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checking sentences


• lesson Learning Objectives and Grammar points;
• checking sentences or instructions for the Teacher Support.

Remember this is a guide to be used only by teachers and coordinators. Students will have all the
information they need in their audio material. Remind them to do the activities aloud. They should
always start the class by listening to the audio material.

241 LESSON • Why do you think we can sometimes change our
opinion about something after seeing it from
another perspective? Has it ever happened to you?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES In this practice, encourage students to use relevant
• Can work collaboratively with people who have structures for their level and praise them for their work.
different cultural orientations, discussing similarities
and differences in views and perspectives. Other Activities
• Can understand the main ideas of complex
technical discussions in their field. Real Life – This task was completed on the
Check if students have any questions about this section.
• Can understand similarities and differences
between points of view in extended texts.
SB answers:
• Can distinguish between fact and opinion in
informal discussion at natural speed. How can you define low culture?
• Can add non-essential information to a sentence. Low culture is the cultural behavior and ideas that are
popular with most of the people in society.
What’s mainstream media?
GRAMMAR It’s the cultural patterns that are broadly in line with
• Non-restrictive relative clauses. society’s cultural ideals and values.
Why is the U.S. considered a melting pot?
Because of its history as a country of immigrants.
TEACHER SUPPORT | – Students are guided to access their Personal
CHECKING SENTENCES Assistant, go to the Speaking Practice card related
to Lesson 241, and work on Oral Practice. They may
1. Social inequality is considered one of the main also watch the video from this lesson again on the
reasons for violence. / hunger / poverty Video card, and listen to the audio on the Audio Pack
2. Which different perspectives can be considered card.
when talking about refugee issues?
3. The man, who left his country, has a rich cultural
background. / relevant / remarkable LESSON 242
4. The politician, whose work has never been
recognized, decided to leave. / scientist / researcher
5. What are the benefits and drawbacks of
globalization? • Can work collaboratively with people who have
6. They found it hard to understand their cultural different cultural orientations, discussing similarities
norms. / perspective / background and differences in views and perspectives.
• Can understand the main ideas of complex
Discussion – Students listen to the audio and
technical discussions in their field.
reproduce it out loud. Then they use the Real Life
• Can understand similarities and differences
information to think about the answers. During the
between points of view in extended texts.
Teacher Support, check the answers the students
prepared. • Can distinguish between fact and opinion in
• What could lead people to be less judgmental informal discussion at natural speed.
toward different cultures and subcultures? • Can add non-essential information to a sentence.
• How do you think it is possible to blend different
cultures and social classes in a peaceful society?


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checking sentences


Lines of Thinking – In this activity, students listen LEARNING OBJECTIVES
to the audio and link the idea that will be presented • Can work collaboratively with people who have
to a line of thinking, theory, information, or personal different cultural orientations, discussing similarities
experience they remember having heard of. They and differences in views and perspectives.
write down their ideas so you can discuss them during • Can synthesize information from different sources
the Teacher Support. Encourage students to use the in order to give a written or oral summary.
chunks of language from the Useful Language box. To • Can follow a wide range of factual and creative texts
make the conversation flow, feel free to ask questions and summarize themes and opinions.
using when, where, why, or who. Praise students for
• Can produce sentences using defining relative
their work at the end of the activity.
clauses and omitting the relative pronoun.
Other Activities
Did You Overhear That? – Students listen to the GRAMMAR
questions in order to predict what they’ll hear and say • Omission of relative pronouns in defining
their ideas out loud. Then they listen to the audio and (restrictive) relative clauses.
pay attention to the meaning and intonation in the
conversation. They listen to the audio a second time
and mark the answers in their books. Finally, they listen TEACHER SUPPORT |
to the audio once more, complete the activity on the, and correct the answers in their books. CHECKING SENTENCES
Fact or Opinion? – Students listen to the audio and 1. The woman I interviewed last night lives on an
follow it on the screen. They say out loud whether they Indian reservation. / saw / talked to
think the content of the audio is mostly based on facts 2. Is your generation aware of the importance of
or if it is basically an opinion. They should read the preserving the environment? Why (not)?
quotes and find evidence to support their answers. To 3. The violence against those indigenous people was
correct their production, they listen to three questions the tip of the iceberg. / The fire on the reservation /
and choose the correct option. The conflict between the tribes
There and Around – Students watch the first part of 4. The man I told you about studied the contributions
the Instructional video and take notes. After that, they of our ancestors. / of Native American nations / of
take a look at the realia that they can use as a model. past generations
Students should use the realia to start discussing their 5. What contribution would you like to leave to the
ideas for the text they will develop in order to present generations to come?
in the Review class. 6. The reason why that tribe became extinct is plain as
Unlock – This task was completed on the day. / culture / reservation
Check if students have any questions. Discussion – Students listen to the audio and – Students are guided to access the Personal reproduce it out loud. Then they use the Real Life
Assistant to complete the Homework card and the information to think about the answers. During the
Speaking Practice card to work on Pronunciation Teacher Support, check the answers the students
Practice. They also have to watch the There and prepared.
Around video and get ready for the next class by • Can you mention any current social upheavals you
doing the Class Prep card. consider to be just the tip of the iceberg?
• How would you describe an active citizen?
• What do you believe we should teach our future
In this practice, encourage students to use relevant
structures for their level and praise them for their work.

Other Activities
Real Life – This task was completed on the
Check if students have any questions about this section.


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checking sentences

SB answers: in their books, answering each of them with a rhetorical

question from the box. They should complement them
What kinds of artifacts help us understand the life of with their opinions, and say them out loud. To close the
early Americans? Why are they important? activity, they drag the words from the list to the correct
Pottery, jewelry, and tools. Because they allow us to place.
know what their life was like. What Tone is That? – In the first part of the activity,
Who were the first Native American inhabitants? students think of feelings they may have when going
Northeast Asians that depended on bison and other through a certain situation. Then they create a sentence
animals for their survival. They crossed from one and say it out loud, using different intonations in order
continent to the other during the ice age. to express different feelings. After that, students listen
to the audio and try to recognize the character’s feelings
Were the Crow, Black Foot, Comanche, and Lakota
and emotions. They should listen to the audio one more
nations nomadic or non-nomadic? Why?
time and write their answers in their books. To correct
They were all nomadic. They depended on buffalo
the exercise, students match the possible answers on
herds to survive.
the – Students are guided to access their Personal There and Around – Students watch the second part
Assistant, go to the Speaking Practice card related of the Instructional video. They should use the realia to
to Lesson 243, and work on Oral Practice. They may start preparing and producing the work they will present
also listen to the audio from this lesson on the Audio in the Review class.
Pack card.
Unlock – This task was completed on the
Check if students have any questions.
LESSON 244 – Students are guided to access the Personal
Assistant to complete the Homework card and the
Speaking Practice card to work on Pronunciation
REITERATIVE LEARNING OBJECTIVES Practice. They also have to watch the There and
• Can work collaboratively with people who have Around video, and get ready for the next class by
different cultural orientations, discussing similarities doing the Class Prep card.
and differences in views and perspectives.
• Can synthesize information from different sources
in order to give a written or oral summary. LESSON 245
• Can follow a wide range of factual and creative texts
and summarize themes and opinions. LEARNING OBJECTIVES
• Can produce sentences using defining relative
• Can talk about what can affect a culture.
clauses and omitting the relative pronoun.
• Can talk about glocalization and globalization.
• Can summarize a wide range of texts, discussing
TEACHER SUPPORT | contrasting points and main themes.
• Can systematically develop an argument, giving the
STUDENT’S BOOK ACTIVITIES reasons for or against a point of view.
Intercultural Encounter – Students look at the • Can use restrictive and non-restrictive relative
pictures and describe what they see. Then they listen clauses.
and reproduce the statement below the pictures out
loud. Students should guess which picture the statement
is related to. After that, they listen to four audio extracts
and check their predictions. Finally, they listen to the • Restrictive and non-restrictive relative clauses.
audio one more time and answer the question in their
books, giving reasons to support their opinions. To
check their answers, students choose the correct word TEACHER SUPPORT |
to complete the statement on the During the CHECKING SENTENCES
Teacher Support, students justify their answers.
1. Globalization may have urged communities to change
Other Activities their educational institutions. / centers / schools
2. What’s a positive aspect of glocalization?
Rhetorical Questions – Students listen to the model,
pay attention to the intonation, and reproduce it out 3. They believe they can continue their studies with
loud. After that, they read the sentences or questions remote sessions. / project / course


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checking sentences

4. The conflicts took place in two distinct areas. / remote

/ peaceful LESSON 246
5. Who’s the person who has taught you the most
6. They are tired, but they won’t throw in the towel. /
• Can talk about what can affect a culture.
stop fighting / be defeated
• Can talk about glocalization and globalization.
Discussion – Students listen to the audio and • Can summarize a wide range of texts, discussing
reproduce it out loud. Then they use the Real Life contrasting points and main themes.
information to think about the answers. During the
• Can systematically develop an argument, giving the
Teacher Support, check the answers the students
reasons for or against a point of view.
• Can use restrictive and non-restrictive relative
• Do you think it’s possible to decelerate
globalization? Why or why not?
• What could be a big push to urge young people to
keep their local culture?
• What are the pros and cons of globalization?
In this practice, encourage students to use relevant
structures for their level and praise them for their work. Controversy – Students start the activity by listening
to the statement in their books and reproducing it
Other Activities out loud. Then they follow the same procedure for
the content in the Useful Language box. Students
Real Life – This task was completed on the should use this content to defend their point of view
Check if students have any questions about this section. on the topic even if they personally don’t agree with it.
During the Teacher Support, ask students to justify their
SB answers: answers. Give arguments to contradict them so you can
have a quick debate. Praise students for their work at
What is the government of Bhutan trying to maintain? the end of the activity.
They are trying to preserve their culture and keep their
traditions alive. Other Activities
What kind of problems are they facing?
Time to Intervene – Students say out loud what
People that moved away from their country do not
communication problems they are aware of. Then they
return for festivities and celebrations. They are afraid listen to the questions and reproduce them out loud.
their culture will be lost to globalization. After that, they listen to the audio. They should listen to
What were the measures taken by the government? the audio one more time and answer the questions out
They started a glocalization movement, they created a loud. To check their answers, students fill in the blanks
Broadcast Service, they insist on the use of traditional with the words from the list.
clothes in meetings and schools and are incentivizing
homestays. What’s on the Chart? – Students have a look at the
title, subtitle, and graphic(s) in the Student’s Book. They – Students are guided to access their Personal say what they see and what they think the topic of the
Assistant, go to the Speaking Practice card related discussion is. After that, they listen to the content of
to Lesson 245, and work on Oral Practice. They may the Useful Language box and say it out loud. Then
also listen to the audio from this lesson on the Audio they look at the graphic(s), interpret the report data
Pack card. using the Useful Language content, and justify their
interpretations. Finally, they listen to some statements
about the graphics and mark them as True or False
according to the data shown.
There and Around – Students watch the third part of
the instructional video. They should use the realia to
continue the preparation and production of the work
they will present in the next class. Check with students if
they understood the three parts of the video and clarify
any questions they may have.

Unlock – This task was completed on the Check

if students have any questions.


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checking sentences – Students are guided to access the Personal

Assistant to complete the Homework card and the LESSON 247
Speaking Practice card to work on Pronunciation
• Can build on people’s ideas and link them into
REVIEW – CULTURE coherent lines of thinking.
• Can write about feelings and the personal
significance of experiences in detail.
TEACHER SUPPORT • Can identify key information in linguistically complex
Pinpoint – Students listen to the text and read it out conversation at a natural speed.
loud. Then they read the question and reflect upon it. • Can recognize contrasting arguments in a
They should take a look at the Getting the most out structured, discursive text.
of the language box and say the words in it out loud as • Can give arguments emphasizing that something is
well. After that, they listen to a testimonial on the same always true, no matter the conditions.
topic. To check comprehension, students listen to the
audio one more time and choose the correct answers.
Finally, students read two questions about the topic
which will make them reflect and propose actions to • Use of no matter + Relative Pronoun.
help the speaker. During the Teacher Support, students
tell the teacher their answers/ideas. Encourage them to
use the vocabulary and structures learned throughout
the batch. Praise them for their work.
1. What’s something positive in a multicultural society? 1. You should stand taller for being unique. / different /
2. What could be done to make access to culture unlike the others
available to everybody? 2. No matter which group you’re a part of, you should
3. Have you ever thrown in the towel after something reclaim your pride. / roots / rights
that went wrong? How did you feel about it? 3. How are culture and education intertwined?
4. What is something that describes your own culture? 4. What comes to mind when you think of
5. Can you name some changes you urge for in your discrimination? / prejudice / social restrictions
city? 5. In your opinion, should people always be open to
reviewing their thinking?
There and Around – Students review the final version of
6. He said that he felt enslaved. / reluctant /
the work they prepared in the previous Output Lessons
of the batch. They make the adjustments needed for the
presentation during the Teacher Support. Discussion – Students listen to the audio and
reproduce it out loud. Then they use the Real Life
Other Activities information to think about the answers. During the
Teacher Support, check the answers the students
Self-assessment in the Student’s Book –This section prepared.
will be completed on the Check the options • Are there any recent facts that reinforce the
students marked for the can-do statements. Then ask importance of the Black Pride movement?
them if they have any questions and what they need
to do to improve their learning. Also, use this moment • How is pride intertwined with self-confidence?
and information to prepare a review of these LOs in the • What other movements are gaining strength
following lessons, to recommend remedial classes, or nowadays?
extra practice in the Study Hall if needed. In this practice, encourage students to use relevant
Written Part – Collect the sheets from students’ structures for their level and praise them for their work.
Workbooks to correct them. – Students are guided to practice the content Other Activities
from this batch on the Let’s Check card, listen to Real Life – This task was completed on the
the content on the Audio Pack card, and check their
Check if students have any questions about this section.
development on the Self-Assessment card. They
should also get ready for the next class by doing the
Class Prep card.


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checking sentences

SB answers: Other Activities

What is Black Pride according to the video? Fact or Opinion? – Students listen to the audio and
It is choosing to celebrate the things that are socially, follow it on the screen. They say out loud whether they
culturally, and legally deemed undesirable, harmful, or think the content of the audio is mostly based on facts
illegitimate. It’s about embracing yourself. or if it is basically an opinion. They should read the
What important events were taking place in 1968? quote and find evidence to support their answers. To
correct their production, they listen to three questions
Muhammad Ali refused to drafted in the Vietnam War,
and choose the correct option.
Martin Luther King was assassinated, and Richard Nixon
became the president. Into the Real World – Students listen to the audio
attentively and read the questions about what they have
How did James Brown become a symbol of the Black
just heard. Then they listen to the audio one more time
Pride movement?
and answer the questions in their books. After that, they
After being pointed out as not a Black Pride supporter,
match the sentences to find some possible answers on
he wrote a hit song about black pride.
the – Students are guided to access their Personal
There and Around – Students watch the first part of
Assistant, go to the Speaking Practice card related
the Instructional video and take notes. After that, they
to Lesson 247, and work on Oral Practice. They may take a look at the realia that they can use as a model.
also watch the video from this lesson again on the Students should use the realia to start discussing their
Video card, and listen to the audio from this lesson ideas for the text they will present in the Review class.
on the Audio Pack card.
Unlock – This task was completed on the Check
if students have any questions.

