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of a man.
Modern.Family.S04E05 You literally scared a little saliva
Why there are giant lolipops all over And a little urine out of him.
the front yard? That happens to me every time I see a
And why they taste so bad? monkey wearing people clothes.
Because they are made of cardboard, I was plenty scary.
mouth breather. I used professional-grade makeup.
Hey, the world needs more dreamers, That's the point, Claire. It was
Luke overkill.
Never stop licking things. You're the kind of person
I know it's lame, who can be twice as scary without
but after last year we promised the wearing any makeup. Bye.
neighbours You remembered to pick up the costumes,
we would keep our decorations more right?
family friendly. Yes, they're right over there.
We can't carve a pumpkin? Very excited.
The petition was very specific. Cam has lost a lot of weight--
Every Halloween, we have the best No.
house. So we're throwing a Halloween party
Last year, I took things to a whole new to debut the new him.
level. I'll be dressed as a matador.
But appearently it's too scary for some Wh-what is it now, 30?
kids. So I've lost Lily.
And one adult. Where is lily?
Trick-or-treat! - Do you--you don't have her? - No.
Would you like some candy? Why would I have her?
Yeah! - I don't have her in my pocket. - Cam?
Or would you rather have this? What about the tiara?
Come on. You're fine. Uh, we didn't buy one.
I don't care what anyone says. You can just use the one from last
You did not give that man a heart year.
attack. Are we poor?
Thank you. No, sweetheart, but you don't need two
I mean, you're not even scary. tiaras.
Can I grab a little bit of this candy How about next Halloween you try a
for my open house tonight? different costume?
Uh, yeah, sure, but... No. I have to be a princess.
It's genius. An open house on Every year? Why?
Halloween. Because my mom's a princess,
Millions of bored parents, Just like you told me.
just trying to keep their... kids out Cam and I have always known that
of traffic. someday,
Now they can get away from all that, we were gonna have to have the big talk
And see a nice house. with lily,
What do you mean, I'm not even scary? about who her mom was.
I literally almost scared the life out We--we were gonna pick the right time
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and do it together, It was--it was honestly a mistake.

Carefully following an agreed-upon L-listen, um, you--you could do that
script. other thing that you thought of.
Then I got tired. You could put on that gorgeous white
"And she was the most beautiful suit
princess in all the land. that fits you so well now,
The end." and you could be Mr. Roarke,
Again. and Lily could be your Tattoo.
Why is Tyler's mommy so fat? No! I have to be a princess!
Oh, that's because she has-- she has a Oh, but, Lily, you were a princess last
baby in her belly. year.
Okay? Good night. No! You promised! I'm being a princess!
Was I in my mom's belly? Why is she so obsessed with princesses?
Lily, no more questions, all right? Well...
Just--just go to sleep. Like we weren't at that age?
Where's my mom now? I mean...
Um, she's... I'm not mad about the ticket.
in a faraway land. It's just the first time I couldn't
Why? charm my way
Because she's a princess. Out of one of these things.
And she's... very, very busy. The way I see it, it's not a ticket.
Okay. It's a conversation.
I thought that she'd forget about it by No offense. You don't need that siren.
the next morning. You could stop traffic just getting out
I mean, I did. of that squad car.
Oh, I knew I was gonna have to tell License and registration, please.
Cam, I, uh...
and he was gonna be furious, I'm no stranger to the police academy
but I was hoping that he'd see the myself.
bigger issue. Seen all seven of them.
You know, I was really tired. Sir, no one's seen all seven.
Hey, Cam, you know this whole thing - Is this information accurate? - Yeah.
about Lily wanting to be a princess Uh, except for the weight.
again? I thought they wanted to know how much
Well, I-I think it might be because I I could curl.
let her believe I must be getting rusty with my moves.
- her mother was-- - This is a Moves? What moves?
nightmare. You know, flash the baby blues,
- It was just a mistake. - More like a hit 'em with the devilish grin.
disaster. In case of emergency, break glass
They sent the matador costume in your and bust out the dimple.
size, Hey, isn't that one from the smallpox?
and the bull costume in mine. 'cause I'm 100. Chicken pox.
Oh. I didn't notice. Um... And it doesn't matter where it's from.
Now no one's gonna see my bod It always worked.
in this bulky bull costume. Hey, mom.
