potential energy
= Weight of water x Height
= Al x v.i
We also know that work done in overcomong friction
= Loss of potential energy
 f x Pl x v 3 = Al x v.i
A i
 A
v= x x i = C mi
f P

Where C = (Known as Chezy' s constant)
and m = = (Known as hydraulic mead depth or hydraulic radius)
 Discharge Q = A x v = A C mi
A rectangular channel is 1.5m deep and 6m wide. Find the
discharge through channel, when it runs full. Take slope of the
bed as 1 in 900 and Chezy’s constant as 50.
Given :
d = 1.5m
b = 6m
i = 1/900 and C = 50
We know that area of channel,
A = b. d = 6 x 1.5 = 9m2
And wetted perimeter = D = b + 2d = 6 + 2(1.5) = 9m
A 9
 Hydraulic mean depth = m = = = 1m
P 9
Discharge through channel,
Q = A. C mi = 9 x50 1x = 15m3 / s
A rectangular channel is 6 ft deep and 15 ft wide. Find the
discharge through channel, when it runs full. Take slope of the
bed as 1 in 800 and Chezy’s constant as 70.
Water is flowing at the rate of 16.5 m3/s in an earthen
trapezoidal channel with bed width 9m, water depth 1.2m and
side slope 1:2. Calculate the bed slope, if the value of C is 49.5.

Given :
Q = 16.5m3 / s,
b = 9m,
d = 1.2m,
Side Slope = 1 : 2,
C = 49.5
Let i = bed slope of trapezoidal channel.
We know that area of flow,
A = 1/2 x (9 + 10.2) x 1.2m2 = 11.52m 2
And wetted perimeter,P = 9 + 2 (1.2)2 + (0.6)2 = 11.68m
A 11.52
Hydraulic Mean Depth = m = = = 0.968
P 11.68
Discharge through t he pipe (Q),
Q = A.C m.i
16.5 = 11.52x 49.5 0.986 x i
i = 8.47 x10− 4 =
A channel has two sides vertical and semi-circular bottom of 2
meters diameter. Calculate the discharge of water through the
channel, when the depth of flow is 2m. Take C = 70 and slope of
bed as 1 in 1000.
Given :
Bottom Diameter = 2m, Depth of Water = 2m
C = 70 and i = 1/1000
We know that the area of flow,

A = (2x1) + (2)2
and Wetted Perimeter,1 + ( x1) + 1 = 5.142m
A 3.57
m= = = 0.695m
P 5.14
and Discharge of water thr ough the channel,
Q = A.C mi = 3.57 x 70 x 0.695x = 6.597m3 /s
Bazin’s Formula for Discharge
 Bazin, after carrying out series of experiments, deducted the
following relation for the value of C in the Chezy’s formula
for discharge,
 Where K is constant known as Bazin constant, whose value
depends upon the roughness of the channel surface and m is
the hydraulic mean depth.
Value of K:

S. No. Type of inside surface of Channel Value of K

1 Smooth Cement plaster or planed wood 0.11
2 Brickwork, stone or unplaned wood 0.21
3 Poor brickwork or rubble stone 0.83
4 Earth of very good surface 1.54
5 Earth of ordinary surface 2.35
6 Earth of rough surface 3.17
A rectangular channel 1.2m wide and 1m deep has longitudinal
slope of 1 in 3000. Using Bazin’s formula, find the discharge
through the channel.
Solution: Given :
b = 1.2m, d = 1m, i = 1/3000 and K = 1.54
We know that the area of flow,
A = b. d = 1.2 x 1 = 1.2m2
and Wetted Perimeter = P = 1 + 1.2 + 1 = 3.2m
A 1.2
Hydraulic mean depth = m = = = 0.375m
P 3.2
We know that Chezy' s Constant with Bazin' s formula,
157.6 157.6
C= = = 36.4
K 1.54
1.81+ 1.81+
m 0.375
and Discharge of water thr ough the channel,
Q = A.C mi = 1.2 x 36.4 x 0.375x = 0.489m3 /s
Kutter’s Formula for Discharge
 Swiss Engineer, Kutter and Ganguillet, after carrying out
series of experiments on canals and streams, gave the
following relation for the value of C in Chezy’s formula for
discharge. This formula gives more accurate value, but is a bit
0.00155 1
23 + +
C= i N
 0.00155 N
1 +  23 + +
 i  m
 Where N is constant known as Kutter’s constant, whose value
depends upon the roughness of the channel surface and i is the
bed slope and m the hydraulic mean depth.
Value of N:

S. No. Type of inside surface of Channel Value of N

1 Smooth Cement plaster or planed wood 0.010
2 Brickwork, stone or unplaned wood 0.012
3 Poor brickwork or rubble stone 0.017
4 Earth of very good surface 0.020
5 Earth of ordinary surface 0.025
6 Earth of rough surface 0.030
An open canal of rectangular cross-section with horizontal base
and vertical sides is build through rock, which is not lined. The
canal is 6m deep and 9m wide, while the slope of bed is 1 in
1000. What will be the discharging capacity of the canal, if N =
0.0293 in the Kutter’s formula:

0.00155 1
23 + +
C= i N
 0.00155 N
1 +  23 + +
 i  m

Where i is the slope and m is hydraulic radius.