LESSON 248 – Students are guided to access the Personal

Assistant to complete the Homework card and the
Speaking Practice card to work on Pronunciation
REITERATIVE LEARNING OBJECTIVES Practice. They also have to watch the There and
Around video and get ready for the next class by doing
• Can build on people’s ideas and link them into
the Class Prep card.
coherent lines of thinking.
• Can write about feelings and the personal
significance of experiences in detail.
• Can identify key information in linguistically complex LESSON 249
conversation at a natural speed.
• Can recognize contrasting arguments in a LEARNING OBJECTIVES
structured, discursive text.
• Can defend arguments on polemic issues.
• Can give arguments emphasizing that something is
always true, no matter the conditions. • Can rationalize their actions.
• Can recognize a feeling from a tone of voice.
• Can discuss trends in a particular country.
TEACHER SUPPORT | • Can explain the purpose of something.
Lines of Thinking – In this activity, students listen GRAMMAR
to the audio and link the idea that will be presented • So as to with infinitive clauses.
to a line of thinking, theory, information, or personal
experience they remember having heard of. They write
down their ideas so you can discuss them during the TEACHER SUPPORT |
Teacher Support. Encourage students to use the chunks CHECKING SENTENCES
of language from the Useful Language box. To make
the conversation flow, feel free to ask questions using 1. Have well-anchored arguments so as to convince
when, where, why, or who. Praise students for their work your employees. / encourage / influence
at the end of the activity. 2. It would help if you managed your business so as
not to be in the hands of others. / money / tasks
3. Who can be considered a symbol of virtue, in your


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checking sentences

4. She wants to get there no matter how. / build up TEACHER SUPPORT |

her strength / achieve her goals
5. She used a lilting tone of voice so as to entertain
the audience. / an enthusiastic / an aggressive What’s Trending Today? – Students look at the
6. Do you usually defend your loved ones regardless picture and say out loud things related to what they
of the situation? see. Then they read the question in their books and
Discussion – Students listen to the audio and think about the answer: Regarding names, what’s
reproduce it out loud. Then they use the Real Life trending in South Korea? After that, they are instructed
information to think about the answers. During the to listen to two questions on the topic on the
Teacher Support, check the answers the students and think about the answers. The questions are: Do you
prepared. think South Korean people tend to keep their traditions? /
• Is it fair that the choice of our names is in the Will the exposure to the West bring inevitable changes to
hands of our parents? Justify. naming people?
• Under what circumstances should people have the Students can use their smartphones to search for the
right to change their names? information they need.
• Is honoring ancestors important in your culture During the Teacher Support, ask students to tell
when choosing people’s names? you what they found out. In this practice, encourage
In this practice, encourage students to use relevant students to use relevant structures for their level and
structures for their level and praise them for their work. praise them for their work.

Other Activities Other Activities

Real Life – This task was completed on the Intercultural Encounter – Students look at the
Check if students have any questions about this section. pictures and describe what they see. Then they listen
and reproduce the statement below the pictures
SB answers: out loud. Students should guess which picture the
statement is related to. After that, they listen to four
Who was Te-Ping named after? audio extracts and check their predictions. Finally,
She was named after her paternal grandfather. they listen to the audio one more time and answer the
Why did she avoid saying her real name at restaurants question in their books, giving reasons to support their
and coffee shops? opinions. To check their answers, students choose the
She thought it was easier than hearing someone correct word to complete the statement on the
stumble over her name. What Tone is That? – In the first part of the activity,
How important was taking on her name for her identity? students think of feelings they may have when going
It has helped make her who she is. through a certain situation. Then they create a sentence
and say it out loud using different intonations in order – Students are guided to access their Personal to express different feelings. After that, students
Assistant, go to the Speaking Practice card related listen to the audio and try to recognize the character’s
to Lesson 249, and work on Oral Practice. They may feelings and emotions. They should listen to the audio
also listen to the audio from this lesson on the Audio one more time and write their answers in their books.
Pack card. To correct the exercise, students match the possible
answers on the
There and Around – Students watch the second part
LESSON 250 of the Instructional video. They should use the realia
to start preparing and producing the work they will
REITERATIVE LEARNING OBJECTIVES present in the Review class.

• Can defend arguments on polemic issues. Unlock – This task was completed on the
Check if students have any questions.
• Can rationalize their actions.
• Can recognize a feeling from a tone of voice. – Students are guided to access the Personal
• Can discuss trends in a particular country. Assistant to complete the Homework card and the
Speaking Practice card to work on Pronunciation
• Can explain the purpose of something.
Practice. They also have to watch the There and
Around video and get ready for the next class by doing
the Class Prep card.


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checking sentences

SB answers:
How do people embrace a subculture?
By following its fashion – clothes, hairstyles, cool places
to meet, cool films to quote, ‘in’ attitudes to art, and a
• Can build on people’s ideas and link them into disdain for anything conventional.
coherent lines of thinking.
How have subcultures outside the mainstream been
• Can defend arguments on polemic issues.
seen by society?
• Can rationalize their actions. They have always been seen as a threat.
• Can talk about trends in a particular country.
If a subculture is not necessarily a rejection of social
• Can scan a text for key information.
norms, what can it represent?
• Can develop arguments on a given topic. It can represent an appreciation of something outside
• Can recognize the difference between culture and of the mainstream.
subculture. – Students are guided to access their Personal
Assistant, go to the Speaking Practice card related
GRAMMAR to Lesson 251, and work on Oral Practice. They may
• Adverbial phrases in comments. also listen to the audio from this lesson on the Audio
Pack card.

1. Practically speaking, all the projects are submitted
for our boss’s approval. / manager / president? REITERATIVE LEARNING OBJECTIVES
2. He makes a point of showing his hatred for his
• Can build on people’s ideas and link them into
opponents. / refugees / immigrants
coherent lines of thinking.
3. Why is it important for some people to keep up • Can defend arguments on polemic issues.
with fashion trends?
• Can rationalize their actions.
4. The indigenous lands comprised a large part of
• Can talk about trends in a particular country.
this country. / My ancestors’ / Native Americans’
• Can scan a text for key information.
5. Taking the long view, what do you believe will
• Can develop arguments on a given topic.
happen to our planet?
• Can recognize the difference between culture and
6. At the end of the day, what matters is how noble
he is. / affectionate / idealistic
Discussion – Students listen to the audio and
reproduce it out loud. Then they use the Real Life TEACHER SUPPORT |
information to think about the answers. During the STUDENT’S BOOK ACTIVITIES
Teacher Support, check the answers the students
prepared. Controversy – Students start the activity by listening
• What are your views on following a trend or joining to the statement in their books and reproducing it
a subculture one identifies with? out loud. Then they follow the same procedure for
• Do you believe we should all seek uniqueness in the content in the Useful Language box. Students
our styles and habits? Justify. should use this content to defend their point of view
on the topic even if they personally don’t agree with it.
• In your view, what can a subculture represent for
During the Teacher Support, ask students to justify their
answers. Give arguments to contradict them so you can
In this practice, encourage students to use relevant have a quick debate. Praise students for their work at
structures for their level and praise them for their work. the end of the activity.

Other Activities Other Activities

Real Life – This task was completed on the What’s on the Chart? – Students have a look at the
Check if students have any questions about this section. title, subtitle, and graphic(s) in the Student’s Book. They
say what they see and what they think the topic of the
discussion is. After that, they listen to the content of

10 TEN

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checking sentences

the Useful Language box and say it out loud. Then 4. How open are you to rethinking your ideas?
they look at the graphic(s), interpret the report data 5. Do you consider yourself an idealistic person? Why
using the Useful Language content, and justify their or why not?
interpretations. Finally, they listen to some statements
There and Around – Students review the final version
about the graphics and mark them as True or False
of the work they prepared in the previous Output
according to the data shown.
Lessons of the batch. They make the adjustments
Time to Intervene – Students say out loud what needed for the presentation during the Teacher Support.
communication problems they are aware of. Then they
listen to the questions and say them out loud. After that, Other Activities
they listen to the audio attentively. After listening to the
audio one more time, they answer the questions out Self-assessment in the Student’s Book –This section
loud. To check their answers, students fill in the blanks will be completed on the Check the options
with the words from the list. students marked for the can-do statements. Then ask
them if they have any questions and what they need
There and Around – Students watch the third part of to do to improve their learning. Also, use this moment
the instructional video. They should use the realia to and information to prepare a review of these LOs in the
continue the preparation and production of the work following lessons, to recommend remedial classes, or
they will present in the next class. Check with students if extra practice in the Study Hall if needed.
they understood the three parts of the video and clarify
any questions they may have. Written Part – Collect the sheets from students’
Workbooks to correct them.
Unlock – This task was completed on the Check
if students have any questions. – Students are guided to practice the content
from this batch on the Let’s Check card, listen to – Students are guided to access the Personal the content on the Audio Pack card, and check their
Assistant to complete the Homework card and the development on the Self-Assessment card. They
Speaking Practice card to work on Pronunciation should also get ready for the next class by doing the
Practice. Class Prep card.

Pinpoint – Students listen to the text and read it out
• Can give a reasoned opinion of a project, showing
loud. Then they read the question and reflect upon it.
awareness of the thematic and structural features
They should take a look at the Getting the most out
and referring to the opinions and arguments of
of the language box and say the words in it out loud as
well. After that, they listen to a testimonial on the same
topic. To check comprehension, students listen to the • Can write an accurate summary of an essay or
audio one more time and choose the correct answers. article on a familiar topic.
• Can extract the main points from news items, etc.
Finally, students read two questions about the topic with opinions and arguments.
which will make them reflect and propose actions to
• Can recognize the tone and intended audience of a
help the speaker. During the Teacher Support, ask
structured text.
students to tell you their answers/ideas. Encourage
them to use the vocabulary and structures learned • Can formulate questions and feedback to
throughout the batch. Praise them for their work. encourage people to expand on their thinking
and justify or clarify their opinions.
1. Has discrimination against minorities increased or
decreased lately? Justify. GRAMMAR
2. Do the members of your family follow any tradition • Use of It’s time + Simple Past and would rather +
when naming kids? If so, which one? Simple Past.
3. Would you give your son or daughter an unusual
name? Why or why not?


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checking sentences

TEACHER SUPPORT | – Students are guided to access their Personal

Assistant, go to the Speaking Practice card related
CHECKING SENTENCES to Lesson 253, and work on Oral Practice. They may
1. They assumed people would be more productive. / also watch the video from this lesson again on the
efficient / practical Video card, and listen to the audio on the Audio Pack
2. I’d rather you discouraged inappropriate behavior. / card.
words / comments
3. What can be the consequences of breaking the law?
4. It’s time you realized that isolating yourself isn’t the LESSON 254
solution. / being upset / being rude
5. How can inclusion become an important asset to a
6. It’s time you stopped making these derogatory • Can give a reasoned opinion of a project, showing
comments. / inappropriate / rude awareness of the thematic and structural features
and referring to the opinions and arguments of
Discussion – Students listen to the audio and others.
reproduce it out loud. Then they use the Real Life • Can write an accurate summary of an essay or
information to think about the answers. During the article on a familiar topic.
Teacher Support, check the answers the students • Can extract the main points from news items, etc.
prepared. with opinions and arguments.
• How can people benefit from diversity in the
• Can recognize the tone and intended audience of a
structured text.
• What are some ways to stop derogatory
• Can formulate questions and feedback to
conversations in the workplace?
encourage people to expand on their thinking and
• What would you do if you saw inappropriate justify or clarify their opinions.
behavior by a colleague at work?
In this practice, encourage students to use relevant TEACHER SUPPORT |
structures for their level and praise them for their work.
Other Activities Lines of Thinking – In this activity, students listen
Real Life – This task was completed on the to the audio and link the idea that will be presented
Check if students have any questions about this section. to a line of thinking, theory, information, or personal
experience they remember having heard of. They
SB answers: write down their ideas so you can discuss them during
the Teacher Support. Encourage students to use the
Mention five spectrums/spectra of diversity according chunks of language from the Useful Language box. To
to the video. make the conversation flow, feel free to ask questions
Possible answers: Race, gender, age, language, physical using when, where, why, or who. Praise students for
characteristics, disabilities, sexual orientation, economic their work at the end of the activity.
status, parental status, education, geographic origin,
profession, lifestyle, religion, and position in the Other Activities
company hierarchy.
Fact or Opinion? – Students listen to the audio and
What makes the workplace more and more multicultural?
follow it on the screen. They say out loud whether they
Possible answers: International trade, travel, and
think the content of the audio is mostly based on facts
or if it’s basically an opinion. Then they should read the
What are some attitudes that can be adopted in order quotes and find evidence to support their answers. To
to respect people’s differences? correct their production, they listen to three questions
Possible answers: Reject stereotypes, be mindful of and choose the correct option.
the words used, avoid humor about race, religion, or Did You Overhear That? – Students listen to the
gender. questions in order to predict what they’ll hear, and say
their ideas out loud. Then they listen to the audio and


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checking sentences

pay attention to the meaning and intonation in the 4. Housing companies are more worried about
conversation. They listen to the audio a second time and making money than offering accessible units. /
mark the answers in their books. Finally, they listen to accommodation / buildings
the audio once more, complete the activity on the 5. Is skepticism a barrier to achieving goals?, and correct the answers in their books. 6. He didn’t take the blame for the crime, thanks to
There and Around – Students watch the first part of his lawyer’s well-founded arguments. / assertive /
the Instructional video and take notes. After that, they eloquent
take a look at the realia that they can use as a model. Discussion – Students listen to the audio and
Students should use the realia to start discussing their reproduce it out loud. Then they use the Real Life
ideas for the text they will present in the Review class. information to think about the answers. During the
Unlock – This task was completed on the Teacher Support, check the answers the students
Check if students have any questions. prepared. – Students are guided to access the Personal • Why do you believe disability rates are on the rise?
Assistant to complete the Homework card and the • What can be done to prevent these rates from
Speaking Practice card to work on Pronunciation increasing?
Practice. They also have to watch the There and • Is prejudice against people with disabilities still a
Around video and get ready for the next class by doing barrier that needs to be broken?
the Class Prep card.
In this practice, encourage students to use relevant
structures for their level and praise them for their work.

LESSON 255 Other Activities

Real Life – This task was completed on the
LEARNING OBJECTIVES Check if students have any questions about this section.
• Can give a reasoned opinion of a project, showing
awareness of the thematic, structural, and formal SB answers:
features and referring to the opinions and
How do Tamvi’s barriers to independent living make her
arguments of others.
• Can highlight the main issue that needs to be Possible answers: She feels very unequal, not having
resolved in a complex task and the important the kind of freedom other people have, and feeling
aspects that need to be taken into account.
guilty about the people who are with her.
• Can give a structured written explanation of a
problem. What does she mean by saying she won’t hold her
• Can summarize, comment on, and discuss a wide breath before going somewhere?
range of factual and imaginative texts. Possible answers: She means that she prefers not to
have any expectations.
• Can formulate questions and feedback to
encourage people to expand on their thinking and What does Shaun mean when he says that Tamvi’s
justify or clarify their opinions. skepticism proved well-founded?
Possible answer: He means that, unfortunately, she
did find places that were inaccessible to people with
GRAMMAR disabilities like her.
• Comparison between clauses. Why does Tamvi believe legislation is not working when
it comes to having premises prepared for people with
TEACHER SUPPORT | disabilities?
Possible answers: She thinks people don’t pay attention
CHECKING SENTENCES to it because they haven’t had experience of the
1. Besides being fully equipped, this studio is situation.
affordable. / comfortable / cozy – Students are guided to access their Personal
2. For how long will visually impaired people have to Assistant, go to the Speaking Practice card related
face the same challenges? / dilemmas / barriers to Lesson 255, and work on Oral Practice. They may
3. How accessible are the premises in stores in your also listen to the audio from this lesson on the Audio
city? Pack card.


