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Divine Orishas – The 7 African Powers Explained

Leave a Comment / Witches and Witchcraft / By Karin

Who are the 7 African Powers, and why have they become such a popular choice for
spiritual seekers? Read on to find out more about these powerful orishas and how to
work with them.

The Seven African Powers are a group of seven orishas – powerful spirits from the
Yoruba tradition in Africa. Orishas are seen as intermediaries between humans and
the creator god, Olodumare. Their role is similar to that of saints in Christianity, and
it’s said that they were sent by the creator to provide guidance and help people
through challenges.

The orishas are powerful Yoruba spirits

While the orishas originate in Africa, they were incorporated into many other cultures
and religions as enslaved Africans were taken to the Americas. Today, they are
invoked and venerated in Santería, Candomblé, Lukumí, Vodou, Hoodoo and Umbanda
traditions, to name a few.
The Seven African Powers are a group of orishas who have been chosen because they
each have different abilities that work well together. As a team, they address a wide
range of human needs and experiences.

Read on to find out more about the Seven African powers, or click on a section in the
table of contents below to jump straight to a specific part of this article.

Who are the Seven African Powers?

How can you work with the Seven African Powers?
The Seven African Powers Prayer
Setting up an altar
Spiritual protection
Cleansing rituals

Who are the Seven African Powers?

The seven African powers consist of Elegua, Yemaya, Oshun, Shango, Obatala, Oya,
and Ogun. Each one of these orishas represents a different facet of human existence
and have their own unique qualities. These powerful spirits offer guidance, protection
and blessings to those who invoke them.

Elegua – the trickster spirit of the crossroads

Elegua, often referred to as Eshu Elegbara, Exu, Eshu, or Papa Legba, is the
messenger between realms. He is the spirit who guards the crossroads, symbolizing
the intersection of choices in life. This guardian of thresholds plays the role of a
psychopomp, guiding souls between the realms of the living and the dead.
Elegua is the guardian of the crossroads

Elegua is a trickster spirit, often known for his mischievous and childlike nature. He
can be very unpredictable, and can either be a source of guidance and a roguish force
to be reckoned with, depending on the circumstances and the intentions of those
who invoke him.

As a crossroads spirit, Elegua essentially acts as a middleman between the earthly

and spiritual realms, and all prayers and offerings must pass through him before
reaching the other orishas.

Elegua correspondences: Crossroads, paths, doors, fertility, comedy, mischief, healing,

travelers, the colors red and black.

Elegua offerings: Tobacco, rum, candy, toys, spicy foods, red and black candles.

Yemaya – the nurturing mother of the oceans

Yemaya is the water orisha, whose domain extends across the vast oceans and rivers.
Her protective embrace covers not only the vast waters but also the realms of
motherhood, female sexuality, and abundance.

Much like the sea, Yemaya is a complex and powerful force. She grants abundant
treasures and nourishment, but can also be as tempestuous as a raging storm.
Yemaya is powerful, fierce and protective

Yemaya is the oldest and most widely known orisha, and considered to be the mother
of all. People born under water zodiac signs, particularly those whose ancestors
endured the harrowing passage from West Africa to the New World, are considered
her people. She is also known as a protector of abused women.

Yemaya correspondences: Female fertility, motherhood, abundance, love, healing,

water, pearls, ships, the colors blue and white.

Yemaya offerings: Watermelon, pomegranate, molasses, white roses, pound cake,

blue and white candles.

Oshun – the river goddess of love

Oshun is the beautiful and radiant orisha of rivers who embodies the purity and
vitality of flowing water. Her essence is a gentle river, with the power to cleanse and
heal that envelops those who come into her presence. Oshun’s domain encompasses
all things that flow like water: love, sensuality, abundance, and fertility.

