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Summary chapter twenty one

Maxim entered the narrator’s bedroom. He explained that it was all over The Colonel had
concluded that Rebecca died by killing herself
Maxim said he was going to the church, where Rebecva would be buried.
While Maxim was out, Frith announced that Jack Favell had come to visit.
Favell stayed at the house even though the narrator tried to persuade him to leave,
saying that Maxim was not there.He told that both of them knew that Rebecca had
not killed herself,he was fond of Rebecca more than anyone else.
Maxim returned to Manderley and found the narrator talking to Jack Favell. Maxim
told Favell to leave immediately. Favell told Maxim that he knew the truth about
Rebecca. Favell said that he was sure that Rebecca would never have killed herself.
Favell casually suggested that he could keep quiet for a few thousand pounds. He
insisted that he had enough evidence to prove that Maxim was guilty. Just before
she died, Rebecca had sent Favell a note, saying that she needed to see him
immediately. This was proof that Rebecca didn’t intend to kill herself, and thus would
suggest that she was murdered.
Maxim calmly said that Favel should leave, or he would call Colonel Julyan. Favell
laughed and said that Maxim wouldn’t dare to do that. Maxim called Colonel Julyan
o and told him to come to Manderley.
After a short time, Colonel Julyan arrived. Maxim greetedJulyan and introduced him
to Favell. Favell told Julyan he had important information to share: a note that
Rebecca had sent him. He showed Julyan the note, saying that someone who wrote
that wouldn’t have killed herself.
Julyan told Favell that the note wasn't enough evidence to prove something. He
asked Favell what he thought had happened to Rebecca. Favell replied, without any
hesitation, that Maxim was the one who killed Rebecca.

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