Workout Plan 1.0

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Workout Plan 1.

Monday [Push - Chest and Shoulders]


1. Smith machine Incline Bench Press

3 sets - 8 to 13 reps

2. Smith machine Flat Bench Press

3 sets - 8 to 13 reps


1. Reverse Pec Deck Fly

3 sets - 10 to 15 reps

2. Machine Standing Lateral Raises

3 sets - 10 to 15 reps

3. Smith machine Shoulder Press

3 sets - 8 to 13 reps

1. Shrugs
3 sets - 8 to 13 reps
Drop set in last 2 sets
Tuesday [Pull - Back and Triceps]


1. Lat Pull Downs

3 sets - 10 to 15 reps

2. Seated Cable Rows

3 sets - 10 to 15 reps


1. Overhead Tricep Extension

3 sets - 10 to 15 reps

2. Cable Triceps Pushdowns

3 sets - 10 to 15 reps
Wednesday [Leg - Legs and Biceps]


1. Lying Leg Curls

3 sets - 8 to 12 reps

2. Hack Squats
3 sets - 8 to 12 reps

3. Leg Press
3 sets - 8 to 12 reps

4. Seated Calf Raises

3 sets - 8 to 12 reps


1. Preacher Curls
3 sets - 10 to 15 reps

2. Dumbbell Curls
3 sets - 10 to 15 reps
Thursday [Push - Chest and Shoulders]


1. Flat Bench Machine Press

(Seated or Horizontal Bench both will work)
3 sets - 8 to 13 reps

2. Pec Deck Flyes

3 sets - 8 to 13 reps


1. Standing One Hand Reverse Rear Delt Flies

(on cable machine)
3 sets - 10 to 15 reps

2. Cable Lateral Raises

3 sets - 10 to 15 reps

3. Cable Front Raises

3 sets - 8 to 13 reps

2. Shrugs
3 sets - 8 to 13 reps
Drop set in last 2 sets
Friday [Pull - Back and Triceps]


1. Reverse Grip Machine Pull Downs

(If this machine is not in your gym then do
Reverse Grip Pull downs in Lat Pull Down
3 sets - 10 to 15 reps

2. Straight Hand Cable Pull Downs

3 sets - 10 to 15 reps


1. Close Grip Smith Machine Press

3 sets - 10 to 15 reps

2. Dumbbell Triceps Overhead Extension

3 sets - 10 to 15 reps
Saturday [Leg - Legs and Biceps]


1. Romanian Deadlift With Dumbbell

3 sets - 8 to 13 reps

2. Bulgarian Split Squats

3 sets - 8 to 13 reps

3. Leg Extension
3 sets - 8 to 13 reps

4. Standing Calf Raises

3 sets - 8 to 13 reps


1. Hammer Curls
3 sets - 8 to 13 reps

2. Reverse Grip EZ Bar Curls

3 sets - 8 to 13 reps

1. Every exercise should be done with proper range of motion, the

most important thing for building muscle is when you are doing
a particular exercise for a certain muscle you should feel that
muscle burning, if you can’t feel it then it means you are doing
it wrong or your range of motion is not proper.

2. You can either be the strongest person in the gym or the most
aesthetic. Both needs different types of workouts. Choose what
you want.

3. Sets for each exercise = 3 or 4

Reps for each exercise = 8 to 15

4. If you can do more than 15 reps that means it is a light weight,

but if you can’t feel your muscle if you increase the weight then
it’s fine if you want to do more reps, over time your muscle and
power will increase and eventually you will be able to lift more

5. Before and after every workout do some warmup and stretching.

A. Numerical Priority list of Supplements

1. Whey Protein
2. Creatine
3. Multivitamins
4. Fish Oil
5. Ashwagandha

B. Weighing machine which will help you Track your Progress

1. Food Weighing Machine - around 249₹

2. Weighing Scale - around 599₹

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