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Manny, why are you coming back from Can we have our candy now?
school so late? Just as soon as we go over
I got sent to the principal's office. what you're gonna tell your parents.
Oh. I am sending him an angry e-mail, - Now what was our style? - Pre-war
because I don't like when-- craftsman.
No, no, no. It's not his fault. Good, good. And how many square feet?
- What did you do wrong? - Nothing. Still no trick-or-treaters?
Oh, that's it. I'm calling him. - Not yet. - Well, maybe people are
- I hate when he tries to-- - Nothing going out later this year.
on purpose. Well, the street's full of kids,
It was between periods, right before but they're actively detouring around
this big test. our house.
I was clearing my mind by practicing Move along.
some of my Gene Kelly dance moves. Who wants some candy?
- As one does. - Right. Plenty of name-brand...
And my umbrella accidentally snagged - family-friendly candy right here. -
the fire alarm. Oh! It's a trap!
The principal thought I did it on No. I--ooh, how about you? Hey--
purpose You want some candy, right? Come on,
- so we'd miss the test. - But you - have some candy! - Mom! Mommy, she's
didn't! got me!
That's it! I'm going to his house! No, I don't-- I'm not trying--
Mom! You gotta stop doing this. - My candy! - Just leave it!
I'm not sure if it's the pregnancy, Jay, you have to get ready for Mitch
which we both know isn't your fault... and Cam's party.
But lately you've been such a hothead. Gloria, does my skin look looser to
I am not a hothead! I am Colombian. you?
We get excited. What?
My country is covered in coffee. Maybe I should try some of that fancy
Just like the Starbucks girl neck cream of yours.
when she got your order wrong? Don't you have some with specks of
Half-caf, non-fat wet soy latte. diamonds in it or something?
How hard is that to hear?! Trick-or-treat.
You don't get to be 2-time You guys don't even have costumes.
nonconsecutive I'm a skeleton.
district salesman of the year without And I'm--I'm a lemon.
thinking inside the box. Aren't you too old to be trick-or-
That's right. I said "Inside." treating?
You know why? 'cause while everyone's Aren't you too old to be having a baby?
chasing each other around outside the Ah, you find that funny, lemon?
box, Here's a better joke.
You know what the box is? Knock, knock. What's gone?
Empty. Your candy!
Which brings us back to our formal What was that?
dining room. Some rude dummies, that they think that
Now any questions? they can--
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All right, listen. Let's just calm Conrad!

down. Take one. I'm an egg donor.
Get ready for the party. I love your costume, too, Cam. Adora-
Calm down what? bull.
You think I'm a hothead, like Manny? Oh, well, thank you. It's all in fun.
No! I half-wanted to wear something
You can be emotional. Volatile, maybe. tighter.
Still, that's a far cry from-- - You know, I've been reducing. - I can
You put egg on my house, see.
I kill what you love! - Well, you say it like you can't. -
psycho. No, no, no. I totally can.
- Plush utility room? - Yeah, right. Impressive, huh?
I know a hall closet when I see one. Yeah. I'm--I'm gonna...
And your dad never lies? - Hey, Cam. - Mm?
What medical school I'm hearing a rumor that you keep
did the great appliance doctor attend? flashing our guests.
-Hey, Delgado. - Oh, no! Durkas! Oh, well, not in a perverted way.
What I wouldn't give for this umbrella I just want people to see my body
to have under this stupid costume.
Mary Poppins' powers. That's very close to what actual
Oh, I pray he didn't hear that. flashers say.
Heard you pulled the fire alarm today - Daddy? - Yeah, one second, honey.
and got us out of that test. I'm just tired of throwing out
- Good job. - Thanks, Mr. Durkas. compliments
You know what? You don't need to call and not getting anything back.
me that anymore. I told Roberto his spray tan looked
Anyway, we're all meeting at the real.
playground at 8:00 Look for yourself. It's on two of our
And heading out, if you want to join. pillows and our cat.
You're totally going to that. Daddy. Yeah?
Yeah, if you want to ruin your Lookit. It's my mommy. She came.
reputation. Oh. Oh, no, honey, that's not your
You're finally gonna be in with the mommy.
cool kids. It's not?
You need to talk at the school assembly No, no. That's just one of daddy's
on Monday friends.
and apologize to all the teachers. - What's going on? - Oh, nothing.
Teachers. More like public sector She just wants one of these cupcakes.
parasites. - But I already had... - Oh, there you
Be strong, Manny. go, honey.