Given :
d = 6m, b = 9m, i = 1/1000 and N = 0.0293
We know that the area of flow,
A = b. d = 9 x 6 = 54m2
and Wetted Perimeter = P = 6 + 9 + 6 = 21m
A 54
Hydraulic mean depth = m = = = 2.57m
P 21
We know that Chezy' s Constant with Kutter's formula,
0.00155 1 0.00155 1
23 + + 23 + +
C=C= i N =C= 0.001 0.0293 = 40.5
 0.00155 N  0.00155 0.0293
1 +  23 +  + 1 +  23 + +
 i  m  0.001  2.57
and Discharge of water thr ough the channel,
Q = A.C mi = 54 x 40.5 x 2.57x = 110.9m3 /s
Manning Formula for Discharge
 Manning, after carrying out series of experiments, deducted
the following relation for the value or C in Chezy’s formula
for discharge: 1
C =  m1/ 6
 Where N is constant and has same value as previous table.
 Now we see that the velocity,
1 1
v = C mi =  m 1/ 6
mi =  m 2 / 3  i1/ 2
= M  m 2 / 3  i1 / 2
 M = 1/N and is known as Manning’s constant.
 Now the Discharge, Q = Area x Velocity
= A x M x m2/3 x i 1/2
A cement lined rectangular channel 6m wide carries water at
the rate of 30m3/s. Find the value of Manning’s constant, if the
slope required to maintain a depth of 1.5m is 1/625.
Given :
b = 6m, Q = 30m3 /s, d = 1.5m and i = 1/625
Let N = Value of Manning' s constant
We know that the area of flow,
A = b. d = 6 x 1.5 = 9m2
and Wetted Perimeter = P = 1.5 + 6 + 1.5 = 9m
A 9
Hydraulic mean depth = m = = = 1m
P 9
We know that discharge through t he channel (Q),
Q = A x  m 2 / 3  i1 / 2
1/ 2
1  1 
30 = 9   (1) 2 / 3     N = 0.012
N  625 
Channels of Most Economical Cross- Sections

 A channel which gives maximum discharge for a given

cross sectional area and bed slope is called a channel of
most economical cross-section.
It can also be defined as:
 A channel section is considered as the most economical or
most efficient when it passes a maximum discharge for given
cross section area, resistance coefficient, and bottom slope.
Channels of Most Economical Cross- Sections

 From the equation of continuity it is evident that for area of

cross section being constant, discharge is maximum when the
velocity of discharge is maximum.
 And from Chézy formula and Manning formula for a certain
value of slope and surface roughness, velocity is maximum
when the hydraulic radius is maximum.
 And if we take the area as constant, hydraulic radius is
maximum if the wetted perimeter is minimum.
 A semicircular section is the best economical channel but due
to difficulty in creating it, a trapezoidal section can be
considered most efficient.
Channels of Most Economical Cross- Sections

 A channel which has minimum wetted perimeter, so that there

is a minimum resistance to flow and thus resulting in a
maximum discharge.
 Only Trapezoidal Section will be discussed here.
Conditions for the Maximum Discharge
through a Channel of Trapezoidal Section
 A trapezoidal section is always provided in the earthen
channels. The side slopes, in a channel of trapezoidal cross-
section are provided, so that the soil can stand safely.
 Generally, the side slope in a particular soil is decided after
conducting experiments on that soil.
 In a soft soil, flatter side slopes should be provided whereas in
a harder one, steeper side slopes may be provided.
 Consider a channel of trapezoidal cross-section ABCD as
shown in figure.
Let b = breadth of the channel at the bottom,
d = Depth of the channel, and
= Side slope (i.e.,1 vertical to n horizontal)
 Area of flow, A = d(b + nd)
or = b + nd or b = − nd
d d
and Discharge, Q = A x v = AC mi = AC .i
Keeping A, C and i constant, in the above equation, the discharge will be
maximum, when A/P is maximum or the PerimeterP is minimum.
Or in other words,
We know that parameter of a trapezoidal section,
P = b + 2 n 2 d 2 + d 2 = b + 2d n 2 + 1
Substituting value of b from equation (i).
P = − nd + 2d n 2 + 1
Differentiating the above equation with respect tod and equating
the same to zero,
dP A
= − 2 − n + 2 n2 + 1
dd d
− 2 − n + 2 n2 + 1 = 0
+ n = 2 n 2
d(b + nd)
+ n = 2 n 2
+1 [ A = d(b + nd)]
b + 2nd b + 2nd
= 2 n2 + 1 or = d n2 + 1
d 2
i.e., Sloping side is equal to half of the top width. In this case, the hydraulic
mean depth,
A d (b + nd )
m= =
P b + 2d n 2 + 1
d (b + nd )
b + (b + 2nd )
d (b + nd ) d
m= =
2(b + nd ) 2
Hence for maximum discharge or maximum velocity these two conditions
 b + 2nd d
 i.e., = d n + 1 and m =  should be used for solving problems

 2 2
on channels of trapezoidal cross- section.
A trapezoidal channel having side slopes of 1:1 and bed slope
of 1 in 1200 is required to carry a discharge of 180m3/min.
Find the dimensions of the channel for minimum cross-
section. Take Chezy’s constant as 50.

Given :
Side Slopes (n) = 1, i = 1/1200
Q = 180m3 / min = 3m3 / s and C = 50
b = Breadth of channel of its bottom,
d = Depth of water flow
We know that for minimum cross section, the channel should be most economical.
And for most economicaltrapezoidal section half of the top width is equal to the
sloping side. i.e,
b + 2nd
= d n2 + 1
b + 2(1)d
= d 12 + 1
b = 0.828d
Area, A = d(b + nd) = d( 0.828d + 1xd) = 1.828d2
We know that in case of most economical trapezoidal section,
the hydraulic mean depth,
and discharge through channel (Q),
Q = A.C m.i
d 1
3 = 1.828d2 x50 x
2 1200
d = 1.21m
b = 0.828d = 0.828x1.21 = 1m

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