It is said that Oshun was brought into existence by the Creator after he realized
something important was missing in the world – sweetness and love. Oshun is
charismatic, sensual and generous to those that show respect towards her. She
grants her followers an abundance of love, prosperity and fertility of all kinds.
Oshun represents sweetness, love and abundance

Oshun is also associated with magic and divination, and can teach her followers how
to use these arts to enhance their lives, especially in matters of love, prosperity, and

Oshun correspondences: Romance, abundance, divination, magic, cleansing,

purification, fertility, waterfalls, rivers, the colors yellow and gold.

Oshun offerings: Perfumes, oils, mirrors, rosemary, marigold, pumpkin, sandalwood,

honey, flowers, yellow and gold candles.

Shango – the thunderous lord of fire

Shango, known as the lord of thunder and fire, has an intense and fiery energy that
mirrors the destructive and creative power of lightning. He is fertile male god,
representing masculinity and virility.

As the master of thunder and lightning, Shango brings justice through the power of
lightning bolts. He is a protector, guarding his devotees against evil forces. Shango
loves music, dance, celebration and festivity. His zest for life makes him a good
choice for invoking if you seek guidance and blessings in your own pursuits of joy and
Shango is the orisha of thunder and lightning

Shango is a deeply passionate orisha. He rides on bolts of lightning and wields a

double-axe, signifying his connection to thunder and his role as a warrior of justice.

Shango correspondences: Thunder and lightning, justice, protection, male fertility, the
sky, music, dancing, fighting, the colors red and white.

Shango offerings: Copper, mugwort, high john the conqueror root, spicy foods, red
palm oil, liquor like red wine and rum, sugar, red and white candles.

Obatala – the serene guardian of justice

Obatala, often described as a “cool” spirit, radiates an aura of peace and serenity. He
is a guardian of justice, known for his role in ensuring fairness and balance in the
world. Obatala is also believed to be the creator of human bodies – even those with
imperfections – which highlights his acceptance of diversity and imperfection as
essential for human evolution.

This gentle and patient orisha governs over legal matters, providing a sense of
legitimacy and fairness. Obatala favors those who can control their emotions and
maintain a level-headed approach to life’s challenges. His energy is calming and
soothing, making him a symbol of wisdom and equanimity.
Obatala is a wise and serene orisha

Obatala is also associated with healing, especially for those with various birth defects
and disabilities. He is a symbol of sobriety and serenity who encourages level-
headedness and emotional control among his devotees.

Obatala correspondences: Justice and legal matters, peace and serenity, protection
of the blind and those with birth defects, temperance, creativity, healing, the color

Obatala offerings: Cascarilla powder, sugar, shea butter, water, milk (no alcohol),
white rice, bananas, white flowers, white candles, and other white or light-colored

Oya – the tempestuous spirit of transformation

Oya is a dynamic and tempestuous orisha who exudes an energy that is as fierce as it
is transformative. She is the embodiment of change, transition, and the forces of
nature that shape the world. Oya’s essence is often described as tumultuous,
reflecting the turbulent winds, lightning, and storms she governs.

As the guardian of transformation, Oya holds the power to bring about significant
shifts in your life. Her energy is marked by the constant motion of change, and she
encourages her devotees to embrace transformation as a natural and necessary part
of existence. Just as storms can clear the air and make way for new growth, Oya’s
influence can sweep away obstacles and stagnation, making room for personal
growth and progress.
Oya’s energy is fierce and transformative

Oya is also closely associated with the realm of the dead, serving as a guide for
departed souls. Her connection to the ancestral realm adds depth to her role as a
guardian of transition. She helps those who have passed on navigate the afterlife and
ensures their peaceful journey to the other side.

Oya correspondences: Transformation, change, storms, lightning, wind, feminine

power, guidance for the departed, personal growth, and empowerment, the colors red
and purple.

Oya offerings: Red wine, rum, peppers, eggplant, okra, plums, red and purple flowers,
red and purple candles.