Be smart. Adventures, parties. Okay, off you go. Mingle! Mingle!
Juvie, heartache. Looks like some people came by.
Girls! Yeah. Oh, yeah, we had a few.
But not the kind we want. I saw that.
They're all the kind we want. Hello?
Mr. Dur-- Hey, honey.
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Hi. How's your open house? not a single person even...

Pretty empty, actually. Or did I speak too soon?
I kind of just took it out Was someone in the mood to be a bad
on a Harry Potter. little ghoul?
Seriously, though, a Gryffindor Oh, Connie, I didn't mean you.
letting his mom carry his Quidditch I'm...hey, that's just...that's just
broom? the divorce talking.
How Hufflepuff is that? Hang in there.
It's pretty lonely here, too. Bye-bye.
We have been shunned by the whole Well, someone decided to take a trip
neighborhood. to Fantasy Island after all.
That's ridiculous. Well, I'm tired of people not noticing
All over some mild little gag you my new physique.
pulled? If this doesn't work, I'm breaking out
It was not mild. There was an the diaper
investig... and top hat and going as Baby New Year!
Oh, I-I thought I heard someone. Hello.
I guess it was just trees tapping Oh, my god!
against the window. John-John, is that you?
It's pretty creepy over here in this - You look amazing. - Thanks!
rattly old house. That's what happens when you lose 100
Anyway, I'll probably give it another pounds.
30 minutes, Oh, come on. What a...
then I'll see you at home. - Who wants to lift me? - Me.
Okay. Bye. Come on. How could he have not called
What are you laughing about? us?
Oh, it's just your poor dad, you know. Oh, my god, he's as light as a feather.
Your poor, dumb dad. You know what? I'm gonna go lift him
I'll fill you in at the staff meeting and shake him till his staples pop.
after Keneally's done telling us about Cam, stop!
his morning commute. Just saying that we could have caught
That's hilarious! You sound just like those kids.
him. What, and chase them around all night?
You are so doing that at Christmas I'm not a young man anymore,
talent night. as the world keeps pointing out.
Dude, "Rich Girl", "Sara Smile"... What did that waiter just call you
then a "Maneater" Encore. outside?
It was scary how good they were. Medieval Knievel.
Close your eyes, it could have been the That is hilarious.
real band. I love when people put some thought
Yeah, he got lucky in the football pool into their outfit.
once, Illegal Alien, Sugar Daddy.
and now he wants to double the stakes. Why do you say "illegal"?
Oh, I'm so scared! Because antennas are alien, and
Right? you're...
Well, this night was a bust. What? Illegal?
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Because of the color of my skin? What is she talking about, Mitchell?

Why don't I dump your baby in your gas My real mom. She is, right?
tank? Okay, I think we need to have a little
Gloria! Uh, no hard feelings, please. talk.
Just enjoy the party, okay? Sam, do you notice how slim Cam's
First of all, relax. We're at a party. getting?
Secondly, you've been deported twice. Nice try. I will be back for that
You're not allowed to be that answer.
defensive. This isn't gonna work, Claire...
What is it with me lately? 'cause I know you're here.
Manny's right. I'm such a hothead. What's the plan, anyway?
It happens. You're pregnant. You gonna pop out at me?
That's what it is, isn't it? It's gonna take more than that to scare
It's the baby. It's angry in there. this--
- No! - Yes! - Hello?! - Hi!
You just said it yourself. I have Is the house still open?
changed. Oh, yes! Yes! I'll be right down.
I have an angry baby inside of me Claire, this is serious! I have a job!
making me do bad things! Not that you don't. You work 24/7
It's just hormones. and you don't get half the appreciation
It's your mama bear instinct kicking you deserve.
in. Can we talk about this later?
And that's a good thing, As you potential buyers can see,
because that means you're gonna be a This is a, uh, a beautiful home.
great mom--again. What's behind here?
Do you really think so? Oh, I wouldn't go in there!
You got a lucky little kid in there. Unless you love formal dining rooms.
He's got a mom who's not gonna let - Honey, look at this. - I'm in the
anyone harm him. kitchen.
Or her. Oh, we should probably stay together.
Or--or him. Come on, Sheila.
Trick-or-treat. - Phil, one question. Are these-- -
Go ahead. Wait, wait.