WZ_NW10_CKS.indd 13 06/Jun/23 2:49 PM

checking sentences – Students are guided to access the Personal

LESSON 256 Assistant to complete the Homework card and the
Speaking Practice card to work on Pronunciation
Practice. They also have to watch the There and
REITERATIVE LEARNING OBJECTIVES Around video and get ready for the next class by
• Can highlight the main issue that needs to be doing the Class Prep card.
resolved in a complex task and the important
aspects that need to be taken into account.
• Can give a structured written explanation of a LESSON 257
problem. Can summarize, comment on, and discuss
a wide range of factual and imaginative texts.
• Can formulate questions and feedback to LEARNING OBJECTIVES
encourage people to expand on their thinking and • Can adjust to the changes of direction, style, and
justify or clarify their opinions. emphasis normally found in conversation.
• Can write a detailed, reasoned argument for or
against a case.
• Can understand summaries of data or research
STUDENT’S BOOK ACTIVITIES used to support an extended argument.
Controversy – Students start the activity by listening • Can identify key information in a linguistically
to the statement in their books and reproducing it complex text.
out loud. Then they follow the same procedure for • Can formulate questions and feedback to encourage
the content in the Useful Language box. Students people to expand on their thinking and justify or
should use this content to defend their point of view clarify their opinions.
on the topic even if they personally don’t agree with it.
During the Teacher Support, ask students to justify their
answers. Give arguments to contradict them so you can
have a quick debate. Praise students for their work at • Not only ... but also ... to add information.
the end of the activity.

Other Activities TEACHER SUPPORT |

Rhetorical Questions – Students listen to the model,
pay attention to the intonation, and reproduce it out 1. He subconsciously blames his mother for his
loud. After that, they read the sentences or questions situation. / learning difficulties / problems
in their books, answering each of them with a rhetorical 2. She’s not only worried about this problem but also
question from the box. They should complement the about her health. / tests / projects
sentences with their opinions, and say them out loud. 3. What’s something you have difficulty coping with?
To close the activity, they drag the words from the list to 4. What kind of barriers do visually impaired people
the correct place. face? / deal with / cope with
What Tone is That? – In the first part of the activity, 5. Do people’s perceptions of the world change as
students think of feelings they may have when going they grow older? Justify.
through a certain situation. Then they create a sentence 6. Work overload can lead to a meltdown. / burnout /
and say it out loud, using different intonations in exhaustion
order to express different feelings. After that, students
listen to the audio and try to recognize the character’s Discussion – Students listen to the audio and
feelings and emotions. They should listen to the audio reproduce it out loud. Then they use the Real Life
one more time and write their answers in their books. information to think about the answers. During the
To correct the exercise, students match the possible Teacher Support, check the answers the students
answers on the prepared.
• How can anxiety be controlled?
There and Around – Students watch the second part
• What can cause a person to have a meltdown?
of the Instructional video. They should use the realia
to start preparing and producing the work they will • Do you agree that noise pollution subconsciously
present in the Review class. increases stress levels? Justify your answer.
Unlock – This task was completed on the In this practice, encourage students to use relevant
Check if students have any questions. structures for their level and praise them for their work.


WZ_NW10_CKS.indd 14 06/Jun/23 2:49 PM

checking sentences

Other Activities them and share yours so you can delve deeper into the
subject. Praise students for their work after you finish
Real Life – This task was completed on the the activity.
Check if students have any questions about this section.
Other Activities
SB answers:
What’s on the Chart? – Students have a look at the
What’s a key issue for individuals with autism? title, subtitle, and graphic(s) in the Student’s Book. They
Hypersensitivity to sights, sounds, smells, and tastes. say what they see and what they think the topic of the
discussion is. After that, they listen to the content of
What feeling does the autistic person refer to when he /
the Useful Language box and say it out loud. Then
she mentions the need to get out of the place?
they look at the graphic(s), interpret the report data
Anxiety. using the Useful Language content, and justify their
How can virtual reality establish empathy between interpretations. Finally, they listen to some statements
neurotypical people and autistic people? about the graphics and mark them as True or False
Through a computer-generated 3D simulation of an according to the data shown.
experience, neurotypical people can feel almost exactly Time to Intervene – Students say out loud what
as if they were actually in the situation of an autistic communication problems they are aware of. Then they
person. listen to the questions and reproduce them out loud. – Students are guided to access their Personal After that, they listen to the audio. They should listen to
Assistant, go to the Speaking Practice card related the audio one more time and answer the questions out
to Lesson 257, and work on Oral Practice. They may loud. To check their answers, students fill in the blanks
also listen to the audio from this lesson on the Audio with the words from the list.
Pack card. There and Around – Students watch the third part of
the instructional video. They should use the realia to
continue the preparation and production of the work
LESSON 258 they will present in the next class. Check with students
if they understood the three parts of the video and
clarify any questions they may have.
REITERATIVE LEARNING OBJECTIVES Unlock – This task was completed on the
• Can adjust to the changes of direction, style, and Check if students have any questions.
emphasis normally found in conversation. – Students are guided to access the Personal
• Can write a detailed, reasoned argument for or Assistant to complete the Homework card and the
against a case. Speaking Practice card to work on Pronunciation
• Can understand summaries of data or research Practice.
used to support an extended argument.
• Can identify key information in a linguistically
complex text. REVIEW – PLURALITY
• Can formulate questions and feedback to
encourage people to expand on their thinking and
justify or clarify their opinions.
Pinpoint – Students listen to the text and read it out
loud. Then they read the question and reflect upon it.
TEACHER SUPPORT | They should take a look at the Getting the most out
STUDENT’S BOOK ACTIVITIES of the language box and say the words in it out loud as
well. After that, they listen to a testimonial on the same
Case Study – Students begin this activity by reading topic. To check comprehension, students listen to the
the titles of two cases they will listen to and by audio one more time and choose the correct answers.
predicting what they are about. Then they listen to the
two speakers presenting their case and asking for help Finally, students read two questions about the topic
to deal with it. Students think of possible solutions for which will make them reflect and propose actions to
the problems presented and take notes. During the help the speaker. During the Teacher Support, ask
Teacher Support, choose which case you will work on students to tell you their answers/ideas. Encourage
with your students. Listen to their ideas, comment on them to use the vocabulary and structures learned
throughout the batch. Praise them for their work.


WZ_NW10_CKS.indd 15 06/Jun/23 2:49 PM

checking sentences

1. What’s something you’d rather quit? Why?
2. Is it easy for you to bring controversial issues to the CHECKING SENTENCES
table? Why or why not? 1. He labels people as if they are all the same. /
3. Do you feel more productive in the morning, children / coworkers
afternoon, or at night? 2. Why hasn’t he spoken about her disability for such
4. How do you react when exposed to an a long time? / dyslexia / ADHD
embarrassing situation? 3. What are some behaviors correlated with ADHD?
5. Is some people’s skepticism about the future well- 4. You are talking as though he dropped out because
founded? of his diagnosis. / dyslexia / ADHD
There and Around – Students review the final version 5. Why are there dropouts in college courses?
of the work they prepared in the previous Output 6. It feels as if it’s a torturous decision. / a harmful / an
Lessons of the batch. They make the adjustments effective
needed for the presentation during the Teacher
Support. Discussion – Students listen to the audio and
reproduce it out loud. Then they use the Real Life
Other Activities information to think about the answers. During the
Teacher Support, check the answers the students
Self-assessment in the Student’s Book –This section prepared.
will be completed on the Check the options • What’s the teacher’s and family’s role in a class with
students marked for the can-do statements. Then ask kids with disabilities?
them if they have any questions and what they need • What is the classmates’ role in this situation?
to do to improve their learning. Also, use this moment • What are other reasons for the existence of
and information to prepare a review of these LOs in the
dropouts in your country besides disabilities?
following lessons, to recommend remedial classes, or
extra practice in the Study Hall if needed. In this practice, encourage students to use relevant
Written Part – Collect the sheets from students’ structures for their level and praise them for their work.
Workbooks to correct them.
Other Activities – Students are guided to practice the content
from this batch on the Let’s Check card, listen to Real Life – This task was completed on the
the content on the Audio Pack card, and check their Check if students have any questions about this section.
development on the Self-Assessment card. They
should also get ready for the next class by doing the SB answers:
Class Prep card.
Mention one of the issues Jonathan Mooney faced
during his school years.
Possible answers: He couldn’t sit still in elementary
LESSON 259 school. He couldn’t keep quiet in middle school. He
had a hard time learning to read and reading out loud
LEARNING OBJECTIVES during high school.

• Can ask people to explain how an idea fits with the What were the causes and consequences related to his
main topic under discussion. dropping out of school?
He was diagnosed with dyslexia and ADHD. After that,
• Can structure longer texts in clear, logical
he dropped out of school and started struggling with
mental health challenges such as anxiety, depression,
• Can understand cause and effect relationships in
and suicidal thoughts.
informal conversations atnatural speed.
• Can understand the positive and negative What are the good and the bad things about dyslexia
connotations of words that have similar meanings. according to Jonathan Mooney?
People may struggle with reading and spelling, but
on the other hand, creativity correlates with learning
GRAMMAR differences.
• As if and as though + Simple Present. – Students are guided to access their Personal
Assistant, go to the Speaking Practice card related
to Lesson 259, and work on Oral Practice. They may
also listen to the audio from this lesson on the Audio
Pack card.


WZ_NW10_CKS.indd 16 06/Jun/23 2:49 PM

checking sentences

Practice. They also have to watch the There and

LESSON 260 Around video and get ready for the next class by doing
the Class Prep card.


• Can ask people to explain how an idea fits with the LESSON 261
main topic under discussion.
• Can structure longer texts in clear, logical
• Can understand cause and effect relationships in • Can compare the advantages and disadvantages of
informal conversation at natural speed. possible approaches and solutions to an issue or a
• Can understand the positive and negative problem.
connotations of words that have similar meanings. • Can express the same idea with a different level of
formality appropriate to the audience.
TEACHER SUPPORT | • Can recognize repetition of ideas through
substitution, paraphrasing, etc. in complex arguments.
STUDENT’S BOOK ACTIVITIES • Can synthesize information from different sources in
order to give a written or oral summary.
Lines of Thinking – In this activity, students listen
to the audio and link the idea that will be presented
to a line of thinking, theory, information, or personal GRAMMAR
experience they remember having heard of. They
write down their ideas so you can discuss them during • As if and as though + Simple Past.
the Teacher Support. Encourage students to use the
chunks of language from the Useful Language box.
To make the conversation flow, feel free to ask
questions using when, where, why, or who. Praise CHECKING SENTENCES
students for their work at the end of the activity.
1. Experts estimate unemployment rates will increase
due to the pandemic. / economic problems /
Other Activities political problems
Rhetorical Questions – Students listen to the model, 2. What qualities would you highlight in successful
pay attention to the intonation, and reproduce it out people?
loud. After that, they read the sentences or questions 3. He acts as though it was not a serious problem. /
in their books, answering each of them with a rhetorical situation / matter
question from the box. They should complement them 4. Students’ performances have been affected by poor
with their opinions, and say them out loud. To close the evaluations. / inappropriate / a lack of
activity, they drag the words from the list to the correct 5. What can a school avoid by giving students
place. psychological support?
Time to Intervene – Students say out loud what Possible answers: Discrimination, social isolation,
communication problems they are aware of. Then they bullying, lack of self-esteem, or harassment.
listen to the questions and reproduce them out loud. 6. She acts as though she knew her prognosis. /
After that, they listen to the audio. They should listen to chances / future
the audio one more time and answer the questions out
loud. To check their answers, students fill in the blanks Discussion – Students listen to the audio and
with the words from the list. reproduce it out loud. Then they use the Real Life
information to think about the answers. During the
There and Around – Students watch the first part of Teacher Support, check the answers the students
the Instructional video and take notes. After that, they prepared.
take a look at the realia that they can use as a model. • What do you know about school dropout rates in
Students should use the realia to start discussing their your country?
ideas for the text they will develop in order to present • Are advances in technology a turn of the tide for
in the Review class. people with disabilities? Justify.
Unlock – This task was completed on the • What do you think the role of psychologists in
Check if students have any questions. inclusive education is? – Students are guided to access the Personal In this practice, encourage students to use relevant
Assistant to complete the Homework card and the structures for their level and praise them for their work.
Speaking Practice card to work on Pronunciation


WZ_NW10_CKS.indd 17 06/Jun/23 2:49 PM

checking sentences

Other Activities Other Activities

Real Life – This task was completed on the What’s on the Chart? – Students have a look at the
Check if students have any questions about this section. title, subtitle, and graphic(s) in the Student’s Book. They
say what they see and what they think the topic of the
SB answers: discussion is. After that, they listen to the content of
the Useful Language box and say it out loud. Then
Why does Stefan feel fortunate when compared to they look at the graphic(s), interpret the report data
most people who have a disability? using the Useful Language content, and justify their
Possible answer: Because he had access to expensive interpretations. Finally, they listen to some statements
evaluations most people can’t afford. about the graphics and mark them as True or False
What’s the main purpose of the online learning according to the data shown.
assessment platform he created? What Tone is That? – In the first part of the activity,
Possible answer: It’s to make diagnoses easier for students think of feelings they may have when going
people so there are fewer undiagnosed cases. through a certain situation. Then they create a sentence
What consequences of underdiagnosing learning and say it out loud using different intonations in order
disabilities does Stefan highlight? to express different feelings. After that, students
Possible answer: Higher dropout, homelessness, and listen to the audio and try to recognize the character’s
unemployment rates. feelings and emotions. They should listen to the audio
one more time and write their answers in their books. – Students are guided to access their Personal To correct the exercise, students match the possible
Assistant, go to the Speaking Practice card related answers on the
to Lesson 261, and work on Oral Practice. They may
also listen to the audio from this lesson on the Audio There and Around – Students watch the second part
Pack card. of the Instructional video. They should use the realia
to start preparing and producing the work they will
present in the Review class.

LESSON 262 Unlock – This task was completed on the

Check if students have any questions. – Students are guided to access the Personal
REITERATIVE LEARNING OBJECTIVES Assistant to complete the Homework card and the
• Can compare the advantages and disadvantages of Speaking Practice card to work on Pronunciation
possible approaches and solutions to an issue or Practice. They also have to watch the There and
problem. Around video and get ready for the next class by
• Can express the same idea with a different level of doing the Class Prep card.
formality appropriate to the audience.
• Can recognize repetition of ideas through
substitution, paraphrasing, etc. in complex LESSON 263
• Can synthesize information from different sources
in order to give a written or oral summary.
• Can talk in detail about choices that have been
significant or life-changing using linguistically
TEACHER SUPPORT | complex language.
STUDENT’S BOOK ACTIVITIES • Can make the content of a text on a subject in his
/ her field of interest more accessible to a target
Controversy – Students start the activity by listening audience by adding examples, reasoning and
to the statement in their books and reproducing it explanatory comments.
out loud. Then they follow the same procedure for • Can follow extended speech expressing
the content in the Useful Language box. Students unstructured ideas and thoughts.
should use this content to defend their point of view • Can identify specific information in a linguistically
on the topic even if they personally don’t agree with it. complex factual text.
During the Teacher Support, ask students to justify their
answers. Give arguments to contradict them so you can
have a quick debate. Praise students for their work at GRAMMAR
the end of the activity.
• As if and as though + Past Perfect.


WZ_NW10_CKS.indd 18 06/Jun/23 2:49 PM

checking sentences

1. It seemed as though he had devised something
relevant for visually impaired people. / people with
ADHD / people with dyslexia • Can talk in detail about choices that have been
2. How can dogs help visually impaired people? significant or life-changing, using linguistically
complex language.
3. They will give their heart and soul for their son’s
• Can make the content of a text on a subject in his
recognition. / improvement / rights
/ her field of interest more accessible to a target
4. Have you heard about other inspiring stories like
audience by adding examples, reasoning, and
the one you saw last class? explanatory comments.
5. He’s illiterate when it comes to computers. / skillful / • Can follow extended speech expressing
creative unstructured ideas and thoughts.
6. She acted as if she had been given inadequate • Can identify specific information in a linguistically
information. / practical / relevant complex factual text.
Discussion – Students listen to the audio and
reproduce it out loud. Then they use the Real Life
information to think about the answers. During the TEACHER SUPPORT |
Teacher Support, check the answers the students STUDENT’S BOOK ACTIVITIES
• Do you know of any inspiring stories like Sabriye What’s Trending Today? – Students look at the
Tenberken’s? picture and say out loud things related to what they
see. Then they read the question in their books
• Do you think it’s important to have people with
and think about the answer: Regarding technological
disabilities in politics? Justify your answer.
accessibility tools, what’s trending today? After that, they
• How have schools and universities become more are instructed to listen to a question on the topic on
inclusive lately? the and think about the answer. The question
In this practice, encourage students to use relevant is: Do you know any of the newest trends in technology for
structures for their level and praise them for their work. people with disabilities?
Students can use their smartphones to search for the
Other Activities information they need.
Real Life – This task was completed on the During the Teacher Support, ask students to tell
Check if students have any questions about this section. you what they found out. In this practice, encourage
students to use relevant structures for their level and
SB answers: praise them for their work.