Ogun – the tenacious master of iron

Ogun is a resolute and industrious orisha, with an unwavering determination and a
fiery passion for his domains of iron, metalworking, and craftsmanship. He is often
depicted as a mighty warrior, giving his followers the strength and tenacity required
to overcome life’s challenges.

As the guardian of iron and all things forged from it, Ogun plays an important role in
human progress and technology. He is the patron of blacksmiths, engineers, and
anyone who works with tools. Ogun’s influence can be seen in the creation of
weapons, machinery, and the forging of ideas into reality.
Ogun is a mighty and tenacious warrior

Ogun is a protector and provider, known for his straightforward and action-oriented
approach to problem-solving. He has a no-nonsense attitude, and he favors those
who are determined, disciplined, and willing to put in the hard work to achieve their

In addition to his role in craftsmanship and industry, Ogun is also associated with
justice and the upholding of moral principles. He demands honesty and integrity from
his devotees and expects them to stand up for what is right.

Ogun correspondences: Iron, metalworking, craftsmanship, technology, determination,

protection, justice, honesty, discipline, strength, the colors green and black.

Ogun offerings: Palm wine, rum, cornmeal, roasted yams, smoked or grilled meats,
iron tools, red and green vegetables, handcrafted items, tools, green and black

How can you work with the Seven African Powers?

There are a few things to bear in mind before working with these powerful spirits.

While anyone may learn about and appreciate the Seven African Powers, if you want
to work with them, you need to take note to approach them with respect and
reverence for their cultural origins.

The orishas were brought to the Americas by enslaved Africans and hold deep
significance within the African diaspora. If you are a person without ancestral ties to
these cultures, then having a deep understanding of the historical context is
essential. If you lack respect for this cultural heritage, the Seven African Powers will
not be receptive to your requests.

Understanding cultural context is crucial

Another consideration is that many traditions where the orishas are venerated are
considered to be closed practices, passed down only through lineage and/or
initiation. While the spirits can listen to anyone who calls on them, fully
understanding and participating in specific traditions requires guidance and training
from people who know them well.

Finally, thorough research is essential in order to have a good relationship with the
orishas. Learn about their individual likes, dislikes, and any potential conflicts
between them.

Mixing Orishas without proper knowledge can lead to discord, as some of them just
don’t get along! However, invoking them together as the Seven African Powers calms
the animosity and conflict, because of the balance created.

Let’s continue with a few ways that you can work with the Seven African Powers.

The Seven African Powers Prayer

The Seven African Powers Prayer is a beautiful and simple way to connect with these
seven orishas and ask for their guidance and support. It’s a sacred invocation and a
heartfelt expression of respect and reverence which will help you connect to these
powerful energies.

To use the prayer to the Seven African Powers, begin by setting a clear intention for
guidance, blessings, or protection. Create a sacred space, such as an altar with
representations of the Orishas, and recite the following prayer with sincerity, focusing
on your intention.

“Seven African Powers, I beseech thee,

Grant me your strength, wisdom, and grace,

Elegua, Yemaya, Oshun, Shango, Obatala, Oya, Ogun,

I humbly seek your divine embrace.

Elegua, open the doors to opportunity,

Yemaya, bless me with your nurturing love,

Oshun, bring joy, abundance, and sweet blessings,

Shango, ignite the passion within my soul,

Obatala, bring peace and clarity to my life,

Oya, guide me through life’s transformations,

Ogun, empower me with your determination.

Seven African Powers, I honor and adore,

Protect me, guide me, forevermore.


After you have recited the prayer, meditate to connect with their energies and listen
for insights. You can also make offerings to the Seven Powers as tokens of gratitude.

Consistency is key to building a deeper connection – and remember to trust the

process and be patient.

Setting up an altar for the Seven African Powers

Another way to honor the Seven African Powers and bring their energies into your life
is to set up an altar for them.

