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Summary chapters twenty three and twenty four

The next morning, the narrator woke up early. She went downstairs and walked around the
grounds of Manderley. The narrator went to wake Maxim, and they ate breakfast in silence.
Maxim and the narrator got in their car and drove away from Manderley. They were in the
same car as Colonel Julyan. When they went to the crossroads, they found Favell waiting for
them. Maxim drove Julyan and the narrator into London, followed closely by Favell’s car.
They arrive at five o’clock. A woman opened the door, it was Dr. Baker 's wife.
The woman led them to a cool room , and after a few minutes Dr. Baker entered the room.
Before Colone Julyan could begin his questions, Favell interjected that there was a
supposed suicide, and Dr. Baker could help. Baker said he hadn’t consulted with any woman
called de WInter. Julyan pointed out that Rebecca could easily have given a false name.
Colonel Julyan asked Dr. Baker if he had seen any patients on the day before Rebecca’s
death. Baker went to consult his old appointment book, and found that he had seen a “Mrs.
Danvers' ' a young, attractive woman who was clearly Rebecca. Baker said that the woman
was suffering from a terrible illness and that she could never have a child, she only had six
months to live if she shouldn't have died.
They were shocked by the news,no one said anything for a few minutes.Favell threatened
Maxim , saying that even if he thought that he had won , he hadn’t finished with him .
Maxim , Colonel Julyan and the narrator got in the car.Julyan assured them that Favell could
not do anything against them and that he would make sure that people heard about Dr.
Baker.Then, Julyan went to his sister's house, leaving the couple alone. They had dinner in a
restaurant where Maxim called Frank, Maxim said that the colonel knew the truth, that he
was the one who had killed Rebecca but he would not say anything.Then he said that when
he talked with Crawley, he told him that Mrs. Danvers had left Manderley after having a long
distance call, Favell was the one who phoned what they supposed.They began their return
to Manderley, Maxim had a strange feeling about it. The narrator slept a few hours, and
when she woke up, they noticed that a blood-red light was spreading across the sky in
Manderley’s direction. When they arrived at Manderley they only found the ashes of it.

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