What did Sabriye Tenberken hope for when she Other Activities
decided to found Braille Without Borders?
She hoped not only to help Tibetans, but also visually Fact or Opinion? – Students listen to the audio and
impaired people from other developing countries. follow it on the screen. They say out loud whether they
think the content of the audio is mostly based on facts
Why was there a high occurrence of visual impairment or if it’s basically an opinion. Then they should read the
in Tibet? quotes and find evidence to support their answers. To
It was due to high altitude, heavy sun exposure, and correct their production, they listen to three questions
inadequate medical care. and choose the correct option.
How is Braille Without Borders maintained? Did You Overhear That? – Students listen to the
They get funds from donors in Germany and the questions in order to predict what they’ll hear and say
Netherlands. their ideas out loud. Then they listen to the audio and – Students are guided to access their Personal pay attention to the meaning and intonation in the
Assistant, go to the Speaking Practice card related conversation. They listen to the audio a second time
to Lesson 263, and work on Oral Practice. They may and mark the answers in their books. Finally, they listen
also listen to the audio from this lesson on the Audio to the audio once more, complete the activity on the
Pack card., and correct the answers in their books.


WZ_NW10_CKS.indd 19 06/Jun/23 2:49 PM

checking sentences

There and Around – Students watch the third part of LOs in the following lessons, to recommend remedial
the instructional video. They should use the realia to classes, or extra practice in the Study Hall if needed.
continue the preparation and production of the work
Written Part – Collect the sheets from students’
they will present in the next class. Check with students
Workbooks to correct them.
if they understood the three parts of the video and
clarify any questions they may have. – Students are guided to practice the content
from this batch on the Let’s Check card, listen to
Unlock – This task was completed on the
the content on the Audio Pack card, and check their
Check if students have any questions.
development on the Self-Assessment card. They – Students are guided to access the Personal should also get ready for the next class by doing the
Assistant to complete the Homework card and the Class Prep card.
Speaking Practice card to work on Pronunciation

TEACHER SUPPORT • Can speculate about a future event using a range of
linguistic devices.
Pinpoint – Students listen to the text and read it out • Can take accurate notes in meetings and seminars
loud. Then they read the question and reflect upon it. on most matters likely to arise within his / her field of
They should take a look at the Getting the most out interest.
of the language box and say the words in it out loud as • Can understand the speaker’s point of view on most
well. After that, they listen to a testimonial on the same topics delivered at natural speed and in standard
topic. To check comprehension, students listen to the language.
audio one more time and choose the correct answers. • Can summarize, comment on, and discuss factual
Finally, students read two questions about the topic and imaginative texts.
which will make them reflect and propose actions to
help the speaker. During the Teacher Support, ask
students to tell you their answers/ideas. Encourage
them to use the vocabulary and structures learned • Question with to be + it and complement clauses.
throughout the batch. Praise them for their work.
1. How are poverty and school dropout rates
2. What does ADHD mean? 1. What was it that evolved so quickly? / grew /
3. How harmful can labeling people be? developed
4. How important is a psychological evaluation for the 2. What was it that made you so interested in
development of people with disabilities? technology?
5. What’s the impact of high unemployment rates on 3. The hurdles were so hard that he looked grim. /
society? exhausted / overwhelmed
There and Around – Students review the final version 4. His unnatural behavior made us think he was lying. /
of the work they prepared in the previous Output awkward / weird
Lessons of the batch. They make the adjustments 5. Do you think technology can go beyond nature?
needed for the presentation during the Teacher Justify.
Support. 6. I can’t decide what to do in this situation. / am in
two minds about / don’t know
Other Activities Discussion – Students listen to the audio and
Self-assessment in the Student’s Book – This reproduce it out loud. Then they use the Real Life
section will be completed on the Check the information to think about the answers. During the
options students marked for the can-do statements. Teacher Support, check the answers the students
Then ask them if they have any questions and what prepared.
they need to do to improve their learning. Also, use this • How do you think technology can benefit human
moment and information to prepare a review of these biology?


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checking sentences

• How do you think technology can damage human

• What are the cutting-edge tech evolutions you have STUDENT’S BOOK ACTIVITIES
heard about lately?
What’s Trending Today? – Students look at the
In this practice, encourage students to use relevant picture and say out loud things related to what they
structures for their level and praise them for their work. see. Then they read the question in their books and
think about the answer: Regarding genetics, what’s
Other Activities trending today? After that, they are instructed to listen to
a question on the topic on the and think about
Real Life – This task was completed on the the answer. The question is: Do you know anything about
Check if students have any questions about this section. genetic technology? Students can use their smartphones
to search for the information they need. During the
SB answers: Teacher Support, ask students to tell you what they
found out. In this practice, encourage students to use
What is transhumanism?
relevant structures for their level and praise them for
It’s the idea of using technology to augment humans
their work.
beyond natural evolution.
What are the effects perceived in astronauts when in Other Activities
unnatural habitats?
They often suffer conditions like muscle damage and Into the Real World – Students listen to the audio
vision problems, or even blindness. attentively and read the questions about what they
have just heard. Then they listen to the audio one more
What is the cutting-edge technology mentioned that time and answer the questions in their books. After
could eliminate disease? that, they match the sentences to find some possible
Genetic technology. answers on the – Students are guided to access their Personal Did You Overhear That? – Students listen to the
Assistant, go to the Speaking Practice card related questions in order to predict what they’ll hear and say
to Lesson 265, and work on Oral Practice. They may their ideas out loud. Then they listen to the audio and
also watch the video from this lesson again on the pay attention to the meaning and intonation in the
Video card, and listen to the audio on the Audio Pack conversation. They listen to the audio a second time
card. and mark the answers in their books. Finally, they listen
to the audio once more, complete the activity on the, and correct the answers in their books.
LESSON 266 There and Around – Students watch the first part of
the Instructional video and take notes. After that, they
take a look at the realia that they can use as a model.
REITERATIVE LEARNING OBJECTIVES Students should use the realia to start discussing their
• Can speculate about a future event using a range of ideas for the text they will develop in order to present
linguistic devices. in the Review class.
• Can take accurate notes in meetings and seminars Unlock – This task was completed on the
on most matters likely to arise within his / her field Check if students have any questions.
of interest. – Students are guided to access the Personal
• Can understand the speaker’s point of view on most Assistant to complete the Homework card and the
topics delivered at natural speed and in standard Speaking Practice card to work on Pronunciation
language. Practice. They also have to watch the There and
• Can summarize, comment on, and discuss factual Around video and get ready for the next class by
and imaginative texts. doing the Class Prep card.

T W E N T Y- O N E 21

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checking sentences

Other Activities
Real Life – This task was completed on the
Check if students have any questions about this section.
• Can convey information and ideas on abstract and SB answers:
concrete topics.
• Can paraphrase an idea using a range of linguistic What service does Naseer’s company provide?
devices. They connect hospitals around the United States in
the cloud so that patients have access to physicians
• Can understand inferred meaning in formal
throughout the country.
structured text.
• Can emphasize an idea by introducing a sentence How do they ensure the system’s security?
with a relative clause. They say they have the highest level of encryption in
health care, so information is more secure than emails
or smartphones.
According to Naseer, where does the problem of health
• Cleft sentences in the present, past, and future. care lie?
Nasser says technology and innovation are not properly
TEACHER SUPPORT | used to make the health system more efficient. – Students are guided to access their Personal
CHECKING SENTENCES Assistant, go to the Speaking Practice card related
1. The fact is that the prices depend on the availability to Lesson 267, and work on Oral Practice. They may
of the commodities. / products / goods also listen to the audio from this lesson on the Audio
2. Why do hospitals need to move with the times? Pack card.
3. The refugees were provided with food, shelter, and
first aid. / local people / patients
4. This neighborhood needs better provisions. / LESSON 268
community / region
5. What is the downside of telemedicine?
6. It’s the dependence on technology that’s the REITERATIVE LEARNING OBJECTIVES
problem. / concern / hurdle • Can convey information and ideas on abstract and
Discussion – Students listen to the audio and concrete topics.
reproduce it out loud. Then they use the Real Life • Can paraphrase an idea using a range of linguistic
information to think about the answers. During the devices.
Teacher Support, check the answers the students • Can understand inferred meaning in formal
prepared. structured text.
• What is a major concern in our society when it • Can emphasize an idea by introducing a sentence
comes to health care? with a kind of relative clause.
Answers may vary.
• What are some possible reasons for the increase in TEACHER SUPPORT |
health care demand?
Possible answer: Preventable illnesses, increasing
desire for a healthy life, growing aging population. Lines of Thinking – In this activity, students listen
• What provisions should hospitals provide to the to the audio and link the idea that will be presented
community? to a line of thinking, theory, information, or personal
Possible answer: Ambulances, clinical laboratories, experience they remember having heard of. They
day-care services, pharmacy, OPD (Outpatient write down their ideas so you can discuss them during
Department) procedures. the Teacher Support. Encourage students to use the
chunks of language from the Useful Language box. To
In this practice, encourage students to use relevant make the conversation flow, feel free to ask questions
structures for their level and praise them for their work. using when, where, why, or who. Praise students for
their work at the end of the activity.

22 T W E N T Y-T W O

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checking sentences

Other Activities TEACHER SUPPORT |

What’s on the Chart? – Students have a look at the CHECKING SENTENCES
title, subtitle, and graphic(s) in the Student’s Book. They 1. The scientists succeeded in eradicating the disease. /
say what they see and what they think the topic of the developing a vaccine for / finding a cure for
discussion is. After that, they listen to the content of 2. His flawed arguments can lead to judgmental
the Useful Language box and say it out loud. Then
comments. / disrespectful / unsympathetic
they look at the graphic(s), interpret the report data
3. Is erasing bad memories a good technique to get
using the Useful Language content, and justify their
interpretations. Finally, they listen to some statements rid of psychological trauma? Why or why not?
about the graphics and mark them as True or False 4. His provocative words made me feel embarrassed. /
according to the data shown. awkward attitudes / dishonest proposal
5. I what situation would you accept being a guinea
Intercultural Encounter – Students look at the
pictures and describe what they see. Then they listen
and reproduce the statement below the pictures 6. Not until yesterday did I recall his name. / Under no
out loud. Students should guess which picture the circumstances / Only then
statement is related to. After that, they listen to four Discussion – Students listen to the audio and
audio extracts and check their predictions. Finally, reproduce it out loud. Then they use the Real Life
they listen to the audio one more time and answer the information to think about the answers. During the
question in their books, giving reasons to support their Teacher Support, check the answers the students
opinions. To check their answers, students choose the prepared.
correct word to complete the statement on the • How can false memories affect our daily lives?
There and Around – Students watch the second part Possible answer: They can lead to false accusations
of the Instructional video. They should use the realia and false convictions for crimes, for example.
to start preparing and producing the work they will • How can people cope with their bad memories?
present in the Review class. Possible answer: By processing their emotions,
Unlock – This task was completed on the distracting themselves with healthy activities.
Check if students have any questions. • In the text, a professor succeeded in erasing – Students are guided to access the Personal spider phobias in patients by manipulating their
Assistant to complete the Homework card and the fear memory. What other benefits could memory
Speaking Practice card to work on Pronunciation manipulation bring to human beings?
Practice. They also have to watch the There and Possible answer: Manipulating memories can help
Around video and get ready for the next class by us to spot associations and connections, and treat
doing the Class Prep card. brain illnesses.
In this practice, encourage students to use relevant
structures for their level and praise them for their work.
Other Activities
LEARNING OBJECTIVES Real Life – This task was completed on the
Check if students have any questions about this section.
• Can get the gist of specialized articles and technical
texts outside their field.
SB answers:
• Can use inversion for emphasis, dramatic purposes,
or formality. Why are memories considered malleable?
• Can distinguish between a fact and an opinion. They can always be rewritten, not just by us but by
others as well.

GRAMMAR According to the text, what happens when you recall a

• Inversion of subject and verb after initial complex Aspects of it change slightly and then new memory
adverbials. records will be saved.

T W E N T Y-T H R E E 23

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checking sentences

How does Julia Shaw’s memory system show potential continue the preparation and production of the work
failure in the criminal system? they will present in the next class. Check with students
The fact that she can convince subjects that they have if they understood the three parts of the video and
committed crimes that never even took place shows clarify any questions they may have.
that people can create a memory of a crime even when Unlock – This task was completed on the
they were not actually involved. Check if students have any questions. – Students are guided to access their Personal – Students are guided to access the Personal
Assistant, go to the Speaking Practice card related Assistant to complete the Homework card and the
to Lesson 269, and work on Oral Practice. They may Speaking Practice card to work on Pronunciation
also listen to the audio from this lesson on the Audio Practice.
Pack card.

Pinpoint – Students listen to the text and read it out
• Can get the gist of specialized articles and technical loud.Then they read the question and reflect upon it.
texts outside their field. They should take a look at the Getting the most out
• Can use inversion for emphasis, dramatic purposes, of the language box and say the words in it out loud
or formality. as well. After that, they listen to a testimonial on the
• Can distinguish between a fact and an opinion. same topic. To check comprehension, students listen
to the audio one more time and choose the correct
answers. Finally, students read two questions about the
TEACHER SUPPORT | topic, which will make them reflect and propose actions
STUDENT’S BOOK ACTIVITIES to help the speaker. During the Teacher Support, ask
students to tell you their answers/ideas. Encourage
Controversy – Students start the activity by listening them to use the vocabulary and structures learned
to the statement in their books and reproducing it out throughout the batch. Praise them for their work.
loud. Then they follow the same procedure for the
content in the Useful Language box. Students should Self-assessment
use this content to defend their point of view on the 1. What’s a hurdle scientists face in your country?
topic even if they personally don’t agree with it. During 2. What company is famous for its cutting-edge
the Teacher Support, ask students to justify their products?
answers. Give arguments to contradict them so you can 3. What provisions does your neighborhood lack?
have a quick debate. Praise students for their work at 4. Do you always check hotel availability before
the end of the activity. traveling? Why or why not?
5. What is the downside of working on your own?
Other Activities
There and Around – Students review the final version
Fact or Opinion? – Students listen to the audio and of the work they prepared in the previous Output
follow it on the screen. They say out loud whether they Lessons of the batch. They make the adjustments
think the content of the audio is mostly based on facts needed for the presentation during the Teacher
or if it’s basically an opinion. Then they should read the Support.
quotes and find evidence to support their answers. To
correct their production, they listen to three questions Other Activities
and choose the correct option.
Time to Intervene – Students say out loud what Self-assessment in the Student’s Book – This
communication problems they are aware of. Then they section will be completed on the Check the
listen to the questions and reproduce them out loud. options students marked for the can-do statements.
After that, they listen to the audio. They should listen to Then ask them if they have any questions and what
the audio one more time and answer the questions out they need to do to improve their learning. Also, use this
loud. To check their answers, students fill in the blanks moment and information to prepare a review of these
with the words from the list. LOs in the following lessons, to recommend remedial
classes, or extra practice in the Study Hall if needed.
There and Around – Students watch the third part
of the instructional video. They should use the realia to