You better run! I just love to see people's reactions
Oh, my gosh, When I show them--
Is that the most precious thing you've So much storage. What? It's crazy!
ever seen? I think you guys will find that this
Oh, my god. house
Do you know other princesses? is full of so many... delightful
Trust me. I know lots. surprises
Okay. Bedtime. That you'll be happy here for--
Oh, no, it's not that late. - Oh, my god! - I don't know her!
Do you know my mom? She's a princess. Is this the original tub?
She's exhausted. What? Yes, it is.
She's not making sense. She's so tired. It is, uh, the original tub.
Daddy, you told me! Um, original fixtures, beveled mirror,
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Just a-a huge stall shower. Well, you know what?

If you guys would, uh, want to have a - She might be. - She might be.
party. But we can't know for sure, honey,
I'm kidding, of course. Because... well, we don't know where
But, um, just a house with a real she is
personality. Or... what she's doing.
We'll be right in, sweetie. B-but what--what we do know
We agreed to tell Lily about her mother is that she loved you very, very
together, much...
wearing calming earth tones, And she knew that she couldn't take
and we agreed to tell her the truth. care of you,
I know, but haven't you ever said so she made sure that you went
something dumb to Lily with the most loving family she could
that you wish she would just forget? find.
This isn't about me. Let's just fix And that's how the three of us became a
this. family.
Okay, great. Although... Does that make sense, sweetie?
the way you agreed so quickly makes me Do you have any questions for us?
wonder Why did you say a fib and kill a bird?
what sort of things you've told her. I noticed you walking in with your wife
I may have told her her fibs kills earlier.
birds. She's stunning.
Wow. We're coming back to that one. You know my favorite part of that
Oh, hi, princess. compliment?
Hey, Lil. Could we talk to you for a You knew she was my wife.
second? Half the world thinks she's my
Am I in trouble? daughter.
Oh, gosh, no. Of course not, sweetie. Well, if you ask me, she's a lucky
Um... Well, do you remember how we used girl.
to tell you Bummer for me, though.
there was a heaven for all the flowers Handsomest man in here, and he's taken.
that die? I'll bet you do all right with the
What do you mean, "used to"? boys.
Sorry, I let it slip. We'll deal with I do.
it later. It's the men I'm interested in.
Much much are you not telling me? You just put it all right out there,
Why are you talking like this? don't you?
Daddies took a little side trip. I always try to hold a little something
- Sorry, sweetie. - Um, so sometimes, back.
uh, Oh, my gosh.
we tell you things like that to make No, no, no, no, no, no. Leave him.
you feel better. - No, but you know that's a-- - I know.
And I might have done the same thing He needs this.
when I told you that your mom is a Okay.
princess. - It was great meeting you, Jay. - You,
So she's not? too, Sam.
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Wow! Looks like somebody really likes I wasn't really that scared.
you. Okay.
What can I say? I still got it. Hey, you never told me if you hit those
I've been meaning to ask you-- have you kids with that egg.
lost some weight? They blended into the crowd,
- Because you look good. - Wow, you but there was a slow one with them.
have no idea He couldn't run so fast,
what that means to hear from you, Jay. and I nailed him pretty good.
Uh, turn it that way. - I warned you. - Okay, Reuben.
I thought this might cheer you up. Where are your cool friends now?
Da plane! Da plane! Not q-tipping your ear, that's for
Baby girl! sure.
Look you! You even taught her the Okay, Reuben.
catchphrase. This is why I never hang out with cool
Yeah. Jay, have you seen my new tattoo? kids.
- Be in touch. - Well, thanks so much Yeah, you rejected them,
for coming. Shortly after you and your mom
- Yeah. Thanks. - Okay. roller danced at the talent show.
Okay, Claire, they're gone. You can Oh... we were robbed.
come out now. Couldn't have been the song you picked.
Claire? "Wind beneath my w--" Ow!
Honey, I'm sorry I said you weren't
It's been such a long day.
Can we please just go home?
All right. I'm leaving without ya.
So... this remote you know how to use.
Phil, where are you?
Claire? Where are you?
I came over to scare you, but then I
heard you
showing the house to that couple,
so I got out of your way.
Are you at home?
Yeah. I got here ten minutes ago.
S-so... So you're saying...
This call isn't coming from inside the
What are you talking about? Just get
The kids and I are hungry.
Yeah, hurry up, dad.
We miss you!
Miss you, too, buddy.
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