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DMPM Lab Assignment -1

Data Exploration & Visualization

1. Read the file "pva97nk.csv" that is supplied to you.

2. Identify the variables in the file "pva97nk.csv" and determine whether any variable has any missing values.

3. Impute some of the variables that have missing values using their corresponding mean values. Verify whether
your task has been correctly done.

4. Compute the Kurtosis and Skewness of the variables and interpret the results obtained.

5. Determine the "summary" information for the numerical variables.

6. Identify the "distributions" of the numerical variables and plot the distributions.

7. Transform the numeric variables into their natural log values and scale [0 - 1] values.

8. Check whether the numeric variables follow normality conditions.

9. Find the correlation matrix for all the variables in the dataset and plot the graph of the correlation matrix.

10. From the given dataset partition the data into 70-15-15 divisions so to construct the training, validation and
test datasets.
11. Any additional ways of Data Exploration & Visualization will be highly appreciated.


A national veterans’ organization seeks to better target its solicitations for donation. By soliciting only the most
likely donors, less money is spent on solicitation efforts and more money is available for charitable concerns.
Solicitations involve sending a small gift to an individual and include a request for a donation. Gifts to donors
include mailing labels and greeting cards.

The organization has more than 3.5 million individuals in its mailing database. These individuals are classified by
their response behaviours to previous solicitation efforts. Of particular interest is the class of individuals
identified as lapsing donors. These individuals made their most recent donations between 12 and 24 months
ago. The organization seeks to rank its lapsing donors based on their responses to a greeting card mailing sent in
June of 1997.(The charity calls this the 97NK Campaign.) With this ranking, a decision can be made to either
solicit or ignore a lapsing individual in the June 1998 campaign.

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