24 T W E N T Y- FO U R

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checking sentences

Written Part – Collect the sheets from students’ • How can you compare a startup to a small
Workbooks to correct them. business? – Students are guided to practice the content Possible answer: A startup may have a shorter life
from this batch on the Let’s Check card, listen to cycle, can be riskier, and may take longer to achieve
the content on the Audio Pack card, and check their profit. It can make owners millionaires, though, e.g.
development on the Self-Assessment card. They UberTM.
should also get ready for the next class by doing the • How do you think refugee entrepreneurs can
Class Prep card. inspire other refugees to set up a startup??
• Can you list some pros of a startup?
Possible answers: Agility, efficiency, team culture,
LESSON 271 and personalization.
In this practice, encourage students to use relevant
structures for their level and praise them for their work.
• Can summarize the statements made by two sides, Other Activities
highlighting areas of agreement and obstacles to
agreement. Real Life – This task was completed on the
• Can make accessible for others the main contents Check if students have any questions about this section.
of a text on a subject of interest (e.g. an essay, a
forum discussion, a presentation) by paraphrasing in SB answers:
simpler language.
What does Qaseem consider his niche?
• Can understand the speaker’s point of view on most Customizing bikes.
topics delivered at natural speed and in standard
language. What is the estimated output of informal business in
• Can recognize the repetition of ideas expressed by Zaatari?
substitution, paraphrasing, etc. The UN estimates that businesses in Zaatari generate
$13M a month.
How does Hassan keep his business costs down?
He makes big batches of baked sweets to keep costs
• Third Conditional: If + Past Perfect + would have + down.
past participle; – Students are guided to access their Personal
• Mixed Conditional: If + Past Perfect + would +
Assistant, go to the Speaking Practice card related to
Lesson 271, and work on Oral Practice. They may also
watch the video from this lesson again on the Video card,
and listen to the audio on the Audio Pack card.
1. I knew he would thrive as he is a great LESSON 272
entrepreneur. / do a good job / do well
2. What’s the strategy of ride-hailing apps that
3. They would have thrived if they’d had more • Can summarize the statements made by two sides,
investment. / money / time highlighting areas of agreement and obstacles to
4. How did startups change the world of business? agreement.
5. If I’d known about her ideas, I would have been • Can make accessible for others the main contents
supportive. / strategy / specialty of a text on a subject of interest (e.g. an essay, a
6. We’d like to start now. / get down to business / forum discussion, a presentation) by paraphrasing
open a startup in simpler language.
• Can understand the speaker’s point of view on most
Discussion – Students listen to the audio and topics delivered at natural speed and in standard
reproduce it out loud. Then they use the Real Life language.
information to think about the answers. During the
• Can recognize the repetition of ideas expressed by
Teacher Support, check the answers the students substitution, paraphrasing, etc.

T W E N T Y- F I V E 25

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checking sentences

What’s Trending Today? – Students look at the LEARNING OBJECTIVES
picture and say out loud things related to what they
see. Then they read the question in their books and • Can talk about hypothetical events and actions and
think about the answer: Regarding new startup ideas, their possible consequences.
what’s trending today? After that, they are instructed • Can understand the speaker’s point of view on most
to listen to a question on the topic on the topics delivered at natural speed and in standard
and think about the answer.The question is: Do you language.
know anything about new startups? Students can use • Can find solutions to a problem or dilemma.
their smartphones to search for the information they
need. During the Teacher Support, ask students to tell
you what they found out. In this practice, encourage
students to use relevant structures for their level and • Should in hypothetical statements about the present
praise them for their work. and near future with inversion and omission of if.

Other Activities
Into the Real World – Students listen to the audio
attentively and read the questions about what they’ve CHECKING SENTENCES
just heard. Then they listen to the audio one more 1. I have to admit that my last venture was a mistake. /
time and answer the questions in their books. After profitable / risky
that, they match the sentences to find some possible 2. What would be a disadvantage of relying on glowing
answers on the reviews?
Did You Overhear That? – Students listen to the 3. If you don’t want to fail, this plan is a safe bet. / be
questions in order to predict what they’ll hear and say fired / lose your job
their ideas out loud. Then they listen to the audio and 4. Charisma is an asset for entrepreneurs. / Creativity
pay attention to the meaning and intonation in the / Experience
conversation. They listen to the audio a second time 5. How should people react to failure, in your opinion?
and mark the answers in their books. Finally, they listen
6. If you finance the project, everyone will be
to the audio once more, complete the activity on the, and correct the answers in their books. enthusiastic. / Should you finance / Provided that
you finance
There and Around – Students watch the first part of
the Instructional video and take notes. After that, they Discussion – Students listen to the audio and
take a look at the realia that they can use as a model. reproduce it out loud. Then they use the Real Life
Students should use the realia to start discussing their information to think about the answers. During the
ideas for the text they’ll develop in order to present in Teacher Support, check the answers the students
the Review class. prepared.
• How can glowing or bad criticism affect the success
Unlock – This task was completed on the
of a startup?
Check if students have any questions.
• Who can you count on for a handout? – Students are guided to access the Personal
Assistant to complete the Homework card and the • In your opinion, is success elusive? Explain your
Speaking Practice card to work on Pronunciation view.
Practice. They also have to watch the There and In this practice, encourage students to use relevant
Around video and get ready for the next class by structures for their level and praise them for their work.
doing the Class Prep card.
Other Activities
Real Life – This task was completed on the
Check if students have any questions about this section.

SB answers:
How was Log Ban financed?
It was financed from Takuro Yashida’s savings, a few

26 T W E N T Y-S I X

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checking sentences

angel investors, and Kickstarter*. Intercultural Encounter – Students look at the

*KickstarterTM is a funding platform for creative projects. pictures and describe what they see. Then they listen
and reproduce the statement below the pictures
What does William Saito think about failure?
out loud. Students should guess which picture the
He thinks it’s not the end, but an experience.
statement is related to. After that, they listen to four
Why is Japan “no Silicon Valley”? audio extracts and check their predictions. Finally,
Because Japan has a more conservative economic they listen to the audio one more time and answer the
model and the society also expects the government to question in their books, giving reasons to support their
do something, which is different to what happens in opinions. To check their answers, students choose the
Silicon Valley*. correct word to complete the statement on the
*The Silicon ValleyTM venture capital model makes
There and Around - Students watch the second part
innovative entrepreneurship easier for people who lack
of the Instructional video. They should use the realia to
money for a startup. start preparing and producing the work they’ll present – Students are guided to access their Personal in the Review class.
Assistant, go to the Speaking Practice card related Unlock – This task was completed on the
to Lesson 273, and work on Oral Practice. They may Check if students have any questions.
also listen to the audio from this lesson on the Audio
Pack card. – Students are guided to access the Personal
Assistant to complete the Homework card and the
Speaking Practice card to work on Pronunciation
Practice. They also have to watch the There and
LESSON 274 Around video and get ready for the next class by
doing the Class Prep card.
• Can talk about hypothetical events and actions, and LESSON 275
their possible consequences.
• Can understand the speaker’s point of view on most
topics delivered at natural speed and in standard LEARNING OBJECTIVES
language. • Can get the gist of specialized articles and technical
• Can find solutions to a problem or dilemma. texts outside their field.
• Can understand summaries of data or research
used to support an extended argument.
TEACHER SUPPORT | • Can write a detailed, reasoned argument for or
• Can express emphasis, dramatic purpose, or
Case Study – Students begin this activity by reading formality in a speech.
the titles of two cases they’ll listen to and by predicting
what they’re about. Then they listen to the two speakers
presenting their case and asking for help to deal with it. GRAMMAR
Students think of possible solutions for the problems • Only if with inversion of subject and object for
presented and take notes. During the Teacher Support, hypothetical present and future situations.
choose which case you’ll work on with your students.
Listen to their ideas, comment on them and share
yours so you can delve deeper into the subject. Praise
students for their work after you finish the activity. CHECKING SENTENCES
1. Only if there are no more squabbles, will our project
Other Activities be successful. / drawbacks / biases
Rhetorical Questions – Students listen to the model, 2. He will become a leader by default if we don’t
pay attention to the intonation, and reproduce it out do anything to prevent it from happening. / the
loud. After that, they read the sentences or questions president / the winner
in their books, answering each of them with a rhetorical 3. How can being underestimated affect someone’s
question from the box. They should complement them life?
with their opinions, and say them out loud. To close 4. I’m acutely aware of all the barriers we’ll have to
the activity, they drag the words from the boxes to the overcome. / totally / deeply
correct place.

T W E N T Y-S E V E N 27

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checking sentences

5. How would you rate your leadership skills? Justify.

6. Only if he needed help with his venture, would he LESSON 276
call me. / business / enterprise
Discussion – Students listen to the audio and REITERATIVE LEARNING OBJECTIVES
reproduce it out loud. Then they use the Real Life
• Can get the gist of specialized articles and technical
information to think about the answers. During the texts outside their field.
Teacher Support, check the answers the students
• Can understand summaries of data or research
used to support an extended argument.
• What are the pros and cons of being a young
• Can write a detailed, reasoned argument for or
against a case.
• Do you think a teenager must have enough life • Can express emphasis, dramatic purpose, or
experience to lead a group or an organization? Why formality in a speech.
or why not?
• What challenges may young leaders face leading
more experienced people? TEACHER SUPPORT |
In this practice, encourage students to use relevant STUDENT’S BOOK ACTIVITIES
structures for their level and praise them for their work.
Controversy – Students start the activity by listening
Other Activities to the statement in their books and reproducing it out
loud. Then they follow the same procedure for the
Real Life – This task was completed on the Wiz. content in the Useful Language box. Students should
tab. Check if students have any questions about this use this content to defend their point of view on the
section. topic even if they personally don’t agree with it. During
the Teacher Support, ask students to justify their
SB answers: answers. Give arguments to contradict them so you can
According to the text, one of the teenagers turned have a quick debate. Praise students for their work at
the end of the activity.
involuntarily into a leader. What are the reasons for that?
Teenager B. Because the band’s vocalist is not
organized enough to cope with booking gigs or
Other Activities
working out the band’s finances. He’s the oldest and is What’s on the Chart? – Students have a look at the
supposed to be a bit more down-to-earth. title, subtitle, and graphic(s) in the Student’s Book. They
Which teenager has an unconventional leadership role? say what they see and what they think the topic of the
What’s their role as a leader? discussion is. After that, they listen to the content of
Teenager C. They have to be a role model for the up- the Useful Language box and say it out loud. Then
and-coming youngsters. they look at the graphic(s), interpret the report data
using the Useful Language content, and justify their
Teenager D doesn’t feel like a leader but a mentor. interpretations. Finally, they listen to some statements
What do you see as the difference between being a about the graphics and mark them as True or False
leader and a mentor? according to the data shown.
Possible answer: A leader has to direct a group, and a
mentor advises and helps less Time to Intervene – Students say out loud what
communication problems they’re aware of. Then they
experienced people.
listen to the questions and reproduce them out loud. – Students are guided to access their Personal After that, theylisten to the audio. They should listen to
Assistant, go to the Speaking Practice card related the audio one more time and answer the questions out
to Lesson 275, and work on Oral Practice. They may loud. To check their answers, students fill in the blanks
also listen to the audio from this lesson on the Audio with the words from the list.
Pack card.
There and Around - Students watch the third part of
the instructional video. They should use the realia to
continue the preparation and production of the work
they’ll present in the next class. Check with students if
they understood the three parts of the video and clarify
any questions they may have.

28 T W E N T Y- E I G H T

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checking sentences

Unlock – This task was completed on the the content on the Audio Pack card, and check their
Check if students have any questions. development on the Self-Assessment card. They – Students are guided to access the Personal should also get ready for the next class by doing the
Assistant to complete the Homework card and the Class Prep card.
Speaking Practice card to work on Pronunciation

• Can express opinions about news stories using a
TEACHER SUPPORT wide range of everyday language.
Pinpoint – Students listen to the text and read it out • Can synthesize and evaluate familiar information
loud. Then they read the question and reflect upon it. and arguments from a number of sources.
They should take a look at the Getting the most out • •Can recognize the tone and intended audience of a
of the language box and say the words in it out loud formal presentation.
as well. After that, they listen to a testimonial on the • •Can summarize, comment on, and discuss a wide
same topic. To check comprehension, students listen range of factual and imaginative texts.
to the audio one more time and choose the correct
answers. Finally, students read two questions about the GRAMMAR
topic, which will make them reflect and propose actions
to help the speaker. During the Teacher Support, ask • It is / was + believed / reported that … to report beliefs,
students to tell you their answers/ideas. Encourage information, and rumors.
them to use the vocabulary and structures learned
throughout the batch. Praise them for their work.
1. Is there a niche market you would like to invest in?
2. Is it hard to get down to business after vacations? 1. It was expected that she would recap everything
Justify. about the problem. / crime / story
3. Would you look for an angel investor to start a 2. It is believed that he is one of the most important
business? Justify. figures of our time in art. / the music industry / the
4. What would make you finance someone’s project? media industry
5. What do you think the best way to approach failure 3. Do you feel vulnerable to the media and ads?
is? 4. Knowing every shortcut of the process is a feature
of the schema. / idea / plan
There and Around – Students review the final version
5. They are too biased to understand evolution from
of the work they prepared in the previous Output
different perspectives. / politics / social inequality
Lessons of the batch. They make the adjustments
needed for the presentation during the Teacher 6. Do you tend to buy on impulse?
Support. Discussion – Students listen to the audio and
reproduce it out loud. Then they use the Real Life
Other Activities information to think about the answers. During the
Teacher Support, check the answers the students
Self-assessment in the Student’s Book – This
section will be completed on the Check the
options students marked for the can-do statements. • Do you remember anybody or anything that
Then ask them if they have any questions and what became a strong influence on other people’s lives
they need to do to improve their learning. Also, use this through the media?
moment and information to prepare a review of these • What’s the media focused on today, regarding
LOs in the following lessons, to recommend remedial influencing people’s minds?
classes, or extra practice in the Study Hall if needed. Possible answers: Social causes, feminism,
minorities, Pride, globalization, etc.
Written Part – Collect the sheets from students’
Workbooks to correct them. • How has the media changed over the years? – Students are guided to practice the content In this practice, encourage students to use relevant
from this batch on the Let’s Check card, listen to structures for their level and praise them for their work.

T W E N T Y- N I N E 29

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checking sentences

Other Activities Other Activities

Real Life – This task was completed on the Wiz. Fact or Opinion? – Students listen to the audio and
tab. Check if students have any questions about this follow it on the screen. They say out loud whether they
section. think the content of the audio is mostly based on facts
or if it’s basically an opinion. Then they should read the
SB answers: quotes and find evidence to support their answers. To
correct their production, they listen to three questions
What is a schema, according to the video? and choose the correct option.
It’s a thought pattern, a way the brain understands
a task, the desired outcomes of that task, and the Into the Real World – Students listen to the audio
strategy for getting there. attentively and read the questions about what they’ve
just heard. Then they listen to the audio one more
What is a false memory? time and answer the questions in their books. After
It happens when our brain can’t remember the details that, they match the sentences to find some possible
of an event and just fills in the blanks with something answers on the
There and Around – Students watch the first part of
How does the video define confirmation bias? the Instructional video and take notes. After that, they
It is hunting for information that we already believe to take a look at the realia that they can use as a model.
be true. Students should use the realia to start discussing their – Students are guided to access their Personal ideas for the text they’ll develop in order to present in
Assistant, go to the Speaking Practice card related the Review class.
to Lesson 277, and work on Oral Practice. They may Unlock – This task was completed on the
also watch the video from this lesson again on the Check if students have any questions.
Video card, and listen to the audio on the Audio Pack – Students are guided to access the Personal
card. Assistant to complete the Homework card and the
Speaking Practice card to work on Pronunciation
Practice. They also have to watch the There and
LESSON 278 Around video and get ready for the next class by
doing the Class Prep card.