Select a quiet space for your altar where it won’t be disturbed. Use a white or light-
colored cloth as a base. Arrange seven candles on the altar to represent each of the
orishas. (If you have candles representing their specific colors – great! Otherwise just
use white candles)
An altar is a beautiful way to honor the orishas

If you have a statue or other representation of Elegua, place it in the middle of the
altar, as he is the guardian of the crossroads and the first among the Seven Powers.
Otherwise, place the candle representing Elegua in the middle, and always light it
first. Dress the candles with 7 African Powers ritual oil if you have it – this is a
powerful way to strengthen the connection with the seven orishas.

Burn 7 African Powers incense to purify and consecrate your sacred space. Light it
before starting your rituals, and let the smoke infuse the area. You can also anoint
yourself with the ritual oil at the start of the ritual, while stating your intentions and

It is customary to leave regular offerings for the orishas on the altar, but be sure to
only give offerings that you know each specific orisha will like – for example, you
wouldn’t want to offer alcohol to Obatala who is the orisha of sobriety! See the
section for each orisha above to find out what to give as offerings.

Spiritual protection with the Seven African Powers

One of the primary reasons that people work with the Seven African Powers is for
spiritual protection. These spirits are excellent for shielding against negative energies,
malevolent spirits, and various life challenges.

A great way to incorporate spiritual protection into your practice with the Seven
African Powers is to wear an amulet dedicated to these seven orishas.

A Seven African Powers amulet is a powerful protective amulet that consists of

symbols, images and inscriptions representing the seven orishas. You can purchase
one, or create your own by using a small object such as a stone, and inscribing
images of the seven orishas onto it.

You can consecrate the amulet during a ritual where you ask the Seven African
Powers to bless and empower it for protection (for extra potency, anoint the talisman
with Seven African Powers ritual oil). Carry the amulet with you for a constant source
of spiritual protection.

Talismans can offer powerful spiritual protection

Another way that people invoke the protective energies of the orishas is by wearing
an orisha necklace, also known as an “eleke” or “collare”. These are sacred beaded
necklaces worn by practitioners of various Afro-Cuban and Afro-Caribbean spiritual
traditions, including Santería, Candomblé, and Lukumí.

Orisha necklaces are given to initiates during specific religious ceremonies, and need
to be blessed by a priest or priestess in order to be considered authentic and
consecrated. However, some people do wear unconsecrated necklaces as a sign of
personal devotion.

Cleansing rituals with the 7 African Powers

Cleansing rituals are an important part of working with the Seven African Powers.
These rituals purify the practitioner, their surroundings, and their spiritual
connections, leaving them with a clean slate for spiritual work and protection.

To perform a cleansing ritual, you will need a bowl of clean water and 7 African
Powers ritual wash.
Start by doing a physical cleansing – take a spiritual bath or shower to wash away
any impurities or negative energies from your body. You can use sea salt or herbs in
the bath for extra effect, and visualize the water washing away any unwanted energy
or spiritual blockages.

Water is a potent spiritual cleanser

After the physical cleansing, add some of the 7 African Powers ritual wash to the bowl
of water. Mix it together well, while focusing on your intention of spiritual cleansing.

Next, gently sprinkle or flick the water mixture around your space while reciting
prayers or invocations to the Seven African Powers. As you sprinkle the water,
visualize it cleansing and purifying the entire area, driving away any negative energy
or influences.

After cleansing your space, anoint yourself with a few drops of 7 African Powers ritual
wash. Start from the top of your head and move down, focusing on areas where you
feel negativity or tension. As you anoint yourself, repeat your prayers or affirmations,
asking the Seven African Powers for their protection and guidance.

Conclude the ritual by thanking the Seven African Powers for their assistance. You can
also leave an offering, such as a small portion of the water, on your altar as a token of

Final Thoughts
Working with the Seven African Powers is a profound and beautiful way to bring
protection, blessings and guidance into your life. These seven spirits can be powerful
allies on your journey if you approach them with respect and a genuine and heartfelt

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