• Can express opinions about news stories using a LESSON 279
wide range of everyday language.
• Can synthesize and evaluate familiar information
and arguments from a number of sources.
• Can recognize the tone and intended audience of a • Can give a reasoned opinion of a project, showing
formal presentation. awareness of the thematic, structural, and formal
• Can summarize, comment on, and discuss a wide features and referring to the opinions and
range of factual and imaginative texts. arguments of others.
• Can highlight the main issue that needs to be
resolved in a complex task and the important
TEACHER SUPPORT | aspects that need to be taken into account.
STUDENT’S BOOK ACTIVITIES • Can understand most of a TV program aimed at a
general audience.
Lines of Thinking – In this activity, students listen • Can summarize, comment on, and discuss a wide
to the audio and link the idea that will be presented range of factual and imaginative texts.
to a line of thinking, theory, information, or personal
experience they remember having heard of. They
write down their ideas so you can discuss them during GRAMMAR
the Teacher Support. Encourage students to use the • Beliefs and opinions with is / are / was / were +
chunks of language from the Useful Language box. To thought / believed to …
make the conversation flow, feel free to ask questions
using when, where, why, or who. Praise students for
their work at the end of the activity.


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checking sentences


1. Can music be considered a quintessential REITERATIVE LEARNING OBJECTIVES
art form? / painting / photography
• Can give a reasoned opinion of a project, showing
2. What’s the cultural epicenter in your country?
awareness of the thematic, structural, and formal
3. He is not the kind of person who shifts ideas easily. / features and referring to the opinions and
friends / attitudes
arguments of others.
4. What’s your jam?
• Can highlight the main issue that needs to be
5. What’s the main reason for the rise in prices? / resolved in a complex task and the important
sales / interest rates aspects that need to be taken into account.
6. Culture is thought to be a tradable good. / • Can give a structured, written explanation of a
believed / said
Discussion – Students listen to the audio and • Can understand most of a TV program aimed at a
reproduce it out loud. Then they use the Real Life general audience.
information to think about the answers. During the • Can summarize, comment on, and discuss a wide
Teacher Support, check the answers the students range of factual and imaginative texts.
• In your opinion, are the economic power of a
country and its cultural influence intertwined? TEACHER SUPPORT |
• What TV programs would show other people your
country’s culture at a glance?
• Who’s considered to be the most iconic What’s Trending Today? – Students look at the
representative of your culture? picture and say out loud things related to what they
see. Then they read the question in their books and
In this practice, encourage students to use relevant
think about the answer: Regarding American dance
structures for their level and praise them for their work.
and music, what’s trending today? After that, they’re
instructed to listen to a question on the topic on the
Other Activities and think about their answer. The question
Real Life – This task was completed on the is: How do you keep up with the new trends in American
Check if students have any questions about this section. dance and music? Students can use their smartphones
to search for the information they need. During the
SB answers: Teacher Support, ask students to tell you what they
found out. In this practice, encourage students to use
According to the listening text, America’s global relevant structures for their level and praise them for
reputation has shifted when it comes to its politics. their work
What do you believe the speaker is referring to?
Possible answer: Recent political turmoil involving Other Activities
Republicans and Democrats, especially during Trump’s
term and the 2020 elections. Intercultural Encounter – Students look at the
pictures and describe what they see. Then they listen
Why does American culture permeate far beyond its and reproduce the statement below the pictures
borders? out loud. Students should guess which picture the
Thinking of culture as a tradable good, America has statement is related to. After that, they listen to four
dominated this trade, shipping its culture around the audio extracts and check their predictions. Finally,
world thanks in large part to Hollywood, television, they listen to the audio one more time and answer the
DisneyTM entertainment, and subscription-based question in their books, giving reasons to support their
streaming services like NetflixTM. opinions. To check their answers, students choose the
According to the listening text, what American TV show correct word to complete the statement on the
can help us see American life at a glance? What Tone is That? – In the first part of the activity,
Friends. students think of feelings they may have when going – Students are guided to access their Personal through a certain situation. Then they create a sentence
Assistant, go to the Speaking Practice card related and say it out loud, using different intonations in
to Lesson 279, and work on Oral Practice. They may order to express different feelings. After that, students
also listen to the audio on the Audio Pack card. listen to the audio and try to recognize the character’s
feelings and emotions. They should listen to the audio

T H I RT Y- O N E 31

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checking sentences

one more time and write their answers in their books. it out loud. Then they use the Real Life information to
To correct the exercise, students match the possible think about the answers. During the Teacher Support,
answers on the check the answers the students prepared.
There and Around - Students watch the second part • After reading the text, how can you say that art may
of the Instructional video. They should use the realia to improve people’s well-being?
start preparing and producing the work they’ll present • Do you believe that there is one kind of art better
in the Review class. than another? Why or why not?
Unlock – This task was completed on the • How can social media impact the arts?
Check if students have any questions.
In this practice, encourage students to use relevant – Students are guided to access the Personal structures for their level and praise them for their work.
Assistant to complete the Homework card and the
Speaking Practice card to work on Pronunciation Other Activities
Practice. They also have to watch the There and
Around video and get ready for the next class by Real Life – This task was completed on the
doing the Class Prep card. Check if students have any questions about this

SB answers:
Why are poems usually considered less accessible than
other forms of art?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES Because understanding a poem can often demand
• Can adjust to the changes of direction, style, and attention and commitment that art forms such as films,
emphasis normally found in conversation. novels, and music do not.
• Can write a detailed, reasoned argument for or How has the format of current novels changed? Why?
against a case. They started using shorter chapters to suit shorter
• Can understand summaries of data or research reading periods, with never-ending cliffhangers to
used to support an extended argument. entice the reader to read on and on.
• Can identify key information in a linguistically
complex text. What do all different kinds of art have in common?
They can reflect social problems.
• Can formulate questions and feedback to encourage
people to expand on their thinking and justify or – Students are guided to access their Personal
clarify their opinions. Assistant, go to the Speaking Practice card related
to Lesson 281, and work on Oral Practice. They may
also listen to the audio on the Audio Pack card.
• Thought / believed to …to express impersonal belief.
• Can adjust to the changes of direction, style, and
1. Social media is believed to be time-consuming. / emphasis normally found in conversation.
beneficial / aggressive • Can write a detailed, reasoned argument for or
2. Poetry is said to be difficult to understand. / against a case.
thought / considered • Can understand summaries of data or research
3. How can art transform society? used to support an extended argument.
4. They have all the facts at their fingertips. / • Can identify key information in a linguistically
suggestions / information complex text.
5. Have people developed differing reading habits • Can formulate questions and feedback to
lately? encourage people to expand on their thinking and
6. This is a never-ending book. / source / situation justify or clarify their opinions.
Discussion – Students listen to the audio and reproduce

32 T H I RT Y-T W O

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Controversy – Students start the activity by listening Pinpoint – Students listen to the text and read it out
to the statement in their books and reproducing it loud. Then they read the question and reflect upon it.
out loud. Then they follow the same procedure for They should take a look at the Getting the most out
the content in the Useful Language box. Students of the language box and say the words in it out loud
should use this content to defend their point of view as well. After that, they listen to a testimonial on the
on the topic even if they personally don’t agree with it. same topic. To check comprehension, students listen
During the Teacher Support, ask students to justify their to the audio one more time and choose the correct
answers. Give arguments to contradict them so you can answers. Finally, students read two questions about the
have a quick debate. Praise students for their work at topic, which will make them reflect and propose actions
the end of the activity. to help the speaker. During the Teacher Support, ask
students to tell you their answers/ideas. Encourage
Other Activities them to use the vocabulary and structures learned
What’s on the Chart? – Students have a look at the throughout the batch. Praise them for their work.
title, subtitle, and graphic(s) in the Student’s Book. They Self-assessment
say what they see and what they think the topic of the 1. How do you react to bad news?
discussion is. After that, they listen to the content of
2. Is it difficult for you to control your impulses?
the Useful Language box and say it out loud. Then
they look at the graphic(s), interpret the report data 3. Do you believe a movie based on a book can be as
using the Useful Language content, and justify their appealing? Why or why not?
interpretations. Finally, they listen to some statements 4. Who or what is an iconic symbol of your
about the graphics and mark them as True or False generation?
according to the data shown. 5. Is interest in print books diminishing? Why or why
Time to Intervene – Students say out loud what
communication problems they’re aware of. Then they There and Around – Students review the final version
listen to the questions and reproduce them out loud. of the work they prepared in the previous Output
After that, they listen to the audio. They should listen to Lessons of the batch. They make the adjustments
the audio one more time and answer the questions out needed for the presentation during the Teacher
loud. To check their answers, students fill in the blanks Support.
with the words from the list.
Other Activities
There and Around – Students watch the third part of
the instructional video. They should use the realia to Self-assessment in the Student’s Book – This
continue the preparation and production of the work section will be completed on the Check the
they’ll present in the next class. Check with students if options students marked for the can-do statements.
they understood the three parts of the video and clarify Then ask them if they have any questions and what
any questions they may have. they need to do to improve their learning. Also, use this
Unlock – This task was completed on the moment and information to prepare a review of these
Check if students have any questions. LOs in the following lessons, to recommend remedial
classes, or extra practice in the Study Hall if needed. – Students are guided to access the Personal
Assistant to complete the Homework card and the Written Part – Collect the sheets from students’
Speaking Practice card to work on Pronunciation Workbooks to correct them.
Practice. – Students are guided to practice the content
from this batch on the Let’s Check card, listen to
the content on the Audio Pack card, and check their
REVIEW – ENTERTAINMENT development on the Self-Assessment card. They
should also get ready for the next class by doing the
Class Prep card.

T H I RT Y-T H R E E 33

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checking sentences

LESSON 283 SB answers:

What is Steven Banks’s most successful work? Justify.
It’s SpongeBob SquarePants. It’s been on the air for
over 20 years and it’s a children’s classic today.
• Can introduce new information during a formal
discussion or presentation. What does Steven Banks give credit to for the
popularity of his series?
• Can express news and views effectively in writing
To the characters that people want to spend time with.
and relate to those of others.
• Can understand cause and effect relationships in Why has the demand for kids’ content surged more
informal conversation at natural speed. than 50% between 2020 and 2021?
Because of the pandemic and people staying at home.

GRAMMAR – Students are guided to access their Personal

Assistant, go to the Speaking Practice card related
• Reduced adverbial clauses with present participle or to Lesson 283, and work on Oral Practice. They may
having + past participle. also watch the video from this lesson again on the
Video card, and listen to the audio on the Audio Pack
1. Having had more time together, they were able to LESSON 284
strengthen their family bonds. / love / relationships
2. What are the most popular franchises in your city?
3. More and more on-demand movies are REITERATIVE LEARNING OBJECTIVES
encouraging people to stay home. / series / sitcoms • Can introduce new information during a formal
4. What’s the most difficult battle parents face today? discussion or presentation.
5. The politician’s irresponsible statements led to a • Can express news and views effectively in writing
decrease in his popularity. / awkward words / weird and relate to those of others.
behavior • Can understand cause and effect relationships in
6. Facing a difficult economic situation, he decided to informal conversation at natural speed.
review his attitudes. / change / rethink
Discussion – Students listen to the audio and reproduce TEACHER SUPPORT |
it out loud. Then they use the Real Life information to
think about the answers. During the Teacher Support, STUDENT’S BOOK ACTIVITIES
check the answers the students prepared.
Lines of Thinking – In this activity, students listen
• Do you know people who enjoy kids’ content in to the audio and link the idea that will be presented
spite of not having kids? to a line of thinking, theory, information, or personal
• If so, what do they watch? experience they remember having heard of. They
• How is the streaming industry working to increase write down their ideas so you can discuss them during
inclusion? What do you think of it? the Teacher Support. Encourage students to use the
Possible answer: They are changing characters’ chunks of language from the Useful Language box. To
characteristics or including characters with special make the conversation flow, feel free to ask questions
needs. using when, where, why, or who. Praise students for
their work at the end of the activity
• What are the pros and cons of screen time for kids?
In this practice, encourage students to use relevant
Other Activities
structures for their level and praise them for their work. Fact or Opinion? – Students listen to the audio and
follow it on the screen. They say out loud whether they
Other Activities think the content of the audio is mostly based on facts
or if it’s basically an opinion. Then they should read the
Real Life – This task was completed on the
quotes and find evidence to support their answers. To
Check if students have any questions about this
correct their production, they listen to three questions
and choose the correct option.

34 T H I RT Y- FO U R

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checking sentences

Did You Overhear That? – Students listen to the the point of canceling / interested in canceling
questions in order to predict what they’ll hear and say 5. What is an advantage of streaming services on the
their ideas out loud. Then they listen to the audio and Internet?
pay attention to the meaning and intonation in the 6. They had big payouts related to work accidents. /
conversation. They listen to the audio a second time
employees’ health / employees’ rights
and mark the answers in their books. Finally, they listen
to the audio once more, complete the activity on the Discussion – Students listen to the audio and reproduce, and correct the answers in their books. it out loud. Then they use the Real Life information to
There and Around – Students watch the first part of think about the answers. During the Teacher Support,
the Instructional video and take notes. After that, they check the answers the students prepared.
take a look at the realia that they can use as a model. • Do you think streaming services often steal
Students should use the realia to start discussing their musicians’ thunder or do they help to give these
ideas for the text they’ll develop in order to present in artists attention? Explain your answer.
the Review class. • In your opinion, who should make more money
Unlock – This task was completed on the from songs, the singers or the songwriters? Why?
Check if students have any questions. • Why has music streaming become so popular? – Students are guided to access the Personal In this practice, encourage students to use relevant
Assistant to complete the Homework card and the
structures for their level and praise them for their work.
Speaking Practice card to work on Pronunciation
Practice. They also have to watch the There and
Around video and get ready for the next class by
Other Activities
doing the Class Prep card. Real Life – This task was completed on the
Check if students have any questions about this section.

LESSON 285 SB answers:

Who is paid whenever you stream a song online?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES Music publishers, songwriters, performers, and record
labels which negotiate their rates.
• Can present factual information in an objective way
in extended spoken discourse. How are they paid?
• Can make a specific, complex piece of information in They are paid through royalties.
his / her field clearer and more explicit for others by How do AppleTM and SpotifyTM pay for people’s rights?
paraphrasing it in simpler language. Apple MusicTM says it pays around a penny per stream,
• Can understand when something is being said but SpotifyTM pays by stream share.
ironically in a casual conversation. – Students are guided to access their Personal
• Can talk about imminent events in the present and Assistant, go to the Speaking Practice card related
past. to Lesson 285, and work on Oral Practice. They may
also listen to the audio from this lesson on the Audio
GRAMMAR Pack card.

• On the point of… to talk about imminent events in

the present and past.
• Can present factual information in an objective way
1. I’m so stressed that I’m on the point of leaving my in extended spoken discourse.
job. / hating / changing • Can make a specific, complex piece of information in
2. The songwriter should receive the most royalties. / his/her field clearer and more explicit for others by
singer / producer paraphrasing it in simpler language.
3. Should all employees receive a share of the profits • Can understand when something is being said
of the companies they work for? Justify. ironically in a casual conversation.
4. I’m going to cancel this streaming service now. / on • Can talk about imminent events in the present and

T H I RT Y- F I V E 35

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checking sentences

Controversy – Students start the activity by listening LEARNING OBJECTIVES
to the statement in their books and reproducing it out • Can make a complicated issue easier to understand
loud. Then they follow the same procedure for the by presenting the components of the argument
content in the Useful Language box. Students should separately.
use this content to defend their point of view on the
• Can put forward a well-written and logically
topic even if they personally don’t agree with it. During
structured argument, highlighting significant points.
the Teacher Support, ask students to justify their
• Can get the gist of specialized articles and technical
answers. Give arguments to contradict them so you can
texts outside their field.
have a quick debate. Praise students for their work at
the end of the activity. • Can quickly scan long, complex texts for key
Other Activities
Rhetorical Questions – Students listen to the model, GRAMMAR
pay attention to the intonation, and reproduce it out • One and one’s as an impersonal possessive adjective.
loud. After that, they read the sentences or questions
in their books, answering each of them with a rhetorical
question from the box. They should complement them TEACHER SUPPORT |
with their opinions, and say them out loud. To close the
activity, they drag the words from the list to the correct CHECKING SENTENCES
place. 1. He was downbeat about the future of the movie
What Tone is That? – In the first part of the activity, industry. / songwriters / paperback
students think of feelings they may have when going 2. What are you obsessed with?
through a certain situation. Then they create a sentence 3. The gruesome plot put me to sleep before the end
and say it out loud, using different intonations in of the movie. / awful / dull
order to express different feelings. After that, students 4. Is it inevitable that we will have to subscribe to a
listen to the audio and try to recognize the character’s streaming platform to listen to music?
feelings and emotions. They should listen to the audio
one more time and write their answers in their books. 5. I felt desolate when I realized my mother had lost
To correct the exercise, students match the possible her grip on reality. / upset / frustrated
answers on the 6. One should always praise people’s motivation. /
talent / strength
There and Around – Students watch the second part
of the Instructional video. They should use the realia to
start preparing and producing the work they’ll present Discussion – Students listen to the audio and reproduce
in the Review class. it out loud. Then they use the Real Life information to
Unlock – This task was completed on the think about the answers. During the Teacher Support,
Check if students have any questions. check the answers the students prepared. – Students are guided to access the Personal • How do you react to happy endings?
Assistant to complete the Homework card and the • The industry claims happy endings are crucial for
Speaking Practice card to work on Pronunciation their merchandising. Do you agree with that? Why
Practice. They also have to watch the There and or why not?
Around video and get ready for the next class by • Do you believe positive messages in movies can
doing the Class Prep card. influence people’s lives? Why or why not?
In this practice, encourage students to use relevant
structures for their level and praise them for their work.

36 T H I RT Y-S I X

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Other Activities Other Activities

Real Life – This task was completed on the What’s on the Chart? – Students have a look at the
Check if students have any questions about this section. title, subtitle, and graphic(s) in the Student’s Book. They
say what they see and what they think the topic of the
SB answers: discussion is. After that, they listen to the content of
the Useful Language box and say it out loud. Then
Why are most Hollywood movies dominated by happy they look at the graphic(s), interpret the report data
endings? using the Useful Language content, and justify their
To keep the audience happy and to help drive interpretations. Finally, they listen to some statements
merchandise. about the graphics and mark them as True or False
How do filmmakers deal with a hero’s death that can’t according to the data shown.
be avoided? Time to Intervene – Students say out loud what
They are careful while making the scenes to prevent communication problems they’re aware of. Then they
negative feelings. listen to the questions and reproduce them out loud.
How is a distressing ending usually relieved? After that, they listen to the audio. They should listen to
They try to leave a hopeful message at the end. the audio one more time and answer the questions out
loud. To check their answers, students fill the blanks – Students are guided to access their Personal with the words from the list.
Assistant, go to the Speaking Practice card related
to Lesson 287, and work on Oral Practice. They may There and Around – Students watch the third part of
also listen to the audio from this lesson on the Audio the instructional video. They should use the realia to
continue the preparation and production of the work
Pack card.
they’ll present in the next class. Check with students if
they understood the three parts of the video and clarify
any questions they may have.
LESSON 288 Unlock – This task was completed on the
Check if students have any questions.
REITERATIVE LEARNING OBJECTIVES – Students are guided to access the Personal
Assistant to complete the Homework card and the
• Can make a complicated issue easier to understand Speaking Practice card to work on Pronunciation
by presenting the components of the argument Practice.
• Can put forward a well-written and logically
structured argument, highlighting significant points.
• Can get the gist of specialized articles and technical
texts outside their field.
• Can quickly scan long, complex texts for key
information. TEACHER SUPPORT
Pinpoint – Students listen to the text and read it out
TEACHER SUPPORT | loud. Then they read the question and reflect upon it.
They should take a look at the Getting the most out
STUDENT’S BOOK ACTIVITIES of the language box and say the words in it out loud
as well. After that, they listen to a testimonial on the
Case Study – Students begin this activity by reading
same topic. To check comprehension, students listen
the titles of two cases they’ll listen to and by predicting
to the audio one more time and choose the correct
what they’re about. Then they listen to the two speakers
answers. Finally, students read two questions about the
presenting their case and asking for help to deal with it.
topic, which will make them reflect and propose actions
Students think of possible solutions for the problems
to help the speaker. During the Teacher Support, ask
presented and take notes. During the Teacher Support,
students to tell you their answers/ideas. Encourage
choose which case you’ll work on with your students.
them to use the vocabulary and structures learned
Listen to their ideas, comment on them and share
throughout the batch. Praise them for their work.
yours so you can delve deeper into the subject. Praise
students for their work after you finish the activity.

T H I RT Y-S E V E N 37

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1. What is the best restaurant franchise you know?
2. What jobs are in high demand today? CHECKING SENTENCES
3. What kind of battles do we face in life? 1. The purpose of showing the misuse of the Internet
4. Can you eat an entire pizza when you are starving? was confidential. / relevant / realistic
5. Have you ever received a large lump sum payment? 2. How would you depict two people communicating
There and Around – Students review the final version in 50 years?
of the work they prepared in the previous Output 3. They are set to deal with the implications of Internet
Lessons of the batch. They make the adjustments misuse. / technology / virtual reality
needed for the presentation during the Teacher 4. What’s the purpose for which influencers promote
Support. products?
5. The main purpose of this video is to provide
Other Activities inspiration for discoveries. / to break new ground /
Self-assessment in the Student’s Book – This to raise interest
section will be completed on the Check the 6. I don’t know the purpose of this dystopia. / device /
options students marked for the can-do statements. technology
Then ask them if they have any questions and what Discussion – Students listen to the audio and reproduce
they need to do to improve their learning. Also, use this it out loud. Then they use the Real Life information to
moment and information to prepare a review of these think about the answers. During the Teacher Support,
LOs in the following lessons, to recommend remedial
check the answers the students prepared.
classes, or extra practice in the Study Hall if needed.
• In your opinion, what are the implications of
Written Part – Collect the sheets from students’ potentially living in virtual reality?
Workbooks to correct them.
• What do you believe will never be done by a robot? – Students are guided to practice the content
• Do you think that sci-fi movies are more compelling
from this batch on the Let’s Check card, listen to
today than they were in the past? Why or why not?
the content on the Audio Pack card, and check their
development on the Self-Assessment card. They In this practice, encourage students to use relevant
should also get ready for the next class by doing the structures for their level and praise them for their work.
Class Prep card.
Other Activities
Real Life – This task was completed on the
LESSON 289 Check if students have any questions about this section.


• Can encourage members of a group to describe and What was Martin Cooper inspired by when he invented
elaborate on their thinking. the mobile phone?
• Can identify related or repeated information in He was inspired by the pocket-size device used by
different parts of a text and merge it in order to Captain Kirk in the show Star Trek broadcast in 1966.
make the essential message clearer. What are some examples of things that appeared in
• Can understand the purposes for some actions. science fiction before becoming a reality?
• Can quickly scan long, complex texts for key Submarines, helicopters, rockets, and touch screens.
What’s Ready Player One, a Steven Spielberg movie,
• Can express purpose and intention. about?
It’s about a time when people will live most of their
GRAMMAR lives in virtual reality due to the consequences of what
humans are doing to Earth today.
• Purpose of, purpose to, and purpose for. – Students are guided to access their Personal
Assistant, go to the Speaking Practice card related
to Lesson 289, and work on Oral Practice. They may
also watch the video from this lesson again on the
Video card, and listen to the audio on the Audio Pack

38 T H I RT Y- E I G H T

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checking sentences

Unlock – This task was completed on the

LESSON 290 Check if students have any questions. – Students are guided to access the Personal
REITERATIVE LEARNING OBJECTIVES Assistant to complete the Homework card and the
Speaking Practice card to work on Pronunciation
• Can encourage members of a group to describe Practice. They also have to watch the There and
and elaborate on their thinking. Around video and get ready for the next class by
• Can identify related or repeated information in doing the Class Prep card.
different parts of a text and merge it in order to
make the essential message clearer.
• Can understand cause and effect relationships in LESSON 291
informal conversation at natural speed.
• Can quickly scan long, complex texts for key
• Can express purpose and intention. • Can give a reasoned opinion of a project, showing
awareness of the thematic, structural, and formal
features and referring to the opinions and
TEACHER SUPPORT | arguments of others.
STUDENT’S BOOK ACTIVITIES • Can understand summaries of data or research
used to support an extended argument.
Lines of Thinking – In this activity, students listen • Can give a structured oral explanation of a problem.
to the audio and link the idea that will be presented • Can formulate questions and feedback to encourage
to a line of thinking, theory, information, or personal people to expand on their thinking and justify or
experience they remember having heard of. They clarify their opinions.
write down their ideas so you can discuss them during • Can write relevant subheadings to structure longer,
the Teacher Support. Encourage students to use the more complex texts.
chunks of language from the Useful Language box.
• Can identify key information in linguistically complex
To make the conversation flow, feel free to ask
conversations at natural speed.
questions using when, where, why, or who. Praise
students for their work at the end of the activity.
Other Activities GRAMMAR
• Appended clauses with present participles and/or
Rhetorical Questions – Students listen to the model, passive participles.
pay attention to the intonation, and reproduce it out
loud. After that, they read the sentences or questions
in their books, answering each of them with a rhetorical
question from the box. They should complement them
with their opinions, and say them out loud. To close the CHECKING SENTENCES
activity, they drag the words from the list to the correct
1. Being famous, his endorsement of the brand will
bring good results to the company. / reliable /
Time to Intervene – Students say out loud what important
communication problems they’re aware of. Then they 2. What does the most famous digital influencer in
listen to the questions and reproduce them out loud. your country post?
After that, they listen to the audio. They should listen to
3. He receives a two-percent commission on sales. /
the audio one more time and answer the questions out
loud. To check their answers, students fill in the blanks fifteen / twenty
with the words from the list. 4. What company has a worldwide reputation for
being reliable?
There and Around - Students watch the first part of
the Instructional video and take notes. After that, they 5. Having become so famous, the video is available
take a look at the realia that they can use as a model. worldwide. / online / in many countries
Students should use the realia to start discussing their 6. She is not very important in the multinational
ideas for the text they’ll develop in order to present in company. / a big fish in a small pond / a very
the Review class. significant person

T H I RT Y- N I N E 39

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checking sentences

Discussion – Students listen to the audio and reproduce

it out loud. Then they use the Real Life information to LESSON 292
think about the answers. During the Teacher Support,
check the answers the students prepared.
• Can you name some celebrities famous for their REITERATIVE LEARNING OBJECTIVES
brand endorsements? • Can give a reasoned opinion on a project, showing
• What makes them the ideal person to represent awareness of the thematic, structural, and formal
the brand? features and referring to the opinions and
arguments of others.
• Do influencers have a significant role in your
purchase decisions? Why or why not? • Can understand summaries of data or research
used to support an extended argument.
In this practice, encourage students to use relevant • Can give a structured oral explanation of a problem.
structures for their level and praise them for their work. • Can formulate questions and feedback to
encourage people to expand on their thinking and
Other Activities justify or clarify their opinions.
Real Life – This task was completed on the • Can write relevant subheadings to structure longer,
Check if students have any questions about this more complex texts.
section. • Can identify key information in linguistically complex
conversations at natural speed.
SB answers:
Why are brands increasingly sponsoring influencers? TEACHER SUPPORT |
Possible answer: Because they can effectively influence
their audiences’ purchasing decisions. Influencers’
endorsements or recommendations can help Controversy – Students start the activity by listening
businesses or brands expand their reach and generate to the statement in their books and reproducing it out
new leads. loud. Then they follow the same procedure for the
What does it mean to be a macro-influencer? content in the Useful Language box. Students should
Possible answer: It means you have between five use this content to defend their point of view on the
hundred thousand and a million followers. topic even if they personally don’t agree with it. During
the Teacher Support, ask students to justify their
According to experts, what is the growth of influencer
answers. Give arguments to contradict them so you can
marketing due to?
have a quick debate. Praise students for their work at
Possible answer: Experts relate the growth to popular
the end of the activity.
social media platforms like InstagramTM, YouTubeTM,
and TikTokTM, where influencers can post in short video Other Activities
What’s on the Chart? – Students have a look at the
What’s the rough percentage of the world’s population title, subtitle, and graphic(s) in the Student’s Book. They
using social media today? say what they see and what they think the topic of the
Possible answer: Forty-five percent, which means discussion is. After that, they listen to the content of
around 3.4 million people. the Useful Language box and say it out loud. Then
they look at the graphic(s), interpret the report data – Students are guided to access their Personal
using the Useful Language content, and justify their
Assistant, go to the Speaking Practice card related
interpretations. Finally, they listen to some statements
to Lesson 291, and work on Oral Practice. They may about the graphics and mark them as True or False
also listen to the audio from this lesson on the Audio according to the data shown.
Pack card.
What Tone is That? – In the first part of the activity,
students think of feelings they may have when going
through a certain situation. Then they create a sentence
and say it out loud, using different intonations in
order to express different feelings. After that, students
listen to the audio and try to recognize the character’s
feelings and emotions. They should listen to the audio
one more time and write their answers in their books.
To correct the exercise, students match the possible
answers on the


WZ_NW10_CKS.indd 40 06/Jun/23 2:50 PM

checking sentences

There and Around – Students watch the second part • How can parents interact well with their children
of the Instructional video. They should use the realia to among all the distractions we have today, such as
start preparing and producing the work they’ll present the Internet?
in the Review class. • Do you believe a smart home equipped with
Unlock – This task was completed on the labor-saving appliances helps improve families’
Check if students have any questions. relationships? Why or why not? – Students are guided to access the Personal • Much has been said about the Internet disrupting
Assistant to complete the Homework card and the families from having relationships. How do you
Speaking Practice card to work on Pronunciation think it can work in the opposite way? Explain your
Practice. They also have to watch the There and answer.
Around video and get ready for the next class by
doing the Class Prep card. In this practice, encourage students to use relevant
structures for their level and praise them for their work.

Other Activities
Real Life – This task was completed on the
Check if students have any questions about this section.
• Can adjust to the changes of direction, style, and SB answers:
emphasis normally found in conversation.
According to the text, what are the reasons some
• Can get the gist of specialized articles and technical
people feel that families are not as close as they used
texts outside their field.
to be in the past?
• Can identify key information in a linguistically
Changes in our working lives and the advent of
complex text.
technology have certainly altered how families interact.
• Can formulate questions and feedback to encourage
people to expand on their What have parents been doing to be more present in
• thinking and justify or clarify their opinions. their kids’ lives?
They are seeking a greater work-life balance and more
flexibility in their working hours.
GRAMMAR According to the fact box, what is the most significant
• Since to talk about reasons, causes, and explanations. concern among parents?
The fact that they don’t spend enough time with their
loved ones.
TEACHER SUPPORT | – Students are guided to access their Personal
CHECKING SENTENCES Assistant, go to the Speaking Practice card related
1. Labor-saving devices have helped people do to Lesson 293, and work on Oral Practice. They may
stressful household tasks. / annoying / complicated also listen to the audio from this lesson on the Audio
Pack card.
2. What has become increasingly difficult to deal with
3. He has no respect for people whatsoever. / laws /
rules LESSON 294
4. Has the time required to do household tasks
increased compared to 10 years ago? Explain your
5. Since family relationships need steadiness, we have • Can adjust to the changes of direction, style, and
a new project to offer. / need communication / emphasis normally found in conversation.
need love • Can get the gist of specialized articles and technical
6. Because this is a problem, let’s avoid distractions. / texts outside their field.
Since / Considering that • Can identify key information in a linguistically
complex text.
Discussion – Students listen to the audio and reproduce
• Can formulate questions and feedback to
it out loud. Then they use the Real Life information to
encourage people to expand on their thinking and
think about the answers. During the Teacher Support,
justify or clarify their opinions.
check the answers the students prepared.

FO RT Y- O N E 41

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checking sentences


What’s Trending Today? – Students look at the
picture and say out loud things related to what they TEACHER SUPPORT
see. Then they read the question in their books and Pinpoint – Students listen to the text and read it out
think about the answer: Regarding new families’ lifestyles, loud. Then they read the question and reflect upon it.
what’s trending today? After that, they are instructed to They should take a look at the Getting the most out
listen to a question on the topic on the and of the language box and say the words in it out loud
think about the answer. The question is: How have as well. After that, they listen to a testimonial on the
families changed over the past 40 years? Students can same topic. To check comprehension, students listen
use their smartphones to search for the information to the audio one more time and choose the correct
they need. During the Teacher Support, ask students to answers. Finally, students read two questions about
tell you what they found out. In this practice, encourage the topic which will make them reflect and propose
students to use relevant structures for their level and actions to help the speaker. During the Teacher
praise them for their work. Support, ask students to share their answers/ideas.
Other Activities Encourage them to use the vocabulary and structures
learned throughout the batch. Praise them for their
Into the Real World – Students listen to the audio work.
attentively and read the questions about what they’ve
just heard. Then they listen to the audio one more Self-assessment
time and answer the questions in their books. After 1. What are some implications of financial misuse?
that, they match the sentences to find some possible 2. In your opinion, is the future of humanity more
answers on the utopia or dystopia?
Intercultural Encounter – Students look at the 3. Do you think receiving commissions is always
pictures and describe what they see. Then they listen good in a job? Why or why not?
and reproduce the statement below the pictures 4. What is the importance of team engagement in a
out loud. Students should guess which picture the project?
statement is related to. After that, they listen to four 5. How are you influenced by celebrities’ brand
audio extracts and check their predictions. Finally, endorsements?
they listen to the audio one more time and answer the
question in their books, giving reasons to support their There and Around – Students review the final
opinions. To check their answers, students choose the version of the work they prepared in the previous
correct word to complete the statement on the Output Lessons of the batch. They make the
adjustments needed for the presentation during the
There and Around – Students watch the third part of Teacher Support.
the instructional video. They should use the realia to
continue the preparation and production of the work Other Activities
they’ll present in the next class. Check with students if
they understood the three parts of the video and clarify Self-assessment in the Student’s Book – This
any questions they may have. section will be completed on the Check the
Unlock – This task was completed on the options students marked for the can-do statements.
Check if students have any questions. Then ask them if they have any questions and what
they need to do to improve their learning. Also, use – Students are guided to access the Personal this moment and information to prepare a review of
Assistant to complete the Homework card and the these LOs in the following lessons, to recommend
Speaking Practice card to work on Pronunciation remedial classes, or extra practice in the Study Hall if
Practice. needed.
Written Part – Collect the sheets from students’
Workbooks to correct them. – Students are guided to practice the content
from this batch on the Let’s Check card, listen to
the content on the Audio Pack card, and check their
development on the Self-Assessment card. They
should also get ready for the next class by doing the
Class Prep card.

42 FO RT Y-T W O

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checking sentences

SB answers:
How does Alfred Adler justify the firstborn child being
Possible answer: He believes that after the second-born
• Can formulate questions and feedback to encourage child arrives, the first one is basically dethroned and
people to expand on their thinking and justify or even feels responsible for looking after their younger
clarify their opinions. siblings.
• Can present the conditions needed for an action to
What are the big five factors in the Five Factor Model?
take place.
Openness to experience, conscientiousness,
• Can understand the main points of complex and extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism.
abstract presentations.
• Can understand advice given in a linguistically What is one of the flaws mentioned that can affect the
complex text. results of the survey regarding birth order?
Possible answer: People from the same family are
interviewed at the same time, so the results say that
GRAMMAR the oldest ones tend to be more responsible since they
• Conditional phrases with omission of verb to be; were born first.
• Wishes and intentions using shall. – Students are guided to access their Personal
Assistant, go to the Speaking Practice card related
to Lesson 295, and work on Oral Practice. They may
TEACHER SUPPORT | also listen to the audio from this lesson on the Audio

1. I shall justify my situation by sending them a

message. / email / report
2. You should disregard his overbearing behavior. / LESSON 296
competitive / weird
3. Do you think certain behaviors can be justified by REITERATIVE LEARNING OBJECTIVES
birth order? Why or why not?
• Can formulate questions and feedback to
4. What are some flaws you consider undesirable in encourage people to expand on their thinking and
a person? justify or clarify their opinions.
5. Her free-spirited attitude inspired people all over • Can present the conditions needed for an action to
the world. / open-minded / empathetic take place.
6. She and my mother were very close. / birds of a • Can understand the main points of complex and
feather / good friends abstract presentations.
Discussion – Students listen to the audio and • Can understand advice given in a linguistically
reproduce it out loud. Then they use the Real Life complex text.
information to think about the answers. During the
Teacher Support, check the answers the students
• How would you compare the first, second, and STUDENT’S BOOK ACTIVITIES
youngest child, considering birth order?
• Can you apply the birth order theory to your Case Study – Students begin this activity by reading
family? Why or why not? the titles of two cases they’ll listen to and by predicting
what they’re about. Then they listen to the two speakers
• In your opinion, which is the most challenging presenting their case and asking for help to deal with it.
position in birth order, Students think of possible solutions for the problems
• considering the birth order theory? presented and take notes. During the Teacher Support,
In this practice, encourage students to use relevant choose which case you’ll work on with your students.
structures for their level and praise them for their work. Listen to their ideas, comment on them and share
yours so you can delve deeper into the subject. Praise
Other Activities students for their work after you finish the activity.

Real Life – This task was completed on the

Check if students have any questions about this section.

FO RT Y-T H R E E 43

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checking sentences

2. Digital natives are said to be wise. / impatient /

Other Activities introverted
What Tone is That? – In the first part of the activity, 3. Do you have a blended family? If so, talk about it.
students think of feelings they may have when going 4. How do you feel after being criticized?
through a certain situation. Then they create a sentence 5. Workforce diversity will have drastically increased
and say it out loud, using different intonations in by the end of the decade. / the century / 2031
order to express different feelings. After that, students
listen to the audio and try to recognize the character’s 6. We won’t have finished the project by then. /
feelings and emotions. They should listen to the audio started / improved
one more time and write their answers in their books. Discussion – Students listen to the audio and reproduce
To correct the exercise, students match the possible it out loud. Then they use the Real Life information to
answers on the think about the answers. During the Teacher Support,
There and Around – Students watch the first part of check the answers the students prepared.
the Instructional video and take notes. After that, they • How do you feel when you see young kids handling
take a look at the realia that they can use as a model. technology?
Students should use the realia to start discussing their • How do Gen Zers feel about older people’s inability
ideas for the text they’ll develop for their presentation to handle technology?
in the Review class.
• What is your generation criticized for?
Unlock – This task was completed on the
Check if students have any questions. In this practice, encourage students to use relevant
structures for their level and praise them for their work. – Students are guided to access the Personal
Assistant to complete the Homework card and the
Speaking Practice card to work on Pronunciation Other Activities
Practice. They also have to watch the There and Real Life – This task was completed on the
Around video and get ready for the next class by Check if students have any questions about this
doing the Class Prep card.

SB answers:
Why does Jonah see his counterparts’ work-life balance
model as outdated?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES Possible answers: Because work isn’t a place anymore.
• Can ask detailed questions in discussions on It’s on our phones, watches, and computers, and
contemporary social issues and current affairs. work and life happen 24 hours a day. So there is no
• Can understand the main points of complex separation between work and life anymore, as the
academic / professional presentations. office can be anywhere.
• Can produce summaries of data or research used to What is this blend of physical and digital worlds
support an extended argument. sometimes called?
• Can formulate questions and feedback to encourage Possible answers: The phygital world.
people to expand on their thinking and justify or According to Jonah, what’s the downfall of this kind of
clarify their opinions. model?
• Can report actions to be completed by a specific Possible answers: The inability to disconnect. 79% of
time in the future. Gen Zs say they show signs of diagnosed anxiety when
• Can identify key information in linguistically complex removed from their devices.
conversations at natural speed. – Students are guided to access their Personal
Assistant, go to the Speaking Practice card related
GRAMMAR to Lesson 297, and work on Oral Practice. They may
also listen to the audio from this lesson on the Audio
• Future Perfect.
Pack card.

1. Meditation brings interesting insights. / Therapy /
Staying alone

44 FO RT Y- FO U R

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checking sentences

they look at the graphic(s), interpret the report data

LESSON 298 using the Useful Language content, and justify their
interpretations. Finally, they listen to some statements
about the graphics and mark them as True or False
REITERATIVE LEARNING OBJECTIVES according to the data shown.
• Can ask detailed questions in discussions on There and Around – Students watch the second part
contemporary social issues and current affairs. of the Instructional video. They should use the realia to
• Can understand the main points of complex start preparing and producing the work they’ll present
academic / professional presentations. in the Review class.
• Can produce summaries of data or research used Unlock – This task was completed on the
to support an extended argument. Check if students have any questions.
• Can formulate questions and feedback to – Students are guided to access the Personal
encourage people to expand on their thinking and Assistant to complete the Homework card and the
justify or clarify their opinions. Speaking Practice card to work on Pronunciation
• Can report actions to be completed by a specific Practice. They also have to watch the There and
time in the future. Around video and get ready for the next class by
• Can identify key information in linguistically complex doing the Class Prep card.
conversations at natural speed.

Lines of Thinking – In this activity, students listen • Can exploit knowledge of sociocultural conventions
to the audio and link the idea that will be presented in order to establish a consensus in an unfamiliar
to a line of thinking, theory, information, or personal situation.
experience they remember having heard of. They • Can explain technical topics within his / her field,
write down their ideas so you can discuss them during using suitably non-technical language for a recipient
the Teacher Support. Encourage students to use the who does not have specialist knowledge.
chunks of language from the Useful Language box. To
• Can refer to actions that will continue up to a certain
make the conversation flow, feel free to ask questions
point in the future.
using when, where, why, or who. Praise students for
their work at the end of the activity. • Can identify key information in a linguistically
complex text.
What’s Trending Today? – Students look at the
picture and say out loud things related to what they
see. Then they read the question in their books and GRAMMAR
think about the answer: Regarding the multigenerational • Future Perfect Passive.
workforce, what’s trending today? After that, they are
instructed to listen to a question on the topic on the about the answer. The question is: What are TEACHER SUPPORT |
the advantages of having a multigenerational workforce in
a company? Are there any downsides? Students can use CHECKING SENTENCES
their smartphones to search for the information they 1. Education has become a political battlefield. / Public
need. During the Teacher Support, ask students to tell health / The meeting
you what they found out. In this practice, encourage 2. He will be solely responsible for any damage to the
students to use relevant structures for their level and premises. / tournament / buildings
praise them for their work.
3. What’s a predictor of school failure?
Other Activities 4. Effectiveness will have been achieved before the
end of the process. / increased / improved
What’s on the Chart? – Students have a look at the 5. What can a cluttered room say about someone’s
title, subtitle, and graphic(s) in the Student’s Book. They personality?
say what they see and what they think the topic of the 6. His personality will have been influenced by you. /
discussion is. After that, they listen to the content of extroversion / insights
the Useful Language box and say it out loud. Then

FO RT Y- F I V E 45

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checking sentences

Discussion – Students listen to the audio and reproduce

it out loud. Then they use the Real Life information to
think about the answers. During the Teacher Support, STUDENT’S BOOK ACTIVITIES
check the answers the students prepared.
Controversy – Students start the activity by listening
• How can you relate creativity to effectiveness?
to the statement in their books and reproducing it
• Do you believe that organized people tend to be out loud. Then they follow the same procedure for
more successful? Why or why not? the content in the Useful Language box. Students
• How do you see yourself? Are you a messy or an should use this content to defend their point of view
organized person? on the topic even if they personally don’t agree with it.
During the Teacher Support, ask students to justify their
In this practice, encourage students to use relevant answers. Give arguments to contradict them so you can
structures for their level and praise them for their work. have a quick debate. Praise students for their work at
the end of the activity.
Other Activities
Real Life – This task was completed on the Other Activities
Check if students have any questions about this section. Rhetorical Questions – Students listen to the model,
pay attention to the intonation, and reproduce it out
SB answers: loud. After that, they read the sentences or questions
in their books, answering each of them with a rhetorical
According to the text, how is organization seen by
question from the box. They should complement them
with their opinions, and say them out loud. To close the
Possible answer: It is valued as the key to success. It is activity, they drag the words from the list to the correct
considered important either in personal or work life. place to complete the sentences.
What have recent studies revealed about being messy? Time to Intervene – Students say out loud what
Possible answer: They revealed that when you communication problems they’re aware of. Then they
habitually fail to put things in their correct place, you’re listen to the questions and reproduce them out loud.
bound to get creative in figuring out ways to make After that, they listen to the audio. They should listen to
everything fit. the audio one more time and answer the questions out
According to the author, what can a teenager’s room loud. To check their answers, students fill in the blanks
indicate? with the words from the list.
Possible answer: It may be a fundamental indication There and Around – Students watch the first part of
that the person who owns the bits and pieces in a mess the Instructional video and take notes. After that, they
lacks self-control. take a look at the realia that they can use as a model.
Students should use the realia to start discussing their – Students are guided to access their Personal ideas for the text they’ll develop for a presentation in
Assistant, go to the Speaking Practice card related the Review class.
to Lesson 299, and work on Oral Practice. They may
also listen to the audio from this lesson on the Audio Unlock – This task was completed on the
Pack card. Check if students have any questions. – Students are guided to access the Personal
Assistant to complete the Homework card and the
Speaking Practice card to work on Pronunciation
LESSON 300 Practice.


• Can exploit knowledge of sociocultural conventions REVIEW – PEOPLE
in order to establish a consensus on how to
proceed in an unfamiliar situation.
• Can explain technical topics within his/ her field, TEACHER SUPPORT
using suitably non-technical language for a recipient
Pinpoint – Students listen to the text and read it out
who does not have specialist knowledge.
loud. Then they read the question and reflect upon it.
• Can refer to actions that will continue up to a certain
They should take a look at the Getting the most out
point in the future.
of the language box and say the words in it out loud
• Can identify key information in a linguistically as well. After that, they listen to a testimonial on the
complex text. same topic. To check comprehension, students listen

46 FO RT Y-S I X

WZ_NW10_CKS.indd 46 06/Jun/23 2:50 PM

checking sentences

to the audio one more time and choose the correct

answers. Finally, students read two questions about the
topic which will make them reflect and propose actions
to help the speaker. During the Teacher Support, ask
students to share their answers/ideas. Encourage them
to use.
1. What are some common attitudes of a spoiled
2. Are you part of any multigenerational environment?
Which one?
3. What do you think the world workforce will be like in
ten years’ time?
4. What are the possible consequences of being
sloppy at work?
5. How can Gen Zers’ digital expertise impact
There and Around – Students review the final version
of the work they prepared in the previous Output
Lessons of the batch. They make the adjustments
needed for the presentation during the Teacher

Other Activities
Self-assessment in the Student’s Book – This
section will be completed on the Check the
options students marked for the can-do statements.
Then ask them if they have any questions and what
they need to do to improve their learning. Also, use this
moment and information to prepare a review of these
LOs in the following lessons, to recommend remedial
classes, or extra practice in the Study Hall if needed.
Written Part – Collect the sheets from students’
Workbooks to correct them. – Students are guided to practice the content
from this batch on the Let’s Check card, listen to
the content on the Audio Pack card, and check their
development on the Self-Assessment card. They
should also get ready for the next class by doing the
Class Prep card.

FO RT Y-S E V E N 47

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